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CHAIRMAN: We are coming to the last part of our work in this Council. You all know how the Drafting Committee has been working almost to midnight every day. It has been a double day for them, one day in the Council and another day in the Drafting Committee. We are very grateful to the Chairman and the members of the Drafting Committee.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Con mucho agrado informamos que el Comité de Redacción ha trabajado durante 27 horas hasta el momento, en siete sesiones, y se ha tratado a fondo cada tema, cada frase, cada palabra, con una gran participación por todos los miembros de un Comité de Redacción compuesto por 12, y alrededor de 20 a 23 personas por media en sala.

Nos faltan dos temas que serán analizados por el Comité cuando la imprenta nos los entreguen. Los trabajos se realizaron en un clima de cooperación, cuando las posiciones se hicieron fuertemente encontradas, cosa que ocurrió, con paciencia y con el espíritu de consenso de todos se llegó a acuerdos que consideramos que reflejan fiel y cuidadosamente lo expresado en este Consejo.

Creo que se demostró así el respeto y el aprecio que se tiene en la FAO por esta importante reunión.

Puedo decir también que este no es un documento del Presidente, que se puede considerar el documento del Comité en pleno. Además, en los documentos hay algunos pequeños errores de omisión, de imprenta y de redacción de un idioma a otro, por lo que estamos a sus órdenes, desde este Comité, para aclararlos en el momento preciso.

CHAIRMAN: I shall request the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to point out the printing errors as we go along.


Paragraph 2 approved
Le paragraphe 2 est approuvé
párrafo 2 es aprobado

Paragraphs 3 and 4 approved
Les paragraphes 3 et 4 sont approuvés
párrafos 3 y 4 son aprobados

Paragraphs 5 to 7 approved
Les paragraphes 5 à 7 sont approuvés
párrafos 5 a 7 son aprobados


H. CARANDANG (Philippines): This is a very minor point. Going through paragraph 8, in the second sentence we have there the words at the beginning of the sentence "the Group". When you begin reading that sentence it is not quite clear what "the Group" means, whether it is the Committee or the Group of 77. Of course, after reading part of the sentence from the second sentence it becomes clear that "the Group" refers to the Group of 77, so in order to avoid any misunderstanding and have a smooth reading I would propose the following two amendments; one after the second sentence, instead of saying "the Group" we insert the words "the Group of 77 felt". Then in the third sentence, instead of the word "the" you put "the said Group" and then it is smooth reading and one has the feeling that it really refers to the Group of 77 and not the entire Committee.

CHAIRMAN: The Chairman of the Drafting Committee is willing to accept the amendment.

Paragraph 8, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 8, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 8, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraph 9 approved
Le paragraphe 9 est approuvé
El párrafo 9 es aprobado

Draft Report Part I, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport, première partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
proyecto de informe, Parte I, asi enmendado, es aprobado



G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): La delegación de Colombia quiere referirse, en primer lugar, al párrafo 1, al final del párrafo 1 se habla de los efectos a largo plazo, efectos sin calificarlos, pueden ser positivos o adversos. Por eso nosotros proponemos que la última frase del párrafo 1 diga "y los efectos adversos".

Tengo otra observación para el párrafo 2, pero tal vez sea conveniente que usted resuelva esta adición que proponemos al párrafo 1.

CHAIRMAN: The suggestion is that the last sentence should read 'and the longer-term adverse effects of the world economic recession on development efforts'. Is that acceptable? Paragraph 1 is approved. Any comments on paragraph 2?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): En general, a nuestra delegación no le gusta el término "tomó nota". Hay veces que debemos aceptarlo en ciertas circunstancias, pero en la segunda frase del párrafo 2 "tomar nota" simplemente nos parece que no es, en realidad, lo que manifestamos aquí. Tendrá que decir, por lo menos, "tomar nota con preocupación".

CHAIRMAN: The delegate of Colombia suggested that the second sentence should read: 'It noted with concern that in 1982 per caput food production had declined in 23 out of 44 African countries...' Is this acceptable? Thank you. It is certainly an improvement.

A. SOLE-LERIS (Officer-in-Charge, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division): Paragraph 1, the English text only, it is a straightforward typographical error, the first word in the third line of the English text. It says 'their' and it should say 'the' - in other words, delete the 'ir' and it is 'the overall assessment'. This is correct in French, Spanish and Arabic.

J. BELGRAVE (New Zealand): Just again a drafting point in the first sentence of paragraph 2 in the English text. It reads: 'The Council expressed its continuing serious concern with the precarious food situation in Africa to which it had drawn the attention of the governments...' Was it the Committee's intention that it was Member Governments or just the governments? I wonder if 'the governments' is not perhaps too restrictive, but it is just the English text.

CHAIRMAN: Do you want to add Member Governments', in which case almost everywhere that 'governments' comes it should be 'Member Governments.

J. BELGRAVE (New Zealand): Delete 'the.

CHAIRMAN: Delete 'the', so that it will read 'the attention of Governments.

M. TATIETA (Haute-Volta): Mon intervention est sur le paragraphe 3. A la troisième ligne "on a appelé l'attention..." et je proposerais que l'on mette "on a attiré l'attention sur le nécessité d'accorder...".

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): A small point of concern on the last sentence of paragraph 4. I am always a little hesitant to be associated with a statement which presents conjecture as if it were a fact. I do not believe that we are in a position to state now that the effect of the action taken by one cereal-producing country will have an effect as if it were now measureable. The short point is I think the sentence would be better if it had something like: 'noted with concern the potential negative impact of such reductions...' on the basis that we cannot be sure, nor do I believe that any of us said otherwise than that we were concerned about what might happen.

CHAIRMAN: The United Kingdom delegate suggested that we add the word 'potential' - 'The Council noted with concern the potential negative impact of such reductions ...' I hope this is acceptable.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Habíamos pedido la palabra cuando usted todavía no nos había hecho llegar el texto exacto de la adición del Reino Unido. Creemos que podemos aceptarlo. En español diría: tomo nota de que podría tener efectos negativos.

CHAIRMAN: If it will help the Spanish text - I see a nod from the United Kingdom delegate - 'the possible negative effect'.

J. BELGRAVE (New Zealand): In the second sentence of paragraph 5 I seem to recall that in the discussion on the carry-over stocks, it says in the English text 'carry-over stocks of cereals and other food products...' Perhaps if we put the word 'some' it would more correctly reflect the discussion. I do not think it was said that all food products were in surplus, which it could be interpreted as saying.

CHAIRMAN: The suggestion of New Zealand is that we say, 'On the one hand, carry-over stocks of cereals and some other food products were relatively large...'

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Al final del párrafo 6 tenemos el mismo caso que señalamos en el párrafo 1; o sea, la necesidad de calificar los efectos. Habría que poner también : "podrían tener efectos adversos." Adversos, repito, en la última frase del párrafo 6.

CHAIRMAN: I hope this is acceptable. Paragraph 6 approved.

D. WHITE (Argentina): En la última frase del párrafo 7, se habla de exportaciones subsidiarizadas. Estimo que hay un error. Se debería decir subsidiarias.

En el final de este párrafo se dice: "Los cuales tienen la ventaja de tener economías más grandes y más diversificadas".

Sugerimos que se cambie la palabra "grandes" por "desarrolladas". Nos parece más apropiado el término.

CHAIRMAN: Does the Chairman of the Drafting Committee have any comments on the suggestion of Argentina?

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): En ese punto no hubo discusión al respecto. Se acordó en la forma en que venía inicialmente.

R.C. GUPTA (India): In paragraph 7 the penultimate sentence starts with 'Access to markets had been constrained and protectionist measures strengthened.' This is a statement of fact, but no expression of the views of the Council about this matter. I would suggest that the earlier sentence to that could perhaps be further extended by using a semi-colon, and that it should read: 'Furthermore, it was viewed with great concern that developing countries had become net importers of agricultural products for the first time in 1981; access to markets had been constrained and protectionist measures strengthened.'I feel if we could put the sentence like this the concern of the Council in this situation in which protectionism has been increased, markets have been constrained, some opinion could be expressed on this situation also. Otherwise it is a statement of fact which does not express in any way what the Council felt about it.

CHAIRMAN: I thought the paragraph itself starts with concern and concern is coming several times. Whether we should put it in every time...

S.A. MAHMOOD (Bangladesh): If the very first sentence could be more defined - 'The Council viewed with concern the deterioration in agricultural trade', instead of saying that the Council was concerned with the deterioration in agricultural trade.

CHAIRMAN: 'The Council viewed with concern the deterioration in agricultural trade'. India suggests we insert 'Access to markets had been constrained and protectionist measures strengthened.' I think it is a drafting exercise in terms of putting it in such a way as one does not use the word again and again unnecessarily.

N. ISLAM (Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Policy Department): I think it is in the English version of the document, paragraph 5, the first sentence: 'The Council noted with concern the current paradoxical situation...' etc.

A. FEQUANT (France): Sur le point 7, dernière phrase: si j'ai bien compris l'intervention, il y aurait deux fois le mot "développes". C'est difficile à admettre. "Les économies plus puissantes", ce n'était pas très net. Je crois que c'est "large" (en anglais), mais je me demande si c'est très compréhensible en français; "les pays développés qui ont des économies plus diversifiées". Pourrait-on faire cette même contraction dans le texte anglais.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Comprendo lo que quiere expresar la Delegación de Francia, pero esto cambia el sentido. Nosotros lo dejaríamos a la aceptación de este Consejo que tendrá que discutirlo, porque cambia el sentido del párrafo de la forma como lo ha dicho Francia.

D. WHITE (Argentina): Quisiera sugerir que la última parte del párrafo donde dice: 'los cuales tienen la ventaja de tener economías más grandes'- Sugerimos poner 'desarrolladas y más diversificadas', ya que creemos que resulta obvio que los países desarrollados tienen economías más grandes y más diversificadas. Creo que no se agrega nada a la frase.

J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Si tout le monde est d'accord, on peut laisser ça comme ça, sinon j'allais proposer "des économies plus équilibrées et plus diversifiées".

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): Hay I venture to suggest a formulation which would perhaps meet the difficulty which France had about repeating the word "developed", so instead of saying "developed countries" we could use the word "industrialized countries", and then you can go on to say "with their more developed and diversified economies".

CHAIRMAN: France says he adopts this suggestion of Pakistan. Shall we then adopt it? "industrialized countries with their larger and more diversified economies". We adopt that suggestion of Pakistan. Shall we move to paragraph 8?

P. GOSSELIN (Canada): In the interest of a little bit more balance in paragraph 8 where we call for "a fresh commitment to multilateralism and for more liberalized trade policies", all of which are aiming at facilitating agricultural development, perhaps it would be useful to put in another sentence, saying: "It also called for a higher priority to be given to agricultural development by both developed and developing countries".

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: It is certainly appropriate to say that developing countries should give higher priority to agriculture but do you want high priority to be given by developed countries also?

P. GOSSELIN (Canada): The Director-General is absolutely right. The point we are trying to make and I am not convinced that it necessarily needs to be in this particular paragraph - but we want to make the point that as well as calling on more multilateral assistance, etc., to agricultural development, also calling attention to the need for developing countries to give equal attention to the problem.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): I asked for the floor before Canada conceded the fact that this particular idea does not have to appear in the paragraph, because this paragraph is underlining the interdependence of developing and developed countries and is consequently talking of trade and protectionism and not of agricultural production as such. That idea has been formulated and incorporated in different parts of the Report as it is.

CHAIRMAN: Is the point you have made that this is adequately presented elsewhere, because I agree with Pakistan that the two sentences do not really read together.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Solo estaba atento al debate y quería saber en que consistía la enmienda del Canadá y cuál iba a ser la solución. Nos parece bien, si no hay ningún cambio lo dejaremos así.

Cuando lleguemos al párrafo 10 le ruego que me conceda la palabra.

CHAIRMAN: That is what I was trying to ask Canada, whether he is agreeable to not have the changes here. Shall we move to the following paragraphs?"

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Sí, en este párrafo 10 hay una de las cuestiones que yo adelanté y que son problemas tipográficos; se decía en español, en la última frase: El Consejo exhorto a que en esta situación se hiciera más hincapié en la posibilidad de aplicar programas de ayudas más eficaces en fertilizantes. Programas eficaces de ayuda y no más amplios y generosos.

Suprimiríamos las palabras "más amplios y generosos", que fue suprimida en el Comité.

CHAIRMAN: I have this suggestion for paragraph 10: "The Council urged that in this situation, greater emphasis could be given to wider and more efficient programmes of fertilizer aid."

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Queremos referirnos a la segunda frase del párrafo 10. Creemos que esta segunda frase está redactada en términos inusuales. Dice: "Los documentos mostraban"; nosotros pensamos que en un informe del Consejo no debemos registrar lo que decían los dooumentos, sino lo que opino el Consejo. Por lo tanto, proponemos que la segunda frase se modifique como sigue: "Se expreso preocupación por el hecho de que se había debilitado la demanda de fertilizantes".

En esencia, es el mismo texto, pero cambiando los términos "que los documentos mostraban preocupación", porque la preocupación fue expresada por el Consejo.

CHAIRMAN: Colombia has suggested the second sentence should read as follows: "Concern was expressed at the fact that the demand for fertilizers had weakened".

Chairman of the Drafting Committee, is it agreeable? Yes.

A. FEQUANT (France): Je suis un peu surpris, parce que cette idée est déjà incluse dans la première phrase dans laquelle on dit: "Les effets négatifs à plus long terme de la récession sur l'aptitude du secteur agricole à répondre positivement et rapidement à la nécessité d'un effort de production accru ont été particulièrement soulignés par le Conseil dans le cas des engrais".

Je crois que l'idée était quand même, en dehors de cette inquiétude tout à fait justifiée,

d'indiquer un élément de fait. On pourrait dire par exemple: "Le Conseil a constaté que la demande

d'engrais a faibli.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Yo creo que nuestra propuesta es perfectamente coherente. En la primera frase del párrafo 10 se habla de los efectos nocivos a largo plazo de la recesión, y luego en la segunda frase se lamenta la debilitación de la demanda de fertilizantes como consecuencia de ese primer hecho que aparece registrado en la primera frase del párrafo 10.

A. FEQUANT (France): Si on prend la phrase suivante: "Les documents montrent que la demande d'engrais

a faibli". Puis encore: "Dans certains cas, cette tendance menaçante ", il este tout à fait

normal de parler d'inquiétude, de menaces, etc. mais je demande s'il faut le dire à chaque phrase.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): We tend to agree with Colombia in that these three sentences are basically directing three different thrusts of the same. Perhaps all are the same, but in detail three different ideas, and we agree that the second sentence could start with "concern was expressed at the weakening demand" which is an immediate impact, and the earlier one is a longer term trend, and the third sentence is concerning the subsidies, etc. There are in specific detail three different ideas but all the same thing.

H. CARANDANG (Philippines); I was just going to say exactly what Pakistan said. The first sentence is a little bit more general. It talks about the ability of agriculture to respond positively and rapidly to production efforts, but the other one was talking particularly about the demand for fertilizer. These are two different things, and I think they could be kept as they are with the amendment proposed by Colombia.

C.R. BENJAMIN (United States of America): I am just concerned with the language. I personally feel that the amendment supplied by the French would make better sense in English, if that makes sense. In other words the way it had been written, the second sentence had started, "Concern was expressed at the fact", then the next sentence, "This ominous trend". In other words, that refers to the concern being expressed. I think it is better to use the French version, that "The Council found that". I think that makes the whole thing better.

CHAIRMAN: The suggestion of the United States delegation is that the second sentence will stay: "The Council found that demand for fertilizers had weakened. In some cases, this ominous trend was caused by a reduction in subsidies".

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): No queremos prolongar esta discusión, pero no podemos decir simplemente "tomo nota"; digamos al menos "El Consejo tomo nota con preocupación", con preocupación, señor Presidente, porque esa fue la realidad.

CHAIRMAN: Is this acceptable, "The Council found with concern that demand for fertilizers has weakened"? United States delegate, is that all right?

C.R. BENJAMIN (United States of America): "Note" is better than "found with concern".

CHAIRMAN: "The Council noted with concern that the demand for fertilizers": I think this is an

acceptable formula for everyone, "The Council noted with concern". So it will read like that, "The

Council noted with concern that the demand for fertilizers had weakened". Are there any other comments on this paragraph? Then we go on to Paragraph 11.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): En este párrafo 11 hay también una frase que se suprimió. En la penúltima línea desde "20 millones" antes de 1985 "se precisó", en el Comité de Redacción se eliminaron las "700 mil toneladas respectivamente", y queda "antes del fin de 1985 precisó".

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): En el tercer renglón de la versión en español dice "acelerar el desarrollo de los países en desarrollo", que es cacofónico, pero además hay un punto y seguido que fue sustituido por un "y que la ayuda alimentaria constituía" porque si no la siguiente oración queda completamente incongruente. Esa oración tiene que ligarse a la oración anterior.

Y adicionalmente, señor Presidente, son 20 millones de toneladas de cereales, si no serían 20 toneladas de cualquier otra cosa y estamos hablando de cereales.

K.A. BABIKER (Sudan) (Original language Arabic): Our comments refer to the second line of Paragraph 11 and concern the Arabic text. It is said "it was essential to accelerated development of developing countries", and in order to make this clearer from the linguistic point of view I would use a different formulation in Arabic. It does not change anything in the French or English text,

CHAIRMAN: I think it would be appreciated if the corrections in the language version could be sent on a small piece of paper to Mr. Sole-Leris.

K.A. BABIKER (Sudan) (Original language Arabic): This refers only to the Arabic text as I said.

CHAIRMAN: I think if it is expressed in the language, it is better.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Lo siento mucho, pero desearía conocer cómo va a quedar la frase final del párrafo 11 y si la frase más corta que aparece actualmente al ñnal de ese párrafo queda o no.

A. SOLE-LERIS (Encargado, Dirección de Asuntos de la Conferencia y el Consejo y de Protocolo): Voy a leer como queda en inglés puesto que lo tengo aquí en inglés, pidiendo perdón al distinguido delegado de Colombia por cambiar de idioma. (Continúa en inglés) The last but one sentence goes: "It was suggested that the overall food aid, including contributions to the International Emergency Food Reserve, needed to be increased, keeping in mind estimated requirements of 20 million tons of cereals by the end of 1985". Then we go on with the last sentence: "The number of donors also needed to be larger and more diverse."

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia) : Yo creo que la forma en que se ha leído la penultima frase del párrafo 11 ofrece confusión porque parece que nos estuviéramos refiriendo a la RAIE como 20 millones de toneladas de cereales. Apelo a los conocimientos de los expertos de la Secretaría o al Presidente del Comité de Redacción para que puedan explicarnos el sentido de esta frase. No estoy seguro, pero me parece que es confusa esta frase.

P. GOSSELIN (Canada): A small drafting point in the same sentence where it reads: "It was stressed that the overall food aid". I think it would read better and be better understood if it was "stressed that overall food aid", and remove the "the".

CHAIRMAN: Thank you. As constructed now the sentence regarding the IEFR and the overall food aid does not come through very clearly.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: The delegate of Colombia is right. The sentence may read: "keeping in mind estimated total food requirements of 20 million tons of cereals" because this includes also the International Emergency Food Reserve. So, "total food aid requirements" means that the Reserve is included in the 20 million tons by 1985.

CHAIRMAN: The Director-General has proposed that we simply say: "it was stressed that overall food aid, including contributions to the International Emergency Food Reserve, needed to be increased, keeping in mind estimated total food aid requirements of 20 million tons of cereals by 1985". Then the rest of it will go away, "and 700 000 tons" will be deleted because the 20 million tons includes the 700 000 tons.

J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Il s'agit peut-être d'une particularité de la version française. Il est dit:

"On a insisté " Il s'agit du Conseil, il ne s'agit pas de "on". Il faudrait dire: "Il a insisté

sur la nécessité d'accroître l'aide alimentaire " puisqu'il s'agit du Conseil.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): La primera parte de lo propuesto por Colombia y lo propuesto por el Director General a mi juicio aclara la situación: puede quedar más claro.

Sobre lo que plantea la distinguida representación de Congo en francés, en español dice "y se insistió en que hacía falta incrementar esta ayuda" cuando venimos diciendo que el Consejo convino, sei insistió, no vemos necesidad de hacer un cambio aquí.

CHAIRMAN: Shall we then go on to Paragraph 12?

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): I am sorry to hold you up. I really wanted to say that I agree with the proposal made by the Chairman of the Drafting Group. You did not I think actually indicate if it was acceptable as it was left as "it was stressed". As you appreciate, this paragraph to my delegation could give some difficulty, but in the interests of wishing to move on I will not raise one of the points I might be tempted to, but on the other hand the sentence beginning: "It was stressed" is quite important to us, as the meaning I think would be different if we accepted the proposal by the distinguished delegate of Congo. Would I be impertinent if I asked you to rule. Mr. ChairDiin, on this matter?

CHAIRMAN: I thought after the intervention of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee there was no further comment and we accepted that. We will proceed.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Nuestras observaciones están dirigidas a reforzar el texto del informe cuando sea posible y aceptable.

En el párrafo 15 se dice en la primera frase: "El Consejo observo que los promedios o las cifras". Nosotros creemos que esto es muy pasivo y que no fue lo que se dijo aquí. Deberíamos decir: "El Consejo estuvo de acuerdo en que los promedios o las cifras".

CHAIRMAN: Is this acceptable in saying, "The Council agree that average or per caput measurements of food production alone could not show the accessibility to food by all sections of the population"? Thank you.

Paragraphs 1 to 16, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 16, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
párrafos 1 a 16, asi enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 17 a 58

J. BELGRAVE (New Zealand): Just on paragraph 20, I am not sure in the English text if it is perhaps as specific as it might be. The third and fourth line of the English text says: "the Council felt that further improvements could be made in the implementation review to permit COAG." Perhaps we should put after "COAG", "to undertake" or "to be involved in". I think it lacks a small phrase there.

CHAIRMAN: Is the suggestion of the New Zealand representative that in paragraph 20 the last part will read as follows:- "the Council felt that further improvements could be made in the implementation review to permit COAG to undetake an in-depth review of specific sub-programmes or programme elements on a selective basis"? It seems that what was read is exactly as in the French text.

H.K. SEIP (Norway): I was just wondering if the thinking in the debate would be better reflected if we inserted something about the subsistence farmers bere, and it could possibly be done by inserting two small sentences in the middle of the paragraph before "It welcomed" and this could read:

"This was felt to be especially important in the case of the subsistence farmer. It is in the subsistence sector that a great potential for increased food production and for improving the standard of rural areas lies,"

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): We feel that the suggestion made by Norway is very constructive but we also feel that only the first sentence formulated by Norway has relevance in this paragraph because the paragraph is speaking about improving cooperatives, so the first sentence formulated by Norway reading "This was felt to be especially important in the case of the subsistence farmer", may be retained. The second sentence does not have immediate relevance to this paragraph.

CHAIRMAN: The suggestion of the delegate of Pakistan is that we just retain your first wording: "This was felt to be especially important in the case of the subsistence farmer" because it will then follow about the role of cooperatives. If this is acceptable and if Council Members agree, we will insert the sentence before "It welcomed FAO's work with NGOs". We will put the sentence proposed by Norway at this point, reading: "This was felt to be especially important in the case of subsistence farmers."

A. SOLE-LERIS (Officer-in-Charge, Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division): Just on a wording that was taken out in the Drafting Committee, it came out of the French and I believe the Spanish versions, but not of the English. In the first sentence of paragraph 50, delete the words "to FAO" so that the sentence then reads: "The Council stressed the central importance of basic statistics" etc.

CHAIRMAN: I hope Members have followed this. Now the first sentence of paragraph 50 will read: "The Council stressed the central importance of basic statistics, the Early Warning System, food supply and demand analysis" and so on. Is there any other comment on paragraph 50? Otherwise we go on.

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): En el párrafo 54 dice en el tercer renglón "de la cadena alimentaria" en vez de "alimenticia". En el siguiente renglón en vez de "obtener un suministro", "asegurar un suministro". No sé si será traducción.

Paragraphs 17 to 58, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 17 â 58, ainsi amendés, sont approuves
párrafos 17 a 58, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 59 a 68

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): En el párrafo 60, "el Consejo expreso su gran preocupación por la".

CHAIRMAN: "The Council expressed its great concern at the decline of the world production of the three primary nutrients" etc.

Paragraphs 59 to 68, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 59 à 68, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
párrafos 59 a 68, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report, Part II, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la plénière, deuxième partie, ainsi amendé, est adopfg
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte II, así enmendado, es aprobado



C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): En el párrafo 2, es posiblemente de estilo, "buena base para continuar desempeñando mejor sus funciones"; es en el penúltimo renglón del párrafo 2.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): El estilo, en cualquier momento lo podemos perfeccionar. Estamos de acuerdo con México en eso, y no tenemos ningún inconveniente en utilizar lo que él ha propuesto. Ahora la discusión del párrafo se limito, en Plenaria, a eliminar en el Drafting Committee "la posibilidad de desempeñar", y quedo en esta forma "dado al CSA una buena base para desempeñar mejor su función" Pero la proposición de México no cambia, a mi juicio, el programa. Se puede hacer perfectamente.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you. We will be grateful also if you can give this in writing. Shall we go on to the following paragraphs?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Deseamos proponer una adición al párrafo 6; hemos entregado el texto a la Secretaría aunque no es muy largo ni complicado. Corresponde a lo que dijimos aquí algunas delegaciones. Se trata de agregar la siguiente frase al final del párrafo 6: "algunos delegados manifestaron que sus Gobiernos estaban concediendo alta prioridad y asignando más recursos a la producción alimentaria, pero que esos esfuerzos nacionales no eran suficientes y aún necesitaban mayor asistencia financiera y técnica"

Esto lo dijimos durante el debate algunas delegaciones. Además, la frase que proponemos está encabezada por algunos delegados. Esperamos que así no ofrezca dificultades su adopción.

CHAIRMAN: The Colombian delegation has proposed the addition of the following sentence in paragraph 6 "by giving higher priority to food production and food security." then will follow this new sentence "Some delegates stated that their governments were giving high priority and earmarking more resources to food production, that national efforts were not sufficient and they still needed greater financial and technical assistance."

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I do not know if the delegate of Colombia has had time to read paragraph 8 where the second sentence is exactly what he is saying.

CHAIRMAN: The Director-General has drawn our attention to the fact in the middle of paragraph 8 "developing countries would need aid in the form of financial resources, food aid and/or technical assistance to augment national efforts." Because of this clarification can we drop the proposal that you had made.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): En realidad, había propuesto esta adición en el párrafo 6, porque se refiere a los esfuerzos que cada gobierno debe hacer, a las prioridades que deben conceder los gobiernos. La segunda frase del párrafo 8, en realidad, recoge más o menos lo que queríamos decir. De manera que si no hay inconveniente nosotros podemos aceptar que el párrafo 6 quede como está. Entonces, agradecemos al Director General su observación.

CHAIRMAN: We now move on to the following paragraphs. Any comments on paragraphs 7, 8 and 9?

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): En este párrafo queremos advertir otro de los errores que dijimos que eran de tipografía, porque se aprobó en el drafting committee, en la última frase donde se dice: "se hizo también hincapié" que es impersonal, se quita el "se" y queda "hizo también hincapié", porque este párrafo comienza con "El Consejo"; y es el Consejo el que hizo también hincapié, y se elimina la palabra "se". Esto fue lo que se aprobó.

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): I was just wondering why, in the last sentence of paragraph 9, there was a special mention of irrigation in relation to the need for food aid, whereas we know food aid is not just used for irrigation projects, we use it also for a lot of other things and it is just a matter of curiosity to me, if the Chairman of the Drafting Committee could give us a special reason why there is such a need for stressing irrigation. There are also other important needs, not just irrigation.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Este párrafo 9 fue debatido con bastante cuidado y hubo bastantes intervenciones. Se planteo en estos términos porque los miembros, varios miembros, plantearon la necesidad de considerar también entre las posibilidades futuras de zonas de secano la utilización del riego. Que no se olvidase también las posibilidades de riego en zonas de secano. Esa fue la intención única de que las zonas de secano futuras tuviesen también oportunidad de utilizar el riego. Ese fue el objetivo por el cual se incluye "el riego en zonas de secano"..

CHAIRMAN: If you agree, we will leave it as it is because the previous sentence says "Food aid should be used to stimulate food production" but irrigation in drought-prone areas has been picked up as one of the useful areas.

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): So as not to cause confusion it would probably help us to say "Among others".

CHAIRMAN: You want to add "Among others the usefulness of food aid to introduce or promote irrigation in rainfed areas, and particularly in chronically drought-prone areas, was stressed." Thank you.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia); En el párrafo 13 se dice: El Consejo tomó nota de que el Convenio Internacional del Trigo se había ampliado. Ampliado, repito, en inglés "extended". Ampliado en español da la impresión de haber sido aumentado. Yo creo que es mejor decir que se había "prorrogado".

M. TATIETA (Haute Volta): Au lieu de "existante" je propose qu'on mette "actuelle".

CHAIRMAN: No problems. We are on paragraph 14.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): En el párrafo 14, en la segunda frase, creemos que se presenta la posición del Consejo en forma muy débil al decir: "se hizo referencia al carácter innovador". Creo que aquí estuvimos de acuerdo en reconocer el carácter innovador. Debería decir: se reconoció igualmente el carácter innovador, etc., etc.

CHAIRMAN: The Colombian delegation has proposed that in the second sentence "Recognition was given to the innovative character of the Director-General's proposals for a good security action programme". Instead of "Reference was made", "Recognition was given".

R. SALLERY (Canada): It is just a typographical error I think in line 4 of the English text. I am quite certain that the Director-General's proposals are for a good food security programme, it should probably be "food security programme" or add "good food security programme".

CHAIRMAN: We accept both these amendments.

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): I would like to propose a few words at the end of paragraph 16 and it would be as follows, after "the Council." I would propose to add the following words "and the responsibilities of the other bodies." The reason for this is I think the statement is quite neutral, we do not indicate what we have to do with other bodies but this has been mentioned during the debate. It has been indicated in the terms of reference of the mandate given in the previous Council. It is indicated in paragraph 81 of the report of the Committee on Food Security. It is indicated in the previous Council and also in the report of the Seventh Committee on Food Security but probably that is not material, but the fact is that this has been mentioned in the debate and we do not think that the Committee on Food Security exists in a vacuum, it exists in the reality or the fact that there are other bodies existing right now. We do not indicate here what we have to do with the other bodies. We have just indicated we should bear in mind the responsibilities of other bodies.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): We think our colleague has been very eloquent on this subject but we would like to draw his attention to the fact that the sentence starts with "The Council urged all international agencies and institutions" so there is already a reference and when the sentence ends it is talking about the broader and wider concepts as adopted by the Committee on Food Security and as debated by the Council, so bringing in other bodies at the end of the sentence would not be consistent or logical following from the sense that the sentence has and so since "the other bodies" is already there I think it is redundant to include another statement.

H. F. NAJEB (Iraq) (Original language Arabic): I also want to draw the attention of the representative of the Philippines to what has been said by Pakistan. The second sentence already covers what the delegate of the Philippines has said. And I think it is a mere repetition of what has already been said.

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): En el mismo sentido, es una cuestión que discutimos con alguna profundidad en el seno del Comité de Redacción. Creemos que la redacción que resultó es una redacción que cubre inclusive la preocupación que está planteando el Delegado de Filipinas. Realmente, creemos que esta adición lo único que hace es complicar las cosas y afearlas. No le veo sentido a que se incorpore la recomendación del Delegado de Filipinas.

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): The Philippine delegation is quite flexible. If you do not want it at the end of the sentence we can put in the previous sentence - "Taking into account the responsibilities of other bodies". After all, in the mandate given to the Committee on World Food Security it was indicated that it should take into account the responsibilities of other bodies. This was mentioned in the debate and in paragraph 81 of the Report of the Eighth Session of the Committee on World Food Security and in the previous Council meeting. I do not think that such an expression should cause any difficulty for anybody, because, as indicated earlier, it is a mutual expression, it does not indicate what we should do with the other bodies. It says that we should strengthen the Committee on Food Security. At the same time we do not want to indicate that in the strenghening of the CFS we should not take into account the existing reality in the UN bodies as they are constituted by governments.

CHAIRMAN: I hope the present proposal of the Philippines is clear. The suggestion is: "In view of the complexity and persistence of food security problems, there was wide support for a strengthening of the CFS within its existing terms of reference, taking into account the responsibilities of other bodies".

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Nosotros tenemos que informar y el Consejo decidirá. La discusión en el seno del Comité de Redacción fue amplia y profunda en este sentido. Se consideró lo que la Representación de Filipinas ha planteado de que en la Plenaria hubo quienes expusieron esta situación y consideramos que cuando se dice: "El Consejo instó a todos los Organismos e Instituciones Internacionales interesados en los problemas alimentarios a cooperar estrechamente y coordinar sus esfuerzos con el propósito de evitar la duplicación", en este párrafo estamos incluyendo los organismos; pero, repito, que es una consideración discutida en el Comité de Redaccción, analizada profundamente y debe decidirla este Consejo.

CHAIRMAN: Is this explanation satisfactory to you, Philippines? No?

S. A. MAHMOOD (Bangladesh): I personally find it a little difficult to follow the actual meaning of the suggestion made by the Philippines. Here we are talking about the strengthening of the CFS within its existing terms of reference and then going over to taking into account the responsibilities of other bodies. This does not appear to be very consistent, particularly as in the next sentence we come to: "The Council urged all international agencies and institutions dealing with food issues to cooperate closely and coordinate their efforts...". So the first sentence is dealing with something entirely different, and the aspect of closer cooperation between all other agencies has been covered by the second sentence.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Paragraph 20 takes care of the remark of the delegate of the Philippines: "bearing in mind the responsibilities of other FAO technical bodies", unless he has in mind something else.

Paragraph 82 of the Report which he has mentioned also reads: "In view of the persistence and complexity of food security problems throughout the world, there was wide support for a gradual strengthening of the Committee withing its existing mandate". There is nothing mentioned about responsibilities of other bodies. It is not important. It is just the insistence sometimes in tryingto overemphasize something which really defeats the purpose. I hope the Philippines will be helpful.

H.CARANDANG (Philippines): I am trying to be helpful and I hope that my suggestion will not cause any difficulty to anybody because I thought it was a neutral expression. In fact it is so neutral that it has been accepted by the previous Committee on Food Security, and if I may be allowed to read paragraph 81, those same words were indicated: "With its mandate, terms of reference and open membership, the Committee provided the appropriate consultative forum for governments to analyze the World Food Security problem from all aspects and to make recommendations for policy action taking into account the responsibilities of other bodies". This is referring to the mandate of the Committee on Food Security. I was wondering why we should not take account of the responsibilities of other bodies. I understand that it is a neutral statement. We do not say you should not change them. We just say keep them in mind, they are in existence, you do not exist in a vacuum, you have to take account of realities. You are not indicating that these mandates are untouchable, that we cannot change them, giving due consideration. We just have to live with realities that there are other responsibilities, other bodies that have been created by the governments that are sitting here.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): The explanation given by the Chairman of the Drafting Committee is very valid and with your indulgence I would try to explain to the Philippines. The paragraph as it stands has two basic ideas that it is trying to convey. The first is in the first sentence, regarding the strengthening of the CFS, and as far as any delegation may have concern about the strengthening of the CFS it stipulates that within the existing terms of reference. So that takes care of that and there is no problem there.

The second sentence refers to the achievement of common goals with the revised concepts of world food security. It starts with asking international agencies and institutions to cooperate and coordinate. By asking them to cooperate and coordinate you are recognizing the fact that there are other agencies, they have mandates and they require to coordinate and cooperate. That is why we are insisting that what the Philippines is suggesting is not relevant, it is redundant, it does not add to anything. The way the second sentence is worded now it takes care in a more eloquent way of the concerns of the other agencies existing in the UN system. That is why we are perhaps retarding progress unnecessarily.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Speaking as Director-General, to see in FAO's Council meeting such an insistence to defend and over-defend and protect the interests of other bodies which are fully recognized, causes irritation, because it is semantics. You are trying to protect so much the interests of other bodies which we fully recognize in many statements that have been made. It is semantics. It does not add anything. All the Members of the Drafting Committee were in agreement, including United States, New Zealand and France. This insistence is just irritating, at least for the Director-General, who has in view the interests of this Organization.

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): Yo creo que tendrá usted realmente que considerar los planteamientos que hemos estado haciendo en el sentido de que la proposición del distinguido colega de Filipinas es redundante y no aporta nada nuevo ni útil a este párrafo, que fue discutido ampliamente en el Comité de Redacción y que además lo que él está tratando de incorporar como concepto en este párrafo con la redacción que sugiere ya esta incluido como concepto dentro del párrafo, como lo dijo el Presidente del Comité de Redacción. Estamos perdiendo el tiempo deteniéndonos en una discusión que resulta inútil y que es un poco repetir discusiones que hemos tenido en otros foros en el pasado y que no llevan a ningún aspecto positivo ni resuelve ninguna situación de manera adecuada en beneficio de nuestra Organización.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): I had not really wanted to intervene on this matter because it is not one on which I feel very strongly, but I am bound to express some concern when I hear Members saying that words have an interpretation which in my view they do not have.

The sentence to which everybody is referring on other international agencies in my interpretation simply asks that there be a continuing close cooperation and coordination.

The point that the Philippines has made is in my view a different one. He is referring to the question of how the CFS should proceed in consideration of its role within its terms of reference, having regard to the responsibilities and the functions of other bodies.

I am not trying to take a view one way or the other, but I must ask that we distinguish between two different matters. The question of whether the Council wish to include the suggestion of the Philippines is a matter for decision. I cannot accept that we can simply avoid it by pretending that the words in the draft cover it as it stands at the moment.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Yo creo que en la discusión sobre este punto hay que tener en cuenta que nos hallamos ahora considerando la parte referente al informe del octavo período de sesiones del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial, del Comité Asesor del Consejo; yo creo que esto hay que tenerlo en cuenta y estoy plenamente de acuerdo con lo que han dicho otros colegas, particularmente el de Pakistán, sobre el concepto amplio y bastante adecuado que ya se contiene en la segunda frase del párrafo 16.

Estoy tratando de entender la insistencia del colega de Filipinas y por eso no había intervenido, pero creo que el párrafo como está, sobre todo referente al informe del CSA, es suficiente.

J. BELGRAVE (New Zealand): My delegation was one of the Drafting Group Members and as such I am well aware of the extensive and involved discussion in that Group to get to the text that we have here. There are two questions. There is the point of fact that the Philippines delegate is suggesting, and I agree with the United Kingdom on this, that it is slightly different than the thought in the paragraph already. The second point is one of principle. Those of us in the Drafting Group could be described as either privileged or dwelt upon, my point being that a Member of the Council not a Member of the Drafting Group is of course not party to these lengthy and extensive discussions and compromises. What I am really saying is, I have some sympathy with the difficulty of delegates not on the Drafting Group to get other matters in after careful compromises have been reached. So I have a little concern with the principle.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): We have no dispute with the principle being enunciated by New Zealand. However, we are a little intrigued by the very eloquent intervention by the United Kingdom delegate. When we were saying that within the existing terms of reference of the CFS, unless the delegate of the United Kingdom is proposing that the terms of reference of the CFS should be changed and the terms of reference of the CFS do not recognize other bodies, that is an entirely different matter. We are saying that the strengthening of the CFS within the existing terms of reference recognizes other institutions, so there is perhaps no need to add a sentence thereafter.

CHAIRMAN: In the light of the clarification given by New Zealand that these issues were discussed in great detail in the Drafting Committee and by consensus this paragraph has been developed, will the Philippines still want to make a modification?

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): I hope my statement will not cause irritation to anybody and I hope also that my intervention will not re-open the debate that we had at great length on this, but the fact is that when we talk about "the so-called clearing house concept within the terms "of reference, it has a connotation which is said to be within the terms of reference of the CFS, but on the other hand, it seems to be a prerequisite for the other bodies to be able to discuss issues.

If you say that this first sentence recognizes those responsibilities of other bodies, probably with the debate going on, it will be already indicated, but I am still at a difficulty why such a neutral word would cause difficulties to people if it really did not mean anything. Either it means something or it means nothing. If it means something, then there is a little substance in this, and if it means nothing, then I am willing to cancel it.

Now the fact that it is being resisted by some delegations means that it probably means something, and in my own personal humble opinion, it really means something. I still have to be convinced by Pakistan that it is redundant.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Nosotros queremos tratar, porque sabemos que esta decisión la tiene que tomar el Consejo, tratar de explicar una cuestión que lamentablemente, aunque la distinguida delegación de Filipinas no quiere que nos irritemos, es posible que lo logre en la forma en que lo plantea.

Quiero aclarar que la representación de Filipinas en su primera intervención planteó que era una cosa neutra, una cosa sin importancia; por eso planteábamos nosotros que no era tan neutral y sin importancia, que era otra cosa, que quien la define es la representación del Reino Unido. Yo veo, sencillamente, una situación que hemos disjcutidò ampliamente y llegamos a esta redacción porque lo que presenta Filipinas es darle responsabilidades dentro del CFA a otros organismos cuando no puedan tener responsabilidad dentro, y lo que se hace es reconocer y pedir, instarlos a cooperar estrechamente y coordinar esfuerzos porque sabemos que existen, los respetamos, sabemos que existen, pero no se les puede dar responsabilidades dentro del CFS. Eso es lo que queríamos aclarar, que el problema es el concepto que estamos discutiendo.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I think we have found the solution. Paragraph 16, second sentence would read: "The Council urged all international agencies and institutions dealing with food issues to cooperate closely and coordinate their efforts, keeping in mind their respective mandate...etc".

Is it satisfactory?

CHAIRMAN: The Director-General has found a solution which is acceptable to the Philippines. The first sentence remains as it is. The second sentence says "The Council urged all international agencies and institutions dealing with food issues to cooperate closely and coordinate their efforts, keeping in mind their respective mandates".

A. FEQUANT (France): Tout à fait d'accord.

CHAIRMAN: United States? You agree?

Well, thank you all very much. We are grateful to the Director-General for finding a satisfactory solution.

M. TATIETA (Haute-Volta): Dans le sous-chapitre "Formation" du paragraphe 18 je pense qu'il manque certaines précisions. On dit: "Les compétences professionnelles dans les pays d'Afrique à faible revenu". On ne dit pas si ces ressources sont inexistantes ou si elles sont réduites. Je voudrais donc faire une proposition : "Les compétences professionnelles dans les pays d'Afrique à faible

revenu sont limitées. Pour y remédier, il faut former du personnel au niveau et dans la gestion;" Je propose que l'on ajoute: "cette formation concerne également du personnel de niveau moyen dans les techniques de communication;" Dernières adjonctions: "la formation concerne en outre les travailleurs des deux sexes dans les contextes écologique, économique et social propres à l'Afrique."

Le reste est sans changement.

B. DJIBRIL (Bénin): Je reviens en arrière, et à propos du paragraphe 17, je voudrais faire l'amendement suivant: "Le Conseil a partagé la vive inquiétude du Comité quant à la dégradation "

au lieu de dire: "la vive inquiétude inspirée au Comité par la dégradation de la situation alimentaire".

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much; it has been noted. Any other comment?

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): I hope the undertaking I gave by gesture to the Director-General will not be regarded as broken by my request for the floor on paragraph 21.

Mr. Chairman, I would ask, if I may, through you the Chairman of the Drafting Committee if he could explain the interpretation that the Drafting Committee would wish us to take on the second sentence of the paragraph. I recall, of course, the point being made by a number of Members, but I am a little unclear as to whether the way this sentence starts is intended to be an inference that the matter is reflecting a view by the Council.

Could I ask for some clarification?

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Este párrafo fue propuesto adicionar dentro del Comité y nos llevo varias horas de discusión, come dijimos al principio, palabra por palabra, frase por frase. El objetivo sencillo es que esto fue expresado en Plenaria y el párrafo, en circunstancias de discusión, fue negociado dentro del Comité de Redacción inclusive, podemos decir, por la distinguida delegación de Francia quien busco la última redacción del párrafo y que fue aceptada en estos términos.

Queremos expresar esto porque el objetivo del párrafo era expresar lo que varias delegaciones habían planteado en el seno del Consejo, y por eso dice "Con referencia a la asistencia".

C.R. BENJAMIN (United States of America): As I recall, and the Chairman of the Drafting Committee can correct me if I am wrong, but it seemed to me that the wording of this is not exactly as it was accepted or negotiated in the Drafting Committee. The wording that I recall but do not have in front of me was: "A solemn appeal was launched to the Council" rather than "to them", but I am not sure of the wording beyond that.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): To add to the explanation of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, it is indeed true, in an effort to explain it to UK, that this paragraph was debated upon at great length, and the second part of the paragraph was broken away from the first part precisely to look after the concerns which are being expressed by the UK, and now the way it reads is: "A solemn appeal was launched to them". This sentence does not closely associate itself with the Council. It can be read as a solemn appeal by some Members, many Members, a majority of Members, whatever. It does not now refer to the Council, and I do not want to question the excellent memory the USA has, but this is the final wording Which was approved as a compromise, because the appeal is being launched not only to the Council Members but generally.

CHAIRMAN: Since this has been developed obviously into a long discussion, shall we leave this as it is? Thank you.

C.R. BENJAMIN (United States of America): I would prefer not to leave it as it is, this last part of paragraph 21.

CHAIRMAN: With new wording? Would you like to suggest something?

C.R. BENJAMIN (United States of America): As we agreed, in our view of what we agreed to, it was an appeal to the Council, not to everybody else, but the French might be able to straighten this out since it was their compromise solution.

CHAIRMAN: As the United States delegate suggested now, it would read: "A solemn appeal was launched to them to refrain from strengthening the economic potential of South Africa". The previous sentence says: "... member countries of FAO and internationl financing organizations", so really the appeal is to member countries of FAO and international financial organizations to refrain from strengthening", and I am not very sure what the Council itself - I mean it was an appeal to the Council.

Would you like to clarify, United States?

C.R. BENJAMIN (United States of America): Could we come back to this, Mr. Chairman? I want to look something up.

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): I wanted to say that it did not make any sense that an appeal should be made to the Council by the Council. I do not know what it means. I was just wondering what is intended by the words, "to the Council".

I wanted to say also that a solemn appeal is a neutral expression; it does not bind the Council itself. I think that was a subterfuge. It is purposely ambiguous so that those who want it to mean... some Members could understand it that way.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Nosotros específicamente podemos tratar de recordar a la distinguida delegación de Estados Unidos, con la cual discutimos en un tono muy cordial, muy normal, durante bastante tiempo y en una pausa que hicimos, específicamente una pausa para buscar algunas negociaciones internas, que Francia hizo la proposición y se quitó la palabra "Consejo" al iniciar el párrafo, para que no fuera el Consejo el que le pidiera al FMI, y se incluyó "el Consejo pidió a los miembros de FAO", esta frase, específicamente (yo lo tengo apuntado aquí). Y no queremos dudar de la memoria de los Estados Unidos. Pero esta frase fue la que dio el punto y en la cual la delegación de Estados Unidos nos dijo específicamente "así, sí aceptamos". En ese sentido fue que se aceptó que no se dijera al principio "el Consejo", y se pusiera que el Consejo pidió a los miembros de FAO, para que no sea un llamamiento al Fondo Monetario Internacional por el Consejo. Esta fue la discusión en términos internos.

J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Après les explications que vient de nous donner le président du Comité de rédaction, je crois qu'entre-temps le distingué délégué des Etats-Unis a dû retrouver ses notes; pour ma part j'ai retrouvé les miennes. Le texte qui nous est proposé est fidèle à celui adopté au Comité de rédaction. Nous étions parmi ceux qui avaient proposé ce texte; lorsque je regarde mes notes, il y a beaucoup de ratures, et au-dessus de ces ratures il y a le texte tel qu'il est libellé ici.

K.A. BABIKER (Sudan) (Original language Arabic): I wish to draw the attention of the Drafting Committee to the fact that the matter is very clear in Arabic and the Council has solemnly appealed to it "to refrain from supporting the economic capacities of South Africa". How it is confused in English, I do not know, Mr. Chairman.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Las declaraciones que han hecho el Presidente del Comité de Redacción, y particularmente mi vecino de la derecha, el distinguido Embajador del Congo, nos confirman el hecho de que este párrafo fue muy balanceado y discutido con mucha ponderación en el Comité de Redacción. Yo creo que si seguimos discutiendo este párrafo vamos a presentar nuevos argumentos.

En realidad, este párrafo recoge lo que dijeron aquí muchas delegaciones. De manera que la delegación de Colombia propone firmemente que se adopte este párrafo tal como está, y se pase al párrafo 22.

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México); Realmente llegamos a este párrafo después de largas discusiones, como lo mencionaba el Presidente del Comité de Redacción y algunos otros colegas. Realmente fue el resultado de un compromiso al que llegamos después de una discusión muy amplia. Realmente, la redacción como está nos parece adecuada. Fue lo que acordamos. Yo también revisé mis notas y es lo que acordamos. Me extraña un poquito que ahora se vuelva a plantear que la discusión fue diferente o que la redacción fue diferente. Creo que esta redacción recoge lo que acordamos dentro de un compromiso general de nuestras discusiones en el Comité de Redacción. Entonces, yo solicitaría atentamente a la delegación de Estados Unidos que nos mantengamos en lo que discutimos y en lo que acordamos en el Comité de Redacción,

C.R. BENJAMIN (United States of America): I accept the explanation of the Drafting Committee Chairman that this was the way it ended up. I do not find my notes anyway but I am told by another delegation that actually, what was probably giving me trouble, was the "to them". He said that was not in the actual final draft, he thought.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): There was a well known English saying which I am sure you know well, "Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise". I raised the point genuinely because I did want an understanding of the interpretation, and I can say that I am wholly satisfied with the explanation given to me by the Drafting Committee and as it was amplified by the delegate of Pakistan and others, and certainly as far as my delegation is concerned we are totally happy to let the paragraph go through as it stands.

Paragraphs 1 to 21, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 21, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
párrafos 1 a 21, así enmendados, son aprobados.

Paragraphs 22 to 44 approved
Les paragraphes 22 à 44 sont approuvés
párrafos 22 a 44 son aprobados

Draft Report Part III, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la pionière, troisième partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
proyecto de informe de la Plenaria, Parte III, así enmendado, es aprobado



G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Proponemos que después de la última frase del párrafo 8 se agregue otra frase que diría como sigue: "Igualmente se reconoció el apoyo que la FAO ofrece a las Organizaciones Regionales y Subregiones en América Latina y el Caribe". Espero que esto no ofrezca dificultad, lo dijimos alguna delegación durante el debate.

CHAIRMAN: The suggestion of the distinguished delegate of Colombia is in paragraph 8 after "FAO was commended, etc.", another sentence to be added, "FAO is giving support to regional and sub-regional organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean".

Mr. Sole-Leris says, "It was also recognized that FAO", so that it does not come as a blunt statement. "It was also recognized that FAO is giving support to regional and sub-regional organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean". Is that acceptable?

Paragraphs 1 to 8, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 8, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
párrafos 1 a 8, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 9 approved
Le paragraphe 9 est approuvé
párrafo 9 es aprobado

Paragraph 10 approved
Le paragraphe 10 est approuvé
párrafo 10 es aprobado

Paragraph 11 approved
Le paragraphe 11 est approuvé I
El párrafo 11 es aprobado !

Paragraph 12 approved
Le paragraphe 12 est approuvé
párrafo 12 es aprobado

Paragraphs 13 and 14 approved
Les paragraphes 13 et 14 sont approuvés
párrafos 13 y 14 son aprobados

PÁRRAFOS 15 a 56

J. BELGRAVE (New Zealand): At just the last but one sentence of paragraph 15 the Report says, "The Council expressed unanimous praise that this has been achieved by vigorous and often painful curtailments". There was quite a bit of discussion on this, I think, in the Council. I am not too sure whether it was agreed generally that the curtailments were painful; they were certaiály vigorous, that is not denied. One or two delegations did say that the effect of the administrative reduction might not influence the quality of the work being done by the Organization. We are being too critical here of the Director-General by saying "painful". I am wondering whether it should come out. This is just a suggestion.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: You were talking a few minutes ago about the principle that members of the Drafting Committee should support the text they have approved. This was sent by the Drafting Committee and approved.

CHAIRMAN: Shall we leave it as it is? We move on to paragraph 16.

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Al final del párrafo 16 aparece en español el término "contradictorias", en inglés creo se dice "conflicting". Yo trato de entender la intención del Comité de Redacción, pero no refleja ni en inglés ni en español lo que se quiere decir. No he encontrado ninguna otra palabra para reemplazar ese término; sería conveniente suprimir la última palabra del párrafo 16 y que este párrafo terminara simplemente "entre múltiples solicitudes".

A. FEQUANT (France): On pourrait dire "apparemment contradictoires".

CHAIRMAN: Shall we leave it as it is? There are many competing requests so obviously one has to develop some priorities, otherwise there will be no priorities. Shall we go on to the following paragraphs?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Leyendo con atención el párrafo 20, especialmente al final, tenemos la impresión de que aquí se expresa el juicio, la opinión del Comité de Finanzas y no la del Consejo. Voy a ensayar una redacción total, espero que no será complicar el párrafo 20, que tendería sobre todo a aclarar la opinión del Consejo. Diría así el párrafo 20: "en particular, el Consejo estuvo de acuerdo con el examen cabal y detallado efectuado por el Comité de Finanzas de la metodología para calcular y presentar los aumentos de los costos correspondientes a 1984/85, que se ajustaban totalmente a la práctica anterior aprobada por la Conferencia y el Consejo de la FAO". Es el mismo texto pero dando la opinión del Consejo.

CHAIRMAN: Let me read out the amendment suggested by the delegate of Colombia on paragraph 20:

"In particular the Council agreed with the thorough and detailed review carried out by the Finance Committee of the methodology for calculating and presenting cost increases for 1984-85, which were in full agreement with previous practice as approved by FAO Conference and Council."

The Chairman of the Drafting Committee agrees. Instead of saying "took note" we change it to "agreed". Is this acceptable?

G. BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Espero que esta modificación no ofrezca dificultad. Tanto en el texto español como en el inglés aparece el término "permeabilidad", al final del párrafo 29. Nos parece más adecuado decir: "por su constante atención a la ulterior orientación"; orientación, en vez de permeabilidad, de los programas y actividades de la FAO hacia estos conceptos. Lo consideramos más pertinente y quiere decir lo mismo.

JIN XIANGYUN (China) (Original language Chinese): In paragraph 29 it is mentioned that "The Council also underlined with great satisfaction the emphasis on economic cooperation between developing countries and technical cooperation among developing countries". We propose that one sentence be added at the end of the paragraph as follows:

"The Council appreciated the new dimensions FAO has executed in the field projects, that is the utilization of capacities of developing countries themselves and hoped that these new dimensions be further executed in the Programme of Work 1984-85."

CHAIRMAN: We have two points now. Colombia has suggested that the word "permeation" is not a very satisfactory one and "orientation" was suggested. I do not know whether "orientation" would be suitable: "further integration of these concepts into FAO's programmes and activities" may probably be more appropriate than "orientation". Let us first settle this and then go on to China's proposal.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): I have no knowledge of the Spanish language and, with the little knowledge I have of the English language I think the word "permeation" really connotes the spirit we want to inculcate here. I would therefore request Colombia to leave the sentence as it is because we constantly keep hearing, for instance, of WCARRD follow-up permeating the activities and programmes of FAO. Similarly we want ACDC to go on permeating the work of the FAO.

H. CARANDANG (Philippines): I was just wondering whether a word which I would venture could properly express it, and I would dare to suggest the word "incorporation".

K.A. BABIKER (Sudan) (Original language Arabic): I think the word "permeation" should become "deepening". We could deepen these concepts.

CHAIRMAN: Well, we have "orientation", and we have "deepening".

A. PEREZ-MARSA HERNANDEZ (España): Consideramos que el texto español tiene más sentido como lo ha expresado el Embajador de Colombia. También se podría cambiar por lo siguiente: y elogio al Director General por su constante atención a la ultérieur dirección de los programas y actividades de la FAO hacia estos conceptos.

En el texto español quedaría correcto.

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): Les parecerá curioso, pero estuvimos discutiendo bastante este concepto de la "permeabilidad" en el Comité de Redacción, y siendo nosotros los que debemos defender el idioma estuvimos de acuerdo en el concepto de que la permeabilidad significa el hecho de que los conceptos, la atención vaya permeando, vaya impregnando en los programas y las actividades de la Organización.

Aunque la palabra se vea mal y puede ser que no sea un castellano perfecto, la idea que se quiere incorporar sí da la idea que se quiere incorporar, y que en inglés parece adecuada. Esa es la explicación que damos al problema.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Shall we leave it as it is?

H.F. NAJEB (Iraq) (Original language Arabic): This discussion took a long time in the Drafting Committee and the objective is to introduce a gradual and continuous concept of this training, and we believe the present formulation, both in Arabic and in English, is appropriate. We can leave it to the Spanish speaking delegations to draft the Spanish text accordingly.

CHAIRMAN: Shall we now take up the Chinese suggestion for two additional sentences to the effect that the Council appreciated the new dimensions FAO has adopted in its field projects, that is, the utilization of the capacities of the developing countries themselves, and so on? Is this all right for the Chairman of the Drafting Committee?

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): We completely endorse the proposal of China and as a matter of fact, as I recollect, it was also my delegation during the Plenary who raised and praised these new dimensions.

CHAIRMAN: The Chairman of the Drafting Committee says if the members agree he agrees, so shall we adopt? I think it is a very good suggestion. I am grateful to the Chinese delegate.

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): En el párrafo 41, después de que termina: "zonas económicas exclusivas", ahí iría un punto y seguido. Se eliminaría la palabra "pero" y empezaríamos con: menciono las contribuciones crecientes. Después seguiríamos y donde dice: "pesca continental", sería otro punto y seguido. Quitaríamos: "las cuales y le recomendó que debían recibir atención adecuada, etc., etc., hasta el final de la oración donde dice: y los programas de ayuda,; aquí se acordó agregar: y financiamiento exterior.

Si quiere, Señor Presidente, lo repito con mucho gusto:

El Consejo subrayó la importancia del desarrollo de la pesca marítima en el nuevo contexto de jurisdicción extendida sobre las Zonas Económicas Exclusivas. Mencionó también las contribuciones crecientes y potenciales a los suministros alimentarios que ofrecen la acuicultura y la pesca continental. Recomendó que debían recibir atención adecuada en los planes de desarrollo nacionales y los programas de ayuda y financiamiento exterior. Aquí pondríamos punto final.

M. TATIETA (Haute-Volta): Je crois que le délégué du Mexique a relevé la faute, "le Conseil a souligné ..." et ensuite on dit "ils ont également souligné" et "ils ont donc recommandé". Là on a mis au pluriel alors qu'il s'agit du Conseil.

CHAIRMAN: The French text can be suitably adapted. So shall we adopt the Mexican suggestion? I see you agree.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): On paragraph 51, Mr. Chairman, I very much appreciate that the Drafting Committee, throughout its lengthy deliberations, have tried wherever possible to reflect the Council view in the draft presented to us, as against the majority or minority views. I agree this is the appropriate way to proceed and generally my delegation has gone along with this even in cases where we could not fully accept the point being made but it seems to me wholly inappropriate to adopt this practice when it does not actually accord with or reflect the tenor of debate. As you will understand, my delegation holding the views that it does, and which it expressed during the discussion, could not be associated with an expression of concern by the Council on the so-called "symbolic" percentage growth expressed in the first sentence. What we said in the debate we stick by. I think the only way round this is to adopt the traditional way out of problems of this sort and if I may suggest that the sentence in paragraph 51, the first sentence that is, should simply start "Concern" or "Great concern was expressed". I hope this will be seen as acceptable, otherwise I may have to suggest an alternative but may I put that suggestion to you first.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): Just to explain to my friends in the United Kingdom, we had a particularly lengthy and elaborate debate on this paragraph in the Drafting Committee and the concerns of some of those members who were not too happy but accepted zero growth, that has been expressed in the last sentence, and that last sentence was actually included on the insistence of one of the member countries in the Drafting Committee. And since that last sentence says that "Some members, whilst recalling their position on real 'zero growth' in the UN budgets" etc. That reflects the position of some of the members, that is why the original sentence was "The Council". Now that is the general position that when you are talking about the Council and if there are some differing views those differing views are given in the last sentence. So that does not bind all the members because both points of view have been given in the paragraph.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I am trying to be helpful only. I think the Council means the majority of the members. It is not that the Council should mean, here and every time, the unanimity, all the members of the Council. This is why later on there are "some members" which means it was not unanimous, the Council was not unanimous in expressing this concern. This is my understanding but it is up to you, I will accept whatever you decide.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): I am sorry that the explanation given by my good friend from Pakistan, and indeed, what has been said by the Director-General, does not meet the point. I fully accept that in the latter part of the paragraph certain views of a number of members, it says some members, are reflected; but the Director-General is now suggesting that where we have used throughout this draft "the Council" it should not necessarily mean that it had unanimous agreement. I find this rather strange because I believe that, as I said in my introductory remarks, the attempt throughout this draft had been to find a way in which the Council was expressing a view, an agreement, an endorsement and again I have to say that I hope that it will be understood why my delegation could not feel able to associate itself with an expression of concern about a small real growth in the Programme. This is precisely what my government and many other governments have been urging on the Director-General and on which in fact we complimented him during the course of the debate. This is not in any way to deny that a large number of the Council had contrary views but again I feel I have to say that if it is not acceptable to the Council to change the wording in the way that I have suggested I will have no alternative but to ask for some footnote to be added, and I prefer not to do that.

J. TCHICAYA (Congo): Comme l'a déjà dit mon collègue du Pakistan, ce point a soulevé beaucoup de discussions au sein de notre Comité de rédaction. Mais nous pensons que le texte qui est proposé ici est un compromis que nous avons pu réaliser au sein de ce Comité. Il est le reflet exact des discussions que nous avons eues pendant plusieurs heures sur cette question. Nous pensons que les tenants de la croissance zéro étaient bien représentés au sein de ce Comité et si nous sommes arrivés à un consensus sur ce paragraphe 51 c'est que le paragraphe a été balancé. Le texte qui est là exprime tous les points de vue. Certains avaient suggéré qu'on mette "la majorité" mais ce terme, comme vous l'avez vu pendant l'examen que nous avons fait de tous les documents cet après-midi, a toujours été évité dans la mesure du possible. Cela rejoint ce que disait l'honorable délégué du Royaume-Uni. Nous pensons que le texte qui est là est un compromis qui devrait être adopté en l'état.

L. ARIZA HIDALGO (Presidente del Comité de Redacción): Nosotros quisiéramos ver si podemos ayudar a la delegación del Reino Unido en su análisis, porque me parece que la forma en que el Director General lo explico era conclusiva. El dice que no ve, y yo quisiera decir que una de las cuestiones por las cuales peco nuestro Comité de Redacción fue la flexibilidad en cuanto a que hubo puntos con más de treinta o cuarenta intervenciones; fue un gran entrenamiento, una gran toma de experiencia y este fue un punto en el que tengo apuntadas cuarenta y dos intervenciones.

Si la redacción en inglés es tal como está en español, le podemos quitar la preocupación al Reino Unido. Dice "El Consejo expreso su gran preocupación por el porcentaje "simbolico" del crecimiento real del programa, un 0,5 por ciento". Esto inclusive se puso buscando actas y que el porcentaje simbolico fue planteado casi unánimemente. En la práctica significa un "crecimiento cero"; también en las actas se reconoce que eso fue un "crecimiento cero", "principio que la mayoría", fíjese como aquí se salva la responsabilidad de los que tienen planteado el crecimiento cero; "principio que la mayoría de los miembros rechazaba decididamente". Además de eso, como una transacción se aceptó el último párrafo de que: "Algunos Miembros acordaron su posición respecto del "crecimiento cero en los presupuestos". Creo que está recogida toda la preocupación, que es una mayoría de miembros, pero que el porcentaje era simbólico fue unánime, la gran mayoría rechazó debidamente el caso de "crecimiento cero", y eso fue constatado con actas.

DIRECTOR GENERAL: I do not like this paragraph very much myself, because it is blaming me for having adopted a zero growth approach. I think that three countries who are in favour of zero growth were Members of the Drafting Committee and they have accepted this paragraph.

I insist that when we say "the Council" I do not take it that it is a unanimous decision by everybody. I would be naive to believe that "the Council" means all its Members. "The Council" means a majority because the Council decides by a majority, not by unanimity. But if the United Kingdom delegate wants to add a footnote, of course he is free to introduce a reservation by "one delegate" or "more than one delegate". He will be helping me, because the text gives the impression that, the concern was unanimous and everybody is blaming me for this zero growth.

In the report, we have hundred times "the Council". It does not mean that hundred times the Council was unanimous in approving, endorsing or noting. I think this is important, because for me "the Council" means a majority, not unanimity - I wish it were always unanimity.

P.S. McLEAN (United Kingdom): First let me make it quite clear that I raised this point in the hope that the view of my Government and the position we have taken would in no way be misunderstood. Notwithstanding what the Director-General has said, in this particular case the Council is expressing concern, it is not actually agreeing to something or endorsing something. It is an expression which the United Kingdom as a Member of the Council is directly invited to be associated with. I hope I am not being pedantic, but it is very difficult for my Government to express itself as satisfied with an expression when, quite contrary to the sentiment expressed here of concern, we are complimenting the Director-General and the Organization that it is able to produce programmes for which financial resources in the next biennium can be kept to a much lower level.

The other possible way, if one does not like the expression 'great concern was expressed' or alternatively 'the majority of Members', which I agree with the Congo is not desirable, could I ask if the insertion of the word 'generally' after 'Council' would be acceptable, and then I think I would be able to go along with the Director-General's interpretation.

CHAIRMAN: The United Kingdom delegate suggests: 'The Council generally expressed great concern at the "symbolic" percentage of real programme growth...' and the Director-General feels it is a good suggestion.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan): We are willing to consider that proposal by the United Kingdom, but we still find that if the paragraph were to end with the first sentence at 'Member Nations' we would understand the difficulty that the United Kingdom delegate has. But when we have the second sentence - and that second sentence was provided by Germany, it was not in the original text, to the Drafting Group, and while discussing that sentence the first part was changed to bring about a compromise to make sure that the views of the Members of the Council were correctly and accurately reflected. I would understand the United Kingdom's difficulties if the second sentence were not there, but the second sentence reflects the precise position of the United Kingdom. But in order to go ahead I would accept 'The Council generally expressed...'

CHAIRMAN: Thank you. So we generally agree on paragraph 51.

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): En el párrafo 55, perdón que me atrase, es "muchos miembros", "muchos",

CHAIRMAN: Paragraph 55 will read: 'Many Members drew attention in this connection to the striking disparity between world expenditure on armaments and inadequate resources devoted to the achievement of humanitarian and developmental goals such as those pursued by FAO.' Paragraph 56?

Paragraphs 15 to 56, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 15 à 56 , ainsi amendés, sont approuves
párrafos 15 a 56, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 57 approved
Le paragraphe 57 est approuvé
párrafo 57 es aprobado

Paragraph 58 approved
Le paragraphe 58 est approuvé
párrafo 58 es aprobado


CHAIRMAN: In paragraph 59, there is a corrigendum in the French text. So those who are reading the French text should refer to CL 83/REP 4/Corr.-l. So do we adopt the Resolution, the appointment of External Auditors?

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): En cuanto a la resolución habíamos quedado en donde dice "reconociendo los buenos y eficientes servicios", eliminar esta frase, "los buenos y eficientes" y se quedo en poner "eficaces". No sé si será un problema de traducción.

CHAIRMAN: Would you kindly settle with the Spanish text?

Paragraph 59 including Resolution, adopted
Le. paragraphe 59, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 59, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

PARRAFOS 60 a 62

P. GOSSELIN (Canada): Just a point of clarification on paragraph 62, where it says that the Council agreed after some discussion, the second point, 'the Joint Inspection Unit should be requested to provide a summary of each Report'. We certainly endorse that approach. However, it is not clear to us if the Joint Inspection Unit does not produce the summary whether a summary will be produced elsewhere or whether we will continue to operate on the basis of the full texts.

CHAIRMAN: I will ask Mr. Shah to answer.

V.J. SHAH (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): You will recall that the suggestion that the JIU should produce the summary of each of its Reports was made by the Chairman of the Programme Committee and the suggestion was accepted I believe by the Council. Of course there is no way to compel the JIU to provide such a summary on each of its Reports. The JIU might well react by saying that they provide a summary of each Report in their Annual Report on the work they have done for any one calendar year. It is for this reason that the other measures which were discussed during the Council debate feature in the rest of that paragraph - that is to say, let us assume the JIU does not provide a summary of each Report separately, the Programme and Finance Committees would continue to review the full JIU Reports as at present and the Reports of the Programme and Finance Committees would contain reference to the relevant elements of the JIU recommendations and of the views of the Director-General and the ACC. Furthermore, the full JIU Reports would be made available to the Council as information documents. Lastly, to cover the points raised by a number of delegations in the debate, notwithstanding the identification of any document as an information document, the Council of course would be fully within its rights to comment on any part of either the JIU Report or the views of the Director-General and/or the ACC. So I would say in conclusion that all these measures are indicated as the optimum desirable, but even if the JIU may not meet the wishes of the Council - and of course this is not a matter on which I can comment - the other measures indicated in that paragraph would still reflect the wishes of the Council.

CHAIRMAN: Is that satisfactory?

P. GOSSELIN (Canada): I appreciate Mr. Shah's explanation. However, without a summary it infirms the proposal. We are then left with a Report from the Finance and Programme Committees, who have focussed on whatever happened to catch their fancy, but we have no overview of the paper itself. We are then put back to the situation where we are now of having to look at the entire Report.

I wonder whether it might not be useful to obtain views of the JIU on this very useful suggestion of preparing summaries which could be used throughout the UN system, not only for the use of the FAO. If that is not possible, then we come back to the question and look at it again.

CHAIRMAN: You are suggesting that we reword the first sentence here - 'JIU Reports would no longer be circulated as Council documents, subject to the JIU providing a summary of the Reports'. Until then we would like the status quo to remain.

V.J. SHAH (Director, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): Forgive me for requesting to respond again but at this stage I believe we are only trying to reflect in the Report the discussion of the Council. I do not recall during the debate on this item any Member of the Council commenting on the suggestion of the Chairman of the Programme Committee by suggesting that this matter should first be checked with the JIU. If the proposal is that the suggestion that the JIU Reports should no longer be circulated as Council documents be amended, I believe that is going back on the whole matter as recommended by the Programme and Finance Committees.

T. AHMAD (Pakistan) : Just to add a little to what Mr. Shah has already explained. As you would recollect, Mr. Chairman, this issue was discussed by the joint meeting - it was contained in the Report of the joint session of the Programme and Finance Committees, and out of the five things which are agreed upon in paragraph 62, four of them are contained in the joint Report of the Programme and Finance Committees,

The second one was given by the Chairman of the Programme Committee, who explained that the Programme Committee had requested the Chairman to orally present it to the Council, and when it was orally presented to the Council, it was accepted, and this in no way detracts from the other four in any way whatsoever, even if the Joint Inspection Unit does not agree to provide a summary, which most likely it will not. The other four agreements of the Council on the joint session of the Programme and Finance Committees still remain valid.

CHAIRMAN: Will this be satisfactory? The other four steps, particularly the one which says "full JIU reports" as well as the comments of the Director-General and the ACC would be available as required to the Council as INF documents, because it does have a clause.

P. GOSSELIN (Canada): I am not going to test the patience of the Council at this late hour with the point. However, it does seem strange to me now to find out that perhaps the probability of obtaining a summary on which all of this turns is highly unlikely. However, we will continue to examine the full reports, and the other members of the Council can do as they wish.

Paragraphs 60 to 62 approved
Les paragraphes 60 à 62 sont approuvés
párrafos 60 a 62 son aprobados

Paragraph 63 approved
Le paragraphe 63 est "approuvé
párrafo 63 es aprobado

Paragraphs 64 to 66 approved
Les paragraphes 64 à 66 sont approuvés
párrafos 64 a 66 son aprobados

Paragraphs 67 and 68 approved
Les paragraphes 67 et 68 sont approuvés
párrafos 67 y 68 son aprobados

Draft Report, Part IV, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport, quatrième partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
proyecto de informe, Parte IV, así enmendado, es aprobado


Paragraph 1 approved
Le paragraphe 1 est approuvé
párrafo 1 es aprobado

Paragraph 2 approved
Le paragraphe 2 est approuvé
párrafo 2 es aprobado


M. PHOOFOLO (Lesotho): In our opinion, paragraph 4 does not strongly reflect the views as expressed by Member Nations. We would appreciate if the following changes could be made in the wording of the paragraph: instead of "noted", we have "recognized"; "The Council recognized the serious imbalance of geographical representation among female staff from developed and developing countries, and recommended that among the candidatures presented by Member Governments they should include more women who were qualified for employment in the Secretariat, and asked FAO to improve this situation, inter alia requesting Member Governments to assist the Secretariat in providing suitable female candidates."

CHAIRMAN: The two suggestions of Lesotho are first, "The Council recognized" instead of "noted the serious imbalance", and then later, instead of saying "and was of the opinion", "and asked FAO to improve the situation".

C. VIDALI CARBAJAL (México): Yo tengo una duda, no sé de qué Secretaría se está hablando. Se menciona la Secretaría en dos ocasiones y realmente no sé de qué Secretaría estamos hablando. Si es la Secretaria de la FAO o es la FAO, o así se le llama. Es una duda.

A. SOLE-LERIS (Encargado, Dirección de Asuntos de la Conferencia y el Consejo y de Protocolo) : Para responder a la pregunta del distinguido delegado de México. Estrictamente hablando, la FAO son ustedes, son los Estados Miembros, y los que sirven a estos Estados Miembros son la Secretaría. Por eso aquí se ha puesto la Secretaría.

CHAIRMAN: So shall we then adopt the recommendation of Lesotho to make it stronger? Thank you.

A. FEQUANT (France): Je me demande si l'on peut dire que le Conseil demande quelque chose à la FAO, en français en tout cas c'est assez bizarre. Qu'est-ce qu'on entend par "la FAO"? Est-ce que c'est le Secrétariat? Est-ce que ce sont les Etats Membres? Mais "le Conseil demande à la FAO" me semble bizarre.

M. PHOOFOLO (Lesotho): Here we have problems with "asked". We could say "requested FAO", but basically that conveys the same meaning.

What we have in mind here is that "The Council recognized" that there is a terrific imbalance, called the attention of FAO to this imbalance, and by FAO, I believe we mean the staff members who come from Member Nations, so we recognize the imbalance and we request FAO, whose membership is composed of members from Member Nations to improve this situation. I believe in this case by FAO, we are referring to the staff.

CHAIRMAN: In that case, what I would suggest is if you want to say that, then it should be the DG/FAO. That answers the point of France, so we add "and request the DG/FAO to improve the situation".

Paragraphs 3 to 6, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 3 à 6, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
párrafos 3 a 6, así enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 7 approved
Le paragraphe 7 est approuvé
El párrafo 7 es aprobado

Paragraphs 8 to 17 approved
Les paragraphes 8 à 17 sont approuvés
párrafos 8 a 17 son aprobados

Draft Report - PART V, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport "cinquième partie, ainsi amendé r est adopté
proyecto de informe de la Plenaria - PARTE V, así enmendado, es apre

The meeting rose at 18.15 hours
La séance est levée à 18 h 15
Se levanta la sesión a las 18.15 horas

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