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CHAIRMAN: We now start adoption of the Draft Report - Part II.


D.F. SMITH (United Kingdom): I think the delegates who raised the point which is touched upon in the last sentence of paragraph 3, had in mind that FAO should use all possible means to assist with investment project preparation and I wonder therefore whether the last few words would not duly restrict their activities. I suggest that instead of "through TCP" we include the words "including through TCP where appropriate".

CHAIRMAN: You heard the wording proposed by the United Kingdom delegate.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): "Including" might be acceptable, but I do not think "as appropriate" is necessary; "including through TCP". Since I have the floor perhaps we could make a change in the previous line and replace "could" by "would". That would be more correct.

D.F. SMITH (United Kingdom): Yes, Mr. Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: Can we now hear the final recommended version so that we may adopt it?

D.F. SMITH (United Kingdom): Could we hear your version, Mr. Brito?

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): "Including through TCP" without the addition of "as appropriate" which is not necessary; and then replace "could" by "would" in the preceding line.

CHAIRMAN: If you agree we approve paragraph 3 as amended by the United Kingdom and Brazil and move on to paragraph 4.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): Having spoken to the French delegation about this, we hope it will be amended with their support. We have some difficulty with the reference to surveillance in this paragraph. The last sentence says: "It considered it essential that FAO intensify its activities" "aimed at the development" - then carry on on the next line: "forest inventories", in plural, "at world, regional and, as appropriate, national levels, of tropical forests whose degradation and disappearance were a cause for concern", and delete the remainder of the sentence, so that the last sentence will read: "It considered essential that FAO intensify its activities aimed at the development of forest inventories at world, regional and as appropriate, national levels of tropical forests, whose degradation and disappearance were a cause for concern."

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): The suggestions of the delegate of Brazil are beautifully put but unfortunately they change the whole meaning of the sentence and I think the Council should be aware that he has changed the meaning with his proposals and it is no longer a drafting change but a change of substance. I think there was some emphasis on environment and surveillance and in terms of national policies, certain countries do not like to have interference. I have difficulty in accepting these changes because they alter the meaning and substance of the paragraph and completely eliminate the reference to environment on which we do have a United Nations body; I have difficulty with that.

On the question of surveillance, I do not know why the elimination of that is being requested because the United Nations system, including FAO, is a surveillance agency and we accept FAO to do that.

P. MASUD (Pakistan): With regard to environment my delegation did make this point and I think it was accepted generally that forestry played a very important part in maintaining an ecological balance. We would therefore like to retain the present wording.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): In following your guidance, Mr. Chairman, I made a request for amendment without stating the reason for it. Or course it changes the meaning but the Council did not agree on surveillance. Surveillance is a much more serious matter and we are not prepared to accept the concept of surveillance by any international organization; that is quite clear. I am now prepared to bring in the concept of environment because I thought the reference to degradation was already clear, but we can say: "cause for concern on environmental and other grounds". Because to speak about the danger to world supply of forest products would go back to the question that we were discussing in Geneva in UNCTAD, that we do not find a market for our products. This is therefore out of order in terms of actual analysis. I am sorry if I addressed the substance but I was forced to do so.

I therefore suggest that my amendment should stand and that we add: "on environmental and other grounds". I cannot agree to surveillance; that was not agreed in the Council and it cannot be simply thrown into the Report.

MoA. FLORES RODAS (Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department): Just to make a clarification on the word surveillance, here, as mentioned by the delegate of Brazil; apparently this is very much of a technical word and does not have the grammar meaning as it would appear in the sense of forest inventories, surveillance with monitoring; in other words that it should keep an eye on the dynamics of forests as it is reduced by the influence of man, for example. In other words, it is a permanent up-dating; perhaps that would be a much better wording in this case; "permanent up-dating".

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America): In the interests of moving forward, I agree with my colleague from Canada about the changing of the meaning and I should like to suggest, then, in place of the word "surveillance" that we simply use a phrase such as "data collection" and then leave the rest as it is. This would follow the intervention by the Assistant Director-General although he has a much more technical meaning than "data collection".

M.A. FLORES RODAS (Assistant Director-General, Forestry Department): Data collection is one part of the inventory. The meaning here is not just data collection, which is a static inventory; it is permanent up-dating of these inventories. It is a more dynamic situation.

CHAIRMAN: Have the delegates of Canada and Brazil agreed to these, so that we can have the final version and go ahead? Canada is all right.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): I should like to hear a concrete counter-proposal. I have not heard exactly the wording of the counter-proposal.

CHAIRMAN: You heard what the word "surveillance" means and so on. Would you read out your final proposal slowly, please.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): I would have preferred my own proposal, I am going a little further than I would wish just for the sake of agreement. In such cases we should merely say that some delegations wished this or that, and that is all, without trying to impose the whole Council. However, in order to try to be helpful, I should like the following: "It considered it essential that FAO intensify its activities aimed at monitoring data and developing forest inventories at world, regional and, as appropriate, national levels of tropical forests, whose degradation and disappearance were a cause for concern on environmental and other grounds." I think something like that would be reasonable.

CHAIRMAN: Is this wording understood by all Council members? If the Secretariat has also got it, then we adopt this paragraph as amended by the delegate of Brazil. We now go on to paragraph 5. If there is no comment then the paragraph is approved. Paragraüh 6.

A. SOLE-LERIS (Secretary, Drafting Committee): It concerns the Spanish text only. (Continues in Spanish) Sólo el texto en español. En el párrafo 6 del texto español, falta la ultima parte de la ultima ora­ción. El texto que había sido acordado en el Comité de Redacción añadía lo siguiente: después de la última palabra "Cuencas hidrográficas de Montaña" es el fin de lo que tienen ustedes ahora, y ahí hay que añadir: "permitir la participación de países en desarrollo en su trabajo." Punto final. Esto ya está comprendido en los otros idiomas, pero se perdió la impresión del texto español.

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): No se si se me escapó un aspecto que también falta en el mismo penúltimo renglón, donde dice "transformación". Falta allí "en un grupo de trabajo del Comité de Montes", porque si no en español no dice en qué se convertirá ese Grupo de Trabajo de la CFE. La posible transformación en un Grupo de Trabajo del Comité de Montes; no se si falta en otros idiomas, pero en español falta, y esa era la idea que está en el Informe del Comité de Montes.

A. SOLE-LERIS (Secretario del Comité de Redacción): No, señor delegado de México. El texto acordado es el que acabamos de leer y está igual en los tres idiomas. Es una cuestión de sentido; de lo que se trata es precisamente de transformar este grupo de trabajo de la CFE para permitir la participación de países en desarrollo; transformarla para permitirla. Esta es la construcción de la frase que así tiene sentido.

CHAIRMAN: Mexico, are you satisfied?

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): El párrafo 41 del Informe del cuarto período de sesiones del Comité de Montes dice en su penúltima línea, la tercera línea de abajo a arriba: "y pidió que la Secretaría estudiara la posibilidad de su transformación en un Grupo de Trabajo del Comité de Montes". Habla obviamente puesto que así dice el epígrafe de ese párrafo, Grupo de Trabajo de la CFE sobre la Creación de Cuencas Hidrográficas de Montaña. La idea que se piensa es que este Grupo tenga una posible transformación en un grupo de trabajo del Comité de Montes: así no sé si estamos proponiendo algo nuevo o si es el Informe de la CFE lo que estamos dejando de lado.

CHAIRMAN: Mexico, can you put a specific amendment or proposal of your own, if you have one.

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): Es únicamente en la línea penúltima del párrafo 6 después de "transfor­mación", poner "en un Grupo de Trabajo del Comité de Montes". Perdón, eso es el final del párrafo, en lugar de un punto final, poner una coma, donde dice "y la posible transformación del Grupo de

Trabajo de la CFE" poner ahí una coma para que quede: "…, en un Grupo de Trabajo del Comité de Montes", con objeto de coincidir con el texto que completo el Secretario del Comité de Redacción para el texto español.

C.O. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Con todo respeto a mi querido amigo, el distinguido representante de México, yo me inclinaría por mantener la frase como está. Yo he asistido a los trabajos del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Ordenación de Cuencas Hidrográficas de Montaña, y uno de los problemas que se encuen­tra en ese Grupo, en la manera de incorporar algunos países en desarrollo a sus actividades. Una frase amplia, como la que figura en nuestro texto que no especifique el sentido de la transformación de este Grupo, me parece que es mas útil para todos, por cuanto no hay consenso en todos los países en desarrollo en constituir este Grupo de Trabajo del Comité de Montes.

Repito que he asistido a las reuniones del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Ordenación de Cuencas Hidrográficas de Montaña, y mi delegación preferiría que quedase la frase como está en el texto.

CHAIRMAN: Does Mexico apree with this? Mexico agrees. If there areno more comments we approve the paragraphs as amended. Is there any comment on paragraphs 7 and 8? If none, we also approve these 2 paragraphs and move on to the next section.

Paragraphs 1 to 8: as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 8, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 8: asi enmendados, son aprobados


H. CARANDANG (Philippines): I would like to propose a very little amendment in paragraph 10, that is in the penultimate line which goes "international community, and of action". I would like to substitute that word "action" by the words "energetic leadership" because it is not true that the United Nations are not doing anything. We have lauded FAO for steps it has taken to implement the resolution that has been passed by the FAO Conference and the FAO Ad Hoc Committee on Food and Nutrition Policies, but we meant a different thing here.

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): I am a little puzzled by the proposal put forward by the delegate of the Philippines because in my memory from time to time there has been energetic leadership. Our problem has been that it has not been consistent energetic leadership and that has been the real problem. There have been periods when there has been an action movement and action has been put into it and then it backs off. I am not sure what "energetic leadership" means at this point and therefore if we state that concerted action, for example, by the community, that would be better than saying "energetic leadership". From time to time there has been energetic leadership but in many cases the energetic leaders are like Horatio at the bridge, he found himself alone with nobody behind him so really it is a question of concerted action in the energetic leadership.

CHAIRMAN: Does Philippines agree with this?

H. CARANDANG: (Philippines): I think we are just trying to reflect here what has been said during the meeting and I think these were taken from the paper which has been cited during the interventions that were made and precisely these words were used, lack of effective leadership.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the Philippines amendment and Canada has spoken against it but I do not think Canada would insist on the amendment being withdrawn.

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): After listening this morning to your appeal for us to be very brief I certainly will be, but perhaps, if you will forgive me, I will take two minutes because your problem reminds me of a story I heard the other day from a very fine gentleman, it is not my story. The story of a young man who had been invited by a rather middle-aged party to spend the weekend at her wealthy home and when he got back after the weekend, on the Tuesday, he met a friend of his and his friend said "How did you enjoy the weekend?" and the young man said, "well, if the wine was as old as the chicken and the chicken was as tender as the maid, and the maid had been as willing as the hostess, it would have been an excellent weekend."

Now perhaps if the Council would be willing you could have a very good weekend:

CHAIRMAN: Well that means that Frank has withdrawn his objection: Is there any comment on paragraph 11? If non paragraph 11 is approved. I now ask for comments on paragraph 12.

A. SOLE-LERIS (Secrétaire du Comité de rédaction): Il s'agit d'une correction qu'il faut apporter au texte français seulement, les autres textes étant corrects tels qu'ils sont sortis du Comité de rédaction.

A la dernière ligne de ce paragraphe 12, après les mots "Programme ordinaire" il faut rayer les mots "au moyen de" et les remplacer par les mots "et avec des", de façon que le dernier membre de phrase dise "et avec des fonds extra-budgétaires".

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): On paragraph 12 I have a very little amendment to propose and it would be at the end of "extra-budgetary sources" and I would like to add the following words "and that FAO's capacity to respond to governments' requests be strengthened. The Council likewise encouraged FAO to develop the comprehensive plan of action called for by the Ad Hoc Committee on Food and Nutrition Policies." This is my proposal, if nobody would oppose it. During the night I went through all the verbatims and I found that this has been repeated by so many delegates and I was a little bit surprised as to why it did not find its way into the report.

D.F. SMITH (United Kingdom): I would like to propose the deletion of the first sentence of paragraph 13 and its replacement by "In this connexion, the delegate of the United Kingdom stated that his Government was prepared to consider the funding bilaterally of some projects identified by FAO".

CHAIRMAN: I do not think there can be any objection to that. If there are no more comments on paragraph 13, it is adopted as amended by United Kingdom.

H. MAURIA (Finland): I have an additional substance matter to paragraph 14, to the end of it. May T read it? After the last sentence, the words "Ad Hoc Committee", continue and instead of period you put comma, "at least until the relation on nutrition matters with regard to the Standing Committee's concern has been looked into", and then a short sentence after that: "It was also suggested that this would imply a meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee after the next Conference". I think that this addition would better reflect the rather good and extensive discussion we had on nutrition matters.

N. ISLAM (Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Policy Department): The last suggestion that there should be a meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee after the Conference? But if I recall from the Verbatim Records, only one country mentioned this particular business of the meeting of the Committee, so I wonder whether it would be appearing as a part of this sentence "others considered" implying that a large number of Members mentioned it.

H. MAURIA (Finland): It was mentioned yesterday and I believe that it was supported, but I do not insist on this last sentence, that the addition to the first sentence that the Ad Hoc Committee is suggested to continue its work already implies a meeting.

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): Nosotros simpatizamos con esta idea. No es que haya sido expresada por una sola delegación, sino por varias, al referirse a la propuesta finlandesa expresaban su apoyo a la misma y esa comprendiá que, independientemente de la decision que se tomara en el COAG, podría preverse ya uns futura reunion del Comité Especial, precisamente después de la Conferencia puesto que se tendrían ya los resultados de organismos internacionales de alto nivel, tales como el Consejo Mundial de la Alimentación, la Conferencia Mundial de Reforma Agraria y de la propia Conferencia de la FAO. Sería conveniente que se pidiera una reunión de ese Comité sin prejuzgar los resultados a que llegue el COAG; pero teniendo en cuenta la importancia que tiene esta materia dentro de la FAO, nosotros expresa­mos nuestra simpatía con esa idea.

CHAIRMAN: I think the delegate of Finland did say that it would not detract from the possibility of a meeting after the Conference, so since he has withdrawn this addition, would you like to go along and leave it like this? May I ask Finland now to repeat the first addition.

H. MAURIA (Finland): After "Ad Hoc Committee" continue, "at least until the relation of nutrition matters with regard to the Standing Committee's concern has been looked into".

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): If Finland agrees, let us remove "at least". Let us just say "Ad Hoc Committee until the relation", and leave out the phrase "at least".

P. MASUD (Pakistan): Just to put the record straight, we supported the Finnish proposal on this matter.

CHAIRMAN: Alright, the Finnish proposal is accepted.

I. OZORAI (Hungary): During the discussion on this agenda item, a point was raised by the Chairman which had found some support by other delegates saying that we should not overlook the importance of fisheries and fish in nutrition issues, so I wonder whether I could propose that the following sentence be inserted in the middle of the paragraph after "(COAG)", which would read as follows: "that it was also suggested that COFI look into the possibilities of improving nutrition through increase of human fish consumption".

CHAIRMAN: Are there any objections to Hungary's addition? If not, then paragraph 14 is adopted with the amendments by Finland and Hungary. Any comments on paragraph 15?


G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sobre el párrafo 15 informé a la Secretaría acerca de un asunto que es más bien de precisión, pero me dijeron que era mejor que lo planteara aquí en el Consejo. A la mitad del párrafo 15 se dice: "decidió aceptar la recomendación del Comité del Programa de aplazar hasta su período de sesiones de 1979". Esta forma "su período de sesiones", parece indicar que el Consejo sólo tuviera un período de sesiones en 1979, en cambio, como todos sabemos, habrá dos períodos de sesiones, uno en el verano y otro en el otoño, inmediatamente antes de la Conferencia. Chequee el Comité del Programa y ellos utilizan esa misma fórmula vaga: "su período de sesiones".

Creo que deberíamos decir hasta uno de sus períodos de sesiones de 1979, aunque si bien entiendo que la intención del Comité del Programa y del Consejo fue que esto se volviera a tratar en el 75° período de sesiones. Esta fórmula propuesta tal vez sería un poco más amplia y exacta.

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America) : We would just like to follow up that intervention by suggesting that it be in its Spring or June 1979 session, which would make it specific, and also it could come im­mediately then after the COAG meeting at that time, I believe, or at least would fix it as to the time.

CHAIRMAN: Colombia, do you agree to that?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sí, Sr. Presidente, entonces la redacción sería mucho más simple. Podríamos decir: decidió aceptar la recomendación del Comité del Programa de aplazar hasta su 75° período de sesiones. Sé suprimirían los términos de 1979.

I. MOSKOVITS (Malta): I think something is not clear, that a decision has to be taken by the Council, not by the Programme Committee. The Programme Committee only recommends it. That is a decision to be taken by the Council.

CHAIRMAN: This is not a proposal, Malta. Do you want to amend this paragraph or do you disagree with the amendment just proposed by Colombia and supported by the United States?

I. MOSKOVITS (Malta): I would like to add "to accept a recommendation of the Programme Committee to the Council".

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): I think it is rather appropriate that the Council finally decide on this, and therefore I support the delegate of Malta.

CHAIRMAN: Yes. Before I call on Colombia, I would like to give the floor to Mr. West.

E.M. WEST (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I just wanted to point out if you refer to the Seventy-Fifth Session you are obviously referring to the Council, unless you are antici­pating the Programme Committee is going to decide this about thirty years from now.

CHAIRMAN: Why do we not take what the United States delegate says? It is quite clear at the spring Session and then bring the Seventy-Fifth Session. Mr. West, can you put the correct session so there is no mistake?

E.M. WEST (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): In order to avoid any misunderstanding whatsoever, the sentence could read as follows: "decided to accept the recommendation of the Programme Committee that the Council should postpone a decision" etc. etc., "until its Seventy-Fifth Session".

CHAIRMAN: Malta wants to introduce some words? You are satisfied now?

I. MOSKOVITS (Malta): Yes.

CHAIRMAN: All right, then paragraph 15 is adopted as amended.

Paragraphs 9 to 15, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 9 à 15, ainsi amendes sont approuvés
Los párrafos 9 a 15, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 16 a 19

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil) : First I have one summary correction in the second sentence of paragraph 10, which is a question of grammar. I wonder if it was "was" instead of "were"? I think they amended one of the subjects and forgot to amend the word in the Drafting Committee.

Now in the last sentence, just before the Council underlined the need for stengthening food control, "The Council also agreed with the Programme Committee that, in principle, the Commission should continue to concentrate its work on the development of food standards for finished products rather than for raw materials". That should come before the last sentence.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any objections?

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): The delegate of Brazil did stress this at the session, but I do not remember any agreement because we have grades and standards for wheat, but that is a raw product, and there are going to be discussions on that. Just to say "for processed products" limits the work being done by the Codex Commission. If he said "The Council stressed that more action or effort should be taken" it is fine, but to eliminate raw materials, we have problems, and I do not think it is a realistic approach.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): This was my reason for a previous observation I have made. "The Council agreed and decided....", well, when the debate went on, there was no decision or agreement at all, so it is true that you did not make that point, but none of these agreements you have seen here were taken formally during the debate. It emerged during the Drafting Committee, and therefore I gave my amendment. May I say the drafting is careful in saying the Council agreed with the Programme Committee that in principle - only in principle, the Commission should continue. That is the current practice. There is no food standard for grains; other standards yes, but not food standards in the Codex Commission context. That is undisputed, and that is why it went through the Programme Committee. I would insist it is not excluding standards for raw materials, it is agreeing with the Commission it should concentrate its work on the products of food standards for the finished product, what we eat, which is for the Codex standards.

CHAIRMAN: I do not think Canada was excluding food, I think he was objecting to excluding the other things. If you can re-phrase your amendment, slowly, taking into account what Canada said?

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): I wonder, in spite of being side by side with Mr. Shefrin, whether he has read my amendment? It is written, and I just quoted the Programme Committee. I did not want to change anything from the Programme Committee. "The Council also agreed with the Programme Committee that in principle the Commission should continue to concentrate...", that means it is not exclusive, ''... its work on developing food standards for finished products." The Food Standards Statute clearly envisaged the possibility for standards for raw materials.

CHAIRMAN: Let us ask Canada now. Do you agree, Canada?

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): I simply want to say I still do not agree, but if Brazil insist on this point I shall not go on persisting.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of): My delegation, too, spoke on this subject, and we underlined that the Commission has opened the way for the elaboration of standards which are of special interest to developing countries. Then we said it is in this sense that the establishment of a new Committee on cereals and cereal products should be judged. It would be good not to be too precise, because there might be some standards not for finished products - that means for raw materials - which might be of special interest to developing countries. Therefore we must be very careful if we say we agree with the special recommendation of the Programme Committee. Perhaps the wording could be put more smoothly so that at least we would have less difficulty.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): If our colleagues from Canada and Federal Republic of Germany prefer, we might say "...should continue to give priority in its work." It is OK with me.

CHAIRMAN: Would you read the final thing, so that we can adopt it, since both delegates seem to be coming closer to you.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): "The Council also agreed with the Programme Committee that in principle the Commission should continue to give priority in its' work to the development of food standards for finished products rather than for raw materials."

I would like to make one point for the record. The reason why we make this amendment is very simple, that we export raw materials. It is not of benfit to us, it is what we feel as exporters of raw materials.

CHAIRMAN: I see the delegate for Germany shaking his head.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of): I do not like to go into the issue as such. I can accept the amendment proposed by the delegate of Brazil, and I think once we go back to what was stated during the deliberations on this subject we know exactly what was said and how it has been meant.

CHAIRMAN: So paragraph 18 is adopted as amended. As there are no comments on paragraph 19, we can move to the following section.

Paragraphs 16 to 19, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 16 à 19, ainsi amendes, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 16 a 19, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 20 a 33

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): Perdón, Sr. Presidente, era una pequeña observación en relación con el párrafo 22.

En la tercera línea del texto en español, de abajo hacia arriba, dice que "el PCT no era meramente un símbolo". A mí esa frase particularmente no es mucho de mi agrado, eso de hablar de un símbolo no sé para quién puede constituir un símbolo; estamos hablando de un programa práctico, de eficacia, y que sirva como complemento de una política de descentralización. Mi sugerencia concreta sería que no se dijera que "no era meramente un símbolo". No sé de dónde se ha sacado eso de que no era meramente un símbolo. No sé porqué se ha hablado de símbolo, lo que es una acción directa, lo que es un programa, lo que es una iniciativa muy positiva que apoyamos. Ruego se me explique qué quieren decir con "símbolo".

E.M. WEST (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): The words came from the Director-General's opening address to the Council, and he used them deliberately in order to stress the fact that the TCP was an action programme and was a corner-stone of the new FAO policy, and this paragraph does no more than quote his opening remarks.

CHAIRMAN: If Mexico does not amend this, we can go on.

C. BATAULT (France): Je suis tout a fait d'accord avec ce que vient de dire M. West. Je voudrais simple­ment proposer dans le texte français un tout petit additif grammatical. Il faudrait, pour que la phrase française soit correcte, dire au paragraphe 22, dans les trois dernières lignes, après "pour l'exécution du mandat constitutionnel de la FAO; ainsi le PCT n'est pas un simple symbole". On ne met pas de point dans une phrase française, il faut mettre un mot de liaison qui pourrait être "ainsi". Ceci est d'ordre purement grammatical.

CHAIRMAN: Do you agree? Paragraph 22, as amended, is approved.

Q.H. HAQUE (Bangladesh): I have a proposal on paragraph 30, because I feel paragraphs 30 - 33, including the Resolution, were already adopted by the Council.

CHAIRMAN: Then in that case, paragraphs 30 - 33, including the Resolution, are adopted.

Paragraphs 20 to 32, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 20 à 32, ainsi amendés sont approuvés
Los párrafos 20 a 32, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 33, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 33, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 33, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary - Part II, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière - ja deuxième partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptée
El Proyecto de informe de la Plenaria - Parte II asi enmendado, es aprobado


a 10

A. SOLE-LERIS (Secretary, Drafting Committee): This is just to add a chronological qualification. In the last sentence of paragraph 3 where it says a certain sum had been put at the disposal of the Director-General for emergency operations, the words "for 1978" should be added there before the comma to specify the period. This concerns all languages.

CHAIRMAN: With that correction or clarification, paragraph 3 is approved. Are there any comments on paragraphs 4 and 5? Paragraphs 4 and 5 are approved. Any objection on paragraph 6?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Dos pequeñas referencias al párrafo seis.

En la primera frase del párrafo 6 se dice "expuestas en el informe de los Directores Ejecutivos". Creo que debe ser "Director Ejecutivo", en singular.

Luego, la tercera frase de este mismo párrafo 6, proponemos que se redacte así: "A este respecto, el Consejo apoyo al Director Ejecutivo, quien señaló que existía una tercera posibilidad, etc.", el resto queda igual. Esto sería de mejor presentación en mi opinion.

P. ELMANOVSKY (France). Dans le texte tel qu'il est actuellement, ''à ce propos, le Directeur executif, approuve par de nombreux délégués", ce point a donné lieu à discussion et justement c'est parce qu'on s'est aperçu qu'un consensus unanime ne pouvait pas se dégager au sein du Conseil que nous avons utilisé la formule "le Directeur exécutif, approuvé par de nombreux délégués". C'est pour cela que je demande le maintien de la phrase telle qu'elle est.

CHAIRMAN: But that should not have any effect on what Colombia said. So if the suggestion that we should leave it as it is is accepted and the suggestion of Colombia for the Spanish is accepted, then we can approve this paragraph.

P, ELMANOVSKY: Il semble difficile d'avoir sur certains textes"le Directeur exécutif, approuvé par de nombreux délégués" et dans le texte espagnol: "le Conseil a approuvé ou partagé les vues du Directeur exécutif"; cela me paraît assez difficile. J'ai peut-être mal compris.

CHAIRMAN: It is a matter of language, really. Could somebody put the language right?

C. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Después de la declaración del colega de Francia, quien fue miembro del Comité de Redacción, confirmado por mi vecino de Cuba, yo acepto que el texto de este párrafo quede tal como está en todos los idiomas.

CHAIRMAN: Then paragraph 6 is approved as it is without any amendment. Any objections on paragraph 7? Paragraph 7 approved. Paragraph 8.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Espero que esta vez mi colega de Francia y los demás miembros del Consejo puedan aceptar la propuesta sobre, la segunda frase del párrafo 8.

La segunda frase dice: "El Consejo tomo nota con satisfacción". Creo que en un asunto como éste no debería usarse este término, sino decir: "El Consejo estuvo de acuerdo en que la solución a largo plazo", y continúa el texto del artículo.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any objections to this formulation? Then paragraph 8 is approved as amended by Colombia.

Paragraphs 1 to 10 amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 10, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 10, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 11 à 18

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): Nosotros estamos de acuerdo en general con el párrafo 11 ; es sólo que nos parece una reiteración y que ciertamente no fue una referencia que se hizo aquí por parte de todos los colegas cuando se habla, en la séptima línea del párrafo en español que dice: "ofrecía una nueva pers­pectiva y dimensión internacionales". Nosotros, particularmente, estuvimos atentos al debate y estamos de acuerdo en que se diga que sería una nueva perspectiva por que se dio realce a este aspecto, pero lo de dimensión internacionales preferiríamos que se suprimiera, o sea, mi propuesta es suprimir " y dimensión internacionales".

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): My first amendment is similar. I am dropping in the English text the word "international" in the last sentence. I do not mind keeping "perspective", but "international" bothers me.

On the third line from the bottom after "youth" I would say "from the developing countries themselves". I think that would be the right wording. So it will say, "... revealed the great potential for the involvement of youth in the developing countries in these activities".

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): En este caso, rogaríamos a la Secretaría porque nos parece que en el Comité de Redaccióm se había hecho esta modificación, y no tenemos claro si se tomó nota de esto o no sabemos qué situación tendría en este caso.

CHAIRMAN: The delegate of Cuba has put a question to the Drafting Committee.

M.-A. PAPAGEORGIOU (Président du Comité de rédaction): Il avait été convenu, au Comité de rédaction, de mettre exactement cette phrase: "… une nouvelle dimension internationale .....". Le problème a été discuté et on a fait la correction à l'unanimité. Je porte ceci à l'attention du Conseil.

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): With your concurrence, and I hope with that of my colleague from Brazil, I would like to suggest a slight modification of this amendment. It could read in this manner, "… it revealed the great potential for the involvement of youth…" - and here is the amendment - "…and small farmers, particularly from the developing countries" and then pick up "in these activities".

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): Le agradecemos, en primer termino, la aplicación que nos hizo el Presidente del Comité de Redacción y estaremos dispuestos a aceptar que quedara el párrafo, como quedo redactado el concepto international. Lo que se debatió mucho fue el problema de dimensión, pero el concepto de internacional se incluyó precisamente porque el resultado de los debates en el seno del Consejo es que desde el punto de vista nacional, existían amplias experiencias en los países. Por eso, sólo se podía aceptar que sólo era en un marco internacional porque la perspectiva de dimensión era conocida por los países.

La segunda cuestión es rogar a los Estados Unidos que retiren su propuesta porque esto fue ampliamente debatido en el Comité de Redacción y la opinión de esto aparece en el 14 párrafo de este Informe, y creemos que no es necesario que se vuelva a debatir esto en el seno del Consejo.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): May I point out that here we are simply describing the report of the Director-General, we are not giving the views of the Council. I must say that I do not have diffi­culties with the United States amendment because I think the description of the report of the Director-General could cover to some extent, not too much, the United States amendment. But surely the international perspective is exactly what the report of the Director-General moved away from. He said that we need to give support to domestic schemes. That, in one single sentence, is what the report is all about. Therefore I feel that this indication that the report gave a new international perspective and dimension is essentially wrong. I would prefer it without the United States amendment. If the word "international" is dropped I will go along with the United States amendment not to have it, but "international" I think gives a wrong description of the report. I would ask Mr. West to see which interpretation of the report is more faithful.

P. MASUD (Pakistan): We entirely agree with what Brazil has just said. We would be happier without the use of the word "international". As regards the amendment proposed by the United States, there would have to be a subsequent drafting change also, because his amendment would read ".... for the involvement of youth and small farmers, particularly from developing countries, in these activities", and it goes on "… particularly in those …". I am sure the Secretariat will look at that, but I just wanted to point it out.

CHAIRMAN: While the United States delegate looks into this amendment and puts it into a form I will call on Colombia.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia apoya el párrafo 11 en su texto original sin la enmienda de los Estados Unidos. Entendemos que es esa delegación la que ha hecho su observación al final del párrafo 14. Entonces, ¿para qué repetir este asunto?

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): I have not really addressed the debate about "international" and "dimension" and as far as I am concerned I am prepared to go along with what the majority of the Council wants as regards omitting the word "international" and the word "dimension". I understand the delegate of Brazil is willing to go along with my modification of his amendment and I appreciate that.

I think the quite relevant suggestion of Pakistan could be taken care of if we change the words "particularly in those which" to "especially in those which".

E.M. WEST (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I do not intend to get into a dis­cussion about international or perspective and dimension. The Council should decide that, but there was one considerable controversy in the Drafting Committee over the question of small farmers and this open­ing paragraph does not purport to settle those issues. They arise in subsequent paragraphs, particularly paragraph 14 which was mentioned by the delegate of Cuba. And since you are discussing the Director-General's report in the first paragraph and not the conclusions of the Council, I would respectfully suggest that this not be changed at all.

I am not now speaking of "international"; that you must decide. But the second part, I would suggest that neither the Brazilian nor the United States amendment should be brought in because that would lead to complications about the substance of the Council's decisions later on.

Q.H. HAQUE (Bangladesh): I find a lot of wisdom in what Mr. West says. In fact, as the sentence now stands, "involvement of youth in these activities" I thought that this was the perspective in which we had the report from the Director-General and I would appeal to both Brazil and the United States not to bring at this stage the concept of the small farmer which comes in later; that is if the United States delegate agrees.

CHAIRMAN: The consensus seems to be that we should delete "international" and leave the paragraph as it is because the other points raised are covered in subsequent paragraphs. The word "international" will be deleted. Paragraph 11, as amended, is approved.

A. SOLE-LERIS (Secretario del Comité de Redacción): Es una enmienda de redacción al texto español del párrafo 12. En la sexta línea, en vez de decir: "la participación de los jóvenes y las jóvenes", de­cir: "la participación de jóvenes de ambos sexos", que es el texto que acordó el Comité de Redacción como versión mejor en castellano de las frases que hay en los textos inglés y francés y que no cambian en absoluto.

Q.H. HAQUE (Bangladesh): On the same point in the English text, I thought in English if you say "young men and women" it would carry the same meaning, unless you want to empasize the words "young women".

CHAIRMAN: This is merely a matter of words and I do not think it is going to make much difference to the meaning; the secretariat will put it right.

Paragraphs 11 to 18, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 11 à 18, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 11 a 18, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 19 a 26

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): I would like to suggest a change in the third line of para­graph 23 where the word "endorsed" appears. I would like to suggest that we replace that with the words "took note of". This is not because I have any objection to the very well stated objectives that emerge from the FAO's assessment of the restructuring operation, but because there are many additional worthwhile objectives that emerge for that process.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): I must say that I really would prefer to keep the endorsement because we feel that these three points are a summing up of the objectives as stated in the General Assembly Resolution on restructuring, as applied to food and agriculture. We therefore feel that as far as something can be done, it is absolutely perfect and therefore the Council should at this stage have the courage to endorse; it is the correct approach. I think this is too important merely to be taken note of and that is especially important that at this stage, when the General Assembly is finalizing to implement restructuring. I would very much like to have "endorsed" or something like it.

CHAIRMAN: I will ask the delegate of the United States if he will withdraw his proposal, in the light of what the delegate of Brazil has said.

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): I do not insist on my particular amendment. X could make some other suggestions that would meet my point but I would like to hear from other members of the Council if they have a suggestion that could perhaps meet the problem.

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): También deseamos recordar que en el seno del Comité de Redacción, esta fra­se también fue bastante debatida y precisamente la opinion definitiva que logro el consenso era que lo mejor que podía hacer el Consejo era manifestarse y hacer suya esta propuesta. En este caso, si

un nuevo elemento se quiere manifestar, se pueden añadir otras opiniones; consideramos que en su opor­tunidad el Consejo las contemplará y las incluirá si lo considera conveniente.

I. MOSKOVTTS (Malta): We support the delegate of Brazil because we feel that at this stage the position of the Director-General should be strengthened.

O.H. HAQUE (Bangladesh): While I agree in principle with the delegate of Brazil, X think that these matters arise out of a UN Resolution. Could we say "agreed with the views"? That might be more appropriate if the United States delegate agrees. "Agreed with the views".

P. MASUD (Pakistan): We have a distinct preference for the use of the word "endorsed" and we support Brazil.

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): I know that this is one of the very sensitive issues in the Council. Basically we are inclined to lean towards the United States proposal but I think it should be drawn to the attention of the Council that there are many United Nations specialized agencies and if every Governing Council says the same thing, what do you get? I would have been much happier if we said that out of this Council came the idea that we would endorse close cooperation between the United Nations and all the specialized agencies, which is the most important thing. This is not a question of, again, each agency strengthening its own Director-General against the other Directors-General.

So therefore this needs a little more clarification. We can live with paragraph 23 but in the way we are talking about here: how do we improve the family of the United Nation's agencies? And that is the most important concept to us. However, we do accept whatever comes out of it but I feel at this point that we should indicate that we do lean towards the United States position. But again, we are not going to insist that a change be made from "endorse" to some other phrase.

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): I think, on balance, I would be inclined to go along with the suggestion of Bangladesh but whatever verb the Council finally decides upon in that particular sentence, perhaps my problem could be slightly helped if we inserted the word "primarily" after the word "aim" in line 4 and that would suggest that indeed these are primary objectives, but they may not be the only objectives.

CHAIRMAN: Can the United States now read out the amended line connected to the rest of the text so that we can listen to it and get an idea of the whole?

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): The third line would be: "international cooperation and development in an effective manner, agreed with the Director-General's views that this process should, as far as FAO is concerned, aim primarily at the achievement of the three following objectives" etc.

CHAIRMAN: Is this formulation acceptable now? Paragraph 23, as amended, is adopted.

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): I would appreciate the reaction of other Members of the Council to the following slight amendment at the end of the second line of paragraph 25. It would read: "should be carried out primarily at the country level," and then insert "in a manner to be decided by the government concerned".

CHAIRMAN: Is this addition acceptable?

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): I am trying to keep up with the amendment but it seems to change very significantly because now what is said is that the coordinator is the government, now the government cites the manner only. That is not the question. The present sentence says very clearly that the coordination is a matter for the government. If I understand the United States amendment correctly, the implication would be the government would decide on the matter but ultimately, not necessarily, would be responsible for the coordination. It is a substantive change and I would prefer the existing text.

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): I hope my suggestion was not misinterpreted. There is no question in the mind of my delegation that the ultimate responsibility for coordination rests with the government concerned. I think that is a fact which is clear to all of us. The only purpose of my suggestion was that putting it that way suggests, that the government concerned may call upon other institutions to assist them in the coordination process. The sense of this language without my change is almost that the United Nations system and the FAO have no role to play in coordination, whereas some governments may wish to call upon the FAO in its sector or the United Nations in a private sector, to play a helpful role in coordination.

E.M. WEST (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I would like to point out that the sentence we are discussing represents the view of the Director-General, so I do not think attempts should be made to modify in any way the view of the Director-General. If the Council has other views, then it could express them as the Council's views, but the Director-General definitely does not purport to intervene in the question of the manner in which a government decides to exercise its responsibility. He says very firmly, and he maintains very firmly, that it is the government's responsibility. He does not purport to tell them how to do it. So that I would say that the amendment, whether the substance is agreeable or not, is not part of the Director-General's view and should not be attributed to him.

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): En el texto en español dice en la tercera línea: "encargarse de ellas los gobiernos interesados". Aquí hace referencia a las actividades operativas, y entiendo que la inten­ción de la frase va dirigida a calificar la coordinación de las actividades operativas. En este sen­tido la enmienda que ha hecho el delegado de los Estados Unidos lo unico que hace es enfatizar y yo no veo que esto dañe al texto, sino que aclara un poco la frase en español porque aquélla se refiere a actividades operativas y no a la coordinación.

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Con todo respeto por la opinion del Sr. West, yo creo que no se trata de. que el Consejo simplemente retenga el texto de las palabras pronunciadas por el Director General. Pienso que si el Consejo ratifica plenamente puede precisar la manera con la cual ratifica los conceptos del Director General y creo que en ese sentido la enmienda de los Estados Unidos no perjudica el texto, sino que lo precisa más y, seguramente, no está lejos de lo que piensa el Director General. De cualquier manera, yo puedo seguir con este texto, no me molesta y creo que está bien como está; pero creo que no hay ninguna intención sino una precisión en esta enmienda de los Estados Unidos.

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): It seems to me that if the Council feels that my amendment is a'useful one we could respect and protect the Director-General's position, in view of Mr. West's comment, by simply stating "the Council endorsed the view that" and we could then omit the Director-General from that sentence, if Mr. West feels he would be uncomfortable being in that sentence. AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): I am working on the English text and not on the Spanish text. In the English text it is very clear. The present, first of all, is what the Director-General indicated. Now there are two important concepts. The first concept, who is responsible for the coordination, is the country. The second concept, in discharging its responsibility, the manner, etc., is, of course, for the country to decide. This sentence, as it is, it is full, absolutely clear and incorporates the thinking of the United States. Obviously if the country is responsible primarily for the coordination at country level it will decide, including the manner. I still feel that the United States amendment moves the responsibility to the manner and not of the real actual facts of the coordination. The Council agrees that the countries themselves, the governments themselves, are responsible ulti­mately for coordination and in doing so will decide, inter alia, the manner in which to proceed in that coordination, asking whoever they want to ask. That is another matter. There are two different concepts which must be absolutely clear. I do not mind you settling the manner but I want it to be very clear that the coordination is for the country.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I am surprised by this proposal of the honourable delegate of the United States of America. The United States delegation is a member of the Drafting Committee and, as such, has accepted this text at that Committee. It is, of course, up to the Council to decide whether it would like to follow the delegate of the United States of America and, thus, leave it to sovereign countries to decide only on the manner in which technical assistance should be coordinated.

My responsibility, as Director-General, is to insist on the inclusion of a sentence, to the effect that, in my view, it is up to the countries themselves to ensure that coordination, instead of limiting themselves to deciding only on the manner in which it must be carried out. If certain countries wish to entrust this function to UNDP, it is, of course, up to them. We are part of the "Consensus" and we accept, therefore, the coordinating role of UNDP as far as UN Agencies are concerned but, in the final analysis, it is the Governments themselves which coordinate, at the country level, all assistance programmes, including UNDP.

I think, therefore, that the honourable delegates of Argentina and Mexico may have misunderstood the real meaning of this amendment, at this late stage.

CHAIRMAN: The United States of America, do you want to take the floor now or after you have heard the others, because this is your amendment.

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): I would like to state my regret that the intervention we have just heard has not really taken account of the spirit of my amendment and I must say I cannot accept the implication that the United States membership in the Drafting Committee, which produces as close as it can to a consensus, precludes the United States delegation from participating in a discussion of the draft put before us.

C. BATAULT (France): J'ai un peu l'impression que nous sommes en train de tourner en rond et de discuter sur des questions d!interprétation. Je veux simplement dire qu'en ce qui concerne mon inter­prétation personnelle, je me rallie entièrement à celle de M. Brito.

E.D. BUSTABAD (Cuba): Quisiéramos referirnos solamente a que, como se ha mencionado de que el texto en español queda más claro de acuerdo con la propuesta, vamos a leerlo para ver si esto ayuda a los delegados de Argentina y México a comprender que son dos ideas diferentes.

La propuesta que se ha hecho de modificación quedaría en la forma en que decida el gobierno interesa­do, o sea solamente se refiere a la forma, y solamente como está escrito actualmente, o sea como ha propuesto el Comité de Redacción y que los gobiernos interesados tienen que decidir no solo la forma, sino que deben ocuparse de toda la labor que esto conlleve.

Por esta razón nosotros consideramos, al igual que expuso el distinguido delegado del Brasil, que el texto, para que recoja realmente esta idea, debe quedar tal como fue redactado y acordado por el Comité de. Redacción.

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): Mi delegación ha recibido una ayuda muy positiva por parte de la Secretaría del Comité de Redacción, complementada con las observaciones que se han hecho en torno a la propuesta de los Estados Unidos. En primer lugar, mi declaración surgió de un error que en el texto español, y así lo referí en mi intervención, decía ''y encargarse de ellas los gobiernos interesados''; y ese "ellas'' en español hacía referencia a actividades operativas y no a la coordinación. Nosotros enten­demos que la opinión del Director General es precisamente que esa coordinación esté dentro del marco de los propios países y que sean ellos los que se encarguen de la misma. En ese sentido, la frase como está, con la aclaración que se me ha hecho de que ''ellas'' debe ser ''ella", refiriéndose a la coordinación, basta. La frase puede quedar así, si aún se desea agregar en la forma o según la decisión del propio gobierno interesado, y aparecería redundante, porque obviamente cada gobierno podrá hacer propia y efectiva esa opinión.

No sé si me he explicado o no. Para nosotros el texto come está, con el cambio en español de la palabra ''ella'' en vez de ''ellas'', bastaría.

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Simplemente para decir que mi delegación no tiene ninguna duda de que las tareas de coordinación corresponden a la responsabilidad exclusiva del gobierno interesado. En ese sentido es en el que se propuso tratar de interpretar la enmienda presentada por el represen­tante de los Estados Unidos; pero quiero repetir que nosotros no tenemos ninguna duda sobre que es el Gobierno el encargado y responsable de la coordinación y en ese sentido coincido con cualquier texto que señale esa prioridad.

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): The more I listen to the discussions, we have a bit of a problem and we need some clarification. What I am having a little trouble trying to understand at the moment is this, where it says ''fully endorsed", it is true that the government has to make their decision to coordinate the types of projects they want in their country. That is a responsibility of a government. They ask for the projects, they ask for the assistance. What I am trying to understand in this sen­tence is are we endorsing here, the government can decide which agency should coordinate all these activities and I know there are the present rules which have been worked out in the common consensus among the United Nations and its agencies as to how this should be done, so at the moment I am a little at a loss with the meaning of this text, after the discussion. Let us be clear. There is no question that governments must be fully responsible for the projects they want in their countries.

The second question is are we saying here that governments have the right to choose and determine which agencies shall coordinate these projects and thus this runs counter to the present consensus between FAO and all the other agencies. I am a little lost.

CHAIRMAN: Can we wind this up because we are going round and round on a matter which is not very substantive.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): I would just like to reply to the point made by some observation in the 1969 statement that coordination of operational activities is a primary responsibility of the govern­ments themselves. This is a principle that was laid down ten years ago. I feel that the present wording is perfect. Of course, in carrying out coordination, the country does what is wants. I think that the present sentence is perfect and gives all latitude for the governments to do what they want, which is precisely the correct approach.

CHAIRMAN: May I call upon the United States to either put a specific formulation if he insists on an amendment or let the paragraph stand as it is.

J.A. BAKER (United States of America): I do not want to delay the work in the Council by putting a clarification of my amendment. I do want to say that I think the Members of the Council have understood that the sense of my amendment in no way challenged the 1969 statement to which Brazil has referred, and I think the comment by Argentina made it clear that he and I am sure others have understood that it does not.

I withdraw my suggestion, and I am sorry that it has been placed in a context which suggests a confrontation of any kind with other Members of this Council.

CHAIRMAN: There is no confrontation, I assure you. I have not noticed any. It is throwing words around, so thank you very much for withdrawing the amendment, and therefore the paragraph is adopted as it is.

Paragraphs 19 to 26, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 19 à 26, ainsi amendés . sont approuvés
Los párrafos 19 a 26, así
enmendados son aprobados

PARAGRAPHS. 2 7 to 32
PARAFOS 27 a 32

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): On the third line of paragraph 27 before the word "sound", the addition of the word ''generally''; ''generally sound". on the third line.

CHAIRMAN: Any objections? There are none. Paragraph 27 is adopted as amended by Brazil.

Paragraphs 27 to 32, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 27 a 32, ainsi amendes, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 27 a 32, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 33 approved
Le paragraphe 33 est approuvé
El párrafo 33 es aprobado

PARRAFOS 34 a 36

D. RICHTER (Germany, Federal Republic of): I have just got a slight amendment concerning the meaning of the second sentence in paragraph 36. I should like to propose that the first words ''It approved'' be replaced by the words ''It_noted'', because I think this was the general feeling of the Council" that the Council at this meeting just takes note of the matters as they stand now.

CHAIRMAN: Is that supported?

N.M. MAPELA (Zaïre): J'étais au Comité de rédaction et j'ai demandé qu'au lieu d'un autre mot on mette vraiment que le Conseil "approuve". De quoi s'agit-il? Il s' agit de ce qui est dit et ma délé­gation est une de celles qui avaient approuvé la façon de voir ces choses, avaient appuyé le Directeur général. Je l'ai dit en plénière et cela n'a pas été contesté. "D'ailleurs je n'étais pas seul, plu­sieurs délégations l'ont fait et au Comité de rédaction j'ai bien insisté pour que l'on dise "le Conseil approuve''.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): I think here I would also share the views of Zaire, and the reason is very simple. The Conference gave one direction to the Director-General to act in the ACC. He acted pre­cisely in the line of the direction given by the Conference, and therefore if you read paragraph 35 it indicates precisely what is the issue in the Conference. Before changing anything we want to hear this and the Council and the Conference have to approve, and therefore the Director-General acted precisely in line with the very specific directions from the Conference. Therefore, I really cannot see how the Council cannot approve what he has done, especially since the draft came here from the Drafting Group with this wording. I think it strange that we change it.

Mrs F.A. CHENOWETH (Liberia): Very briefly I just want to agree with the two previous speakers and to say that Liberia did not only notice but it approved, and so we support the position that the word ''approved'' be used.

CHAIRMAN: Federal Republic of Germany, would you withdraw your suggestion for the changing of the wording? You do; thank you very much. Then paragraph 36 is adopted without amendment.

Paragraphs 34 to 36 approved
Les paragraphes 34 à 36 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 34 a 36 son aprobados

Paragraphs 37 and 38 approved
Les paragraphes 37 et 38 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 37 y 38 son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary - Part III, as amended, was adopted
Projet de la plenieére, adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria - Parte III, así enmendado, es aprobado


Paragraphs 1 and 2 approved
Les paragraphes 1 et 2 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 y 2 son aprobados

Paragraphs 3 to 5 approved
Les paragraphes 3 á 5 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 3 a 5 son approbados


B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Brazil): A question of facts: the second sentence reads in paragraph 11: "The Council generally felt, however, that as ISNAR was in the process of being established by the CGIAR". . If that is fact, all right, but I think that by sharing views during the debate of what is the actual situation, it would be more correct to say "as it was likely that ISNAR was in the process of being established". I do not think there is any final decision. If there is a final decision, "as ISNAR was in the process of being established" is perfect. If there is no final decision, I think "as it was likely" is slightly more correct and more to the point.

CHAIRMAN: We can ask for the facts. What are the facts?

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Unfortunately, I must inform you that, despite the opposition of our Organization and certain Member Countries, such as France, it has been decided to go ahead and to establish this so-called International Service for Strengthening National Agricultural Research in Developing Countries. I have received a letter informing me of this decision.

C. BATAULT (France): Je voulais simplement vous signaler que les initiales françaises rie sont pas GCPAI mais GCRAI.

CHAIRMAN: That will be done. Thank you, Delegate of France.

I. OROZCO GUZMAN (México): Tal vez en beneficio de la brevedad. Aquí únicamente se hace mención de que el Consejo compartió la preocupación expresada por el Comité en su informe. Pensamos que sería conve­niente, aunque fuese en una forma muy abreviada, expresar cuáles son los principales aspectos de la preocupación que muestra el Comité del Programa acerca de ese aspecto.

No tengo ninguna sugerencia concreta, Sr. Presidente; de cualquier manera, no me molesta que quede así.

CHAIRMAN: If there is no specific suggestion, I would like you to agree to keep the thing as it is, because otherwise there is going to be confusion if there is no specific amendment. Then we adopt 11 as it is.

Paragraphs 6 to 12, as amended, approved
paragraphes 6 à 12 ainsi amendes, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 6 á 12, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 13 a 25

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America): This is to suggest an editorial change which would give greater clarity to paragraph 16, and that is that in the middle of the paragraph when we start with the sentence: "All Member Countries should", that sentence might fit better at the end of that paragraph, where we would then begin with "The Council felt that consideration should be given to difficulties inherent in the UNDP Country Programming" and so on, following with that other sentence

stating that ''All Member Countries should ensure that food and agriculture was accorded a high priority in their development programmes". In other words, this would be a way of strengthening the idea of the problem inherent in country programming.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments? If not, then this paragraph is adopted, with the amendment recommended by the US delegation.

Paragraphs 13 to 25, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 13 a 25, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 13 a 25, asi enmencdados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 26 a 34

C.O. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina) : Sobre el párrafo 33 tengo entendido que cuando hicimos la propuesta de inclusión del tema de la cooperación técnica entre países en desarrollo y las labores en el Consejo y en la Conferencia, lo hicimos sin ningún condicionamiento. El apoyo dado por 9 ó 10 países a la inclusion del tema en el Consejo y la Conferencia fue sin ningún condicionamiento; por lo tanto, propongo la eliminación en la segunda frase de la oración final, que dice "cuando surgieran nuevas iniciativas y propuestas que hicieran necesarias su orientaciones'', porque eso no fue lo que se dijo en el debate.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Should we accept this amendment, this would mean that this subject would be on the agenda of the Council and Conference for ever. I do not think that this is what this Council wants, and this is why I hope that the honourable delegate of Argentina can see his way to accepting the text as it stands. The present wording would not make it compulsory for the agenda of each Council and Confe­rence-session always to include TCDC. Each session would decide whether this item should be included in the agenda of the next session, and it would be up to any delegation to suggest such inclusion. In summary, I think that the existing text is more appropriate, but it is, course, up to the honourable delegate of Argentina to decide on his stand.

CHAIRMAN: Would you reconsider, Argentina, in the light of this?

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina) : Le agradezco mucho al señor Director General por su explicación y es valido el argumento que no es la intención de la delegación de Argentina tratar por dos mil años la CTPD; pero me asusta un poco el sentido que la propuesta nuestra fuera de incluir por lo menos en un futuro inmediato la cuestión. Nosotros pensamos que limitarlo, condicionarlo a cuando surgieran nuevas iniciativas prodría ser un factor limitativo en la inclusión del tema. Si encontramos con el Director General, a posteriori, una frase que asegure la consideración del tema por lo menos en un futuro próximo, yo estaría de acuerdo en eliminar una frase que no la condicionara exclusivamente, como dice que cuando salgan nuevas iniciativas; alguna frase que sea un poco más clara con respecto a la intención de lo que se hizo en el debate, pero no tengo ningún inconveniente, tal vez el Director General me ayude, a redactar una frase que sea conveniente.

CHAIRMAN: While I call on the two delegates who want to speak, Argentina might like to draft something while the discussion is going on.

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America): I quite appreciate the concern of the delegate from Argentina. Perhaps we might use the phrase we so often do: ''as appropriate''. So that what we would have is this : "....TCDC should be placed on its agenda and that of the Conference as appropriate''.

Q.H. HAGUE (Bangladesh): I had also a similar method of finding a way out of this. Could we say "in the opinion of the Council''? You could say, when the Council says we do not include it, we do not include it, or you could say "as appropriate''.

CHAIRMAN: The United States has put a solid proposal, to use "as appropriate".

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): Nuestro ánimo de intervenir es solamente para ayudar. Si el delegado de Argentina no acepta la propuesta que señala la delegación de Estados Unidos, pudiera entonces, si su objetivo es el hecho en sí de que se consideren de inmediato por el Consejo, substituir como él plantea esta frase, pero haciendo un añadido que diría: "No obstante, el Consejo acordó que el CTPD figurara en su programa y en el de la Conferencia en su próximo período de sesiones y cuando surgieran nuevas iniciativas ...''. O sea, sería un añadido si la intención del delegado de

Argentina es que se considere en él las próximas sesiones del Consejo, o de lo contrario, la otra propuesta que se ha hecho.

C. BATAIJLT (France) : Ce qu'a dit le Directeur général me paraissait tout à fait clair et me paraissait répondre à des nécessités pratiques. Cela dit, si le Conseil le souhaite, je ne verrais aucune objec­tion à ce que l'on adopte la proposition du délégué de Cuba, si le Directeur général en est d'accord.

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Agradezco a todas las delegaciones que han tenido la gentileza de colaborar en mi problema, pero tenía instrucción de tratar un poco este asunto tratando de que no se diluya. Estoy de acuerdo con el representante de Cuba siempre que, en lugar de decir, "en el próximo período de sesiones" precisemos un poquito menos y digamos: "en los próximos períodos de sesiones". Esto deja abierto a la sabiduría del Consejo de incluirlo más allá de uno o dos períodos de sesiones cuando ya no sea necesario.

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): La propuesta nuestra, vamos a leerla tal como quedaría redactada: "No obstante, el Consejo acordó que la CTPD figurara en su programa y en el de la Conferencia en su próximo período de sesiones ..." y continuaría la frase: "Cuando surgieran nuevas iniciativas ... etc.".

A mí me parece que el delegado de Argentina quiere establecer en lugar de su próximo período establecer, él considera mejor o más recomendable: "en sus próximos períodos de sesiones" y me parece que si se hace este añadido de "sus próximos período de sesiones", estaríamos en la misma situación de que serían todos los períodos del Consejo. Me parece más recomendable si es que el deseo es de que se trate de inmediato por el Consejo de la Conferencia, éstos decidan cuando se trate en el próximo período de sesiones, cuándo debe tratarse este asunto.

Sería más recomendable que quedara tal como habíamos redactado en principio.

C. BATAULT (France): Il y a peut-être une autre version que nous pourrions adopter et qui donnerait peut-être satisfaction à toutes les parties.

Voici la phrase que je propose:

"Toutefois, le Conseil décide d'inscrire la CTPD à l'ordre du jour des prochaines sessions, dans la mesure où apparaîtront des faits nouveaux et des propositions appelant des instructions de leur part".

C'est une proposition qui me paraît logique.

CHAIRMAN: The French delegation had put a proposal. Now Delegate of Argentina, did you listen to it and agree with it?

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Prefiero la enmienda de la representación de Cuba con el debido respeto a la enmienda del delegado de Francia, porque con la enmienda de Francia tengo el mismo problema en el sentido de que condiciona la inclusión del tema al surgimiento de nuevas iniciativas y no creo que se dijo eso en el debate. Se pidió la inclusión como tema permanente del Consejo y eso fue lo que fue apoyado por las diez delegaciones. Ahora bien, no tengo ningún inconveniente en tratar de que vayamos rápido en este asunto, que quede fijado en el próximo período de sesiones y eventualmente en el próximo período de sesiones haremos lo mismo y lo fijaremos para el otro.

CHAIRMAN: He has agreed to the "next Session". This limits it to the next Session; and then a decision can be taken. Does the Delegate of Mexico want to say anything?

I. OROZCO GUSMAN (México): Es una amalgama de lo que se ha dicho. De acuerdo con lo que propuso el colega de Cuba de que figurara "en su próximo período de sesiones" y aquí quedaría: "y periódicamente según proceda".

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Estoy de acuerdo con la enmienda del delegado de México y le agradezco mucho la gentileza de haberla formulado de esa manera.

H. BAEYENS (Belgique): Monsieur le Président, je puis me rallier à l'amendement proposé, mais j'ai moi-même un autre amendement à présenter. Il affecte en même temps le paragraphe 33 et le paragraphe 34. Son but est d'incorporer le texte du paragraphe 34, tel qu'il est proposé, à l'intérieur du para­graphe 33. Il viendrait après la première phrase du paragraphe 33. En effet, le paragraphe 33 incor­pore déjà la décision du Conseil sur la manière de traiter les questions de coopération technique entre pays en développement. Il me paraît donc assez illogique de rouvrir le débat après qu'une dé­cision ait déjà été prise et de mentionner dans un seul dernier paragraphe la position d'un certain nombre de délégués. La décision du Conseil tient déjà compte de cette prise de position.

Le paragraphe 33 commencerait donc par la phrase qui existe déjà: "La CTPD a déjà fait l'objet de dé­bats apparofondis ... dans les consultations techniques". Ensuite, viendrait la phrase: "Un certain nombre de délégués ont proposé la création au sein de la FAO d'un Comité permanent du Conseil qui serait chargé de traiter les questions relatives à la CTPD".

On reprendrait ensuite la phrase qui se trouve déjà dans le texte du paragraphe 33: "Toutefois, le Conseil décide d'inscrire la CTPD à son ordre du jour etc...".

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Delegate of Belgium. I think this improves the paragraph. Are there any objections to the Belgian proposal?

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Yo tengo algunas dificultades con la propuesta enmienda de Bélgica. Los párrafos 26 a 34 hablan cada uno de una cuestión diferente del tema de la CTPD. El párrafo 33 que acabamos de aprobar revela el consenso del Consejo en cuanto a un punto específico. El párrafo 34 trata de otro tema en el cual no hubo consenso pero fue un tema que se planteó.

De acuerdo con los procedimientos del Consejo, conferencia y comités, debe permanecer separado porque es una idea nueva, diferente, que sólo recogió algunos consensos, pero que revela la idea de unas delegaciones. No podemos reunir en un mismo párrafo lo que fue expresado y lo que fue acordado.

Felicito al Comité de Redacción por haber hecho una decisión tan acertada y oportuna respecto a separar el párrafo 34 del 33, que me parece una idea oportuna.

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): Solamente para apoyar la propuesta del delegado de Argentina porque realmente esto es lo que consideró el Comité de Redacción.

CHAIRMAN: Belgium, do you insist on your amendment of amalgamating the two paragraphs?

H. BAEYENS (Belgique): Je ne vais pas être trop difficile, mais je constate simplement que le ré­sultat n'est pas très joli.

CHAIRMAN: Then paragraph 33 is approved, as amended by Mexico.

Paragraphs 26 to 34, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 26 à 34, ainsi amendes sont approuvés
Los párrafos 26 a 34, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 35 approved
Le paragraphe 35 est approuvé
El párrafo 35 es aprobado

Paragraphs 36 and 37 approved
Les paragraphes 36 et 37 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 36 y 37 son aprobados

PARRAFOS 38 a 43

A. SOLE-LERIS (Secretary, Drafting Committee): It is a small correction in paragraph 40 that concerns the French text only. (Continues in French)

Je lis le texte en français parce qu'il ne comprend pas une formule qui avait été adoptée par le Comité de rédaction et qui figure dans les autres langues. C'est tout à fait au début du paragraphe-il faut rayer le mot "on" et insérer le mot "Conseil". La phrase se lirait donc comme suit: "Dans l'ensemble, le Conseil a estimé...".

CHAIRMAN: Then we approve paragraph 40 with that amendment made by the Secretariat.

C. BATAULT (France): Concernant le paragraphe 42, je dois dire que je ne comprends pas très bien ce que veut dire cette phrase: "Dans ce travail, l'Organisation ne devra jamais oublier la nécessité impérieuse de veiller à ce que les experts et les connaissances que l'Organisation met à la dispo­sition des pays en développement aient la qualification et la compétence voulues". Je ne vois pas très bien comment une connaissance peut avoir une qualification et une compétence. Pour faire une phrase compréhensible en français, il faudrait ou bien supprimer "les connaissances", si le Conseil le sou­haite. On pourrait alors ajouter à la fin du paragraphe: "... et que les connaissances de l'Organi­sation aient la qualité voulue", mais je propose tout simplement que l'on supprime: "et les connais­sances".

CHAIRMAN: Is that a drafting error?

E.M. WEST (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I sympathise with the amendment. There is obviously something wrong with the grammar of this sentence, the delegate of France is right in that respect. I think, if he would agree, the Secretariat should be asked to adjust the sentence grammatically without removing the last words, which have a particular significance in relation to certain of the JIU recommendations. I do not think there is any need to open a debate of substance if he will agree that we adjust the grammar to meet his point.

CHAIRMAN: I think the delegate of France agrees. Then Paragraph 41 is approved.

Paragraphs 38 to 43; as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 38 à 43, ainsi amendes, sont approuves
Los párrafos 38 a 43, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 44 a 48

P. MASUD (Pakistan): Could you possibly consider the inclusion of the concept of brevity towards the end of paragraph 46? It could read "The need for brevity was also stressed".

CHAIRMAN: You are suggesting that the words you have just mentioned should be added?

P, MASUD (Pakistan): Yes.

CHAIRMAN: If there is no objection, then paragraph 46 is approved with the amendments suggested by Pakistan.

Paragraphs 44 to 48, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 44 à 48, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 44 a 48, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary - Part IV, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière - La IVème partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptée
El Proyecto de informe de la Plenaria - Parte IV, asi enmendado, es aprobado


DIRECTOR-GENERAL: May I point out, Mr. Chairman, that, should the Council continue to approve its report paragraph by paragraph, it will not finish this morning. May I suggest, therefore, to take the draft report page by page, or item by item, as was done so many times in the past.

CHAIRMAN: The Secretariat has explained that the pages do not correspond exactly in the different languages and we shall therefore take it by sections.

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America): I would suggest that we do this as we have done before, paragraph by paragraph, because it is a matter in some instances of getting a chance to read it for the first time.

CHAIRMAN: If there is no objection, then we will go ahead paragraph by paragraph, in deference to the United States delegate.

P. MASUD (Pakistan): Much as we should like to defer to the views expressed by the United States of America yet in the interests of getting our work done I think we could go through certain parts item by item; and if there are any specific areas of interest for the United States, we could take those paragraph by paragraph.

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Para adherirme a la idea de que se trate sección por sección en la consideración de que el Comité de Redacción ha hecho un buen trabajo. Si queremos terminar pienso que debemos ir sección por sección.


G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Entiendo que estamos de acuerdo en comenzar por el tema 9. Si es así deseo proponer unas adiciones al párrafo 3. En la ultima frase del párrafo 3 se dice que: "se habían examinado y considerado las recomendaciones y resoluciones adoptadas en la Conferencia Mundial sobre Reforma Agraria". Creo que debería agregarse: celebrada en 1966; luego, al final de esa misma frase del párrafo 3 se dice: "y en otras conferencias mundiales". Habría que agregar mundiales y regionales.

Tengo otra enmienda sobre el párrafo 4. ¿Prefiere usted, Sr. Presidente, que la presente en seguida o discutimos primero la propuesta sobre el párrafo 3?.

CHAIRMAN: Let us take paragraph 3 first, in order to avoid confusion. Can you read out slowly your amendment to paragraph 3?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): En la última frase del párrafo 3, después de: "Conferencia Mundial sobre Reforma Agraria" agregar las palabras: celebrada en 1966. Luego seguiría así: y en otras conferencias mundiales y regionales.

F. REDA (Egypt) (Interpretation from Arabic): I think that this text is intended to cover all international conferences and not merely the 1966 World Conference. I therefore propose that this text also mention the different conferences held internationally without adding the year 1966 or mentioning regional conferences.

CHAIRMAN: Does the delegate of Colombia agree to that?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Creo que la propuesta del colega de Egipto es perfectamente aceptable y podríamos decir recomendaciones y resoluciones adoptadas en otras conferencias mundiales y regionales.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I think that the honourable delegate of Egypt is right: paragraph 4 mentions the FAO Regional Conferences. I do not think, therefore, that there is a need to add the words "and regional" to paragraph 3 after the words "World Conference", since regional conferences are mentioned in paragraph 4. I would suggest, therefore, that the only amendment which should be considered now is that proposed by the honourable delegate of Colombia, with a view to indicating the date of the World Conference in question. There cannot be any misunderstanding, since there was only one such conference, but it would still be useful to indicate the date by inserting the words "held in 1966". I hope that everyone will be in agreement and that this point will raise no controversy.

CHAIRMAN: Is this agreed? In that case the date will be inserted and, since Regional Conferences are mentioned in the next paragraph, those will not be inserted. Now we come to Colombia's amendment on paragraph 4.

G. BUIA HOYOS (Colombia): Si, Sr. Presidente, al- final del párrafo 4 se dice: "enviar delegaciones del máximo nivel tecnico y administrativo". Lo que dijo el representante especial fue: alto nivel político y técnico. Sobre esto también intervino nuestra delegación.

CHAIRMAN: Yes, that will be taken care of.

P. MASUD (Pakistan): In the second line of para 4 which reads: " discussions at the World Conference should avoid academic subjects and concentrate on", I think the idea was that it should avoid an academic approach to the various problems. It could be amended to read: "should avoid an academic approach and concentrate on specific action-oriented programmes". In this way the intent of what was said by the Special Representative would be met.

CHAIRMAN: Is this agreed?

Q.H. HAQUE (Bangladesh): Only a minor amendment to the Colombian proposal: "the highest political" should be replaced by "high political" because highest means heads of governments, which we certainly do not expect.

CHAIRMAN: The whole of page 1 is adopted.

Paragraphs 1 to 5, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 5, ainsi amendés sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 5, asi enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 6 approved
Le paragraphe 6 est approve
El párrafo 6 es aprobado


A. SOLE-LERIS (Secretary, Drafting Committee): This really concerns the next session, item 21, the part dealing with the Finance Committee. It is on page 10 in the English text and it is a question simply of re-arranging the layout. The paragraph that should be the opening paragraph of that section is now number 28, so please note that this will come before paragraph 22 since it is the general one that refers to the Chairman of the Committee introducing the report.

Paragraphs 7 to 9 approved
Les paragraphes 7 à 9 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 7 a 9 son aprobados

Paragraphs 10 to 19 approved
Les paragraphes 10 à 19 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 10 a 19 son aprobados

Paragraphs 20 and 21 approved
Les paragraphes 20 et 21 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 20 y 21 son aprobados

Paragraphs 22 to 30 approved
Les paragraphes 22 à 30 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 22 a 30 son aprobados

Paragraphs 31 and 32 approved
Les paragraphes 31 et 32 sont approuves
Los párrafos 31 y 32 son aprobados

Paragraph 33, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 33, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 33, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 34 and 35 approved
Les paragraphes 34 et 35 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 34 y 35 son aprobados

Paragraph 36 est approuvé
Le paragraphe 36 est approuvé
El párrafo 36 es aprobado

Paragraph 37 approved
Le paragraphe 37 est approuvé
El párrafo 37 es aprobado

Paragraph 38, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 38, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 38, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 39 to 41 approved
Les paragraphes 39 à 41 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 39 a 41 son aprobados

Paragraph 42, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 42, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 42 incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 43 to 45 approved
Les paragraphes 43 à 45 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 43 a 45 son aprobados

Paragraphs 46 to 48 approved
Les paragraphes 46 à 48 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 46 a 48 son aprobados

Paragraph 49 approved
Le paragraphe 49 est approuvé
El párrafo 49 es aprobado

Paragraph 50 approved
Le paragraphe 50 est approuvé
El párrafo 50 es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary - Part V, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière - La Vème-partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptée
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria - Parte V, así enmendado, es aprobado

Le DIRECTEUR GENERAL (interprétation de l'arabe): Permettez-moi, M. le Président, de commencer cette allocution en exprimant ma conviction que tous les membres du Conseil conviendront avec moi que cette soixante-quatorzième session a été particulièrement utile et riche d'enseignements. Nous nous sommes, dans l'ensemble, trouvés d'accord dans notre évaluation des aspects, tant positifs que négatifs, de la situation agricole mondiale. Nous avons également convenu des grandes lignes d'action que notre Organisation doit continuer à suivre, pour faire face à cette situation et contribuer ainsi à la construction d'un nouvel ordre économique international.

Plus important encore, nous avons appris à mieux nous connaître et à surmonter nos différences d'opi­nions, dans le respect des convictions de chacun et en n'ayant d'autre but que la défense de l'intérêt général de nos pays membres et du prestige de notre organisation.

A ce propos, permettez-moi de réaffirmer une conviction que je proclame depuis longtemps et sur laquelle je suis revenu une fois de plus dans mon allocution d'ouverture. Le Conseil de la FAO n'est pas une tribune où l'on s'égare en vaine rhétorique et en affrontements. A la FAO, nous avons pour tradition de rechercher le consensus dans l'intérêt de tous les pays, en particulier ceux du Tiers Monde, au développement desquels tous nos membres consacrent leurs efforts. Cela ne signifie pas que nous soyons d'accord sur tous les points, mais cela ne veut pas dire non plus qu'une petite minorité puisse, quelle que soit son importance économique, agir au mépris des vues d'une grande majorité.

D'un autre côté, nul ne voudrait que la minorité ait le sentiment de ne pas avoir été entendue et que ses vues n'aient pas été notées. Au contraire, notre tradition ici veut que chaque pays, petit ou grand, ait droit à tout notre respect.

Bien sûr, dans certains cas - heureusement peu nombreux - nous nous enlisons dans la procédure et des malentendus surviennent. Ou bien, soucieux à juste titre de clore une discussion au plus vite, pour ne pas gaspiller les ressources de l'Organisation dans des débats vains et répétitifs, nous compri­mons nos travaux à tel point que certains membres ont peut-être l'impression de n'avoir pas eu assez de temps pour faire connaître leur point de vue sur des sujets qui, à leur avis, sont importants. Il m'arrive parfois à moi-même, sans doute pas aussi souvent qu'aux membres, de sentir que je n'ai pas pu dire tout ce que je voulais exprimer.

Mais il ne faut pas exagérer l'importance de ces accidents peu fréquents; au contraire, il faut songer aux résultats dans l'ensemble constructifs d'une réunion et se féliciter de la bonne grâce avec laquelle les membres des différents groupes, après des discussions assez vives, se rapprochent les uns des autres au cours des débats ou à l'occasion de réunions avec moi, pour conclure notre session dans un esprit constructif et d'amitié.

Bien sûr, nous tirerons la leçon des difficultés qui ont pu être rencontrées et nous chercherons à mieux organiser les choses la prochaine fois, d'autant plus que de nombreux points inscrits à l'ordre du jour de la session de juin appellent d'importantes décisions.

Le principal sera naturellement le sommaire de programmes de travail et budget. Je ne vais pas répéter maintenant ce que j'ai dit à l'ouverture de la session. Je remercie le Conseil d'avoir si bien compris pourquoi je ne voulais pas m'engager maintenant sur le niveau du budget. Je suis heureux que les membres qui avaient des observations à formuler sur la question aient trouvé l'occasion de le faire en toute conscience de leurs responsabilités et dans un esprit constructif. Je tiens à leur donner l'assurance que j'ai pris bonne note de leurs remarques ainsi que de celles des diverses délégations - parfois les mêmes - qui ont évoqué les très nombreuses priorités pour lesquelles elles souhaiteraient que je trouve place dans le prochain programme de travail et budget.

Il est un point qui, espérons-le, ne figurera pas à notre ordre du jour ou pour lequel nous pourrons nous contenter de manifester notre satisfaction. En bref, j'ai bon espoir de ne pas avoir à vous dire que nous nous trouvons dans une grave crise constitutionnelle et financière à la suite des décisions unilatérales d'un corps législatif.

Comme je l'ai dit dans mon discours d'ouverture et comme l'explique le communiqué du CAC qui vous a été distribué sous la cote CL 74/INF 13, je suis tenu par l'Acte constitutif de refuser toute condition que l'on voudrait attacher au versement ou à l'utilisation des contributions des Etats Membres.

Après avoir suivi vos débats, soit personnellement soit en m'en remettant à mes collaborateurs qui me représentaient ici, je vous félicite de vos sages décisions sur les points inscrits à votre ordre du jour. Sans revenir sur chaque sujet, je me contenterai donc de vous redire combien j'ai été sensible à l'appui que votre Assemblée m'a accordé, une fois encore. Et je puis vous assurer que mes collègues et moi-même avons particulièrement besoin de votre appui et de votre confiance, pour faire face aux très lourdes tâches qui nous attendent au cours des mois à venir!

Finalement, M. le Président, je ne saurais conclure sans vous adresser mes félicitations pour la compé­tence avec laquelle vous avez su diriger vos débats.

Je voudrais également exprimer ma gratitude aux deux Vice-Présidents qui ont contribué au succès de nos travaux: S.E. Madame Chenoweth, et, bien sûr, notre ami Frank Shefrin, dont les vastes connais­sances et l'humour nous manqueront tant à l'avenir.

Je tiens à rendre un hommage particulier à Monsieur l'Ambassadeur Papageorgiou et aux membres du Comité de rédaction pour l'excellent travail qu'ils ont accompli.

Certains membres de ce Comité, comme Monsieur l'Ambassadeur de la Jaraarahiya libyenne, devaient parti­ciper toute la journée aux réunions du Conseil et prendre part, aussitôt après, aux longues sessions du Comité de rédaction. Je les remercie donc vivement pour leurs contributions très appréciées.

Je voudrais aussi exprimer ma gratitude aux présidents et aux coordinateurs de tous les groupes repré­sentés ici qui, par leur haute conception du service public, ont fidèlement reflété la valeur de toutes les délégations.

Mes remerciements vont également aux honorables représentants des pays qui vont cesser de faire partie du Conseil, et je veux parler de l'Equateur, de la Finlande, de la Jamarahiya libyenne, du Malawi, de Maurice, de la Nouvelle-Zélande, du Niger et du Soudan. Leurs délégations n'ont cessé d'apporter d'excellentes contributions à nos travaux et, bien que je sois certain que leurs remplaçants sauront suivre l'exemple qu'ils ont donné, je ne puis m'empêcher de regretter leur départ et serais heureux de les revoir siéger comme observateurs à votre prochaine session.

Avec mes meilleurs voeux pour l'an nouveau, pour vous-mêmes et vos familles, je vous donne rendez-vous en juin, et je vous remercie, une fois encore, de votre attention et de votre confiance.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of): Before you close, please let me say a few words of thanks which might be shared by others round the table. Firstly, we wish to commend the Director-General for having strengthened FAO's cooperation with the European Community. We refer in this-context to the opening statement of the Director-General to this Council session in which he also indicated that he is seeking further cooperation in development activities with the European Community. This is in the interests of our whole Organization and in particular of developing countries. We should like to encourage the Director-General to continue this cooperation which is in line with the development policy of the Community and its nine member states.

I do not think I need to elaborate on the fruitful cooperation already existing between the World Food Programme and the Community in the vital area of Food Aid.

Secondly, I wish to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for having presided over our deliberations in such a way that we terminated expeditiously our session, even being one day and a half ahead of schedule. You have made us work rather hard but we enjoyed it.

We should also like to give our thanks to the three Vice-Chairmen who assisted you in your responsible task and to the Chairman and to the Members of the Drafting Group. We enjoyed the collaboration with the Secretariat for whose preparations we wish to thank.

We are glad to have had first contacts and cooperation with the recently appointed Assistant Director-General, including our new Secretary-General of Council and Conference.

Finally I wish to thank all the members of the FAO Secretariat who worked behind the scenes and also the interpreters and the messengers who helped us communicate better amongst ourselves.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia desea expresar su agradecimiento a usted, Sr. Presidente, a los tres Vicepresidentes, al distinguido Embajador de Grecia, Relator, y a los miembros del Comité de Redacción, así como a todo el personal de la Secretaría.

Acompañaron a usted en su tarea de dirección los Presidentes de Liberia, Bangladesh y Canadá. La pre­sencia de la distinguida señora Ministro de Liberia en la Presidencia no fue solo una nota de carácter atrayente, sino también de eficacia, lo cual nos complació muy de veras.

Permítame que diga unas pocas palabras a mi colega y amigo Frank Shefrin; tal vez soy yo uno de los miembros del Consejo que más continuamente he teni/?/ la ocasión de compartir mis actividades en este organismo con el distinguido colega del Canadá; ad más, fuimos compañeros cercanos cuando él ocupo la Presidencia del Comité de Finanzas y yo era Presidente del Comité del Programa. Por los conocimientos personales y directos que tengo de la intensa colaboración que el colega Shefrin ha ofrecido al Consejo, puedo asegurarle que le recordaremos siempre. Muchas veces no hemos estado de acuerdo con la posición que él ha asumido, pero siempre hemos reconocido su honestidad, su inteligencia y su deseo de servicio. Deseamos que tenga un retiro muy feliz y lleve siempre el testimonio de nuestra gratitud.

En noviembre pasado, Sr. Presidente, ya habíamos tenido ocasión de trabajar bajo sus ordenes; sin embargo, fue un período de sesiones muy breve; en realidad, éste ha sido su primer examen y usted lo ha pasado con plenos votos. Estamos satisfechos de la manera inteligente y eficaz como usted ha dirigido las sesiones del Consejo.

El Director General ha dicho ya que en plena cooperación, sin confrontación, todos los miembros del Consejo hemos cumplido el programa previsto y las conclusiones son sin duda un apoyo franco y entu­siasta a la labor del Director General en favor de los obietivos de nuestra Organización para bien de todos los países y particularmente de las naciones del Tercer mundo.

Finalmente, la delegación de Colombia desea manifestar a todos que ha estado muy complacida en compar­tir este período de sesiones que hoy termina felizmente y a todos los que regresan a sus países les deseamos un feliz viaje, mucha prosperidad y hasta junio próximo.

M.S. ZEHNI (LIBYA) (interpretation from Arabic): Allow me, if I may, Mr. Chairman, to express my thanks and gratitude, which I express not only on behalf of my delegation but of other delegations who asked me to speak on their behalf. Mr. Chairman, I would first like to thank you for having chaired so objectively and effectively the work of the Council at this Session, whose results are a positive and constructive step forward. Allow me, as well, to thank the Vice-Chairpersons for their participation as Chairmen at our sessions or even for their work outside the sessions. I would like to thank them for the efforts that they have made and for their contribution to the success of our work.

I would also like to express our thanks to the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, and I think that this last thanks is a very personal thanks because I have participated directly in the work of this Drafting Committee under his chairmanship, and I would like to emphasize here the very excellent atmosphere which existed at the activities of the Working Party thanks to his humour and thanks to his leadership, I would also like to thank those who took part in the Drafting Committee for the good will, comprehension, and understanding that existed throughout the work of the Drafting Committee.

I must say that I was particularly touched by the statement made by the Director-General, and I would like to thank him for having chosen the Arabic language, for having spoken Arabic at this closing session of the Council, The Director-General's statement is an excellent one, and I am not simply paying tribute to the language but also to the ideas that he has expressed.

I would like to emphasize particularly the spirit of solidarity and the consensus which he mentioned which have been the principal characteristics of our work. We come here to discuss questions and problems which should be a means for us to work in the interest and wellbeing of the peoples whom we represent, so here I would like to thank the Director-General for having consolidated this spirit and perpetuating it. He has always been able to reconcile differences of opinion and make certain that the general interest of the Council and of all Member States should come first and foremost.

I would like to reaffirm once again at this time, and this may be my personal opinion now, that we at our last session of this Council and upon invitation of the Director-General who asked us to participate again as observers to the Council at this time when I personally am leaving my chair here at the Council, I would like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you all, Ladies and Gentlemen, and express my deep gratitude and thanks for the excellent spirit existing throughout our work. I hope I will always be able to contribute in one way or another to the work of the Council in the most useful way for the wellbeing of our Organization.

I apologise for having been a bit long, but I also wanted to say - and this is something that I have seen myself in the work of the Drafting Committee - that the role of the Secretariat has been extremely effective without any exception. I would like to thank them all and express my best wishes for the New Year.

CO. KELLER SARMIENTO (Argentina): Séame permitido en nombre del Grupo Latinoamericano, felicitar a usted, señor Presidente, por la manera magistral con que ha conducido nuestros debates. Quiero extender mi saludo y mi grato recuerdo a los tres Presidentes que en distintas oportunidades, siguiendo la tradición que usted imprimió a este Consejo, condujeron nuestras tareas con acierto, con diligencia, con prontitud y por decirlo especialmente, por la Señora Ministro de Agricultura de Liberia con tanta gracia y con tanta femineidad.

Quiero agradecer al Presidente del Comité de Redacción los esfuerzos que hizo por unir las tantas palabras que hemos desparramado por este Consejo. Gracias a sus esfuerzos hemos tenido un texto que ha sido rápidamente aprobado, y que ha contado con el consenso y la aprobación de este Consejo.

Quiero agradecer también a los Presidentes de las Comisiones del Programa y de Finanzas que tuvieron la tarea descollante e importante de iluminarnos en los diferentes aspectos de la Agenda que merecían una aclaración ulterior.

Por último, señor Presidente, quiero agradecer muy especialmente al Director General por la magnífica y excelente presentación de la documentación que ha hecho a este Consejo, por las disposiciones que ha dado en cuanto a nuevas iniciativas que hemos acordado y aprobado, y sobre todo por la manera ejemplar con la cual ha colaborado al resultado del debate, a tratar de iluminar en busca del consenso, en busca del acuerdo.

Mi felicitación no sería completa si no se extiende con un agradecimiento muy especial al personal de la Secretaría, que con una manera tan completa, generosa y tan agradable ha cumplimentado nuestras tareas. Esto se extiende a los traductores, mensajeros, personal de documentación, etc. Muchas gracias, señor Presidente.

S.A. PERVEZ (Pakistan): We have had a happy, objective and useful session. We would take this opportunity of joining other delegations in expressing our thanks to you, Mr. Chairman, the Director-General, the Vice-Chairmen, and all the delegations, for this opportunity of meeting each other and working together, which will contribute even in its own humble way in making FAO more effective and work towards its noble and vital objectives which have been spelt out so clearly. This session has once again shown that in this Organization there are no fences. We all in our own way want to do the best we can to see how we can contribute towards increasing food production, bettering nutrition and eradicating hunger from our world.

Q.H. HAQUE (Bangladesh): I assure you that I ask for the floor for the last time in this session. Thanksgiving after every meeting is a ritual, but one has to ponder whether its is really a ritual for the sake of formality or a ritual out of sincerity. We sincerely feel that this ritual is out of sincerity.

We have heard the closing statement of the Director-General. This statement is once again a constructive one, constructive at the conclusion of this session, constructive for the guidance of future sessions. He has outlined the salient features of the manner and of the purposes in which this great Organization is moving forward. Some of us may recall this session as one of those which are not a milestone in FAO's Council sessions, but I would consider it as a milestone for the reason, as we all know and appreciate, that the Technical Cooperation Programme is a cornerstone of the new FAO, and this Council Session is a cornerstone in the programme of TCP to have given its full support in order to strengthen the Programme in the future.

I always admire, Mr. Chairman, your abilities of conducting meetings, preserving an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation while retaining your position of neutrality. We have had Chairmen of this Council since the birth of FAO. I have had the privilege of attending a session under your leadership, and I feel you are a great Chairman.

We have had the Drafting Committee with very difficult tasks. Friend Papageorgiou with the smiling face has done a wonderful job. I congratulate him and his Members for this excellent work.

We also appreciate the work of the Secretariat in the documentation, but I very sincerely feel that I had the occasion of seeing documentation of other organizations. By their standard the documenta­tion in FAO is excellent. One other important element in FAO is that here prevails an atmosphere of cooperation, an atmosphere which is non-political, an atmosphere which is sincere to ensure for the hungry and malnourished a better future.

With these words I thank everybody.

Mrs. F.A. CHENOWETH (Liberia): I asked for the floor at this time just to say very briefly thanks to you as Chairman, to our Secretary-General, to the Rapporteur, to the members of the Drafting Committee, to the Director-General himself with his very able staff. We have heard other members around this table say all of the nice things about them, but we would just like from the African Region to join in and to congratulate you for everything you have done, and say thank you again for everything you have done and wish for you a very happy and prosperous year.

F. SHEFRIN (Canada): We never talk to each other or agree on the positions to take, we just ad hoc ourselves into and out of difficulties; so I trust my colleagues from North America will allow me to speak on behalf of the Region.

I must say it is a great pleasure to work for you; I have known you for a long time, since you first arrived in this Organization. On behalf of the North-American Region, I want to say your Chairmanship has provided the balance which is essential in providing a point of consensus in most circumstances. From the point of view of our Region, we again appreciate the work of the Secretariat. We should mention the documents have arrived well in advance of the meeting, which is not often the case, but this has helped us, and none of us have the excuse of saying we have not seen the documents.

We have noted with interest the active participation of the Director-General in this Session of the Council. He could not claim that he has not been heard, he could not claim he has not had a chance to speak, and we have enjoyed this; and must say, I am going to miss that voice. I hope FAO will give me a tape recorder which I can play at home when I stop coming to these Sessions, just to remind me how active life can be. I will miss the excitement of this type of meeting.

The progress of this Organization has been a very interesting one. Director-Generals have to make their own mark on the Organization, and it would be unfair of them not to try to do it; I think our present Director-General is making his mark on this Organization, and we are interested and grateful in watching the way he does it.

I would also like to say no individual is greater than FAO, and no Agency is greater than the people we are trying to help. We must never forget that objective, that whatever we do here it is people we are working with, and for whom we are working, that is very important.

I would like to say a word about the interpreters.: They are, in a way, our voice. If they misinterpret, they cause problems for us; if they interpret better than we speak, they help us. Over the years, I have never had problems with the interpreters. Every so often, the interpreters will say "Will the delegate please move away from his microphone, or speak more slowly." In my case, they have had no trouble, they interpreted what they thought I said, and in some cases they have been better than I was, and I have been greteful for that.

I want to say to all my colleagues and all my friends, on behalf of myself at this point, not so much for the Region as a whole, my very best wishes in terms of future work. We will be watching and reading very carefully, and we hope one way or the other we will have some influence on the Organization from a different atmosphere. I am graduating now to a new way.of living, and I intend to be as active in my new way of living - and as difficult, maybe - as I have been in the past.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Frank, we will be very sorry not to hear your voice again as the delegate of Canada in this Council and FAO fora. I would like to say on behalf of all of us who have known you for a long time - and also those who have known you for a short time - that you have contributed very much with your wit and sense of humour, and really enlivened our jobs in the past; we will remember you in the future. I do hope you will have a very good and happy retired life. Maybe you will come back as a consultant - maybe as a Director-General! I hope we will see you around.

For me, this is my first real Council. I was a member of the Council before, and sitting here I felt that I had lost something. I had lost my freedom to join in and say the things I liked to say; but I think this loss of freedom is very well rewarded by your kindness and your understanding, and the way in which you have assisted me and the Vice-Chairmen, Mr. Frank Shefrin and Her Excellency the Minister for Liberia; unfortunately the Vice-Minister of Bangladesh was not able to take the floor because you have been very good and we have finished before we got to his turn.

This for me is a great thing, because the Council is sovereign. You are elected here to represent your countries, to say the views of your countries, but you have said these with restraint, and I am sure next June when we will have,probably, a much more difficult Council, this spirit of cooperation and understanding will continue to prevail.

I would like to thank Dr. Saouma personally, as he has also made my work very easy. In being just part of us - he worked with us, he took part in decisions, he actually assisted us in our work, and I have had very close working relations with him, and that has assisted me, too, and for that I would like to thank Dr. Saouma personally.

Then, of course, there are the staff, especially Mr. Sylla and his staff who have worked with me every day, inside and outside; I have been working with the Drafting Committee day and night. I would like to thank them very much indeed for making the work of this Council the success it has been.

The ADGs and other officials who came to explain things to us and guide us and answer questions - I would like to thank them on behalf of all of you, I would like to thank all of the other staff who contributed to our work.

I would like to thank those members of the Council who are leaving us and I am sorry they will not be here in June, but I am sure some of them will be re-elected and come back to re-join us.

1 would also like to thank the Director-General and his Secretariat for the very nice Reception and the cordial relationship we have had during this Council.

With this I close the 74th Session of our Council, which is now concluded.


The meeting rose at 13.10 hours
La séance est levée à 13 h 10
Se levanta la sesión a las 13.10 horas

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