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1. Adoption of the Agenda
1. Adoption de l'ordre du jour
1. Aprobación del Programa

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia desearía agregar un punto adicional al actual tema 8: Otros Asuntos. Naturalmente, siempre dentro de las características definidas de este período de sesiones del Consejo, destinado a las elecciones y a los asuntos dimanantes de la Conferencia.

Preguntamos a usted, ¿Podemos hacerlo ahora?

CHAIRMAN: May we know what your suggestion is?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia desearía que en tema 8: Otros Asuntos, además del punto actual que trata de la participación de observadores en los períodos de sesiones del CPACO, se agregara otro punto que tuviera por título: Posible reducción del tiempo de duración de la Conferencia.

CHAIRMAN: As you may observe, this item, which I promised to the Conference would be put to the Council, does not appear on the agenda and, as you know, the delegate of Colombia is the previous Chairman of Council and the agenda is agreed between the Director-General and the Chairman. We have discussed this matter and my own view, which is agreed to by the Director-General, is that the matter needs looking at by the Director-General and his staff so that it can go to the Programme and Finance Committees. At our next meeting next year in November in the first meeting of Council we shall have a well-considered situation so that we can have debates based on facts. If you agree to this, then there should be no need for any additional agenda, but if on the other hand delegates want to make general comments - very concise and brief comments maybe, - to assist the Director-General in shaping his policies on this matter - we will discuss them very generally, but you know we do not have any time now to go into depth.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia está perfectamente de acuerdo con usted. Esperamos que se harán propuestas a los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas. Sin embargo, tomamos nota de su declaración en el sentido de que aquellas delegaciones que así lo deseen, podrán referirse a este asunto más adelante cuando lleguemos al tema 8.

RAMADHAR (India): I am glad that the delegate of Colombia has agreed to go by your ruling, Mr. Chairman. This is an item which is of very far-reaching consequence for this Organization, as you yourself mentioned, Sir, when you pointed out some of the issues in your statement after your re-election. I therefore fully agree with you that at this stage it is somewhat premature to discuss this item. It will have to be examined in sufficient depth and will have to come up at the appropriate time before this body after it has been examined by the appropriate committees of this Organization.

P. MASUD (Pakistan): Very briefly, Sir, to say that we agree with your proposal and also that we support the views expressed by the delegate of India just now. We are all a little tired after three weeks of very hard work, and to voice opinions about the length or duration of the Conference, this would, I think, not be the most opportune moment to do that, Sir. We must sit back, reflect, think calmy and then come back on the subject.

G. S. MAGOMBE (Tanzania): I have listened attentively to your ruling, Mr. Chairman, and I am not sure that it agrees with the second intervention of Colombia. If we understood him and if the interpretation was correct, he said we could raise the issue under "Any Other Business". However, I entirely agree with your ruling: I do not think we have enough time here, but perhaps during other meetings this could be done. At any rate I wish to make sure that the delegate of Colombia agrees with you, Sir.

CHAIRMAN: Colombia, can we avoid prolonging this debate? It seems that people are tired and I think we had best leave the matter to the Programme and Finance Committees.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Aunque parezca paradógico, la delegación de Colombia está perfectamente de acuerdo con India, Pakistán y Tanzania. Como lo dijimos en nuestra intervención inicial en la cual tal vez pecamos de brevedad, no ha sido en ningún momento nuestra intención que el Consejo se ocupe del Fondo de esta cuestión. Sólo deseábamos que el Director General presente propuestas a los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas; que esos dos órganos asesores del Consejo estudien esta cuestión en sus dos períodos de sesiones del año entrante, y que rindan Informe al 78 período de sesiones del Consejo en noviembre de 1980. Eso es todo. Ojalá que se tranquilicen mis colegas.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Colombia. Now this problem is resolved and if no delegate wishes to comment further on the agenda, I will take it that the agenda as presented to us in CL 77/OD/1 is adopted.

2. Election of Three Vice-Chairmen
2. Election des trois Vice-Présidents
2. Elección de los tres Vicepresidentes

RAMADHAR (India): I have great pleasure in proposing His Excellency Wijemanne, the Ambassador of Sri Lanka and Parliamentary Representative of Sri Lanka to FAO, as Vice-Chairman of this Council. Those of us who know him - and most of us, I think, know him very well - know him as a very pleasant person and one very actively interested in the work of this Organization. I think that as Vice-Chairman he will be of great assistance to you.

CHAIRMAN: We now have a proposal for Mr. Wijemanne of Sri Lanka as one of the Vice-Chairmen. If there is no objection, then I take it that Mr. Wijemanne is elected as one of the Vice-Chairmen.


A. ECHEVERRIA (México): En nombre de los países latinoamericanos de este Consejo, es un alto honor para la delegación de México y para mí en lo personal, presentar la candidatura del señor doctor Héctor Antonio Hernández Carabaño, distinguido Embajador de la hermana República de Venezuela ante la FAO, para ocupar una de las vicepresidencias de este 77° período de sesiones.

El doctor Hernández Carabaño es un distinguido Ingeniero Agrónomo, con una amplia experiencia en los campos de la investigación, la docencia, la política y la administración pública.

El doctor Hernández Carabaño tiene un amplio y rico curriculum; entre los cargos más importantes que ha desempeñado, debemos mencionar el de haber sido Ministro de Agricultura y Cría, Ministro de Educación y Ministro de Fomento del Gobierno de Venezuela. Pertenece a importantes organismos profesionales, y en su haber cuenta con distinciones y condecoraciones muy destacadas. Asimismo, tiene el privilegio de haber participado intensamente en reuniones internacionales de diversos tipos durante muchos años.

Creemos que con todo lo anterior, queda justificada esta candidatura y propuesta, y sabemos de antemano que el señor Embajador Hernández Carabaño podrá cumplir precisa y puntualmente con las responsabilidades conexas a la vicepresidencia para la que le proponemos.

CHAIRMAN: We now have the proposal that Dr. Hernández Carabaño of Venezuela be one of the three Vice-Chairmen. I see no objections and I therefore take it that Dr. Hernández Carabaño is elected as Vice-Chairman.


H. BAEYENS (Belgique): J'ai l'honneur et le plaisir de proposer comme Vice-Président pour cette session du Conseil Mme Astrid Bergquist, déléguée de la Suède.

Mme Bergquist est fonctionnaire du Ministère de l'agriculture de Suède. Elle suit régulièrement les travaux, non seulement du Conseil et de la Conférence, mais de certains comités de la FAO. Nous la connaissons bien depuis de longues années, et je suis certain qu'elle vous aidera avec compétence dans l'exercice de votre tâche.

CHAIRMAN: We have a proposal that Mrs. Bergquist of Sweden be one of the three Vice-Chairmen as proposed by Belgium. Unless I see any objections, I shall take it that Mme Bergquist is elected as a Vice-Chairman.


We now have all three Vice-Chairmen elected, as we can move on to the next item.

If you agree, in order to save time we might follow the procedure that we followed two years ago by combining the various elections. In this connexion I would like to ask the Secretary-General to tell us how many candidates are standing, for which committees, and so on, so that we are clear before taking a decision as to how we want this planned.

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