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3. Nomination of the Chairman of the Conference, and of the Chairmen of the Commissions of the Conference
3. Propositions de candidatures aux postes de Président de la Conference, de Présidents des commissions de la Conférence
3. Propuestas de candidaturas para la presidencia de la Conferencia y de las Comisiones de la Conferencia

CHAIRMAN: With regard to this item, we held a meeting this morning of co-ordinators of the various groups, chairmen of the various regional groups, with the Director-General and with the Secretary-General in my office. We discussed this item, and the various groups agreed on the recommendation that we should make to the Conference, to be put to the Council now, with regard to the Chairman of the Conference; you will remember that in June when we met we had discussions privately with heads of delegations and that the chairmanship of the Conference would normally go to the North American region. However, after detailed discussion, that region declined to take the chairmanship. Therefore we informed the next region, that is the Latin America region, asking them to produce a candidate and after discussions I have been informed -- and also at the meeting this morning -- that the Latin America group have agreed to nominate Mr. Ruben Aguado, the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Argentina, who is available throughout the Conference, to be the Chairman of the Conference.

Now all the groups' coordinators when we met accepted this nomination by the Latin America Group. So I now put to you that we recommend to the Conference the name of Mr. Ruben Aguado, the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Argentina.


F. PETRELLA (Argentina): En nombre de mi país deseo agradecer muy cálidamente a los miembros del Consejo per haber designado como candidato a la Presidencia del 21° período de sesiones de la Conferencia al Ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería, Don Jorge Rubén Aguado.

Deseo transmitir a ustedes la honra que ello significa para el Sr. Aguado, así como su reconocimiento por la oportunidad que se le brinda para trabajar en favor de los nobles ideales de la FAO desde un foro donde están representados ampliamente todas las regiones y todos los sistemas jurídicos y políticos del mundo.

Para los países hermanos de América Latina, vaya especialmente nuestro saludo emocionado por haber hecho posible esta designación.

CHAIRMAN: We will now go on to the Chairman of the Commissions. For Commission I when the Groups met we agreed that this should go to the Africa region and the Africa Group have nominated Mr. J. Tchicaya, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative to FAO of the Congo to be the Chairman of Commission I. This was accepted at the coordination meeting this morning and this is now put to you.


J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Je voudrais simplement remercier tout d'abord le groupe africain pour avoir bien voulu présenter ma candidature au Conseil. Je voudrais ensuite remercier le Conseil pour avoir accepté de le représenter par ma candidature, à la Conférence.

CHAIRMAN: For the Chairman of Commission II it was agreed that this should go to Europe and the European OECD Group have nominated Mr. R. Steiner who is a Ministerialrat in the Federal Ministry of Agriculture of Austria. This nomination was also agreed to in the meeting I had with the Director-General, with the liaison officers and the various groups. So Mr. Steiner is now proposed as a candidate as Chairman of Commission II.


P. ROSENEGGER (Observer for Austria): I would like to thank the Group of the OECD countries who have proposed Mr. Steiner for this important function and I would also like to thank those who supported his nomination. We consider this nomination a great honour for our country and I take great pleasure in informing you that Mr. Steiner will accept this nomination. I am certain that he will do his utmost to serve this important Commission in the best possible way.

CHAIRMAN: For the position of Chairman of Commission III it was agreed that this should go to the Asia region and the representatives of Asia region have nominated Mr. S.A. Qureshi Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture of Pakistan as a candidate.


T. AHMAD (Pakistan): I wish to convey my delegation's appreciation first of all to the Asian group who were kind enough to nominate my Secretary of the Federal Government for Food and Agriculture for the Chairmanship of Commission III and I also wish to convey appreciation to all the members of the Council who have so kindly agreed.

4. Election of the Nominations Committee
4. Election de membres de la Commission des candidatures
4. Elección del Comité de Candidaturas

CHAIRMAN: Now the Nominations Committee consists of 11 member countries who then put up the people who will serve on the Committee. At the meeting this morning we discussed also this item and the various regional groups agreed as follows: For Africa it is recommended that Botswana and Upper Volta should be represented on the Nominations Committee; for Asia it is Indonesia and Thailand; for Latin America it is Costa Rica and Venezuela; for the Near East it is Yemen, the Peoples Democratic Republic; for North America it is Canada; for Europe it is Finland and the United Kingdom and for the Southwest Pacific, Australia. These are the nominations for the Nominations Committee who will supply people who will sit on this Committee.

It was so decided
Il en est ainsi décidé
Así se acuerda

5. Nomination of the Chairman of the Informal Meeting of Observers of Non-Governmental Organizations
5. Designation du President de la réunion officieuse des observateurs des organisations non gouvernementales
5. Propuesta de candidaturas para el cargo de presidente de la reunión oficiosa de observadores de organizaciones no gubernamentales

CHAIRMAN: This is the nomination of the Chairman of the informal meeting of observers of non_ governmental organizations. At the meeting this morning it was agreed to put forward Prof. Michel Cépède who is the President of the French National Committee for Freedom from Hunger Campaign.

It was so decided
Il en est ainsi décide
Asi se acuerda

VII. OTHER MATTERS (continued)
VII. OTROS ASUNTOS (continuación)

18. Date and Place of the Eighty-first Session of the Council
18. Date et lieu de la quatre-vingt-unième session du Conseil
18. Fecha y lugar del 81° período de sesiones del Consejo

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: La réunion du Conseil se tiendra immédiatement après la Conférence, donc le 27 novembre et elle se terminera le même jour. Il est prévu que les travaux du Conseil ce jour-là commenceraient à 9 h 30.

CHAIRMAN: That means the next meeting of Council is fixed for the 27th of November immediately after the Conference. This concludes item 18 and we can start with the adoption of report.

Adoption of report
Adoption du rapport
Aprobación del informe

Draft report of Plenary - Part I
Projet de rapport de la plénière - Première partie
Proyecto de informe de la Plenaria - Parte I

Mme G. ROSSI PEROTTI (Présidente du Comité de rédaction): Vous savez très bien comment nous procédons dans nos travaux. Je voulais simplement vous informer de la façon dont se sont passés les travaux du Comité de rédaction. Celui-ci a préparé deux parties du rapport qui sont sous vos yeux et il a siégé durant deux séances, hier soir et ce matin. Notre travail a été accompli dans une atmosphère très détendue qui a permis au Comité de se pencher sur le rapport d'une façon très satisfaisante. Aussi notre travail a pu être accompli avec aisance et rapidité.

Je tiens par conséquent à remercier très vivement les membres du Comité de rédaction pour leur contribution et leur compréhension. Je tiens également à remercier le Secrétariat de la FAO pour son assistance à nos travaux.

Naturellement, je suis à votre entière disposition au cas où des éclaircissements sur les travaux du Comité s'avéreraient nécessaires

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

Paragraph 2 approved
Le paragraphe 2 est approuvé
El párrafo 2 es aprobado


G. STREEB(United States of America): Could I ask that at the end of the first sentence in Paragraph 3 you add the words'as adopted'?

CHAIRMAN: Is that agreed? There is no. objection to the proposal by the United States delegate? Agreed.

Paragraphs 3 to 12, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 3 à 12, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
párrafos 3 a 12, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraphs 13 to 19 approved
Les paragraphes 13 à 19 sont approuvés
párrafos 13 a 19 son aprobados

PARRAFOS 20 a 24

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Es muy grato discutir este proyecto de informe que fue elaborado por un Comité de Redacción presidido por una dama distinguida como la Sra. Rossi Perotti.

Sobre el párrafo 20, el texto español comparado con el texto inglés, que suponemos fue el idioma básico, tiene por lo menos la mitad tan solo del contenido del párrafo 20 en el idioma inglés. Desapareció la otra mitad del párrafo 20, por lo que ruego a la Secretaría que compare estos dos textos y los ajuste.

Esto no tiene importancia, pero la intención de nuestra intervención está referida al párrafo 21. En el párrafo 21 en realidad se refleja lo que paso en París en la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre países menos adelantados, pero no se refleja lo que paso aquí en el Consejo. En esa forma el párrafo es muy pasivo. Sé que no hubo un gran debate sobre este tema, pero por lo menos nuestra delegación sí intervino y destaco como hecho positivo la actuación del Gobierno italiano. Por lo tanto, proponemos simplemente que el párrafo 21 comience con las siguientes palabras: "El Consejo tomo nota con satisfacción desque", y luego sigue tal como está, "en la Conferencia de París etc.". Con esto por lo menos se hace un mínimo de justicia al interés que ha despertado la iniciativa italiana sobre el tema.

CHAIRMAN: I give the floor to the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to answer two points raised, one in connection with Paragraph 20 and the proposed addition to Paragraph 21.

Mme G. ROSSI PEROTTI (Présidente du Comité de rédaction): Nous avons pris note de la traduction en espagnol. Nous allons ajouter la partie qui manque et quant à la phrase que le délégué de la Colombie veut ajouter, il n'en a pas été discuté au Comité de rédaction, donc c'est le Conseil qui peut accepter que cette phrase soit ajoutée à ce paragraphe.

CHAIRMAN: Should we then add what the delegate from Colombia has suggested to the beginning of Paragraph 21? Agreed. Then Paragraph 20 will be properly translated into Spanish.

G. STREEB (United States of America): Just for the sake of accuracy I would like to make the quotation from Cancun complete. At the end of the first sentence the text from Cancun should read: 'At the United Nations on a basis to be mutually agreed and in circumstances offering the prospect of meaningful progress.' That is a direct quote from the Chairman's Report from the Cancun Conference. That is Paragraph 23.

CHAIRMAN: That will be done. There will be no problem with that. Paragraph 23 will be given the full statement, as suggested by the US delegate.

Paragraphs 20 to 24, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 20 à 24, ainsi amendes, sont approuvés
párrafos 20 a 24, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 25 approved
Le paragraphe 25 est approuve
El párrafo 25 es aprobado

Paragraphs 26 to 28 approved
Les paragraphes 26 à 28 sont approuves
párrafos 26 a 28 son aprobados


On paragraph 29 I will give the floor to the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

Mme G. ROSSI-PEROTTI (Presidente du Comité de rédaction): Il y a une petite correction à faire. Il s'agit d'un mot qui était au pluriel et il faut le mettre au singulier, à la 8ème ligne avant la fin en anglais et à la troisième ligne en français. La contribution de l'OPEP est au singulier. Même correction en espagnol.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (WFP): I agree with that correction. I also have a small point on the tenth line from the top in the English text, when we are urging traditional and potential donors to make every effort, etc. I think we should be a little more precise on that. What we are speaking of is the food situation in the developing world. Perhaps we should say there, if the Council agrees, 'in view of the precarious food situation in many countries and regions of the developing world'. Perhaps that adjust-ment should be done.

CHAIRMAN: So it would read: 'in view of the precarious food situation in many countries and regions of the developing world'.

Paragraph 29 incl. draft resolution, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 29, y compris le projet de résolution, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 29, incluido el proyecto de resolución, así enmendado, es aprobado

The Resolution of paragraph 29 is adopted
La Résolution du paragraphe 29 est adoptée
La Resolución del párrafo 29 es aprobado

PARRAFOS 30 a 36

Mme G. ROSSI PEROTTI (Présidente du Comité de rédaction): Je voudrais corriger un point à la quatrième ligne avant la fin du paragraphe 34. C'est une modification que nous avons apportée au cours du Comité de rédaction. Au lieu de lire "au consensus" il faudrait lire "à un consensus".

CHAIRMAN: Instead of the "the" it is "a".

G. STREEB (United States of America): In paragraph 35, a very important point that was made by all of these delegations as I recall, has been omitted, and I would like to insert a sentence after the end of the sentence in the sixth line, in other words, after "also areas in which the proposed budget could be reduced.", to insert the following sentence: "They expressed their disappointment that, given the concern over the budget they had expressed at the 79th session, the Director-General had not proposed a lower budget".

CHAIRMAN: Now, here is an addition, a statement of fact being added. Is this acceptable to the members?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): No podemos aceptar algo que no hemos captado totalmente. Creo que es necesario que se lea muy lentamente.

G. STREEB (United States of America): I will write it at the same time so that I am at the speed: "They expressed their disappointment that, given the concern over the budget they had expressed at the 79th Session, the Director-General had not proposed a lower budget".

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Yo solo deseaba tener el texto. Aun no estoy en condiciones de pronunciarme.

CHAIRMAN: The United States delegate is proposing a sentence to be inserted after the sixth line; it is a complete sentence he is inserting. I think this is the point is it not, United States?

So this is the text of the sentence which he is proposing. Any comments?

Chairman of the Drafting Committee, did you discuss this?

Mrs. G. PEROTTI ROSSI (Chairman of the Drafting Committee): We discussed paragraph 35 at length, and we re-arranged it, but this specific point was not made, from what I recall.

E.M. WEST (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): If I may, I would like to make a comment on the Draft Report as submitted to the Drafting committee and as discussed therein. Such a sentence was not included in the draft, neither was the sentence in paragraph 31 or one of the earlier paragraphs recording the view of the majority, that the Director-General had been correct in proposing the budget he had in view of the decision of the last Council that he should use his proposal as the basis for preparation of the final Programme of Work and Budget. So this was a balanced omission if you like. It is up to the Council to decide what to do, but I feel fairly safe in saying, if I may, on behalf of the Director-General, that if now one side of the Drafting Committee, so to speak, who are concerned with paragraph 35 have a concern about remedying an omission, it would be a matter of satisfaction if this implied criticism of the Director-General could be corrected by inserting what has been omitted on the other side of the argument.

G. STREEB (United States of America): I continue to be baffled by procedure here. I apologize, since I have not been through very many FAO meetings. It seems to me that if I am not on the Drafting Committee, it is a little hard for me to make my points there, and therefore that is what this meeting here is for. I have absolutely no problem with acts of commission. If there is a feeling that there is a problem of balance here and the Director-General or the other Members of this Committee or the Council want to insert the sentence somewhere else, I have absolutely no problem with that.

CHAIRMAN: So that both sides can be stated, yes. In that case, Mr. West can give us a small draft for the other side so that both sides can be balanced.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): Regarding the sentence which the U.S.A. wants to insert, if I remember the issue correctly this issue was mentioned by one delegation, whereas practically 40 members of the Council conversely said that the Director-General more or less did not have the mandate to change the level of the budget, because it was supported by the majority during the 79th Council. If this sentence is to be inserted, then I would agree with Mr. West; I would urge that the converse sentence saying that the overwhelming majority of the Council in 79th and the overwhelming majority of the Council in the 80th session said that the level of the budget was according to the majority's views and the Director-General had no mandate to change it.

Thus, we personally have no difficulty with the Draft Report as it is, as compared with the Drafting Group, and I am sure the Drafting Group went to great pains in making and preparing this Report, and I believe they were here last night untili 11.00 and the U.S.A. was represented on the Drafting Group, whereas the majority of the other countries were not, so we would be happier with the formulation of the Drafting Group, but if that sentence has to be added, then we think that the converse position should also be reflected.

S. AIDARA (Senegal): Monsieur le Président, comme vous le savez j'ai siégé au Comité de rédaction. Je dois avouer que ce paragraphe 35 était libellé d'une autre façon quand nous l'avons examiné au cours de nos travaux. Ce n'est qu'à l'issue de négociations laborieuses que nous avons accepté le paragraphe 35 comme étant un compromis, que nous avons élaboré avec beaucoup de difficultés, les uns et les autres offrant un maximum de coopération. Je ne sais pas si la délégation des Etats-Unis insiste pour faire inclure ce membre de phrase, mais je ne me souviens pas, en tant que délégation qui a suivi les travaux de la 79ème session du Conseil, qu'il ait été donné mandat au Directeur général de réduire le budget. Au cours de cette session, certaines délégations avaient manifesté le désir de réduire le budget mais, si je me souviens bien, le mandat donné au Directeur général était d'élaborer le projet de budget sur la base du sommaire du Programme de travail et de budget qui avait été examiné par le Conseil à sa 79ème session.

Monsieur West nous propose une solution. La délégation américaine désire faire insérer ce membre de phrase dans le paragraphe 35. Je m'en appelle à la sagesse de la délégation américaine pour rappeler que ce paragraphe a été élaboré à l'issue de négociations et de consultations avec le représentant des Etats-Unis au niveau du Comité de rédaction. J'ai personnellement pris part à ces négociations. Le paragraphe 35 est le fruit de ces négociations.

G. STREEB (United States of America): Once again I certainly do not feel bound by things that have been done in a drafting group in which I did not personally participate, I thought I was only inserting a question here of facts, which I am sure when you get the verbatim record you will find a minimum of two delegations made, so I did not realize I was going to stir things up so much, because when you read paragraph 34, it says that the"great majority… strongly supported … as realistic … minimum required … concept of zero-growth … not acceptable to the vast majority … inappropriate in the case of FAO … substantial increase could be justified". It sounds to me like paragraph 34 is quite strong in its content. Then you get to 35 and you start getting "unable to support", the general economic problems of the world, they felt it was more appropriate to consolidate certain activities and so forth. It seems to me a very mild paragraph following on 34, so I think any suggestion that my insertion is in any way offsetting a delicate balance in this text comes as a bit of surprise to me, but nevertheless, I think we have had a fairly good session here, and I certainly do not want to end it on a sour note over a sentence like this, so if in the light of the comments I have heard from the members of the developing countries here and in the hope that we go into the Conference on a positive note, I will certainly not insist that this sentence be put in there and I will withdraw that suggestion.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you. United States, for solving the problem in this manner. I have two other Members to call upon, if they want to speak - Federal Republic of Germany and Lebanon.

W.A.F. GRABISH (German, Federal Republic of): I was going to say the delegate of the United States is correct, according to my memory. Several delegations spoke according to the views which he spelt out, but we can go along the paragraph as it stands as a compromise.

A.A. MALEK (Liban) (Langue originale arabe): Le Comité de rédaction a passé au moins deux heures à discuter le paragraphe 35. L'amendement proposé n'a pas été émis devant le Comité de rédaction. Le délégué des Etats-Unis a participé à la rédaction de ce paragraphe 35. Per conséquent, nous en appelons au délégué des Etats-Unis pour qu'il retire cet amendement.

CHAIRMAN: He has actually done so! Thank you very much.

Paragraphs 30 to 36, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 30 à 36, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
párrafos 30 a 36, asi enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part I, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la pléhière 1ère partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte I, así enmendado, es aprobado



G. STREEB (United States of America): Just to make sure that there is no confusion, the very last line on page 2 should read: "organization that…" and then delete "even later" and delete "could be expected in future"; and then have it read "that the largest contributor had advised the Organization that in the future payment would normally be made in the fourth quarter of the calendar year".

CHAIRMAN: That is a correction of fact, and a statement of fact also. Is there any problem with this? No.

G. STREEB (United States of America): I am a little confused over this paragraph because they start out in 4 talking about "the Council" and I do not recall my delegation being a party to the statements that are made in paragraph 5 specifically, so I wonder if this section should not be like many of the others which say something about "the vast majority recalled" or "the vast majority said something to that effect", just to be consistent.

Mrs. G. ROSSI PEROTTI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I do not recollet that we had any discussions on this specific point.

CHAIRMAN: Perhaps Mr. West can provide a formulation?

E.M. WEST (Assistant Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): It is obvious why the United States does not wish to have it though it was general in paragraph 5, so if they were on their own in this I would suggest it should read "all but one Member Nation" but if there are other Member Nations which wish to associate themselves with the United States we would have to say "the great majority". My impression was it was only the United States which in fact disassociated itself from this and therefore if it is acceptable to the Council it would be correct to say "all but one Member".

CHAIRMAN: But this does not specify which Member.

G. STREEB (United States of America): There is also a mistake in the third word in the second line, I think it should be "affected" and not "effected".

CHAIRMAN: Yes, that is correct. Thank you.

Paragraphs 1 to 10, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 10, ainsi anendés, sont approuvés
párrafos 1 a 10, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraphs 11 to 13 approved
Les paragraphes 11 à 13 sont approuvés
párrafos 11 a 13 son aprobados

Paragraphs 14 and 15 approved
Les paragraphes 14 et 15 sont approuvés,
Los párrafos 14 y 15 son aprobados

Paragraph 16, including draft resolution, approved
Le paragraphe 16, y compris le projet de résolution, est approuvé
párrafo 16, incluido el proyecto de resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 17 to 23 approved
Les paragraphes 17 à 23 sont approuvés
párrafos 17 a 23 son aprobados

Paragraph 24, including draft resolution, approved
Le paragraphe 24, y compris le projet de résolution, est approuvé
párrafo 24, incluido el proyecto de resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 25 to 35 approved
Les paragraphes 25 a 35 sont approuvés
párrafos 25 a 35 son aprobados

Paragraphs 36, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 36, y compris la résolution, est adopté
párrafo 36, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraph 37 approved
Le paragraphe 37 est approuvé
párrafo 37 es aprobado

Paragraphs 38 and 39 approved
Les paragraphes 38 et 39 sont approuvés
párrafos 38 y 39 son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part II, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la plénière Ilème partie. ainsi amendé, est adopté
proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte II, así enmendado, es aprobado


Paragraph 1 approved
Le paragraphe 1 est approuve
párrafo 1 es aprobado

Paragraph 2 approved
Le paragraphe 2 est approuve
párrafo 2 es aprobado

Paragraph 3 approved
Le paragraphe 3 est approuve
párrafo 3 es aprobado

Paragraph 4 approved
Le paragraphe 4 est approuvé
párrafo 4 es aprobado

Paragraph 5 approved
Le paragraphe 5 est approuve
párrafo 5 es aprobado

Paragraphs 6 to 8 approved
Les paragraphes 6 à 8 sont approuves
párrafos 6 a 8 son aprobados

Paragraph 9, including draft resolution, approved
Le paragraphe 9, y compris le projet de résolution, est approuve
párrafo 9, incluido el proyecto de resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 10 and 11 approved
Les paragraphes 10 et 11 sont approuves
párrafos 10 y 11 son aprobados

Paragraph 12, including draft resolution, approved
Le paragraphe 12, y compris le projet de resolution, est approuve
párrafo 12, incluido el proyecto de resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 13 to 18 approved
Les paragraphes 13 à 18 sont approuves
párrafos 13 a 18 son aprobados

Paragraphs 19 and 20 approved
Les paragraphes 19 et 20 sont approuvés
párrafos 19 y 20 son aprobados

Paragraphs 21 to 24 approved
Les paragraphes 21 à 24 sont approuvés
párrafos 21 a 24 son aprobados


S. AIDARA (Sénégal): J'ai écouté pour ma part, très attentivement du reste, ce paragraphe 25 qui concerne la construction de bâtiments et concerne également l'intention du gouvernement hôte de mettre un certain nombre de structures au service de la FAO. Je pense qu'il faudrait peut-être revoir ce paragraphe au sujet de l'autorité spécifiquement visée. Je ne pense pas qu'il soit opportun de l'indiquer. Nous pourrions tout simplement dire que, malgré les autorités, malgré les déclarations, ou bien malgré les bonnes intentions du gouvernement du pays hôte, la déclaration expresse faite par cette eminente personnalité du gouvernement ….

Je ne sais pas ce qu'en pensent les autres membres du Conseil, mais je pense qu'il ne faudrait peut-être pas spécifier la personnalité qui a fait la déclaration.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Comparto la preocupación del Senegal y voy un poco más allá. Creo que se debe suprimir esa última frase, entre otras cosas porque según entiendo esa manifestación fue hecha el 16 de octubre con motivo del Día Mundial de la Alimentación y no podemos esperar que después de tres semanas se vaya a cumplir ese proposito. De modo que lo mejor es suprimir esa frase final.

CHAIRMAN: I think there are some corrections.

Mme G. ROSSI PEROTTI (Italie): Je n'étais pas présente au moment où le chef de ma délégation a fait son intervention à ce sujet ce matin. Je sais qu'il a mis à jour cette intervention, mais je n'ai pas sous les yeux le texte précis. Cependant, je crois bien qu'est mentionnée l'intervention du Président du Conseil dans sa déclaration. Donc, je trouve qu'il faudrait la mentionner puisque cela a été dit.

CHAIRMAN: I think what the delegate of Senegal was pointing out and also the delegate of Colombia is that the reference in connection with this statement is such that it cannot expect any results in such a short time so the Secretatiat is now recasting the statement or the sentence.

H.H. CARABASO (Venezuela): Comparto la preocupación de Senegal y de Colombia, pero creo que el Consejo no puede ignorar la declaración del personero del Gobierno de Italia en el Día Mundial de la Alimentación. Entonces, en vez de decir "pese" debía decir "si bien el Consejo ha tomado nota con complacencia de lo declarado por el Presidente Spadolini en la Reunión del Consejo del Día Mundial de la Alimentación.

CHAIRMAN: Mr. de Caprona, do you have a formulation you can read now?

N. C. de CAPRONA (Director, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division): Perhaps we could begin the sentence, instead of saying "no concrete action" if we say "no immediate concrete action has yet been taken by the Host Government in connexion with the other interim measures which was also by the Finance Committee as requiring urgent and simultaneous implementation; nor on the proposal for a new building complex. The statement by the Prime Minister on the occasion of World Food Day was, however, duly noted.

E. M. WEST (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I think if you want to recast this we have to go back earlier in the paragraph. The first sentence would remain the same, "The Council noted the recommendations of the Finance Committee, as outlined in the Committee's report", etc. etc. The second sentence would be, "It also noted with concern that, despite the Director-General's efforts, the only developments since that session of the Committee was the possibility of the Host Government implementing one of the interim measures proposed by the Director-General, namely the construction of some sixty rooms on the roof of building D, and the welcome statement made recently by the President of the Council of Ministers of Italy regarding the government's good intentions in regard to a new building complex". So the only development since the Committee have been these two things, some progress on the interim arrangement and this statement. Then we would go on "No concrete action has yet been taken by the Host Government in connexion with the other interim measures" etc., etc. or on the proposal for a new building complex". So you report what happened on the 16th of October as a welcome development but regret that no concrete action has yet been taken. This would then lead logically to the further paragraphs in the report.

CHAIRMAN: Mr. West, I think the declaration on the World Food Day by the Prime Minister should be separated and reported as a matter of fact that he made the statement because it is too short a time to lead to any action.

E. M. WEST (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): This would be in the second sentence, "It noted with concern that despite the Director-General's efforts the only development since the session of the Committee had been the possibility" and then we refer to the interim measures and then the welcome statement made on the 16th of October, World Food Day, and then you would go on "No concrete action had however yet been taken" without referring to any particular statement. You just say "No concrete action had yet been taken" and then you go on to decide what you do in these circumstances. This is the logical sequence.

Now I will read the whole paragraph; "The Council noted the recommendations of the Finance Committee as outlined in the Committee's Report of its Forty-eighth Session. It also noted with concern that, despite the Director-General's effort, the only developments since the session of that Committee were the possibility of the Host Government implementing one of the interim measures proposed by the Director-General, namely the construction of some 60 rooms on the roof of building D, and the welcome statement made on World Food Day, 16th of October, by the President of the Council of Ministers of Italy regarding the government's good intentions concerning the construction of a new building complex". Then I would suggest a new paragraph saying "The Council noted however that no concrete action had yet been taken by the Host Government in connexion with the other interim measures which were also recognized by the Finance Committee as requiring urgent and simultaneous implementation; nor on the proposal for a new building complex".

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): I think that some small further alteration and it would then read quite well and be quite logical; I think the second sentence, the reference to the action taken by the Director-General is not the preferable place. I think it should be moved to the third sentence and then it will I think be agreeable to all. In the second sentence we would then simply note the two developments that happened since the Finance Committee's session and then you can continue saying "despite all steps taken by the Director-General no concrete measures…" or whatever, and then I think it would read logically.

CHAIRMAN: The only problem now, Mr. West, is that you have to put it into the new formulation for us to hear, because we will adopt it.

E. M. WEST (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): The second sentence will now read: "It also noted that the only developments since…" and it will continue as before. The new paragraph I suggested will be: "noted, however, with concern that despite the Director-General's efforts no concrete action has yet been taken", etc.

S. AIDARA (Senegal): Je n!ai pas d'objection majeure, mais je pense qu'il faudrait apporter un léger amendement au texte tel qu'il a été lu par M. West, si l'on veut se référer à la déclaration de M. Spadolini qui avait pris la parole au cours de la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation. En fait, il n'a pas dit qu'il y avait une décision du gouvernement italien de mettre de nouveaux bâtiments à la disposition de la FAO. Lors de sa déclaration, il a réitéré la décision du gouvernement italien de créer un Centre mondial de l'alimentation. C'est le terme exact de sa déclaration. Donc, au lieu de "nouveau complexe de bâtiments" il faudrait dire "Centre mondial de l'alimentation".

CHAIRMAN: I think whether you call it "World Food Centre" or "new building complex" is immaterial, because it is going to be a building. The important thing is either the Prime Minister's statement is reported correctly in its intention or its decision, because those of us who were not here do not know if he pronounced a decision of his government or an intention and I think Mr. West's draft says intention, which is, I think, correct. If that operative word "intention" is correct, then I do not think it matters whether it is World Food Centre or a complex.

S. AIDARA (Sénégal): Je vous remercie, Monsieur le Président. Je ne voudrais pas prolonger le débat. Je suis tout à fait d'accord mais je voulais simplement respecter l'esprit de la déclaration de M. Spadolini.

CHAIRMAN: We will agree with the formulation that you have now heard.

Paragraph 25, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 25, ainsi amende, est approuvé
El párrafo 25, asi enmendado, es aprobado


CHAIRMAN: It is said the following Member Nations, but I think Colombia and Saudi Arabia made specific recommendations as to one from each region.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): La enmienda nuestra reza textualmente así: "…integrada por siete Estados Miembros pertenecientes a cada una de las regiones de la FAO, o sea, un miembro por cada región, siete en total". Ese fue el texto que propusimos y que el Consejo acogió.

S. AIDARA (Sénégal): Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec le représentant de la Colombie, mais je voudrais rappeler qu'il avait été décidé que les représentants de ces Etats devaient être à Rome. Cet élément avait été souligné.

CHAIRMAN: This is correct. Now that the Colombian amendment which was agreed to when we discussed the matter has come up we should also include the Saudi Arabian suggestion that they should be resident. So the operative paragraph of the Resolution would be recast now to read as amended.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia)r Creo que es exacto lo que dijo mi colega de Senegal, pero creo también que esta mañana convinimos en que no convendría complicar el texto mismo del proyecto de la Resolución; que el texto de la resolución lo dejaríamos como fue enmendado por nuestra delegación, y que en el contexto del informe, pondríamos que ese grupo estaría integrado, en lo posible, por representantes residentes en Roma. Esto hace más sencilla la solución.

CHAIRMAN: I remember we discussed in the Conference itself. So far as the people who made the suggestion of including all this do not press for it, I think the Colombian amendment is straightforward and the rest can be done in debate. If that is agreed I will ask Mr. de Caprona to read the final text.

N.C. de CAPRONA (Director, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division): Operative paragraph 1: 'Decides to establish, under Article VI.5 of the Constitution, a working party consisting of the seven following Member Nations, one from each of the FAO regions.'

CHAIRMAN: Why not instead of saying 'the following Member Nations' simply say one from each?

E.M. WEST (Assistant Director General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): Following on what was suggested I think it is much simpler if you do not complicate the Resolution because you get into terrific tangles and it does not make sense if you mention the Member Nations and then specify that they

be from various regions. The names, when they are put in, will obviously be from the regions. I think it is much simpler if in the text before you adopt the Resolution you say what you want to say on the subject both of the geographical representation and the question of permanent representatives in Rome and just keep the Resolution to say, ".decides to establish a working party consisting of the following Member Nations, " and then you name the Member Nations. But it will be clear from the Report that they will be chosen in accordance with certain principles which we have just discussed.

CHAIRMAN: We in fact agreed this morning to the Colombian proposal, which said in the Resolution we should include one from each FAO region. We should incorporate that somewhere into this Resolution. All we need really is putting it into neat language.

E.M. WEST (Assistant Director General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): If you want to do it this way, Mr. Chairman, I think operative Paragraph 1 has to be split into two paragraphs. You have to begin by saying:

'l. Decides to establish, under Article VI.5 of the Constitution, a working party consisting of seven Member Nations comprising a representative from each of the seven regions.'

Then you say:

'2. Decides accordingly to appoint, or select, the following Member Nations, ' and then the names will appear.

CHAIRMAN: I think that will solve the problem.

A. CONTE MAROTTA (Italy): I am making an exception against my conviction. I strongly suggest you should limit the number of persons. Three could make less danger, six already should be confusion, ten will be disaster.

CHAIRMAN: Of course the number of seven came from Colombia. Either three or seven will be effective.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Creo que se están complicando las cosas innecesariamente. Nuestra propuesta de esta mañana fue muy clara. Yo no creo que ofrezca dificultades, de que sea necesario dividir el párrafo de la resolución en dos partes. Nosostros hemos propuesto claramente: "integrado por siete Estados Miembros, uno por cada una de las siete regiones de la FAO"; uno por cada una de las siete regiones de la FAO. Esto no ofrece dificultades ni hay que agregar nada, según propone el Sr. West. Yo creo que el texto de resolución debe ser sencillo y simple como lo propuso el Comité de Finanzas.

S. AIDARA (Sénégal): Pour nous permettre d'avancer, ne pourrions-nous pas autoriser M. de Caprona à continuer la lecture? Pendant ce temps, M. West pourrait peut-être se pencher sur un texte précis de ce paragraphe.

CHAIRMAN: Let us have what we have got first, because what Mr. West said is just divide it. You give in one paragraph the principle of it and then in the next paragraph the actual countries that have been elected by Conference. I do not think, Colombia, there is anything wrong in that. It does not affect your amendment really. So perhaps we could hear it now, Mr. de Caprona, slowly as Mr. West gave it.

N.C. de CAPRONA (Director, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division): If I understand well, we would have as the first operative paragraph:

"Decides to establish, under Article VI.5 of the Constitution a working party consisting of seven Member Nations comprising a representative of each of the seven FAO regions,

and then a second operative paragraph:

"Decides that the working party will comprise the following Member Nations:"

CHAIRMAN: Then we go on to the next paragraph.

M. TRKULJØ (Yugoslavia): I think we could quite easily delete one word, "competent", because it would in a way imply that there might be incompetent authorities. We could say simply "Italian authorities at the highest level", I think, without harm.

CHAIRMAN: I do not think it matters. We will delete the word "competent" and we will go on.

Paragraph 26, incl. draft resolution, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 26, y compris le projet de résolution, ainsi amendé, est approuve
párrafo 26, incluido el proyectó de resolución, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraphs 27 to 31 approved
Les paragraphes 27 à 31 sont approuvés
párrafos 27 a 31 son aprobados


N.C. DE CAPRONA (Director, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division):

"32. The Council endorsed the views expressed in the reports of the Programme and Finance Committees on the Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses concerning the operating of the Acting Programme and the need for additional resources to finance project requests already received and continuation of the Programme in the future."

CHAIRMAN: Can you read that again?

N.C. DE CAPRONA (Director, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division): Yes, there is something wrong.

"The Council endorsed the views expressed in the reports of the Programme and Finance Committees on the Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses concerning the operations of the Action Programme and the need for additional resources to finance project requests already received and the continuation of the Programme in future."

CHAIRMAN: I do not know, that does not sound right. Maybe a sentence needs to be broken up or something.

N.C. DE CAPRONA (Director, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division):

"The Council endorsed the views expressed in the reports of the Programme and Finance Committees concerning the operation of the Action Programme and the need for additional resources to finance project requests already received and continuation of the Programme in future."

CHAIRMAN: Yes, that is satisfactory.

Paragraphs 32 to 37, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 32 à 37, ainsi amendes, sont approuvés
párrafos 32 à 37, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 38, including draft resolution, approved
Le paragraphe 38, y compris le projet dé resolution, est approuvé
párrafo 38, incluido el proyecto de resolución, es aprobado

Paragraph 39 approved
Le paragraphe 39 est approuvé
párrafo 39 es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary, Part III, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière, IIIe partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte III, así enmendado, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN: This then concludes the Eightieth Session of Council. This session has been a very short meeting and is therefore, very, very, cramped. We are sorry about that, but this is always so just before the Conference.

W.A.F. GRABISCH (Germany, Federal Republic of): With your permission, Mr. Chairman, and with the permission of the other delegations around the table, may I just say a few words before you close, Mr. Chairman.

Some colleagues around the table thought I could have felt somehow upset yesterday at the end of our afternoon session when you, Mr. Chairman, interrupted me in trying to make a constructive proposal, but I can assure them and also you, Mr. Chairman, that I was not, as we two have been working fruitfully together in the interests of FAO for quite a time.

During these years I was always touched by your frankness, your broad professional knowledge, objectivity, and your spirit for compromise and conciliation. It is the feeling of my delegation that our Organization owes you more than could be indicated by the space given to your portrait here in the Red Room.

Mr. Chairman, I have no doubt that once the History of FAO has been written your name will be recalled as an outstanding leader of FAO's activities.

Having said this, Mr. Chairman, my delegation wishes to thank the Director-General and the Secretariat staff for the preparation of documentation and for having facilitated so expeditiously our deliberations. We include in this, of course, also the interpreters and all the staff who worked behind the scenes, as well as the messengers. My delegation very much hopes, Mr. Chairman, that the good climate and the spirit of cooperation experienced during this Council session will continue to prevail during the forthcoming Conference.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Dr. Grabisch, for these nice words, but you know, as I always have said, when we are working there is no friendship, we just have to do the job, and I did what I had to do, knowing really that it is probably in the interests of the rest. Thank you very much.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Cuando usted se apresta a dejar la presidencia del Consejo, ruego me permitan mis colegas unas breves palabras como delegado de Colombia, palabras que necesariamente reflejarán mi condición de ex Presidente del Consejo.

Han pasado ya cuatro años desde que yo tuve el honor de que usted me sucediera en la Presidencia de este Organismo. Como usted lo dijo esta mañana, a los dos nos unen gratísimos nexos de amistad y de compañerismo. Durante muchos años compartimos nuestras labores, particularmente en el Comité del Programa y en el Consejo; usted, señor Presidente, termina hoy su mandato con honor, con altura y con prestigio unánimemente reconocido. Yo había aprendido muchas cosas del eminente Profesor Cépède, de Francia, a quien reemplacé en la Presidencia del Consejo; la experiencia del Profesor Cépède me enseño bastante, la apliqué en los cuatro años de mi mandato y recuerdo siempre a mi antecesor con gratitud y afecto.

Después de 1977, he tenido la fortuna de seguir a usted, señor Presidente, muy de cerca como representante de Colombia en este Organismo, y a veces, cuando analizo interiormente, con modestia y sencillez sinceras, mis actuaciones anteriores, las encuentro con deficiencias que yo habría evitado si hubiera tenido la táctica, la firmeza, la seriedad, la comprensión, la tolerancia y la inteligencia que han caracterizado su labor como Presidente Independiente del Consejo. Durante cuatro años yo ocupé la silla que usted va a dejar ahora, Doctor Bukar Shaib y distinguido amigo; sé muy bien las dificultades que conlleva el ejercer la Presidencia Independiente del Consejo, por eso yo tengo condiciones particulares para admitir la sabiduría que usted ha aplicado a cada una de las soluciones.

Al final de la Conferencia, en nuestro proximo período de sesiones, nuestro ilustre Presidente cederá el martillo a otro distinguido representante de un gran país amigo, pero Bukar y yo seguiremos unidos, nuestra vinculación no terminará, ya que sobre esta misma pared nuestros retratos estarán el uno al lado del otro, y quienes crean en la ciencia del espiritismo podrán pensar que cuando se haya consumado, ojalá esté muy lejos, el proceso inexorable de la humana existencia, Bukar y yo sobre esa pared, en noches frías y silenciosas, sin el testigo de los miembros del Consejo, a lo mejor nos intercambiamos opiniones y hasta recriminaciones sobre cómo cumplimos los dos nuestras misiones; y quién sabe, si este diálogo se lleva a cabo, qué pensaríamos de muchos de ustedes como miembros del Consejo.

Seriamente ahora, señor Presidente, yo sé que usted me ha manifestado que sus ocupaciones en Nigeria, donde ocupa una alta posición al lado del Presidente de la República, ese gran país, no le permitirán participar en las reuniones del Consejo, aunque Nigeria seguirá perteneciendo a este órgano. Ojalá que esto no sea así, ya que yo desearía que pudiera venir y atender las reuniones del Consejo pues sus luces y experiencias nos serían de gran valor. De todos modos, Bukar debe sentir ya desde hoy la satisfacción íntima del pleno deber cumplido después de haber desempeñado la Presidencia con tan excelsos méritos. Puede salir de esta Sala Roja con la fremte en alto seguido de nuestro reconocimiento y del afecto que le conservaremos y que será perenne, invariable a través del tiempo.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Gonzales, I am sure all you have said is extremely touching to me but I do not want to meet you in the cold room so soon!

C. BATAULT (France): Les deux orateurs que je viens d'entendre ont volé une grande partie de ce que je voulais dire. Je ne vais donc pas répéter ce qu'a dit mon ami le Dr. Grabisch ni mon ami Bula Hoyos. Mais je voudrais dire qu'une observation n!a pas été faite. C'est qu'en vous rendant hommage, et un hommage plus que mérité, car je me souviens encore de la première fois où j'ai assisté à une réunion de la FAO qui était en 1978 tout juste après mon arrivée; c'était un Conseil assez difficile dans une atmosphère tendue qui n'existe plus maintenant. Vous avez su la faire disparaître et depuis s'est instauré parmi nous un véritable esprit d'amitié et nous n'avons plus, bien que nous ne soyons pas toujours d'accord sur tout, de discussions qui sortent de ce cadre amical qui caractérise nos débats. C'est grâce à vous que nous le devons en très grande partie et je tiens à vous en rendre hommage car l'atmosphère de ce Conseil est typique de l'oeuvre que vous avez accomplie. Je voudrais toutefois ajouter une chose c'est que vous n'avez pas été sans remarquer ce matin la difficulté qu'il y a eu à dévoiler l'étoffe de votre portraitI Ceci à mon avis a deux raisons. Vous avez ce que l'on appelle un "gremlin", un esprit malin qui préside souvent les activités humaines. Je crois que les difficultés que l'on a eues de dévoiler votre portrait témoignent à la fois d'un symbole de notre tristesse de vous voir quitter la présidence de ce poste de Président indépendant du Conseil dont vous vous êtes si brillamment acquitté et aussi parce que ce portrait nous apparaît austère à tous et ne reflète pas le sourire avec lequel vous avez mené nos débats; il ne reflète pas la gentillesse qui vous a permis de régler tant de problèmes et ne reflète pas la bonne humeur avec laquelle vous avez dirigé ces débats. Si j'étais peintre, et malheureusement je ne le suis pas, j'ajouterais un petit sourire qui témoignerait

de la manière dont vous vous êtes acquitté si brillamment de cetre tâche difficile, mais comme l'ont dit mes collègues vous resterez toujours présent dans nos coeurs et j'espère pouvoir vous dire au nom de tous: "Ce n'est qu'un au revoir".

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much delegate of France.

J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Je ne prends pas la parole aux termes de ce débat pour désobéir à ce que le Vice-Président de notre Conseil nous a demandé ce matin. Et c'est pour cela d'ailleurs que je veux être bref dans mon intervention. Vous nous permettrez néanmoins de vous rendre cet hommage mérité par quelques mots.

En effet, aux termes de votre mandat, c'est pour moi un honneur de prendre la parole au nom du groupe africain pour vous remercier et vous féliciter pour le travail que vous avez accompli durant les quatre ans de votre mandat. L'Afrique entière, présente à ce Conseil, qui vous a suivi depuis quatre ans, a été honorée que l'un de ses fils se soit acquitté avec autant de brio d'une aussi lourde tâche. Votre mérite est d'autant plus grand que vous êtes arrivé à la tête de ce Conseil à un moment difficile où la situation économique mondiale était et reste préoccupante, notamment pour les pays en développement. Mais grâce à votre expérience, à votre savoir-faire, à votre intelligence, vous avez toujours su concilier les points de vue les plus divers. Vos conclusions ont toujours rencontré l'unanimité et ce grâce à votre sens de l'équilibre.

Au moment où vous quittez ce Siège et où vous inscrivez votre nom pour la postérité comme Président indépendant de notre Conseil, je vous réitère notre confiance et vous prie de mettre ce capital de compétences à la disposition de notre Organisation et de notre continent, j'ai cité l'Afrique.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, delegate of Congo.

A. CONTE MAROTTA (Italy): As the representative of the host country, I have the honour to strongly support what has been said. You know very well the Italian people are said to be very happy people but you know also when they feel sad they feel extremely sad, and this is such an occasion. Thank you very much.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Ambassador of Italy. I was also serving as an ambassador of Nigeria, and I really valued my connexions with the Italian people.

B.E. PHIRI (Zambia): This is a moment of great pleasure, but also a moment of sorrow and sadness. But we are happy to congratulate and praise you for the way you have conducted this Council for four years. It is also a moment of sorrow because we are losing your leadership in this Council. We had similar sorrow to express at the time when Mr. Bula Hoyos was leaving as the Independent Chairman, but by some good luck we found he remained on the scene and he is still here with us. Unfortunately, what you said this afternoon gives the indication that you may not be a permanent feature of this Council in the foreseeable future, but we hope, even if you are based in Nigeria, when the opportunity occurs, you will come and join us so that your immense wisdom can still be of value to us and we can still draw some lessons from you.

You said this morning that you have learned a lot, silently, from three people, and you mentioned the Deputy Director-General, Mr. Philips, and you also mentioned Mr. West and Mr. Bula Hoyos. These three are still here, the people with whom you associated in those early days. They are still giving their valuable experience to this Organization and to this Council. We hope that you will be the fourth person who will count as a contributor to this Organization as well as to this Council.

We also wish to express our profound pleasure and happiness that as the first African, you did not let us. down, you kept the standard of debate in this Council quite high, and that is something that we are really proud of, and we hope that you will not be the last African to hold this high position.

With those few words I wish you a good rest after the four rigorous years.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Zambia, very much.

S.I. ALMANNAI (Kuwait) (original language Arabic): On behalf of my country's delegation and also on behalf of the Near East group, I wish to express our sincere thanks to you, Mr. Chairman, for the wonderful way in which you have chaired the Council. We are particularly grateful for the way in which you have handled the debates and discussions throughout our meeting. Your personality has struck us deeply during these discussions, especially through the contacts you have had with the various groups and with individuals separately. On this occasion I wish you, Sir, every possible success in your future career once you have left the Council. I wish you every possible success so that you will be able to carry out the tasks which remain for you to do in your country.

I am also grateful to you for having helped us achieve success in this meeting. I also wish to thank the Secretariat and the interpreters. I wish you all every possible success.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you.

R.J. KELLY (Australia): Mr. Chairman, with great personal warmth on behalf of this delegation and those who share the South-West Pacific region with us, we join in the tribute of respect and thanks as others have already done. To what has already been said, we would only record our very deep appreciation of what we see as your infinite personal graciousness. It is a quality which has lifted this Council and which has been of extraordinary value to all of us as we have attempted to contribute to the work of the Organization.

I might conclude on a lighter note, Mr. Chairman: I hope that you can assure us that even if you come back to haunt us from the wall, you can be sure that Mr. Bula Hoyos does not.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. I assure you I will not haunt you. That is why I said I do not want to meet Mr. Bula Hoyos in the cold room. We shall all meet in the flesh. Thank you very much indeed.

K.R. HIGHAM (Canada): On behalf of the North American region, which is at once the smallest in terms of membership and the worst in terms of coordination, I can do no better than endorse and underline and embrace the comments made by the most eloquent speakers before me. We Canadians perhaps have less concern about cold rooms than some. We know that when the lights go off in the Red Room tonight, there is going to be a new source of heat and light which will be overseeing our forum and they will represent the spirit which will do much to inspire us all to follow the example you have set, the spirit of the debates in the United Nations, which is so precious to us all. For that we all owe you indeed our enduring thanks.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, delegate of Canada.

A. CZARKOWSKI (Poland): Mr. Chairman, I would like to share all the so eloquently expressed words of recognition of the way in which you, Sir, discharged your very high office. Being this time a member of the Council for only one year, we could really come to the conclusion that all that has been said by previous speakers is really true. Mr. Chairman, you hold the office of Independent Chairman, and thinking about it, we came to the conclusion that you have presented to us a very high quality in holding this office, and mainly that of independence of mind, which quality you so ably used in bringing this Council to many successful conclusions even after some difficult debates' and

controversies. But only by overcoming those controversies and difficulties could we come to those conclusions which I would say are very positive and the nature of which depends fully on the qualities of your personality.

I would also like to join all those who wished you, Sir, a very long life before you and also equal success as in this Council in all the future functions which you will be called upon to perform.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, delegate of Poland.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): May I, on behalf of my delegation and on behalf of the Asian region, join all the other colleagues who have paid rich tribute to you, Mr. Chairman, and to the way in which you have led and guided us over the last four years. My experience is limited on these Council meetings. This is actually only my second meeting. Other colleagues who have seen and heard you conduct these meetings for a much longer time, are in a much better position to comment on your contribution; but you mentioned in the morning that you had learned from three people. In my brief stay here, the thing I learned from you, Mr. Chairman, was the serene, composed, unruffled manner in which you have guided us in these meetings, the manner in which you have not allowed any recrimination or argument to divide the friends and colleagues who sit and debate issues here.

For that, Mr. Chairman, the tribute that we pay you is very little because we shall always remember the way you have led and guided us. We hope that all of us, even in future, will remember your serene and composed conduct of the meetings and will follow it, and we hope that wherever you go you will lead your own people, the African people and developing countries in the manner in which you have been doing so far.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much.

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): I, too, cannot miss this opportunity to say a few words, in my own name, and on behalf of my delegation. Though I certainly cannot match the eloquence of my friends who spoke before me, I hope I can match their sincerity in expressing very deep gratitude indeed to you, Mr. Chairman. I was honoured and I have been privileged to consider you as my personal friend for some years, starting when we worked together in the Programme Committee, and I was one of those who learned much and who benefited greatly from our friendship.

I must say something also on behalf of the Programme Committee, that we were privileged and very happy indeed that you always sacrificed some of your precious time to be with us when we studied issues that would then come to the Council Session, and your very presence in the Committee helped us greatly in our deliberations. Besides, you intervened and you established very, very close contact with all of us and I think I cannot exaggerate how fruitful it was for the final outcome of the Programme Committee.

As has been said, it is also a sad moment. It is really always sad when we come to a crossroads, but I personally do not believe that we are approaching a crossroads. I deeply hope that despite the very many demands on your time and the very many high obligations you will have, you will be able occasionally to be with us. I sincerely share the hope that many before me have expressed, that we shall see you from time to time for the benefit of all of us.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Milan, for your kind words. I am sure you will also continue to lead the Programme Committee in the way you have done.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Mr. Chairman, the Director-General expressed his deep appreciation to you this morning for your excellent service as Independent Chairman of this Council and for your service to FAO in many other ways. However, it would be inappropriate if this 80th Session and your last Session

in the Chair were to end without at least a further word of appreciation being expressed from the head table on his behalf. All of us on the Secretariat side have very much appreciated your work over the last four years and in this Session, and I would say to the other side of the table, the delegates, that we have equally appreciated their excellent cooperation and support on the many issues which have had to be dealt with by this Council.

If I may say just a word on the personal side, first let me say that I appreciated your kind comments this morning; and second, that, like many others here, I had profited by and appreciated your friendship and the association with you for many years now and in various kinds of FAO activities. As I look down this series of portraits on the wall, I am reminded that I have sat through somewhere between 76 and 78 Council Sessions out of the 80, and I have sat either on that side of the table, or on this, under the chairmanship of all of the chairmen who are reflected there. Each of them has left his mark on this Council in one way or another and that mark has persisted over the years, surprising though that may be. I feel sure in view of your outstanding performance as Chairman of the Council that not only the portrait will look down at the Sessions in the future but the spirit that you have developed and which has pervaded these sessions under your Chairmanship will be felt here for many years to come.Good speed.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Ralph, thank you very much indeed for speaking on behalf of the Director-General and on your own behalf. Now I will close the meeting and I do not want to go into another long speech because all you have said has really touched me very much indeed and the only reason why perhaps I have acted the way I have done in the four years is that when I came here 20 years ago as a much younger person I had the vision that this Organization will assist to eradicate hunger in the world somehow and I have tried very much to find where this can be done and I think this Council is the place if there is anywhere this task can be achieved and if we continue to forget our small differences and really concentrate on the main objective of this Organization which really affects all of us then I am sure that the vision that I had for 20 years which did not succeed will, in the future, definitely succeed and all that I ask of you and of other colleagues who will come is to keep this in mind and to make sure that the FAO Council succeeds.

I am very grateful to all of you; I am grateful to the Director-General, to his colleagues and to the Secretariat and to everybody. I thank you very much.

The Eightieth Session is closed and next I will hand over the gavel to somebody else!


The meeting rose at 19.00 hours.
La séance est levée à 19 heures.
Se levanta la sesión a las 19.00 horas.

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