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9. Report of the Eighteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries (Rome, 10-14 April 1989)
9. Rapport de la dix-huitième session du Comité des pêches (Rome, 10-14 avril 1989)
9. Informe del 18° periodo de sesiones del Comité de Pesca (Roma, 10-14 de abril de 1989)

Α. Η. LINDQUIST (Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department):The 18th Session of the Committee on Fisheries was held from 14 April 1989 and was attended by 88 members of the Committee, observers from 10 FAO Member Nations, two non-members of FAO, and by the Holy See.The session was attended by representatives of UNDP, UNIDO, ILO, IMO, IOC, the World Bank, World Food Programme, the EEC, and by 13 other International organizations.The session had a high record of attendance with more than 250 delegates and observers.The Committee elected Mr Zbigniew Karnicki, Director of the Sea Fisheries Institute, Gdynia, Poland as its Chairman and Mrs Clara Jusidman, Vice Minister for Fisheries of Mexico, as its Vice Chairman.

The Agenda for the 18th Session of the Commission on Fisheries consisted of three main items.On the first item on World Fisheries and FAO, the Committee discussed the trends and prospects for capture fisheries and aquaculture in the next 25 years and the role of FAO.It also reviewed the achievements and activities of the FAO regional fishery bodies and their role in ECDC and TCDC.

In discussing the prospects for fisheries the Committee welcomed the analysis made by the Secretariat as being a good basis for the discussions on the agenda and agreed that there could be a demand for fish in the next 25 years in the order of 30 million tons.The Committee noted that preliminary data for 1988 had indicated a new record catch of over 95 million tons.The largest portion of this increase was mainly small pelagic fish taken in the southeast Pacific. Over 90% of the total marine fish catch has been taken within the exclusive economic zones and approximately half of the total catch was harvested by developing countries.

Aquaculture has developed rapidly during the past five years and now contributes approximately 12% by weight to the total aquatic product.

The Committee agreed that the increased demand in the future could be met by managing the fishery resources in a rational and timely manner, by seeking economic exploitation of unconventional species, by improving the utilization of fish through reduction of post-harvest losses, including by-catch discards, and by accelerating aquaculture development.

The needs and aspirations of small-scale fishing communities and the benefit to be obtained from TCDC and ECDC in fisheries management and development were also recognized.

It should be noted that in discussing these issues a number of delegations indicated the negative impact of the burden of external debts and structural adjustments upon their ongoing and planned fisheries programmes and on the fish consumption pattern.Reference was also made to the need for increased efforts to reduce trade barriers and to promote international trade in fish and fishery products.

The Committee agreed that FAOshould give priority to the following areas in its fisheries programmes:(1) collection, analysis and dessimination of fisheries Information and statistics; 11)aquaculture development;(iii)training and the transfer of knowledge skills and appropriate technologies; (iv)policy advice and analysis;(v)integrated research into fishery biology,

economics and technology; and (vi) monitoring and prevention of environmental degradation in both marine and inland waters and in aquaculture.

The Committee expressed unanimous support for the work of the FAO regional fishery bodies.The Committee concluded that the lack of financial resources was a serious problem for almost all FAO regional bodies and urged donors to give more support.

Under the second main item on FAO's medium-and short-term fisheries programmes were three substantive items, namely:(i) the 1984 World Fisheries Conference's Programme of Action:Progress and future priorities;(ii)Report of the Second Session of the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade, which was held in Rome in October of last year;and (ill)the work of FAO in Fisheries during 1990-91.

The Committee was pleased with the progress achieved in implementing the World Fisheries Conference's Programme of Action.It thanked the donors for their generous support for regional projects implemented by FAO under the programmes, which actually exceeded the annual indicative target of US$ 15 million.It agreed that the five Programmes of Action should be continued beyond 1989 in order to provide an international framework and guidelines for fisheries management and development.It also agreed that the annual indicative target figure should now be raised to US$ 20 million.

In formulating and implementing activities under these Programmes of Action, FAO was requested to give special attention to the following key factors:protection of the aquatic environment; improvement of fisheries information data and statistics;investment;training;the role of women in fisheries development and fishery research.

The Committee endorsed the recommendations of its Sub-Committee on Fish Trade and agreed that its fruitful work should be continued.It also endorsed the Technical Assistance Programme for Fishery Commodities and Marketing Development which would be implemented by the network of regional fish marketing Information and technical advisory services.It requested FAO and appealed to donors to ensure the continuation of sufficient funding to the network.

The Committee reviewed the proposed Summary Programme of Work and Budget in fisheries for 1990-91. It gave general support to the programme framework and the areas of special emphasis of the fisheries proposals.It noted with appreciation the modest increase in the programme budget proposed by the Director-General.

The Committee concluded that the fisheries programme was balanced, responsive to the needs of member countries and provided an acceptable basis for the preparation of the full Programme of Work and Budget in fisheries for consideration by the Conference in November this year.However, it suggested that FAO should increase emphasis on the protection of the environment.I wish to point out that this conclusion was supported by the Programme Committee at its Fifty-seventh Session last May.

The last main item concerned a standardized system for the marking and identification of fishing vessels·This item was placed on the Agenda of the Eighteenth Session at the request of the Committee at its Seventeenth Session when it was found that member countries would need more time to review the draft specifications for the proposed marking system.The Committee has now reviewed the comments received from member countries on the extent to which these specifications met national requirements.It generally supported the endorsement of the specifications and recommended that they should be adopted on a voluntary basis.The Observer of the EEC agreed to this view and said that the technical specifications were not incompatible with the system used in the Community.The Director-General was invited to circulate the standard specifications as endorsed by the Committee to Member Nations, relevant U.N. agencies and International organizations.

Under the item "Any other matters", the Committee was informed of the results of the Conference for the Adoption of a Draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission.The Committee suggested one of the agenda items for the next session should be the development of fisheries and markets for under-utilized species.

Finally, I am pleased to end this introduction with my personal observation that the interventions were very constructive and of a high technical standard.The adoption of the report went very smoothly and the session was concluded well in advance of schedule.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie Monsieur Lindquist de sa précieuse introduction et je désirerais connaître les noms des pays qui souhaitent participer aux délibérations. Nous allons donc lire la liste et

nous allons la considérer comme complète. D'autres délégués demandent-ils la parole? Mexique, Congo, Cuba, Tchécoslovaquie, Australie, Liban, Chine, Espagne, Royaume Uni, Iraq, Pérou, USA, Grèce, Canada, Japon, Ethiopie, République Fédérale d'Allemagne, Inde, Argentine. Y a-t-il d'autres intervenants? Nous considérons cette liste comme close et nous donnons la parole au Mexique.

Sra. Margarita LIZARRAGA SAUCEDO (México): Permítame, Sr. Presidente, en primera instancia, felicitar al Dr. Lindquist por su siempre clara y orientadora introducción.

La Delegación mexicana reitera la importancia que nuestro Gobierno da a la pesca y al Comité de Pesca, y agradece la contribución significativa de la Secretaría de la FAO por la calidad de la documentación. Los resultados confirmaron la viabilidad de la pesca como una de las respuestas clave a los problemas alimentarlos de la humanidad, y la FAO ha acumulado una valiosa experiencia en las materias relacionadas con la actividad pesquera, que sin lugar a duda demuestran la mayor ventaja en relación a la labor que cumplen otros organismos internacionales.

México considera que esa experiencia debe consolidarse y fortalecerse, para que el Departamento de Pesca y el Comité de Pesca, como órgano técnico rector, se mantengan a la vanguardia del conocimiento y formulación de respuestas a los nuevos problemas que plantea este quehacer productivo.Como fue subrayado durante el pasado COFI, la pesca es una de las actividades en donde la sostenlbilidad es un concepto inseparable, es la base misma de la ordenación pesquera, por lo cual los países en desarrollo seguirán requiriendo de la FAO y la cooperación internacional para estar en condiciones de evaluar, aprovechar y conservar los recursos pesqueros localizados en aguas de nuestra soberanía.

La FAO ha jugado un papel relevante desdehace varios años en este campo, por lo que deberé sostener y profundizar su actividad, toda vez que, hasta la fecha, el nuevo régimen jurídico de los mares, contra lo previsto, ha beneficiado en mayor medida a los países desarrollados.La Delegación mexicana reitera que los mecanismos de colaboración que en las diferentes regiones se han creado a través de instancias y proyectos regionales, en base de los cuales la FAO canaliza su labor, los hace mas efectivos. Estos mecanismos, por lo tanto, deberán mantenerse, teniendo como orientación futura la concertacíon y desarrollo de programas y actividades de mediano y largo plazo, así como una debida coordinación con las organizaciones de cooperación pesquera establecida en las propias regiones. En el ámbito de la acuicultura, mi Gobierno ratifica la justificada prioridad programática, particularmente en un momento en donde la pesca extractiva esté llegando a los límites de sostenibilidad.Consideramos que en esta materia es conveniente seguir una orientación que permita alcanzar, de una parte, los objetivos sociales en el caso de las comunidades rurales, y al mismo tiempo lograr las metas económicas inherentes al aprovechamiento de recursos de alto valor comercial·

En el plano regional, conviene hacer una especial referencia a la labor del proyecto de apoyo a las Actividades Regionales de Acuicultura para América Latina y el Caribe, conocido como AQUILA, por lo cual mi Delegación, y sin duda todas las de América Latina y el Caribe, expresamos nuestro mas cumplido agradecimiento al Gobierno italiano y a sus representantes aquí presentes, por la ágil y generosa respuesta a la solicitud de prorrogar este importante proyecto, a través del cual se han definido las prioridades de la acuicultura en la región, así como el tipo de acciones necesarias y las contribuciones requeridas provenientes de la cooperación horizontal del apoyo externo.

La importancia de ampliar la vigencia del proyecto es permitir que la cooperación internacional en las áreas ya identificadas favorezca la investigación, información y capacitación para el fomento de la actividad acuícola en América Latina y el Caribe.

Sr. Presidente, los principios y orientaciones emanados de la Conferencia Mundial de la FAO sobre Orientacion y Desarrollo Pesqueros, demuestran cada día su vigencia y marcan claramente las pautas de la cooperación internacional en materia pesquera, tanto en el marco de los organismos internacionales como entre los miembros de la comunidad internacional. Tales principios y orientaciones deberán continuar siendo el marco de referencia para nuestro empeño de colaboración internacional. Al respecto, México con satisfaccíon ha observado la tendencia positiva que se manifiesta en la dotación de fondos para el cumplimiento de los programas de acción aprobados por la Conferencia Mundial de Pesca, si bien persisten aun ciertos desequilibrios entre programas y entre regiones que esperamos que lleguen a superarse.

Nos complace asimismo que el Subcomité de Comercio Pesquero, que celebró en octubre de 1988 su segunda reunión, siga demostrando su importancia y valor. México fue uno de los países que impulsó el establecimiento de este nuevo foro de análisis y de negociación, convencido de que en el comercio internacional de productos pesqueros persisten practicas que impiden a los países en desarrollo aprovechar íntegramente los beneficios derivados de estos intercambios. Aun persisten barreras arancelarias que obstaculizan el comercio internacional de productos pesqueros que deberían suprimirse. Persisten los intereses que condicionan el ingreso de los mercados al acceso a la pesca

en aguas juridiccionales de los paises en desarrollo. Sobre este planteamiento, México mantiene las reserves expresadas en el pasado.

Asimismo, México considera que las posibilidades al ingreso de productos pesqueros a algunos mercados se están viendo crecientemente limitadas por barreras no arancelarias, como son las restricciones sanitarias y las vinculadas a la protección ecológica.

Existen ámbitos de cooperación que tienen que ver con el comercio pesquero internacional, en los que deberla centrarse la atención de la FAO a través de proyectos de su programa regular, contando además con recursos extrapresupuestarios.Tales ámbitos se refieren al apoyo a la generación de ofertas exportables de productos pesqueros con valor agregado y a la normalización internacional referida a la calidad y formas de presentación; asimismo, la FAO podría contribuir al establecimiento de sistemas integreles de sanidad animal para productos acuícolas.

Asimismo la Delegación mexicana considera que la evaluación de las actividades de la FAO en el sector de la pesca debe reflejarse en el Programa y Presupuesto de 1990-91. México considera que la asignación de fondos para el programa 2.2 debe permitir el fortalecimiento del Departamento de Pesca y la determinación de prioridades que atiendan de manera equilibrada los intereses de los países miembros, lo que redundará seguramente en el fortalecimiento de la Organización como eje de la cooperación pesquera.Estamos de acuerdo con la prioridad a la acuicultura, como ya lo nabíamos expresado, pero deseamos manifestar también nuestra preocupación por que se hayan suprimido dos puestos en le División de Industrias Pesqueras, unidad de quien depende un importante programa que es el de evitar las pérdidas postcaptura y elaboración de nuevos productos. Lamentemos verdaderamente que la escasez de fondos se traduzca en recortes para aspectos tan importantes como éste, particularmente si consideramos que un cálculo aproximativo de un 20 por ciento de productos capturados es perdido.

Michel MOMBOULI (Gongo): Ainsi que la tradition le veut, nous voudrions nous permettre avant de commencer, de féliciter et remercier Monsieur Lindquist pour sa présentation claire de ce rapport de la 18ème session du Comité des pèches qui s'est réunie Rome du 10 au 14 avril.

Comme bon nombre d'autres délégations ici présentes nous avons nous aussi participé à cette 18ème session du Comité des pêches qui, à notre avis a été une session réussie. A cette occasion nous y avons fait valoir les points de vue de la délégation congolaise; points de vue sur lesquels nous n'avons pas l'intention de revenir ceci pour tenir compte du temps limité imparti aux travaux de notre présente session. Ceci étant nous souhaiterions toutefois nous permettre de dire brièvement quelques mots sur certaine points abordés par le présent rapport concernant les tendances et perspectives de la pèche de capture et de l'acquaculture pour les prochaines vingt-cinq années et le rôle de la FAO. Nous souhaiterions dire que nous appuyons les principales priorités d'action et les objectifs poursuivis par la FAO dans le domaine des pèches.

Nous nous associons à l'Invitation faite à la FAO pour qu'elle renforce son soutien à l’acquaculture et son concoure à la réalisation des objectifs d' autosuffisance alimentaire dans les pays en développement.

A ce sujet, nous tenons à préciser qu'au Congo cet objectif d'autosuffisance alimentaire constitue, pour les plus hautes autorités de l'Etat, un défi à relever d'ici l'an 2000. Nous tenons ensuite à souligner toute l'importance que nous souhaitons voir donner par la FAO aux activités de formation et transfert des connaissances dans le domaine des pèches.

Nous appuyons et apprécions les activités de conseil et avis dispensés par l'Organisation à ses Etats Membres et nous ne saurions terminer sens souligner la nécessité de voir la FAO participer d'avantage à la promotion du rôle des femmes dans le domaine des pèches.

Concernant l'examen des organes régionaux des pèches de la FAO et de leur rôle dans les activités de CTPD et CEPD, nous tenons à rappeler et à réaffirmer la priorité que noua avons toujours donnée dans nos examens aux activités de CTPD et de CEPD, fer de lance de la coopération Sud-Sud.

A ce propos, nous signalons que notre pays entretient des relations étroites dans le domaine des pèches avec ses Etats voisine et côtiers de la région d'Afrique centrale.

Ainsi que cela ressort de ce rapport, le manque de resources financières est un obstacle commun à tous les organismes régionaux de pèche. Aussi voulons-nous noue associer à l'appel demandent aux donateurs d'accroître leur soutien financer auxdits organismes. A propos des programmes d'action de la Conférence mondiale des pèches de 1984 et de leur état d'avancement, nous tenons à exprimer notre satisfaction devant les progrès notables survenue dans leur exécution, à en juger par les niveaux des ressources mobilisées. Noue remercions au passage tous les donateure pour l'ampleur de leur élan enthousiaste dans le soutien financier desdits programmes d'action et nous émettons


l'espoir que ces donateurs et tous les autres qui n'ont pas encore contribuí, pourrons le faire pour la poursuite de ces programes d'action au-delà de 1989. Concernant le rapport de la 2ème session du Comité du COFI sur le commerce du poisson qui s'est tenue du 24 au 27 octobre de cette année, nous tenons à exprimer notre satisfaction de noter que ce jeune sous-comité ait pu se réunir pour sa seconde session et nous appuyons les conclusions auxquelles il est parvenu.

Nous appuyons en particulier l'invitation faite au Directeur général de l'Organisation de se mettre en rapport, le moment venu, avec le Fonds commun pour les produits de base, pour lui demander de désigner le Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson comme organisme international de produit, apte à parrainer et à suivre les projets financée par le Fonds pour les produits halieutiques.

En ce qui concerne les activités de la FAO dans le domaine des pèches au cours de l'exercice 1990-91, nous aimerions d'ores et déjà indiquer que nous sommes en faveur d'une haute pluralité dans le domaine de l'aquaculture et que nous sommes également d'accord pour une augmentation sensible des allocations aux activités de la FAO dans le domaine des pêches.

Nous nous réservons le droit de revenir en détail sur ce sujet lors de l'examen du Sommaire du Programme de travail et budget 1990-91 qui sera examiné ultérieurement.


Queremos destacar en primer término la presentación del Sr. Lindquist sobre el tema. Aunque el reciente Subdirector General ya nos tiene acostumbrados con su experiencia e inteligencia a informaciones claras y precisas, su presentación en el día de hoy es necesario resaltarla teniendo en cuenta que es reflejo del excelente trabajo efectuado en el 18º período de sesiones del Comité de Pesca del pasado abril, Informe que tiene todo nuestro respaldo. Precisamente en ese período de sesiones del Comité de Pesca, nuestra delegación explicó cómo paradójicamente, siendo nuestro país una isla rodeada de lindas playas, bahías y puertos, se mantuvo de espaldas al mar hasta el triunfo de la revolución, conviertiéndose hoy en uno de los aspectos más importantes y prior izados en nuestro desarrollo e importancia económica.

Partiendo de esta realidad de que poseemos la plataforma submarina más extensa entre las islas del Caribe, 67 831 kilómetros cuadrados entre cayos y archipiélagos, con valiosos recursos pesqueros de sus aguas, su baja profundidad, hasta 30 metros, a partir de los cuales aumentan abruptamente para formar un talud de 60 a 90 grados y la barrera de cayos y arrecifes coralinos que la bordean determinan que los recursos biológicos que habitan en ellas se encuentren sometidos, no sólo a la acción directa del hombre mediante la explotación pesquera, sino también a una gran influencia de la tierra firme a través del escurrimiento de aguas dulces, la modificación de la linea de la costa y los vertimientos de la costa. Para nosotros la importancia tanto de la pesca como la perspectiva de la aculcultura representan renglones de enorme importancia en Cuba. Renglones a los que dedicamos tiempo, recursos y prioridad, por lo cual es de vital importancia para este esfuerzo de la cooperación y de una decidida ayuda técnica capacitación e informaciones. Razones por las que entendemos necesario destacar y subrayar, dentro del documento CL 95/7 del Programa Pesquero de la FAO a Medio y Corto Plazo, su párrafo 45 en sus cinco programas, cuestión que no se puede soslayar en la importancia de este tema.

Nuestra delegación además quisiera hacer algunos breves comentarios, pues entendemos que la pesca hoy en día constituye uno de los sectores que pueden influir muy positivamente en el desarrollo económico de muchos de nuestros países y tener una alta incidencia en el alivio de la subnutrición. Específicamente quiero referirme a otros temas muy ampliamente discutidos en el ultimo Comité. El primero de ellos es el relativo a la vigencia que aun mantienen los programas de acción y postulados emanados de la Conferencia Mundial de Pesca celebrada en 1984. El transcurso de los años nos ha verificado con satisfacción que la estrategia de desarrollo propuesta continua siendo la mejor guía para los objetivos pesqueros de nuestroe países y para la cooperación internacional. Queremos observar nuevamente con complacencia, cómo se logró superar la propuesta de alcanzar 15 millones de dólares anualmente en la financiación de los programas de acción. Reconocemos el trabajo realizado por la FAO en la movilización de fondos a los países y agencias que han hecho posible la consecución de estos objetivos. Aprovecho también la ocasión para apoyar el aumento que ha solicitado el Director General para que el Departamento de Pesca de la FAO pueda realizar y llevar a vía de hecho los objetivos propuestos. Como ya manifestamos durante la reunión del Comité, lamentamos mucho que aún se observen desequilibrios en el apoyo recibido entre los diferentes programas y entre las regiones. En lo que se refiere al desequilibrio entre las reglones, la de América Latina y el Caribe continua siendo la menos favorecida. Esperamos que, como se anunció en el COFI, la FAO estudie la corrección de ese desequilibrio.

El segundo aspecto al que me quería referir anteriormente es el relativo a los esfuerzos que viene haciendo el Departamento de Pesca por incorporar en mayor medida a la mujer en los programas y acciones del sector. Saludamos las iniciativas emprendidas en este sentido, e instamos a que se continúen haciendo todos los esfuerzos para che la mujer se incorpore cada día más a la vida económica en nuestros países en vías de desarrollo.

Miroslav DOLEZAL (Czechoslovakia): First of all, let me congratulate Mr Lind quiet on his very clear introduction to the item.

It is the opinion of our delegation that one of the key parts of the report on the 18th Session of the Committee on Fisheries is that concerning aquaculture.Its importance, not only in fisheries but generally in improving the protein balance in developing countries, is documented in the report in front of us by the fact that compared with the year 1985, the proportion of fish for human nutrition produced by aquaculture is to reach 50 percent soon.This trend will continue and the proportion of aquaculture will undoubtedly double in the next decade so it is a common Interest of the member countries to secure a close cooperation in the transfer of know-how in favour of future development.

I would like to point out the fact that Czechoslovakia has positive experience with a simple system of pond fish culture where both the environmental and economic aspects are fully taken into account. This conception is very close to the conception of advanced aquaculture and a high technological standard with due respect to all aspects of the national economy and to the skills of the personnel. I recommend that these projects generally available to developing countries be studied by the FAO Committee on Fisheries.Czechoslovakia offers cooperation starting from expert assistance up to joint venture projects.We would like to express our willingness to take part through actual activities in FAO's efforts for further development of aquaculture in the next decade.

I also believe that the EIFAC session to be held next year in May 1990 in Prague, Czechoslovakia, will document the great potential of European countries, including Czechoslovakia, with which they could contribute to the development of world aquaculture.The leading European specialists will surely take part in these expert meetings, and it would be desirable and useful, following the example of cooperative networks in agriculture, if experts from developing countries could also participate in the session seminars and study tours.

Paul R. BEYDEN (Australia): I would first of all like to thank Mr Lindquist for his helpful introduction.

My delegation is pleased to receive this report which we believe is a good record of a fruitful meeting.We welcome the Committee's acceptance of the five action plans endorsed by the 1984 World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development as providing the basis for FAO's ongoing work in fisheries, namely, (1) planning and development in fisheries, (2) development of small-scale fisheries, (3) aquaculture development, (4) international trade in fish and fishery products, and (5) promotion of the role of fisheries in alleviating under-nutrition.Australia welcomes increased attention being given in the pursuit of those five action programmes to longer-term considerations in fisheries development and management and environmental factors in fisheries managementi.Australia agreed with the fisheries programmes as proposed, as it is considered balanced, responsive to the needs of member countries and constitutes an acceptable basis for the preparation of the full Programme of Work and Budget in fisheries for consideration by the 25th session of the FAO Conference.

In respect to a standardized system for the marking and Identification of fishing vessels, Australia accepts the need for further studies before the Committee considers markings of fishing gear.In this regard, we note that the International Maritime Organization declared its willingness to cooperate with FAO on studies in respect to international marking of fishing gear to be covered by the protocol being developed to the Torremolinos Convention of 1977.

Regarding the possible relationship of the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade to the Second Window of the Common Fund, delegates will recall that currently in New York the Fund is being formally established.We often call on our Secretariat to coordinate its activities within the UN system. On the matter of the Common Fund, it will be important that delegations to FAO's COFI and Council coordinate fruitfully within their own administrations to ensure that their representatives to the Common Fund are fully aware of FAO's interests in Second-Window activities.

Sra. Olga Clemencia FERNANDEZ (Colombia): La magnifica presentación de este documento, hecha por el Sr. Lindquist facilita nuestra intervención sobre este tema.

Los representantes de Colombia apoyamos las principales recomendaciones hechas por el Comité de Pesca en su 18a reunión. Pensamos que los resultados que se encuentran consignados en este documento CL 95/7 confirman "la necesidad de que la FAO conserve su importante función clave en el fomento de la colaboración entre los palees en el sector de la pesca, incluidos asuntos relativos al comercio".

Nos complació haber oído interesantes declaraciones de distinguidas personalidades, entre éstas la señora Clara Jusidman, Subsecretaría de Pesca de México, merecidamente elegida Primer Vicepresidente del Comité.

La activa participación de competentes delegadas femeninas en la reunión de ese Comité, contribuyó a destacar la función esencial que desempeña la mujer en el sector pesquero y nos causó satisfacción la afirmación de la Secretaría, en el sentido de que "el apoyo a las actividades relacionadas con la función de la mujer eran una parte integral de todos los sub-programas de pesca"·

Los representantes de Colombia reiteramos el apoyo de nuestro gobierno a los órganos regionales de pesca de la FAO y destacamos su contribución a intensificar la cooperación técnica y económica entre los países en desarrollo.

Para asegurar el mejor funcionamiento de los órganos regionales de pesca-que en América Latina y el Caribe son muy activos y eficientes-apoyamos la recomendación del Comité, sobre la necesidad de evaluar adecuadamente las realizaciones de estos órganos regionales de pesca.

La falta de recursos suficientes, desafortunadamente, limita la acción de estos órganos regionales de pesca.

Por ello, pedimos que este Consejo apoye la recomendación del Comité, al pedir que la FAO procure recursos extrapresupuestarios para asistir a esos órganos que, de todos modos, los donantes, que tan generosamente han impulsado los Programas de Acción derivantes de la Conferencia Mundial, ofrezcan recursos, asistencia técnica y financiera a esos esfuerzos de las regiones.

Estamos de acuerdo en que los cinco Programas de Acción deben continuar más alla de 1989 y que la FAO debe seguir actuando como fuerza catalizadora en la movilización de apoyo para esos Programas.

Apoyamos las actividades del Subcomité sobre Comercio Pesquero.

Este Consejo debe señalar la gran importancia que el comercio internacional tiene en el fomento de la pesca para la gran mayoría de los países en desarrollo, que obtienen divisas, utiles a su crecimiento económico, procedentes de las exportaciones de pescado.

Deseamos dejar constancia del reconocimiento de los Representantes de Colombia a la forma tan inteligente y eficaz como nuestro colega Horacio Carandang, de Filipinas, presidió el Subcomité sobre Comercio Pesquero.

Al colega Carandang deseamos muy buenos éxitos en sus nuevas actividades, asegurándole que sus amigos y compañeros en Roma recordamos siempre su colaboración valiosa y su actitud cordialmente amistosa.

Finalmente, expresamos nuestra complacencia por la excelente labor que cumplió el Sr. Karnicki, de Polonia, como Presidente del Comité de Pesca.

Amin ABDEL MALEK (Liban) (Langue originale Arabe):Je voudrais tout d'abord remercier M. Lindquist de la présentation constructive du rapport de la 18éme session du Comité des pêches.

J'aimerais m'arrêter sur deux points auxquels j'accorde une grande importance, mais je serai bref.

Le premier point concerne le commerce des produits halieutiques.

La délégation libanaise, après avoir pris connaissance de la deuxième session du Sous-Comité du commerce des produits halieutiques tenue en octobre 1988, approuve avec vigueur la recommandation prise a cette session au sujet du suivi du programme d'action concernant le commerce international, afin d'encourager les pays en voie de développement a prendre une part intégrante au commerce des produits halieutiques.

Le deuxième point concerne le rôle de la FAO dans le secteur du programme d'action des pêches 1990-91.

Ma délégation se félicite de l'augmentation des crédits qui a été accordée et qui a atteint 1,9 pour cent. Il s'agit là de quelque chose de très positif. Nous préconisons une augmentation supplémentaire si cela est possible en dépit d'une situation financière assez tendue, eu égard à l'importance de ce domaine.

Nous approuvons le contenu de ce document, notamment en ce qui concerne la pêche de capture et la pêche dans les eaux intérieures ainsi que l'aquaculture. Ce qui par ailleurs a attiré notre attention, c'est le déblocage de l'embauche, notamment au niveau de certains postes techniques. Nous préconisons l'expansion de l'embauche dans ce domaine.

Zhengdong LI (China):I thank Mr. Lindquist for his very clear presentation.Document CL 95/7 gives an excellent analysis of important problems which have arisen in the fisheries sector in the world.We are satisfied by this analysis but we would like to make two brief comments.

In recent years the world production of fisheries has had good improvements but it has met with problems such as management and storage and preservation of fisheries' products, as well as the problems caused by the degradation and pollution of the environment.COFI has given us a set of priority areas for future work.

We would like to stress that it is important to collect, review and disseminate information and data.It is also important to provide know-how and promote international cooperation as well as to provide support to field programmes in the fisheries sector.

COFI has given in-depth review to the five Programmes of Action defined in 1984 by the World Fisheries Conference.These programmes deal with planning, management and the development of fisheries, both artisanal and aquaculture, the international trade of fisheries' products and the role of fisheries in the struggle against malnutrition.We believe that the implementation of such programmes has been quite satisfactory during the past five years, and these programmes will provide guidelines at the international level for fisheries management and development.We hope that FAO will be able to continue its activities in this field, especially at this point in time when we are seeing the degradation of certain fisheries' products and the degradation of the aquatic environment.

Jaime GARCIA Y BADIAS (España): Deseamos en primer lugar felicitar al Dr. Lindquist por la exposición del tema que ha realizado.

La delegación española quisiera señalar que tras un análisis de las conclusiones del 18° período de sesiones del Comité de Pesca, se ha vuelto a poner de manifiesto que la estrategia aprobada en la Conferencia Mundial de Pesca constituye un instrumento util para los gobiernos y organismos internacionales en sus esfuerzos por mejorar la aportación del sector pesquero a los objetivos nacionales en los planos económico, social y nutricional.

Respecto a los Programas de Acción, siguen observándose desequilibrios apreciables en al apoyo financiero, tanto entre las reglones como entre los Programas, que es necesario ir paliando.

Uno de los puntos más debatidos durante la sesión y que reviste un gran interés para la delegación española es el "Sistema uniforme para el marcado e identificación de las embarcaciones pesqueras".

Sr. Presidente, si bien el Comité apoyó en principio la ratificación de las especificaciones y su adopción con carácter voluntarlo, se puso de manifiesto que las prácticas actuales y otra serie de problemas, especialmente en lo que se refiere a las embarcaciones pequeñas, hacía necesario más tiempo para la aplicación efectiva del sistema.

Teniendo esto presente, España podría refrendar las especificaciones, siempre que se llegara a un consenso de carácter mundial y se dispusiera del tiempo suficiente para que, llegado el caso de que un determinado país decidiese existir el esquema de marcado FAO, las flotas afectadas dispusieran de un plazo razonable para adaptarse a él.

En todo caso, la delegación española desea señalar que, por razones técnicas y prácticas, no debería exigirse que las embarcaciones pequeñas que faenan fuera de las aguas españolas deban marcarse necesariamente según las especificaciones.

Otro de los puntos tratados en el ultimo período de sesiones del COFI fue el de los Organos Regionales de Pesca de la FAO. No deberíamos dejar de resaltar aquí la gran importancia de estos

órganos, ya que gracias a ellos la FAO ha venido encausando sus mayores logros en materia de evaluación y ordenación de recursos pesqueros, así como en materia de desarrollo.

Especial mención, Sr. Presidente, merece para nosotros el Consejo General de Pesca del Mediterráneo que ha requerido un esfuerzo presupuestario por parte de la FAO que, sin embargo, es preciso proseguir a fin de afianzar los logros y rentabilizar a medio y largo plazo las tareas emprendidas.

Asimismo por lo que se refiere al Comité de Pesquerías Centro-Oriental (CPACO), la delegación española desea recoger aquí lo dicho por varias delegaciones en el ultimo período de sesiones del COFI y expresar también su deseo de que el proyecto CPACO cotinúe. Este Proyecto acaba de finalizar, por lo que sería necesario que la FAO establezca el marco jurídico y financiero que permita su prolongación en el seno de la Organización.

En cuanto al papel de la FAO a nivel mundial en el sector de la pesca, dado que esta tiene una ventaja comparativa con otras organizaciones y un mandato especial, debe reforzar aún más su función, por otro lado ya antigua, en la recopilación, análisis y difusión de información y de datos sobre todos los aspectos de la pesca.

Por último, Sr. Presidente, por todo ello, aunque insuficiente, valoramos el aumento del 1,9% en el presupuesto dedicado a la pesca, considerando que sólo si se continúa en los próximos ejercicios económicos, con la línea emprendida, será posible alcanzar los objetivos propuestos.

Michael McGILL (United Kingdom): The United Kingdom notes with satisfaction the general emphasis on priorities in the Fisheries Department Programme and Budget for 1990-91, which reflects the conclusions of the 1984 World Fisheries Conference and which were confirmed during COFI this year.

We welcome the increased attention to aquaculture and to the development and operation of Fisheries Information Systems and Services. The latter in particular should be seen as an overriding priority role for FAO in support of development and fisheries management.

We think that the FAO should ensure that adequate resources are given to the Fisheries Branch Library in order for it to maintain its extremely useful and informative services.

We join with other delegations and call for the continued enhancement of the role of women in fisheries development.

The United Kingdom is keen to see an increased emphasis on social and environmental aspects of fisheries management, and wish FAO to give high priority to the monitoring and prevention of environmental degradation in both marine and inland waters and in aquaculture, and also to promote inter-country cooperation in protecting the aquatic environment.

Finally, we note that discussions about the adoption of a draft agreement for the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission will take place under Agenda Item 19.2, and we would like to reserve our position on this until then.

Bassim HUSSEIN (Iraq) (original language Arabic): My delegation would like to thank Mr Lindquist and all those who have collaborated in preparing the Report of the Committee on Fisheries because this Report contains very valuable information about the role of FAO in this vital sector.

My delegation supports what has been said in this Report on the exhaustion of deep water fisheries and it asks for the orientation towards traditional fisheries. We would like the Organization to make some additional efforts in order to pinpoint this new species in the inland waters, and would also like to see a plan for the exploitation of this new breed.

We would like to say that we support the services given by the Branch Library of the Department of Fisheries especially in the field of translation. This will enable all countries of the world to benefit from its translations.

Mr Chairman, my delegation would like to see high priority given to the Centre for Policy Advice and Analysis, and for integrated research in fisheries biology, economics and technology, and also we would like to see emphasis in carrying out the studies on new concepts of management and methodologies.

My delegation thinks that the link between the bodies of this Organization and the sector on fisheries and the other units has become very weak or non-existent.We notice that the world has made progress in aquaculture, and this is a new field which has expanded a lot in recent years.So any unit or sector should be working hand in hand with the other sectors, and in order to bring the benefits of this new development to all regions of the world, we should be able to combine our efforts and save some money and time by combining the efforts of the Inland Water Fisheries Commission in Latin America, the Inland Water Fisheries Commission in Africa and the European Consultative Commission for Inland Fisheries.

Mr Chairman, my delegation supports what has been said in paragraph 37 of the Report of the Committee regarding the expansion of the mandate for the management of fisheries in order to Include the Arabian Sea, the Arab Gulf and the Red Sea.My country is of course part of the Arab region and we notice that efforts have not been made in this region in the field of aquaculture.The delegation of Iraq would like to insist on the establishing or setting up of a commission on inland fisheries for the countries of the region.The countries of the region are ready to participate like Iraq and Egypt, and we have some scientific capabilities on infrastructure to enable us to set up this commission.Our region badly needs this commission because most of our countries depend on aquaculture and on fisheries, and they are full of rivers and inland waters.I think this request is in conformity with what has been decided in the Third Programme of Work which has been adopted by the International Conference on Fisheries of 1984 in paragraph 80 of the Report.We should give high priority to training and to exchange of visits by experts and specialists in order to know the capabilities of each other.I would like to say that my country will, at the end of this year, organize an expanded symposium on aquaculture in the world.We will invite all the companies producing fish, and experts will also be invited to take part in this symposium.We hope that FAO will be able to support us and give us some financial support in order to achieve this goal. We are ready to discuss this matter formally with the Organization, and we have already submitted a formal request.

Mr Chairman, in conclusion my delegation would like to say that it supports the Report and the programme and budget for 1990-91, and we hope that the Commission on Fisheries will be successful in its useful work.Thank you very much.

Maaayuki KOMATSU (Japan):Mr Chairman, my delegation would like to extend compliments to Mr Lindquist for his excellent introduction to the Report of the COFI session.My delegation highly commends the objectives and functions of the Committee on Fisheries as the only forum where each Member Nation could discuss and exchange views on the global aspects of fisheries.

As you are fully aware, Japan is the largest fishing nation and the largest importer of fishery products.Therefore, Japan has significant interests and concerns on fisheries matters and we have been always positively prepared to participate in discussions on fisheries issues.Having said that, my delegation in principle supports the contents of the report before us, CL 95/7.However, I would like to make some specific comments on several items.

I would like to touch upon the utilization of fisheries resources. Fisheries resources are very important sources of food contributing to resolving the food supply and nutrition problems in the world.Therefore, the demands for fishery resources will definitely increase in the future.In this respect, the task to conserve fisheries resources and to achieve the optimum utilization of such resources becomes more and more important in the future.

Japan feels that it is unfortunate that part of the efforts are directed towards a ban on utilizing fisheries resources in some cases.For example, in the International Whaling Commission (IWC), there have been emotionally extreme arguments prevailing over otherwise reasonable and scientific discussions by an insistence that whaling activity should cease entirely. Our delegation believes that we should all together ponder calmly if this extreme argument is wise for the purpose of achieving the optimum use of fisheries resources that have been given by nature as food for human beings.

Aquaculture is an area of fisheries that draws attention these days.My delegation notes the willingness of the Member countries of FAO to enhance the economic operations of aquaculture.On the one hand it gives the opportunity to enhance the economy and income for the fisherman, but on the other hand, aquaculture has another side.For example, for yellowtail aquaculture it is necessary to feed 10 kilograms of bait fish, such as sardines, in order to produce one kilogram of yellowtail.In this sense, aquaculture is not the way to enhance production;rather it will reduce the amount of fish available to human beings.Also, fish aquaculture discharges undigested materials and waste into the environment of the ocean.That may lead to deterioration of the aquaculture environment.

My country has been fully aware of the importance of the development of fisheries resources by each coastal nation with due respect to the sustainable development harmonizing with environmental concerns.In this respect Japan has been contributing to the development of fisheries in the coastal nations through various frameworks.For example, Japan contributes through the FAO Trust Fund for the Stock Assessment and Development Programme of the Indo-Pacific Ocean (IPTD), and the development and extension of aquaculture techniques in the South Pacific.

With respect to the bilateral cooperation framework in the fisheries sector, Japan contributes grant aid for fisheries through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and such schemes that provide funds for coastal developing countries with no obligation for repayment.Under this framework Japan has supported construction of fishery training centres, fisheries research laboratory, fisheries ports, and so forth.

Japan has been prepared to cooperate with countries concerned.Therefore, we are ready to consult through diplomatic channels on any project proposals.

Our delegation supports the concept of a standardized system for the marking and identification of fishing vessels.In Japan the Japanese distant water fleets have already implemented such a standardized system.However, small boats in length or tonnage have to overcome some technical difficulty in adopting that system.In that case it should be left to the discretion of individual governments and, therefore, we are quite satisfied with paragraph 99 of document CL 95/7 that mentions the specification on a voluntary basis.

Finally, my delegation would like to make a comment on the draft agreement for the establishment of an Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, although the latest comment will be on agenda item 19.2.Japan as a fishing nation for tuna in the Indian Ocean is in the position that the new framework for establishment of the management of Indian Ocean tuna is indispensable because the existing body of IOFC has no management function in the recent development of the fishing fleets in the ocean, and the increased necessity of such activities necessitates the establishment of a new management regime.

In this sense, not only all coastal nations' participation but also the participation of all fishing nations, including the Soviet Union and the EEC, are tremendously important.

Although Japan is of the opinion that the FAO Article 14 body is the desirable body to deal with the Indian Ocean tuna issue, if Article 14 cannot accommodate the participation of the EEC then Japan is of the opinion that the possibility of establishing such a body outside of the FAO framework should be positively considered.Such outside FAO body should have backup from the FAO.

Finally, my delegation would like to extend our wholehearted gratitude to Mr Kojima, who was the Director of Fishery Operations Service in the Fishery Department for 26 years and was the highest ranked expert of Japanese nationality in FAO.He is retiring this month.

Javier TANTALEAN (Perú): En primer lugar,quiero unirme a las felicitaciones del Dr. Lindquist por la disertación que ha tenido sobre su informe. Luego, quiero reafirmar la posición de mi país con respecto a la FAO, ya que la FAO debe tener un rol de vanguardia a nivel mundial en el ámbito pesquero, en relación al conjunto de organismos internacionales. Hay cinco temas comunes que ha identificado la FAO: Protección del medio ambiente acuático, Mejora de la información de los datos estadísticos de pesca, Inversiones,-Capacitación y Función de la mujer en la pesca. Si nosotros quisiéramos completar un enfoque más integral del sistema pesquero considerando los recursos pesqueros, los ciclos de extracción, transformación, comercialización y consumo, desearíamos que se incluyeran otros tres temas para completar este enfoque más integral. Uno es el relativo a los hábitos, ya que existen precedentes de países que poseen abundante cantidad de pescado, pero que no la consideran dentro de sus patrones de consumo, sino, por el contrario, una ingestión de proteínas importadas por lo general. En ese sentido sería interesante que la FAO pudiera ayudar a los gobiernos a ver, a estudiar experiencias como, por ejemplo, la de España, en que hubo cambios importantes en los hábitos de consumo y la introducción del pescado.

El otro tema que me parece que debería ser identificado por la FAO se refiere a las artes de pesca: desde la pesca artesanal hasta la pesca de altura. De esta manera nosotros podríamos atender uno de los objetivos que el Director General ha mencionado en una de sus disertaciones, que es la explotación de las especies poco explotadas. Esto lo hago pensando tanto en mi país, donde existen muchas especies que no son explotadas, como en otros países.

Y el tercer tema para completar este enfoque más integral sería el apoyo a la investigación sobre las biomasas existentes.Si queremos evitar el despilfarro y el mal uso de los recursos, la sobrepesca, definitivamente tenemos que apoyar la investigación sobre la cantidad permisible de pesca, para evitar su extinción.

Por otro lado, Sr. Presidente, luego de haber mencionado estos tres temas que deberían incorporarse, quiero referirme a las políticas de ajuste estructural, tan comunes por lo menos en América Latina, que es donde más conozco, y su impacto en el desarrollo pesquero; políticas de ajuste estructural que,como es sabido, traen una caída brutal en los ingresos, sobre todo en los sectores menos favorecidos, y una elevación en los precios, como el caso del pescado. Y aquí estamos en un circulo vicioso, porque el pescado sirve para luchar contra la subnutrición, y las políticas de ajuste estructural en tal sentido afectan la seguridad alimentaria. Es por eso que quisiera solicitar a la FAO que tenga una participación mucho más activa en el diseño de políticas, programas y proyectos de compensación social frente a las políticas de ajuste, donde el pescado debe ocupar un lugar prominente dentro de lo que son los hábitos de consumo y los programas especiales, sobre todo los dedicados a los sectores más pobres.

De otro lado, hemos sido testigos de que existen, al menos por parte de mi país, muchas superposiciones en programas y proyectos a nivel de organismos mundiales, regionales y subregionales. En tal sentido, sería interesante una mayor coordinación de todos las organizaciones internacionales para evitar que se dilapiden recursos y que estemos sobre proyectos y programas que son paralelos. Una mejor coordinación y concertación podrían ayudar en ese sentido. También apoyamos la petición realizada para que los proyectos de productos pesqueros puedan entrar en el Fondo Común para Productos Básicos.

Por último, nosotros pensamos que, dada la importancia que pueden tener las proteínas de origen pesquero, debería hacerse un llamado a los donantes para incrementar los recursos del Departamento de Pesca de la FAO.

Stephen D. HILL (United States of America):Mr Chairman, my delegation supports the report of the 18th Session of the Committee on Fisheries.We agree with the high priority given to further strengthening FAO's role in aquaculture development and in the collection, analysis and dissemination of fisheries information and data, particularly in the aquaculture sector.

We note the Committee endorsed the use of five themes in further implementing the Programmes of Action.These themes are Improvement of fishery information, investment, training, the role of women in fisheries, and protection of the aquatic environment.My delegation supports the use of these themes, but with respect to protection of the aquatic environment we are concerned that FAO not undertake activities that duplicate those of the United Nations Environment Programme and other international organizations with comparative advantage in environmental protection.

Regarding the report of the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade, my delegation supports the Regular Programme efforts of FAO in fisheries exploitation, especially the Regional Marketing Services.

My delegation supports the level of funding and priorities for fisheries as proposed by FAO and recommended by the Committee.

John YEHNIMATAS (Greece):May I join the previous speakers in congratulating the Committee on Fisheries and its Chairman for their report that we have in front of us.

At this stage I want to limit myself to one comment.I do not see much in the report regarding the preservation of fisheries resources.As other delegations, I want to see our organization take a major role in this field in conserving species of paramount importance to all of us.I understand the various difficulties emanating from the fact that scientific assessments do not always coincide with practical objectives.However, this matter deserves further consideration, and I am open to any action to be taken in that direction.

With regard to the standardized system for marking fishing vessels, it has been obvious from previous interventions that this forum needs additional time to reach a consensus.

Real LALANDE (Canada):I would like to thank Mr Lindquist for his presentation.Canada was an active member in the April 1989 COFI meeting and the Canadian delegation is in agreement with the five priority areas identified by the Committee.

The Canadian delegation particularly supports the role of FAO in the improvement, collection and discussion of fisheries information and statistics, and its future efforts in the protection of the aquatic environment.Regarding this latter issue, we would like to mention the Brundtland Commission Report which rightly stressed the importance of strengthening international agreements to prevent over-exploitation of marine and freshwater resources, and other dangerous practices. Fisheries resources must be effectively husbanded.Failure to achieve progress in the area of conservation will have a significant impact on the fishing industries of all countries.

Canada has been increasingly concerned by the ever-present danger of over-exploitation of fish stocks, especially in the northwest Atlantic.We have been alarmed at the spreading use of destructive fishing gear technology such as Pacific drift nets.Such practices are inconsistent with the rational management and protection of fish stocks and other biological habitats.Canada takes the view that the only solution to the problems of over-fishing is a broad multilateral one. We encourage FAO to lend its efforts to finding solutions to these problems by studying the economic cost of such practices.

My delegation notes the considerable progress made in discussions concerning the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission.We believe commissions such as this one can have an effective measure of control on fishing by various countries in a particular region.In this spirit, Canada participated constructively in the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna-ICCAT.

Finally, my delegation endorses the practical decision to schedule future meetings of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade in conjunction with the sessions of the Committee on Fisheries itself.

Assefa YILALA (Ethiopia):I will be brief, and confine my observations to two general remarks. First of all, I would like to thank Mr Lindquist for his introduction to this agenda item. Incidentally, this document contains very valuable information but has no matter which requires the decision of the Council.This is indicated on the first page of the document.Therefore, we express our recognition of the information contained and thank both the Committee and the Secretariat for their respective contributions towards the outcome contained in the Report.

My country participated in both the 18th Session of the Committee on Fisheries and the Conference for the Adoption of the Draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, whose respective proceedings are included in the Report we see before us.We expressed our endorsement of the Report of the Committee because it is a reflection of the discussion of that Committee.However, we are concerned with regard to the delay in the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission.We hope that the planned conference later this year will materialize in order to bring about the establishment of the Commission which is important to the development of tuna in the Indian Ocean.We also admit that the reasoning behind this delay is well founded and hope that adequate preparations are made to resolve outstanding issues.

Finally, I express our satisfaction at the continuation of the five Programmes of Action endorsed by the 1984 FAO World Conference on Fisheries to provide an International framework and guidelines for fishery management and development.

Bernd von SYDOW (Germany, Federal Republic of):I shall also be very brief.First of all, may I thank Mr Lindquist for his concise and clear introduction.In line with other delegations, we welcome the document for this agenda item.The Report of the 18th Session of the Committee on Fisheries in our view gives a very good summary, and reflects the discussion well.Furthermore, the Report contains a good analysis of the present situation and future trends in this sphere.

Regarding future activities, we approve the moderate budget increase for the next budget biennium. We also support the fact that aquaculture gets the attention it deserves for economic, social and nutritional reasons.In line with the introductory remarks made, we approve the fact that environmental issues are given due attention, and hope that duplication with other international bodies will be avoided.

Lastly, we agree to the proposal to include practical topics on the agenda of future sessions of the Committee, which are of common interest to many Member countries.

C. Srinivasa SASTRY (India):May I start India's intervention by complimenting the Assistant Director-General, Fisheries, Mr Lindquist, on his presentation.If I might quote from the opening statement of the Director-General to the 18th Session of COFI, "the impartial expertise, depth of expertise and dedication represented by FAO and the staff of the Fisheries Department in particular", we feel is symbolized and personifiedby Mr Lindquist.

We notice from document CL 95/7 in relation to the 18th Session of COFI that the matters requiring attention by Council do not include any matters for decision, but all of them are matters for the information of Council.Consistent with what we stated yesterday regarding COAG, India regards COFI also as a technical committee of the Council.That is the reason why India specially deputed two specialists from the national headquarters, one dealing with capture and culture of fish and the

other dealing with processing to attend the 18th Session of COFI.However, we find that document CL 95/7 departs from normal FAO practice and does not give in Appendix Β on page 21 the list of Delegates and Observers, but only has included the two words "Not included"·If the non-inclusion of the list of delegates was an economy measure due to the financial crunch of the FAO, may I suggest that this practice is not adopted selectively for the Fishery Department alone, but is made applicable to documents relating to all the Departments of FAO.

India was also included in the Drafting Committee of the 18th Session of COFI.Having actively participated in the session and the drafting of the report, my delegation wishes to commend that the COFI Report be endorsed and accepted by the Council.In this background our observations will be limited to a few key aspects covered by the COFI Report.

First of all, a general comment on the new procedure for formulating the Programme of Work and Budget introduced after the 24th Session of the FAO Conference under the revised procedure brought in as an experimental measure.Under this, the Summary Programme of Work and Budget is discussed not only in the Special Joint Session of the Programme and Finance Committees, but also in all the technical committees of FAO before the Programme of Work and Budget comes up before both the Council and the Conference.We are happy to notice that this experimental procedure seems to be proving both useful and effective, as evidenced by paragraphs 74 to 94 of the COFI Report on pages 14 to 16 of document CL 95/7.

To quote from paragraph 76:

"The Committee expressed appreciation for the improvement in the presentation of the document" (i.e. the Programme of Work and Budget relating to Fisheries) "which provided tables showing net changes down to programme element level and brief descriptions on changes proposed within and between sub-programmes."

The Indian delegation feels strongly that this practice and procedure enhances transparency substantially.We also find this procedure enables a technical committee like COFI to have a detailed, informed and meaningful discussion on the proposed activities of FAO for the ensuing biennium.The activities and programmes were considered by COFI programme-wise and also sub-programme-wise.We are happy to note that they endorsed and supported the substantial increase in allocation to sub-programme Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture, paragraph 86 of the document·

We also support the conclusion in paragraph 94 that the fisheries programme as proposed, that is, as proposed in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget,

"was balanced, responsive to the needs of Member countries and constituted an acceptable basis for the preparation of the full Programme of Work and Budget in fisheries for consideration by the Twenty-fifth Session of the FAO Conference."

India also endorses the conclusions of COFI firstly on the need for reducing post-harvest losses, including by-catch discards and the need to promote effective development of aquaculture.

We also feel that further efforts need to be made to reduce obstacles to trade, in particular non-tariff barriers.We strongly endorse COFI's call to FAO in paragraph 20-

"to give high priority in its fisheries programme to the monitoring and prevention of environmental degradation, in both marine and inland waters and in aquaculture, and to promote inter-country cooperation in protecting the aquatic environment·"

With the recent epidemic of UDS in inland and culture fisheries in India, we specially emphasize the importance of this activity in the programmes of work of FAO.UDS started about 10 years ago in Australia.It has travelled across the Pacific Ocean during the past 10 or 11 years, across the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, and entered India last year.Our apprehension is that unless UDS is tackled immediately it will travel further west towards FAO headquarters in Rome and further beyond, unless concerted action is taken to deal with this.Experts tell us there is no treatment or preventative action except environmental factors.

We extend our full support to the nine regional fisheries bodies which have assisted in ECDC and TCDC.We urge these bodies to adapt themselves to the changing situation in the fisheries sector and endorse the observation that lack of financial resources is a serious problem for nearly all regional bodies in fisheries.We hope that the donor support will be forthcoming in a larger measure·

My delegation also supports the recommendations on marking and identification of fishery vessels, because we have a very expanded exclusive economic zone. With regard to the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, we reserve the right to make an intervention on Item 19.2 when it comes up for discussion,

Roberto E.E. DALTON (Argentina): En primer término, mi delegación desea dar las gracias al Dr. Lindquiet por una clara y precisa introducción al tema que hoy consideramos.

La delegación argentina tuvo oportunidad de fijar en detalle su posición durante el 18º COFI. Participó de los trabajos del Comité de Redacción y brindó, por fin, su respaldo al informe que hoy estamos considerando. En consecuencia sólo formularé breves comentarios.

Nuestra delegación otorga altísima prioridad a la función de la FAO en el fomento de la autosuficiencia de los países en desarrollo, respecto al desarrollo y ordenación de la pesca mediante la capacitación y la transferencia de conocimientos, técnicas y tecnologías apropiadas.

Reconocemos asimismo el rol principal de la FAO en la recolección, el análisis y la difusión de información y de datos. Sobre este particular vemos con interés el perfeccionamiento del banco de datos del Departamento de Pesca.

Apoyamos asimismo la importante tarea de la FAO en el asesoramiento y análisis de políticas, por su capital importancia para los países en desarrollo.

Vemos con aprobación la continuación de los programas de acción de la Conferencia Mundial de Pesca de 1984 y el aumento de la cifra indicativa de apoyo a los mismos a 20 millones de dólares. Expresamos, en ese sentido, la esperanza de que se pueda alcanzar esa suma y se corrija el desequilibrio registrado hasta el presente en el apoyo financiero prestado a las diversas regiones en desarrollo.

Compartimos, en este sentido, la preocupación expresada por la distinguida delegación de Cuba cuando señaló que América Latina ha sido la región menos favorecida.

Compartimos también la preocupación de la distinguida delegación de México que señaló la subsistencia de trabas al comercio internacional de productos pesqueros, tanto arancelarias como no arancelarias, y la necesidad de que el Subcomité de comercio Pesquero dé atención prioritaria en este cuestión.

Con relación al contenido del informe respecto a la tarea de la FAO relativa a la preservación del medio ambiente acuático, quisiéramos adherirnos a lo expresado hace un instante por los distinguidos delegados de Estados Unidos y República Federal de Alemania, en el sentido de aconsejar cautela. En efecto, estimamos que la función de la FAO en este campo no es prioritaria, dado que podría duplicar actividades de otras organizaciones internacionales.

Reiteramos nuestro respaldo a toda iniciativa tendente a favorecer y mejorar la participación de la mujer en el sector pesquero y esperamos analizar en profundidad los avances de la FAO a este aspectodurante el 19º período de sesiones del COFI.

Sobre un tema de particular interés para nuestra región, hacemos llegar nuestro especial reconocimiento al Gobierno italiano por su respaldo al Proyecto sobre Acuicultura AQUILA en curso en América Latina.

Por último damos nuestro apoyo al marco programático del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto para el 1990-91 y reiteramos nuestro aprecio al aumento presupuestario previsto por el Director General. Ese aumento, aunque modesto, significa, a nuestro juicio, una reafirmación de la importancia de la labor de la FAO en esta importante área de la actividad humana.

Abdul KDDDUS AHMAD (Malaysia):The Malaysian delegation wishes to express its appreciation to Dr Lindquist for the clear and concise presentation of the report.We endorse the report.In particular, we endorse the five broad areas of emphasis and priority set forth for the next 25 years.My delegation is also appreciative of the direction taken by the Organization in strengthening the support for training and research in fisheries.We believe that research and trained manpower is the core for rational development of the fisheries industry.

As far as Malaysia is concerned, since the first Fisheries World Conference, most of the major emphasis has been given recognition by my Government, in particular the deep sea fishing in our EEZ waters·

We fully subscribe to the need for stronger support in aquaculture development which holds promise for increased earnings among fishermen.In this connection, my delegation endorses FAO's effort in strengthening its support for this sector, especially in such matters as advice, assistance and training in aquaculture techniques and in the identification of national policies and plans for aquaculture development.

Regarding the four main areas, namely data collection, research and training, management and development, that have been identified in reviewing the FAO regional fishery bodies, my delegation feels that these emphases are in line with the present needs of member countries.These functions could be successfully achieved through the regional bodies, especially with regard to giving concentration on problems of similar nature.We, therefore, hope that FAO would give its continued support and emphasis to the regional bodies.

Touching on the 1984 World Fisheries Conference's Programme of Action, our delegation is supportive that the programme be extended, particularly in Programme of Action 1, namely planning, management and development of fisheries, which has been given the highest allocation, and also to Programme of Action 3, aquaculture development, and Programme 4, international trade in fish and fishery products·

As far as programme of Action 1 is concerned, we consider this is the area that should be given top priority because planning, management and development are the nerve centres of the fisheries industry.In this respect, my delegation would like to take this opportunity to request FAO to further assist member countries in building up their capacities and capabilities to effectively manage their resources in the new extended EEZ areas.

Mrs. Marasee SDRAKUL (Thailand):First of all, may I begin by expressing my delegation's appreciation to Dr. Lindquist for his presentation which was both lucid and comprehensive.The Thai delegation has no difficulty in supporting all decisions and recommendations made by the Committee on Fisheries.However, we have a few comments as follows.

First, we were happy to note with great satisfaction that the Director-General has proposed an increase of 1.9 percent for the Fisheries programmes as compared with 1.1 percent for the Organization as a whole.We fully support this move.

Secondly, we concur with the view that the high priority of FAO's role should be the collection, analysis and dissemination of information and data on all aspects of fisheries.We are also happy to note that the Committee recognized the need for FAO to maintain its key role in promoting inter-country collaboration in fisheries, including trade-related matters, and strongly endorsed FAO's initiative to promote the role of women in fisheries.

Finally, regarding the matter of trade, my delegation would like to share our experience that recently Thailand had a problem concerning food additives in our fisheries products which had been exported to developed countries.This is because of the lack of correct information.Therefore, we would like to suggest that FAO should collect the correct information about both tariff and non-tariff barriers and keep member countries informed continuously.

Daniel R. PHOROKO (Lesotho):We congratulate the Committee on Fisheries for providing the Council with a well prepared, informative report that reflects consistency in the implementation of the 1984 World Fisheries Conference's Programme of Action.

The report, so ably presented by Dr. Lindquist, tackles the five Programmes of Action as an integrated framework with the common issues being fully integrated within them.Allow me to make some brief comments on the work of FAO in fisheries during 1990-91.

The increase of resource allocations as shown in paragraph 79 for the Fisheries Programme of 1.9 percent, as compared to 1.1 percent for the Organization as a whole, is welcome.But considering the vital role that fisheries play in food security, environmental rehabilitation and sustainable development in developing countries, we feel that the task before FAO is an immense one, hence the basic principle for proper use of resources emphasized by the Secretariat in paragraph 84, and this we fully endorse.Paragraph 86 indicates a substantial increase in allocations for inland fisheries and aquaculture.This is encouraging.It is through this programme that women's role in fisheries development can be highlighted, and we urge a deliberate effort to ensure women's participation in

all activities of this programme.Furthermore, Lesotho wishes to reiterate the desire of most "Committee delegations that more specific provision be made to meet the needs of landlocked states. The reasons for this plea are obvious, as such states are usually the least developed with precarious food security situations.

Finally, one would welcome an explanation on paragraph 85 of why the Committee did not find it appropriate to increase allocations to the sub-programme on fish utilization and marketing which is related to the implementation of Programme of Action No. 4, and in particular No. 5 on the promotion of the role of fisheries in alleviating under-nutrltlon.In this regard, we are of the opinion that both under-nutrition and malnutrition prevailing in most of our countries can be alleviated by specific increased training programmes that concentrate on the nutritional aspects of fisheries programmes.These aspects include consumption patterns, fish food preparation and cost-effective low technology processing.

US PRESIDENT: Nous avons terminé le débat sur cette question. Je voudrais maintenant donner la parole à M. Lindquist qui répondra aux questions posées par les délégués.

A.H. LINDQUIST (Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department):Thank you, Mr Chairman, for giving me the opportunity to make some replies.I also may wish to ask some of my colleagues for some detailed Information.First of all, as it has been readily observed, this was not for a decision;the Information given here is for Information.But the Secretariat is very happy to see that the approach of it presents first a perspective for the 25 years ahead.It has been generally accepted.This gives the frame of where we are, that there will be an increasing demand for fish. I think from the interventions here it was clear that the work of the regional fishery bodies is highly appreciated.I think it is at this stage not necessary to comment on a special case, namely the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, because that will be discussed later.But the work of the regional fishery bodies is appreciated, and there was from very many parts a demand that donors should have a look at the work of those bodies or the work supporting those bodies.

The World Fisheries Conference, which was held in 1984, with the five Programmes of Action and with the strategy which was adopted, and it was interesting to hear that several delegates said that this is still the only global strategy acceptable for fisheries development.So it means that one has been on the right path.When it comes to the Programmes of Action, there are also those which should continue.That was quite obvious from the interventions.Then the raise to $ 20 million depends, of course, on which funds are available, but as we see it now, there will be no difficulty. The demands are much greater than $ 20 million, of course, for regional cooperation.

I think there was also very great support for the work of the Sub-committee on Fish Trade, and I may comment on some of the details a little later.I think one observation was very important, namely that at those meetings at which the question of the sub-committee becoming an International commodity body, the delegates attending those meetings where this will be decided, they should be influenced so that this will happen because they are often not the same delegates as here;they are quite different persons.But coordination within the countries is needed.I think this was very important·

Before going into details, I would also say it was very heartening to hear about the offers made for training by the delegation of Czechoslovakia and by Japan and the invitation to the Aquaculture Symposium which was given by the delegation of Iraq.I think the Council here is the right forum just for mentioning such activities or inviting such activities, in that way promoting TCDC.

There have been a number of detailed questions, and I will try to answer at least some of them.The delegate of Mexico asked about the two officers, the two posts which are deleted.As you may remember, those posts were only established for 18 months under the present biennium, and the intention was not to continue that.So it was a deletion, but it was planned from the very beginning.

The delegate of Congo mentioned specifically the role of women, and so did very, very many other delegations.The Fisheries Department is very observant on this.We have a core group for women in development, a special group which is scrutinizing projects or activities and giving comments on how women could be included and what their role could be.This is also valid for field projects, so we will continue in this way.

The delegate of Cuba mentioned that Latin America is still a Cinderella when it comes to the Programmes of Action and the extra-budgetary funds.As we all know, this is depending not only on our wishes but even on the donors' wishes, and we are trying to convince donors that there should be an equal distribution between the different regions.

There were several questions-specifically, Australia mentioned here-about the marking of fishing gear.I think this question is not settled yet, and this needs further study.What has been agreed at COFI on a voluntary basis, that was only for fishing vessels.For fishing gear, this is more complicated·

The delegate of Iraq mentioned about the links with other units which are necessary.As I understand, these were the links within the House, within the Organization.By nature, fishery le a little different from agriculture and from forestry because of the wet ambient.But there are very close connections with forestry in the question of the use of mangroves, and with agriculture as regards aquaculture. We have a close cooperation there.

When it comes to environmental matters, there is an Interdepartmental Working Group on Energy and the Environment.

Then there was a specific question of the inland waters in Arabic countries.Egypt, for example, is a member of the Inland Fisheries Commission for Africa.The question of the future of some of these bodies will be discussed within the Indian Ocean Fishery Commission meeting in October this year, the beginning of October, where there is an agenda item on the structure of that fishery body.Of course, that extends to most of the Gulf areas and those countries, and this can be discussed there.

The delegate of Japan mentioned the Whaling Commission.COFI has previously said that as the Organization has so much to do in fisheries, whaling would not be the highest priority.On the other hand, there is a Whaling Commission, so we have not been involved so much in this field.Of course, we have been working on the interaction between whales and fisheries and fish and have even published some documents about this, but it has, according to our decision, a somewhat lower priority.

The delegate of Japan also mentioned the problem of feed in aquaculture which is a very, very important matter, and one of the posts which has been proposed in the Programme of Work and Budget-the additional post on aquaculture in the Programme of Work and Budget for 1990-91-will just be concerned with questions of feed in aquaculture.

The delegate of Peru mentioned several very important matters.Of course, there is a Fisheries Industries Division in the Fisheries Department, and fishing gear is part of their work.We will be pleased to give more information about this.The delegate also mentioned the question of studying food habits and approaching the poorest sector of the population.This is extremely important, and there are elements in our Programme covering this.Of course, more should be done in this field.

Then the question of research on existing biomass was mentioned.That is exactly the task of the Fisheries Resources and Environment Division to assist countries in assesssing the biomass stock, how much can be taken, and work that has been done in different parts of the world, and at every COFI meeting a review of the situation of the stocks is presented which is, by the way, the only existing world review which is presented every second year, and for this COFI meeting for the first time we also presented a review on the global aquaculture situation.

Now the question of overlapping was mentioned by several delegates and especially in the context of the environment.Of course, as the Secretariat sees it we can only be interested in environmental questions as those matters are affecting fisheries directly. The environmental situation is a very broad thing, but our interest is in fisheries and fisheries affected as food, or when fish is affected in its biology and its production, so it is a question of balance, but with the growing interest In environmental matters we are getting more requests and more questions from countries asking for advice, so we have to cover this in some way.

Then there was the specific question of the list of delegates.The Report will be printed in the normal way and all the delegates will be listed.Thank you Mr Chairman.

LE PRESIDENT: Merci Monsieur Lindquist pour vos réponses claires. J'espère que les délégués ont reçu des réponses claires à leurs questions. Y a-t-il d'autres questions?

Juan NDIRY SAWCHEZ (Goba): Más para la Comisión de Redacción que para la Secretaría, antes de terminar la sesión de la mañana quisiéramos unirnos, en nombre de la Delegación cubana, al oportuno y merecido planteamiento de la Delegación de Colombia referente al reconocimiento al distinguido y valioso Representante de Filipinas, Sr. Garandang. Consideramos que debe ser recogido, tal como la planteó Colombia, precisamente en este informe final.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous sommes maintenant arrivée à la fin de ce débat très important sur les pèches. Je voudrais pour ma part intervenir en disant que le Conseil se félicite du travail excellent fait par le COFI et nous nous félicitons notamment du déroulement de cette session du programme d'action de la Conférence mondiale des pêches de 1984. Le Conseil suggère que les cinq domaines prioritaires qu'elle a définis se poursuivent après 1989 pour fournir un cadre et des orientations internationales valables pour l'aménagement et le développement des pêches. Je veux pour preuve de cette efficacité la tendance positive des apports financiers au développement des pèches qui ont dépassé les 15 millions de dollars par an et j'émets le voeu que le chiffre indicatif de 20 millions de dollars puisse être atteint et même dépassé. Je crois que le Conseil, de manière générale, a demandé que la FAO renforce et joue un rôle accru dans le domaine de la pêche et qu'elle puisse être partie prenante dans les réflexions sur le commerce international des produits halieutiques qui sont du plus haut intérêt pour les pays en développement.

Je crois également pouvoir dire que le Conseil s'est félicité de cette augmentation de 1,9 pour cent qui est meilleure que la moyenne d'augmentation et souhaite que l'effort pour la pêche puisse être toujours renforcé.

Enfin je crois qu'on pourrait dire que notre Conseil appuie (nous sommes tenus de prendre le cas échéant une décision) le contenu du rapport de la seconde session du Comité des pêches.

Si le Conseil accepte cette conclusion nous pourrions clore ce point de l'Ordre du jour et passer au suivant.


14. Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1990-91
14. Sommaire du Programme de travail et budget 1990-91
14. Resumen del Programa de Labores y Presupuesto para 1990-91

LE PRESIDENT:Nous avons une demi-heure devant nous. C'est un point important. C'est le point 14 intitulé "Sommaire du programme de travail et budget 1990-91" document CL 95/3; CL 95/3 corr.l, CL 95/4, CL 95/8 et CL 95/8 corr. 1. Bien sûr l'analyse de ce document demandera plusieurs séances. Nous n'avons pas l'ambition de terminer en une seule séance. Notre agenda prévoit une séance cet après-midi, demain et, si vous voulez, après-demain matin. C'est un point essentiel de notre Ordre du jour. Si vous voulez, je vous propose donc de donner la parole à Monsieur Shah, Sous-Directeur général du Bureau des Programmes du budget et d'évaluation qui va introduire le sujet et s'il nous reste du temps avant la conclusion je serai heureux si l'Ambassadeur Bukhari en sa qualité de Président du Comité financier pouvait présenter les recommandations de la Réunion conjointe du Comité du programme et du Comité financier. Après quoi nous ouvrirons les débats.

V.J. SHAH (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation):Mr Chairman, the best introduction to the item on which you are about to embark on is, quite frankly-I say this even though the Director-General is not here with us at this very moment, and I would say it with pride in front of him-the one he gave you in his inaugural address at the opening session of the Council.However, considering the Importance of this item on your agenda, he has asked me to present it on his behalf and this I am very honoured to do.

The first point Mr Chairman that I would like to submit to the Council is that the Summary Programme of Work and Budget, which you have before you, is the product of a new process.As you recall at your last session in November 1988 you decided on a process, on an experimental basis, by which the Programme and Finance Commmittees would meet in Joint Session in January, to consider a brief document indicating the budget level the Director-General intended to use in the preparation of the Programme of Work and Budget 1990-91, together with the main activities to be undertaken.

The Report of this Joint Session of the Programme and Finance Committees is before you in document CL 95/4.Mr Chairman, you will judge for yourselves the usefulness of the new process and its relative merits.In due course you and the Conference will need to decide whether you wish this experimental process to continue.

What was important for the Director-General in the preparation of the Summary Programme of Work and Budget, was that the Committees expressed appreciation for the Outline that he submitted as a policy document, that the Committees endorsed the policy approach regarding priorities and the priority areas intended to benefit from additional resources, and had an opportunity to receive a first indication of the cost increases for which budgetary provision would have to be made.The Summary Programme of Work and Budget now before you was accordingly prepared on the lines endorsed by the Programme and Finance Committees.

If I may turn now to the context of the proposals.Mr Chairman, the preparation of a Summary Programme of Work and Budget is always a time to take stock and to look forward.

From both points of view this Summary Programme of Work and Budget is presented by the Director-General with a sense of the Organization experiencing renewed vigour, a revived commitment and an enhanced promise of fulfilment.There is every reason to do so.The increasing pressures on the world food, agriculture, forestry and fishery situation are all the more urgent to resolve because of the ceaseless growth in world population, increasing by some 80 million every year;the scant success in the fight against poverty;the increasing problems of ensuring development on a sustainable basis;heightened tension in world trade;the intolerable burden of external debt on developing countries;with all these problems becoming at the same time more complex and more difficult to resolve.

Mr Chairman, as the Director-General recalled, during two blennia the Organization has been severely put to the test by problems of liquidity and had its programmes cut.The damage to the programmes since 1986 has to be seen not only in terms of the curtailed services offered to Member Nations but also in terms of preserving FAO's accumulated experience and ensuring its ability to adapt in a rapidly changing world.

Thus the large majority of Member Nations, through no fault of theirs, because of the programme cuts of US$ 45 million, have been deprived of support and services which they rightly expected from FAO. They look forward to, indeed they demand, a substantial programme growth to compensate for the cancelled programmes and to meet their unsatisfied and increased requirements.

Mr Chairman, while the demands of Member Nations for FAO's support and services continue to span an extensive range of sectors and activities, and each individual Member Nation expects and looks to FAO to have its priority needs met, Member Nations as a whole look for a concentration of additional resources in a limited number of priority areas.We have heard this in some of the discussions which have already taken place under other agenda items, and I believe, Mr Chairman, this is a paradox which has to be recognized and which has to be faced.In order to respond to the desires of all Member Nations, the proposals request net additional resources for nine priority areas which are carefully selected on the basis of the guidance of our intergovernmental bodies and represent a concentration on activities which FAO can do best and for which it has a clear comparative advantage.They comprise:sustainable development, crop/weather monitoring, biotechnology, crop protection, agricultural data development, policy advice, activities for women in development, aquaculture and the Tropical Forestry Action Plan.

These priority areas, Mr Chairman, we are very pleased to note, have been endorsed by the Programme and Finance Committees as well as by the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Fisheries.

Turning now, sir, to the distribution of resources.Once again the Director-General pursues a policy, endorsed by the Council and by the Conference, of channelling additional resources to the technical and economic programmes.However, whereas in recent biennia he could repeatedly prune the resources channelled to administrative and support services, the limit has been reached, and no further cuts are possible without impairing the basic functioning of the Organization.

Accordingly, in the proposed Programme of Work and Budget, additional resources are proposed to be channelled to the Major Programmes in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Technical Cooperation Programme.

The total programme increase proposed is US$5.5 million which represents one percent of the current budget base as recosted.

Mr Chairman, I believe it has been recognized by all who have seen the document that the proposed distribution of resources is presented in more detail than ever before, down to the programme element level.All the intergovernmental bodies which reviewed the Summary Programme of Work and Budget of relevance to them, have recognized that this permits a greater transparency and detail than has been possible before.

These committees have made a number of suggestions for further shifts in resources and indicated aspects of priorities in the proposed programmes as perceived by them.The Director-General has assured these committees that these suggestions will be taken into consideration in the formulation of the full Programme of Work and Budget.He has asked me to repeat the same assurance with regard to such recommendations as the Council may make.

The proposals comprise an estimate of cost increases amounting to US$ 60 million.While this is a substantial amount, compared to the very modest level of the programme increase of only US$ 5.5 million, it should be recalled that the cost increases proposed do not represent any record.The proposals for the Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83 and 1984-85 both included cost increases which were considerably higher.The cost increases for the last two biennia, on the other hand, were clearly artificially low, mainly because of the ceilings on professional staff remuneration.

It should also be recognized that the provision which is necessary for cost increases is entirely beyond the control of the Secretariat.Apart from the effects of inflation on the cost of goods and services, the cost increases represent the result of decisions of the UN General Assembly and of the International Civil Service Commission regarding remuneration for personal services.

The Council has the assurance that these cost increases have been reviewed, as in the past, by the Finance Committee;that they have been calculated on the same basic methodology used in the past, as approved by the Finance Committee, Council and Conference;and that the estimate is conservative.I emphasize that.In fact, the Director-General has deliberately not included cost increases for an amount of US$ 3 million in order to limit the burden on Member Nations.

Further, the estimates do not cover the increases which are likely to arise as a result of the survey of General Service salaries in Rome to be conducted by the International Civil Service Commission, (ICSC), the decisions on which will be taken by the Council in due course, as well as the additional costs resulting from eventual decisions of the United Nations General Assembly following the comprehensive review of the conditions of service of staff in the Professional and higher categories, which the General Assembly has asked the ICSC to undertake.

In formulating his proposals the Director-General seeks at the same time to respond positively to those Member Nations who look to a substantial programme growth, as well as to those Member Nations who seek to limit budgetary growth.The proposals aim at reconciling these two diverse positions in order to permit a consensus among all Member Nations at the Conference.

These proposals imply raising the level of the effective working budget from US$ 492 million to US$ 558 million.I would however urge that the debate in this Council need not concentrate on these precise figures.I say this for three reasons.Firstly, because the Council will not be voting on or adopting a budget at the current session; that will be at the Conference.

Secondly, because the level of the effective working budget will change as a result of the budgetary rate that the Conference will adopt.At the current market exchange rate for the US dollar/Italian lire-It has been in recent days around 1450 lire to the dollar as compared to the 1235 lire to the dollar that is the basis for this presentation-the budget level will be considerably lower.

And thirdly, because the burden of assessments on Member Nations will also be affected by the amount of estimated Miscellaneous Income that will be deducted from the level of the effective working budget. This is also a matter that you will be examining when you receive the full Programme of Work and Budget, and on which you will make your recommendation to the Conference at your next Session.

In conclusion, what the Director-General requests from the Council and urges of it is to review his proposals and give such guidance it sees fit for the preparation of the full Programme of Work and Budget.The Council has much to assist it in this task. It has the views and recommendations of the Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Fisheries as regards the proposals for these sectors. And it has the views and recommendations of the Programme and Finance Committees, each with regard to their sphere of competence.The views from all these intergovernmental bodies clearly converge on an endorsement of the Summary Programme of Work and Budget as an acceptable basis for the preparation of the full Programme of Work and Budget.The Director-General, and, if I may say, all of his colleagues, hope that the Council will also agree.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie M. Shah de sa communication introductive. Il nous reste dix minutes et je ne crois pas qu'il soit raisonnable d'entamer un exposé sur les travaux du Comité financier et du Comité du programme en un si bref laps de temps. Si le Conseil en convient, je pourrai donner la parole à M. Bukhari, en sa qualité de porte-parole de ces deux comités, lors de la reprise de nos travaux, à 14 h 30.

The meeting rose at 12.15 hours.
La séance est levée à 12 h 15.
Se levanta la sesión a las 12.15 horas.

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