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CL 88/PV/7



Eighty-eighth Session

Quatre-vingt-huitième session

88° período de sesiones

(7 November 1985)

The Seventh Plenary Meeting was opened at 15. 00 hours,
M. S. Swaminathan, Independent Chairman of the Council, presiding

La septième séance plénière est ouverte à 15 h 00, sous la présidence
de M. S. Swaminathan, Président indépendant du Conseil

Se abre la séptima sesión plenaria a las 15. 00 horas, bajo la presidencia
de M. S. Swaminathan, Presidente Independiente del Consejo

CHAIRMAN: Good afternoon Mr Director-General, Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the Council. As already announced, the first part of today's afternoon programme is a small ceremony. May I request our distinguished Vice-Chairman Ambassador Bukhari to take the chair.

Unveiling of the portrait of the Independent Chairman of the Council
Inauguration du portrait du Président indépendant du Conseil
Descubrimiento del retrato del Presidente independiente del Consejo

Atif Y. BUKHARI, Vice-Chairman of the Council, took the Chair
Atif Y. BUKHARI, Vice-Président du Conseil, assume la présidence
Ocupa la presidencia, Atif Y. BUKHARI, Vice-Presidente del Consejo

CHAIRMAN: (original language Arabic): In the name of Allah the merciful, the compassionate, I call to order this afternoon's meeting. As you all know it has been customary for us in the work of the Council to cease our formal work for a few minutes to express our gratitude and pay tribute to that person who has chaired the work of this Council and who has guided its work during the past four years. We will stop our work for a few minutes to unveil a portrait of him, which shall remain to adorn the walls of this meeting room along with the portraits of former Independent Chairmen of the Council.

It is a great pleasure for me now, Dr Swaminathan, to express to you on behalf of all my distinguished colleagues on this Council our deep admiration for those wonderful traits of character which we have known in you, your wisdom, your patience. Of course, that comes as no surprise-you come from a great country, India, the country of wisdom, the land where wisdom was born, the land of patience. I would also like to express the appreciation and esteem of the entire membership, Dr Swaminathan, for your vast knowledge in the fields of agriculture and development. Our admiration is also due to you for that deep courtesy which you have shown, even when you have had to be firm. We wish to express our admiration for the great patience you have shown while undertaking this important task of chairing the Council.

I would like to further add that your well known achievements in the scientific field have been evident to all those who have enjoyed the opportunity of meeting you and furthering their acquaintance with all your great qualities.

We shall now proceed to unveil the portrait of Dr Swaminathan.


We have now unveiled the portrait, it shall remain for as long as this marvellous pioneering Organization shall stand.

I now give the floor to His Excellency the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organizat ion.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: We have been privileged to have Dr Swaminathan as Independent Chairman of the FAO Council since November 1981.

In a statement to the FAO Conference accepting his new responsibility, he spoke about "generating a symphony approach among all nations while determining the priorities and programmes of this Organization".

If I may pursue his metaphor in directions which he certainly never intended, I would say that he has been a successful conductor of the orchestra during these four years.

Under Mr Swaminathan's stewardship the Council has tackled successfully a wide range of specific problems, relating to both agricultural policies in general and the activities of FAO.

Both in action by the Council itself, and in preparation for decisions by the Conference, the record of the Council in these four years has been positive.

As Director-General of the International Rice Research Institute, Mr Swaminathan will continue to be a leading figure in agriculture research.

I wish him, and IRRI (International Rice Research Institute), every possible success.

I would like to express to him my personal appreciation for his constructive approach to problems, and for the cooperation which we have enjoyed since 1981.

CHAIRMAN (original language Arabic): I thank the Director-General. Dear colleagues I am quite convinced that every Member of this Council would like to take the floor to express personally their feelings and their appreciation to Dr Swaminathan. However, as you know we have a heavy work programme as we have to adopt our final report, and that the time available is rather limited. However, this should not prevent us from allowing all those who wish to do so to take the floor as we are here expressing our feelings and gratitude to the Independent Chairman. However, I would like to request all speakers to be brief in their statements so that we may have enough time left to finish our work for this session.

I have a proposal to put to you and I hope you will be kind enough to accept it, namely that the various regional groups represented in the Council may express the sentiments and feelings of their own region. I believe that in adopting such a procedure we will be allowing all the groups to express their sentiments and at the same time saving the time of the Council.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Señor Presidente Swaminathan; entre quienes nos encontramos hoy en esta sala, uno solo corresponde a uno de los retratos de la colección en la cual Vd. acaba de ingresar. Bienvenido a la Galería de los ex-Presidentes del Consejo de la FAO.

1973/1977: color anaranjado, blanco, gris, reflejo del trópico, ardiente, inquieto y revolucionario. 1981/1985: austeras sombras, grises, oscuras, símbolos de la calma asiática, de la sabiduría oriental, de la filosofía y serenidad del Lejano Oriente.

Así pasan los días y los años. Unos y otros integran la humana existencia. Somos briznas de hierba en las manos de Dios. El tiempo seguirá transcurriendo inexorablemente.

Más adelante, ojalá en un futuro muy lejano, quien sabe Dr. Swaminathan, si usted y yo sin incomodar al colega Bukar Shaib, cuyo retrato separa los nuestros, en noches frías y días calurosos adelantaremos diálogos a través de los cuales confrontaremos nuestras experiencias vividas en esta Sala Roja, en compañía de tantos distinguidos colegas y amigos cuyas actuaciones no escaparán a nuestro juicio. Pero, seguramente seremos benévolos con los miembros del Consejo porque los dos hemos dedicado gratos años a este Organismo; y en esta Sala Roja dejamos no sólo nuestras imágenes sino todo un mundo de inquietudes, afectos, recuerdos, nostalgia, satisfacciones y también frustraciones.

Por el momento, Usted Sr. Swaminathan se. coloca al final de nuestros retratos. Siga tranquilo y sereno con seguro paso de satisfacción por el deber cumplido. Merecidamente Usted pasa a la posteridad; entra por la puerta grande y se incorpora a la historia de la FAO. Gracias.

CHAIRMAN (original language Arabic): I thank His Excellency Ambassador Bula Hoyos for those lovely words, and I now give the floor to the Representative of Pakistan.

Ajmal Mahmood QURESHI (Pakistan): It is difficult to match the eloquence of Ambassador Bula Hoyos but I would say that on behalf of the Asia Group it is my great privilege and honour to pay our tributes to Dr Swaminathan. Dr Swaminathan since 1981 has guided our deliberations in a constructive, diligent and fair manner, and under his able leadership the Council, as the most important body of the Organization, has not been allowed for a single moment to drift from the charter of its duties. Dr Swaminathan, known as a scientist of outstanding calibre in his own right and an Independent Chairman of great qualities, will continue to inspire all those who will follow him and all of us in the years to come. We wish him long life and happiness in his future.

John GLISTRUP (Denmark): I first met Dr Swaminathan when he was elected Chairman of Commission at the FAO Conference in 1979, I think. At the same time I had to serve as Chairman of the Drafting Committee and it did not take me long to appreciate the way in which he was conducting the deliberations in the Commission and making life easy for us in the Drafting Committee, and I must say that it has been a privilege for me, and I think I am talking on a lot of countries' behalf, to say that it has been a privilege for us to serve under your guidance since you took up the post as Independent Chairman of the Council.

Dr Swaminathan has many qualities. I would not like to attempt mentioning them all but in passing I could mention wisdom, patience, courage; above all I think during the latter years when we have had close cooperation, a number of us have come to appreciate your qualities as an agricultural scientist. I think here in FAO it is very important that we keep our feet in the soil and you have helped us, sometimes during difficult times, to do that. We have now got your picture here with us, but I would say that I am looking forward to also having you in person in future years working together with us. Some of the occasions which I have enjoyed most have been when I have seen your eyes sparkling, when you have been speaking about your dedication to improving rural life, and I hope that I will still have the opportunity many times in the future also to see that.

Joseph TCHICAYA (Congo): C'est pour moi un honneur et un plaisir fort agréable de pouvoir prendre la parole ici, au nom des pays de notre région, en cette occasion solennelle.

Nous avons personnellement collaboré avec M. Swaminathan durant les quatre années qu'a duré son mandat. Nous avons donc su apprécier ses qualités exceptionnelles et sa vaste expérience dans un domaine qu'il maîtrise parfaitement. Il a su, tout au long de son mandat, gagner la confiance de tous en raison de son calme, de sa sagesse et de son savoir-faire. Il a su très souvent dans cette salle nous tirer de situations embarrassantes et je crois que tous les membres du Conseil lui en sauront gré.

Nous sommes fiers qu'il puisse inscrire son nom dans les annales glorieuses de notre Organisation et nous sommes persuadés que son portrait, qui se trouve dans cette salle, continuera à inspirer les membres de notre Conseil. Vous pouvez être fier, M. Swaminathan, d'avoir accompli parfaitement votre devoir avec compétence et abnégation. En tout cas, nous continuerons à suivre vos sages conseils que vous avez su, à certains moments, nous prodiguer dans cette salle.

Mohammed DESSOUKI (Egypt) (original language Arabic): In the name of Allah the Merciful and Compassionate, Mr Chairman, life in all its ways comes in cycles and now the time has come for us to bid goodbye to Dr Swaminathan, the Independent Chairman of the Council. We bid goodbye to Dr Swaminathan at the end of one of the most marvellous cycles in the life of the Organization. He is a man who has enriched agricultural science and fields of agriculture and development, not only in his own country but in the world, thanks to the many prominent and eminent positions he has occupied. We are convinced he will continue to be such a generous giver to the activities of agriculture and development. We have known him to be a motel of justice, fairness and patience, and we have known him to be firm and calm in tumultuous times. We were honoured to work with you, Sir, and wish you health and success wherever you go and in whatever position you may occupy.

David R. GREGORY (Australia): As the single representative of the South-West Pacific region it has been a privilege to serve on this Council under your distinguished Chairmanship since the beginning of this year when Australia resumed its seat on the Council. I know I speak for New Zealand and the other countries in the South-West Pacific region whom we have the honour to represent.

This is a region which has grown under your Chairmanship, Sir, from six members to seven, and we hope shortly the number will increase to nine. This also represents a sign of the confidence of our region in the value of participating in distant fora such as FAO, under the able guidance and example of men like yourself who have distinguished themselves selflessly, if I may say so, in the thoroughly professional pursuit of your noble profession, in particular in food and agriculture and who have demonstrated concern for the well-being of the people, of the world.

It has been a privilege to know you although briefly, and to learn from your experience and wisdom. We hope we will continue to benefit from the fruits of your activities not only in the area which 1 know will continue to benefit from your guidance, but whatever other pursuit you may decide to undertake. We know that we will all continue to benefit from the activities of people such as yourself.

CHAIRMAN: As I said before, everybody has a great desire to express his feelings to Dr Swaminathan. I think if we open the door we are not going to finish. We have a lot to say about him I know, and this includes myself in fact. We have asked that representatives of regions should speak, and we will stick to that. Although I have other names of speakers on my list I am going to give the floor only to two. Colombia has spoken on behalf of Latin America, and I also have Brazil on the list.

Mrs Millicent II. KKNWTCk(United States of America): I will be very brief, although it is hard to be brief. We have heard many words here to describe the man who is now being lost to us as Chairman, an agricultural scientist, one who has intellect, wisdom, calm and savoir-faire. Those qualities have been recognized in universities all over the world. I do not suppose there is anyone who carries more honorary degrees, whether they be from Alabama or Aberdeen, than Dr Swaminathan.

But for me, he has always had a different, particular quality-the ability to carry the intellect beyond the reaches of reason and hard thought, statistics and knowledge, and to carry all that into the regions of the heart by concern for human beings who suffer, by knowledge on how to reach those concerns-that is what matters to me about someone in a position such as the one Dr Swaminathan has occupied. That is what inspires us here. It is not just that everybody cannot be so intelligent. We are not all going to get those degrees. Not everybody will know about the 648 different kinds of rice. But we can hope somehow to emulate and to work in the stream that he has so clearly outlined, of caring about other human beings and making useful to them whatever qualities and capacities we have.

It is for that, speaking for North America, that I am happy to be able to say thank you for what you are and for what you have done for us.

Yovtcho ROUSSEV (Bulgarie): Au nom de mon pays et des pays de ma région je voudrais remercier M. Swaminathan pour ses efforts et sa compétence. Malgré leurs différences, il a réussi à réunir les Membres du Conseil autour de la philosophie et des buts de la FAO: la lutte contre la famine et la malnutrition, et une amélioration des conditions de travail et devie des producteurs agricoles.

Pour les gens qui sont loin de nos engagements, peut-être est-ce peu de chose; mais pour nous qui en portons la responsabilté, nous nous rendons compte de l'importance du travail qu'il a fait au nom de toute l'humanité.

Je voudrais encore une fois le remercier de ses efforts et je crois que dans l'avenir il pourra encore oeuvrer pour notre travail commun et pour notre Organisation.

Octavio Rainha da SILVA NEVES (Brazil): The distinguished Latin American Ambassador Bula Hoyos spoke about our independent Chairman of the Council with his beautiful picture on the wall. He could have spoken on behalf of the Latin American/Caribbean Group, but I would be failing in my duty if I did not say to Dr Swaminathan on behalf of the Latin American/Caribbean Group that we pay a very simple tribute to his considerable achievements in the international scene and in FAO.

CHAIRMAN (original language Arabic): Dr Swaminathan, you have just heard the tributes from various regional groups who have sincerely and frankly expressed their feelings and sentiments, their appreciation, and their respect for you and for all that you have given in the way of help and service to this Council. In turn, I would like to add my name to all those who have spoken, and to address myself to you frankly and honestly.

I would like to say that you have been an undoubted and unquestionable leader in this Council, an excellent leader who has chaired our work in a very patient and wise manner and, as we say, the hardest moment is that of parting. But as you know, you will always and forever remain with us in this room, and we will always remember you whenever our eyes fall on your portrait. We will then remember your achievements. Therefore, I request you to accept from me and from the entire membership of the Council our deepest thanks, congratulations and our best wishes for all that the good Lord may provide you for a good life and happy days of success, and that we may always hear of you and be proud of your scientific achievements and of what you have given to improve our human society. You also must be proud of what you have given to this Council. That is all I have to say.

M. S. SWAMINATHAN, Independent Chairman of the Council, took the Chair
M. S. SWAMINATHAN, Président indépendant du Conseil, assume la présidence
M. S. SWAMINATHAN, Presidente independiente del Consejo
, Ocupa la presidencia

CHAIRMAN: Mr Chairman, distinguished Members of the Council, Mr Director-General, and all those present here, I cannot find words to express my sense of gratitude for all you have said. I know I do not deserve any of it. In fact, when I first came into this room I saw the portrait of Mr Bula Hoyos over there. It is a very admonishing picture; he is trying to tell us all to behave ourselves, and I thought, "I am taking on a very formidable task". But his portrait and all the others, from that of Viscount Bruce and Andre Meyer, the builders of this Organization, have always inspired me and I have thought that I must be true to that tradition, and must not let them down.

While accepting this responsibility, I quoted from the great leader of my country, Mahatma Gandhi, who once said "the most important lesson I have learnt in my life is from my illiterate mother who taught me that all rights come from a duty well done". This has always been in front, of me and I promised you that I would do my best within my limitations. If you are satisfied I am happy; if you are not satisfied you will soon have a new Chairman, so there is nothing more I can do.

But I am sorry I will not be here when my successor is elected. Therefore, I want to give my congratulations in advance to my successor, and to give my very best wishes to him. Also since I will not be here on the occasion when the retiring Independent Chairman formally says a few words of thanks, I would be remiss in my duty if I did not take up a few minutes of your time to express my particular thanks to all who have helped me in my work. I thank the artist who did this portrait, Ann Tudor Walters. She was so patient. I am told by Mr Savary that she is the same person who painted the portrait of Dr Bukar Shaib. She was extremely patient, and I thank her.

It has been a real privilege to have been associated with the work of the Council during the lastf our years. I have learned so much from every one of you and you have given me in an abundantmeasure your cooperation and consideration. I am particularly indebted to Dr Edouard Saouma, Mr West and the entire staff of FAO. Dr Saouma's dedication to the ideals of FAO and his dynamic leadership have been sources of great inspiration to me. I will also be failing in my duty if I do not express my sincere thanks to Mr Sylla and Mr Savary, the former and present Secretary General of the Council, with whom I had the good fortune of working. They are not only outstanding

professionals but also great human beings: from whom we can learn much. Similarly my thanks go to Mr de Cap rona, Mr Sole Leris, Mr Henderson and now Mr Tedesco, the Assistant Secretary Generals with whom the Chairman has to be in frequent touch, whose guidance and help have been extremely valuable in my work. They have all been pillars of strength in organizing the work of the Council. Mr Linley, Mrs Le Clainche, Mr Chavez, Mr Annabi, Mrs Badolati and all their colleagues have been extremely helpful. Above all my thanks are due to the numerous anonymous and unseen persons who work night and day to make our work easy. My special thanks go to the Chairmen of the various Committees of the Council, with whom again the Chairman of the Council has to work very closely: Professor Trkulja, the dynamic Chairman of the Programme Committee, Mr Abeyagoonasekera, Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr Alvarenga, Chairman of the CCLM, Mr Musharraf, Mr Gordon, Mr Holmes, Mr Carandang and Mr Tanwir Ahmed. It has been a pleasure to know them.

We have much work to do this afternoon and I do not wish to take your time in giving an extended "Thank You" talk. Nevertheless, I must say that when we began our meeting on Monday I was moved by the vivid description by many Council Members, and particularly the distinguished Ambassador of Venezuela, of the plight of farmers affected by the prevailing international trade and price environment for primary commodities produced and marketed by developing countries. In the past the farmer was the master of his or her own destiny, subject, of course, to the vagaries of the weather. I would like to narrate to you an old Chinese poem-many Chinese poems are full of wisdom-which captures the spirit of the independence of the farmer. It says

"From sunrise I work

Till sunset when I retire;

I drink the water from the well

That I have dug;

I eat the food from the field

That I have tilled;

Kings and emperors

What have they to do with me?"

Unfortunately today's farmers cannot survive without the requisite policy support at national and international levels. The livelihood security of farmers depends on an optimum blend of technology, services and government policies, particularly in input and output pricing. This is where the work of FAO and our Council assumes such great significance. Mr Ralph Phillips in his book on FAO has particularly stressed the important role of the Council to keep under review the state of food and agriculture in the world. It is in this context that I have benefited greatly from my association with the work of the Council. It is not a formality that I say 1 have found in the Council a mood of cooperation and consensus, a sincere desire to see a world without hunger, and a sense of urgency to come to the rescue of those affected by natural calamities. During the last two years, we had to grapple with the problems of Africa and I was happy and proud to see the extent of unanimity prevailing in the Council as regards the urgency of helping the affected countries speedily and effectively.

From the dawn of agriculture, plants and animals have provided a mechanism for beneficial collaboration among the peoples of the world, irrespective of race, religion, or colour. Plants which had their origin in Latin America and Africa are now exceedingly important, both as human food and industrial raw material in many countries of Asia. Similarly, plants of Asian origin have become exceedingly important in many parts of Africa and Latin America. Above all, it is the Third World which provided the plants and animals which are now of human and commercial significance in the developed countries of Europe, North America and Oceania. Lord Buddha once said that in this world plants alone are capable of extending unilateral love, since trees provide shade even to the axemen who come to cut them. Let us therefore hope that agriculture will continue to be a catalyst of cooperation in our world which is increasingly being threatened with discord and despair.

In conclusion, I wish to express my gratitude to the Government of India for nominating me for this position. The Late Prime Minister Indira Ghandi was always generous in her encouragement of agricultural scientists and the present Prime Minister has maintained the view that "if agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will go right". It is such political commitment that has led to India proving the prophets of doom wrong.

May I wish you, my distinguished friends in the Council, continued success in the important work you are doing and great personal happiness. It has been a privilege knowing you and I thank you once again for your friendship and consideration. Thank you very much, Mr Chairman, for your kind patience.



CHAIRMAN: Now on to the job of this afternoon. I am very grateful to Vice-Chairmen Bukhari for chairing the Session.

The Drafting Committee has worked very hard. I request Mr Gregory, Chairman of the Drafting Committee, to come over. I hope you have documents CL 88/REP/1, REP/2, REP/3 and REP/4. Shall we start our discussion on the adoption of the report? I request the Chairman of the Drafting Committee to introduce the report.

David R. GREGORY (Chairman, Drafting Committee): We have before us a number of drafts of the Drafting Committee. We worked through two evenings and completed our work this morning, I am happy to say. I must say to start with that I am indeed grateful for the great degree of cooperation and goodwill that persisted throughout the Drafting Committee by all its members. The fact that we were able to complete our work with so much goodwill and such cordiality, despite differences of opinion on certain issues, is certainly something that I will remember, and I am grateful to the members of that Committee. I have served on many drafting committees and this will be a pleasant memory; some are not so pleasant, but this one certainly was.

I do not think the draft will entirely satisfy everybody, but I think everybody will find something in it to satisfy themselves. I only plead that when looking at the various sections of the draft, particularly the issues that are likely to be more contentious, you look at them as a whole. We must of course focus paragraph by paragraph, but would you look at the total section and look at the balance we have attempted to strike. I think we have done that.

Perhaps as individual parts of the report come up which merit separate comment I could to that, Mr Chairman, if necessary.


CHAIRMAN: I would like to record our appreciation to the Chairman and members of the Drafting Committee for their patient work.

Shall we, as usual, take Document CL 88/REP/1 item by item. Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4-they are procedural matters and they are just facts.

Amin ABDEL-MALEK (Liban) (Interprétation de l'arabe): En ce qui concerne le paragraphe 1, on constate une faute de frappe. On parle de la soixante-dix-septième session, alors qu'il s'agit de la quatre-vingt-septième session.

Paragraph 1 approved
Le paragraphe 1 est approuvé
El párrafo 1 es aprobado

Paragraph 2 approved
Le paragraphe 2 est approuv
El párrafo 2 es aprobado

Paragraphs 3 and 4 approved
Les paragraphes 3 et 4 sont approuvés
Los párra
fos 3 y 4 son aprobados

CHAIRMAN: Shall we move to paragraph 5? I would also repeat what members of the Council are already aware of, that we do not take time on editorial changes. Some improvements may always be possible in expression. So please do not intervene to make some suggestions on how to improve the language. Let us just go into the substantive portion.


Horacio M. CARAÎJDANG (Philippinos): The report before the Council is supposed to reflectfaithfuily and truthfully the proceedings before the debate. I do not see any reference to the observations made by the Philippine delegation vis-à-vis the import or the meaning of the words "many", "most", and "consensus" and the ambiguity that could lead to a virtual exercise of veto power by a minority. Certain delegations made remarks on this point and to ignore it or leave it out or to refuse to make any reference to the issue would make the report incomplete, especially because of the fact that certain references are made in paragraph 24. Therefore, in my view, to make this report balanced after the paragraph indicated in the present paragraph 24, I would propose the following wording: -"it was stressed that decision was taken by the majority and that no single delegation enjoyed veto power, and that failure to reach consensus did not mean that the majority view could be taken as the Council's decision. "

CHAIRMAN: But the Basic Text is very clear, that all decisions are by majority. You can think about it and then repeat it.

Victor HJÓRT (Denmark): I asked for the floor because my delegation was involved in the discussion in the Drafting Committee which led to the square brackets which are around this paragraph. In fact, we had some points concerning this paragraph, but after a lengthy discussion we were not able to solve all the points we raised. The two sentences which now appear in paragraph 24, which is now before the Council, were agreed to on this version as it stands now in the Draft Report. We had hoped that we could fulfil the discussion in the Drafting Committee but because of time constraints and the necessity to discuss other important issues, which also are in the report, we accepted that we have to keep the square brackets on the report which would appear before the Council.

I would like to make it clear that our delegation did not wish to have a report from the Drafting Committee which was not entirely agreed upon, and the square brackets are only due to the fact that there was no time to fulfil the discussion which we wished on the points connected to this paragraph. However, as I mentioned before these two sentences were only part of the discussion, and we feel, the part of the discussion which caused the least problems. In fact, as I said, they were originally agreed to, and we feel that in order to avoid a cumbersome discussion now before the Council, the easiest way would be just to drop those square brackets and adopt the two sentences as they stand.

José Ramón LOPEZ PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Señor Presidente, este párrafo fue objeto en el Comité de Redacción de largas discusiones. Seis de los miembros de ese Comité, y de esto dará fe el Presidente, nos opusimos a que se presentera a la consideración de este Consejo dentro del Informe. Ello obedece a que no es costumbre en los informes de nuestro Consejo el que se haga mención a lo que un representante dice, en primer lugar, salvo que se refiera a cuestiones de gran importancia come aquellas que, por ejemplo, se refieren en el párrafo 13 ya aprobado.

En segundo lugar, las cuestiones que aquí se tratan están adecuadamente consideradas en el propio Informe del CPPB adoptado por nuestro Consejo, como se refleja aquí en nuestro informe; al ser adoptado así en nuestro Consejo, estas cosas están ya incorporadas en nuestro informe y, por tanto, han sido aprobados. Quien desee consultar el informe podrá darse cuenta de esto.

En tercer lugar, lo que se refiere en este párrafo no es de importancia y además toca un tema, en última instancia, que no fue materia de discusión durante nuestros debates; por tanto, seis de las delegaciones del Comité de Redacción nos opusimos a que este párrafo se aceptara. Nosotros insistimos en que este párrafo se suprima y creo que podemos llegar a una solución de transacción en función del nuevos párrafos que ha presentado la Delegación de Filipinas y aquellos nuevos párrafos que eventualmente muchas delegaciones podrían presentar haciendo referencia a lo que una delegación dijo en éste o en otro sentido.

Como una solución de compromiso, la Delegación de México solicita a la de Dinamarca y a la de Filipinas que gentilmente retiren su insistencia respecto a introducir párrafos relativos a lo que un representante dijo.

Por otra parte, deseo informarle, Señor Presidente, que he podido hacer algunas auscultaciones en mi calidad de Presidente del Grupo de los 77 entre varios, no todos pero varios, delegados de nuestro Consejo y creo que hay un acuerdo general en que se suprima este párrafo. En todo caso, Señor Presidente, creo que esto no debe dar lugar a mayores debates y debería permitirnos pasar rápidamente a una solución y a los siguientes párrafos.

Ajmal Mahmood QURESHI (Pakistan): I will be very brief. I would wish to endorse what the distinguished Ambassador from Mexico has just said since the point which has been made within parentheses in paragraph 24 is already very honestly and truthfully reflected in the main body of the report of the CCP. I do not think that it would make any material difference if we delete this paragraph, because the point of view is already reflected.

CHAIRMAN: Will Denmark and the Philippines consider withdrawing the respective sentences, since the verbatim records contain all the other comments. In my personal view it would be very difficult for a report if each of 49 members said "whatever I said in the Council meeting should be reflected in the report. " It would be very difficult to draft a report. So, my humble request would be for both Denmark and the Philippines to withdraw their respective comments. As the Ambassador of Mexico said it is in the report, it is in the verbatim records very clearly, so your viewpoint is expressed. It would be very difficult for a report to represent each individual viewpoint. It would be very difficult to draft a report. Denmark, would you like to reconsider?

Victor HJORT (Denmark): I would like to consider your offer but if there are other delegations who have interventions in this, I would prefer to hear those first.

Horacio M. CAKÁNDANG (Philippines): On the condition paragraph 24 is withdrawn, because if there is reference here to consensus then we should also have reference to what the Philippine delegation said about consensus.

CHAIRMAN: Shall we then, if both Denmark and the Philippines agree, withdraw paragraph 24 and the subsequent paragraph? Would any member want to speak? Are you agreeable Denmark?

Victor HJORT (Denmark): I would just like to add one thing to what I said before. When my delegation pursued this disussion in the Drafting Committee, we were speaking on behalf of a major group of countries represented in the Council. We felt that we had a question of principle which ought to be recorded in the report of the Council, and that at the same time it would be fair that this minority view be recorded. I have paid attention to what you yourself have said about this, and other delegations, and will say that in the spirit of compromise and homogeneity of the reports we will be willing to withdraw this paragraph.

Paragraphs 5 to 25, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 5 à 25, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 5 a 25, asi enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraphs 26 to 31 approved
Les paragraphes 26 à 31 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 26 a 31 son aprobabos

Paragraphs 32 to 39 approved
Les paragraphes 32 à 39 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 32 a 39 son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part I, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière, première partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptee
El proyecto de informe de la plenaria, Parte I, así enmendado, es aprobado

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