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LE PRESIDENT: Honorables Délégués et Observateurs, nous reprenons le cours de nos travaux. Le Président du Comité de rédaction me signale que le Comité vient de terminer son travail, il y a donc un problème pratique de traduction et de frappe, et nous vous proposons la formule de travail suivante.

Nous allons passer en revue les documents CL 94/REP/1, 2, 3, 4, nous informerons les membres du Comité de rédaction ici présents des modifications de formes envisagées ce matin, et en même temps, nous aborderons document par document les questions de fond qui ont été laissées pour analyse avec les membres du Comité de rédaction.

Nous espérons, au cours de cette discussion, recevoir le reste des documents du Comité de rédaction.

Je vais d'abord donner la parole à Monsieur le Président du Comité de rédaction, puis je demanderai au Secrétariat de bien vouloir informer le Comité de rédaction des points de forme que nous avons vus ce matin, ainsi que des questions de fond qui ont été réservées.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee) (Original language Arabic): I would like first of all to reiterate my thanks and the thanks of the members of the Drafting Committee to the Council for the confidence and trust it placed in us by electing us to the membership of this Committee. I would also like to seize this opportunity to express my deep thanks to the members of the Drafting Committee for the true and genuine efforts and the very full cooperation throughout the work of the Drafting Committee at this session of the Council. I would also like to inform you that the Committee has worked for more than 40 hours to submit to your Council a report that would reflect the differing opinions and which would give a balanced reflection of the discussions and debates of the Council, taking into account, of course, the conflicting as well as the supporting views and opinions in the debates. Allow me on my own behalf and on behalf of the Drafting Committee to express our thanks to the members of the Secretariat who worked with us unstintingly and untiringly to help us with our work, and here I do not wish to omit to thank all those who worked with us and cooperated with us, even be it from afar.

The Drafting Committee completed its work and you have before you the various parts of our Report. You have in fact examined and studied and indicated the procedure to be followed and we agree with you.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie l'honorable Président du Comité de rédaction et vais demander au Secrétaire général adjoint de bien vouloir nous indiquer ce qui a été convenu ce matin.

DRAFT REPORT - PART I (part of)(continued)
PROYECTO DE INFORME - PARTE I (parte) (continuación)

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL ADJOINT: J'espère, Monsieur le Président, pouvoir relire mes notes car je n'ai pas eu le temps de vérifier avec le Procès-Verbal de ce matin.

Paragraphe 14. On nous a signalé une erreur dans la traduction espagnole que nous allons corriger.

Paragraphe 16. Dans la première phrase, il faudrait mettre "most" au lieu de "many". Dans la seconde partie de ce paragraphe, le Conseil a décidé de le revoir en présence des membres du Comité de rédaction.

Paragraphe 17. Avant dernière ligne, tout à fait à la fin, nous devons ajouter: "bilatérales" après organisations multilatérales.

Paragraphe 18. On nous a signalé que dans la version française quelque chose n'allait pas et nous allons la vérifier.

LE PRESIDENT: Il a été proposé à la ligne 1 du texte français de ce paragraphe 18, de remplacer "une forte proportion de l'agriculture" par "un niveau élevé de protectionnisme de l'agriculture". Telles sont les quatre remarques que je forme qui ont été annoncées jusqu'à la fin de ce Point 18·

ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL: After the sentence "owing to the climatic and ecological conditions prevailing in their countries", add "coupled with an inadequate and adverse international economic environment". The second part of paragraph 18 is left to be amended in the presence of the members of Drafting Committee.

Paragraph 22, the third sentence would read "The limited" agricultural production increase....

Paragraph 25, an amendment has been proposed but has to be looked at by the Council in the presence of members of the Drafting Committee.

Paragraph 26, the penultimate sentence which starts "The temporary increase in international prices" will now read "Increasing international prices had been recorded from several commodities in 1988. However, prices of some other commodities of major interest to developing countries had remained extremely depressed."

Mr. CH. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agricultural Department) (Representative of the Director-General): In the English text, the way I have it is: "Increasing international prices have been recorded in 1988 for several commodities. However, prices for some", and it would then be good to include "other" to make sense of it, "some other commodities of major Interest to developing countries have remained depressed."

ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL: Paragraph 27, the expression "non-concessional" was not properly translated in French.

Paragraph 39, there was an addition which will be looked at with the Drafting Committee. That is all as far as REP/1 is concerned.

PARAGRAPHS 15 to 28 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 15 à 28 (suite)
PARRAFOS 15 a 28 (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Voilà un résumé des modifications de forme qui ont été envisagées ce matin. Il reste les problèmes de fond. Nous allons reprendre la discussion des paragraphes que nous avons mis de côté jusqu'à ce que le Comité de rédaction participe au débat.

La première question de fond qui a été soulevée ce matin porte sur le paragraphe 16, à savoir la phrase qui se lit comme suit: "Le Conseil a instamment demandé que, d'une façon générale les pays qui entreprennent des ajustements de l'économie bénéficient d'allégements significatifs de leur dette afin de permettre la reprise de leur croissance économique et sociale".

Je demande au délégué qui a proposé de modifier ce paragraphe de bien vouloir exposer son point de vue en présence du Comité de rédaction.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): This latter part has been discussed at length, and the distinguished delegates of Mexico, Madagascar and the United States have elaborated on this paragraph. We reached the consensus which is expressed in this paragraph.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): We are now getting into a matter that is not within the competence of FAO. It is for the IMF or the World Bank to decide which countries should have significant concessions on debt because of economic adjustments.

I move that we strike out the expression "undertaking economic adjustments" and add "the developing countries", so that all countries should be entitled to this reward. I do not know why we should single out those countries undertaking economic adjustment in this form.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Apoyamos lo que ha dicho Brasil.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous sommes saisis d'une proposition du Délégué du Brésil appuyé du Délégué de la Colombie visant à remplacer les termes "les pays qui entreprennent des ajustements de leur économie" par "les pays en voie de développement".

Ms Roberta VAN HAEFTEN (United States of America): The United States delegation, as we argued at the Drafting Committee, wish to leave those two concepts together. That is the concept of countries undertaking structural adjustments, which indicate that they are attempting to deal very seriously with some of the economic problems they have; and that coupled with that would be the assistance. We would prefer to have the language stay the way it is now.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I really do not know which kind of structural adjustment we are considering. Who determines the structural adjustment? Who judges whether the structural adjustment applies? I believe that countries which are not going through structural adjustments are taking good care of their economies. We are not the ones to judge which is the right path for us to take.

Nevertheless, I am prepared to accept this and not to enter into long discussions on it. Perhaps the best solution would be to strike out the whole sentence starting "In countries" and ending with "improvement" and substituting it with "That this situation be reversed." We mean by that the situation mentioned in the sentence before, which is the constraint and conception of economic growth and the burden of external debt, capital outflow and so forth. I would be happy if we could accept that.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous demande de bien vouloir nous indiquer la rédaction que vous proposez.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): The sentence I mentioned that I wanted to amend would read as follows: "The Council in general urged that the situation mentioned before be reversed".

LE PRESIDENT: Le Conseil est-il d'accord avec la proposition du Délégué du Brésil ? Je crois que nous pouvons l'entériner.

Un autre paragraphe sur lequel une question de fond a été soulevée est le paragraphe 18. On a proposé d'ajouter, à la suite de la phrase qui se termine par "en raison des conditions climatiques et écologiques où ils se trouvent", la mention suivante: "Le Conseil a été informé des mesures décidées par la Communauté économique européenne (CEE) dans le cadre de la politique agricole commune et des résultats qu'elle a obtenus dans cette direction".

Ibrahima ΚΑΒΑ (Guinée): Je m'excuse beaucoup de revenir sur le paragraphe 16 mais je n'ai pas du tout compris cette question. Comme nous le savons, ce problème d'ajustement structurel a été discuté à fond lors de nos débats. Il a fait l'objet de discussions sérieuses et approfondies. Je ne sais pas ce qui ne va pas ici. Je voudrais la phrase complète.

LE PRESIDENT: La phrase actuelle se lit comme suit: "Le Conseil a instamment demandé que, d'une façon générale, les pays qui entreprennent des ajustements de leur économie bénéficient d'allégements significatifs de leur dette avec la mise en place de programmes d'ajustement structurels économiques...".

Ce qui a été proposé par le Délégué du Brésil, c'est que l'on demande que la situation mentionnée plus haut - celle relative à la dette - soit renversée.

Ibrahima ΚΑΒΑ (Guinée): Le problème structurel doit apparaître, conformément à la teneur du débat. Je voudrais que cela apparaisse dans ce paragraphe. Je suis d'accord si l'on fait d'autres propositions mais il faut maintenir cette phrase parce qu'elle me satisfait. J'insiste pour que cette mention paraisse car je sais ce que mon pays subit actuellement dans ce contexte bien précis.

Muhammad Saleen KHAN (Pakistan): I find myself in agreement with the delegate of Guinea. We were members of the Drafting Committee and I do not want to take the floor but this sentence flows from the preceding one which lays emphasis on some areas. It mentions countries in general but then says particularly certain areas. The significance may be seen in that context. Therefore, I think it needs some changing.

Raphael RABE (Madagascar): Moi non plus, en tant que membre du Comité de rédaction, je ne devrais pas intervenir, mais le délégué de la Guinée, à juste titre, a mentionné que cette question avait été largement débattue. Cela figure au Procès-verbal.

Je propose donc que l'on garde cette phrase et que l'on ajoute celle proposée par le Délégué du Brésil. L'un n'empêche pas l'autre. On devrait insérer les deux idées dans ce paragraphe.

Joao Angusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): The points mentioned by the delegates from Madagascar, Pakistan and Guinea are very clearly contained in paragraph 17. Their thoughts and their preoccupations are very clear in the words of paragraph 17. What I am against is that we have to single out just one section of the developing countries, those who will be receiving these concessions, who will be making economic adjustments, who are feeling the effects of the economic adjustments determined by the socio-economic group, and they are very clearly contained in paragraph 17.

Paragraph 16 dealt with different matters, paragraph 17 deals with the economic adjustment. I move that we keep paragraph 17 as it is, in which the preoccupations of those delegates are embodied, and change the paragraph as I have suggested.

LE PRESIDENT: Vous suggérez que le paragraphe 16 reste en l'état ?

Joâo Angusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): NO.

Gonzalo BULA HOyOS (Colombia): Creo que lo que preocupa al colega de Brasil, y a nosotros también, es la impresión que esta frase da en el sentido de que sólo aquellos países donde se están introduciendo ajustes económicos debieran merecer un trato favorable.

No sé si el colega de Brasil podría aceptar una propuesta que permitiera un consenso para atender las posiciones de otros colegas. Podríamos decir así: el Consejo en general insistió en que los países que introdujeran ajustes económicos, así como a los demás países en desarrollo. Luego seguiría igual·

LE PRESIDENT: Je vais donner la parole aux représentants de la Guinée et des Philippines. Je proposerai ensuite une formule de rédaction.

Ibrahima ΚΑΒΑ (Guinée): Je veux simplement dire que les deux aspects du problème abordé dans les paragraphes 16 et 17 sont tout à fait différents. Il ne faut pas tout mélanger. Au paragraphe 16, on aborde le problème d'ajustement structurel compte tenu du problème de la dette alors qu'au paragraphe 17, on l'aborde en y associant la FAO, comme l'a suggéré le Directeur général, en envisageant les différentes mesures d'ajustement structurelles avec la présence de la FAO, étant donné que l'activité agricole représente le facteur économique le plus important dans ces pays là. Il s'agit donc de deux aspects différents et c'est ce que je voulais souligner.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): The problem concerns the sentence preceding the one we are now trying to amend. This makes reference to the debt problems and capital outflows which are are a major constraint to the resumption of economic growth in many of the developing countries. You are saying particularly Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. I am sure that during the debate this problem was also referred to by delegations from Asia. This problem is not limited to Africa and Latin America, it is also in Asia. I think we could also include Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Winston RUDDER (Trinidad and Tobago): I wonder whether it would be helpful if we were to make a slight amendment to the existing sentence in order that it would read: "The Council in general urged that countries so affected be rewarded through significant concessions on debts," etcetera.

Roberto E.E. DALTON (Argentina): Creo que sobre la base de lo que ha propuesto Colombia, si se invirtiera el orden de las palabras quedarla mas claro. Diría: el Consejo, en general insistió en que a los países en desarrollo, especialmente aquellos que introduzcan ajustes económicos, se les otorgara. Todo lo demás seguirla igual.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous avons donc une suggestion concrète présentée par la Colombie et appuyée par l'Argentine. Avant de vous donner la parole, j'aurais aimé savoir si cette rédaction pourrait être retenue par le Conseil·

Sra. Miriam INZAULGARAT GARCIA DE PEREZ (Cuba): Por favor le ruego que lo repitan a velocidad de dictado para tomar nota y saber si nos podemos pronunciar.

Roberto E.E. DALTON (Argentina): En general, Insistió en que a los países en desarrollo, especialmente a aquellos que introduzcan ajustes económicos, etc., etc.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que le Conseil accepte cette proposition.

Joao Angusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I would rather have the proposal made by Trinidad and Tobago. It is a better proposal. However, I would be prepared to accept the proposal made by Argentina and Colombia if the word "especially" were taken out. I do not know why certain countries are singled out and others left out altogether.

Earl W· WEYBRECHT (Canada): I was concerned about some of the earlier suggestions and the flow of that sentence in connection with the following sentence which states "the major industrial countries should endeavour to correct their own structural imbalances." I feel that some of the earlier wording did not quite flow in with the next sentence. However, perhaps it is a point I should have raised earlier.

Ibrahima ΚΑΒΑ (Guinée): Je voudrais soutenir la proposition faite par la Colombie.

Ms Roberta VAN HAEFTEN (United States of America): We should like to support the proposal made by the delegate of Argentina and would particularly like to see the word "especially" stay in the sentence.

LE PRESIDENT: Pour ne pas alourdir le débat nous pourrions retenir cette formulation: "Le Conseil a instamment demandé que, d'une façon générale, les pays en développement qui entreprennent des ajustements de leur économie..."·

Washington ZUÑIGA TRELLES (Perú): A mi Delegación le parece más conveniente lo sugerido por Colombia porque si pensamos bien en el sentido de lo que se quiere decir, vamos a ver que los países cuanto más pobres son, es más difícil que puedan hacer reajustes económicos. ¿Qué son los reajustes económicos que por lo general piden lo organismos financieros? Que por ejemplo se hagan economías en los presupuestos, cortes en los presupuestos o una serie de sacrificios los cuales no pueden realizar los países más pobres. En consecuencia, yo creo que lo propuesto por Colombia es lo más racional·

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que le Délégué de la Colombie veut bien nous donner sa rédaction?

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Sí, Sr. Presidente. Yo estoy muy agradecido a mi colega de Guinea quien ha entendido el sentido equilibrado de nuestra propuesta. La repetiré lentamente porque creo que no debería ofrecer dificultades.

"El Consejo, en general, insistió en que a los países que introdujeran ajustes económicos", y aquí viene el agregado: "así como a los demás países en desarrollo" y el texto sigue tal como está: "se les otorgara... "· Y yo creo francamente que un concepto tan amplio como éste no puede tener ninguna objeción en el seno del Consejo.

V.K. SIBAL (India): I take the floor somewhat hesitantly, being a member of the Drafting Committee. I should like to advance the consensus we are converging on, and mention that I have a slight reservation which I am compelled to share with you concerning the word "rewarded". This does not seem to be consistent with the dignity of Member Countries. I think that the word "assisted" would be a much better word.

LE PRESIDENT: J'aimerais bien qu'on puisse axer le débat sur la proposition colombienne ou argentine pour que nous arrivions à un consensus.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I should like to support the statement made by the delegate of Peru which supported the proposal of Colombia. I think it is most rational that we should do so. Also, I should like to remind you that I have requested the addition of the word "Asia" in the preceding sentence.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): Perhaps we could reach consensus on the proposal made by Colombia and supported by Peru, the Philippines and other countries.

András SZABO (Hungary): I should stress that our delegation fully supports the suggestions made by Argentina. In other words, if we accepted the Colombian proposal it would mean that practically all developing countries must have consensus in solving the debt problems. The debt problems are not the subject of our deliberations. The debt problems were considered very seriously during the UNCTAD VII where consensus was reached on these problems. I ask you to take into account what was agreed at the UNCTAD meeting.

Ms Roberta VAN HAEFTEN (United States of America): At this point our delegation would like to accept the proposal suggested by the delegation of Argentina. We could accept the original statement as it came from the Drafting Committee. We would also accept the second suggestion from the Brazilian delegation where any reference in that sentence to undertaking economic adjustments was eliminated, and instead saying that the situation mentioned in the previous paragraph be reversed. However, we cannot accept the suggestion from the delegation of Colombia.

LE PRESIDENT: Je récapitule. Peut-on retenir la proposition de l'Argentine qui est la suivante: "Le Conseil a instamment démandé que, d'une façon générale, les pays en développement et en particulier ceux qui entreprennent des ajustements de leur économie bénéficient....". Puisque les deux types de pays sont cités et que l'on met "en particulier", je crois que l'on couvre à peu près tous les secteurs. On met tous les pays en développement, on ne les exclut pas. Mais il y a un certain intérêt qui est porté à ceux qui ont entrepris des programmes d'ajustement structurel, comme l'Afrique.

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): I should like to confirm that we support the formulation you have proposed, with one very minor alteration that is to support the proposal from the distinguished delegate of India, namely that the word "rewarded" should be changed to "assisted". Apart from that we favour very much using the word "especially".

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): Perhaps we could do it differently: "The Council, in general, urged that the developing countries be assisted" goes to the end of the sentence, and then, "Particular attention in this context should be given to countries undertaking economic adjustment".

LE PRESIDENT: Je pense que cette formule: "les pays en développement, en particulier ceux qui ont des problèmes d'ajustement···" n'exclut pas les pays en développement. Dans beaucoup de pays de l'Afrique il y a ces problèmes d'ajustement structurel que nous connaissons. C'est une amélioration par rapport au texte accepté par le Comité de rédaction avec la modification proposée par l'Inde. Je suggère donc qu'on retienne: "les pays en développement, en particulier...". Cela permettra d'avoir un peu tout le monde. Pouvons-nous accepter cela?

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): There is still the Philippine proposal, and may I suggest that perhaps the Philippine delegate would agree that after the comma of the preceding sentence we make a full stop -"in many of them", and delete "particularly those in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean". That would mean that we would not have to name some and not: others.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Sólo nos interesa, digamos, saber cómo queda la modificación a "trato favorable", porque no entendimos exactamente qué se quiso decir. Olmos en inglés una palabra, asistencia. No sé si eso sea exactamente lo que se debe decir, cual es el cambio que se ha introducido en "trato favorable".

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que la traduction est "assisted".

Quant à la proposition de M. Bonte-Friedheim, est-ce qu'on retire "notamment···"? Je signale que le terme "notamment" n'est pas exclusif. Il laisse la porte ouverte aux autres pays qui ont le même problème.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): For the sake of consensus I will accept this formula but I believe it is a very dangerous one and makes it difficult between developing countries, those who are making structural adjustments and those who are not making structural adjustments, those who are entitled to some kind of assistance and those who are not entitled to some kind of assistance. So I accept that but I think it is detrimental to the interests of the developing countries.

Ibrahima ΚΑΒΑ (Guinée): L'introduction de ce point dans le Projet du rapport est due au fait qu'on l'a étudié, qu'on l'a examiné au Conseil. Etant donné que cela a été un des points étudiés par le Conseil, il ne s'agit pas maintenant de formuler les choses suivant son désir, mais de refléter la teneur des débats. Si on veut respecter la teneur des débats, c'est ce qui est indiqué dans le projet de rapport qui a effectivement été dit au cours des débats. Dans ce cas on accepte cette formule qui effectivement est le reflet des débats, cela est incontestable, ou alors, si on veut faire plaisir à certains, qui demandaient des modifications, nous accepterions l'adoption du mot "particulier".

LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons à une autre question, parce que nous avons encore beaucoup de travail.

Il reste la dernière question. S'agissant du terme "notamment" qui n'exclut pas d'autres pays, je suggère que l'on veuille bien laisser la rédaction en l'état si vous n'avez pas d'objections.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): Particularly Africa and the Caribbean? Quelle est la rédaction finale?

LE PRESIDENT: "Le Conseil a instamment demandé que, d'une facon générale, les pays en voie de développement et en particulier les pays qui entreprennent des ajustements..."·

Horacio GARANDANG (Philippines): I was just wondering what was the final version of the sentence preceding this sentence you have just approved. I did not quite get what you proposed and what was approved·

LE PRESIDENT: J'ai suggéré que le terme "notamment" qui est ici, ne se limite pas à l'Afrique ou à la Région des Caraïbes. Ce n'est pas exclusif. Si on veut ajouter l'Asie, c'est au Conseil de décider.

M. le Président du Comité de rédaction, voulez-vous donner une explication sur ce point?

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I wish to indicate that the Drafting Committee has worked on this specific issue for a long time. I just want to give you some history, Mr. Chairman, but I do not contest your ruling, the introduction of "the developing countries", means that there is also a reference to the developing countries, that is to separate them. I think we can agree with your ruling there, Mr. Chairman.

LE PRESIDENT: Notamment le Délégué des Philippines signale qu'en Asie il y a le même problème et il demande si nous pouvons élargir l'enumeration et ne pas se limiter à l'Afrique.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I do not think we have any problem in adding it, Mr. Chairman.

Ms Ljiljana VELASEVIC (Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia is also a developing country and this is the European region. Then if we do this we must put European region, that is the problem.

V.K. SIBAL (India): I have taken the floor to support what is in this paragraph, for the reason that the debt problem is acute in these two regions. This does not exclude the fact that there may be some countries in the other regions also which have a debt problem. But regionwise the problem of debt is a very big problem in those two that have been mentioned particularly. Therefore, it is a fair reflection of economic realities and we could leave it at this.

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que l'on peut accepter cette rédaction pour débloquer la situation, M. le Délégué des Philippines?

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I think the report should reflect what happened in the debate and there were many Asian countries also that referred to the external debt burden, among them the Philippines itself. We are using 50% of our national budget to pay our external debts and if that is not a heavy burden I do not know what is. We are using 30% of our foreign exchange to service our foreign debts and certainly that is a very heavy burden. Probably we should be included in the countries of Latin America but we are not, we are in Asia and that is a reality, Mr. Chairman.

LE PRESIDENT: Puisque dans le Procès-verbal l'intervention de la Yougoslavie sur ce point ne figure pas, nous pourrions, si le Conseil en est d'accord, ajouter en Afrique, en Asie, dans la région d'Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, et on débloque ainsi la situation. Paragraphe 18?

Joao Angusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): It is a very minor amendment. At the end of the sentence starting "In this connection, some developing countries pointed out the difficulties which they encountered in organizing their policies owing to the climatic and ecological conditions prevailing in their countries". I move that it is not only the internal conditions but the external conditions, so to add at the end of this sentence "coupled with an inadequate and adverse economic environment".

LE PRESIDENT: La phrase proposée par le Délégué du Brésil s'est d'ajouter après "où il se trouve" la mention suivante "jointe à un environnement économique international inapproprié et néfaste". Voilà ce qui était proposé ce matin.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I do not recall if this specific phrase has been introduced in the Plenary. If it has been introduced I think the Committee would not object to that.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I do not recall if the specific phrase was introduced in the Plenary but the specific concept was introduced by a great many delegates so I move that we could accept it·

Thomas YANGA (Cameroun): Je voulais seulement mentionner que ma Délégation était parmi celles qui ont parlé des conditions économiques internationales.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): En plus de la remarque de son Excellence, l'Ambassadeur du Brésil, 11 faudrait d'abord préciser qu'il s'agit de leurs politiques agricoles, et ensuite, de changer l'ordre de la phrase, en commençant par: "en raison" et là on mettrait la proposition du Brésil; et ensuite: "ainsi que des conditions climatiques et écologiques où ils se trouvent".

András SZABO (Hungary): We would rather see the suggestion of the distinguished delegate of Brazil, because we have to bear in mind, as stressed several times, that first of all the governments and countries themselves should take steps and are responsible for the situation. That is why the order of business should be followed according to our debates. That is why I cannot agree with the representative of Algeria.

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que nous pouvons ajouter à la phrase finissant par "où ils se trouvent" dans le texte français, la phrase suivante "jointes à un environnement économique international inapproprié et néfaste".

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department)(Representative of the Director-General): Unfortunately, on behalf of the secretariat, I have to ask you, and maybe through you some Members, one question with regard to paragraph 18. In the meeting this morning France introduced an information sentence which, according to my recollection was to be included towards the end of the paragraph where it says "meeting held in Budapest from 10 to 12 November 1988." Thereafter, and I am willing to read what I put down, France introduced a sentence which was to read "The Council was informed that measures decided by the EEC within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy as well as the results obtained in order to achieve better balance of supply and demand with a view to improving international markets."

LE PRESIDENT: Nous avions suggéré que l'on dise "Le Conseil a été informé des mesures décidées par la Communanté économique européenne (CEE) dans le cadre de la politique agricole ainsi que des résultats obtenus par cette politique". C'est ce qui avait été suggéré ce matin pour ne pas alourdir le débat.

Paragraphe 25. Le Délégué du Brésil a introduit une proposition assez longue que je lui demanderai d'exposer lui-même.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): The paragraphs relating to ecological and environmental issues care for the needs and problems of developing countries. There is not a balance between development needs and environmental practice and policies. Therefore, we propose we should not start using different definitions on these environmental issues and different fora to go back and accept something that was mentioned as a concept, and to make what has been said in resolution 42/186 more formal, which in my opinion has more balanced wording, only emphasising one side of the issue. We substitute this sentence, "It agreed that environmental issues must be fully integrated into development strategies as had been recommended by the World Commission on Environment and Development." with the sentence "It agreed that environmental issues are closely intertwined with development policies and practices and, consequently, environmental goals and actions need to be defined in relation to the development objectives and policies." This sentence takes care of the exact needs of the possibility of developing countries in addressing ecological problems rather than those problems imposed on them from outside.

LE PRESIDENT: Je récapitule la proposition de l'honorable Délégué du Brésil, à savoir de remplacer la seconde phrase par: "il a reconnu que les conditions d'environnement sont étroitement liées avec les politiques et pratiques d'environnement, et qu'elles doivent être définies en fonction des objectifs de développement".

Bernard LEDUN (France): Il y a une petite confusion ou un contresens: vous dites: "11 a reconnu que les questions d'environnement doivent être pleinement intégrées dans les politiques ou stratégies d'environnement"; il y a là une redondance qui me paraît amener à la confusion; c'est simplement un problème de rédaction; je serai ensuite amené à intervenir sur le fond.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I do not believe there is a problem with the wording. Development is the major constraint to environment degradation. That is the point; not the other way around. Poverty is a major case of environmental degradation, and we should address that and not the other way around. Developed countries of course do not have this problem. They can use this issue as a control in the way they believe developing countries should develop themselves. We believe we should decide on our own development and that development is the main issue. Of course, it has to come together with environmentally sound policies, but the emphasis should be on development. As I mentioned before, I am not innovating; I am reading from a UN resolution approved by the consensus of every member state in this room. "It is agreed that environmental issues are closely intertwined with development policies and practices, and consequently environmental goals and actions need to be defined in relation to development objectives and policies."

LE PRESIDENT: La rédaction vous va?

Bernard LEDUN (France): Je souhaiterais demander au Délégué du Brésil quel est le numéro de la Résolution qu'il vient de nous lire et par quelle Assemblée - je pense que c'était l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, et en quelle année cette Résolution a-t-elle été adoptée; s'agit-il de la quarante-troisième ou de la quarante-deuxième session, je voudrais les références exactes de cette Résolution.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brésil): 42-186 approuvés par la 42ème session.

Roberta VAN HAEFTEN (United States of America): We had a question of information but it has been answered for us already.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): My reading of the discussion we have been having on this item, as well as the other item on environmental questions, is that the text by the drafting committee reflects better the discussion we have been conducting here. Therefore, I would be much more comfortable with the text as it stands. It concentrates on the World Commission and this has been discussed here.

Ibrahima ΚΑΒΑ (Guinée): La phrase telle qu'elle est présentée dans notre projet de rapport me semble parfaitement compréhensible: une question d'environnement doit être prise comme un facteur du développement. Cela me semble très bien exprimé.

András SZABO (Hungary): I question that, if the General Assembly has already accepted a resolution, why should we stress our Council agree to it. It is quite natural for me, if the General Assembly has a resolution, we agree to it. I would suggest change the word "agreed" but the Council "urged actions" for the implementation of this resolution and has not "agreed" that such a resolution exists. I see no sense in this sentence. Why should we say that our Council agrees to what the General Assembly has agreed upon.

Bernard LEDUM (France): Certes, l'Assemblée générale peut avoir adopté une Résolution, cela étant, nous sommes à la FAO et non pas à l'Assemblée générale.

En second lieu, nous sommes ici, au paragraphe 25, qui insiste sur le fait que la composante majeure est constituée précisément par une défense des problèmes d'environnement; la suggestion brésilienne consisterait plus ou moins à faire passer les impératifs de développement économique avant ceux de la préservation du milieu environnemental. J'estime que, tout en tenant compte du fait que la proposition brésilienne prend dûment en compte les facteurs de développement, on pourrait la placer, dans une autre partie du rapport, notamment celle qui a trait au développement durable. Il faudrait réserver à ce paragraphe 25 son aspect majeur qui est environnemental et repousser la proposition brésilienne à la partie qui traîte des problèmes de pérennité du développement où, à mon avis, elle a mieux sa place.

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que le Délégué du Brésil accepte cette proposition?

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): What we want here is to transform FAO to an environmental agency, and FAO is not an environmental agency. What I believe is that perhaps we could meet with the consensus here and, rather than having this wording as proposed by the drafting committee, we mention where the resolutions stem from. Therefore, something like "It is agreed that the proposals on sustainable development, as adopted by UN resolutions 42/186 and 43/186, be integrated or introduced in development strategies, or something along those lines.

LE PRESIDENT: La proposition de la France consiste à ce que cette idée puisse être intégrée dans la partie du rapport relative au développement durable; il propose de laisser cette idée ici mais de mettre votre proposition dans la partie du rapport relative au développement durable.

C'est bien ça, Monsieur le Délégué de la France?

Bernard LEDUN (France): Oui tout à fait.

LE PRESIDENT: Si vous en êtes d'accord, on pourrait peut-être attendre le développement durable.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I do not like the way it is worded here. I do not like this concept that we have that environmental issues should be the main concern of FAO. That is what we read from this; it is not the point. I would be prepared to accept any alternative. As you read this, FAO has to have environmental concerns as the major, and not development concerns. I think, for developing countries development is an important thing; I am sure it is not for developed countries, but for developing it is. We should look at that from different view points. Of course, environmental became very fashionable because it is the way for you to do whatever you want; you can control any kind of financing, any kind of plans just by pushing this environmental button. I am not an environmentalist, I have worked in that field for quite some time. I think we should look from the developing countries' side rather than from developed countries.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I think the problem here is the word "fully integrated", that means if you do not take into account all of the strategies, then you are not complying with all of this resolution but I would say that it is agreed that environment must be taken into full account by the strategies as has been recommended by the World Commission on Environment.

Ibrahima ΚΑΒΑ (Guinée): je voulais revenir à la proposition des Philippines et dire ceci: Il a reconnu que les stratégies de développement doivent dûment prendre en compte les questions d'environnement, c'est une proposition.

LE PRESIDENT: Cela vous va, Monsieur le Délégué du Brésil?

Bernard LEDUN (France): Cette formulation me conviendrait ainsi que celle proposée par les Philippines, au préalable; les deux nous conviennent.

LE PRESIDENT: On peut dire: reconnu que les stratégies de développement doivent dûment tenir compte des questions d'environnement, comme l'a recommandé la commission, etc..

Nous passons au paragraphe 26.

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): The last part is made up of two sentences, so 1 start with the last part, "increasing international prices have been recorded in 1988 for several commodities, however, prices" and then you go to the next sentence "Prices of some other commodities of major interest to developing countries have remained extremely depressed".

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que nous pouvons adopter cette phrase.

Paragraphs 15 to 28, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 15 à 28, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 15 a 28, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARRAFOS 37 a 39

LE PRESIDENT: Il reste ensuite le paragraphe 39. Je crois que c'est la Déléguée de Cuba qui a proposé un amendement à ce paragraphe.

Sra. Miriam INZAULGARAT GARCIA DE PEREZ (Cuba): Como propuse esta mañana, que atendiendo a los debates sobre el tema, y que la mayoría de los Miembros del Consejo habrían hecho ese llamamiento a los Estados Miembros con cuentas atrasadas, para que las abonara urgentemente, incluyendo al principal contribuyente por el volumen de esa cuota que influye tan decisivamente en la situación financiera de la Organización. Así se refleja en los cuadros comparativos de los adeudos de los años anteriores en que no hubo la crisis actual. Por esta razón propusimos añadir después de: "cuotas atrasadas": y principalmente el mayor contribuyente.

Así, además lo habían expresado la mayoría de los delegados.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): I am sure that the references to arrearage and paying arrearage included the major contributor, the United States of America. For example if you look at Document CL 94/LIM/1. put out by FAO it shows that as on the 11th of November, the United States of America has a total outstanding as a percentage of our assessment of 170. That is substantial. It. is not as substantial as the 205 percent of Cuba but it is still substantial. If you look at the record, there are more than two dozen countries in arrearage. I think the point is that the Drafting Committee's language is a true and accurate reflection of the deliberations in a straight-forward non-political fashion. It is clear; it is accurate; it is truthful. We have no objections to it whatsoever. We would object vigorously to saying that the word "including" includes only, the United States of America when in truth it includes every country on this list which I have before me and I would be pleased to read it but would prefer not to. I recommend that we adopt the language as it stands.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Tal vez convendría recordar que ahora nos hallamos en la etapa de reflejar en el Informe, como lo ha dicho la colega de Cuba, el sentido de nuestras discusiones y que no es hora de volver a documentos y cifras.

En la primera frase del párrafo 39, se hace un llamado a todos los estados miembros y luego la colega cubana ha propuesto una adición que, en mi opinión, es hasta demasiado débil, pero que, con animo de transacción la podíamos adoptar. Simplemente, entre todos ellos, principalmente, el mayor contribuyuente. Eso fue lo que dijeron muchísimos Miembros del Consejo de manera que aplaudimos la adición propuesta por Cuba.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): A few moments ago the Ambassador of Brazil spoke very finely and eloquently about making unnecessary differentiations. He spoke about developing and developed at the time he was speaking about it but I would have to say that it is not a prudent policy to have a country which is proportionately far more in arrearage than the United States of America sit here and try to single out the United States of America and the discrepancy in that is wide but it is even wider when you realize that since this document from which I quoted was published on the 11th of November there has been an additional 25 million - no, we do not accept that language; no, we will not. We will dig in and be just as aggressive about that as anybody has been on their points.

LE PRESIDENT: Effectivement, une annonce a été faite dans cette salle par l'Ambassadeur Eckert, annonce du paiement de 25 millions de dollars que l'on retrouve au procès-verbal. L'Ambassadeur Eckert a également indiqué la volonté du gouvernement du plus gros bailleur de fonds d'inscrire au budget de 1989 la totalité de ses contributions aux organisations internationales, dont la FAO; et un programme d'échelonnement du paiement des arriérés a été envisagé.

Dans le souci d'aider le représentant du plus gros bailleur de fonds à continuer de militer pour que son pays fasse face à ses contributions à la FAO, ne peut-on pas essayer de préparer le terrain à un travail constructif plutôt qu'à un affrontement et ne peut-on pas laisser en l'état le texte du paragraphe 39 ?

Tout le monde sait qu'un effort a été fait. Nous avons rendu hommage à l'Ambassadeur Eckert. Je crois qu'il serait bon qu'il puisse continuer à défendre notre cause auprès des instances compétentes dans son pays. Nous devrions préserver un climat de solidarité et de compréhension plutôt que d'affrontement.

Compte tenu de cette observation, je voudrais suggérer que nous conservions l'article 39 tel quel, dans son intégralité. Je crois en effet que nous avons intérêt à aboutir à un consensus et à préserver ce climat constructif que nous appelons tous de nos voeux.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I have no proposal to make, I just wanted to make a point, here we are talking about arrears and therefore, if you are talking about arrears, arrears meaning to say contributions due in the past year, because I thought in the Table we have a distinction between arrears and the current assessments. So if we put there, "including the major contributor", the arrears here is already a minor thing porportionately· I just wanted to make that point.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Nosotros insistimos en la necesidad de que se refleje en el Informe lo que se ha dicho durante el debate. La referencia a los 25 millones y a las buenas intenciones, aparece en otra parte del Informe y no tendremos ningún inconveniente en que esto se registre como un hecho también; pero si pensamos que la mayoría de los Miembros del Consejo se expresaron de esta manera no sé porqué no se debe reflejar en el Informe.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): Thank you for your constructive comments as well. The point that,the United States makes is that the record here is accurate. It is true that people wish all members to pay their arrearage. I am sure that the fact of the matter is that, of course, proportionately the United States is the larger contributor. We are assessed with 25 percent of the bills and a lot of people in the United States would be just as happy to have an allocation of some

of these lower numbers that I see before me. We would rather pay half a million dollars than some 60 million dollars and easily pay it all. This is not the issue at stake. The issue at stake here is that the members of the Council did appeal to everybody who was in arrearage to pay. Now, there are degrees of arrearage. The country which intervened and advocated this particular point is, as a proportion of their contribution far more in arrearage than the United States is. That is a fact. no is a fact even before we paid the 25 million. It is a fact that I could sit here and read off more than two dozen countries which are as a proportion of their obligations far more in arrearage. It is a fact that during the deliberations the United States of America could have sat here and done precisely that. We could have if we wished to contribute to a less harmonious atmosphere, sat here and read, painfully each country. We could have said everytime the issue came up of urging people to pay, "We think that is fair. It is fair and perfectly legitimate to call on everyone to pay". It is an obvious fact that if someone is the larger contributor there is more money. But the principle at stake is that each sovereign country takes on a responsibility and obligation to pay its bills. It is true that we are behind. It is true that others are behind. It is true that others are even more behind.

Now, if you wish to establish a policy which I would recommend against that for the record to reflect the facts I have just made, that every single time this issue comes up, the United States of America should read off, name countries and read what they have paid and what they have not paid, then if that is what we have to do to make that point, that is what we will do.

I felt as head of our delegation that it was more constructive at this meeting, here at this Council not to do that, but rather to take advantage of what was, I thought, developing as a better atmosphere over the last several months; there was clearly a very good atmosphere at the joint committee meetings in May; it was equally the same in September and not have to lay on the record those facts as a defensive mechanism. Now, I would wish that I did not have to point out that Cuba is 205 percent behind of its obligations as a percentage of its 1988 assessment but that is a fact and I do not want to sit here and read all the others but if that is what we have to do at meetings so that records will show that we are as concerned ···· A US dollar is of equal value from whatever country it comes. You pay in US dollars; we pay in US dollars - they are all the same and the Organization is glad to receive them but I hope we do not set up a precedent where the United States in order to protect its interest and its point and to ensure equitable treatment, so that when you say "all countries" you do not say "all countries, including the United States". It is obvious that all countries include the United States, "all countries which are in arrear" includes the United States because the United States is in arrearage.

I hope we do not have to do that. I would urge that the body listen to the wisdom of our Chairman and follow his advice so that we can save much time in the future by doing that. If that is what we have to do we will, however reluctantly, do it.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Estamos temblando Señor Presidente, nos impactan un poco amenazas y referencias inadecuadas a otros países. Creemos que el lenguaje de la arrogancia y del poderío del dinero, no es el más adecuado para referirse a una situación como esta. Pero no vamos a caer en la tentación de prolongar este debate.

Reclamamos tan sólo para los países que dijimos esto, que se nos permita que nuestra opinión conste en el Informe. Por ello proponemos la siguiente solución. Si ningún otro Miembro del Consejo interviene, entonces que quede la primera parte del párrafo 39 tal como está, y luego se agregue lo siguiente. He preparado una relación lo mas ingenua posible porque me asustan las amenazas.

Se agregaría: algunos Delegados opinaron que ese llamado debería dirigirse particularmente al mayor contribuyente.

Esto es lo menos que podemos aceptar. Esto lo dijimos nosotros y nadie puede negarnos el derecho a que conste en el Informe lo que hemos expresado.

Miriam INZAULGARAT GARCIA DE PEREZ (Cuba): Efectivamente mi país tiene una deuda con la Organizacion que nosotros estamos tratando de cumplimentar. Hemos hecho ya una modesta contribución este año y continuaremos tratando de ponernos al día. Esto queremos que usted, Sr. Presidente, y los Miembros del Consejo lo sepan porque como se dijo aquí, esa deuda, así como las de otros países en desarrollo, no ponen en crisis a la Organización, y además ha sido por razones financieras internas muy adversas en nuestro país, y no por razones políticas.

Lamentamos el lenguaje que hemos oído esta tarde en esta sala, y queremos decir que nosotros no tenemos miedo. Llevamos 30 años luchando y continuaremos haciéndolo. No queremos crear dificultades a usted, Señor Presidente, ni a la Organización, ni a este Consejo, y por lo tanto estamos de acuerdo con la propuesta que ha hecho el distinguido Embajador de Colombia.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): I do not want to extend the deliberations here. I have tried to limit my own personal interventions to the issues I view as major policy issues and of particular importance to the United States. I have tried to explain our position. I thought I did so rather clearly the other day. I must tell you at once that I take exception to the characterization by the representative of the Government of Colombia here in Rome. He used the word "arrogant", he used the word "threat", and he used those sorts of words in characterizing what I said. Nothing I said was arrogant. I said this is unacceptable to my country. That is not more arrogant or different from the representative of Brazil or France or the Federal Republic of Germany or Fiji - which incidentally is spelled wrongly in your records here if you have the French text -but other countries around the world intervened. It is natural for a country to state its position. That is what I did.

I have to tell you that I resent the repeated characterizations by Mr. Bula Hoyos. They are out of order. They are not conducive to an intelligent debate. To use the word "threat", to say I could read them, I obviously could have done so. I tried to point out that we are trying to expedite some matters, trying to be helpful, trying to be constructive in these things. I was making an appeal: do not box us into a position where the only avenue open to the document for the record is to take up excessive time to read off names, to do those sorts of things just solely so that you have - as the lawyers like to put it - laid something down on the record so that you have something to refer back to. Obviously we could have consumed a great deal of time in the other days here doing that sort of thing. We do not think that is anybody's interests. Nor is taking advantage of that in anybody's interest. Any attempt to take advantage of that kind of cooperation and constructive assistance would have to be dealt with, as any country would, by laying its own position on the record clearly, forcefully and repeatedly.

I think our position should be clear. We fully accept any reference to the need for all member countries, we fully to accept language saying that it is an obligation, we fully accept all those sorts of things, but what we cannot and will not accept is any attempt to say or to imply that for the United States of America to be 170% of its contributions in arrears is somehow different from Cuba being 205% of its contributions in arrears. That simply is not true. It is not fair. It is not accurate. We will not accept that. We will speak as long as we have to and as often as we have to to make it clear. The United States will accept normal, legitimate criticism. We will not accept abuse. We will not accept unequal treatment.

LE PRESIDENT: Ce débat est pénible et nous souhaiterions préserver, dans toute la mesure du possible, un climat de travail dans cette enceinte. Notre devoir le plus strict est d'exhorter à préserver ce climat, sans lequel nous ne pouvons pas aller de l'avant.

La parole est à la Colombie, à condition que l'on calme le jeu.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Yo creo que los términos que se han usado, quedan a juicio del Consejo. Propongo que se nos reconozca el derecho a que conste en el Informe nuestra posición y se pase a otro párrafo.

LE PRESIDENT: Vous venez d'entendre la proposition de la Colombie, la parole est à M. Eckert.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): The record will show, if you go back over the verbatim reports, that specifically when I began my remarks I moved for the adoption of the language prepared by the Drafting Committee which is now before us. I moved that the body endorse the recommendation of the Drafting Committee as is set forth in paragraph 39 word for word.

If we wish to have a vote on whether or not to take the recommendation of the Drafting Committee or to have it superseded by the views of the representative of Colombia, then do it, but at the moment this body must decide between the wishes of the Drafting Committee and the wishes of Mr. Bula Hoyos. Mr. Chairman, I have to say that I respect your efforts here. I know that you are in a difficult position. I have sat up in that chair myself on some occasions, and I appreciate your efforts to move this debate to a constructive conclusion. I think the proper way to do it would be to move the adoption of paragraph 39 as submitted to the Council by the Drafting Committee.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I would like to inform you and the Council that this paragraph is the result of a lot of debate. We reached a consensus also in the spirit of compromise. Therefore, I do not see that this debate can be re-opened. I regret that this could jeopardize the work of the Drafting Committee because in the Drafting Committee there are some paragraphs where it has been a case of give and take. If we do not accept this, then we are in trouble.

Bernard LEDUN (France): Je voudrais essayer d'apporter une position conciliatrice et faire remarquer que le principal bailleur de fonds est déjà mentionné dans le REP/2, dans le paragraphe 23. Je ne sais pas quelle sera l'intention du représentant des Etats-Unis au sujet du paragraphe 23 du REP/2, mais comme son pays est déjà indirectement désigné dans ce paragraphe, s'il accepte la rédaction du paragraphe 23 du REP/2, peut-être le Délégué de la Colombie ou le Délégué de Cuba auraient-ils annulé la proposition qui est la leur d'ajouter un Addendum dans le REP/1, qui est déjà redondant, avec le paragraphe 23. Deuxième alternative, les délégués de Cuba, de Colombie et d'autres pays, pourraient également faire une proposition qui reviendrait à inclure une réserve en fin de Procès-Verbal, pour appeler l'attention sur ce problème

Gonzalo BULA HOyOS (Colombia): No queremos prolongar este debate ni tampoco participar en la discusión de un procedimiento absurdo, sin antecedentes en el seno del Consejo. Estamos agradecidos al colega de Francia que nos ha llamado la atención sobre el párrafo 23 del REP/2, pero en este párrafo 39 del REP/1, se trata del llamado que está dirigido a todos los miembros del Consejo. De manera que entonces, como ha sido costumbre, aceptamos todavía con mayor ánimo de transacción, Sr. Presidente, que se ponga una nota a pie de página con el texto que hemos leído.

En el texto de varias partes del Informe hay algunos párrafos donde se habla de hasta un Miembro sobre temas de menor significación. Por lo menos, que se nos reconozca este derecho. Creo que es frecuente en el Consejo.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): It is the right of any country here to have a footnote. We certainly recognize the right of Colombia to put its footnote expressing its views. The United States of America will exercise that right as well. We will put a footnote in to make the points I made in my comments. That is perfectly acceptable to us. We will list all of the arrears. It will be long footnote. As I say, we recognize that the representative of Colombia has every right to do that. He may exercise that right. That is a solution. That is fine. We also will exercise our right as well·

LE PRESIDENT: On peut clore le débat ici.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Naturalmente yo no puedo hablar a nombre de Cuba, pero creo que los dos países nos sentiremos muy bien acompañados en la nota a pie de página. Queda solamente una cuestión por decidir. Nosotros hemos leído el texto de nuestra nota. Desearíamos conocer la otra.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): I will follow your guidance as to whether I need to respond or not. I thought I had made it rather clear in my comments what we would put in our footnote. I do not wish to take up the time of the member countries here by sitting here and composing our footnote in front of you. If you wish me to do so, I will be glad to do it. It would be time-consuming, boring and unnecessary, which of course would make it very much like some of the speeches that I have been listening to from certain countries.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Resulta evidente para quienes respetamos la manera como trabaja un Organismo como el Consejo de la FAO, que no podemos adoptar un informe "ad referendum" de una nota que se va a agregar después. De manera que proponemos que más adelante, antes de que termine esta sesión, se nos diga cuál es el texto de la nota y cualquiera que sea, la vamos aceptar. Pero tenemos que conocerla antes de ir a nuestras casas.

LE PRESIDENT: Si l'Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis y consentait, on pourrait faire une note en bas de page, sans citer le nom des pays qui ont des retards, pour ne pas avoir une comptabilité affreuse. C'est l'idée de fond qui compte, plus que la liste, et cela éviterait d'envenimer le débat.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): I certainly appreciate your sentiments, however I do what I say I will do. I said earlier that if it was a necessary step in my judgement in representing our point, that is what I would do. It is not up to Colombia and, in all due respect to you Mr. Chairman, it is not up to you to accept the language of the footnote. It is the prerogative of any country to write its own footnote and we will write it in the manner we choose. The manner that we choose is the manner that I indicated earlier. I said, very clearly, I thought, that I wished not to, that I wished to avoid that. However, I felt it was necessary if those were the things we were dealing with. If it was necessary to put it on the record that way, that is what we shall do. We will just simply list them. I would prefer not to but I have to tell you we have set a precedent here that I tried to caution against. I will instruct the United States that when these matters come up again, where there is a reference to the United States where in our judgement it would be viewed as any possibility of isolating, that we will lay on the record all of them. I do not want to do it. I tried to be very careful and clear in my statement earlier on, but if that is necessary so be it.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous enregistrerons ces deux notes de bas de page.

Le Secrétaire général m'annonce que la délégation des Etats-Unis a préparé sa note de bas de page et qu'elle est disponible pour la lire au Conseil, selon le règlement de notre Organisation.

John COOK (United States of America): We do have a footnote to paragraph 39 of document CL 94/1. It is rather extensive. I have no desire to read it. We will just submit it to the Secretariat to go into the document·

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I take this opportunity to make a final appeal to the delegates of Colombia and the United States of America that they both retire, for the sake of understanding and consensus, their respective footnotes - just a friendly appeal.

Roberto E.E. DALTON (Argentina): Para adherir la sugerencia del representante de Brasil.

LE PRESIDENT: Je m'associe également à cette proposition que la Colombie et les Etats-Unis renoncent à cette note de bas de page dans un esprit de conciliation.

Sra. Miriam INZAULGARAT GARCIA DE PEREZ (Cuba): Muchas gracias Sr. Presidente; porque es que Cuba también estaba incluida en la nota de pie de página. Entonces nosotros queremos tener en cuenta la recomendación de los colegas de Brasil y Argentina, y bueno, vamos a reflexionar un rato; después le haremos saber nuestra opinión.

Draft Report. Part 1, not concluded
Projet de rapport, 1ère partie, est en suspens
El Proyecto de Informe, Parte 1, queda pendiente

DRAFT REPORT - PART II (part of)(continued)
PROYECTO DE INFORME - PARTE II (parte) (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Je vais demander à M. Tedesco de bien vouloir rendre compte au Conseil, et notamment au membres du Comité de rédaction qui n'étaient pas présents ce matin, de ce qui avait été envisagé.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL: In paragraph 2, REP/2 there is an error in the French translation concerning "120 million" this will be corrected. In paragraph 14 there is another paragraph to be added, but this will be discussed when members of the Drafting Committee will be present.

The last sentence in paragraph 17 now reads "it also encouraged FAO to increase the coordination". Then "farm forestry" was erroneously translated in the French version, it should be translated "foresterie paysanne".

After paragraph 18 we will add the paragraph relating to the decision of the World Food Congress for 1989, the decision of the Council.

PARAGRAPHS 12 to 18 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 12 à 18 (suite)
PARRAFOS 12 a 18 (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Nous avons le REP/5 relatif à la partie forestière. Nous pourrions peut-être le lire tout de suite pour clore cette question. Le paragraphe 27 traite du même sujet, ce qui fait que nous pourrions transférer le document relatif au Point 6 pour qu'il y ait quelque chose d'homogène.

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL ADJOINT: Le paragraphe 27 se lit comme suit:

"Lieu du dixième Congrès forestier mondial.

Les délégués de la France et de la Tanzanie se proposent d'accueillir le dixième Congrès forestier mondial. Le Conseil a décidé de remettre sa décision à sa 95ème session, afin de laisser plus de temps pour parvenir à un consensus. Il a invité le Directeur général à donner des informations sur les conditions que le pays-hôte doit remplir pour permettre au pays candidat de présenter des observations détaillées.

J.P. LANLY (Sous-Directeur général p.i·, Département des forêts): Il a été suggéré que ce paragraphe soit mis juste après le paragraphe 18 dans le REP/2. Afin d'assurer une transition, je propose de commencer ce paragraphe par la phrase: "A la reprise des délibérations du Conseil sur ce sujet, les représentants de la France et de la Tanzanie..."

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): Si je comprends bien, vous proposez qu'on remette ce paragraphe à la suite du paragraphe 18 du REP/2? Donc il disparaîtra du REP/5.

Je demande à la délégation française, qui est membre du Conseil, si elle peut accepter la suppression de la dernière phrase, car, si je me souviens bien des débats qui se sont déroulés, aucune délégation n'a invité le Directeur général à donner des informations sur les conditions que devait remplir le pays hôte. Si je me souviens bien, M. le Président, il s'agissait bien de votre proposition. Je ne sais pas si on pourrait laisser cette idée de négociation très positive entre deux pays. Je propose qu'on laisse la négociation entre les deux pays.

J.P. LANLY (Sous-Directeur général p.i., Département des Forêts): je voulais donner un point d'information, cette question de référence au Directeur général et au Secrétarait a été évoquée explicitement par le Représentant de la Libye; le Représentant brésilien et le Représentant italien ont appuyé ce qu'avait dit le Représentant de la Libye; le Représentant du Kenya a également parlé d'intervention du Secrétariat, et dans votre propre conclusion, Monsieur le Président, vous avez demandé au Secrétariat de bien vouloir approfondir le dossier.

LE PRESIDENT: Cela ne peut pas faire de mal car il est bon d'avoir le maximum de sécurité.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): Je m'excuse d'avoir oublié les interventions des Délégués de la Libye, du Brésil et de l'Italie qui ont exprimé le souhait que le Secrétariat apporte son aide à la résolution de ce problème; je ne sais pas s'ils ont expressément demandé que le Directeur général fournisse des informations sur les conditions que doit remplir le pays candidat pour présenter sa candidature, mais en tout état de cause, je voudrais faire une observation d'ordre général: Au moment de l'adoption du rapport, le Conseil, tout en étant reconnaissant au Comité de rédaction et à son Président de tous les efforts qu'ils ont fournis, peut très bien proposer la suppression d'une partie qui ne fait qu'alourdir un paragraphe.

Le Conseil demande à la France et à la Tanzanie de se concerter sur le lieu du dixième Congrès et ces deux pays donneront leur réponse au prochain Conseil, en juin.

Stanley Munkindia GUANTAI (Kenya): My delegation is a Member of the Drafting Committee and therefore I am sorry to enter into this issue. In fact, after all those late hours I think I must have been asleep not to have seen this particular point. I am very grateful to the delegation of Algeria for mentioning it. My country has been mentioned, and since it was me who made that intervention I would say that I made that intervention to point out that the time being requested, that the decision be taken while two countries are negotiating would not be wasted because this time could be taken when the countries are preparing their own contingency plans. I, and my country, did not imply in any way that the information should be supplied on the conditions of what the host government will supply. I do not think this was implied by the other statements either. Therefore, I think the last sentence gives the wrong impression.

Bernard LEDUN (France): Nous ne sommes pas absolument opposés à une nouvelle rédaction de ce paragraphe; ce paragraphe fait référence aux conditions de la possibilité d'accueil, pour chacun des candidats, pour le dixième Congrès forestier mondial. Le but est simplement d'être en mesure d'éclairer le Conseil car à supposer, je dis bien, à supposer, que ces négociations bilatérales n'aboutissent point, c'est-à-dire que le consensus recherché dans ce paragraphe ne puisse pas être obtenu dans les temps voulus, il faudra tout de même permettre aux membres du Conseil d'être en mesure d'apprécier les différentes candidatures; et un des éléments nécessaires consistera précisément en la présentation d'un dossier de candidature détaillé.

Nous pourrions peut-être suggérer une nouvelle formulation dont je peux vous lire le texte. Au lieu de mettre "il a invité le Directeur général à donner des informations", la rédaction serait la suivante: "il a été décidé de remettre la décision du Conseil à sa quatre-vingt-quinzième session, afin de laisser plus de temps aux deux pays pour rechercher un consensus et présenter un dossier de candidature détaillé". Telle est la nouvelle rédaction que je propose, encore une fois en tenant compte du souci qu'auront les représentants de ce Conseil d'être tenus informés des conditions nécessaires à la réalisation de ce dixième Congrès forestier mondial, au cas où aucun des deux candidats ne se démettrait au profit de l'autre.

Gian Luigi VALENZA (Italie): On est passé du paragraphe 18 qui disait: "le Conseil a noté que cinq pays - Burkina Faso, etc.. "à un nouveau texte où on parle du Délégué de la France et de celui de la Tanzanie. Or, que je sache, l'Italie n'a jamais officiellement retiré sa candidature. Cela ne veut pas dire que nous la maintenions. Nous sommes tout à fait décidés à retirer notre candidature pour faciliter les choses, mais il me semble nécessaire d'insérer un petit paragraphe. Je propose de mettre dans le premier paragraphe: les Délégués de la France et de la Tanzanie ont confirmé que leur pays se propose d'accueillir le dixième Congrès forestier mondial, tandis que le Délégué de l'Italie, soucieux de faciliter le choix du lieu du prochain Congrès, à retiré la candidature de son pays. Ensuite, vous pouvez continuer comme vous voulez.

Thomas YANGA (Cameroun): Au sujet de cette dernière phrase, je ne crois pas, comme l'a souligné ma collègue d'Algérie, qu'il y ait eu une invitation directe au Directeur général pour qu'il donne des informations sur les conditions du pays hôte. Je crois savoir que dans sa présentation, le Délégué de la France avait dit que dans les six mois qui s'écouleraient jusqu'à la prochaine session du Conseil, les contacts se poursuivraient et qu'éventuellement, il y aurait un échange, sur les conditions d'organisation, entre les deux pays et le Secrétariat.

Dans la poursuite de la négociation, on pourrait en effet faire intervenir les deux pays et le Secrétariat: cela a été mentionné pour permettre un consensus.

LE PRESIDENT: L'honorable Délégué du Cameroun fait une suggestion et 11 y a en plus une modification suggérée par le Représentant de la France.

Hamisi MWINYIGOHA (Observer for Tanzania): First I want to thank the Drafting Committee for the good work they have done to produce this paragraph, but I am sorry to say that in my opinion the last paragraph does not reflect what was debated here.

I feel that between Tanzania and France we do not need the intervention of the Director-General to provide us with information to set the conditions to be made by the host country. This has been done in the previous Council paper which was submitted by the Secretariat. We have never requested the Director-General to do that. Let us leave it between Tanzania and France and then we can decide. We can create an atmosphere of understanding. I do not think there is anything to be guided on by the Director-General. We just leave it between the two of us. In that case I entirely agree with the delegate of Nigeria on the submission made.

I would like to say here that in my opinion I fear that the interpretation of this last sentence means that the Director-General should be requested to submit the new criteria for someone to qualify for membership. That is not what we want. What we want is whether France or Tanzania should submit them and you leave it to both of us. This is supported by the delegate of Cameroon and I think we shall definitely reach a consensus. If not, then the Council will have to decide. There is nothing wrong with that. There are a lot of cases where a consensus has not been reached and the Council has had to decide one way or the other. But I am sure that both Tanzania and France will reach a consensus on this issue. So I am sorry I do not accept the French version of the paragraph which they decided to put here.

Also as far as Tanzania is concerned we agree entirely with the first sentence, but to stress the matter further, I would like the following to be added in the second sentence: "in order to provide more time for the two countries to reach a consensus", and then the last paragraph should be completely deleted.

Bernard LEDUN (France): Je voudrais pouvoir souscrire aux paroles de l'Honorable Délégué de la Tanzanie, mais malheureusement je ne suis pas aussi certain que lui que nos deux pays pourront atteindre un consensus dans les délais voulus; ce serait infiniment souhaitable et c'est bien en prévision de cette hypothèse qu'il me paraît tout de même nécessaire de maintenir la possibilité, pour les membres du Conseil, d'apprécier les chances de l'un et l'autre pays d'être en mesure de pouvoir tenir le dixième Congrès forestier mondial dans les meilleures conditions.

Cela dit, pour faire droit à la proposition qui vient d'être faite par le Délégué du Cameroun, je ne vois pour ma part aucun inconvénient, bien au contraire, à ce que dans le membre de phrase que j'ai proposé tout à l'heure, on ajoute la mention "aux deux pays et au Secrétariat". Cette proposition nous agrée tout à fait.

LE PRESIDENT: Peut-on retenir la formulation suivante: "Afin de laiser plus le temps aux deux pays et au Secrétariat, pour parvenir à un consensus" et on s'arrêterait là.

Mlle Faouzia ΒΟUΜΑΪΖΑ (Algérie): C'était pour approuver la proposition du Cameroun.

LE PRESIDENT: Le Cameroun vient de faire une proposition approuvée par l'Algérie et la France. Si le Conseil la retient, nous laisserons le consensus se faire et si le Secrétariat intervient, il verra la question. Et on retire la phrase qui commence par: "il a invité le Directeur général, etc.."

Thomas YANGA (Cameroun): Je voudrais juste appuyer ce que vous venez de proposer, Monsieur le Président, et ajouter que si l'on ne trouve pas le consensus, il faudra s'appuyer sur certains critères et chaque partie devra présenter ses atouts.

LE PRESIDENT: Dans ces conditions, pouvons-nous marcher comme ça ? Merci beaucoup.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I am afraid time is flying and the statements are really not on the substance of the subject matter before us and with all due respect for statements and interventions, I am afraid they do not serve the interests of the Council if they are not limited to the substantive matters. I would like to suggest that we approve REPs 2, 3 and 4 that we have already discussed this morning and we move immediately to REP 5.

LE PRESIDENT: Il y a des questions de fond dans les REP/3 et 4 que nous avons laissées de côté ce matin; la méthode que nous employons me semble correcte; on peut gagner un peu de temps sur la forme et nous concentrer sur le fond, mais nous ne pouvons pas éviter les questions que nous avons nous-mêmes enregistrées ce matin; je me dois de laisser le temps à tous les Délégués, en présence du Comité de rédaction, de soulever tous les points qu'ils désirent; je ne peux que suggérer aux Délégués d'être brefs. Nous pouvons continuer sur le REP/2.

Il y a deux questions de fond: l'une sur le paragraphe 14, suggérée par le Délégué du Brésil et l'autre sur le paragraphe 23.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I propose the inclusion of a new paragraph after 14 saying, "The Council furthermore recognized that the international community should also be aware of its responsibility towards developing countries and help create an economic environment that would allow them to accomplish the socio-economic development without having to resort to activities that might endanger their ecological systems in general and their forestry sources in particular."

LE PRESIDENT: Voilà une question que nous avons laissée à l'examen de l'ensemble du Conseil en présence de tous les membres du Comité de rédaction. J'espère que le Président du Comité de rédaction en a pris note.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman of the Drafting Committee): I can see there will be no problem in accommodating this paragraph.

Sra. Margarita LIZARRAGA (México): Ml delegación apoya firmemente esta propuesta porque fuimos de los que así lo consideramos.

LE PRESIDENT: Y a-t-il d'autres observations?

Sra. Mónica DEREGIBUS (Argentina): Nosotros creemos que el párrafo es realmente muy apropiado y que debería ser incorporado a nuestro Informe.

Ibrahima ΚΑΒΑ (Guinée): Nous appuyons fermement cette proposition.

LE PRESIDENT: Avec votre permission, nous allons considérer que ce paragraphe est adopté et qu'il sera ajouté au rapport du Conseil.

Paragraphs 12 to 18, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 12 to 18, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 12 a 18, asi enmendados, son aprobados

PARAGRAPHS 19 to 29 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 19 à 29 (suite)
PARRAFOS 19 a 29 (continuación)

ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL: Paragraph 21 of Rep 2, the sentence before last would read that "Some members suggested that information regarding the breakdown of budget appropriation and expenditure by major programmes" and here we add "similar to that provided in Conference document C 87/LIM/41 be available to the wider membership at the present Council Session". After that, at the end of the sentence "The Secretariat clarified difficulties of meeting this request" we add "and subsequently agreed that this information would be provided to the Finance Committee".

Afterwards, some amendements were suggested in paragraph 23, but this is left for the Drafting Committee to discuss.

LE PRESIDENT: Il y avait ensuite un retrait proposé par le délégué de la Malaisie au paragraphe 23; ce retrait vient lui-même d'être retiré.

Y a-t-il d'autres remarques au sujet du paragraphe 23?

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): En effet, ce matin, j'ai fait part du problème que me posait l'avant-dernière phrase du paragraphe 23. J'ai dit que cette phrase qui commence par "Le Conseil a été heureux d'apprendre du Représentant des Etats-Unis d'Amérique..." et qui finit par "dans la mesure autorisée par la loi et par des considérations d'importance primordiale" n'était pas très logique car s'il est vrai que le Conseil a été heureux ou a pris note ou a été satisfait d'apprendre du représentant, etc., je ne suis pas d'accord pour dire que le Conseil a été heureux d'apprendre que les Etats-Unis le feraient dans la mesure autorisée par la loi et par des considérations d'importance primordiale.

Je voudrais être claire. Cette phrase n'est pas logique du tout et, par ailleurs, elle ne reflète pas exactement ce qui a été dit dans cette salle étant donné qu'aucun pays n'a dit qu'il était heureux d'apprendre que les mesures que prendront les Etats-Unis pour régler leurs contributions antérieures et courante seront limitées par la loi et par des considérations d'importance primordiale.

Par ailleurs, j'ajoute que, dans le document CL 94/REP/5, au paragraphe 13, il est dit à nouveau que "le représentant des Etats-Unis a annoncé...", etc, et que la phrase est bien mieux formulée.

Fred J. ECKERT (united States of America): I recognize that the comments just made by the representative of Algeria were very sincere and well intended comments. On sentence structure, I happen to believe she is absolutely right that, in the way the sentence is constructed, it does seem somewhat contradictory. I would like to explain something to you, if you will allow me. I would propose that you end that sentence after "US fiscal year 1990". The next sentence should begin "The Council was also informed ….." Delete the words, "….. to the extent permitted by law and overriding considerations." I have no problem whatsoever with that. The sentence structure is right, but from an American standpoint, let me explain something: the President of the United States, under the constitution, can request from Congress whatever he chooses. There is no extent permitted by law or overriding considerations that would prohibit a president from making a submission to the Congress of the United States of any kind that he wishes. It is a request to the appropriating body. From an American constitutional standpoint, in our system of government, the phrase is misleading and inaccurate.

I understand that, perhaps in hearing my remarks the other day when I was talking about the plan regarding the payment of "arrearage" there was a phrase of desirability and feasibility, and I explained that that was loose language. Perhaps someone, when drafting this, simply confused the two. Your point is well taken. I would urge that we should put a period after 1990 and begin the next sentence, "The Council ….." That would satisfy my desire to have the American constitutional system accurately reflected, and your desire to have the English language well communicated.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Las aclaraciones que se acaban de hacer podrían facilitar nuestra posición ante este párrafo; pero convendrían observar que el párrafo 13 del REP/5, en primer lugar contiene el elemento positivo de los 25 millones de dólares que no aparecen en el párrafo 23 del REP 2; luego repite más o menos todo lo que se dice en el actual párrafo 23; de manera que yo creo que lo más sensato es apoyar la propuesta de Malasia de suprimir el párrafo 23 del REP/2, y luego cuando lleguemos al REP/5 en el párrafo 13 creemos que no habrá dificultades en la adopción después de las declareciones que acaban de hacerse. Además fue en el tema que aparece en el REP/5 donde se hizo esa declaración.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): I would urge that we simply adopt the paragraph as it is. The members of the Drafting Committee have worked long and hard and have come up with a good document. There is a phrase which the representative of Algeria correctly pointed out could be improved, and sensibly, in good spirit, very quickly and efficiently did it. I explained how, to an American, we could see it from a different viewpoint, but came to the same conclusion on our system, which is perfectly logical. We have no problem with it. We agree with the paragraph as amended by Algeria.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): There is a point in this paragraph that does not please my delegation, because it equates two departments. However, we are prepared to accept it. I think that Report V is repetitious. I believe we should delete this paragraph and keep Report V. I am ready to go with the consensus.

Sra. Mónica DEREGIBUS (Argentina): Yo coincido con los oradores precedentes en que tener la misma formulación en dos lugares del Informe es realmente una redundancia. Yo creo que nosotros podemos terminar este párrafo en donde dice: repercutió considerablemente sobre la situación flnancierla. Dejar la idea anterior; pero todo lo que continúa: el Consejo se congratuló de la comunicación del representante de los Estados Unidos, exactamente tal cual está escrito en el párrafo 13 del REP/5. Creo que podemos mantener el párrafo hasta donde dice: "sobre la situación financiera". Si decidimos mantener en esta parte del Informe que la comunicación de los Estados Unidos de América, mantengámosla acá, pero entonces saquémosla de allá. Saquémosla del REP/5 párrafo 13, porque es absurdo que el Consejo se repita a sí mismo.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): Delegates who have pointed out that there is some repetition between paragraph 23 of this document and paragraph 13 of the subsequent document are correct, there is some repetition but not total repetition. Paragraph 23 does report, as is accurate, the language about recognizing that all members bear the same responsibility to pay their

contributions in timely fashion and so on. It says that. It says the Council considered the severe financial difficulties caused in the Organization due to untimely payment, it says that. Paragraph 13 in Document 5 does not repeat any of that. If you are going to delete anything for repetition I would delete paragraph 13 but we have no problem with paragraph 23 as it stands or with 13, but we would think that it would be inaccurate and not reflecting the deliberations of the body to delete paragraph 23 whereas it would not be to delete paragraph 13 of Document 5.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): Simply to point out that in paragraph 23 there are more elements in it than perhaps in the other one, particularly at the beginning, the general aspect on responsibility for all, which would support this paragraph 23 as amended.

LE PRESIDENT: Le Président du Comité de rédaction a demandé la parole au préalable.

Yousef Ail Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): Yes, the Drafting Committee went through the same discussion but we came to the conclusion that the report in fact reflects the discussion, the deliberation, all the information that was given in our session, so in the first REP, REP 2, the decision has to do with the sequences of the financial situation and possible measures to ensure implementation of the Programme of Work and Budget and as delegates said this paragraph 23 has other elements in addition to the contribution of the United States. Again the paragraph appeared here in REP 5 because this was the discussion on the Finance Committee and it has an element to the Finance Committee and the Drafting Committee sensed no harm to repeat the same ideas in the different positions. However, I think with all due respect, the Drafting Committee would like to have the drafts as presented.

Muhammed Saleem KHAN (Pakistan): What I was saying is more or less covered by what the Chairman of the Drafting Committee has said because I was also a member of the Drafting Committee. Like the Chairman has said and the delegate of Finland and the United States Ambassador himself, paragraph 13 in REP includes a new element, an additional element and the Ambassador of the United States has already indicated his preference to retain paragraph 23 so what I would propose is we retain paragraph 23 as amended and deal with paragraph 13 as and when we come to REP 5.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): En esta discusión ni siquiera tenemos problemas de principios sino de ética. Nosotros creemos que no se puede repetir en dos párrafos un texto bastante igual, y si todos nos ponemos de acuerdo en que los elementos principales del párrafo 23 del REP/2 que no aparecen en el párrafo 13 del REP/5 están contenidos en las dos primeras frases, como lo dijo Argentina y como lo reconoció también Estados Unidos, creo que no hay dificultad en que adoptemos la propuesta Argentina. 0 sea que el párrafo 23 permanezca en sus dos primeras frases y termine donde dice "sobre la situación financiera". Y después, no creo que haya dificultad en ponernos de acuerdo en el párrafo 13 del REP/5

V.K. SIBAL (India): We would like to support this proposal which has been made from the floor that we keep the first two sentences of paragraph 23 and then what is in paragraph 13 would be additional information. So you do not mention the same elements twice and I think there is some advantage in that.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): I think we can move along a lot more quickly and get a lot more done if we make certain assumptions; one assumption ought to be that we pick people for a Drafting Committee and beyond reasonable differences and nuances of language and fine points, that we charge them with the responsibility of trying to craft, and you always have very diverse views there, so you have a struggle often in the Drafting Committee to try to get seven different countries -- just a few minutes ago we went over a long discussion with only two countries speaking when we had a document prepared by seven different countries from different parts of the world. I think we should make an assumption that by the time it comes from the Drafting Committee, a lot of time has been given, surely from time to time there will be other points to be added but technically you are right, the point of Argentina is well taken and you could take a couple of sentences and paste them on to this document, but I caution you, not everybody picks up every document everytime

they read something. They go to the document in which they are most interested or the subject that appears to be of interest to them and you have repetition unavoidably from time to time, somebody who picks up one of these documents can see that. I have no problem with the Argentine proposal but I have no problem either with operating on a premise that the Drafting Committee where it is not harmful, nobody has objections to it really. We should try not to edit as a committee, or try to take, as one of my colleagues did a few minutes earlier, the last time I had the microphone, that every word that has been said here has to go in these documents. Now, the other day I described Mr. Bula Hoyos as foolish. I will not insist that this has to be in the record here in this document but we cannot do this and go on and on for hour after hour. The judgement of the Drafting Committee in these matters is simple straightforward English; there is some repetition, it does not matter.

LE PRESIDENT: Je souhaiterais pouvoir arrêter là, parce que nous allons avoir une discussion qui va se prolonger sans que nous puissions en retirer en tant que Conseil, des idées nouvelles.

Je vais donner la parole aux deux délégués inscrits et je vous proposerai ensuite de conclure.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Yo tampoco quiero que conste en el Informe mi apreciación sobre la manera como se comporta cierto Delegado. Porque creo que el Consejo sin duda está de acuerdo conmigo en que es muy inteligente, muy dócil y muy correcto. Si se ha dicho ya que no hay dificultades para aceptar la propuesta argentina, pues aceptemos la propuesta argentina, y luego vemos la discusión de este asunto en el párrafo 13 del REP/5.

Tampoco quiero competir en sabiduría y profunda disquisición sobre la función del Comité de Redacción y el Plenario del Consejo. Es cuestión de mentalidades y de disciplinas ideológicas que son diferentes, afortunadamente.

Pedro REYNALDOS DUEÑAS (Cuba): Nosotros queremos apoyar la propuesta argentina. Nos parece que es acertada, y más nada. Apoyar la propuesta argentina y que se tome una decisión al respecto.

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que nous pouvons adopter la proposition de l'Argentine qui consiste à maintenir les deux dernières phrases du paragraphe 23?

Sra. Mónica DEREGIBUS (Argentina): Mi propuesta no fue exactamente ésta, no creo. Tenemos que elegir entre dos cosas; o dejamos todo así como está y entonces mantenemos del párrafo 13 del REP/5 la primera frase que no está incluida en el párrafo 23 del REP/2· 0 sea que la primera frase del REP/5 habría que mantenerla, y entonces habría que decir: "recordó también", o "el Consejo recordó lo manifestado en ocasión del tratamiento del tema 12". No sé si me explico. Se recordó o el Delegado de los Estados Unidos recordó lo ya manifestado durante el tratamiento del tema 12. Y entonces nos ahorramos tener que repetirnos.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): That is perfectly acceptable to the United States of America.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que nous en avons fini avec les questions de fond du REP/2.

Paragraphs 19 to 29, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 19 à 29, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 19 a 29, asi enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report, Part 2, as amended, was adopted
Projet de Rapport, deuxième partie, ainsi amendée, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe, parte 2, asi enmendado, es aprobado

DRAFT REPORT - PART III (part of) (continued)
PROYECTO DE INFORME - PARTE III (parte) (continuación)

ASSISTANT SECRETARY GENERAL: Paragraph 5 of REP 3 should start now "The Council expressed its concern" that the protectionist policies. Paragraph 9, the second sentence would read "It noted with satisfaction that an International Conference". Paragraph 10, It is "The United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations". Paragraph 18 should start by "While agreeing that environmental priorities and policies were a sovereign decision of governments, the Council recognized that...".

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director General, Agriculture Department/Representative of the Director-General): In paragraph 20 it says in the last sentence "finance an FAO study on the present and potential role".

LE PRESIDENT: La délégation suisse a tenu à juste titre à ce que sa proposition soit retranscrite correctement quant au financement d'une étude de la FAO sur la protection de l'environnement et la promotion d'un développement durable.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL: On paragraph 30 the first sentence would stop after "with other United Nations organizations." Then "in particular the close collaboration..." has been cancelled. The subsequent sentence we should add WFC to "the Rome-based organizations - World Food Programme, FAO, IFAD".

Paragraph 32, after "its Fourteenth Ministerial Session held in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 23 to 26 May 1988" we add "and noted with satisfaction the establishment of a Consultative Group which would meet for the first time in Paris on 18 and 19 December 1988."

Paragraph 37, the first sentence has been changed. "The Council, noting the importance of the agricultural sector in the economies of countries undertaking structural adjustment programmes, stress the need to take into account the impact of such programmes on the sector."

LE PRESIDENT: La délégation française a fait une proposition!

ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL: "The Council noted the role FAO should play as a policy adviser" -"agricultural" has been added, and the subsequent sentence altered, "other bilateral and multilateral agencies in identifying, preventing and counteracting."

Those are the only changes I have.

Ms Joan DUDIK-GAYOSO (United States of America): On the sentence that urged the FAO to coordinate closely, we had a long discussion about this in the Drafting Group, and I am really sorry that I was not here in Plenary when this came up. The language we agreed in the Drafting Group after a long discussion was "identifying and avoiding". We specifically, for a number of reasons, decided not to use the word "preventing". I do not know where "counteracting" came from but it is not the language that was agreed in the Drafting Group.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous allons retirer le terme "prévenir" et garder le terme "combattre" si vous n'y voyez pas d'objection.

Rudolf DE POURTALES (Suisse): J'aimerais simplement signaler que le terme "avoiding", utilisé par les Etats-Unis ne signifie pas "combattre", il signifie "éviter".

LE PRESIDENT: C'est la traduction française qui est mauvaise. Il faut mettre "éviter" à la place de "combattre".

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): There is a mistake in paragraph 27 in the sentence where it says "finally at the Twenty-fifth Session of the Conference under the item on State of Food and Agriculture 1988", that should be 1989 and not 1988.

V.K. SIBAL (India): I am sorry to take you back to paragraph 37 but we have a logical inconsistency there. I do not have my notes but in the Drafting Committee there was a problem because if we use the word "avoid", it is not consistent with the last part of the sentence which talks about "in the poor areas where and whenever these negative effects occur". Once they occur they have to be counteracted or fought. You cannot avoid such counteraction. Avoidance is preventing. This "counteracting" is correct. If you do not have it, there would be a logical problem.

LE PRESIDENT: Le Délégué de l'Inde considère que "combattre" est mieux approprié que "éviter". C'est une question de traduction. Il faut que les textes en anglais et en français soient homogènes·

Ms Joan DUDIK-GAYOSO (United States of America): "Counteracting" would be fine. It was "preventing" we had decided not to use.

PARAGRAPHS 1 to 13 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 1 à 13 (suite)
PARRAFOS 1 a 13 (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons maintenant au paragraphe 3.

Nous avons préféré soumettre cette question en présence du Comité de rédaction.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): Since I was the one who raised the problem and to avoid a long discussion, I would be prepared to accept the text as proposed by the Drafting Committee.

Paragraphs 1 to 13, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 13, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 13, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARAGRAPHS 14 to 27 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 14 à 27 (suite)
PARRAFOS 14 a 27 (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Le Brésil a proposé un ajout au paragraphe 17 et je lui demanderais d'exposer son point de vue.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I told you this morning that I believed that the paragraph on sustainable development did not take care of the needs of the developing countries, and so I suggested this morning - and it was left for discussion in substance when we met together with our members of the Drafting Committee, that we add a paragraph 17bis: "The Council noted that environmental issues in developing countries are closely related to their economic difficulties and that political will on the part of all countries is needed to find permanent solutions to allow those countries to cope with the basic needs of the people, and also preserve the natural resources for future generations."

LE PRESIDENT: Je demande l'avis du Président du Comité de rédaction.

Youssef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman. Drafting Committee): I would ask members of the Drafting Committee to reflect on this suggestion, with your permission.

Bannu HALINEN (Finland): Could I enlarge the discussion on this point to areas which have previously been mentioned. I shall be interested to hear what representatives of the Drafting Committee say about this. My understanding of the discussion on this item is that to be more effective we should concentrate on the sustainable development as presented in the World Commission on Environment and Development. In my opinion, paragraph 17 covers the problem adequately. We have already elsewhere in the Report added the socio-economic aspects, development strategies, and so on. When we specifically discuss the sustainable development we should not put too many different ideas into it in order to avoid a long and difficult discussion which we would have to implement these ideas within the Organization in the coming months.

On that basis, without in any way contesting the contents of the issue which the distinguished delegate of Brazil pointed out, I would say that his suggestion should not be added to the Report.

Muhammad Saleem KHAN (Pakistan): I have two comments. One is of a general nature. Whenever a sentence is read out - perhaps it is because I have been in the Drafting Committee and our reflexes have become slower, I have not been able to record it at this speed. That is the reason why we cannot get the whole sentence down. It is very difficult to say much about it.

The other point is that in the Drafting Committee we tried to put in the essence of whatever had transpired in the Plenary sessions. The issue of political will was never mentioned during the main Plenary Session except maybe by one delegate. However, there was no general consensus on that issue. Therefore, we did not actually put this paragraph in the draft.

V.K. SIBAL (India): Although the sentence was read out very quickly I think we have the gist of it. We find it very attractive. We have some small suggestions to make as to the wording. We feel that the idea would be more clearly shown if we say "political will on the part of all countries was needed to establish enduring arrangements" rather than "finding permanent solutions". This would allow the countries concerned to meet, rather than cope with the basic needs of the people. I hope that the delegate of Brazil is happy with this change, but it is what we would like to suggest.

Raphael RABE (Madagascar): Notre Délégation abonde dans le sens des interventions du Pakistan et de l'Inde; à cette heure tardive 11 nous est difficile de suivre une dictée à vitesse rapide; 11 faudrait éviter de dicter de nouveaux paragraphes et plutôt amender les paragraphes existants; cela faciliterait notre travail et nous éviterait de perdre du temps.

Stanley Munkindia GUANTAI (Kenya): I think that the delegate of Pakistan pointed out our difficulties in the Drafting Committee. However, I remember that such an idea was brought up and we tried to incorporate this idea in paragraph 5. It contains some, but not all of the elements requested by the Ambassador of Brazil. However, some of the elements requested as to the means of support to developing countries are contained in paragraph 25. I do not know if this satisfies him. We have no difficulties as a Drafting Committee but we did not have the basis to use the language which is now provided by the delegation of Brazil.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I do not wish to prolong our discussion, I could agree with the proposal by the delegation of India which is a shorter version of my idea, so if Council is prepared to accept the amendment by India, I can go along with that.

Sra. Mónica DEREGIBUS (Argentina): ¿Podemos pedir que se nos lea, para entender completamente la idea, el párrafo enmendado por la India?

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que l'Ambassadeur du Brésil pourrait nous donner cette note amendée ou bien le Délégué de l'Inde.

V.K. SIBAL (India): I will read what I have, but I hope my colleague from Brazil will help if there is a gap because it is a long sentence. "The Council noted that environmental issues in developing countries were closely related to their economic difficulties, and that political will on the part of all countries was needed to establish enduring arrangements to allow them to meet the basic needs of their people and to preserve their natural resources for the future generations". That is the way I have the sentence.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous avons donc l'ajout suggéré; l'idée est équilibrée; est-ce que le Conseil en est d'accord ·

Nous arrivons au paragraphe 24 qui est important. C'est un problème qui a été signalé par quelques Délégués et par le Directeur général ce matin.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): We made an amendment this afternoon on a previous paragraph regarding the question of integration and environment concern. I think it would be only sound and proper that we equate the wording of paragraph 24 to the same wording we have this afternoon. I cannot remember exactly the number of the paragraph, but it was a suggestion made by the delegation of the Philippines and accepted by the delegations of France and myself. I propose that we change the second sentence and have this new wording which reflects exactly the same meaning and idea that was approved earlier this afternoon "It felt that" then we have the amendment going on "environmental concerns and sustainable development should be taken into account in the programmes and activities of FAO in a multidisciplinary approach." I move that what we are doing here is to have the same line of thought as previously.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): I seek clarification now. I am rather perplexed, is this an amendment to the second sentence of paragraph 24?

LE PRESIDENT: Dans la seconde phrase, il est mis: "il a estimé que l'intégration des problèmes d'environnement et de développement durable devait être prise en considération". Le Délégué du Brésil veut-il relire sa phrase.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): As I mentioned before what we are doing here is to incorporate into the paragraph the same meaning and concept that we had approved before in paragraph 25, REP/1, namely, "it felt that environmental concerns and sustainable developments should be taken into account in the programmes and activities of FAO in a multidisciplinary approach."

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): I am sorry to take the floor again. But I feel we are now missing a very important aspect, the continuity of this process, the forward looking nature of it and the integration which are in this sentence. These aspects were mentioned during the discussion, my delegation mentioned them representing five Member Countries. If the words are to be dropped from here we need another sentence saying "some Members stressed the point". I really do not see the harm in having this aspect about which we feel very strongly.

Joâo Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I think we can accommodate the very pertinent preoccupation of the delegate of Finland if we put: "It felt that environmental concerns and sustainable development should be taken into account in a continuous forward looking process in the programmes and activities of FAO through an integrated and multidisciplinary approach".

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que le Président du Comité de rédaction retient cela ? Je vais demander au Délégué du Brésil de bien vouloir relire sa phrase.

Joao Angusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I will give the text to the secretariat rather than repeat it once again.

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-Cenerai, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): I should like to repeat the concerns the Director-General had this morning with regard to the last sentence. His concern on the last sentence was two-fold, one, that "the Council
urged" and the urged is very strong, which will mean it will have financial implications "to translate the concept of and two, whether the Council has really urged the second point of the last sentence where it gives details of what are the sectors or what is included in these sectors, namely, natural resources, management and then there is a long list. According to the Verbatim Record the list has been made in the statement of one delegation of the Council. Therefore the proposal was made this morning first to reconsider the word "urge", and secondly to consider whether or not the sentence should be stopped after the words "fisheries sectors", and the rest should be deleted. In this case I speak on behalf of the Director-General.

LE PRESIDENT: C'est une question importante reprise longuement par le Directeur général dans les conditions que vient de décrire le Directeur général adjoint.

Amin ABDEL MALER (Liban) (langue originale arabe): Nous sommes tout-à-fait d'accord avec les observations de Monsieur Bonte-Friedheim et nous préférons bien sûr que le terme "a instamment prié" soit remplacé par: "le Conseil a recommandé" et que la phrase s'arrête après les termes: "des forêts et des pêches"; et qu'on supprime le membre de phrase: "et notamment dans la gestion des ressources..." jusqu'à la fin du paragraphe.

LE PRESIDENT: Le Délégué du Liban suggère au lieu de mettre "instamment" que l'on mette "a recommandé"·

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): As far as concerns the first point, Financial Implications, I would think that all Members of the Council would naturally be very interested to see what are the financial implications of carrying out these programmes. In that sense this word would be there deliberately. I was seeking guidance from the Drafting Committee which had decided to put it there. Then one comes to the specific sectors mentioned at the end of the paragraph. It is a long and cumbersome sentence. However, as my delegation sees it these sectors are there to help the secretariat and the Member Countries to define various questions. This matter was mentioned in our statement and by other delegations. We were looking forward to an analytical paper on this question. These questions were mentioned to help formulate that paper but of course they are not completely new ones. So I do not see that mentioning them would be in any way a controversial issue. Therefore, to help future work I would rather like to see them included there.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Pensamos que los elementos que inquietan en la frase final del párrafo 24 son el término "instó", la expresión "tradujera", que es una instrucción como muy inmediata, y también el hecho de que se incluyen términos como "inversiones privadas y públicas", etcétera, que dan la impresión de ir más allá de los campos específicos de la FAO. Pero, como el colega de Finlandia ha insistido en la conveniencia de enumerar todos los factores que aparecen al final de este párrafo 24, tal vez esto podría concillarse con la siguiente redacción: "El Consejo recomendó a la FAO que, dentro de su mandato específico y a la luz de la limitación de los recursos, trate progresivamente de introducir el concepto", etcétera, y se agregaría todo, hasta el final del párrafo 24. Así daríamos satisfacción a Finlandia y atenderíamos las preocupaciones de la Secretaría.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous sommes saisis d'une proposition concrète. Au lieu de dire "Le Conseil a instamment prié", on peut dire, pour que cela ne soit pas contraignant à l'infini pour le Directeur général: "Le Conseil a recommandé à la FAO que, dans son mandat spécifique et compte tenu des limites de ressources, elle s'efforce d'introduire progressivement", et on met toute la suite.

Ms Joan DUDIK-GAYOSO (United States of America): I would very much like to see this paragraph stay the way it is, but I understand the reasons for the proposals that are being made and I understand the problems that have been perceived by the Secretariat. I would point out to the Council that if we weaken this statement we will be making ourselves very inconsistent with paragraph 16 in which it says that the Council considered that FAO's mandate and wide experience made it the key agency within the UN system to promote environmentally-sound sustainable agricultural development. So I think in a general way what we are talking about is what is FAO's role going to be and how big a factor will environmental questions and the question of integrating environmental considerations into the programmes and thinking of FAO be in the future.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Yo creo que aunque nadie desconozca las funciones de la FAO en estas actividades, no quiere decir que el Consejo deba dar instrucciones al Director General para que todos los Programas y todos los recursos de la Organización se dediquen a estos problemas del medio ambiente. Por eso propusimos esa redacción que, a nuestro juicio concillaría las dos posibilidades.

No podemos aceptar en su forma actual la frase final de párrafo 24.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): The sentence as it is, I do not really know in practice what difference there is between "recommendation" and "urging". We are talking about the translation of the concept. We have nothing concrete. It is at the initiative stage at this point. I would not like to see reference to the financial implications talking about the limited resources. We have not done that with the other items on our agenda up to this point. If we have to refer to the financial implications, usually what we say is "within the existing resources". Of course, there is nothing about the extra resources mentioned at this point either. So in my understanding we do not need the reference to the financial implications in this one. But "urging", I would like to seek some clarification what difference it would really make, "urging or "recommending", here in practical terms.

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): After listening to the debate on this paragraph it does seem to us that there is a good argument to retain the original language with perhaps some of the additional language proposed by Colombia. Given the nature of the debate in Council about this item and the strength of the papers involved and indeed the response of the Director-General in the sense that he indicated a willingness to accept that there was something of importance here, it does seem to us that it is quite logical to retain the use of the word "urged". I think this gives a sense of the urgency and the importance of action and the importance of translating things into operational terms. But certainly the delegate of Colombia has a very valid point when he says that within its. specific mandate. I think this is taken for granted, but on occasion it does not do any harm to spell it out, because of the catalogue of things which follow.

We have been over this question of resources before and in a way it slightly hints of an intellectual bankruptcy, if you like. When any new ideas come up the response is, "Ah, we have to have resources". Well, yes, up to a point but, as we pointed out before, the important element in this is an attitudinal one. It is a question of adopting concepts which are relatively well known, which are likely to prove, in many cases we have found, more cost-effective than the existing ones. So perhaps it is a little premature to throw up our hands and say that this is a resource allocation question entirely on its own and ignore the attitudinal aspects.

We would suggest that when these two things are taken together, the need to have a change in attitude, the need to have new perceptions, and the need to have some new forms of operation, but we are talking often here about changing approaches to existing operations, then the formulation of "urge" in what follows seems quite reasonable, especially as we are talking about translating into operational activities, operational policies.

The other point that we have listened to and again tends to suggest to us that we should retain the originally wording is this question of the help that we should try and give the Secretariat when it is faced with this problem of resource allocation on a particular issue. I well remember in COAG and in other meetings, the complaint has been that the Member States are far too general in their dialogue with the Secretariat and they are not specific enough. Here is a very specific list to try and be helpful. So again we would think that this is a good example of the Council fulfilling its role. It is pervading policy guidance, it is pervading this in a pointed and directive manner and it is pervading it with sufficient technical detail to enable the technical staff and the Secretariat to take it on. It is also making the point about policies and programmes which is another way of saying my point about attitudinal changes, intellectual resources, and not simply financial ones. So all these considerations suggest to us that we should retain the text.

Amin ABDEL MALEK (Liban) (langue orginale arabe): Tout en étant convaincu de la justesse de la déclaration de la représentante des Etats-Unis du point de vue du concept, je ne suis pas d'accord avec elle ni avec le représentant du Royaume-Uni à propos du maintien des termes "Le Conseil a instamment prié". Nous préférerions dire "Le Conseil a recommandé".

Raphael RABE (Madagascar): En tant que membre du Comité de rédaction, je devrais appuyer le paragraphe tel qu'il est libellé mais, après avoir entendu les informations données par le Secrétariat, informations qui viennent du gestionnaire des ressources, je pense qu'il faut en tenir compte.

Fort heureusement le Délégué de la Colombie a fait une proposition qui devrait recevoir l'accord de tout le monde à savoir qu'il faut tenir compte du mandat et des ressources et qu'il faut mettre en oeuvre progressivement tout ce qui se trouve dans ce paragraphe.

Je pense donc que la situation n'est pas bloquée. On nuance seulement et on demande au gestionnaire des ressources, le Directeur général, de réaliser ce programme en tenant compte des ressources et du mandat·

Earl W. WEYBRECHT (Canada): We would like to support the wording as it was prepared by the Drafting Committee, and like the delegate from the United States we feel that this would be consistent with the role that has been identified for the FAO in paragraph 16. So we would like to express our position as being consistent with that outlined by the delegate of Finland with respect to the wording of that sentence.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): No tendríamos inconveniente en aceptar el término "instó", sobre el cual insisten muchos de nuestros colegas. Si se ha reconocido que todo esto debe hacerse dentro del marco específico de la FAO y dentro de los recursos existentes, no creemos que pueda haber objeción a que nuestra propuesta que ahora vamos a flexibilizar aún más, pueda ser aprobada, porque son demasiados los elementos que intervienen al final del párrafo 24, y no creo que ningún miembro del Consejo tenga intención de pedir al Director General que todo esto se haga inmediatamente. Esto debe ser un proceso progresivo. Podíamos decir simplemente: el Consejo instó a la FAO -creo que Finlandia tiene razón, no encuentro diferencias sino semánticas- a que dentro de su mandato específico y en el marco de los recursos existentes. Esto es más suave de que lo que había propuesto antes, "introduzca progresivamente". Este es el cambio fundamental. En vez de introducir o introduzca, "introducir progresivamente".

Creo que esta es una propuesta racional, ya que ninguno de nosotros quiere que de la noche a la mañana todo el programa y todas las políticas de la FAO se vayan a dedicar al medio ambiente. Sinceramente Sr. Presidente creo que nuestra propuesta es muy flexible y podría conciliar todas las tendencias·

Akbar Mirza KHALEELI (India): I think there is an emerging consensus on what the distinguished representative of Colombia has suggested, but I have two observations. Firstly, in the totality of the present atmosphere and potential of FAO to delivery programmes, it seems rather ambitious to include such a large number of programmes. No-one has an objection to them progressively but, whether on environment or on development, the emphasis has already been pointed out by the distinguished representative of Brazil and supported by us.

Accordingly, if we go into these points - which are quite sophisticated - without the money, I think we are introducing an element of "progressivism" which is very remote for implementation. In case it is felt that we should proceed beyond the fisheries sector and include this, I would suggest a slight amendment. My suggestion is to stop at fisheries sector. If it is felt we should include this as part of FAO's responsibilities progressively, taking into account the factors mentioned by the distinguished representative of Colombia, I would suggest a slight emphasis on the following words "taking into account available resources and priorities including the retirement of core programmes" then you may proceed to the other things.

Rudolf de POURTALES (Suisse): Je dois dire qu'en écoutant ce débat sur le paragraphe 24 du rapport, je suis quelque peu surpris. Nous parlons de gestion des ressources naturelles, de conservation, de développement, de transmission des technologies, etc. comme si la FAO n'avait rien fait jusqu'ici dans ce domaine. Si tel est le cas, permettez-moi de trouver que c'est très grave. Si ce n'est pas le cas, je ne comprends pas les réticences du Secrétariat et de certains délégués d'accepter la rédaction telle qu'elle est. Personnellement, j'interprète ce texte d'une façon assez différente de ce qui a été fait jusqu'ici. A mon avis, 11 ne s'agit pas d'activités nouvelles mais d'un renforcement de l'intégration du concept de développement durable dans les programmes existants de la FAO - 11 ne s'agit pas de mettre sur pied de nouveaux programmes - et je pense que la FAO a la capacité de le faire.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous sommes en présence de deux propositions. La première consiste à remplacer "a instamment prié" par "a recommandé à". Je pense que le terme "recommandé" est admis par l'usage · Compte tenu du fait qu'il s'agit d'affaires nouvelles - le développement durable est quelque chose de nouveau - on doit préparer des programmes. On pourrait recommander instamment. En tout cas le terme "recommandé" me semble personnellement plus acceptable pour l'Organisation.

Reste la seconde partie qui est très importante. Il y a une notion introduite par le Délégué de la Colombie, celle des ressources et de l'aspect progressif. Peut-on concilier cette notion avec notre ambition d'intéresser la FAO, d'une manière ou d'une autre à des actions relatives au développement durable ?

Le Conseil peut-Il prendre une décision sur ce point ? Il faudrait arriver à un consensus.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): At this very late hour I would like to say, in the spirit of compromise, of these two elements which have been added here, I think I would largely accept what the delegate of Colombia said in the end, which was in the essence of retaining the urge, because I think it is sensible to note what the delegate of Switzerland mentioned: these are not really new programmes. In the report of the Secretariat is a very long list of these activities over a very long time period already done within the Organization. The approach is just to take them up, but not as a completely new concept, because the implementation already exists to a large extent. Urging, as I see it, does not put a time limit and therefore should be retained. We can accept acting within its mandate and within the existing resources, references to the text. I hope, on that basis, we could accept·

LE PRESIDENT: Nous avons une proposition concrete de la Colombie appuyée par la Finlande. Si le Conseil l'accepte, nous pourrons peut-être passer à un autre paragraphe. Quant à moi je pense que nous pouvons retenir cette proposition.

Mónica DEREGIBUS (Argentina): Yo me alegro de que las Delegaciones más interesadas en este párrafo hayan encontrado una fórmula de consenso pero debo dejar aquí sentado la opinion de mi Delegación en el sentido de que esta costumbre que están adoptando las delegaciones de incluir en el momento que más apropiado les parece la noción de la limitación de recursos, no debería generalizarse tanto en opinión de la Delegación Argentina, porque algunas delegaciones la utilizan en algunas ocasiones, y otras delegaciones la utilizan en otras ocasiones. Y todos sabemos que los recursos tanto de la Organización como de los propios Gobiernos son limitados. Entonces es absurdo seguir hablando, hacer formulaciones que no nos llevan a nada ya que la FAO no va a hacer nada fuera de los recursos que tiene.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): Je voudrais simplement appuyer en entier ce que vient de dire la représentante de l'Argentine. En effet depuis quelque temps on entend dire, chaque fois que cela intéresse les uns ou les autres, que c'est "dans les limites des ressources disponibles". Cela devient une pratique dangereuse pour l'ensemble des Pays membres.

Raul LOPEZ-LIRA NAVA (México): Muy brevemente para apoyar a las dos Delegadas que me han precedido en el uso de la palabra.

LE PRESIDENT: Je voudrais savoir la position du Président du Comité de rédaction.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman of the Drafting Committee): In fact, my position was to keep the paragraph as drafted, because this paragraph took a long, long discussion but, in view of the decision of the Council, I have no objection and I also feel that the Drafting Committee would go along with the consensus.

LE PRESIDENT: On a retenu la notion de progressivité. On n'a pas mentionné la limitation de ressources·

Nous passons au paragraphe 25. Le Brésil a demandé un ajout ce matin.

Joao Augusto DE MEDICIS (Brazil): For the sake of consensus, and the time, I will withdraw my proposal·

LE PRESIDENT: Pour le paragraphe 27, ce matin on avait mentionné que le Conseil se reférait à la Résolution des Nations Unies. Est-ce qu'il y a une observation sur cet article?

Hannu HALIHEN (Finland): I am sorry to take the floor again, but since my delegation made the suggestion concerning this paragraph in the morning, We have had some consultations and there is a somewhat amended text to be added as two final sentences. With your indulgence I would like to read them. I have the text for the Secretariat. The new text, following the prevailing text, would be: "The Council requested that at its next session, on the item of the Programme of Work and Budget 1990/91, substantial discussion be held on FAO's plans and strategies to enhance the concept of sustainable development"; the second sentence, "The Council stressed the importance of the provision of a brief outline by the Secretariat on this issue to facilitate discussion on sustainable developments." With the addition of these two sentences I leave it.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I do not believe this is the time or the occasion to come up with new suggestions for the Council. We are discussing here the Report, not new suggestions to the Council. So I suggest we reject this proposal by the Finnish delegate.

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Departaient) (Representative of the Director-General): A small point but I can inform the Finnish delegate and all others that it will be discussed in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget and it will be discussed because it will be a very important one, irrespective of whether the Council accepts the wording or not. It will be done.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): Very briefly, I think what was mentioned by Dr. Bonte-Friedheim is already clear that this is not a new item. It is just an elaboration of what has been taken before.

James AITKEN (United kingdom): I just may have missed something but could I also have clarification from Dr. Bonte-Friedheim that there will be some short note presented to the Council, simply to facilitate its work because we have been rather concerned in the past when there has not been documentation that would help us do our work.

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): There will be some internal documentation for certain, whether it will be Council documentation will depend on whether Council adopts this paragraph or not but I will certainly make this information available because we have to do it for ourselves. So there will be something, yes.

LE PRESIDENT: La réponse de M. Bonte-Friedheim a été acceptée par la délégation de Finlande.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): May I be informed if we have approved these paragraphs or not?

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): I am very sorry I do not know if I missed the point. I just wanted to clarify that my understanding of Dr. Bonte-Friedheim's response was to accept the amendment as mentioned. Since there are no difficulties, of course, the amendment is as proposed. My delegation has not withdrawn it in anyway. My understanding is that there was no problem. Perhaps we can add the summary as mentioned by Dr. Bonte-Friedheim.

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): I cannot accept for the Council. The Council has to accept an amendment so I am in the hands of the Council and my understanding was that the Chairman had accepted a proposal by Brazil not to include and I have given assurances from the Secretariat that irrespective of whether it is in there it will be discussed and there will be some background paper. Otherwise, I am not here to adopt the Report for the Council, I am sorry.

LE PRESIDENT: J'avais peut-être mal compris. J'avais compris que, compte tenu des explications de M. Bonte-Friedheim, les documents que vous demandiez 11 s'engageait à les fournir. Je suis désolé d'avoir mal compris. Les explications de M. Bonte-Friedheim m'avaient fait croire que le Secrétariat avait l'intention de faire ce travail dans son programme pour le prochain Conseil, de sorte que j'avais compris qu'il allait faire le travail que vous aviez demandé.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): I think this explanation was in no way controversial. My feeling was that on the contrary it was supporting adding the specific point. Behind this whole proposition is only the assurance that we will discuss at the next Council and hopefully we will have a document, whatever can be produced on that, but this is the purpose of this amendment.

Sra. Mónica DEREGIBÜS (Argentina): Si mi,Delegación comprendió bien, la enmienda que está proponiendo el Delegado de Finlandia, según nos llego la traducción, sería "el Consejo pidió que en su próximo período de sesiones, en el tema del Programa de Labores y Presupuestos, se celebre una discusión". Yo no creo que el Consejo tenga que pedir; algunas delegaciones pueden pedir o en caso contrario, el Consejo decide. Pero no me parece que el Consejo tenga que pedir porque a quién le va a pedir. Entendemos que algunas delegaciones pidieron que se celebre una discusión y pidieron el papel, y el Secretario dijo que podría existir este papel de información, este documento de información que están pidiendo o en caso contrario, el Consejo tendría que decidir que va a llevar a cabo esta discusión. Ahora yo creo que una discusión sustantiva sobre este aspecto en el marco de la consideración del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto, tal vez no sería el lugar más adecuado porque en ese caso, algunas otras delegaciones podrían pedir una discusión sustantiva de alguna otra parte del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto. No sé si es el lugar más adecuado para llevarlo a cabo. Yo creo que esto debería ser motivo de intercambio entre nosotros.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Podríamos ensayar para ver si el colega de Finlandia pudiere quedar satisfecho con un agregado simple, al final del párrafo 27, diciendo: "El Consejo tomó nota de que la Secretaría Informó que este asunto se discutirá en la próxima reunión del Consejo".

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): I think if that is helpful for the others perhaps to replace the first sentence, that could be adopted and as regards the second sentence, I think we do have to realize that the whole Council was not stressing that point so instead of saying "The Council stressed" I think "Some delegations stressed the importance". So this is a substantive amendment to the amendment I understand but in the light of the Argentinian delegation I have to realize that this is perhaps more accurate. I hope with these amendments to the amendment we can have the Text.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous pourrions retenir la suggestion de la Colombie disant que le Conseil a pris note que le Secrétariat a dit que cette question sera discutée lors de la prochaine session du Conseil.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I am sorry I have to take the floor at this late hour but the addition by Finland has no reason to be, because the Secretariat when an item is put in the Agenda, necessarily prepares documents. The Secretariat always provides background documents for Agenda items.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): I think there is a slight distinction here on the brief outline. We understand this is a bit different from the usual background papers which are already there. As stressing the point was to get, as it was in our statement the more analytical statement.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I would like to raise a procedural matter. This approach will just slow things up. We can stay here until 1a.m. There is a proposal, a proposal has been given, other delegations have spoken to this. It is really useless to ask this delegation, the one who submitted the proposal to express his opinion once again. I think we are just wasting time and we will have to stay on until tomorrow morning.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous étions arrivés à un consensus; le Secrétariat a informé le Conseil de ce qu'il allait discuter de cette question au prochain Conseil; le Secrétariat remettra un document; c'est une évidence; il me semble que l'on pourrait éviter de prolonger le débat sur cette question et clore cette discussion. Pouvons-nous considérer cette question comme close ?

Paragraphs 14 to 27, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 14 à 27, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 14 a 27, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARAGRAPHS 29 to 41 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 29 à 41 (suite)
PARRAFOS 29 a 41 (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons au paragraphe 33.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Retiro ml propuesta de agregado al párrafo 33.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons au Point 40.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Aquí, sí, Sr. Presidente, deseamos insistir en nuestra propuesta porque se trata de un asunto importante. En la reciente Conferencia Regional para América Latina celebrada en Recife, Brasil, el director regional dijo que el PNUD estaba estimulando a aquellos países que se hallaban en condiciones de hacerlo, y cuando fuera conveniente, a que ejecutaran algunos proyectos. Esto mereció general apoyo en esa Conferencia Regional. Así consta en su informe. Por eso nos parece que esa primera frase del párrafo 40 es muy pasiva y no refleja lo que quisimos decir en el debate, y reiteramos este principio.

Por lo tanto, proponemos una redacción que todavía hemos flexibilizado aun más, Sr. Presidente, para evitarle a usted nuevas complicaciones. La primera frase del párrafo 40 diría: "El Consejo pidió al PNUD que, cuando fuera conveniente, intensifique su política de estimular a los Gobiernos para que ejecuten algunos proyectos." Espero que esto no ofrezca dificultades, Sr. Presidente.

Thomas TANGA (Cameroun): je voudrais d'une part appuyer la proposition de l'Ambassadeur de Colombie et rappeler la proposition d'amendement que j'avais faite en continuant la phrase par: "et a souhaité que la FAO y collabore dans son domaine de compétence".

Stanley Munkindia GUANTAI (Kenya): I was a member of the Drafting Committee and so I would accept whatever ruling is made by the Council. However, I would point out that this is another of the paragraphs - and the Chairman of the Drafting Committee would agree with me - that really took us a lot of time. We ended up with a very delicate balance. I hope that by opening up this debate we do not have problems with some of the original suggestions coming up again.

Yousef All Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): My colleague, the distinguished delegate of Kenya, has already stated what has taken place in the Committee. As he said, we debated and debated and finally came up with a balanced draft. I think it would be better if we did not change it, but the Council has a right to change whatever it wishes.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Nosotros tomamos nota con todo respeto de lo que paso en el Comité de Redacción, pero igualmente sabemos lo que dijimos aquí, en el seno de este Consejo. Si no hay ninguna otra opinión, Sr. Presidente, nosotros nos resignamos a decir, después de donde termina la primera frase "proyectos del PNUD", "algunas Delegaciones" y sigue la frase propuesta por mí, porque esto lo dijimos, Sr. Presidente, y hay que incluirlo en el informe.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I was intending to support the first proposal made by the delegations of Colombia and the Cameroons. I saw nothing that would cause an imbalance in the wording arrived at by the Drafting Committee, but people are becoming so sensitive about their drafting that it is difficult for we who are not members of the Drafting Committee to try and amend the wording.

I could have accepted the amendment of the Colombian delegation. I see no reason why we cannot accept it·

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): Briefly, because of the lateness of the hour, to say that the second formula proposed by Colombia appears to be perfectly acceptable. If everyone can accept that we can move on.

Paragraphs 29 to 41, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 29 à 41, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 29 a 41, así enmendados, son aprobados

LE PRESIDENT: Nous pouvons aller dans cette direction et considérer que le REP/3 est adopté.

Draft Report, Part III, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport, III partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptée
El Proyecto de Informe, Parte III, asi enmendado, es aprobado

DRAFT REPORT - PART IV (continued)

PARAGRAPHS 1 to 23 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 1 à 23 (suite)
PARRAFOS 1 a 23 (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Il n'y a pas de modification de forme jusqu'au paragraphe 7 inclus. Paragraphe 8. Il y a un problème sur la phrase: "il a été reconnu que les contributions fournies pour les réfugiés au Pakistan et en République islamique d'Iran sont très appréciables, etc..".

Tawfik Α·Η. AL MESH-HEDANI (Iraq) (Original language Arabic): My request centered on the addition of one word in order to clarify this paragraph. In the last sentence, "while appreciating the contributions made for refugees in Pakistan and the Afghani refugees in the Islamic Republic of Iran" and we keep the sentence as it is. I base this amendment on facts, because this is referred to in paragraph 48 of document CL 94/4. The third sentence reads "and in agreement with the UNCHR it was agreed that the donor countries giving donations to these countries..." - and "these" mean Pakistan and Somalia - "and to the Afghani refugees in Iran." This is the text of the document and it was studied by the CFA.

In addition, what has been highlighted by the Director-General is that the agreement on this assistance was directed to the Afghani refugees in Iran. That was my request.

LE PRESIDENT: L'honorable Delegue du Brésil souhaitait qu'on évite de nommer les pays et qu'on dise: "···· fournies pour les réfugiés sont très appréciables...".

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Dans ce texte, on voudrait une certaine flexibilité; on n'a pas mentionné les guerres et les réfugiés; en effet, si l'on veut mentionner les réfugiés afghans, il faut également mentionner les réfugiés kurdes-irakiens, parce que dans la République islamique d'Iran, ces deux groupes de réfugiés existent. La présence de ces réfugiés est reconnue par tout le monde, elle est reconnue par les Nations Unies qui l'acceptent pour pouvoir leur donner une aide.

Dans le but de ne pas entrer dans des discussions, dont nous pensions que ce n'était pas la place ici, nous étions d'accord pour qu'on mette le mot: "des réfugiés".

Mais nous serions sensibles à ce que cette demande de l'Iran soit inscrite dans ce rapport vu le grand nombre de réfugiés que nous avons en Iran; nous n'avons que très peu de soutien international; ce soutien n'a d'ailleurs commencé que depuis un an; et nous insistons pour qu'il soit reconnu que la République islamique d'Iran a des groupes de réfugiés et demande une aide pour eux.

Raúl LOPEZ-LIRA NAVA (México): Creo que es muy tarde, y quisiéramos ayudar a este Consejo a tener una buena noche. Entonces, yo quisiera apoyar muy firmemente la propuesta del Embajador de Brasil, en el sentido de que se eliminen los países y quede solamente refugiados en general. Con eso no afectaríamos a nadie y creo que estaríamos todos contentos.

LE PRESIDENT: Voilà une proposition présentée ce matin par le Délégué du Brésil, appuyée par Monsieur le Délégué du Mexique et nous aimerions avoir les réflexions du Conseil sur ce point.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Dans ce texte, le nom de plusieurs pays est marqué; on parle même d'opérations de transport pour acheminer l'aide pour ces réfugiés; on parle du sud du Soudan, qui a ses problèmes. Dans la République islamique d'Iran, nous avons un problème beaucoup plus important qui est mentionné au bas du paragraphe; c'est différent de ce qui est mentionné en haut, où l'on parle d'aide d'urgence, ainsi que de coordination avec le Haut-Commissariat pour les Réfugiés; en bas de ce paragraphe, nous demandons qu'une aide plus importante soit accordée pour les réfugiés d'Iran et leurs hôtes.

LE PRESIDENT: Si nous mettons: "les contributions déjà fournies", cela veut dire qu'elles ont déjà été fournies àdes réfugiés. Est-ce que ce serait de nature à débloquer la situation ?, "il a été reconnu que des contributions déjà fournies à ce jour" c'est-à-dire au moment où nous parlons... Cela rejoindrait un peu l'avis de Monsieur le Directeur général qui consiste à dire qu'elles ont été fournies dans le cadre de requêtes faites à ce jour. Il s'agit de porter un jugement sur des contributions antérieures; si nous mettons "les contributions déjà fournies pour les réfugiés" ça peut peut-être éviter un problème, puisque c'est en réponse à des requêtes pour les réfugiés. On. mettrait: "les contributions fournies à ce jour, pour les réfugiés, suite à des requêtes appropriées, etc sont très appréciables". On pourrait limiter la discussion en disant: "les contributions fournies à ce jour, dans le cadre de requêtes appropriées, pour les réfugiés au Pakistan et en République islamique, sont très appréciables" on ne cite pas de pays mais on limite les requêtes à des réfugiés qui ont déjà obtenu des contributions.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Quand je mentionne cette question, je veux dire que nous voudrions avoir une flexibilité; on n'a pas mentionné le nom des pays. En vérité, si on voulait être plus juste, il faudrait préciser dans les autres parties du document que l'on propose qu'il y ait une contribution pour les réfugiés afghans et kurdes-irakiens qui sont en République islamique de l'Iran; nous demandons effectivement cette aide pour ces pays.

Je me souviens que dans le texte qui avait été admis par le Directeur du PAM, il parlait de réfugiés afghans, il parlait de pays qui étaient source de controverses et de guerres et il a bien précisé clairement que dans un pays où il y a maintenant des centaines de milliers de réfugiés, dans des conditions très difficiles, il faudrait demander une aide pour eux.

Je ne demande pas qu'on les nomme directement; si je le demandais directement, ce serait une proposition que je ferais au nom des réfugiés afghans et kurdes-irakiens qui sont dans la République islamique d'Iran.

Nous avons seulement demandé une précision indirecte, je crois que cette demande va dans la nature des textes et qu'elle est de notre droit le plus évident. C'est la raison pour laquelle je ne la retire pas.

LE PRESIDENT: La proposition que je faisais: "déjà fournies à ce jour dans le cadre de requêtes",) ne vous convient pas ? C'était une constation sur une contribution antérieure. On laisse "que les contributions fournies à ce jour, dans le cadre des requêtes auprès des réfugiés au Pakistan et de la République islamique sont très appréciables". C'est une sorte de compromis que je vous propose pour éviter de citer des noms et nous permettre de passer à autre chose.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): Par votre entremise, Monsieur le Président, je voulais simplement demander aux délégations concernées de réfléchir sur votre proposition.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que c'est la meilleure façon de répondre à ce qu'a dit le Directeur général.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I have a proposal which is in line with what you have referred to, namely, to keep the first paragraph as it is: "Members expressed satisfaction with the critical contribution of WFP in getting emergency food aid to people in need throughout the world." We keep that sentence as it is. Then we delete the next sentence until we reach the following: "The Council also noted with concern the recurrence of incidents of insecurity experienced by food aid convoys in some countries. While appreciating the contributions made to refugees an appeal was made for continued and increased assistance for these refugees till such time as they returned to their homeland." In this way we delete all reference to names because this is included in the report it should be couched in a general formulation.

LE PRESIDENT: Je propose la création d'un groupe de contact comprenant la Libye, l'Iran, l'Irak et peut-être d'autres pays de la région. Il faut essayer de trouver une formule acceptable. J'ai proposé un libellé. Si vous l'acceptiez, nous pourrions avancer mais je ne peux pas faire autre chose.

Muhammad Saleem KHAN (Pakistan): I reserve my opinion about what is being said. Personally I felt the word "refugees" was quite neutral. However, I would appreciate if we are included in a contact group, if a contact group is being constituted. However, I think we should decide the matter tonight·

LE PRESIDENT: Nous allons laisser cette question en suspens et avancer. Je vais demander au Vice-président, le Délégué de la Libye, d'organiser ce groupe de contact avec les représentants des pays intéressés: l'Irak, l'Iran, le Pakistan et peut-être l'Inde. Il faut essayer de trouver une formule qui ait l'agrément de tous.

Je réserve donc ce paragraphe et je continue avec le paragraphe 22. Je crois qu'on l'a trouvé très long ce matin.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Lamentamos mucho que la secretaría no haya hecho caso a la observación que hizo nuestra colega argentina esta mañana en el sentido de que en el texto español en el párrafo 22, falta por lo menos la mitad de lo que aparece en el texto inglés. Con un poquito de curiosidad hemos podido comprobar que todo eso desapareció del párrafo 22 en castellano, y pasó al párrafo 20, también en nuestro propio idioma.

Ojalá que la Secretaría confirmara esto porque nosotros no entendemos el inglés, pero dada, la extensión de los párrafos nos parece que ha sucedido así.

Después de esta aclaración que es importante, ya que el Informe debe ser correcto, queremos decir en relación con el párrafo 22 que si el distinguido Embajador de Italia no tiene ningún problema con su redacción actual, estaríamos dispuestos a apoyarla, pero no sería sensato que el Consejo causara dificultades al Embajador Valenza, el representante del país hospedante, cuya generosidad todos reconocemos·

LE PRESIDENT: Il y a deux questions. La première concerne le texte en espagnol et le Secrétariat va s'en occuper pour répondre au voeu de la Déléguée de l'Argentine, qui est tout à fait légitime, afin de permettre à nos collègues de langue espagnole de se prononcer utilement.

Il reste l'observation relative à ce paragraphe faite par le Délégué de la Colombie.

Gian Luigi VALENZA (Italie): J'avais demandé, ce matin, l'abrogation d'une phrase du paragraphe 22. Toutefois, en considération de l'observation exacte faite à ce propos par le Directeur général qui a rappelé que le paragraphe en question se réfère à l'opinion du Conseiller juridique de l'Organisation, je suis heureux de pouvoir retirer ma proposition de l'abroger.

Par ailleurs, pour mieux définir la position présente et future de mon gouvernement, je voudrais demander d'ajouter, à la dernière phrase de cet article, après le mot "entre-temps" et avant les mots "les autorités Italiennes", le membre de phrase "dans un esprit de bonne volonté".

LE PRESIDENT: La dernière phrase du paragraphe 21 serait donc la suivante: "Entre-temps, dans un esprit de bonne volonté, les autorités italiennes ont payé l'essentiel des loyers dûs pour les locaux actuels du PAM "?

Gian Luigi VALENZA (Italie): C'est exact.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): Juste une observation à propos du paragraphe 20 dont parlait l'Ambassadeur Bula Hoyos. Dans la version française, on parle toujours du Programme alimentaire mondial. Je crois qu'il faudrait adapter toutes les versions.

LE PRESIDENT: C'est acquis.

Nous ajoutons donc à la fin du paragraphe 21 l'amendement présenté par l'Ambassadeur l'Italie.

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL ADJOINT: A propos de la version espagnole du document CL 94/REP/4, je dois dire qu'il s'y est effectivement glissé une erreur matérielle et nous nous en excusons. Les paragraphes sont tous dans ce document mais pas dans l'ordre juste. Le paragraphe 20 est en fait le paragraphe 22; le paragraphe 21 correspond au paragraphe 20; et le paragraphe 22 au paragraphe 21. Mais tous les paragraphes se trouvent dans la version espagnole.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons au paragraphe 23. Adopté.

Paragraphs 1 to 23 not concluded
Les paragraphes 1 à 23 sont en suspens
Los párrafos 1 a 23 quedan pendientes

Paragraphs 24 to 26 approved
Les paragraphes 24 à 26 sont approuvès
Los párrafos 24 a 26 son aprobados

Paragraphs 27 to 29 approved
Les paragraphes 27 à 29 sont approuvès
Los párrafos 27 a 29 son aprobados

Paragraphs 30 to 35 approved
Les paragraphes 30 à 35 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 30 a 35 son aprobados

Paragraph 36 approved
Le paragraphe 36 est approuv
El párrafo 36 es aprobado

Draft Report, Part IV, not concluded
Projet de rapport, IV partie, est en suspens
El Proyecto de Informe, Parte IV, queda pendiente



LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons au Point 8: "Plan d'action pour l'intégration des femmes dans le développement".

Sra. Mónica DEREGIBUS (Argentina): Las delegaciones que asistimos al Comité de Redacción convinimos en que este viejo párrafo 5, que fue reformulado en el Comité de Redacción, pasara como primeras oraciones del párrafo 9. Estando incorporada la versión ya modificada en la dos primeras oraciones del párrafo 9, nosotros creemos que al párrafo 5 hay que eliminarlo. Si las delegaciones quieren mirar el párrafo 9, verán que la idea está reflejada allí.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que cette remarque est tout à fait légitime et si le Président du Comité de rédaction n'y voit pas d'inconvénient, je supprime le paragraphe 5.

Paragraphs 1 to 10, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 10, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 10, así enmendados, son aprobados


Sra. Laurie CORDUA CRUZ (Nicaragua): En este párrafo tenemos una observación fundamentalmente de forma. Desearía leerles los cambios que propondría: un Proyecto de Resolución fue presentado por las Delegaciones de (enumerando las delegaciones que patrocinaron la Resolución), y apoyado ampliamente por los Miembros del Consejo. En él se identificaban. Sigue igual la oración, hasta donde dice la "aplicación", que proponemos se sustituya por: puesta en marcha. Lo demás quedaría igual, finalizando en: aprobó la siguiente Resolución:

LE PRESIDENT: Pouvez-vous nous indiquer d'où vous avez tiré cette phrase "appuyé largement par les membres du Conseil"? A quel endroit du paragraphe 11 proposez-vous de la mettre?

Sra. Laurie CORDUA CRUZ (Nicaragua): Después de que se numeran las Delegaciones, apoyado ampliamente por los Miembros del Consejo.

LE PRESIDENT: Y a-t-il des observations au sujet de la proposition de la Déléguée du Nicaragua ? Non. Je pense que nous pouvons la retenir.

Il nous reste la résolution elle-même. Il s'agit de la résolution créant un groupe de contact composé des délégués de la Yougoslavie, du Royaume-Uni, du Mexique, de l'Argentine, de la Finlande, du Canada et de l'Inde. Ce projet de résolution a également été transmis au Comité de rédaction. Le Conseil est-il d'accord pour qu'il soit également transmis à la Conférence ?

Le projet de résolution est adopté.

Paragraph 11, including Resolution as amended, adopted
Le paragraphe 11, y compris la résolution ainsi amendée, est adopté
El párrafo 11, incluida la Resolución así enmendada, es aprobado


Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Quisiéramos saber cómo va a quedar este párrafo 13 a la luz de la decisión que se tomó en el párrafo 23 en el REP/2.

LE PRESIDENT: Personnellement, j'avais compris que le paragraphe 23 du document CL/94/REP/2 était éliminé et que le paragraphe 13 du document CL/94/REP/5 était maintenu car, d'après ce qu'ont dit la Déléguée de l'Algérie et d'autres membres, 11 est équilibré.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Teníamos la impresión, Sr. Presidente, de que la actitud constructiva se había aceptado que al final de la segunda frase del párrafo 13 se suprimieran las palabras: "en las medidas permitidas por la Ley y otras consideraciones de fuerza mayor". Eso tenemos la impresión de que se propuso; si fue así es mejor suprimir eso y así el párrafo no nos ofrecería ninguna dificultad.

John COOK (United States of America): I believe that the United States made clear already this afternoon that we had no problem whatsoever to delete those words "to the extent permitted by Law and overriding considerations". That is fine with us.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): Je voudrais proposer à la délégation américaine de déplacer la phrase qui dit que le Conseil s'est félicité de cette déclaration, et qui vient en fin de paragraphe. Je propose qu'on mette cette phrase après la première phrase "le représentant des Etats-Unis a annoncé que son pays avait versé 25 millions de dollars E.-U. à la FAO". On ajouterait: "Le Conseil s'est félicité de cette annonce". Viendrait ensuite le reste du paragraphe avec l'amendement de la Colombie.

John COOK (United States of America): It was my distinct impression that the Council welcomed the three individual pieces of information in that paragraph and not just for payment. That was my impression. I think the drafting group was of that impression. I really do not see that it is any problem just to leave it like this.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que nous pouvons laisser le texte tel qu'il est parce qu' effectivement le Conseil a manifesté sa satisfaction du fait que dans le budget 1989 sont inscrites les sommes dues par les Etats-Unis aux Organisations des Nations Unies.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): Je suis vraiment désolée de retarder davantage nos travaux, mais je me souviens qu'il y avait eu un murmure de satisfaction et un grand soupir de soulagement après l'annonce faite par l'Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis que son pays avait versé 25 millions de dollars. Je ne sais pas si les Membres du Conseil ont exprimé la même satisfaction vis-à-vis des autres annonces, parce que nous attendons de voir le résultat de ces mesures. Mais il est vrai que le Conseil s'est félicité de l'annonce du versement de 25 millions de dollars au titre des arriérés.

D.K- CROWTHER (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): The delegate is absolutely right, that the Council, the Organization and everyone welcomed the announcement on the US$25 million. But I must also say that we welcomed even more than the US$25 million, the other announcement. That is going to mean a great deal more to us in the future than the US$25 million. We are very pleased to welcome the entire announcement.

LE PRESIDENT: C'est un ensemble de déclarations qui ont été appréciées par le Conseil. Je crois que le fait de mettre cette phrase en fin de paragraphe marque l'attente du Conseil pour la suite des versements et l'ensemble des nouvelles qui étaient fort agréables à entendre.

Nous passons aux paragraphes suivants.

Paragraphs 12 to 25, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 12 à 25, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 12 a 25, asi enmendados, son aprobados


Ray ALLEN (United Kingdom): We would like to see a mention here that the terms of reference of the Commission will remain unchanged.

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): Yes, I think it will read that we noted that the terms of reference of the Commission will remain unchanged.

Paragraph 26 approved
Le paragraphe 26 est approuvé
El párrafo 26 es aprobado

Paragraph 27 approved
Le paragraphe 27 est approuvé
El párrafo 27 es aprobado

Draft Report, Part V, as amended, was adopted
Projet de Rapport, V partie, ainsi amendée, est adoptée
El Proyecto de Informe, parte V, asi enmendado, es aprobado


Mlle Faouzia BODMAÏZA (Algérie): M. le Président, j'ai un problème. Je représente l'Algérie au sein du Conseil mais je suis toute seule dans ma délégation et je ne suis malheureusement pas dotée du don de l'ubiquité. Je n'ai pas pu prendre connaissance des rapports qui ont été distribués, donc si vous le voulez bien et si le Conseil en est d'accord, je demanderais que l'on fasse une interruption de 10 minutes pour que nous puissions prendre connaissance de questions très importantes. Je ne peux pas adopter des choses que je n'ai pas lues.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original Language Arabic): I object to the proposal made by the delegate of Algeria, because if we agree to this we will not resume our meeting before another hour.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏZA (Algérie): Je ne peux vraiment pas adopter un rapport que je n'ai pas lu. Ce ne serait pas sérieux de ma part vis-à-vis de mon pays. Je regrette, M. le Président, mais je voudrais avoir au moins 15 minutes pour m'informer des principaux points importants.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brésil): On pourrait peut-être trouver une solution de compromis. On pourrait peut-être approuver le Document REP/6 plus lentement, donner le temps aux délégués de lire chaque paragraphe et chaque paragraphe serait approuvé séparément. Nous pourrions ainsi concilier la position de l'Algérie et de la Libye.

Mlle Faouzia BOUMAÏzA (Algérie): L'Ambassadeur du Brésil est toujours très convainquant, mais vous ne m'en voudrez pas si je vous ralentis considérablement.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vois que le Représentant de la Libye n'est pas d'accord pour la suspension de séance. Nous allons donc parler très lentement.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Nosotros apoyamos a Argelia y nos negamos a participar en el debate sobre un documento que no hemos leído.

LE PRESIDENT: Avant de lever la séance je signale que nos interprètes sont disponibles jusqu'à une heure du matin. A 1 heure du matin, si nous n'avons pas fini, je me vois dans l'obligation légale de continuer nos travaux demain.

The meeting was suspended from 22.00 to 22.20 hours
La séance est suspendue de 22 h.00 à 22 h.20.
Se suspende la sesión de las 22.00 a las 22.20 horas

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL ADJOINT: Je voulais simplement vous signaler que nous aurons l'interprétation jusqu'à une heure mais que, malheureusement, les procès-verbalistes seront obligés de s'arrêter à 23 h.30, ce qui veut dire que les derniers Procès-verbaux seront publiés avec un peu de retard car nous devrons les transcrire à partir des enregistrements.


LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le Secrétaire général adjoint. Nous allons commencer la lecture du REP/6. Il s'agit du Point 13 (première partie) - rapport des 54ème et 55ème sessions du Comité du Programme, y compris rapport intérimaire sur l'Examen de la FAO -.

Paragraphe 1? Approuvé. Paragraphe 2? Approuvé. Paragraphe 3? Approuvé. Paragraphe 4?

José Ramón LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Como le comunicamos a nuestro Presidente del Comité de Redacción, en torno a las cuestiones que se tratan en este punto numero 4, nosotros teníamos serlas dudas respecto de la forma en que el Asesor Legal interpretó las preguntas que al respecto se le formularon, y también la manera en que después de muy largas discusiones, del Comité de Redacción se recogieron aquí. Mi Delegación no quiso hacer entonces un problema, y dejó el párrafo ir tal como lo ven ustedes escrito. Sin embargo, tenemos cuatro preguntas, que nos parecen fundamentales y que entonces avisamos queríamos que las respuestas aparecieran en las Actas. Las preguntas son las siguientes al Asesor Legal·

En primer lugar, deseamos saber si para que la reunión adquiera un carácter permanente se requiere necesariamente una reforma de los Textos Básicos. Nuestra opinión al respecto es que no se puede dar una respuesta ambigua. Es decir, que la sala no puede dar una respuesta ambigua interpretándolo como que es deseable. El Asesor Legal debe ser preciso y, a mi juicio, la respuesta es que es necesario. Pero es una pregunta que le formulamos para que aquí nos reitere su contestación.

Segundo, si el Director General, de "motu proprio", a solicitud de uno o varios países, puede hacer
con carácter experimental reuniones de los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas, y si éstas pueden ser
coyunturales o deben consultarse con el Consejo y con la Conferencia.

En tercer lugar, si la reunión experimental que se ha propuesto, en caso de que realice repetidamente, perdería su carácter experimental y ello podría volverse definitivo, sin necesidad, por tanto, de cambiar los textos básicos porque implicaría que se ha sentado un precedente.

Punto número 4. De acuerdo con el proyecto actual de programación y presupuestación los Estados Miembros expresan en los Comités principales y a la luz de los eventos recientes y relevantes de cada sector, las prioridades programáticas de los mismos, las cuales se transmiten a los Comités de Programa y de Finanzas. Dado que las reuniones de todos -subrayo: "de todos"- los Comités principales no pueden celebrarse en el año siguiente de la Conferencia, pregunto si estaría en ese caso violándose los textos de nuestra Organización y que cuando se celebra una reunión de los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas previa a tales reuniones de los Comités principales no se puede, en consecuencia, recibir sus comentarios. Es decir, si no se han celebrado todas las reuniones de los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas previa a tales reuniones de los Comités principales no se puede, en consecuencia, recibir sus comentarios. Es decir, si no se han celebrado todas las reuniones de los Comités principales y obtenido sus informes, el Director General estaría presentando propuestas de nivel presupuestal y programático que afectarían las áreas aun no debatidas ni consultadas con los Estados Miembros. Además, esas cuestiones se debatirían en el seno de los Comités del Programa y de finanzas, cuyos miembros lo son sólo a título personal, y, por otra parte, no son especialistas en todas las áreas.

Sr. Presidente, deseamos que esas cuatro preguntas nos las responda el Asesor Legal. Nosotros pensamos que este es un asunto muy delicado, porque, de aceptarse una interpretación ambigua, podría este Consejo estar reconociendo un procedimiento que se podría repetir año tras año, sin necesidad de reformar los textos básicos y violando quizás disposiciones de los textos. Espero que haya entendido usted mi preocupación, que no fue satisfecha en el Comité de Redacción.

Gonzalo BULA BOTOS (Colombia): Un consejero legal de una organización internacional integrada por Estados soberanos, no puede tener opinión propia; debe ser imparcial y objetivo, no puede ir más allá de los aspectos jurídicos de las decisiones de cualquier órgano rector; no puede hacer propuestas, y ni siquiera sugerencias sobre cuestiones de fondo. Creo que esto es conveniente que lo digamos en este momento, Sr. Presidente, porque el Sr. Moore está recien llegado a la Organización, está apenas aclimatándose, y conviene que sepa que quienes representamos aquí a Gobiernos soberanos no aceptamos que un funcionario, cualquiera sea, se desvie del marco dentro del cual debe cumplir sus funciones. Yo creo que para bien de la Organización, Sr. Presidente, y para preservar la seriedad con que un consejero legal debe contar, es indispensable que en este párrafo 4 no figure el término "muy conveniente", porque ésa es una opinión del consejero legal que no está llamado a expresar. Al máximo, habría que decir lo que corresponde al consejero legal: "sería necesario", pero un consejero legal no puede ir más allá de eso, Sr. Presidente.

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que le Conseiller juridique veut bien nous donner les réponses à ces différentes questions?

LEGAL COUNSEL: I will try to reply to these questions to the best of my ability. You will bear with me if I ask for two of the questions to be repeated. I shall reply to the first and second questions now and then we can revert to the last two questions.

As I understand it the first question was: if the Joint Committees, in this additional step to the programme budget process, were to be convened in January of the Conference year as a permanent feature of the programme budget process, would this require an amendment to the general rules of the Organization? I believe that if it were to be done on a permanent basis as a permanent feature of the programme and budget process it would become necessary to amend the general rules of the Organization to bring them into line with the new practice. That is if it is on a permanent basis. If it were merely on an experimental basis, on a short-term basis, I do not feel that it would be necessary to amend the general rules of the Organization for the reasons which I explained in my previous intervention on Tuesday. What then constitutes an experimental basis and when does it become a permanent basis? Unless there is an actual decision of the Conference, it is hard for me or for anybody to say when the new step ceases to be experimental and becomes permanent. As I said on Tuesday that is why, if the new step in the programme budget process were to continue on a longer term basis, it would be desirable to amend the rules; but, once it became on a permanent basis, the' rules would have to be amended.

Maybe I could pass on now to the second question. Can the Director-General, on an experimental basis convene meetings of the Finance and Programme Committees in order to consider an outline Programme of Work and Budget? As I indicated on Tuesday, the rules are sufficiently broad to allow him to convene these meetings under his normal powers to convene meetings of the Finance and Programme Committees, without any changes to the general rules of the Organization. Specifically, for the Programme Committee, the Director-General has the power to convene the Committee under Rule XXVI (8) of the general rules of the Organization. For the Finance Committee, he has the power to convene that Committee under Rule XVII (8) of the general rules of the Organization.

If I may pass on to the third question, here I would ask for some clarification. Perhaps you could explain this question a little further because I did not quite catch the whole of it and I would not like to reply unless I have understood it fully.

José Ramón LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Hubo una cuestión respecto a la segunda, que no me respondió, y creo que es importante. Es que nosotros aceptamos, desde la primera vez, que efectivamente el Director General tenía la capacitad, la facultad, para convocar a una reunión con carácter experimental· Sin embargo, la pregunta iba en el siguiente sentido: que si ésta -vuelvo a repetir lo que dije- puede ser coyuntural, es decir, si en cada ocasión el Director General puede decidir sobre una base coyuntural, la convocatoria de la misma reunión para enero en años sucesivos, o si después de que la primera vez ya fue experimental, la segunda vez implica el llevarlo a la Conferencia, porque ya hubo una experiencia pasada, y si eso conlleva algún tipo de modificación de los reglamentos. La segunda pregunta iba encauzada en ese sentido.

Y la tercera, que está ligada justamente a esta cuestión, o que abunda en esta cuestión, decía que si esta reunión es experimental, realizada repetidamente, pierde su carácter experimental y adquiere entonces un carácter definitivo, por sentar un precedente. Le voy a decir por qué hice esta pregunta, señor: porque en la última oración del párrafo 4 se dice que una situación análoga registrada en el 73, en relación con la introducción del proceso de presentación del resumen del Programa de Labores, implicó que la Conferencia había enmendado el Reglamento General del 75· Pareciera que se está dando a entender que de alguna manera se ha creado o se ha hecho jurisprudencia sobre este asunto. Es decir, en vista de que esto tuvo un carácter superior a una cuestión meramente experimental, conllevó a una enmienda necesaria del Reglamento, y nosotros queremos saber si la implicación que le está dando el Asesor Legal a ese asunto es que efectivamente requiere tal cambio en las reglas. De otra manera, Sr. Presidente, prodríamos seguir con reuniones experimentales todos los eneros del año de la Conferencia, sin que esto implique haber sentado un precedente y, por tanto, no haber requerido cambiar los textos.

LEGAL COUNSEL: Thank you, I now understand the question. Certainly in the first year it is done it would be within the powers of the Director-General to comply on a voluntary and experimental basis. Whether or not on a second occasion it would be still experimental and temporary I cannot give any definite answer. I think that this might be something for the Conference to decide or to be referred to the CCLM. As was mentioned before, the only occasion when this has arisen before was in a rather different situation, because there it was a proposal made by the Director-General on his own initiative without being requested to do so. This was the proposal for a new step in the Programme and Budget Process, the preparation of a Summary Programme of Work and Budget. This new step was adopted in 1973 and at its June session in 1975 the Council "noted that the submission of the summary Programme of Work and Budget was not in conformity with the General Rules of the Organization and accordingly requested the CCLM to consider amendments to the relevant rules to bring them into line with current practice. The amendments were adopted by the Conference in November 1975." This is the only precedent. I do not know whether or not the precedent actually indicates that the rules had to be amended on that particular occasion, or that it could have been done at a later occasion. I think eventually it would be for the Conference to come to some decision as to what the law should be on this point.

José Ramón LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (Mexico): Perdone, Sr. Presidente, que esté haciendo tan engorroso, este asunto, pero para nosotros era muy importante. La cuarta pregunta es en el sentido de que, de acuerdo al proceso actual de programación y presupuestación, que está recogido en los textos básicos, nuestra interpretación es que, para formular el nivel del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto, el Director General recaba las observaciones, comentarlos y debates hechos en los Comités principales de la Organización para integrar entonces su documento, que irá a la reunión de los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas. Sin embargo, hay Comités que celebran en el año de la Conferencia su reunión y cuyos debates, recomendaciones y observaciones al respecto no los podría tomar y recoger el Director General para su propuesta respectiva e integración de nivel presupuestarlo y Programa de Labores y Presupuesto para hacerlos llegar a los Comités.

Y nuestra pregunta, entonces, es si celebrar una reunión en enero no estaría precisamente violando ese principio establecido y que lo que estaría, de hecho, ocurriendo es que se les estaría otorgando a los miembros de los Comités del Programa y de Finanzas, que están representados a título personal, la capacidad o la facultad de evaluar o de determinar lo que los Estados Miembros deberían, de hecho, recomendar en el seno de esos Comités principales. Esa es nuestra pregunta, Sr. Presidente.

Horacio GARANDANG (Philippines): In the light of the explanations given to us, I should like to make a small amendment. The amendment would be to paragraph 4, in the third sentence of that paragraph, "for the procedure to be established on a long-term basis on the other hand it would be highly desirable" I would put instead "it was, however, pointed out that for the procedure to be institutionalized it would be necessary for the Conference to amend the General Rules." Then omit the last sentence because it is irrelevant. Then, if necessary, it could be pointed out that the previous Conference had made provisions for the matter to be taken up in the review of the Programme and Finance Committee, and the experts, as indicated in paragraph 146. Is it necessary for me to repeat the amendment?

The reason for that is this, there is a distinction between a long-term basis, a permanent basis and an experimental basis. When we look at the debate the "institutionalized" was used by the Philippine delegation. Probably that could be a way out because the long-term basis is neither here nor there, and a permanent basis is not an institutionalization, although probably we could use that word. "It was pointed out however, that for the procedure to be institutionalized it would be necessary for the Conference to amend the General Rules" and then omit the last sentence.

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): This is surely a procedural and not a substantive point. If I have been following some of the interventions correctly particularly the distinguished delegate from the Philippines, what he seems to be doing is proposing an amendment to a paragraph which is an entire paragraph of the opinion of Legal Counsel. I suggest that a better way to do this is to leave paragraph 4 as it is, and then put any alternative or supplementary views in a separate paragraph, so that there is no confusion between what has been said by the Legal Counsel and comments thereon.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): I want to concur with the view just expressed by the United Kingdom, it is a point well taken. One of the previous speakers in his opening remarks proceeded to lecture the Legal Counsel on what is the role of a Legal Counsel - and lectured him inaccurately. A Legal Counsel provides counsel. You go and have a legal opinion on matters, you go and seek legal advice. An attorney, a lawyer, does not only read what is written, he reads legislative history, he reads intent and past practice, he reads, as the distinguished delegate of Mexico so ably pointed out, precedent, and his point about precedent is important. A Legal Counsel gives counsel. I listened to him speak only a few moments ago and the point is that he did not say (as my friend and colleague from the Philippines suggested) that it was "necessary", he never said it was "necessary". He gave the advice that it was "desirable". He cited a previous example and pointed out what had been done. But, he was very careful in articulating that to make it clear that that was desired, that that was the conclusion that people arrived at, that this was a desirable course of action, but they were not compelled to take that desirable course of action - there is a difference.

I have listened to Legal Counsel explain the matters and he has explained them in a perfectly sensible, rational and intelligent basis, and has given us sound advice that ought to be adhered to. He did not specifically recommend it, but somewhat implied through the citing of a past experience that it might be a good idea, under the procedural rules of the Organization, to refer it to the CCLM. Under the constitutional rules of this Organization that is the body which would review such matters.

However, to have from the floor an amendment changing what the Legal Adviser advised is inappropriate. The record should show the advice he gave. It should not show what someone wished he had misinterpreted.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): With all due respect to the previous speaker, I should like to state that I am not trying to change, in any way, what Legal Counsel said. The way the amendment is proposed is that the third sentence now is no longer attributed to the Legal Counsel but to somebody else. I am proposing this system because first of all the Legal Counsel was making a distinction between a long-term basis and a permanent basis and that is very confusing. When does it become a permanent basis? When is it a long-term basis? however, if it is institutionalized then that is more definite. It is something more determined than long-term or permanent. Therefore, to avoid that situation I have made this proposal. Probably, you may put it in another paragraph, but if we put here the words of the Legal Counsel "long-term basis" which now he is making a distinction between permanent basis then that is confusing. Therefore, I make the suggestion that we insert the words I have suggested, but in no way changing the words of the Legal Counsel. The Legal Counsel's opinion is his opinion. This is a different rendition of what happened in the Committee, namely, first you have the first two sentences referring to what Legal Counsel said, and then the last sentence referring to what somebody else said.

Yousef All Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I would just like to state that the Drafting Committee spent one and a half hours discussing this specific paragraph and we have invited the Legal Counsel to the meeting and the Legal Counsel has stated what is written here. So I would appeal, through you, Mr. Chairman, that this specific paragraph stays as drafted and if there are any other additions they go into a new paragraph.

José Ramón LOPEZ PORTILLO ROMANO (Mexico): Muy brevemente y espero que esta sea ml ultima intervención, no voy a molestarlo más, Señor Presidente.

Confirmo lo que ha dicho el presidente del Comité de Redacción. El día de ayer, efectivamente, discutimos esto por mucho tiempo, y la delegación de México tuvo que aceptar en vista de las actas y lo que allí se reflejaba, que esto era lo que el Asesor Legal había dicho durante la reunión de este punto. Sin embargo, aclaramos que en la Plenaria habíamos hecho reflexiones para que con esta nueva explicación pudiéramos armar un párrafo, o reformar éste, de la manera más adecuada a los planteamientos que formulábamos. Ahora contamos ya en esta Plenaria con la Asesoría Legal del señor Moore, y creo que ésta puede ser útil para todos. Quizá Señor Presidente, antes de seguir yo le pediría que le permita al Asesor Legal responder a la ultima y cuarta cuestión que había planteado, que quizás ayude a formular esta nueva redacción. Quizás antes de seguir los debates él podría darnos sus puntos de vista al respecto a la cuarta cuestión que planteé.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): A estas alturas preferimos no hacer referencia a una tan elocuente y emocionada como absurda cátedra de ignorancia jurídica. Más bien quisiéramos decir que si el Asesor Legal insiste en que se mantenga el párrafo 4 tal como está, nosotros enjuiciaremos esa actitud en la Conferencia y pasaríamos ahora a acoger la propuesta del Reino Unido en el sentido de que las delegaciones expresen su opinión sobre el absurdo párrafo 4.

Fred. J. ECKERT (United States of America): The United States would say that it is inaccurate to characterize the work of the Drafting Committee in this paragraph as absurd. As the Chairman has just pointed out they spent one and a half hours and members of diverse countries from different parts of the world with different viewpoints came up with this language. I think it is offensive and absurd to call their work absurd. I think it is also inappropriate and absurd to characterize the views expressed by the Legal Counsel as absurd. They were quite the opposite. It was a perfectly intelligent, well-reasoned, well-articulated explanation of the process and he ably answered the questions put to him by Mexico which were a very good ably put series of questions.

There is one point of clarification that I would like to get, but before I do perhaps the whole issue could be resolved by what was suggested, and that is that there is a body within the Organization which does deal with such matters. There is a committee set up for that very specific purpose, and it might be appropriate at the end of the sentence, where it says "1975", instead of putting a period there, put a comma and say, "following a referral to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters". In that way you would know what the Legal Counsel said. That is the sort of precedent that he was citing and that is the sort of precedent that the body has to go on. You may well want to conclude from that, that that is the appropriate next step.

The questions raised by Mexico, I repeat, are perfectly sensible good legal questions. The answers put by the legal adviser were perfectly appropriate and thorough and competent answers to his questions·

It seems to me the logical follow-through; you cannot ask the Legal Counsel to tell you when you cross the line between early and late in the game and experimental and becoming a fixture. But the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters is the appropriate body to make that judgement. It is a judgement that the Member States have to make, what is permanent, what is temporary. In our judgement, he cannot be asked to define that for us but he can give you advice that that is something that you ought to be concerned about, and that is precisely what he did.

Finally, may I end my remarks by saying that I think that we should do what the Chairman of the Council recommended, what the Chairman of the Committee recommended, and that is to move forward with this and adopt it·

With all due respect to my colleague from the Philippines, he said that his statement, which was a statement about legal advice really, was not attributed to Legal Counsel, it was attributed to somebody else, but he did not say who it was attributed to. There is nobody other than the Legal Counsel who has been asked for legal advice here - a lot of people have given it. I do not know who he is referring to as someone else making that judgement. We have a good question, a good answer, and the logical next step is to have the body which is appropriately charged with that responsibility to review the issue and report.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons la parole au Délégué des Philippines. Je note que nous avons une suggestion des Etats-Unis de passer la question au CQCJ. Nous aborderons ensuite la 4ème question comme l'a demandé le Délégué du Mexique.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): It was us who made the statement during the debate. I would just like to refer to PV/12, page 43, right in the middle of the page. You will find there who made the intervention. Second, we are now adopting a report and I do not know whether it is appropriate for us to make proposals. If the proposal to refer this to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters was made during the debate, then that is fine. But I do not know whether it is correct now to make a new proposal. Are we still in Plenary or are we adopting a report? Are we adopting a report of what happened during the debate or are we making new proposals? If that is so, I would make another observation. It is true that we appreciate very much the work of the drafting committee but this Council is supreme. The draft is presented to us precisely so that we can make amendments or approve their report. If we have to take everything that they give to us, then we should have finished early this morning. But we are precisely here to look whether the draft that is before us reflects the debate and what really happened. So with all due respect to the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, I think that it is necessary to make some amendments to these paragraphs, if not in paragraph 4 then it has to be put somewhere else, because it has been stated in the report during the debate and it is an important point. Indeed, I believe that it clarifies the situation.

Fred. J. ECKERT (United States of America): I would like to point out to my colleague from the Philippines that I was hinting at it as a proposal, I guess, but I did not state that as a proposal. What I stated was that putting a comma followed by "following referral to the CCLM" is a statement of fact, that that is the procedure that was followed at that time in 1973 and the Legal Counsel said that, and he said it a few moments ago. He said it matter-of-factly, and it is a matter of fact. The only reason that I suggested it is that this is an important fact that may have been inadvertently omitted. But that is the body that would normally refer to that and having that phrase in there just reminds you that that is the normal procedure. That is the only reason. It was not a new proposal that we do it but it is a fact that between the time of the introduction of the process and the Conference amending the Rules, between those two points there was a referral to that committee. That is all I was pointing out. The Legal Counsel had pointed that out and I thought that was a significant fact in the process. There was a situation, there was a referral, there was a conclusion. That was the process. He mentioned it. I simply repeated that reference to it. It is not an attempt to inject a new point.

Finally, again with all due respect to my colleague from the Philippines, unless I heard him wrong, the legal advice that he was citing on page 43 was his own. It is the delegate of the Philippines. Please do not take it wrongly, but questions of that kind on legal advice of interpretation of the Rules of the Organization are not put to me as the representative of the United States or to the representative of the Philippines, but they are put to the legal adviser of the Member States of the Organization and that is what I was addressing. It was good advice, it ought to be listened to.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya): We have only two hours to go. If we continue our work in this fashion we reach a dead end and we make no improvements whatsoever. I do not know. I do not understand why some colleagues take the floor more than once. I think procedurally speaking we are nowhere. I have said that before. We cannot have a bilateral discussion between two delegations. It is a general discussion. We have to have very concrete proposals. Either we delete or we amend or we add a new idea. But now if we involve ourselves in general discussions we will never end.

LE PRESIDENT: Je suggère d'adopter le paragraphe 4 dans la forme présentée par le Comité de rédaction. S'il y a des amendements comme celui du Délégué des Philippines, on pourrait les mettre ailleurs. Je crois en effet que nous pouvons adopter ce paragraphe 4 du Comité de rédaction car 11 ne fait que répéter ce que dit le Conseiller juridique et il ne porte pas de jugement de valeur. Si on émet un jugement de valeur on le mettra dans un autre paragraphe.

LEGAL COUNSEL: As I understand it the fourth question is the following. According to the Rules, the Director-General is supposed to receive guidance from a number of committees and regional conferences; I will cite the Rule in a moment. If he is preparing an outline Programme of Work and Budget in January of the Conference year which precedes the date of some of these regional or committee meetings, would this procedure then be in conflict with the General Rules of the Organization? Is that correct?

The Rule in question here is Rule No. XXXVII 2 (g) dealing with the functions of the Director-General which states that he shall "prepare: (i) in the light of guidance given by the Conference and Council at previous sessions and by regional or technical conferences, commissions or committees, a summary Programme of Work and Budget for consideration by the Programme and Finance Committees, other appropriate organs of the Organization, and the Council, and (ii) in the light of observations by the aforementioned Committees and organs and by the Council, a draft Programme of Work and Budget for submission to the Conference." I should point out two things here. First of all, the rule refers to a summary Programme of Work and Budget and to a draft programme of work and budget, and not to an outline Programme of Work and Budget. Consequently, as I understand it, the procedure of the summary Programme of Work and the draft Programme of Work and Budget would go ahead regardless of the initial procedure of the outline Programme of Work and Budget, because these are rules which are binding on the Director-General. Consequently, I cannot see how the initial process of preparing an outline Programme of Work and Budget would have any impact on this at all. The proposed January joint session of the Committees would be one of the Committee meetings within the meaning of Rule XXXVII(2), whose guidance the Director-General will be taking into account when he prepares his summary Programme of Work and Budget, as required by the general rules of the Organization.

LE PRESIDENT: Il est onze heures et quart. Nous devons lever la séance à 1 heure. Je voudrais démander aux délégués, avec tout le respect qui leur est dû, de suivre la recommandation du Représentant de la Libye. Pour que nous puissions avancer nous devrions éviter que chaque délégué prenne la parole trois ou quatre fois de suite dans le même débat. Nous devrions avoir présent à l'esprit que nous ne sommes pas un Comité de rédaction, qu'une rédaction a été faite. Le Président du Comité de rédaction suggère que nous puissions retenir cette rédaction moyennant quelques modifications éventuelles, mais que nous n'ayions pas un débat de fond. Pouvons-nous canaliser le débat dans cette direction? Sinon nous ne finirons jamais.

Je propose donc que nous nous prononcions sur le paragraphe 4, quitte à ce que les amendements soient placés ailleurs.

Gonzalo BULA BOTOS (Colombia): Complacemos al distinguido Presidente del Comité de Redacción aceptando que se adopte el párrafo 4 tal como está pero que no se agregue ninguna referencia al CACJ porque es improcedente. Esto no se planteó en el debate. Se ha dicho aquí que el Asesor Jurídico lo dijo. No es cierto. Tengo aquí las Actas; no lo dijo. Pero también se acoge la propuesta del Reino Unido en el sentido de que ahora las delegaciones expresemos la opinión sobre el párrafo 4, y estoy de acuerdo con Libia. Conceda Ud. la palabra una vez a la Delegación que quiera intervenir y basta.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I can agree with the present production of paragraph 4. I would put my amendment at the end of paragraph 5. I believe it is necessary because the Legal Counsel's opinion is valid only if it is accepted by the Council, and since I took the floor after him it shows that I did not exactly agree with what he said. Therefore, I have a right to put my view. At the end of the sentence (paragraph 5) I would put: "It was however pointed out that for the procedure to be institutionalised it would be necessary for the Conference to amend the general rules."

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Le prometo que es la unica vez que intervengo. Una vez y no me dé más la palabra.

Mi opinión sobre el párrafo 4 puede quedar consignada al final del párrafo 4, una frase muy ingenua; solamente: "una delegación opinó que de acuerdo con sus funciones el Consejero Legal no debió expresar la opinión que aparece en el párrafo anterior". Eso es todo.

LE PRESIDENT: Non, c'est quelque chose que l'on ne peut pas faire, je vous en prie. Cela figure au Procès-Verbal.

Avec votre permission, je propose que le paragraphe 4 soit retenu et qu'on passe au paragraphe 5.

Fred J. ECKERT (United States of America): We would have to question that statement on these grounds. The phrase pointed out connotes that it is a fact. You may point out it is raining; you may point out it is snowing; you may point that it is 11.25. Those are stateme is of fact. The representative of the Philippines made a statement that, in his view, this would be required. Subsequently the representative of Mexico questioned the Legal Counsel as to whether or not the view that it was necessary was true, and the Legal Counsel very carefully stated that, while it was desirable, it was not an action that was compelled. After having gone through paragraph 4, and agreeing with that, you cannot now proceed to make the precise opposite statement. We would have no problem with the representative of the Philippines exercising his prerogative to say that one country suggested that or claimed that, but it is a claim; it is an opinion; he expresses a view along those lines. To say it was pointed out, means that everybody accepts this as a fact when the Legal Counsel has stated publicly here that that is not a factor; we have just concurred. You cannot have it both ways.

José Ramón LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Muy brevemente. A la luz de lo que interpretamos o escuchamos del Asesor Legal y de la ahora recomendación del Sr. Delegado de Filipinas, México se adhiere a esa propuesta. Sr. Presidente, se está diciendo en términos impersonales; se dice: "sin embargo se señaló que para que el procedimiento fuera institucional sería necesario que la Conferencia enmiende los textos básicos". Estamos en Plenaria y yo considero que está propuesta es aceptable.

Andràs SZABO (Hangary): I am very happy that we have come back to the merit of our discussions, because it seems to me we are somewhat deviating from our main direction. We are here to adopt a report; therefore I would kindly ask the delegations to accept it on the report and not ask questions. This is not a plenary session, as has been pointed out.

Concerning paragraph 5, and the amendment made by the distinguished delegate of the Philippines, I agree with his amendment, because everybody has the right to make amendments. However, let us state very clearly, as was pointed out by one or more delegates, that the procedure be established etcetera,etcetera·

May I come back to point 4?

Gonzalo BUIA HOYOS (Colombia): Espero que quede muy claro que el párrafo 4 contiene la opinión del Consejero Legal que no obliga a que el Consejo la respalde. Luego, en el párrafo 5 como adecuadamente lo ha propuesto Filipinas, podemos expresar nuestra opinión y Colombia se suma a Filipinas y México.

Sra. Doña Laurie CORDUA CRUZ (Nicaragua): Muy brevemente también para expresar el apoyo de mi Delegación a la propuesta hecha por el Delegado de Filipinas y posteriormente apoyada por las Delegaciones de México y Colombia; y también me parece que este es un hecho de que para que se institucionalice, tiene que reformarse el Reglamento. Yo creo que eso no se ha puesto en discusión. Incluso el mismo Asesor Legal no lo ha puesto en discusión.

Sra. Miriam THZAULGARAT GARCIA de PEREZ (Cuba): Solamente para apoyar también la propuesta de Filipinas de adicionar el párrafo.

LE PRESIDENT: Un grand nombre de Délégations soutiennent la proposition du Délégué des Philippines. Peut-on mettre "un certain nombre d'Etats membres", et c'est tout?

Le Mexique, le Nicaragua, Cuba et les Philippines ont proposé "un certain nombre"; c'est une opinion que nous transmettons dans le rapport.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I want to state that my dissent is not controversial. First of all, the Legal Counsel himself has said that if it is to be on a permanent basis, that means if it is to be institutionalised, it has to go to the Conference. I do not know whether anybody contests that question. If there is anybody who does not agree with that, let him say so. I thought this was not a matter of argument. If you say "long-term basis", it would be legally desirable; if it is temporary it is not necessary. However, if you have to institutionalise, it has to be on a permanent basis; it has to go to the Conference. It first has to go to the consitutional monitors, then to the Conference. We are not saying what we said during the debate, which has to be recorded here.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que si on dit en revanche: "un certain nombre d'Etats membres ont signalé
que pour institutionnaliser cette procédure..." c'est une opinion que nous reproduisons qui reflète
un peu la teneur des débats. Sous le bénéfice de cette modification, peut-on passer au
paragraphe 6?

Paragraphe 6? approuvé. Paragraphe 8? approuvé. Paragraphe 9? approuvé. Le Paragraphe 10.

C. ΒΌΝΓΕ-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department)(Representative of the Director-General): I will be very brief. Council has just adopted paragraph 10 but there is one sentence in the paragraph which you have approved for which I did not understand the necessity, and that is the sentence where it says that the experts were accompanied by relevant senior FAO staff on these visits. I think that I owe the Council an explanation. The working groups; of Which I am a. Chairman of one of the two, in Headquarters discussed with the groups of experts the arrangements for visiting sister agencies, and it was a matter of mutual agreement between them and us that it would be useful for a Headquarters staff member to accompany the experts. They accompanied the experts as was reported in the discussion by Mr. Shah. The experts requested for those of us who accompanied them that we should prepare summary notes of the discussions, which we did. Furthermore, it was considered very useful for the experts visiting the sister agencies and for ourselves to simultaneously see the reaction of our sister agencies to some of the questions that were put. This is certainly also of importance to us in FAO because the Director-General will have to prepare a separate report. Mr. Chairman, I felt that the sentence in the report needed some clarification from the Secretariat.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le Docteur Bonte Friedheim pour ses informations et cet éclaircissement. Nous passons au paragraphe 11 - pas d'observations. Approuvé. Le paragraphe 12.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Solamente una aclaración que queremos pedir al distinguido Presidente del Comité de Redacción. La segunda frase del párrafo 12 dice que el Presidente del

Comité del Programa informó al Consejo de que recibiría un informe en su período de sesiones de junio, luego la frase siguiente termina diciendo de que se presentaría su informe en otoño para ser presentado al Consejo en noviembre. Preguntamos ¿los Comités van a presentar informes al Consejo en junio y en noviembre también? ¿Son dos Informes, o es uno sólo o que significa este párrafo?

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): In fact, ray point is very similar to that of Mr Bula Hoyos. We think it would perhaps recognize the discussions, the course of the discussions, a little more accurately, and also note the information we were given by the Chairman of the Programme Committee, Professor Mazoyer, if we try to point up a little more that the outcome of the report is going to be fairly complex, the outcome of the review and its examination, is going to be fairly complex, and Council will have to have adequate time for deliberation so that it can fulfil its role of advising Conference. To enable Council to have this time and to have some preliminary thoughts on the issue, we would just like to add an additional sentence here which I think makes this a bit clearer. This sentence would come after the sentence referred to by the distinguished delegate of Colombia - the sentence ends "at its June session" - we would add "the need to have a substantive discussion on this issue at the next session of Council was stressed by many delegations". This text we think is very much in line with what one can read Professor Mazoyer said, if one can turn to the verbatims CL 94/PV/12 on page 50, where he did refer to a presentation of a report and he also, I think, answered the question raised by the distinguished delegate of Colombia, in the sense that he said it would be an interim report and there would be a finalization presented to Council in November.

LE PRESIDENT: Monsieur le Président du Comité de rédaction, une question vous a été posée par l'honorable Délégué de la Colombie.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): In fact, the Committee had a debate on "a" report because there was a discussion - is it an interim report or a progress report, or the report - so the Committee, after discussion, decided to put "a" report without any specification, to give the Chairman of the Programme Committee liberty in the length of this report. That is the outcome of the discussion.

C. ΒΟΝΤΕ-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): I was here when the Chairman of the Programme Committee made his intervention, or informed the Council, and he said that he expected that there would be a report but I do not think he said "the" report nor do I think that this was ever discussed with the Committees, neither with the Joint Committee, so I think that Council had better be aware that, in this particular case, he had, in my books, no mandate to say that the two Committees had empowered him to make the report available for the next Council. So in this particular case I think it is up to the Committees to decide when and how they will report to the Council. I just wanted to clarify the issue in the way I see it.

V•K. SIBAL (India): This issue was debated at length in the Drafting Committee. The Drafting Committee was very clear in line with the recognition in the Council that there was very little likelihood, because of the complexity of the task, of the completion of report of the review before the June Council. Reference was made to a comment by the Chairman of the Programme Committee, in which he said "a" report will probably come. Now "a" report is the kind of report that we can expect to have here. A number of the members of the Drafting Committee wanted to put the word "progress" report there also, but it was resisted on the grounds that the word "progress" was not used by the Chairman and therefore "a" report could be used, leaving it very open and flexible. This is by way of explanation; there should be no confusion that what is likely to come is "a" report as may be available and there is no commitment that a review report is going to come before the June Council. I think that should be very clear.

So far as the addition which is sought to be inserted after the sentence ending "in the June session", we recollect the debate very clearly and we are very clear that the Council recognized that this was not possible, although some delegates, did say this. We can reflect it suitably by saying that "a few delegates expressed this point of view" but in that case, the next sentence should say "The Council recognized". Then the balance of the paragraph will be complete and we can accept it as it is.

Hannu HALINEN (Finland): I would support the United Kingdom amendment since my delegation was one of those who were speaking on this issue. I think if you read paragraph 13, the first sentence of it is saying the Council stressed its own interest and that of all member nations in the review process. Now, the concern, why my delegation made the intervention on this issue in the discussion, regarded what kind of a discussion we could envisage to have during the next Conference, and the better one can be prepared for that, the better discussion we will have. So I have full confidence in the Chairman of the Programme Committee, and the Committee itself, to do their utmost to get as comprehensive and good report to us as possible for the next session of the Council.

On the amendment suggested, I proceed on this light, that we could help this process best if we could have a substantive discussion already at that Council because the next Council is just preceding the Conference, and there is not too much time for all members of the Organization to discuss it after that.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Después de las aclaraciones del Presidente del Comité de Redacción, había pensado que lo más conveniente era dejar tal como está este párrafo. Pero, como el distinguido colega de Finlandia ha apoyado la posición del Reino Unido y es cierto que las delegaciones expresaron ese deseo, pero también el colega de India ha dicho muy bien lo que pasó en el debate. Entonces lo mejor es aceptar la propuesta del Reino Unido y agregar después lo siguiente: "Sin embargo el Consejo estuvo de acuerdo en que el debate a fondo sobre este tema sólo se podría celebrar en el Consejo de Noviembre." Esto preserva la opinión de la minoría y luego se refleja la opinión de la mayoría que es la decisión del Consejo.

LE PRESIDENT: Si j'ai bien compris Monsieur le Délégué de la Colombie vous voudriez ajouter cette phrase à la proposition faite par Monsieur le Délégué du Royaume-Uni.

Gonzalo BUIA HOYOS (Colombia): Después de lo que ha dicho el Reino Unido se agregaría lo- que yo he propuesto y que está basado en lo que dijo India.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I fully agree with the proposal made by India although throughout the discussion of this subject some delegations did request the submission of a report for discussion, the Chairman of the Programme Committee did point out, and he was supported in this, that the matter would not be feasible and the Programme and Finance Committees would not be able to submit any reports at that stage. Therefore I do not believe that it would be at all feasible for us to determine beforehand something whose application we will not be able to guarantee later.

Earl W. WEYBRECHT (Canada): As a member of the Programme Committee, it is hard to argue against asking for more time, but it does certainly raise a question as to how this matter will be discussed in June next year and what sort of report will be submitted to Council. In going through the statement made by the Chairman of the Programme Committee, it can be interpreted in several ways. He did indicate, and I am translating this now, that certainly there would be an Interim report issued in June. The point I think that was raised by the UK delegation helps to clarify how this matter would be discussed and therefore we would support the suggestion put forward.

Joao Angusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): We have no intention to take the floor on this whole chapter because I think that the Drafting Committee accomplished a fantastic task in drafting what I believe is an extremely well balanced report. But as the delegate of UK decided to raise a point that in my opinion should not be in, I think that if this point is accepted perhaps we should say that rather than say "many delegations" say "a few delegations" - only three delegations are approving that anyway - then have the next sentence amended as suggested by the delegate of Colombia.

James AITKEN (United Kingdom): There are two points that I would like to tackle. First of all, the comment by the distinguished delegate of Brazil where he said "a few delegations". I think probably "some delegations" is a nicer word for this time of night, so would he be happy with "some" as a reflection of what happened? Secondly, too, if that is acceptable, we would very much like to accept the suggestion of an additional paragraph, made by the distinguished delegate of Colombia.

However, in order,to reflect the point being made in paragraph 13 about the need to ensure that all member nations have a part in the review process, I would suggest that the phrase should be something like "that the debate in depth of this subject could only be held in Conference in November". I think that we would all accept that the place for the debate to take place in depth is Conference, rather than Council which is an organ of Conference.

Rudolf DE POURTALES (Suisse): J'aimerais appuyer la première, proposition du distingue Délègue du Royaume-Uni. Ma délégation s'étant exprimée dans le même sens lors du débat sur ce sujet. En ce qui concerne la proposition de mon ami le Délégué de la Colombie, je crois qu'elle est redondante, vu que la phrase suivante exprime tout-à-fait clairement que le rapport principal sera présenté au Conseil de novembre et je pense qu'il est inutile de le répéter sous une autre forme.

LE PRESIDENT: Beaucoup de délégués ont fait référence à la délégation de l'Inde et j'aimerais bien que Monsieur le Délégué de l'Inde nous précise également ce qu'il a dit, et qu'il exprime sa pensée.

V.K. SIBAL (India): We had made a very simple suggestion which is in line with what our colleague from Brazil has said, and provided also that the United Kingdom agrees, that we say "that some delegations" and then the sentence that United Kingdom has proposed. In the following sentence we should say "the Council recognized" and there is no need to make other changes. But while you have given me the floor, I would also like to say that we are again falling into the pitfall of getting into a fresh discussion on issues which were not debated in the Plenary, for example, the substantive debate on this issue will be in the Conference. We never discussed this issue. We thought it would be considered in the November Council and that's all. If the report is, of course, prepared earlier in good time and we are sure, maybe the June Council can also look at it. But that is something which is still in the future.

LE PRESIDENT: En résumé la suggestion qu'il va proposer c'est qu'on mette après de "à sa session de juin", quelques délégations ont signalé qu'il conviendrait d'avoir une discussion sur ces problèmes lors de la prochaine réunion du Conseil et le Délégué de la Colombie propose cependant "Le Conseil est convenu que les Comités auront besoin de temps... et mettre au point en automne le rapport qui sera présenté au Conseil en novembre. C'est bien ça. Est-ce que nous pouvons obtenir cette formulation?

Alors disons que la phrase que quelques délégations ont signalé qu'il conviendrait qu'une discussion sur ces problèmes ait lieu lors de la prochaine réunion du Conseil conjoint cependant le Conseil est convenu que la discussion définitive aura lieu en novembre. Est-ce que nous pouvons avancer? Bien, le paragraphe 13, approuvé. Le paragraphe 14, approuvé.

Michel SAVINI (Secrétaire du Comité de rédaction): Je voudrais simplement signaler une erreur matérielle dans ce paragraphe 14 en ce sens que les phrases ne sont pas dans l'ordre où elles devraient être. La dernière phrase qui commence par "Le Conseil a noté avec satisfaction" devrait être la seconde et la seconde phrase qui se réfère au nouvel ordre économique et qui commence par "de nombreux membres" devrait être à la fin du paragraphe.

LE PRESIDENT: Merci, M. Savini moyennant ces précisions, peut-on accepter le paragraphe 14? Approuvé. Le paragraphe 15 est également approuvé.

Paragraphs 1 to 15, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 15, ainsi amendés,
sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 15, así enmendados, son aprobados



PARRAFOS 16 a 24

Bashir El MABROÜK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I believe it would be better for us to merge paragraphs 20 and 21 and I have a proposal to make here, if I may. I suggest we maintain paragraph 20 as is and add a comma towards the end and say "the Council expressed appreciation for this offer of the Arab Republic of Egypt", all this in one paragraph, and then the paragraph would go on to the very end.

LE PRESIDENT: Si j'ai bien compris, la proposition de l'honorable Délégué de la Libye consiste à fusionner les paragraphes 20 et 21. Y a-t-il des objections?

Taghl SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Le problème ne se pose pas maintenant pour la question de mettre ces deux paragraphes ensemble, mais il concerne le paragraphe 21, où il est dit: "Le Conseil a accueilli avec satisfaction cette offre de la République arabe d'Egypte. Je voudrais mentionner que ce n'était pas tout le Conseil mais certaines délégations qui se sont exprimées. Je voudrais que cette précision soit prise en compte.

LE PRESIDENT: A ma connaissance il n'y a eu qu'une délégation qui a été réticente.

M. le Délégué d'Iran voudrait amender le paragraphe 21 dans lequel il est dit que le Conseil a accueilli avec satisfaction cette offre de la République arabe d'Egypte. IL conteste le mot "avec satisfaction". Si j'ai bien compris. C'est bien ça?

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République Islamique d'): Je dis qu'au lieu de mettre "le Conseil tout entier", il faudrait mettre "certaines délégations du Conseil".

Roberto E.E. DALTON (Argentina): Me permito formular como Miembro de la Comisión de Redacción una revisión de las Actas demuestra que nadie se opuso y la mayoría de los miembros preferimos, para no robar tiempo al Consejo en no hacer una hilera de apoyos de manera tal que yo creo que lo que el Consejo expresó es perfectamente correcto.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République Islamique d'): C'est vrai que ceci á eté discuté dans le Comité de rédaction, mais effectivement quand le temps était court. On n'a pas eu l'occasion de le discuter dans le Comité de rédaction, je m'en m'excuse et, c'est pour cela que je demandais cette précision ·

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): With your permission, Mr. Chairman, I will defer my position as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee for five minutes and I will call on my colleague, the distinguished representative of India, to take the chair until we discuss this issue.

Bashir El MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I do not object to changing the word "Council" in paragraph 21 to "some delegates". However, I wish to draw attention to what was said by Argentina, namely that only four delegations expressed their approval for the relocation of the Near East Office.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le Délégué de la Libye. A ma connaissance la grande majorité du Conseil était contente. J'ai présidé la réunion et je crois qu'on ne peut pas dire quelques membres.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I was wondering whether we could say "The Council expressed general appreciation for this offer".

LE PRESIDENT: Nous avons une proposition du Délégué des Philippines qui dit "Le Conseil, en général, a accueilli".

Youeef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt) (Original language Arabic): I wish to inform you that this subject was discussed in the Drafting Committee and that this is the draft we approved in the Committee. However, I wonder how many delegations did not express their support or approval of the offer made by the Arab Republic of Egypt. If the distinguished delegate of Iran insists, we may say "one delegation did not appreciate the offer of the Arab Republic of Egypt".

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): J'approuve le compromis que l'honorable Délégué des Philippines a mentionné mais si c'est pour insister sur les délégués qui n'ont pas voulu, d'après ce que je me souviens, il y a la plupart des délégués qui se sont exprimés en faveur du retour au Proche-Orient, mais en ce qui concerne l'Egypte ce n'étaient pas tous, ce n'était pas même la majorité. C'était moins. C'est pour cela que pour arriver à un consensus j'approuve ce qu'a dit M. le Délégué des Philippines.

LE PRESIDENT: Pourvu qu'on mette "Le Conseil, en général, a accueilli avec satisfaction". Voilà ce que proposait M. le Délégué des Philippines. Peut-on accepter cette rédaction? "Le Conseil en général a accueilli avec satisfaction". Paragraphe 21, approuvé. Nous passons au paragraphe 22.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I have a linguistic amendment. In English it says "the Council noted" and in Arabic "the Council examined". We should correct the translation into Arabic. This is one correction. The next sentence "it recalled that when the office had been moved to Rome" until the end of the paragraph: I believe that no delegation referred to this issue. I think Mr. Salah Jum'a, the Assistant Director-General, himself referred to this issue. Therefore I feel that this whole sentence to the end of the paragraph should be deleted.

LE PRESIDENT: L'honorable Délégué de la Libye propose que l'on supprime la seconde phrase du paragraphe 2 qui commence par "il a rappelé que".

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): What is written in the paragraph 22 actually is present in the Resolution which was given by the Conference to close the office in Cairo. Some members of the Region have contributed $1 million and we, I mean the Egyptian delegation, has put forward to the Director-General that these voluntary contributions, if they are there, could be used for the return of the office to Egypt.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): What was said by the delegate of Egypt is quite true. This is really in fact the text of the Resolution. However, this Resolution was not discussed by the delegations here and therefore I do not think we should put in the report something which has not been discussed during the session of the Council.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): I have already indicated that this point was mentioned in our interpretation.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): J'aurais approuvé la proposition de l'honorable Délégué de la Libye, c'est à dire que d'après ce que je me souviens, cette partie n'a pas été discutée.

S. JDM'A (Assistant Director-General/Regional Representative for the Near East): I would like to state here that this issue had been raised by the lady Ambassador of Egypt and I replied to her remarks regarding the unutilized balance of the contributions of some member countries for the closure of the Near East Region in 1979· I brought to the attention of the distinguished delegate to the Council that being the case, this unutilized sum could not be used unless newly authorized by the member countries themselves and we thought, that since this is a very important matter, it should be reported in our Draft Report which was submitted to the Drafting Committee for discussion and then submitted to your distinguished body here. I thought the mentioning of this is very important. It has been discussed in the Council and nobody at that time made any objection to it and I feel that since it had been discussed there would be no need to delete it or make any changes.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que le procès-verbal de notre réunion est là, et si le procès-verbal prouve que cela a été discuté je crois que nous n'avons pas le droit de l'enlever.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): What Mr. Jum'a said is quite true, he responded to the Ambassador of Egypt. However, his response does not have to be reflected in the report. All we have to do Is go back to the minutes.

S. JUM'A (Assistant Director-General/Regional Representative for the Near East): The reason for mentioning this part of the discussion in the report, if you go again to the next paragraph you will see that the Council itself had requested the Director-General to prepare a full proposal taking into consideration the response of member countries regarding the.use of their unutilized balance for the reopening of the Regional Office again in the region. For this purpose we felt that some mention of this particular issue should be reported to your Council, and of course it is up to you to accept or not to accept.

LE PRESIDENT: Je m'associe à l'honorable Délégué de la Libye qui a proposé lui-même qu'on essaye de ne pas avoir plusieurs interventions des mêmes délégations au cours du débat. Je commencerai donc par donner la parole à M. Bonte-Freidheim.

C. H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): In the English language, it says "it recalled" and the "it" refers to the Council. I would like to have the Council consider saying, in the second sentence, "it was recalled" because that takes it away from the Council and it says "it was recalled that" and it leaves it open by whom and how.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I quite agree with Mr. Bonte-Friedheim because, in fact, it is a good compromise.

LE PRESIDENT: Bien, alors mettons "il a été rappelé" et on approuve le paragraphe 22. Nous passons au paragraphe 23.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): It seems that the Council requested the Director-General to submit a proposal to relocate the office in the region and not in Cairo. Ten countries referred to relocating the office to the Region. We did not suggest the relocation of the office in Cairo. However, we did express our appreciation for the offer. This is the first amendment. The second amendment: we requested the Director-General to look into whether any other government would like to host the Region.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que la rédaction du paragraphe 23 dit "au sujet de la réouverture du Bureau régional au Caire et de s'informer si un autre gouvernement souhaiterait l'accueillir". Je crois que les deux alternatives ont été admises. Le rapport a parlé également du paragraphe 23: "en conséquence le Conseil a demandé au Directeur général de consulter les Etats membres de la région du Proche-Orient au sujet de la réouverture du Bureau régional au Caire et de s'informer si un autre gouvernement souhaiterait l'accueillir".

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I do not remember any delegation asking the Director-General to consult with governments concerning the contributions. This is quite clear from the minutes, therefore I suggest that we delete the last part of the paragraph starting from the second sentence.

LE RESIDENT: M. le Délégué de la Libye propose qu'on supprime la deuxième phrase du paragraphe 23 qui commence par "Il a également invité le Directeur général à demander aux gouvernements qui avaient versé des contributions".

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Je voudrais soutenir d'abord la proposition que vient de faire l'honorable Délégué de la Libye, c'est-à-dire que cette phrase qui est dans le texte français à la deuxième et troisième lignes au sujet de la réouverture du Bureau régional au Caire et de s'informer si cette partie doit être enlevée. Si on l'enlève, les autres parties sont justes. J'ai besoin de cette précision dans ce paragraphe 23.

yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): I am afraid that our delegation would like to see the paragraph stand as is and, as a member of the Drafting Committee, the paragraph has been discussed and approved by the Committee.

S. JUM'A (Assistant Director-General/Regional Representative for the Near East): In my summing up, I said that the Director-General, before attempting to prepare a full proposal on this issue to be submitted at a later stage to the Council at its next session, had to ask member governments who had contributed to the closure of the Near East, whether they would agree to utilize the unutilized balance for this purpose again, and this was part of ray summing up. At the same time, I have said that the Director-General had to consult with member governments regarding the possibility of offers to provide host facilities from any of these countries for the Near East Regional Office. So I do not see that there are any conflicts with what had been mentioned in the report and what had taken place during the debate. For this reason, I would rather prefer, speaking on behalf of the Secretariat, that the text should be kept as it stands and approved by the Drafting Committee.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I apologise, what Mr. Jum'a said is quite true. However, the Council did not express this desire, the Secretariat expressed this desire. He said that the Director-General will be consulting, not the Council.

LE PRESIDENT: Je suis d'accord avec ce qu'il a dit, puisque j'ai présidé cette réunion. Le Conseil n'a pas invité le Directeur général, c'est le Secrétariat. Je crois que si on revoit le procès verbal, ceci n'est pas mentionné.

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): I have not consulted with Mr. Jum'a on this one, but since you were the Chairman and as you yourself just thought, I think it should say "the Council noted that the Director-General" and then I think the rest can stand.

IE PRESIDENT: La proposition est que l'on dise que "Le Conseil a noté que le Directeur général va demander ou a demandé", je crois que c'est plus conforme à la réalité. C'est plus conforme à ce qui s'est effectivement passé.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d"): Voyez, si ce premier point est ainsi corrigé, la deuxième phrase serait que le Conseil a noté que le Directeur général consulterait les Etats membres de la région du Proche-Orient si un autre gouvernement souhaitait accueillir le Bureau régional. C'était cela la question qu'il devait consulter; c'est-à-dire que s'il devait consulter sur la question de l'ouverture du Bureau au Caire, ce n'était pas la peine de consulter les autres

gouvernements pour une autre question. Il faudrait d'abord consulter les autres gouvernements pour savoir s'il y a une proposition ou non, et s'il n'y a pas une autre proposition, alors ce sera au Caire et donc il faudra enlever cette phrase. C'est-à-dire la phrase de "au sujet de la réouverture du Bureau régional au Caire et de s'informer"; le reste semble bien.

LE PRESIDENT: Je n'ai pas compris votre proposition, s'il vous plait.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): C'est-à-dire que ma proposition se rapporte à "En conséquence le Conseil a noté" comme vous l'avez corrigé, "au Directeur général de consulter les Etats membres de la Région du Proche Orient, si un autre gouvernement souhaiterait d'accueillir le Bureau. C'est sur cela qu'il devrait être consulté.

Yousef Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): We had a debate in the Drafting Committee on the words "reopening" and "relocation". My delegation wishes to have the words in line with the words that were used in the Resolution of the Conference. That Resolution says "the closure of the Near East Region" so we have to work on the "reopening" of the Near East Region. My government has already made it clear that its intention to host or to reopen the Near East Region again does not preclude the possibility or the intention of any of the countries or any of the governments of the region to make offers to host the office. I would like to again support the paragraph 23.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I think that we are going in circles here and I wonder if we couldn't have a small group headed by the head of the Middle East office meet with all the parties interested and report to us in fifteen minutes, while we are discussing the other items on our Agenda, and then they could have an agreed text. Otherwise we will stay here until the end of this meeting discussing this item. So if perhaps they could have a small group they would discuss together in friendship as is fitting to brother countries.

LE PRESIDENT: En ce qui concerne le paragraphe 23 où M. Bonte-Friedheim a proposé que l'on mette que le Conseil a noté que le Directeur général (would consult) va consulter les gouvernements qui ont versé des contributions volontaires pour la réinstallation du Bureau à Rome pour leur demander s'ils accepteraient que leur part du solde soit utilisée pour réinstaller le Bureau dans la région, ça c'est clair. Et c'est la première phrase pour laquelle il y a divergences, elle est libellée comme suit: "Le Conseil a demandé au Directeur général de consulter les Etats membres de la région du Proche-Orient au sujet de la réouverture du Bureau régional au Caire et de s'informer si un autre gouvernement souhaiterait l'accueillir. La seconde phrase "s'informer si un autre gouvernement souhaiterait l'accueillir", ça c'est une information que le Directeur général va faire. Il reste donc juste pour le bout de phrase au sujet de la réouverture du Bureau au Caire.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): The first sentence, in our opinion has to stay as I have indicated. This reopening versus closure. For the second amendment that you have suggested; in a matter of compromise we will accept that, Mr Chairman. The Council noted that the Director-General etc....

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I was just wondering if you are not able to resolve this question immediately that we follow the suggestion of the Ambassador of Brazil. Thank you.

S. JUM'A (Assistant Director-General/FAO Regional Representative for the Near East): We are ready but it's up to the delegates. I mean, we are the Secretariat. You cannot dictate to them but we are at their services.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): With all due respect to the proposal of our distinguished colleague from Brazil I feel that there is no need because the document is so clear. The decision has been discussed in the, I mean the matter has been discussed in the Council, has been drafted again in the Council and I think we are reaching a consensus.

LE PRESIDERT: Actuellement le point qui est en litige c'est "Le Conseil a demande au Directeur général de consulter les Etats membres de la région du Proche-Orient au sujet de la réouverture du Bureau régional au Caire", la seconde phrase est claire. "S'informer..." elle est claire. Il reste la première phrase.

Taghl SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Voyez, je voudrais dire que la question de la réouverture au Caire sera comme le prévoit le rapport renvoyé à la Conférence pour décision. Deuxièmement la question sera de discuter s'il y a d'autres offres d'hospitalité. Si l'Egypte est la seule, alors le Bureau régional sera le Caire. Il n'y a donc pas à présent de discussion nécessaire, il n'y a pas à consulter sur le Caire mais il faut seulement consulter si d'autres pays sont prêts à offrir l'hospitalité au Bureau régional. Je crois que c'est bien clair.

S. JUM'A (Assistant Director-General /Regional Representative for the Near East): I would like to make a concrete proposal. I hope that it will please everybody, especially my friend from Libya, and my other friend from Egypt. I would rather delete the first sentence of paragraph 23 completely since this issue has been taken care of in paragraph 21. There Is no need for us to repeat it again in the beginning of paragraph 23. So I hope that this proposal will be accepted by the Council.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): What we are requesting - what the Council is requesting the Director-General to do is to consult with member governments on. three issues. The first issue is to reopen the office in Cairo; the second issue is if any of the member governments is interested In hosting the office, and the third issue is if any of the member countries would contribute to the process or to the costs of the relocation of the office. So, what we have in this first sentence is a mandate for the Director-General to hold these consultations, and come back to the Council to inform on the results of these consultations. I would like to keep this sentence in place.

LE PRESIDENT: La proposition de M. Hamdi est la suivante: ajouter à la fin du paragraphe 21 que le Conseil a demandé au Directeur général de prendre des mesures nécessaires à cet effet. A ce moment-là j'ajouterais "Il a demandé au Directeur général de prendre des mesures en vue de cette consultation". Peut-être faut-il éviter de mentionner le Directeur général, M. le Délégué de l'Egypte a raison, et donc dire "Le Conseil a invité le Directeur général à prendre des mesures nécessaires à cet effet", voilà. Je crois qu'on pourrait, comme M. le Délégué de l'Egypte le voudrait, mentionner "une invitation formelle par le Conseil au Directeur général..." Nous pourrions ainsi dire "et il a demandé au Directeur général de prendre des mesures nécessaires à cet effet". Est-ce que nous pouvons accepter cette formule? Pour nous dégager... je crois, qu'on a demandé effectivement au Directeur général de consulter les pays pour pouvoir, si vous voulez, avoir une vue globale de la situation, parce qu'il y a un pays qui est candidat. Alors est-ce que nous pouvons, si vous le voulez bien, aller dans cette direction pour ne pas retarder le débat? Voilà la proposition qu'on formule pour faire suite à la proposition de M. Ali Mohamed Hamdi, c'est d'ajouter au paragraphe 21 que "le Conseil a demandé au Directeur général de prendre des mesures pour réaliser cette consultation".

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I would like to propose in concrete words what you have been saying and I would have the following wording: "The Council noted the suggestion that the Director-General consult with Member Nations in the Near East region on whether to reopen the office in Cairo or some other place in the region. In the latter case he should ascertain if any other government might be interested, etc. etc." In other words, the three things are noted there. The three things that Egypt wanted, that you mentioned but then there is no determination that it's Cairo, if it's in Cairo or another place. "The Council noted the suggestion that the Director-General consult Member Nations In the Near East region on whether to reopen the office in Cairo or some other place in the region. In the latter case he should ascertain " and then you would continue.. "if any other government might be interested etc..." and the sentences would follow.

Bashlr EL-MABROÜK SAID (Libya) (original language Arabic): I think that your proposal is quite wise because, in fact, it reflects the appreciation of some delegations for the offer made by Egypt and also invites the Director-General to look into whether other governments are interested in hosting the regional office and the need to take the necessary measures to this effect. I think we could say "The Council agreed... in paragraph, that is we delete the first and second sentence of paragraph 23 and the paragraph would start with the third sentence, "The Council agreed that the Director-General should submit the full proposal...." to the end of the paragraph.

LE PRESIDENT: La deuxième partie du paragraphe 23 a été retenue avec la suggestion de M. Bonte-Friedheim, acceptée par l'Egypte, dans laquelle on dit que "Le Conseil a noté que le Directeur général va demander aux gouvernements". C'est la première partie du paragraphe 23 qui pourrait être remplacée par un ajout au paragraphe 21 dans lequel on dit, et c'est la même Idée: "et il a demandé au Directeur général de prendre les mesures nécessaires à cet effet".

S.JUM'A (Assistant Director-General /Regional Representative for the Near East): I think we may go back to paragraph 22. There is already some mention about using the balance. So, I would rather add one sentence to the end of this paragraph, "The Council requested the Director-General to investigate this possibility". That's all. And then we delete first and second sentences of paragraph 23. Since we had already approved 22, all that we have to add is only one sentence, "The Council requested the Director-General to investigate this possibility".

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): We believe that the first sentence of the paragraph 23 is exactly stating a fact and it is describing the type of consultation that has to take place between the Director-General and Member Nations and we could, if the word "Cairo" Is irritating we could say that to Cairo in view of the request of Egypt to reopen the office. I mean, nothing is hidden, it is there in the paragraph, or one of these paragraphs, that Egypt has put a formal request to reopen the office. I mean, nothing Is hidden; this is just to ask the Director-General to hold these consultations·

LE PRÉSIDENT: Je crois que l'on n'en finira jamais, je ne peux plus repasser, je crois qu'il faut arrêter ici parce qu'on ne peut pas continuer. Le Conseil attend d'autres sujets. Ou bien on prend la proposition du Brésil, et on forme un groupe de contact composé des deux ou trois pays intéressés qui se mettent en rapport avec M. Salah Jum'a et apportent une rédaction acceptable, nous permettant ainsi de continuer. Je vous propose donc d'arrêter là, on laisse cela entre parenthèses et on continue le travail. Nous avons encore du travail à faire. Alors Monsieur Salah Jum'a, je vous propose de prendre contact avec la Libye, l'Iran, l'Egypte.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Je voulais seulement mentionner que s'il y a un groupe de contact établi pour étudier le problème, j'ai encore deux autres Points sur ce Point 23, qu'il serait bon d'étudier ensemble. C'est tout.

Bashir EL-MABROUK SAID (Libya) (original language Arabic): I propose that Dr Jum'a and the delegate of Brazil can be together. In fact, four countries asked for Cairo: Sudan, Egypt and two other countries and then eleven countries were against, including my own. Dr Hamdi in fact has not looked into the Verbatim.

LE PRÉSIDENT: On va arrêter les débats à ce niveau. Je demande qu'on reprenne un groupe qui voit les procès-verbaux·

Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): I would like to make a reservation on what the distinguished delegate of Libya has said. This I don't think, I cannot accept it, not only because I am a Representative here in this Council but also because I am the Chairman of the Drafting Committee. I think the Chairman of the Drafting Committee should at least know what has taken place in the Plenary in order

to have the capacity to undertake the distinction or the distinguished position of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee. However, I would like to ask the Council, and ask you personally, Mr. Chairman, to tolerate the discussion and I am sure that the Council would be able to solve the outstanding issues without resolving them with a contact group.

LK PRÉSIDENT: Ma proposition est la suivante, à la fin du paragraphe 21 comme l'a dit M. Jum'a, je répète, il est dit: "cependant il n'a pas voulu exclure l'examen des anciennes propositions d'autres gouvernements de la région du Proche-Orient, il a estimé qu'il serait souhaitable de consulter à ce sujet. A cet effet le Conseil a demandé au Directeur général de prendre des mesures nécessaires pour cette consultation". Cela remplace la première phrase du paragraphe 23. Bon, c'est la même idée, mais l'on demande au Directeur général de consulter la région. C'est ce que l'on demande, et on laisse le paragraphe 2 sous la forme indiquée par M. Bonte-Friedheim; à savoir, que le Conseil a pris note que le Directeur général compte demander aux gouvernements qui avaient versé la contribution, etc. Voilà, ce que je vous propose, dans un souci de compromis.

Yousef Ali Mahamoud HAMDI (Egypt): I would like to capitalize on my understanding. Your wish is to delete the first sentence of the para 23?

LE PRÉSIDENT: Oui, ajouter à la fin du paragraphe 21, comme vous le demande Monsieur Jum'a, c'est de dire après "il a estimé qu'il serait souhaitable de consulter à ce sujet", nous disons "le Conseil à cet effet a demandé au Directeur général de prendre les dispositions nécessaires à cet effet, pour cette consultation".

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): In a matter of compromise, Mr Chairman, I will accept your ruling. We will leave out the first sentence of paragraph 23.

LE PRÉSIDENT: Et on mettrait: "11 a noté que le Directeur général compte demander aux gouvernements de verser les contributions". Y a-t-il d'autres remarques pour le paragraphe 23?

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): J'ai une petite remarque sur la troisième phrase. La troisième phrase commence comme cela dans le texte: le Conseil a décidé que le Directeur général devrait soumettre au prochain Conseil une proposition détaillée sur le retour d'un Bureau dans la région. Exactement c'est ici que je me souviens bien que vous aussi, dans votre propos final de la discussion, avez dit que la majorité décide comme cela ou bien la majorité dit comme cela. C'est exactement le même sens que l'on voudrait avoir dans cette précision. Effectivement, c'était pour, aller au Caire, et c'était la majorité qui demandait cela.

LE PRÉSIDENT: Le Conseil se propose de présenter la question à la prochaine Conférence. Pour qu'elle présente la question en novembre, 11 faut qu'il y ait une proposition détaillée du Directeur général sur le retour du Bureau dans la région pour le Conseil de juin, pour que nous puissions à la Conférence de novembre prendre une décision. C'est la technique.

Taghl SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Vous voyez, pour le processus, je suis bien d'accord, mais je précise bien que dans vos derniers propos vous avez dit la majorité demande comme cela. Ici aussi on précise que la majorité demande comme cela. Alors c'est effectivement la Délégation de la République islamique de l'Iran qui pense de cette manière, les autres Délégations n'ont pas encore demandé cela.

LE PRESIDENT: Il faut préparer ce travail, autrement on ne peut pas présenter la question au prochain conseil. Il faut bien que les délégués sachent combien cela coûte, et quelles sont les dispositions requises.

Bashir EL-MABROUK SAID (Libya) (original language Arabic): I think let's close this discussion. We have already settled that.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): A question. The last sentence, "The Council agreed? Okay. Thank you very much, Mr Chairman.

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois qu'on peut dans cette discussion mettre une réserve en bas de page, j'accepte. Si vous mettez votre réserve le Délégué de l'Iran, je l'accepte.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Bon, d'accord, sur le deuxième point, je mettrai ma réserve comme comme vous le dites. Il y a un troisième point, la dernière phrase du paragraphe 23 qui dit: A cet égard, plusieurs membres ont signalé l'utilité de l'examen de la FAO en cours. Je crois que cette phrase n'est pas bien claire, c'est très mou, si vous voulez. Je demande que cette phrase soit plus précise comme 11 était expliqué ici dans le.Conseil et pour cela je propose, enfin, avec la correction en français. A cet égard, plusieurs membres ont signalé l'utilité que le débat soit ouvert après l'examen du Programme et des Finances de la FAO en cours. C'était cela la question, effectivement c'était la proposition que nous avons faite que cette question soit débattue après l'examen du Programme qui est en cours.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): In fact this sentence was resolved in the Drafting Committee and it was there according to the request of the distinguished delegate of Iran and the Committee wanted to express his view because he said so, others said so, so this sentence, Mr Chairman, takes care of the views of the members who said that and also I would request Mr Chairman, that this sentence stay as it is.

LE PRÉSIDENT: Je crois que l'idée est claire, il s'agit d'avoir des chiffres qui vont permettre de présenter l'étude détaillée au prochain Conseil pour pouvoir la soumettre ensuite à la Conférence à sa vingt-cinquième Session.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Je suis d'accord sur le principe, mais la phrase n'est pas claire. Nous avons proposé que cette discussion soit ouverte après l'examen qui est en cours à la FAO. Et je comprends que cette phrase voudrait dire cela mais d'une manière trop floue.

LE PRÉSIDENT: A cet égard, plusieurs membres ont signalé que l'utilité de l'examen de la FAO suffisait.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Egypt): I am sorry to come here because this idea is not the issue. We have in the Drafting Committee adopted two different views, Mr Chairman. We have agreed to make a distinction between any decision and the Review process. That is why we said, Mr Chairman, that some members refer to the relevance of the FAO Review currently underway and that was a compromise,

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Monsieur le Président, comme il est vraiment tard, si vous croyez que la phrase est claire, je suis d'accord.

LE PRÉSIDENT: Le paragraphe 24, est ainsi approuvé.

Paragraphs 16 to 24, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 16 à 24, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 16 a 24. asi enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, part VI, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénlère, VI partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe de la plenaria, parte VI, asi enmendado, es aprobado

Gonzalo BUIA HOYOS (Colombia): Sr. Presidente, son las 0.45 horas eso quiere decir que el párrafo 1 del REP/1 en el espacio que está en blanco deberá colocarse el NΩ 26, por ello proponemos que los REP restantes 7, 8, 9 y 10 se adopten por aclamación y que nos vayamos a dormir.

LE PRESIDENT: Je ne peux pas accepter cela personnellement; nous avons des devoirs envers l'Organisation. Je propose qu'on regarde les paragraphes mais vite mais je ne peux pas, il pourrait y avoir une erreur, il pourrait y avoir quelque chose, personnellement je serais réticent pour une telle chose. Par contre je demanderais que maintenant une délégation qui a parlé ne reparle plus pour ne pas prolonger les débats et aller vite. Maintennant si vous voulez mettre le 26 novembre, je ne vois pas d'inconvénient.

Bashir EL-MABROÜK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): This is not the first time we have adopted our reports "en bloc". Last year we adopted many reports in general and the Drafting Committee, in fact, has done a good job. That's why I think that the proposal just made by Ambassador Bula Hoyos is most appropriate.


LE PRÉSIDENT: J'ai une proposition intermédiaire. Acceptez-vous qu'on vote point par point et non pas sur chaque REP. Il y a le Point 19, le Point 20. C'est-à-dire par point de l'Ordre du jour; je peux vous poser la question formellement sur l'ensemble des paragraphes, par exemple le REP. 7 c'est le Point 19. Comme Messieurs les délégués l'ont lu, je vous propose de dire si vous avez une observation sur l'un des quelconques paragraphes du point 19 de l'Ordre du jour. Considérons maintenant l'ensemble du REP/7, sur l'ensemble des paragraphes. Y a-t-il une question? Il n'y en a pas. Donc je confirme formellement que le REP/7 est approuvé en tant que document.

Paragraphs 1 to 9 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 9 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 9 son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part VII, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière, VII partie, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe de la plenaria, Parte VII, es aprobado


LE PRESIDENT: Le REP/8, c'est le Point 20, de l'Ordre du jour. Point 20; procédure d'élection des membres du Comité de programme et du Comité financier. Y a-t-il des observations sur ce Point 20? Donc le REP/8 est adopté.

Paragraphs 1 to 9 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 9 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 9 son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part VIII, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière, VIII partie, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe de la plenaria, Parte VIII, es aprobado



Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I have a brief observation; actually, a brief amendment, or a brief inclusion. There was a point raised by my delegation and a few other delegations that is not contained in this document. I just wanted to include this point. I would have said "a few delegations" but having been corrected before by the delegation of the UK I said "some" delegations, so perhaps this point could go after paragraph 15 and it would say "Some delegations called the Council's attention to the possible impact of the issue on the juridical linkage between FAO and WFP, and noted that in their opinion this linkage should not be altered." Mr Chairman, my delegation believes that this is not controversial because it only states what has been said by my delegation and a few others, including the delegations of Mexico and Peru, if I am not wrong. So it should be accepted as the expression of one group of delegations. Thank you. This is not expressing the view of the Council; we do not intend that it should. I think it should be new Sir, probably after the fifteenth.

LE PRESIDENT: Voilà une suggestion formulée par le Délégué du Brésil que je vous demanderai de bien vouloir répéter pour que nous ne fassions pas d'erreurs.

Joao Augusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): "Some members called the Council's attention to the possible impact of the issue on the juridical linkage between FAO and WFP, and noted that in their opinion this linkage should not be altered". As I said before, Mr Chairman, my delegation doesn't claim that this is the general view of the Council; it is the view of a few delegations who want it to be stated that way.

Bashir EL-MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I appreciate the addition made by the Brazilian delegation, but this idea has been reflected in paragraphs 13 and 15. At the beginning of paragraph 13 the Council noted the necessity of continued close collaboration between the FAO and the WFP. Now at the end of paragraph 15 the Council agreed that it was in the interests of all, but especially for the poorest countries, that the difficulties which had arisen between the Organization and the WFP be resolved with respect for relevant statutes and standards. Therefore we need not repeat this idea which has been reflected twice in two paragraphs.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Pensamos que el análisis hecho por nuestro colega de Libia es acertado y le apoyamos.

A.K.M. Fazley RABBI (Bangladesh): We also subscribe to the views of the distinguished representative of Libya.

LE PRESIDENT: Je pense qu'on pourrait s'en tenir là, si le Conseil ne voit pas d'inconvénient pour ne pas retarder plus nos discussions.

Joao Angusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I really don't understand what you mean by that. I think we have the right as there are a lot of statements in this Council with minority views. I think we should have the right to express our views, Sir. I don't accept this.

LE PRESIDENT: Je n'ai pas assisté à la discussion du PAM. Combien de délégués étaient de votre avis?

Joao Angusto de MEDICIS (Brazil): I remember here that myself, Mexico and Peru, at least these three delegations stated the same view.

Raul LOPEZ-LIRA NAVA (México): Mi Delegación fue una de las que señalo esto en las deliberaciones de apoyo completamente a la Embajada de Brasil.

Roberto Ε·Ε· DALTON (Argentina): Nuestro apoyo al hecho de que las opiniones minoritarias tienen cabida en el Informe del Comité.

H. HEINENS (Canada): I apologize for having to intervene at this late stage but I know, I think everyone is tired here. I also have to catch a plane tomorrow morning but I think we have taken an inordinant amount of time to deal with issues that are of interest only to certain members and I now think we are trying to sweep a lot of material out the door rather rapidly, which I think is doing a disservice to the body as a whole. On the particular question which has just been raised by the distinguished delegate from Brazil, I would think that we would not want to introduce, not withstanding the fact that perhaps some, or a few, or three, delegations raised specific points concerning the relationship issue between WFP and FAO. I think most of the interventions - and there were not all that many to begin with - I think dealt essentially with the desire that the problems, of which most of us don't know that much about, on the question of the Audited Accounts and some of the delegated authorities, be solved in harmony between the two heads of agencies. I think the discussion did not go into any detail. It did not even broach the subject of what should happen between FAO and WFP down the road. I would like to leave the text as it is. I think the delegate of Libya is quite astute In suggesting continued collaboration between FAO and WFP is highlighted in paragraph 13, and I think at this late stage it would be unfortunate if we were to raise other possibly controversial points. Well, while I do have the floor though I would like to ask for, if I may go on perhaps, to ask for one clarification and perhaps the Drafting group is suffering from fatigue, or had suffered from fatigue, when they drafted this particular paragraph, I think as most of us are now. It's the second sentence in paragraph 13. It's not particularly elegant. It suggests that some members noted that it was particularly important that policies and food aid applied should be in conformity. In terms of the correction of the English, I wonder if what was meant was that food aid policies should be applied in conformity. It then goes on and I realize that what is being reflected here are, in fact, the comments of some members and I don't wish to re-write history here. It goes on and suggests that national strategies, priorities in the context of food aid, food security plans should be carefully orchestrated with FAO and guided by the policies evalued by the CFS. "Orchestrated" I think in English can have a rather perjorative term and it sort of suggests a conductor being surrounded by a group of second violins. I don't think that's what we have here. I wonder if perhaps some adjustment could be made to that. In terms of, I think, historical correctness there are other bodies that also deal with food aid policies and international strategies such as the World Food Council and so on. I leave my comments at that. I will make one which relates to the beginning of the document and I couldn't help but be astounded by the fact that twelve pages of verbatim - yes, I am going back now to the beginning of this document, just a very brief comment - I couldn't help but be astounded by the fact that nearly twelve pages of verbatims which included the introductions and the concluding comments of the Secretariat, as well as numerous Interventions on the Regular Programme, that is Part A, were condensed into three paragraphs. Rather striking!

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le Délégué du Canada. Pour ce qui est de la remarque de forme de la politique de l'aide alimentaire, je crois qu'il n'y a pas de difficulté. Il y a quelques membres qui ont observé, c'est-à-dire l'avis de quelques Membres, donc cela respecte un peu l'avis, mais il y a une remarque qui a été indiquée par Monsieur le Délégué du Brésil soutenue par le Mexique et l'Argentine, c'est que la minorité a des droits et que dans le cas de textes balancés on ne peut pas l'occulter totalement. Alors sur la base de cette constatation, peut-on dire que quelques membres ont signalé, quelques Etats membres, de manière si vous voulez à ne pas engager le Conseil. Voilà on fait remarque, Monsieur le Délégué de l'Argentine me dit, on vous demande de respecter le droit de la minorité. Je crois que la tradition veut que lorsqu'il y a quelques délégués, et je crois qu'ils sont 4 ou 5 d'après ce que j'ai compris, le Brésil, l'Argentine, le Mexique, je ne sais plus qui d'autres, alors à ce moment-là on ne peut pas mettre cette phrase-là, c'est une constatation, cela n'engage pas le Conseil.

Roberto Ε·Ε· DALTON (Argentina): Perdón, Sr. Presidente, yo simplemente apoyaba el derecho de las declaraciones minoritarias, yo no dije que hubiera intervenido en el debate en ese sentido.

Horacio CARANDANG (Philippines): I did take the floor on this issue but I still think that the minority views can also be reflected here. Thank you.

David W. JOSLTN (United States of America): On this subject we'd like to adhere to the comment of the Canadian delegation and point out that at the end of paragraph 15 what controls this whole subject are "the relevant statutes and standards" that is included at the end of chapter 15, and should be sufficient.

LE PRESIDENT: Bien, nous sommes devant une proposition concrète. Quelques Etats membres souhaitent que leur opinion soit incluse dans le rapport et ils sont quatre ou cinq. Elle n'engage pas le Conseil, elle engage les Etats membres, cela a été dit et démontre que l'on respecte leur droit à exprimer leur opinion. Est-ce qu'il y a encore un inconvénient réglementaire relatif au droit à leur requête? C'est leur opinion, ce n'est pas l'opinion du Conseil. Je crois que maintenant on pourrait devoir continuer notre travail et accepter cette suggestion si le Conseil ne voit pas d'objections majeures. Le Point 15, est-ce qu'il y a une objection au Point 15? Le Point 16, est-ce qu'il y a un inconvénient? Approuvé. Maintenant je prends note de l'observation du Délégué du Canada et peut-être Monsieur le Délégué du Canada a manifesté son étonnement que l'on n'ait pas développé assez au Comité de rédaction 13 pages de rapport. Nous prenons note de cette remarque.

Paragraphs 1 to 16 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 16 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 16 son aprobados

LE PRESIDENT: Ensuite il y a un projet de résolution de la Conférence. Est-ce que ce projet de résolution a l'agrément de votre Conseil? Adopté.

Paragraph 17, including draft resolution, approved
Le paragraphe 17, y compris le projet de résolution, est approuvé
El párrafo 17, incluido el proyecto de resolución, es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary, Part IX, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière, IX partie, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe de la plenaria, Parte IX, es aprobado



Michel SAVINI (Secretary. Drafting Committee): I just want to draw the attention of the Council to a small mistake in para 4 of this Report. After the first sentence, a sentence Is missing. It should read "The Council in general endorsed the views of the Programme Committee." The members of the Drafting Committee will remember that the draft submitted to them was "The Council endorsed fully..." and then the Drafting Committee decided to delete "fully" and add "in general" and by mistake the whole line was deleted. It's just what was decided by the Drafting Committee, Sir.

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce que ce qu'a dit M. Savini est assez clair pour les délégués? Sous réserve de la précision de M. Savini, y a-t-il des observations sur le REP/10?

Roberto E.E. DALTON (Argentina): Confieso que ya no recuerdo, pero me parece que ha quedado una frase también en el limbo cancelada. En algún momento de la discusión sobre este tema, Señor, a partir del párrafo 4, es decir, el Informe Jansson, se menciono que este Informe no había sido distribuido para la atención de este Consejo. Honestamente no recuerdo en qué momento que estaba incorporado, pero podíamos tal vez reconstruirlo con la ayuda de la Secretaría.

José Ramón LOPEZ -PORTILLO ROMANO (México): Nosotros también habíamos tomado esa observación en nuestras notas que son multiples, la teníamos pero, Señor Presidente, quizás para no provocar aquí una nueva discusión, le pediríamos simplemente a la Secretaría que nos redacte lo que en el Comité de Redacción se había aceptado, es decir que se indicaba que el Consejo no discutió el Informe Jansson por no estar éste en su poder, o por no obrar éste en su poder. Esto se había dicho para aclarar que las observaciones vertidas de todos los miembros no eran sobre el Informe Jansson, si no sobre lo que el Comité del Programa había expresado. En alguna parte de la discusión se había perdido esto y quiero decirle que eso es importante porque después sí se aceptó un párrafo por parte de nosotros, es el ultimo párrafo del REP/10, Señor Presidente, el párrafo 14, y nos dice que se remitían a las opiniones del Consejo. Si no queda claro esto parecería que el Consejo discutió el Informe Jansson, que es una falsedad y este Consejo no puede admitir una falsedad.

Gonzalo BULA HOTOS (Colombia): Tengo tres observaciones sobre el REP/10. Son breves y las expresaré juntas, esperando que no le dificulte su trabajo. Primera: proponemos que se suprima la ultima frase del párrafo 12, que no agrega nada y que no tiene sentido; segunda propuesta: en el párrafo 12 "debido a la cuestión de la ubicación común..." eso no significa nada. Puedo seguir? Bien. Luego en el párrafo 13, la segunda frase dice: "Se expresó la opinión"... Esa forma neutra involucra a todo el Consejo y nuestra delegación y otras no estuvieron de acuerdo con ese concepto, pero para reconocer el derecho de las delegaciones que sí lo plantearon, aceptaríamos que se dijera: "Algunas delegaciones expresaron la opiniónetc. Y tercero, apoyamos a Argentina y México y esperamos que la Secretaría refleje sus opiniones en el Informe.

Sra. Laurie CORDUA CRUZ (Nicaragua): Sí, gracias Señor Presidente, yo quería expresar simplemente el apoyo a lo expresado por las delegaciones de Argentina y México.

Ms Joan DÜDIK GAYDSO (United States of America): Before I intervene, I wonder if the Council could hear some views from the Chairman of the Drafting Committee on the process under which we adopted this text.

Yousef Ali Mahmoud HAMDI (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I was just wondering which one the distingishued delegates of the United States wishes me to comment on, but if they are the notes of the distinguished Ambassador Rula Hoyos, then I must say that the paragraph 12 - again, all these paragraphs lasted hours and hours - and what you found there is a compromise between the different views. This, in fact, because of the co-location issue, one member requested information on the costs of FAO's individual country offices. It took a lot of time to discuss this, and the compromise was to put it that way, one country requested. Mr. Chairman, what are the other questions Mme the Representative of the United States wishes me to comment on? Sorry.

Ms. Joan DUDIK GAYOSO (United States of America): We have what has been reopened here, Mr Chairman and distinguished Chairman of the Drafting Committee, is the same discussion we had at least three or four times in the Drafting Group about whether a discussion of the Jansson Report was on the agenda of this Council or not. I really do not think we need to go through the whole thing but there still seems to be either a misunderstanding or a desire to say to ourselves that it was not on the agenda. My delegation accepted this text as a compromise - it is not nearly as formal or strong as we would have liked, but we did it out of respect for the fact that there were some delegations who felt, I think, at a little disadvantage since they had not been able to get the text of the Jansson Report. I would not like to see this reopened now but If that is what has to happen, it has to happen.

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Yo respeto mucho la sinceridad con que el Presidente del Comité de Redacción hace referencia a la consagración y al tiempo que dedicaron a discutir este proyecto de Informe pero hay algunos asuntos que realmente no se pueden aceptar a pesar de ese trabajo adecuado que hizo el Comité de Redacción. Cuando en un informe se atribuye a un miembro alguna expresión, debe ser un asunto sumamente importante. Yo no creo que tenga ninguna importancia decir aqui, Señor Presidente, que un miembro pidió información acerca... y luego no hay ni siquiera respuesta de la Secretaría, un frase suelta y en vacío, eso no tiene sentido. Y yo hice muchas preguntas, muchísimas, y no he insistido que se ponga ahi ninguna pregunta mía. Ahora, si se insiste en que quede, pues yo pongo enseguida otra frase sin problemas, Señor Presidente: "Otro miembro opinó que ese asunto no tenía mayor importancia..." pero eso llena el Informe de necedades, de tonterías. Yo creo que es mejor suprimir la frase del párrafo 12, y en eso insisto muy decididamente.

Roberto E.E. DALTON (Argentina): Para responder a una afirmación de la distinguida delegada de los Estados Unidos, tal vez me entendió mal: Yo no dije en ningún momento que el tema estuviera o dejara de estar en la Agenda, dije simplemente que en algún momento de la discusión se nos había caído la frase que decía que el texto del Informe no había sido distribuido para esta Conferencia.

LE PRESIDENT: Si j'ai bien compris actuellement, pour ne pas nous embrouiller dans le REP/10, (vous voyez c'est l'inconvénient de discuter un rapport dans son ensemble). Je voudrais être assuré que les autres paragraphes sont acceptés. Je vais lire rapidement et je demande à Messieurs les délégués de me dire si oui ou non il y a un problème. Paragraphe 1. Paragraphe 2. Paragraphe 3.

Stanley Munkindia GUANTAI (Kenya): It is not in particular on paragraph 1 or 3, but I think the delegation of Argentina and the delegation of Mexico did mention that there is a paragraph missing. I think that is quite Important if that phrasing cannot be made, because we are suggesting that paragraph which was a very important issue and this is in the line of the fact that quite a number of people did not have the text of the Jansson Report which is referred to by the Programme Committee, and we did ask that that little paragraph be made by the Secretariat. It's not here. Now if it was here, then we would not have had the problem which was raised by the delegation of Argentina.

LE PRESIDENT: Je voudrais pour ce point qui est très important demander au Conseil de m'autoriser à aller paragraphe par paragraphe, pour éviter les erreurs. Le paragraphe 1, y a-t-il des observations? Paragraphe 2, paragraphe 3, paragraphe 4?

Mlle Faouzia ΒΟUΜΑΪΖΑ (Algérie): Compte tenu de la juste remarque qu'a faite le Délégué de l'Argentine appuyé par d'autres délégations, est-ce que le Conseil peut se permettre d'affirmer que le rapport contient une évaluation équilibrée, etc. En tout cas, ma délégation ne peut pas l'affirmer parce qu'elle n'a pas lu le rapport.

José Ramon LOPEZ-PORTILLO ROMANO (México): En el mismo sentido y en vista de que perdimos ese párrafo o esa oración, porque quizás, y eso fue el problema, lo habíamos pedido a la Secretaría, nosotros entendíamos que se iba reflejar en el texto. Pero no lo tenemos, de otra manera, Señor Presidente, yo sí quiero ser muy franco, no hubiéramos aceptado el ultimo párrafo de este Informe, que hace entonces inconsistentes todas las opiniones, porque se deja en blanco el hecho de que no disponíamos de ese Informe, entonces yo le propongo la siguiente redacción, para simplificar, en vista que no contamos aparentemente con el texto del Comité de redacción: "El Consejo examinó los criterios del Comité del Programa con respecto al informe acerca del estudio monográfico sobre las actividades Operacionales en los países (Informe Jansson). Primera oración del párrafo 4. A pesar de que ···· (no, no, la primera oración queda tal cómo la he leído y tal cómo está en el párrafo 4, hasta dónde dice entre paréntesis Informe Jansson. Ahí se pone un punto. Luego diría "A pesar de que tal Informe no fue distribuido cómo documento de trabajo del Consejo y portanto no se solicitaba su debate y sus recomendaciones al respecto, " y entonces seguiríamos de la siguiente manera: "... escuchó las opiniones de algunos Estados Miembros que habían estudiado el Informe a fondo". Y entonces continuamos con el Informe con el resto tal cuál. Señor Presidente, para nosotros es fundamental esta precisión porque de otra manera estamos diciendo, le repito, una mentira, que debatimos un Informe que no estaba en nuestras manos.

Angel BARBERO MARTIN (España): Es que yo había pedido hace ya mucho la palabra pero parece que mi letrero no se veía y precisamente era para este tema y ya que la delegación de México ha hecho una propuesta de que alguna manera responde a la idea de que algunos miembros del Consejo de Redacción teníamos de lo que queríamos haber expresado en estos párrafos, pues creo que apoyo la propuesta de México y los párrafos que ha introducido, porque, repito, quieren expresar el que el Informe Jansson como tal y como fondo de la cuestión no debía ser expuesto en ese Informe del Consejo su examen puesto que no pertenecía a la Agenda.

Ms Joan DUDIK- GAYOSO (United States of America): The comments that have been made just now by Spain and Mexico are correct, and it is true as much as I can tell from the notes I have, that this sentence got lost. Also, I would like to emphasize very clearly that the issue that was discussed at some length in the Drafting Group was not whether or not the document was before the Council but whether or not it was available to the members of the Council. Members of this Council have said that they asked for copies of this document and they could not get it. That's what matters. It does not matter, and the issue has not been raised, as to whether it was before the Council. The question has been whether it was available, and because it was not available, there were many delegations who intervened in the debate and said they really could not comment because they could not get the document. So I do not have a problem with putting that thought into the statement along the lines that Mexico says, and we can put it in paragraph 4. I do think it is not quite accurate to say that there was no request for recommendations because the Council, the FAO, had before it the request, or the invitation in the UN General Assembly Resolution 42/1/96 which invited comments, so I do not think it would be so appropriate to have that phrase in this paragraph, otherwise its quite accurate. I think it should be reflected in the text and I do not think there needs to be too much more comment about it. I think, by the way, that it is unfortunate because it means that what is available from FAO's Governing Bodies to be submitted to ECOSOC and the General Assembly is less complete as an expression of views that the Governing Bodies of other UN organizations have been able to produce.

LE PRESIDENT: Je regrette de noter que les interprètes nous signalent qu'ils ont des difficultés à pourvoir, à cette heure tardive de la nuit, à cette discussion et je les comprends. Donc nous n'avons pas d'autre alternative que de reprendre notre travail demain, puisque ce sont des questions importantes et que faire? Il faut choisir.

V.J. SHAH (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I refer to the discussion about the omission of the phrase and the idea regarding the distribution of the Jansson Report. If the proposal of the distinguished delegate of Mexico as discussed has been accepted, and the Secretariat has noted it, then I have not heard any other objections to this Draft Report. Perhaps the Council is ready to approve it.

LE PRESIDENT: Est-ce qu'il y a des points en suspens dans ce REP/10? Est-ce que vous nous autorisez à accepter le REP/10?

Paragraphs 1 to 14, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 14, ainsi amendés, sont approuves
Los párrafos 1 a 14, asi enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part X, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la plénière, X partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe de la Plenaria, Parte X, asi enmendado, es aprobado

LE PRESIDENT: Maintenant il nous reste deux points délicats et nous devons les finir. Il y a d'abord deux notes de bas de page.

DRAFT REPORT - PART I (continued)

PARAGRAPHS 29 to 39 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 29 à 39 (suite)
PARRAFOS 29 a 39 (continuación)

Miriam INZAULGARAT GARCIA de PEREZ (Cuba): Me voy a referir a uno de los puntos pendientes. Mi delegación ha analizado con toda profundidad y buena voluntad el llamamiento de Brasil y de Argentina, que Usted respaldó también. Percibimos asimismo que otros delegados aspiraban a una solución conciliadora a esta controversia. No quiere mi delegación afectar la amplia y democrática discusión que ha sostenido este Consejo, por otra parte, Señor Presidente, otros párrafos del Informe ya aprobados por este Consejo recojen la esencia del planteamiento de mi delegación. En aras de contribuir a que el Informe Final de este 94° Consejo esté a la altura de los debates sostenidos, y que refleje criterios mayoritarios de este Consejo, mi delegación se acóje al llamado hecho por Brasil, Argentina y Usted también. Muchas gracias.

LE PRESIDENT: Donc si j'ai bien compris, Mme la Déléguée de Cuba dans un souci de conciliation accepterait la proposition des Délégués du Brésil et de l'Argentine de retirer sa proposition de rédaction en bas de page avec le Délégué de la Colombie. Est-ce que le Délégué de la Colombie approuve cette suggestion du Délégué de Cuba (le Délégué de la Colombie dit "si"). Donc si j'ai bien compris avec votre remarque, il y aurait si vous voulez, on pourrait avoir à ce moment-là le rapport, le texte tel qu'il était initialement.

Ms Teresa D. HOBGOOD (United States of America): The United States of America stated that it supports paragraph 39 of CL 94/REP/1 as submitted by the Drafting Committee and objects to the attempts of Cuba and Colombia to alter the impression of concern about payment, by each and every country which is in arrears, and to an erroneous impression of concern solely about US payments.

The United States of America noted that FAO document CL 94/LIM/1 reports that as of November 11 (a date which precedes a US payment of $25 million to FAO), a large number of member countries have failed to pay their assessed contributions. Many of the outstanding contributions as a percentage of the amount owed in 1988 are proportionately greater than the outstanding contributions of the United States of America. Countries other than the United States which have outstanding contributions are: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Comoros, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Kampuchea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Rumania, Samoa, Sao Tomé and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Saint Christopher and Nevis, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia and Zaïre.

The countries other than the United States of America in arrears are: Argentina, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic Kampuchea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Israel, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nigeria, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Romania, Sao Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, St. Christopher and Nevis, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Suriname, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda and the United Arab Emirates.

Expressed as a percentage of 1988 outstanding contributions, the outstanding contributions of the following countries exceed those of the United States of America: Argentina (195%), Burundi (337%), Cape Verde (265%), Central African Republic (290%), Comoros (240%), Congo (174%), Côte d'Ivoire (231%), Cuba (205%), Democratic Kampuchea (561%), Dominican Republic (271%), Equatorial Guinea (313%), Guatemala (273%), Guinea-Bissau (263%), Iran (242%), Liberia (235%), Libya (259%), Nigeria (305%), Paraguay (261%), Peru (265%), Poland (189%), Romania (497%), Sao Tome and Principe (313%), Senegal (191%), Sierre Leone (250 %), Suriname (313%), Syria (251%), Tanzania (251%), Turkey (182%) and Uganda (293%).

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Señor Presidente, quiero confirmar lo que dije antes en sentido de que adhiero a la posición de la delegación cubana en el sentido de que retiro mi primera nota al pie de página. No he conocido su reacción ni la del Consejo sobre la nota que acaba de leerse. Si esa nota va a ser incluida en el Informe entonces yo le. ruego que me permita redactar una mía brevísima y sin problemas. ¿Se pondrá todo lo que se ha leído? Bien. Entonces al final quiero que se le diga: "La delegación de Colombia declaró que el texto anterior interpreta erróneamente nuestro pensamiento, que está dirigido solamente a que el pago oportuno de las contribuciones permita el cumplimiento de las actividades de la FAO". Nada más, Señor Presidente.

Sra. Miriam INZAULGARAT GARCIA de PEREZ (Coba): Sí, lo mismo, Señor Presidente.


Paragraphs 29 to 39, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 29 à 39, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 29 a 39, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part I, as amended, was adopted
Projet de Rapport de la Planiere, 1ère partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe de la Plenaria, parte I, asi enmendado, es aprobado

DRAFT REPORT - PART IV (continued)

PARAGRAPHS 1 to 23 (continued)
PARAGRAPHES 1 à 23 (suite)
PARRAFOS 1 a 23 (continuación)

LE PRESIDENT: Nous passons maintenant au dernier point qui était resté en suspens. C'est le paragraphe 8 du REP/A relatif aux réfugiés du Pakistan et de la République islamique d'Iran. J'ai une proposition à formuler, Je propose au Conseil de retirer toute cette phrase. La phrase a été reconnue jusqu'à rapatriés. Je propose au Conseil de supprimer totalement pour ne plus avoir le paragraphe du REP/4 resté en suspens. Le paragraphe a été reconnu que les contributions fournies pour les réfugiés, etc. jusqu'à la fin, je propose qu'on le supprime et puis que l'on finisse le débat. Je demande au Conseil sa décision, mais on peut adopter, Monsieur le Délègue de l'Iran, que vous avez une réserve et je suis prêt à la mettre en bas de page.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Je m'excuse, c'est bien tard, je le sais, mais je voudrais mentionner quand même quelques mots avant de nous séparer. Si j'insistais sur ce point c'est qu'il y a effectivement dans ce texte les questions des réfugiés et non pas un réfugié spécial. Je voudrais dire que nous ne voulions pas vraiment avoir un conflit. Si je voulais avoir le conflit je pouvais le faire il y a quelques jours quand on parlait de la guerre. Il a été dit que l'ennemi iranien a fait ça et ça. Je crois que c'était là que je pouvais ouvrir un conflit et discuter sur cette question. Je ne voudrais pas le faire ici. Si j'insiste sur la question des réfugiés c'est parce qu'il y a les groupes de personnes qui Ont été bombardés, qui ont été renvoyés de leur pays. Ils étalent bombardés par les bombes chimiques. Maintenant ils sont dans des réglons bien froides où il fait actuellement -15, ou -20 degrés. Ce que l'on demandait au Conseil, c'était qu'indirectement on parle de ces gens. Je crois que ces gens ont un seul droit: c'est que leur existence soit reconnue par une instance internationale. D'ailleurs le système des Nations Unies a accepté que ces gens existent et donc on demandait dans cette instance seulement de dire que ces gens existent. Vraiment on va retourner maintenant dans notre pays, je pourrais dire qu'on a vraiment le coeur bien touché parce qu'on pense qu'il y a des gens dans une telle situation et que dans une instance internationale on n'ait pas pu les nommer même indirectement.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie Monsieur le Délégué de l'Iran. Je crois que nous avons proposé au Conseil souverain d'enlever cette phrase et le Conseil l'a décidé. Si vous voulez mettre une note en bas de page, nous l'acceptons. Donc nous retirons ce paragraphe.

Paragraphs 1 to 23, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 a 23, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 23, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Plenary, Part IV, as amended, was adopted
Projet de Rapport de la Plénière, IVème partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe de la Plenaria, parte IV, así enmendado, es aprobado

V.K. SIBAL (India): I crave your indulgence and thank you for this opportunity. After long and very gruelling work we have concluded our deliberations. I was just wondering if it was possible to make a last appeal for the withdrawal of all these footnotes in recognition of the fact that we have conducted our work successfully. I just thought that I would make that appeal, hoping it is heard.

LE PRESIDENT: Moi je veux bien, mais je crois que le délégué a pris position.

Ms Teresa D. HOBGOOD (United States of America): I appreciate the comments made by the delegate of India. I cannot withdraw my footnote.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous sommes donc arrivés à la fin de nos débats. Je voudrais m' excuser auprès de tous les délégués des Etats membres de cet horaire anormal, je crois que cela tient à la densité des débats et au sérieux du Comité de rédaction qui a dépensé 40 heures pour ce travail. Cela ne nous a pas empêchés d'ailleurs de discuter fermement ici au Conseil. Je regrette un peu du fait qu'on était obligé par la contrainte de temps de trouver un conseiller pragmatique mais légal et je me fais un devoir de remercier tous les délégués pour leur patience et leur endurance, mais nous avons eu un jour de moins et beaucoup plus de sujets. Je crois que si je peux faire mettre une observation, j'étais très fier de noter que chaque sujet qui a été soulevé au cours du.Conseil a intéressé beaucoup de délégués. Nous avons presque établi des records d'interventions dans chaque texte, que ce soit le développement rural, que ce soit les femmes dans le développement ou autres. Nous avons enregistré un record dans chacun des points de notre Ordre du jour et ceci dénote le sérieux, la volonté et le sens aigu de tous les délégués sans exception. Je voudrais les remercier, je voudrais leur dire que ceci préjuge très bien de la suite de nos travaux dans le Conseil ultérieur et dénote de manière évidente notre attachement tous à notre Organisation. Je crois qu'il n'y a pas de meilleurs arguments pour notre attachement que ces interventions. Il y a eu effectivement et, c'est normal, des points de vue divers, il y a eu quelques passages animés de nos débats. J'aurais été heureux si on avait pu éviter quelques-uns d'entre eux mais les Etats sont souverains et nous sommes à leur disposition. Je retire quand même à la suite de nos débats une impression très favorable et constructive. Je voudrais remercier l'Organisation depuis le Directeur général jusqu'à tout son personnel. Je ne voudrais pas oublier les interprètes que nous avons fait souffrir. Il faut que vous sachiez qu'ils ont développé un effort exceptionnel, ce pour lequel je me permets de les féliciter et de les remercier car sans les interprètes nous n'aurions pas pu faire notre travail dans les délais voulus. Et je voudrais remercier toute la FAO, peut-être Monsieur Bonte-Friedheim voudrait ajouter quelque chose.

C.H. BONTE-FRIEDHEIM (Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department) (Representative of the Director-General): The Director-General has asked me, has requested me to express in his name, his thanks to you as Independent Chairman, his thanks to the members of Council for some very hard work during the last days. His preoccupation is with the many tasks ahead for all of you and for this Organization, especially in the coming year. The financial situation for the Organiztion will be difficult. The largest contributor is unlikely to be able to make any further contribution until after October of next year, when its arrears have risen to over $140 million. In addition, and let me make this quite clear, other countries will also have considerable arrears. It Is the Director-General's fervent wish for 1989 that, on all the many problems and issues facing our Organization, your Organization, that a consensus will be reached, and this consensus should start this very morning, after you leave this very late session. Thank you very, very much.

Bashir EL MABROUK SAID (Libya) (Original language Arabic): I apologise for taking the floor at this late hour. However, I would like to advise the delegate of the United States to contact Mr. Crowther, because I believe that Mr. Crowther will be able to inform her of the contributions of Libya which have recently been paid.

Taghi SHAMEKHI (Iran, République islamique d'): Monsieur le Président, en vous remerciant je voudrais seulement mentionner de mettre ce point en bas de page.

LE PRESIDENT: Encore une fois merci et excusez-nous de cet horaire anormal. La séance est levée.

The meeting rose at 01.45 hours of 26.11.1988
La séance est levée à 01.h 45 du 26.11.1988
Se levanta la sesión a las 01.45 horas del 26.11.1988

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