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13. Reports of the Seventy-eighth and Seventy-ninth Sessions of the Finance Committee (continued)
13. Rapport des soixante-dix-huitième et soixante-dix-neuvième sessions du Comité financier (suite)
13. Informes de los 78° y 79° período de sesiones del Comité de Finanzas (continuación)

13.1 Study by theExternal Auditor on the Application of the Lapse Factor
13.1 Etude du Commissaire aux comptes sur l'application de l'abattement pour mouvements de personnel
13.1 Estudio del Auditor Externo sobre la aplicación del coeficiente de descuento por vacantes

EL PRESIDENTE: Distinguidos delegados, declaro abierta esta novena sesión plenaria de nuestros trabajos.

Como ustedes recordarán, el día viernes por la tarde el Embajador Valenza, Vicepresidente del Comité de Finanzas, presentó al Consejo el informe correspondiente relativo al 78° y 79° Período de Sesiones de dicho Comité. Recordarán decidimos que tomaríamos el punto 13.1, relativo al informe del Auditor Externo en cuanto a la nueva metodología para el coeficiente de descuento por vacantes. Recordarán, igualmente, que el Sr. Auditor Externo, el nuevo Auditor Externo, presentó una metodología que dividía al personal profesional, o la aplicación del coeficiente para el personal profesional, del personal de servicios generales.

El Comité de Finanzas estudió dicha metodología, y está recomendando al Consejo adoptarla.

Como ustedes recordarán también, distinguidos delegados, en el informe del Embajador Valenza sobre la metodología del Auditor Externo, se proponía separar la identificación del coeficiente para estas dos categorías, así como estudiar las prácticas de reclutamiento, los movimientos y los plazos necesarios para el reclutamiento, así como aplicar un coeficiente de vacantes para cada elaboración o preparación del presupuesto.

Recordarán, igualmente, que la conclusión del Auditor Externo era que de haberse aplicado su metodología al presente presupuesto la tasa de coeficiente de descuento por vacantes habría resultado en 3.6.

La recomendación pues, es que se acoja dicha metodología y se le permita al Director General aplicarla en la preparación del presupuesto para el próximo bienio que revisará los comités de Finanzas y del Programa próximamente.

Distinguidos delegados, conforme a la lista de delegados que ya estaban inscritos, paso a dar la palabra al delegado de Australia.

John Bruce SHARPE (Australia): I am sure the Secretariat will be well aware of and appreciate the interest the Australian delegation has taken in this report. Australia was seriously concerned when the lapse factor level was lowered, without what we considered to be a satisfactory explanation, in 1989. Since that time, we have sought in FAO fora, including the Finance Committee, to have a lapse factor level which truly reflected normal vacancy rate levels, one directly linked to past and estimated future vacancy levels. We were opposed to a distinction being made between planned and unplanned vacancies, the use of savings to offset unbudgeted costs and the build-up of a stock of vacant posts as a deliberate policy to try and offset a shortfall in resources. We did not consider that the lapse factor should be used in the accounting process as a reserve to offset unforeseen cost increases. That is not its purpose.

We are pleased to see that these issues have also been addressed in the External Auditor's report which also does not look favourably on past practices. In the main, we concur with the findings, recommendations, suggestions and conclusions contained in the External Auditor's report.

The Finance Committee has considered the report and has recommended that the proposed methodology be used in the budget preparation process for 1996-97. We would support this. We feel that the conclusions regarding the history of the lapse factor in our Organization on page 6 accurately reflects the situation. We agree in general with most of the conclusions in paragraph 43 concerning the relationship between the vacancy rate and the lapse factor. We are strongly of the view that this Organization needs an agreed definition of the lapse factor. We see merit in the one proposed by the External Auditor and note that its acceptance has also been recommended by the Finance Committee. We think the External Auditor has done a good job within the confines of its terms of reference. We also note with satisfaction that the JRU study of the lapse factor UN system-wide has come up with recommendations along the same lines as the conclusions reached by the External Auditor. I think we would have had real problems if that had not been the case.

We have noted that while the decision was taken at the November 1993 Conference to have this issue studied and a report made, the drawing up of its terms of reference and its implementation were initiated early in the term of Director-General Diouf. We regard this as another positive action under this new administration joining those other ones we have already discussed under Agenda Item 11. There are indeed winds of change blowing through this Organization, and we are pleased to see that they are not confined to talk but are reflected in action.

Thomas A. FORBORD (United States of America): I warmly welcome the comments of my colleague from Australia and fully support the sentiments he has expressed. As a member of the Finance Committee, in September I was part of the group that carefully reviewed the recommendations made by the External Auditor and looked at the implications of this proposal for the Organization. Although this is my first Council meeting, I understand that both at Council and Conference the lapse factor has been a subject of long and often heated debate. I think it need not be if we adopt this new methodology. It is straightforward; it is transparent; it has been endorsed by all the people who have examined it, both inside and outside the Organization. I therefore would like to propose a motion that this Council endorse the recommendations made by the Finance Committee and that we direct the Director-General to use the methodology outlined by the External Auditor in the preparation of the budget for the next biennium.

Jacques LAUREAU (France): La délégation française a prévu une double intervention. Tout d'abord, sur le point 13.1 de l'ordre du jour: Etude du Commissaire aux comptes sur l'application de l'abattement pour mouvements de personnel. A cet égard, je voudrais dire qu'évidemment nous aussi sommes tout à fait d'accord avec l'étude du Commissaire aux comptes, qui propose d'utiliser deux taux d'abattement, l'un pour les personnels du cadre organique (4,1 pour cent) et l'autre pour ceux des services généraux (1,1 pour cent). Nous proposons aussi de prendre en compte les nouveaux postes pour la durée réellement prévue de leur occupation.

La délégation française appuie donc ces conclusions et souhaite que la méthodologie présentée soit mise en oeuvre pour l'établissement du budget 1996-97.

Je voudrais revenir sur deux autres petits points. Nous attendons, en effet, du Secrétariat la mise en pratique de la décision prise par le Conseil, à sa cent sixième session, en matière d'accès effectif des Etats intéressés à des documents du Comité financier et de la désignation des personnes auprès desquelles on peut se procurer ces documents. Par ailleurs, nous regrettons - mais je pense qu'il s'agit d'une question de statistique - que le pourcentage du personnel en poste au siège soit 52,78 pour cent au 30 juin 1993, alors que, d'après les tableaux que vous nous avez présentés, il y a aujourd'hui au siège 54,1 pour cent des membres du personnel.

La délégation française s'était inquiétée de l'évolution de ce rapport siège/terrain qui traduisait une baisse d'activité due en partie à la diminution des fonds alloués par le PNUD aux projets de terrain. Mais nous espérons que cette situation soit appelée à changer avec la politique de décentralisation annoncée par le Directeur général.

Ces deux questions n'étaient pas couvertes par le point relatif à l'approbation du système de méthodologie proposé par la Cour des comptes française.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias por su declaración. Hay una duda que quisiera aclarar con usted. ¿Está usted refiriéndose a algunos párrafos del Informe del Comité de Finanzas relativos al coeficiente ...?

Jacques LAUREAU (France): Non, je me réfère au point 13, au début du paragraphe où deux questions, celle de l'accès aux documents et celle du rapport siège-terrain des fonctionnaires, sont évoquées, parce que personne ne fera de remarque là-dessus. C'est un autre problème que celui que vous avez soulevé, avec l'approbation de la méthodologie relative à l'évaluation de l'abattement pour mouvements de personnel.

Harald HILDEBRAND (Germany): After much controversial debate in the past on the level of the lapse factor in which Germany had often insisted that it should better reflect the actual vacancy rate - Mr Shah would be smiling now and remembering - my delegation welcomes the presentation of the corresponding study prepared by the External Auditor. In the view of my delegation, it gives a helpful survey of the problem and provides appropriate proposals on how to handle the lapse factor in the future. We support the External Auditor's efforts in paragraph 14 of the study that the lapse factor should not be used to create additional budgetary flexibility by fixing it too low. When too low, it could be used to make up for shortfalls in the payment of contributions. Too low a lapse factor would cause unwarranted high budget appropriations resulting in increased assessment for contributions. Likewise, my delegation shares the view of the External Auditor that the lapse factor should not be based on the concept of normal and planned vacancies. The method suggested for the calculation of the lapse factor related to established and new posts seems reasonable to us. According to paragraph 48 of the study, vacancies in the past were kept by the Secretariat to produce savings which in turn were used to create a large number of temporary posts. Therefore, Recommendation 2 of Appendix A of document CL 107/4 that "it should not be forced as a mandatory adjustment to compel delay in filling of budgeted posts to the detriment of the programme" is approved by my delegation.

In summary, my delegation endorses the view of the Finance Committee which recommends the application of the new methodology for the preparation of the 1996-97 budget.

Chrisanthos LOIZIDES (Cyprus): We have examined with great interest and due care the contents of document CL 107/4, and before expressing our brief comments on some of these issues described in the document, we wish to thank the members of the Programme and Finance Committee for the constructive work they have accomplished during their recent meetings last September.

I wish to refer to the report of the joint meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees first. We fully share the views of these Committees regarding the importance of additional funding from the donor community and financial institutions in order to proceed with the implementation of the pilot projects within the framework of the special programme on food production in support of food security in the low-income and food-deficit countries. We are also in agreement with the approach of these Committees for the expanding use of TCDC modalities in ensuring transfer of technologies across country boundaries as well as with the conclusions of these Committees as mentioned in paragraph 1.17 of the document.

However, on the other hand, we wish to express concern and uneasiness about the present vacancies of professional posts in view of the possible difficulties in implementing the programme activities of FAO. We suggest that more efforts should be made to fill the vacant Professional posts as soon as possible.

Referring to the report of the 79th session of the Finance Committee, we express our appreciation for the work of this Committee and the useful information provided in its report. On the specific issue of lapse factor, having in mind that both the external auditor and the Finance Committee have examined in depth the various technical and other aspects involved, we have no difficult in endorsing the recommmendations of the Finance Committee as stated in paragraph 3.16 of page 18.

I limit myself to this point because I have some other views on the financial position of the Organization later on.

EL PRESIDENTE: Quiero hacer notar simplemente que, al tratar ese tema en el punto 6.1, habíamos comentado previamente que el estudio comprende específicamente las recomendaciones del Sr. Auditor Externo y, en lo que se refiere a las vacantes del presente programa, éstas serán revisadas en su resumen el próximo junio, cuando el Consejo tenga la oportunidad de examinar el grado de avance del presente programa bianual. En esa ocasión ustedes tendrán también la oportunidad de ver específicamente el caso del coeficiente de descuento por vacantes.

Si ustedes lo tienen a bien, podríamos referirnos aquí, en esta ocasión, exclusivamente a la metodología y las recomendaciones del Auditor Externo, que siendo un problema técnico, le permitirá al Director General tomar esta recomendación que hace el Consejo y aplicarla en el proceso de preparación del presupuesto para el próximo bienio. Si les parece oportuno, vamos a enfocar nuestras discusiones exclusivamente sobre los párrafos correspondientes del Informe del Comité de Finanzas y, por tanto, sobre las recomendaciones que el Comité de Finanzas hace en cuanto a la metodología propuesta por el Auditor Externo.

Tri WIBOWO (Indonesia): The Indonesian delegation would like to thank the FAO Secretariat for the document provided and Mr Valenza, the Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee, for his excellent and concise introduction of the item now being discussed. We also welcome the reports of the 78th and 79th sessions of the Finance Committee, which provided a very clear, factual account of the discussions which took place at those two meetings.

Furthermore, regarding the lapse factor, in principle we also endorse the recommendation of the Finance Committee described in paragraph 3.16, Part III, of document CL 107/4.

Kenji SHIMIZU (Japan): On the lapse factor, my delegation feels that we are now moving in the right direction to correct this situation after long-term discussions. My delegation supports the methodology explored by the External Auditor as a try-out or a first step which we hope will contribute to the situation. However, we watch with extreme care the follow-up by the Secretariat, as well as the Committee, and future developments.

Ms. M. McCOWAN (United Kingdom): My delegation is pleased to note the report of the Finance Committee as presented in document CL 107/4 and to acknowledge the contribution which the continuing work of this Committee makes to enhancing the efficiency and accountability of FAO. We should like to comment briefly on a number of items referred to in the report.

Firstly, the report deals in separate sections with aspects of the general issues of accountability and transparency. We should like to make the point that we trust that documents will in future be made available to Member States promptly unless the Committee itself decides, in quite exceptional circumstances, that genuine sensitivity precludes circulation.

We note the response of the Committee on the issues surrounding delegation of authority to field officers, including those for ensuring adequate controls and standardization of procedures. We look forward to the comments of the Committee on the planned further training in finance for field personnel and on the manual on financial systems which FAO is to produce. These will be important elements in a process to which the UK attaches particular importance of delegating authority and decision-making as far as possible to the operational units of FAO. We also note in this connection the proposed policy framework covering the appointment of NPOs, a matter of which we shall comment later.

On the issue of accountability generally, we welcome the request of the Committee for regular progress reports on the follow-up action which the Secretariat makes on the recommendations of the External Auditor.

On the application of the lapse factor, we note the recommendation of the Committee on the basis of the lapse factor to be applied in the next budget. We welcome the agreement of the Committee that application of the method be closely monitored and its agreement that the Director General be invited to make specific proposals for each component factor.

Finally, on FAO's work with NGOs, we agree with the Committee that it would be useful for FAO's Governing Bodies, on approaches and initiatives under way, to involve NGOs in FAO activities at national and international levels.

EL PRESIDENTE: La delegación de Rwanda no está presente. Por tanto, no puedo ofrecerle la palabra. ¿Hay alguna delegación que desee hacer uso de la palabra respecto de este tema? ¿Hay algún observador que desea hacer algún comentario? En ese caso, me voy a permitir solicitar al Dr. Shah que responda a las preguntas formuladas.

V.J. SHAH (Deputy Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): There was, first of all, a very specific question and a reference to arrangements for making available to Member Nations the documentation of the Finance Committee except in those cases where the Committee itself decides that, for reasons of confidentiality, those documents should not be made available. Let me report to the Council that arrangements have been made for the agenda of the Programme and Finance Committees and the list of their documents to be circulated to all Member Nations by the Director-General. This you are already aware of because we have done so earlier this year. In response to the specific concerns expressed by some Member Nations, we have now also arranged that in future there will be a note from the Director-General indicating that specific requests for specific documents should be addressed to the Secretary-General of the Council, so it will be well known to whom one can address oneself to obtain these documents. I would only point out that a lot of the documents which go to the Programme Committee, in particular, but also to the Finance Committee are documents of the Council and these, of course, are available to all Member Nations.

On the subject of the lapse factor, I should like to express, on behalf of the Director-General, his satisfaction at the manner in which this issue has been handled and resolved with your agreement. I think it is very clear -and I am grateful to the representative of Australia for having noticed this - that the Director-General recognized the nature of this issue and the controversy which had surrounded it over some years. This led him not to delay at all in submitting to the Finance Committee at its session in May this year, suggested terms of reference which the Finance Committee could set for this study and submit to the External Auditor. We are also indebted to the External Auditor for having acted so expeditiously on the study. The representatives of the External Auditor took this matter up as the very first matter after taking over their functions and worked with my colleagues and Mr Mehboob's colleagues during the hot summer in order to get this report to the Finance Committee on time. We are grateful to the Finance Committee for the manner in which it received this report and the recommendation it has made to the Council.

In this regard, I think it may interest the Council to note that the Director-General has also been very sensitive in recognizing that this is a matter on which the decision has to be indicated by the Member Nations.

In submitting the report of the External Auditor to the Finance Committee, it may interest the Council to note that the Director-General said: "The Director-General has no observations to make on the facts contained in the report, their presentation and analysis. The suggestions and recommendations made in the report are a matter for the consideration of the Finance Committee. The Director-General will be pleased to offer any information that the Finance Committee may wish to have in its consideration of this report and in submitting its recommendation to the Council. The Director-General would propose to follow the eventual directives of the Council and Conference." Here I think I can again express our thanks and our appreciation for the directives given by the Council.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias, Dr. Shah, por sus comentarios y declaraciones. Si no hay ninguna otra delegación que desee hacer alguna observación al respecto, me permito resumir el debate al respecto diciendo que:

El Consejo examinó el Informe del Comité de Finanzas en lo relativo al Estudio del Informe y recomendaciones del Auditor Externo sobre la identificación y preparación de la tasa de descuento por vacantes.

El Consejo manifestó su satisfacción por el Informe del Auditor Externo que responda a dudas y cuestiones planteadas desde hace tiempo por los Miembros de la Organización.

El Consejo también expresó su agradecimiento al Comité de Finanzas por la revisión que hizo de este tema.

El Consejo acogió la metodología y recomendaciones del Auditor Externo tal como lo proponía el Comité de Finanzas y consideró que la metodología y la tasa que resultaría de ella era útil y realista.

Por tanto, el Consejo recomendó que en el proceso de preparación del Presupuesto para el próximo bienio, el Director General aplique dicha metodología en el cálculo de la tasa efectiva del coeficiente por vacantes.

Jacques LAUREAU (France): M. le Président, votre voisin de droite a répondu à l'une des questions que j'avais posées, et il a fort justement indiqué que le Directeur général s'en préoccupait. Je souhaiterais que cela se retrouve dans votre résumé.

EL PRESIDENTE: Mi resumen se refería exclusivamente al punto principal del tema. Lo importante era saber si el Consejo aceptaba la recomendación del Comité de Finanzas en relación al informe del Auditor Externo. Creo que ese ha sido el caso. Tenga usted la seguridad de que el informe del Consejo comprenderá su preocupación así como la de los otros distinguidos delegados, en especial a aquélla a la que ha respondido el Dr. Shah.

14. Financial Position of the Organization
14. Situation financière de l'Organisation
14. Situación financiera de la Organización

14.1 Status of Contributions
14.1 Etat des contributions
14.1 Estado de las cuotas

15. Audited Accounts
15. Comptes vérifiés
15. Cuentas comprobadas

15.1 Regular Programme 1992-93
15.1 Programme ordinaire 1992-93
15.1 Programa Ordinario 1992-93

15.2 UNDP 1992-93
15.2 PNUD 1992-93
15.2 PNUD 1992-93

EL PRESIDENTE: Pasemos ahora al Tema 14 y también al Tema 15 del Programa.

Creo que como habíamos sugerido originalmente al adoptar el calendario, podemos tomar estos dos temas conjuntamente. Me refiero a la situación financiera de la Organización: Estado de las Cuotas, documento CL 107/4 y los párrafos correspondientes del Informe del Comité de Finanzas, del 3.17 al 3.38, así como al documento CL 107/LIM/1.

Le hago notar que el documento del informe del Comité de Finanzas comprende información hasta septiembre, mientras que el último, el documento CL 107/LIM/1 comprende la información actualizada hasta el 2 de noviembre.

Como ustedes podrán observar esa información describe la situación actual del pago a la Organización. En lo que se refiere al pago de cuotas corrientes, creo que la situación ha mejorado sustancialmente. Sin embargo, en lo que se refiere al pago de las cuotas atrasadas, el panorama que ofrece actualmente la Organización es mucho más negativo. Por otra parte, sigue siendo alarmante que el número de países con retrasos haya aumentado, inclusive se registran 88 países con atrasos, lo que representa más del 50 por ciento de los Estados Miembros de nuestra Organización.

Si bien este tema de nuestro orden del día es para examen, yo considero que el Consejo bien puede hacer un llamado para que todos los países, independientemente de su tamaño y de sus condiciones, hagan los esfuerzos necesarios para cubrir y cumplir con sus obligaciones financieras hacia la Organización. Ese es uno de lo puntos que trataríamos inmediatamente. El otro se refiere al Tema 15: Cuentas Comprobadas, en sus dos subtemas. El primero Programa Ordinario 1992-93, documento C 95/5, así como el documento CL 107/4 del Informe del Comité de Finanzas, en sus párrafos 3.39 a 3.46. Y el segundo subtema el 15.2 se refiere a las Cuentas Comprobadas del PNUD 1992-93 documento C 95/6 y documento CL 107/4, párrafos 3.39 a 3.46.

Jacques LAUREAU (France): M. le Président, je me demandais s'il n'était pas utile d'ajouter aux points 14 et 15 le point 20.1 qui concerne d'éventuelles sanctions pour les pays qui n'acquitteraient pas leur dette. C'est une question qui peut paraître absurde, mais on ne peut pas d'un côté encourager les gens à payer et en même temps ....

EL PRESIDENTE: Tiene usted razón. Los dos temas están, en principio, conectados. Sin embargo, como usted puede también darse cuenta, un tema está ligado a los derechos de voto que serán examinados en el tema específico y éste se refiere exclusivamente al examen del Estado de las Cuentas. Entiendo su preocupación y reconozco que una cosa lleva a la otra. Si le parece bien, para cumplir con el orden del día y en virtud también de que no se encuentra entre nosotros el Sr. Asesor Legal, permítame usted que tomemos estos dos Temas, el 14 y el 15 conjuntamente y que, a raíz de los debates al respecto, una vez que entremos en el subtema de derechos de voto, usted haga sus reflexiones en torno a ello.

Podríamos pedirle al Sr. Mehboob que actualice la información relativa al Estado de las Cuotas.

K. MEHBOOB (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): I would just like to give some additional information on the financial position of the Organization, covered by document CL 107/LIM/1.

Since preparation of that document, we have received contributions from three Member Nations: the Slovak Republic paid US$576 058.25; Trinidad and Tobago, US$183 342.83; and Pakistan US$129 721.92. With receipt of these amounts the percentage of current assessments received now stands at 89.33 percent. The total contributions received amount to US$303 277 918.24. Of this, US$278 207 058.79 refer to current assessments and US$25 070 859.45 refer to arrears.

The total contributions outstanding at 21 November - that is the date of this information, that is today - is now US$141 769 937.23, of which US$33 225 441.21 refer to current assessments, and US$108 544 496.02 to arrears.

That takes care of the information which was needed to supplement the document on the financial position of the Organization.

Under this item, we are also taking up the audited accounts of the Organization relating to both the Regular Programme and the United Nations Development Programme. The Council has before it documents C 95/5 and C 95/6, containing the audited and financial reports of the Regular Programme and project activities financed by UNDP for the biennium 1992-93. In accordance with General Rule 27.71 the Finance Committee

has examined the audited accounts in detail on behalf of the Council. The Vice-Chairman of the Finance Committee has summarized for you the recommendations of the Finance Committee in his introduction to the report on Friday. These comments and recommendations are to be found in paragraphs 3.39 to 3.46 of CL 107/4.

You will recall that in his introduction the Vice-Chairman informed you that the opinions of the External Auditor on the financial statements were unqualified. The Finance Committee had endorsed the recommendations of the Auditor to improve financial controls and reporting, in particular the production of a manual of financial rules and procedures, training of field personnel in IMPREST procedures and reporting requirement. Regular reports should be submitted to the Finance Committee on actions taken to implement the recommendations of the External Auditors.

The Committee has therefore recommended that the Council endorse the draft Resolution set out in paragraph 3.46 and submitted to the Conference for adoption.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias, Sr. Mehboob por sus comentarios introductorios. Ofrezco ahora la palabra sobre estos dos Temas, el 14 y el 15.

Tri WIBOWO (Indonesia): My delegation noted with concern that as stated in document CL 107/LIM/1, only 63 Member Nations have paid their current assessment in full, while a further 18 have made a partial payment, leaving 88 Member Nations who had made no cash payment at all during 1994.

This situation will certainly have a negative impact on the implementation of the FAO's programmes and activities. Without sufficient financial support from member countries it will be difficult for FAO to fulfil its role and mandate, especially in assisting developing countries to enhance their capacity in agricultural development.

Furthermore, after studying and analysing the facts and figures of the data and statistics mentioned in document CL 107/4 paragraphs 3.17 to 3.22, and considering that the amount of unpaid current assessed contributions and arrears up to the present is still high, the Indonesian delegation would like to join the Director-General in appealing to all Member Nations with contributions outstanding to pay their assessed contributions and arrears in full as soon as possible.

Jacques LAUREAU (France): La délégation française ne doit pas cacher, en ce qui concerne la situation financière de l'Organisation, qu'elle était particulièrement préoccupée par la persistance d'une situation dégradée, telle qu'elle apparaissait au 12 septembre dernier. Le document CL 107/LIM/1 nous montre-t-il des signes de redressement au 7 novembre 1994?

Certes, l'on peut noter avec satisfaction que 62 Etats Membres ont réglé intégralement leur contribution alors qu'ils n'étaient que 54 dans cette situation au 12 septembre.

Le total des arriérés qui était de 42,9 pour cent des contributions courantes au 1er janvier 1994 n'est donc plus aujourd'hui que de 34,94 pour cent.

Mais on devra noter en même temps que ces arriérés restent supérieurs au tiers des contributions courantes. Dans ces conditions, les signes positifs sont très relatifs, surtout si l'on regarde la situation des arriérés.

Nous pourrions à cet égard utiliser un critère intéressant qui est celui mentionné au paragraphe 7 du document CL 107/LIM/1. A la date du 7 novembre 1994, huit Etats Membres seraient redevables de montants supérieurs à 1 million de dollars, représentant au total 97 912 337,12 dollars, soit 89,96 pour cent des arriérés. Mais si l'on considère le tableau joint en annexe, le total exact des Etats Membres qui restaient à devoir une somme supérieure à 1 million de dollars serait de 15.

On notera également que le principal contributeur a payé plus de la moitié de sa contribution bisannuelle.

Ces données ne recouvrent d'ailleurs pas non plus la situation de certains petits et nombreux contributeurs.

La situation globale des arriérés reste donc préoccupante. Nous y reviendrons à l'occasion du point 20.1: "Droit, procédures, et pratiques de vote."

Le rapport de la 79ème session du Comité financier observait, en son paragraphe 3.22, qu'au 12 septembre 34 Etats Membres étaient redevables de montants représentant 300 pour cent ou plus de leur contribution ordinaire. Le Comité financier insistait très justement sur ce point en précisant que cette situation "ne s'était encore jamais produite".

A cet égard, l'on peut se demander si un taux de remise supérieur au taux prévu de 0,88 pour cent permettrait de rendre plus efficace le plan d'incitation au paiement rapide des contributions. Cette question de revoir à la hausse le taux de remise accordée aux pays membres qui acquittent leur contribution dans les délais voulus a-t-elle réellement été envisagée par le Comité financier? Par exemple, ne pourrait-on pas concevoir d'appliquer à l'ΟΑΑ un mécanisme d'incitations sur le modèle dit de la "courbe en S", retenu à l'origine par l'OACI et adopté également à l'OIT, à l'OMI,à l'OMM, à l'OMS et à l'Unesco?

Ce modèle de "courbe en S" (à la formulation mathématique relativement complexe) part du principe qu'un Etat Membre qui acquitte ses contributions tôt dans l'année contribue davantage à la génération de revenus d'intérêts qu'un pays qui le fait plus tardivement. Ainsi, le système consiste-t-il à accorder des points incitatifs pondérés en fonction du montant de la contribution et de la date de son règlement?

La délégation française ne peut que faire sien l'appel aux Etats Membres figurant au paragraphe 10 du document CL 107/LIM/1. En effet, les retards de paiement pénalisent les activités de l'Organisation en termes d'exécution du programme et de nomination des personnels nécessaires.

Je tiens à préciser qu'en ce qui concerne les sanctions, c'est-à-dire le point de l'ordre du jour 20.1, nous l'aborderons plus tard.

Ahmed MER'I (Syria) (Original language Arabic): Having studied this document concerning the financial matters and the collection of contributions, we have found that my country, Syria, did not pay its contribution for 1994.

We would like to point out that we have already submitted to the Secretariat the evidence of our contribution being paid fully.

Chrysanthos LOIZIDES (Cyprus): We wish to refer to the collection of assessed contributions. We notice with concern the constantly increasing number of Member Nations which have not made any contributory payments up to the same date within the last four years. This is clearly shown on the table on page 3 of CL 107/LIM/1 where the number of countries with no payment has risen from 74 in 1990 to 88 in the current year.

During the same period the number of countries in arrears has also raised from 47 to 76.

It is worth mentioning that out of the total number of contributions in arrears amounting to US$109 million, the amount of about US$90 is due from only eight Member Nations.

This very fact leads to the conclusion that 90 percent of the total arrears is owed by eight Member Nations, whilst the remaining 10 percent is due from 80 countries, most of which are considereed low-income countries.

It is also interesting to note on pages 5-10 of CL 107/LIM/1 that a great number of low-income countries are without any outstanding contributions at all.

We wish to conclude on this issue by joining with the Committee's appeal to those Member Nations with outstanding contributions and arrears to meet their financial obligations to FAO as soon as possible.

Harald HILDEBRAND (Germany): My delegation has taken note of the current financial position of the Organization, as reflected in the document before us, with interest. As a whole it is somewhat better than a year ago regarding receipt of contributions.

We have just heard an updated figure regarding the receipt of contributions as of 21 November, which clearly shows that the level is higher than in November last year.

However, the year has not ended, and we can only hope that the outstanding contributions - I mean the current assessments - will be paid during the last two months of the year.

This is also important because the expected payments of arrears had, to some extent been included in the budget calculation of the current biennium. I speak of the amount of US$38 million, by which assessed contributions were reduced to make the budget for 1994-95 more acceptable with regard to the level of assessments for Member States.

In the view of the German delegation, this cannot be regarded as a good solution. Funding problems are thus only postponed to the future. For my delegation, the question arises as to how to ensure the financing of the current biennium if budget appropriations are not fully covered by assessed contributions, or the gap cannot be filled by payments of arrears. I would be grateful to the Secretariat if it could enlighten us on this aspect.

My country is very reluctant to accept solutions at the expense of those members paying their contributions.

In connection with the discount schemes for prompt payment of contributions before 31 March, my delegation would like to know how it actually works. Is a member country which has fulfilled this condition in any case entitled to discount on the subsequent assessment ?

We agree with the Finance Committee's view that there is no reason for self-satisfaction as the number of FAO Member Nations failing to pay their contributions has grown. My country favours any feasible action by the Organization to promote prompt payment. The discount scheme introduced experimentally in 1993 could be one option.

In this connection, the question of suspending or restoring voting rights for member countries in arrears indeed requires, as indicated in paragraph 3.58 and following, a differentiated approach. It should be based on the study of the concrete reasons for the inability to pay.

Without any doubt, among the respective countries many are in a situation beyond their control, but a closer look at the list in document CL 107/LIM/1 reveals that there are countries paying their contributions regularly although they are confronted with serious economic difficulties or are still in the wake of natural disaster or civil strife; whilst others may be economically better off fail to comply.

Our Organization, whose primary concern is the betterment of food and agriculture, in the view of my delegation deserves attention being paid to this problem by all Member Nations.

The Committee's call on the Director-General to continue to search for sustainable schemes in this regard, without endangering the financial viability of the Organization, is therefore very appropriate.

As we have merged Agenda Items 14 and 15, I should like to add a short comment on Item 15, Audited Accounts.

The audited accounts for discussion under this Agenda Item cover a period when the present Director-General was not yet in office. My Government would appreciate it if the Director-General paid special attention to the implementation of the recommendation of the external auditor.

As an example, allow me to mention paragraph 88 of document C 95/5. We gather from the paragraph that the Organization had subsidized salary payments to the civil service of recipient countries. In other words, FAO was financing the budget of the Member Nations concerned, of course to a limited extent. This is indeed

not FAO's mandate. Therefore, my delegation supports the recommendations of the external auditor as outlined in paragraph 89.

My delegation would like to thank the external auditor for his comprehensive and careful auditing, which is endorsed.

EL PRESIDENTE: Debo simplemente marcar un punto para explicarles por qué hemos separado el 20.1, Derecho de Voto, de este tema. Uno es un tema estrictamente financiero; el otro es un tema de carácter legal. Para no mezclar estos dos temas los hemos separado. Desde luego que ustedes están invitados a hacer todo tipo de comentarios en cuanto a la forma en que los países podrían estar incentivados o castigados respecto del pago de sus cuotas presentes y atrasadas.

Thomas FORBORD (United States of America): I have just one very short question. Paragraph 7 of Rule XXII of the General Rules of the Organization states:

"A Member of the Council shall be considered to have resigned if it is in arrears in a payment of its financial contributions to the Organization in an amount equal to or exceeding the contributions due from it for the two preceding calendar years"

I wonder if the Secretariat could tell us if this Rule has been invoked for this Council meeting. Are there any members of the Council who are considered to have resigned because of arrears ?

EL PRESIDENTE: Me informan de que efectivamente hay un caso y éste es el de Zaire.

Kenji SHIMIZU (Japan): I have two observations on the issues before us: first, on a general matter of the payment of assessed contributions; and, second, about the computer system.

First of all, my delegation is seriously concerned about the significant amount of arrears by many members of this Organization. The situation should be improved so that we regain a stable financial basis within the Organization with a view to undertaking the important tasks which are now going on as a result of the reforms which otherwise would face difficulties in being implemented. The programme is long overdue. My delegation considers that the time has come to take action based on the discipline of the Member States of this Organization.

On the computer systems, namely FINSYS and PERSYS, the problems relating to these systems are very serious and have involved a tremendous amount of our limited resources. Our cooperation is based on our trust in the good management of the resources by the Secretariat, otherwise the credibility of the Organization will deteriorate. The situation should be corrected along the lines of the findings of the Committee and the External Auditor. In particular, the Director-General's follow-up and leadership are keys to the solution of the problem.

Ms M. MCCOWAN (United Kingdom): Mr Chairman, I am somewhat confused. I think that the comments I have to make are about voting rights. Am I to understand that you would prefer these to come later?

EL PRESIDENTE: ¿No desea usted referirse al tema 15? ¿Hay alguna otra delegación que desea hacer uso de la palabra? Tiene la palabra Canadá.

Robert VANIER (Canada) Ma délégation voudrait s'associer à la déclaration de la délégation française. Il me semble, en effet, important d'explorer les mécanismes incitatifs possibles, comme celui de la "courbe en S", afin d'accélérer l'obtention des paiements des Etats Membres.

Juan NUIRY SANCHEZ (Cuba): Hemos oído con la debida atención las distintas intervenciones realizadas sobre este tema. Ahora bien, nosotros quisiéramos hacer una reflexión que, tal vez, es una pregunta. Aquí se está pidiendo que a un país, lógicamente del llamado Tercer Mundo, pobre, se le aplique rigurosamente el que pueda o no pueda tener derecho al voto. Ahora bien, ¿en qué escala se van a situar aquellos países que solamente pagan para tener derecho al voto y mantienen a esta Organización en la opción cero? ¿Cuál sería más responsable, señor Presidente? ¿Cuál sería más responsable, pregunto yo?

Aquí estamos pidiendo sangre para los países que no tienen un centavo, precisamente para lo que es esta Organización. A esos países sí se va a poner toda la cosa rigurosa. No estoy en contra de ello, señor Presidente. Creo que la Organización tiene derecho a que se respete su Reglamento. Pero existen también los problemas morales, que son tan importantes unos como los otros. Para ese país indefenso vamos a pedir todo el peso de la ley. Los países que tienen dinero, son grandes potencias, aguantan sus pagos y tienen a su Organización en la opción cero, son los que hablan. Señor Presidente, en nombre de mi delegación me permito indicar que estoy muy confundido. Tal vez los talentos que tenemos aquí me puedan convencer de que estas reflexiones no son justas.

EL PRESIDENTE: Les vuelvo a hacer notar que, en lo que se refiere a las aplicaciones de los atrasos y el derecho de voto, ese tema lo trataremos bajo el punto 20.1, que se discutirá el día de mañana. Tiene la palabra la India.

Atul SINHA (India): India also views with concern the fact that there are very substantial arrears due from various countries. This is all the more alarming because we are now starting with the Director-General's programmes on food security and a lot of other initiatives which he is planning for the developing countries. In the absence of adequate resources, he might find it very difficult to implement them correctly.

Simultaneously, we addressed the issue of funding under TCDC where a lot of new initiatives have been taken. If the resources are not forthcoming we are very much concerned about the future of TCDC in particular which holds a lot of scope for developing countries.

In that context, I would like to point out that in spite of its financial difficulties India has been very, very regular in its payments and even the 1994 payment has been made. At the same time, I feel that it is time that FAO thought in terms of a system not only of penalties but one of incentives, particularly for some of the developing countries which have resource constraints. If there were a system of incentives, I am sure that the situation would improve.

With those remarks, I would like to support whatever initiatives FAO takes to ensure that all countries, both the richer ones and the comparatively poorer ones, are given incentives to make their payments in time.

EL PRESIDENTE: ¿Hay alguna delegación que desea hacer uso de la palabra? ¿Hay algún observador que desea hacer uso de la palabra? En ese caso, voy a pedir al Dr. Shah que responda a las preguntas formuladas.

V.J. SHAH (Deputy Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): There is one subject on which I have been asked to respond in your debate, that is the concern over the shortfalls in contribution. The concern which is shared so widely by Members of the Council is naturally shared by the Director-General. I have nothing more to add on that aspect. However, the distinguished representative of Germany asked a question of the Secretariat about how shortfalls in contributions will be handled during this biennium. He referred to the budgetary formula which Conference adopted in approving the Programme of Work and Budget for 1994/95.

I would respond that there are at least two major aspects which we in the Secretariat bear in mind and on which we report to you. One is the aspect of the income and expenditure statement for the biennium; the other aspect is that of cash flow. It is not only the total amount of contributions received and the amounts expended during the biennium which are involved in the cash flow, but an examination on a month-by-month basis. Thus, it is the volume of contributions received in any one month and the timing of these contributions

during the year in relation to the timing of disbursements which requires us to look at the cash flow problem in order to see when the problems may arise and when they can be dealt with.

Having indicated to you the concern of the Director-General, I would like to indicate on his behalf also his appeal, and his fervent wish, that all Member Nations who still have contributions outstanding make their greatest efforts in settling these contributions as promptly and as fully as possible. We are roughly half-way through the biennium. He is watching these aspects very closely, with both Mr Mehboob and myself reporting to him. This is a matter on which he will report to the Finance Committee and indicate what management measures he will consider necessary during the next year.

There are some other aspects on which Mr Mehboob has been asked to respond if you will be kind enough to give him the floor.

K. MEHBOOB (Assistant Director-General, Administration and Finance Department): The distinguished delegate of Syria said that his government had advised us that their contribution had been paid. That is true. We have been advised that the contribution of the Government of Syria has been paid. It probably is in transit because it has not yet reached the Organization's bank account and that is why it is not reflected in the documents. The documents are prepared on the basis of actual receipts into the Organization's bank account.

There was a question from the distinguished delegate of Germany about the discount scheme and how it works. The criteria for the discount scheme have been approved in the past by the Finance Committee and also submitted to the Council, but for the information of the distinguished delegate of Germany I will recapitulate the criteria. They are that a Member Nation can earn a discount if the full amount of its assessment is paid prior to 31 March of the year of the assessment. The discount earned would be credited to the Member Nation in the year after the payment. The discount credited to the Member Nation would not exceed the interest earned on Regular Programme funds during that year. Therefore, the scheme would not create a deficit in earnings from investments.

Member Nations who have arrears outstanding would not qualify for the discount treatment on their remittance until the arrears are settled in full.

The amount of the discount is approved by the Finance Committee on a proposal from the Director-General and it is usually based on the average of the Euro Dollar interest rates for the first three months of the year. That is how the 0.8 was calculated.

There was also a question from the distinguished delegate of Japan about FINSYS and PERSYS, his concern that the External Auditor's recommendation and the Finance Committee's recommendation should be implemented. In this connection, I could give some information on how we are proceeding with regard to solving the problems of FINSYS and PERSYS. One of the recommendations of the External Auditor has been that before attempting to resolve the problems of FINSYS and PERSYS the Organization must review and streamline its administrative and financial procedures.

That is what the Organization has undertaken, and that report is due to be completed at the end of this month. Once these procedures have been streamlined, then we shall start looking at the options available to the Organization, and in this connection we will be looking at our sister UN Agencies and other international organizations as well as commercial packages available in the market. So we are very carefully implementing the external auditor's recommendations in that regard.

I think these were the only points I have to react to. If there are any others I would be happy to do so.

EL PRESIDENTE: ¿Hay alguna otra delegación que desea hacer uso de la palabra? En ese caso, podríamos decir que el Consejo tomó nota de la situación actualizada de las contribuciones y expresó su preocupación por el hecho de que el número de países con retrasos en el pago de sus contribuciones corrientes y atrasadas había aumentado, e hizo un llamado para que todos los Países Miembros, independientemente de su tamaño, paguen sus cuotas corrientes y atrasadas a la brevedad. Algunos miembros del Consejo observaron que el

90 por ciento de todos los pagos atrasados corresponden a ocho países, mientras que el otro 10 por ciento corresponde a 80 países, principalmente de bajos ingresos.

Se manifestó la esperanza de que antes de que concluya el presente año las cuotas pendientes serán abonadas, y se reflexionó sobre el problema de la financiación del presupuesto actual en tanto no se colme la brecha entre los desembolsos y las cuotas. Se preguntó igualmente sobre la función del plan de descuento. Se expresó, por tanto, preocupación por el impacto que el retraso en los pagos y los desembolsos que tiene la Organización podría afectar ahora y en el futuro la ejecución del programa y se hizo un llamado para que el Director General siga encontrando soluciones sostenibles para evitar que se ponga en peligro la situación financiera de la Organización. Asimismo se indicó la necesidad de encontrar fórmulas efectivas para incentivar a los países a que paguen sus cuotas a tiempo.

En relación con el tema 15, el Consejo recomendó que se pasara a la Conferencia el Proyecto de Resolución contenido en el párrafo 346 del documento CL 107/4, y que la Conferencia apruebe dicha Resolución.

Igualmente, se tomó nota de las opiniones expresadas por el Auditor Externo, y que éstas serán sin reserva, ratificando el Consejo, en lo que valen, las recomendaciones del Auditor Externo.


18. Reports of the Sixty-second and Sixty-third Sessions of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
18. Rapports des soixante-deuxième et soixante-troisième sessions du Comité des questions constitutionnelles et juridiques 18. Informes de los 62° y 63° períodos de sesiones del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos

18.1 Review of Provisions for Acceptance Prodedures under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution
18.1 Examen des dispositions de l'Article XIV de l'Acte constitutif concernant l'acceptation des accords par les Etats
18.1 Examen de las disposiciones para la aceptación de procedimientos con arreglo al Artículo XIV de la Constitución de la FAO

Distinguidos delegados, si no hay ninguna otra observación, me permitiré pasar al Tema 18, incluido el Tema 20.5. La razón es que el Tema 20.5, como ustedes saben, es también un asunto de carácter jurídico. Si me lo permiten, voy a invitar al Presidente del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos a presentar los informes de los 62° y 63° Períodos de Sesiones de dicho Comité. Los documentos que tienen ustedes en sus manos son el CL 107/5 y el CL 107/15, y en relación al Tema 20.5, y dentro del CL 107/15, los párrafos 2 al 9 y los párrafos 14 al 26.

Distinguidos delegados, si a ustedes les parece bien, vamos a tomar estos puntos uno por uno. Pero antes de conceder la palabra al Presidente del Comité de Asuntos Jurídicos y Constitucionales, el distinguido Embajador Poulides, quisiera aclarar que en el Subtema 18.5: "Otros Asuntos", se incluirán también las enmiendas al Convenio Constitutivo de la Comisión de Pesca del Indo-Pacífico. Ese tema fue agregado al orden del día del Comité posteriormente a la aprobación por el Consejo de su Agenda. Tengo el gran honor de presentarles a ustedes al Sr. Embajador Poulides, quien presentará los informes del Comité de Asuntos Jurídicos y Constitucionales. Señor Embajador, tiene usted la palabra.

Fotis G. POULIDES (Chairman Committee on Institutional and Legal Matters): The Council has before it today the report of the 62nd Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters, CL 107/5, and the 63rd Session of the Committee, CL 107/15. A number of important matters were discussed by the CCLM at these two sessions, and I suggest that, as is the usual practice, the Council consider each one individually.

Item 18.1. Review of Provisions for Acceptance and Procedures under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution. At its 104th Session held from 2 to 5 November, 1993, the Council requested that in due course the CCLM review the provisions of Article XIV of the Constitution concerning the acceptance of agreements concluded thereafter in order to determine whether these provisions should not be enlarged to include other forms of adherence to such agreements. The Committee reviewed the relevant provisions of the FAO Constitution, the general rules of the Organization and part R of the basic text as well as the practice of the Organization. The Committee concluded that a wide range of possibilities was provided for in the Constitution and the general rules of the Organization as well as in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969, although this had not always been fully exploited in practice. Consequently, the need did not exist to enlarge the provisions of the basic text to include other forms of adherence to such agreements and conventions. For example, signature and ratification rather than the single act of acceptance. The choice of the most appropriate method of expressing consent to be bound should continue to be left to future parties to agreements and conventions concluded under Article XIV in each individual case. Are there any questions on this point?

EL PRESIDENTE: Distinguido Presidente del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos, le agradezco mucho la presentación de este subtema. Lo someto a la consideración del Consejo. Antes de hacerlo debo marcarles que el Consejo también se honra con la presencia del Dr. Moore, Asesor Legal de esta Organización, que seguramente nos ayudará a responder y aclarar cualquier cuestión de ese carácter.

Robert VANIER (Canada): Ma délégation souhaite s'associer aux conclusions du Comité des questions constitutionnelles et juridiques.

Il nous semble en effet que la Convention de Vienne sur les droits des traités, qui énonce différents modes de consentement des Etats, permet une assez grande souplesse dans le choix d'un mode précis dans la mesure où les Etats concernés souhaitent créer une obligation juridique.

Nous pensons donc, comme le Comité, que le terme "adhésion" revêt un sens générique et n'a aucunement pour effet de restreindre les méthodes d'expression du consentement.

Il n'y aurait donc pas lieu d'amender les textes fondamentaux afin d'y inclure d'autres formes de manifestations du consentement à être liés aux termes du droit international.

John Bruce SHARPE (Australia): I was diverted there for a moment. Could you clarify - are we talking on Item 18.2? That is to come up, is it?

Sra. ILEANA DI GIOVAN BATTISTA (Argentina): Con respecto a este informe del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos sobre este tema, que no solo interesa al Consejo en estas sesiones sino que también debe ser tenido en cuenta en otras sesiones de los comités y grupos de trabajo de la Organización, la Delegación Argentina desearía proponer que este párrafo 9 del documento CL 107/5 fuera incluido como nota aclaratoria en los proyectos de convenios, códigos de conducta o cualquier tipo de acuerdo internacional que sea negociado o elaborado en el marco de la Organización.

LEGAL COUNSEL: Up until now, we have been advising Member Nations that they should follow the single procedure of acceptance rather than also envisaging other procedures like signature and ratification. In the future, as suggested by the distinguished delegate of Argentina, we will bring to the attention of all the meetings that are considering agreements under Article XIV that they have a choice in the procedures to be incorporated in each agreement including, for example, signature and ratification instead of the single procedure of acceptance. The choice, of course, will be for the members concerned to decide upon.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias Dr. Moore por sus aclaraciones.

El Consejo ha examinado las propuestas y planteamientos del Informe del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos respecto al Tema 18.1

18.2 Participation of EC and EC Member States representing their Overseas Territories outside the Geographical Scope of the Treaty of Rome, in FAO Meetings and Intergovernmental Agreements under FAO Auspices
18.2 Participation de la CE et des Etats Membres de la CE agissant au nom de leurs territoires d'outremer situés en dehors de la zone géographique définie par le Traité de Rome dans les réunions de la FAO et dans le cadre d'accords intergouvernementaux conclus sous légide de la FAO
18.2 Participación de la CE y los Estados Miembros de la CE, en representación de sus territorios de ultramar situados fuera del ámbito geográfico del Tratado de Roma, en reuniones de la FAO y en acuerdos intergubernamentales celebrados bajo los auspicios de la FAO

PRESIDENTE: Le otorgo la palabra al Sr. Embajador Poulides para que presente el Subtema 18.2.

Fotis G. POULIDES (Chairman, Committee on Constitution and Legal Matters): On participation of EC and EU Member States representing their overseas territories outside the geographical scope of the Treaty of Rome in FAO meetings and intergovernmental agreements under FAO auspices, the CCLM held a preliminary discussion on this matter at its 62nd Session but deferred consideration of the substantive aspects until its 63rd session.

The matter first arose when the Council considered the draft agreement for the establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission in November 1993. At that time a number of countries expressed concern over what they perceived to be a double voice for the EC and its member states in the wording of Article IV of the agreement. The Council referred the matter to the CCLM for study in its wider perspective in similar situations in the Organization as a whole.

After very careful consideration, the CCLM concluded that the basic issue was already well covered in the relevant provisions of the Basic Texts as supplemented by the Declaration of Competence lodged by the EC and its Member States at the time of admission to FAO. Thus there could be no question of a double voice or a double vote. Consequently the Committee recommended that the Council adopt the guidelines set forth in paragraph 12, sections A and B, of the report of its 63rd Session. Thus for general meetings of the Organization, member states of a Member Organization possessing dependent territories outside the geographical scope of the transfer of competence would be entitled to participate in the discussions on behalf of those territories and to represent their interests even if the agenda item under discussion fell within the exclusive competence of the Member Organization. However, such participation must respect the provisions of Article II.10 of the Constitution and Rule XLI.2 of the General Rules of the Organization, which preclude the possibility of a double vote.

With regard to agreements under Article XIV, each agreement should set its own criteria and terms and conditions for participation by Member States. Where agreements fall within the exclusive competence of a Member Organization, participation by Member States should be only on behalf of territories outside the geographical scope of the transfer of competence. The question of voting rights should be decided on a case by case basis.

EL PRESIDENTE: Les subrayo que en el párrafo 13 se hace referencia específica a las recomendaciones del Comité. El CACJ recomienda al Consejo que apruebe las directrices contenidas en los subpárrafos A y Β del párrafo 12 del Informe del 63° período de sesiones.

Atul SINHA (India): We have gone through the recommendations of the CCLM in this regard. I draw your attention to Part Β of the recommendations which relate to agreements under Article XIV of the Constitution. While the early part of the formulation seems to present no problems, the last sentence seems to need some clarification from the Chairman or the Legal Counsel. This sentence reads: "The question of voting rights should be decided on a case-by-case basis." That seems to be a very wide power which is being given. There is a risk of this being interpreted to mean that a country which has overseas territories could vote both on

behalf of its territory and then for the EU. We therefore think this last sentence could be made a little clearer so as to totally preclude any possibility of their voting rights being decided in a manner which is not consistent with Article XIV of the Constitution. That means it should specifically state here that there should be no double voting rights. Probably a reference to Article XIV once again at this stage may be useful. A legal formulation could be suggested by the Legal Counsel. I would request a clarification on this issue so as to preclude any doubts whatsoever.

EL PRESIDENTE: Quizás para orientar mejor nuestros debates es importante, a estas alturas, la respuesta del Asesor Legal respecto a la cuestión planteada por el Delegado de la India.

LEGAL COUNSEL: First of all, I should like to clarify one point. When we say "on a case-by-case basis" it really means "in each agreement". I would also like to refer you to Article XIV of the Constitution which states "Where any convention ... provides that a Member Organization ... may become a party thereto, the voting rights to be exercised by such organizations and the other terms of participation shall be defined therein." This means that our Basic Texts require, under Article XIV, that each agreement should determine the terms of participation where a Member Organization is a prospective party to that agreement, including the voting rights and how they should be exercised.

In response to the delegate of India, I would suggest that this should perhaps be clarified in the report and we could use wording for the last sentence as follows: "The question of voting rights should be decided in each agreement in accordance with Article XIV of the Constitution." Does this settle your difficulty, sir? Thank you.

EL PRESIDENTE: Ha quedado satisfecha la cuestión planteada por el delegado de la India. Espero que ustedes hayan tomado nota.

John Bruce SHARPE (Australia): I had similar questions to those raised by India. I think perhaps Mr Moore has answered them but, not being a lawyer, and since this involves international agreements, I should like to take this back to my capital to see that they concur with it and that we are agreeing on the same thing.

Before doing so I should like to take the opportunity here at this Council to state the view that I have been given from Canberra to pass on to this Council, and I will read from it.

From Australia's point of view the issue of the potential double voice in the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission for EC Member States with territories in the Indian Ocean has yet to be resolved satisfactorily. We raise this issue in the context of the report from the CCLM. On pages 5 and 6 the report outlines the CCLM's recommended position in relation to voting and speaking where EC Member States speak on behalf of territories lying outside the geographical area of the Treaty of Rome. We do not consider that the CCLM report resolves this issue satisfactorily.

The CCLM report states that for general meetings of the Organization EC Member States should identify clearly that they are speaking on behalf of their territories outside the geographical area of the Treaty of Rome and should address only aspects of the question raised for which there is special interest of the territories concerned which differs from the position taken by the EC. For bodies established under Article XIV a more ambiguous and, in our view, imprecise prescription is given, i.e., that voting rights should be decided on a case-by-case basis. This has just been referred to by Mr Moore and the delegate from India. Is this intended to mean decision on a commission-by-commission basis or an issue-by-issue basis within a particular commission? Some clarification has been provided by Mr Moore, but there is still ambiguity there. We wish to place clearly on record our strong view that it would be fair and reasonable for the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission to apply restrictions similar to those prescribed for the general meetings of the Organization. For example, EC Member States should identify clearly that they are speaking on behalf of their territories outside the geographical area of the Treaty of Rome and should address, and have a right to vote on, only aspects of the question raised for which there is specific interest of the territories concerned which differs from the position taken by the EC.

Article XIV agreements are concluded within the framework of the Organization and it is our view that in the absence of specific arrangements within an Article XIV agreement the fundamental principles recognized in the CCLM report in regard to the Organization should be reflected in the operation of Article XIV Bodies. If the input and voting rights are defined in this way, it would give states a clear voice on issues of special interest to their respective territories where that interest differs from the position taken by the EC while at the same time averting the possibility of a double voice on other issues, i.e., the EC would have a single vote on those other issues.

We recognize the autonomy of bodies established under Article XIV but we consider that the matter of voting rights in respect of territories has not been explicitly dealt with in the final text of the IOTC agreement. However, it must be resolved before the Commission commences operation.

That is the view from Canberra.

Jürgen OESTREICH (Allemagne): La Communauté et ses Etats Membres ont examiné le rapport de la soixante-treizième session du Comité des questions constitutionnelles et juridiques, et notamment la partie concernant la présentation, au sein de la FAO, des intérêts des territoires d'outre-mer situés en dehors du champ d'application du traité de Rome.

La Communauté et ses Etats Membres considèrent que le rapport du Comité donne une explication claire et conforme à la déclaration générale des compétences soumise par la Communauté au moment de son adhésion en novembre 1991, (note en bas de page 1) et des modalités selon lesquelles s'effectue la participation de la Communauté et de certains de ses Etats Membres pour le compte de leurs territoires d'outre-mer aux réunions de la FAO et aux accords conclus dans le cadre de cette organisation.

La Communauté et ses Etats Membres espèrent qu'à l'avenir cette question ne soulève plus de craintes ou de malentendus parmi d'autres membres de l'Organisation, et sont de leur part disposés à souscrire aux décisions du Comité.

Sra. Ileana DI GIOVAN BATTISTA (Argentina): Con relación a este tema, Sr. Presidente, la delegación argentina agradece las explicaciones del Doctor Moore y, especialmente, la intervención del señor representante de Alemania en el sentido de proveer todas las aclaraciones necesarias para que, cito al Sr. representante de Alemania: no existan ni temores ni malentendidos por parte de los otros miembros de la Organización con relación a un eventual doble voto por parte de la Comunidad Europea y sus Países Miembros.

Además, señor Presidente, me permito mencionar a usted la solicitud de nuestro Gobierno de que figure una reserva formulada por Argentina con relación particularmente al párrafo 12 del documento CL 107/15 en sus párrafos A y B. La delegación argentina solicita que se incluya a pie de página su reserva reiterando los conceptos de la nota del Gobierno argentino al Secretario General del Consejo de las Comunidades Europeas del 25 de julio 1972, en la que expresa su objeción y reserva ante la inclusión de las islas Malvinas, Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur y del llamado "Territorio Antartico Británico" en la lista anexa al Capítulo IV del Tratado de Roma.

Me permito entregar el texto de la reserva a la Secretaría: La República Argentina rechaza la inclusión y las referencias a las Islas Malvinas, Georgias del sur y Sandwich del sur por parte de la CEE y los Estados Miembros de la CEE como territorios de ultramar, y reafirma su soberanía sobre dichas Islas, que son parte integrante de su territorio nacional, así como sobre los espacios marítimos circundantes.

La República Argentina recuerda que la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas ha adoptado las Resoluciones 2065 (XX), 3160 (XXVIII), 31/49, 37/6, 40/21, 41/40, 42/19, y 43/25 por las que se reconoce la existencia de una disputa de soberanía y se pide a los Gobiernos de la República Argentina y del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte que entablen negociaciones con miras a encontrar los medios de resolver pacífica y definitivamente los problemas pendientes entre los dos países incluidos todos los aspectos sobre el futuro de las Islas Malvinas de acuerdo con la Carta de las Naciones Unidas.

Asimismo, reitera los conceptos de la nota del Gobierno argentino, del 25 de julio de 1972, en la que se notificó al Secretario General del Consejo de las Comunidades Europeas su objeción y reserva ante la inclusión de las Islas Malvinas, Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur y del llamado "Territorio Antartico Británico" en la lista anexa al Capítulo IV del Tratado de Roma.

EL PRESIDENTE: Se ha tomado nota de su reserva, distinguida delegada, y será incluida a pie de página en el párrafo 12 del 63° Informe del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos.

Ms M. McCOWAN (United Kingdom): Mr Chairman, the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands are Overseas Territories to which special arrangements apply under the Treaty of Rome Part IV, Article 277, para. 3 and Annex 4.

As regards sovereignty Her Majesty's Government has no doubt about United Kingdom sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, and her position is well known.

EL PRESIDENTE: Se ha tomado nota, distinguida delegada, para aclarar la situación en el Informe. Se va a reproducir el párrafo 12, y las dos directrices del párrafo 13, y al respecto, se incluirán las reservas señaladas, u otras que puedan manifestarse en cuanto a las directrices propuestas por el Comité. Igualmente se ha tomado nota de su reserva y será incluida.

Ms Lisa Bobbie SCHREIBER HUGHES (United States of America): Although we also appreciate the clarifying words of the FAO Legal Counsel, the United States delegation would also like to make a brief statement.

We recognize that, due to certain limitations of the Treaty of Rome, the EC cannot exercise competence over issues relating to the overseas territories of its Member States, even in matters where the EC would otherwise enjoy exclusive competence.

While we also recognize that EC Member States with overseas territories should be able to represent the interests of those territories at meetings of the FAO and of organizations created by conventions and agreements adopted under Article XIV of the FAO constitution, we must ensure that this does not result in a double vote for the EEC and its Member States.

Accordingly, we are pleased to support the recommendation of the CCLM that the alternative voting formula as set forth in the relevant provisions of the FAO constitution and the General Rules of the Organization be fully respected when such matters arise within FAO. However, we believe that this alternative voting approach must be adopted across the board to apply to any voting that takes place in such circumstances in Article XIV organizations.

Raphael RABE (Madagascar): Ma délégation remercie aussi le Président du CQCJ et M. Moore pour les informations et les explications données. Nous félicitons également le Secrétariat pour la production du document soumis à examen.

Je voudrais seulement, pour la transparence et la clarté de la question, qui, je le reconnais, n'est pas simple, vous soumettre un cas de figure: dans le cas où la CE et un de ses pays membres siègent ensemble dans ime commission donnée, cela pourrait se passer de la manière suivante: la CE voterait au nom des pays dont les pouvoirs lui ont été délégués et le pays voterait au nom du territoire dont il est le propriétaire. Ou alors peut-on dire que la CE ne siège jamais là où un de ses pays membres possède un territoire? Si l'on peut donc dire de manière définitive que la CE ne siège jamais en même temps que l'un de ses pays membres qui possède un territoire d'outre-mer, la question est très simple.

Ricardo VELAZQUEZ HUERTA (México): Este tema a nuestro juicio, señor Presidente, es muy importante. En primer lugar es obvio que la comunidad de Países Miembros de la FAO no puede de ninguna manera analizar cómo la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados Miembros, o sus territorios, deciden la competencia para sus votos. En lo interno, hacia la FAO, la costumbre nuestra ha sido evitar a toda costa una duplicidad de voto. Esto es un hecho y una práctica que hemos observado durante largo tiempo a raíz del ingreso de la Comunidad en el seno de nuestra Organización.

La representación de la India, tocó un punto por demás importante, que habiéndolo aclarado el señor Asesor Legar, cambiando la palabra "caso" por "acuerdo", a nosotros nos parece que debía figurar de todas maneras en el texto. En términos jurídicos cuando falta claridad o hay dudas de interpretación, es mejor referirse a la norma como la tenemos escrita. Y si nosotros completáramos, como lo indicaba la representación de la India, el texto propuesto por la Secretaría indicando con claridad que, en todo caso se evitará la duplicidad de votos, con eso, señor Presidente, pensamos nosotros que se salvaguarda la intención de esta soberanía en cuanto a la participación de la Comunidad, de los miembros de la Comunidad, o de los territorios de la Comunidad en el seno de la FAO.

Kenji SHIMIZU (Japan): My delegation is not in a position to support voting on the basis proposed in paragraph (b) because my delegation has just received this document and has not had an opportunity to fully study the implications of the recommendations. Despite the clarification given by the Legal Counsel these are still not clear, as was illustrated by the remarks of the Austrian delegate.

It also seems to me that the issue is basically related to the EC status in this Organization, and the matter should therefore be taken up again at the appropriate future meeting.

My delegation wishes to put on record its reservations on this issue.

EL PRESIDENTE: Se ha tomado nota, distinguido delegado del Japón, de su reserva respecto al párrafo 12, y cuando se reproduzca así en el informe junto con la de la delegación de Argentina, se incluirá a pie de página.

Jürgen OESTREICH (Germany): The European Community also reserves the right to put a footnote in the report.

EL PRESIDENTE: Se ha tomado nota, distinguido delegado, de la reserva de la Comunidad Europea, respecto de la posibilidad de incluir una nota a pie de página, en relación a este punto.

Robert VANIER (Canada):La proposition du Conseil juridique, ce n'est pas un reproche, ne règle pas la question de fond - et elle ne pouvait pas vraiment la régler. Il nous semble donc que tout accord conclu aux termes de l'Article 14 devrait respecter les règles de l'Acte concernant la prohibition d'une double voix.

Suharyo HUSEN (Indonesia): My delegation would like to associate itself with the comments of other speakers on this agenda item. If we are going to have so many footnotes to this report, my delegation would like to recommend to the CCLM that this report be reconsidered at the next meeting of this Committee.

EL PRESIDENTE: Creo que usted ha hecho la propuesta más sensata y a todos nos parece que a estas alturas, y en virtud de los problemas de interpretación y del contenido de las directrices, así como a la luz de las aclaraciones ya planteadas por el Dr. Moore, y otras que seguramente nos hará en algún momento, creo sería conveniente que este Consejo tome nota con satisfacción de los esfuerzos hechos por el Comité para aclarar esta cuestión y refiere los puntos todavía de interpretación y de contenido sobre los cuales hay discrepancia para que los siga estudiando dicho Comité.

El Presidente del Comité está aquí presente, y estoy seguro que él ha tomado nota. El Dr. Moore está aquí también presente y ha tomado también debida nota de ello y este Consejo podría pedir al Comité que se refiera a estos aspectos de nuevo.

LEGAL COUNSEL: I have taken note of the wishes of the Council on this particular point. However, I would like to respond to a couple of the points raised.

First of all, to clarify even further the question of the meaning of "on a case by case basis" in the last sentence of sub-paragraph (b): It is in fact intended that this should refer, not to individual issues or items on the agenda of a body established under Article XIV, but that the matter should be included in each agreement and settled in each particular agreement.

I want to make that quite clear. It is not a question of individual agenda items before a Commission. The matter of voting rights should be settled in each agreement when it is drawn up and before it is adopted by the Conference. This is what we are required to do in the Basic Texts of the Organization. As I mentioned before, Article XIV of our Constitution indicates that where a Member Organization is a member, or a potential member of an agreement, the whole question of voting rights must be decided upon in the agreement. Therefore, I think it is a little difficult to change this basic provision of the Constitution, although it certainly can be clarified as to exactly what the meaning is.

I note that all the interventions have indicated that there is no problem with Members of Council in so far as paragraph (a) is concerned - how the question will be settled for general meetings of the Organization.

I should point out that in paragraph (b), when we are dealing with agreements under Article XIV of the Constitution, and when we are dealing with questions of mixed competence - in other words, where both the EC and its Member States are party to the agreement - we would then follow the normal rules of the Organization.

In other words, we would treat this as a question of a general meeting, in the same way as with general meetings of the Organization. There would be declarations of competence, presumably before each meeting. Of course, this would have to be settled in the individual agreement, but normally one would follow the same course of action as we do for the Organization as a whole.

I think the Council may then find that the question of double voice does not arise at all in these circumstances, because it is exactly the same as for the general meetings of the Organization.

Therefore, I think the question can be narrowed down to this particular situation, where the competence lies exclusively with the Member Organization. This caused a considerable amount of dificulty where we were negotiating the amendments to the Constitution and the accession of the EC to membership of FAO.

However, I would draw your attention to Article XIV of the Constitution which says that in these cases where there is exclusive competence with a Member Organization, the Member Organization would join on a slightly different basis to that on which it has joined FAO. It would not join with a multiple vote, but it would join with a single vote.

If we have an agreement dealing with fisheries management, for example - and here I defer to the EC, but I understand that fisheries management is within the exclusive competence of the EC - then the EC would join such a fisheries body normally with a single vote and on its own, without its Member States.

This still leaves the question of those territories in the region, or those parts of the country which are not represented. This is the problem we have before us.

In that particular case, either somebody represents the interests of those territories in the area, or nobody does because the EC is not allowed to represent the interest of those territories in the region. We then have a very big difficulty, as to how to deal with that situation.

One thing I should point out is that the EC is a separate and distinct legal entity from its Member States. Therefore, I do not think that the question of a double voice or vote arises, because when we are dealing with the question of the EC being a single member, where it has exclusive competence in respect of the subject matter of the agreement, the EC has its own interests and legal identity.

The member states, when they join on behalf of their overseas territories outside the scope of the transfer of competence would have their interests and their own distinct legal personality from the EC.

The CCLM has tried in its Report, under paragraph (b), also to heighten this distinction by using the words, when talking about the member states having territories lying outside the geographical scope of the transfer of competence, that their participation should be limited to participation on behalf of those territories and representing the interests of those territories.

In other words we are trying to separate not only the legal entity of the EC, which is separate from the legal entity of its member states, but also the interests that the EC is representing and the interests that the Member States may be representing.

Therefore, in our view, there is no question of a double voice, for these two reasons. However, we take the general feeling of the Council that this matter needs further clarification. I think this is a matter that will be haunting us in the CCLM for a few sessions to come.

EL PRESIDENTE: Veo que un fantasma recorre los trabajos del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos. Si no hay ninguna observación o aclaración por su parte, podríamos decir que el Consejo tomó nota con aprecio de los esfuerzos del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos. Los miembros del Consejo estuvieron divididos en relación a la adopción de las directrices propuestas en el párrafo 12 del 63° Período de Sesiones de dicho Comité. Algunos propusieron la adopción de tales directrices; otros indicaron que la cuestión no estaba todavía suficientemente clara ni deslindada. Alguna delegación indicó que su gobierno no había podido tener tiempo para estudiar todas las repercusiones de estas dos propuestas y, por tanto, solicitó disponer de más tiempo. Otras indicaron, sin embargo, que había un problema de interpretación de contenido, principalmente en el subpárrafo b) del párrafo 12, relativo a la cuestión de los derechos de voto y las decisiones en caso de cada acuerdo.

Distinguidos delegados, para evitar que en el Informe se introduzcan reservas, como fue señalado, propongo que concluyamos de la siguiente manera:"El Consejo pidió al Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos que se refiera específicamente a las cuestiones de interpretación y de aclaración solicitadas por los Estados Miembros durante su debate que, en particular, se concentraron en el subpárrafo b) del párrafo 12 del Informe del 63° Período de Sesiones del Comité, para que lo siga estudiando". Si ustedes están de acuerdo, así lo haríamos y se evitaría en principio las notas de pie de página y las reservas al respecto. No creo que ello contribuya a que el Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos pueda seguir trabajando. Sin embargo, estoy abierto a reconocer el deseo de algunas delegaciones para incluir una reserva en relación a dicho párrafo. Tiene la palabra la distinguida delegada de Argentina.

Sra. Ileana DI GIOVAN BATTISTA (Argentina): Gracias, Sr. Presidente. Mi delegación acompaña su síntesis sobre los debates y no insistirá en que la enmienda figure al pie de página del informe final, pero sí desea pedirle que la reserva figure en el verbatim y que se solicite al Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos que tenga en cuenta las reservas formuladas durante esta sesión del Consejo. Gracias, Sr. Presidente.

EL PRESIDENTE: Desde luego, el verbatim reflejará el hecho de que su delegación, así como otras, han presentado reservas respecto del texto del párrafo 12, y el Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos ha tomado nota a través de su Presidente.

Si están de acuerdo, entonces podríamos proceder de esta manera. Indicarle al Comité de Redacción que la presentación del Proyecto de Informe lo redacte de tal manera que dé una instrucción muy concreta al Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos para seguir estudiando estas cuestiones.

Ms M. McCOWAN (United Kingdom): On a point of clarification, when I responded to the distinguished delegate from Argentina and her request to enter a footnote which is now going into the verbatim, I said that we would, of course, also need to add an additional footnote.

Would this mean that whatever we wish to say would also be included in the verbatim ?

EL PRESIDENTE: Eso se incluirá en el verbatim. Lo que sugiero es que no quede incluido en el informe del Consejo. Están registradas en el verbatim tanto la reserva de Argentina como la de su país.

Si están de acuerdo, podríamos pasar al Tema 18.3 de nuestra Agenda. Le voy a pedir al Presidente del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos que nos presente el tema.

18.3 The Compatibility with Article XVIII.6 of the Constitution of the Methodology Proposed by the Finance Committee for the Calculation of the Sum to be pais by Member Organizations of FAO to cover Administrative Expenses arising out of their Membership.
18.3 La compatibilité avec l'Article XVIII.6 de l'Acte constitutif de la méthodologie proposée par le Comité financer pour le calcul de la contribution des Organisations Membres de la FAO destinées à compenser les frais administratifs afférents à leur status de membres.
18.3 Compatibilidad con el Artículo XVm.6 de la Constitución de la metodología propuesta por el Comité de Finanzas para calcular la suma que deben pagar las organizaciones miembro de la FAO para sufragar gastos administrativos derivados de su condición de miembros.

Fotis G. POULIDES (Chairman, Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters): We have taken due note of all the remarks of the Members of the Council. We will study them at our next meeting and we shall try to answer the various questions as far as possible.

Item 18.3 The Compatibility with Article XVIII.6 of the Constitution of the Methodology Proposed by the Finance Committee for the Calculation of the Sum to be paid by Member Organizations of FAO to cover Administrative Expenses arising out of their Membership: the CCLM, bearing in mind the provisions of Article XVIII.6 of the FAO Constitution, reviewed the methodology recommended by the Finance Committee at its Seventy-seventh Session in September 1993. In so doing, it recalled that several Members of the Council had expressed the view that this methodology would be incompatible with Article XVIII.6.

Thus, the matter had been referred to the CCLM for consideration. The detailed opinion of the CCLM is set forth in paragraph XVIII of the Report of its Sixty-second Session.

The CCLM reached the conclusion that the methodology proposed by the Finance Committee was not incompatible with Article XVIII.6 of the FAO Constitution.

I should like to draw the attention of the Council to the fact that the question of compatibility is now moot. Since the Finance Committee recommended that in future the sum to be paid by Member Organizations to cover administrative and other expenses arising out of their membership should be set as a lump sum.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias, Sr. Embajador. Han escuchado ustedes al Presidente del Comité. ¿Hay alguna delegación que desea hacer uso de la palabra? Tiene la palabra el distinguido representante de la Comunidad Europea.

Luis DELGADO SANCHO (Comunidad Europea): En lo que se refiere al método propuesto por el Comité de Finanzas para el pago de la contribución de los Estados Miembros de la FAO, la Comunidad y sus Estados Miembros están totalmente de acuerdo con las conclusiones a las que llegó dicho Comité durante su 78° sesión, que tuvo lugar en abril del presente año.

EL PRESIDENTE: ¿Hay alguna otra delegación que desea hacer uso de la palabra? (DENEGACIONES). En ese caso, podríamos concluir que el Consejo apoyó las recomendaciones del Comité de Finanzas para calcular la suma que deben pagar los Estados Miembros de la FAO para sufragar los gastos administrativos derivados de su condición de miembros.

Pasamos al Subtema 18.4

18.4 Italian Tax (6 per mille) on the Contents of Bank Accounts belonging to FAO Staff Members.
18.4 Taxe "6 per mille" du Gouvernement italien sur les comptes bancaires des fonctionnaires de la FAO.
18.4 Impuesto italiano (6 por mil) sobre los fondos de las cuentas bancarias pertenecientes a los miembros del personal de la FAO.

Fotis G. POULIDES (Chairman, Committee on Institutional and Legal Matters): On Item 18.4, Italian Tax (6 per mille) on the Contents of Bank Accounts belonging to FAO staff members, the Committee recalls that following the imposition of this 6 per mille tax on bank accounts of FAO staff members, the Finance Committee considered the matter in September 1993 and the CCLM noted the proposed scheme for recovery at its 63rd Session in October 1993. The matter was also reviewed by the Council at its 104th Session in November 1993. Subsequently, the Italian Government was seized of the question and was now seeking a pragmatic solution to the problem. It is hoped that the matter will be resolved soon to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.

Since that time, the matter has been considered by the Finance Committee at its 79th Session in September 1994. The Report of that Committee is in document CL 107/4 which is before the Council under Agenda Item 13.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias, Sr. Poulides, por sus comentarios introductorios. ¿Hay alguna delegación que desea hacer uso de la palabra? Tiene la palabra el distinguido delegado de Italia.

Paolo Vincenzo MASSA (Italy): As is pointed out in the document in front of us, when the problem was referred there was a solution proposed by FAO which by itself is pragmatic, let us put it that way. We all know that we keep on examining the matter in the Legal Committee and it has now become meta-legal. It has gone beyond the legal point. Certainly from the legal point of view there is not an automatic assimilation to an imposition of tax on bank accounts and the imposition of tax on emoluments. That, of course, has been the position of our Ministry of Finance and for them the matter is closed.

However, we are trying to see if we can - without going back to the Ministry of Finance to ask them for the restitution of the moneys, which they will not do - solve the problem in a more pragmatic way. We are still looking into that. It is not easy from an administrative point of view.

You well know that the financial views of a country or a state are very complicated. They involve certain forms of control, and so on. With the Treasury we are looking to see if we can find an allowance to cover that amount of money. We take note of the fact that it is, after all, a quite small amount but it can still create problems from an administrative point of view. One has problems of control. We hope that we shall be able to find a solution.

That is all I can say to the Council at the moment.

EL PRESIDENTE: ¿Hay alguna otra delegación que desea hacer uso de la palabra? ¿Hay algún observador? Tiene la palabra el Dr. Moore.

LEGAL COUNSEL: I would like to bring to your attention a matter that we raised with the Finance Committee at the last session, and that is that there are two aspects to this particular issue: one is the relationship between the Organization and its staff; the other is the relationship between the Organization and Italy.

We feel very strongly that this is a tax, in practice, on the salaries of FAO staff members as soon as that salary is paid into the bank account. We have some difficulty in that, with the passage of time, it becomes more and more difficult to reimburse staff, as staff members leave or as staff members lose their records of what tax they have paid. Therefore, we informed the Finance Committee at its last Session that, in view of these difficulties, the Director-General may need at an appropriate time to proceed with the reimbursement of staff members along the lines set out in the scheme. This is our relationship with our own staff and we are required to do this under our rules. We will then continue to take up the matter of finding a pragmatic solution, with the Italian Government, to get reimbursement from the Italian Government.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias por su aclaración. Si no hay ningún otro comentario, podríamos decir que el Consejo tomó nota con aprecio del Informe del 63° Período de Sesiones del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos al respecto. Igualmente manifestó su agradecimiento a las autoridades italianas por los esfuerzos que realizan para resolver este asunto de manera equitativa y pragmática. El Consejo tomó nota de las dificultades específicas que tendría la FAO para el reembolso de este impuesto italiano e instó al Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos para que continúe revisando este tema en el futuro. Me parece que el distinguido delegado italiano no considera que esto es justo. Tiene la palabra el delegado de Italia.

Paolo Vincenzo MASSA (Italy): I would not like to disturb your beautiful summing up of the whole matter, Mr Chairman, but as a matter of fact we do not think that the matter should keep on being revised in the CCLM; we think that the Finance Committee is quite appropriate because it deals with small financial problems within the Organization.

From a legal point of view, whilst the Committee has taken note that there is not a strictly legal basis - and Mr Moore has said that this could be conceded - from a legal point of view, he is a lawyer, he is much more able than me to explain this to you, there is no such thing that it could be considered that it is or it is not. From a juridical point of view, the problem does not exist any more. I am sorry to say that. It is a practical problem and it is a matter which has to be taken up by another committee, namely the Finance Committee.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias por su aclaración. Corrijo entonces mi resumen diciendo que el Consejo recomienda al Comité de Finanzas que estudie los aspectos prácticos del reembolso del impuesto italiano.

18.5 Other matters
18.5 Autres questions
18.5 Otros asuntos

EL PRESIDENTE: Pasamos al Tema 18.5: Otros asuntos. Como yo les había manifestado, en la Agenda del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos se incluyó, una vez que nosotros habíamos ya aprobado la nuestra, el aspecto específico a las enmiendas al Acuerdo para el establecimiento de una Comisión Pesquera del Indo-Pacífico. Le pido al Embajador Poulides que presente este subtema.

Fotis G. POULIDES (Chairman, Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters): Item 18.5, Other Matters, Amendments to the Agreement establishing the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission, IPFC, document CL 107/15, section 2. The Committee recalled that the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission had first been established in 1948, that the agreement establishing the Commission had been amended on several occasions to broaden the scope of its activities in order to take account of changing institutional requirements. The CCLM noted that the Committee on Fisheries, COFI, had recommended in 1989 that the IPFC undertake an in-depth review of its functions and structure with a view to strengthening its activities in the technical and

policy teams. This review was carried out and new objectives and orientation were proposed which would require amending the agreement to allow for greater flexibility and evaluation of the activities of the Commission in future. In particular, activities will now be concentrated in the Asia Pacific area.

A number of amendments were approved by the Commission at its 24th Session one year ago. These amendments are set out in Appendix Β to the Report of the CCLM. The CCLM reviewed the matter and concluded that the proposed amendments were acceptable from a legal point of view. They recommended that the Council expresses its concurrence with these amendments. Consequently, the amendments will not require approval by the Conference and will take effect immediately.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias, Sr. Embajador Poulides.

Han escuchado ustedes los comentarios introductorios del Sr. Embajador. ¿Hay alguna observación o comentario?

El Consejo ha tomado nota del informe del Comité y está de acuerdo con las recomendaciones y enmiendas al respecto.

20 Other Constitutional and Legal Matters, including: (continued)
20 Autres questions constitutionnelles et juridiques, notamment: (suite)
20 Otros asuntos constitucionales y jurídicos, en particular: (continuación)

20.5 Proposed Amendment to Staff Regulation 301.136 (National Professional Officers)
20.5 Projet d'amendement à l'article 301.136 du Statut du personnel (Fonctionnaires recrutés sur le plan national)
20.5 Enmienda propuesta del artículo 301.136 del Estatuto del Personal (Profesionales de contratación nacional)

EL PRESIDENTE: Pasamos al Tema 20.5 relativo a la Enmienda propuesta del artículo 301.136 del Estatuto del Personal (Profesionales de contratación nacional). Les recuerdo que en el informe del Comité de Finanzas, documento CL 107/4, este tema se ubica en los párrafos 3.85 a 3.94 y en el documento CL 107/15, en los párrafos del 2 al 9 y del 14 al 26. Le ofrezco la palabra al Sr. Slater para que presente este tema.

A.T. SLATER (Director, Personnel Division): It is recalled that at its 106th Session in May and June of 1994, the Council approved the progressive establishment of a cadre of national professional officers or NPOs in country representation offices and saw it as a cost-effective and potentially important contribution to national capacity building. The Council now has before it Council document 107/4, report of the 79th Session of the Finance Committee, and Council document CL 107/15, report of the 63rd Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters, CCLM. These documents contain the Director-General's proposal and the conclusions of the above referenced Committees concerning the policy framework for the introduction of national professional officers, the applicable terms and conditions of employment and the amendment to the staff regulation 301.136 of the Organization which would empower the Director-General to establish this new category. Under this Item, the Council's approval is sought of the policy framework government NPOs, the terms and conditions of employment of the new category and the amendment to staff regulation 301.136.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias, Sr. Slater, por sus comentarios introductorios. Me voy a permitir pasarle la palabra al Embajador Poulides, Presidente del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos, para que recuerde cuáles son las recomendaciones del CACJ al respecto.

Fotis G. POULIDES (Chairman, Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters): National Professional Officers, proposed amendment to staff regulation 301.136, document CL 107/15, section 4. Bearing in mind that at its last session the Council approved the progressive establishment of a cadre of National Professional

Officers, NPOs, in country representation offices, and having considered it to be a cost effective and potentially important contribution to national capacity building, the Committee reviewed the proposed system-wide criteria established by the International Civil Service Commission and the policy framework and applicable terms and conditions of service. As stated in paragraph 20 of the Report of the 63rd Session of the CCLM, Members of the Committee expressed various concerns on the aspect of the category of national professional officers and its implications for the Organization. Assurances were given in response to these concerns and are set out in the above mentioned paragraph. I should also point out that the Committee underlined that the independence of NPOs from the influence of any authority external to the Organization, both in their recruitment and their performance of duties, was a fundamental condition for the new system. The CCLM examined the proposal that staff regulation 301.136 be amended to include a reference to national professional officers. In so doing, it noted that this regulation had been amended both in 1961 and 1976 in order to extend its field of application. The Committee also noted the provisions of Rule 24.3(j) and Rule 39.3 of the general rules of the Organization. In view of the aforementioned provisions and earlier precedents of similar nature, the CCLM agreed that the most direct and flexible method for empowering the Director-General to establish the new category of NPO would be to amend staff regulation 301.136 by adding the category of NPOs. The CCLM underlined that the staff rules and provisions of the staff manual which will be promulgated on this subject should take full account of the concern expressed by the Committee members on a number of aspects of the establishment of this new category.

Christophe KIEMTORE (Burkina Faso): Les comités techniques du Conseil - je veux parler du Comité des questions constitutionnelles et juridiques ainsi que du Comité financier - ont déjà fait un examen approfondi de cette question importante, et les conclusions, les préoccupations et les commentaires de ces comités sont relatés dans leurs rapports.

Ma délégation voudrait apporter son soutien aux recommandations de ces deux comités et attirer l'attention du Conseil sur leurs commentaires qui nous paraissent tout à fait pertinents. Donc le Conseil pourra entériner les recommandations du Comité spécifique en prenant en compte les commentaires justifiés qui se rapportent à cette question importante.

Jacques LAUREAU (France): Compte tenu des précisions apportées par la Direction du Personnel au Comité des questions constitutionnelles et juridiques, dont j'ai la chance d'être membre, je viens vous dire que la délégation française approuve pleinement les dispositions applicables aux fonctionnaires recrutés sur le plan national et l'amendement proposé en conséquence à l'Article 301.136 du statut du personnel.

Nous avons noté, en particulier, que les fonctionnaires recrutés sur le plan national seront des fonctionnaires du cadre organique recrutés localement dont les conditions d'emploi seront conformes aux critères établis par la Commission de la fonction publique internationale; que la représentation de l'Organisation pour le pays concerné évaluera les candidatures et transmettra une liste restreinte de candidats qualifiés au Siège lequel procédera à leur sélection; que ces recrutements au niveau local, pour des contrats à moyen terme, n'ouvraient pas droit à une nomination sur le plan international; et qu'enfin l'indépendance de ces fonctionnaires recrutés sur le plan national par rapport à des interventions externes est une condition fondamentale du système envisagé.

En appuyant la proposition présentée, la délégation française tient aussi à souligner la nécessité que les activités des fonctionnaires recrutés sur le plan national soient très clairement centrées sur quatre aspects: la conception des projets, leur cohérence avec les autres actions menées localement par d'autres institutions internationales ou le système de Bretton Woods, la nécessaire coordination avec l'ensemble des acteurs du développement sur place et la non-contradiction avec les lignes d'orientation générales de l'Organisation.

Ms M. McCOWAN (United Kingdom): My delegation fully supports the appointment of national professional officers. However, it has one or two questions about the report of the CCLM in relation to recruitment. I have listened to what my colleague from France has said which confirms what is in the report about the selection being made at Headquarters through normal selection procedures. I am assuming that this means paper selection and that people are not going to be coming for an interview to Rome. Given that, I wonder quite why Headquarters has to have such a role in appointing or deciding who should be appointed as

locally appointed staff. It says very clearly in the staff regulations "locally recruited". I wonder why local recruitment does not include the idea of local selection since the man on the spot with whom the NPO has to work surely should have quite a large say in who joins the staff.

TANG ZHENGPING (China): We are very grateful to the Director of Personnel and the Chairman of CCLM for their presentations. My intervention will be very brief. As the report of the Committee has pointed out, recruitment of national professional officers will compliment FAO's expertise and enrich FAO's projects and programmes because these experts know very well the social conditions and the culture and traditions of these countries. In this way they can fully complement the social components of FAO's projects and programmes. At the same time, this method can make savings and contribute significantly to national capacity building. That is why the Chinese delegation endorses this method and supports the plan to recruit national professional officers. On the other hand, as has been pointed out by the Director-General, reform and innovation are a gradual process and need time for preparation. As far as recruitment of national country officers is concerned, we hold that this can be done in a step-by-step way. It can be carried out on a trial basis first in countries where conditions are ripe and then expanded to other countries. However, either in the experimental or full-fledged execution stage, Member Government support is essential. The Chinese Government will, in close collaboration with FAO, fully support its efforts in recruiting national professional officers.

Kenji SHEVQZU (Japan): My delegation supports the policy framework as developed in paragraph 3.87 as a useful guideline for the new scheme, with the following comments. The NPO scheme is a very important step to contribute to the charity capacity of the country concerned. However, this is not a training scheme of national concern but a scheme to provide professional services equivalent to international high level standards.

The selection of NPOs is very important and should be transparent. The concern expressed by the United Kingdom on the normal selection at Headquarters may be looked into, but it is a matter of balance to secure recruitment procedures to avoid unnecessary confusion.

Raphael RABE (Madagascar): Je voudrais seulement appuyer Γ intervention du délégué du Burkina Faso et dire que je trouve pertinente la question posée par le délégué du Royaume-Uni. Je crois qu'il est utile d'examiner cette intéressante question, d'autant plus que l'on parle d'abord d'efficacité et d'économie. Si je comprends la proposition du CQCJ, je comprends aussi l'explication donnée par le Directeur du Personnel. A mon avis l'intervention du délégué du Royaume-Uni mérite d'être étudiée afin de voir dans quelle mesure on pourrait y répondre de manière satisfaisante dans le souci de l'efficacité dont nous parlions.

Tri WIBOWO (Indonesia): "The intention being to hand these functions over to the host Government or appropriate national institution, the duration of particular National Professional functions should be limited", as mentioned in Appendix C, is very important. Dealing with this very important Agenda item on NPO procedures has for long been expected by members of national governments. When we see here that candidates should be recruited under Headquarters selection procedures, for your information at the national level we have the National Committee of FAO. How far does the role of this Committee go? We know that national professional officers must be listed in the National Committee. If the National Committee can work together with the Regional or Country Representative of FAO, this must be a very big help in the recruitment of national professional officers and the short list will be sent to Headquarters of FAO.

Another point I should like to raise here is about the career prospects of NPOs. In Appendix C of this document "The career prospects of NPOs are necessarily limited" -I think this is very little encouragement for the national professional officer - for example, "given the continued employment of international staff in senior management positions", but they should be limited as the national professional, and, second, "the number of grades in the category and ... the fact that the functions they perform may be finite. Organizations should make NPOs aware of these limitations." This is a little difficult because it is not only for the Organization to make NPOs aware of this but also our government officials at the National Committees or authorities concerned should make NPOs aware of this. I think work between the Country Representative of FAO and the national institution should be as tight as possible.

Ms Lisa Bobbie SCHREIBER HUGHES (United States of America): To begin, the United States delegation would like to note that we support the proposal for national professional officers and we merely pose a few questions for clarification.

Could the Secretariat please address the expected impact of the national professional officer plan on the budget. Is there a plan for the number of NPOs to be recruited over the next biennium? Finally, we would be interested in any projections as to what the financial savings may be through implementation of the NPO plan.

George APOSTOIU (Observateur de la Roumanie): Je saisis l'occasion de notre discussion concernant les amendements au statut du personnel pour une approche légèrement plus large mais toujours dans le même esprit.

Durant des années, lors des conférences ou des réunions de la FAO, les représentants de la Roumanie ont souvent abordé le sujet du recrutement des fonctionnaires et des experts nationaux. Les disparités actuelles en la matière sont évidentes et probablement encore plus inexplicables si l'on procède à un examen sur une période de longue durée.

La délégation de la Roumanie exprime le souhait que les amendements au statut du personnel proposés dans le document CL 107/4 assurent une dynamisation des recrutements des fonctionnaires nationaux. Nous comprenons très bien les raisons pour lesquelles ces recrutements ne seront pas soumis au système de la répartition géographique, mais en même temps nous désirons que toute opportunité soit saisie pour que les Etats Membres se voient assurés de leur participation à la vie de l'Organisation. C'est pourquoi la délégation de la Roumanie apprécie la création d'un groupe restreint de fonctionnaires recrutés sur le plan national en tant que fonctionnaires de l'Organisation appelés à travailler localement sur contrats de brève durée ou à durée déterminée.

A.T. SLATER (Director, Personnel Division): There are a number of questions raised by delegates concerning the recruitment procedure and perhaps I could try to explain how that might work. Firstly, at the national level it would be up to the FAO Representative in the country concerned to obtain candidatures at the local level for these posts. He or she may do that through contacts with the authorities of the government concerned, contacts with any research institutions in the country or other institutions that are familiar with and interested in the work of FAO. He or she may also put advertisements in the local newspaper to try to obtain interested candidates for the post. It would then be up to the FAO Representative to review these candidatures and discard any of those that do not meet the minimum qualification requirements. It would also be up to the FAO Representative to make a proposal to FAO Headquarters concerning the shortlisting of these candidates. We would expect that the local Representative would for each post make a proposal on the order of some six or seven candidates who would meet the appropriate qualifications. That package would then be sent by the FAO Representative to Headquarters but included in the package would also be all of the candidatures, including those that the FAO Representative may not have deemed to be the most qualified. This will be subject to a further review by the Personnel Department at Headquarters as a kind or checking or controlling mechanism on the recommendation made by the FAO Representative. It would also be reviewed at Headquarters by DDF and it would then be submitted to the Professional Staff Selection Committee, on which we have representatives who have been appointed by the Director-General on the basis of names submitted on behalf of both management and the staff representatives.

As regards the interview process, I would not rule out the possibility of having candidates flown to Headquarters for interview. I would expect that in many cases, however, the selection process could be done on paper and on the basis of recommendations of the local FAO Representative. However, I would not wish to rule that out entirely.

As regards the financial consequences of this measure, it was pointed out to the Finance Committee that there would be a lower cost involved for the Organization for the recruitment of national professional officers as compared to international programme officers, which is the post that would be replaced by national professional officers. It is very difficult to estimate the impact on the budget because the salaries which are established for national professional officers are based on those paid by the best employers to nationals in the

country. It is affected by exchange rate fluctuations of the local currency to the US dollar, and they can vary considerably in many of these countries throughout the year, but generally speaking the costs are less because there are no expatriate emoluments paid to the staff members, such as education grant, home leave and the like, which are paid to international staff members.

An estimate was provided to the Finance Committee. It was indicated that the average cost of the international programme officer at the P3 level would be US$84 300 per year whereas the average cost of a national professional officer, who would replace the international programme officer, would vary between US$20 000 and US$60 000 per year depending on the country and again subject to exchange rate fluctuations which may occur throughout the year.

The only remaining question was as to whether there was a plan for the recruitment of these staff. The Council indicated that there would be a progressive replacement of this category and it is the plan of the FAO Administration to introduce these staff beginning in January next year. Eventually we would replace all of the international programme officer posts which now exist in the Organization, of which there are some 54 or 55. It is our goal that by the end of the year we should have moved very well along the process of introducing the NPOs. We may not be finished by then but we should be quite significantly advanced by that time.

LEGAL COUNSEL: I should like to add one point on the question of selection. Under our Constitution the ultimate responsibility for the selection or appointment of staff lies with the Director-General. In these particular cases, of course, there are general interests of the Organization and maintenance of general policy with respect to national professional officers which would need to be taken into account and that is why it is suggested that this will go through the Professional Staff Selection Committee, or selection procedures of that ilk, in order to ensure that there is a point at which the general policy and interests of the Organization are coordinated.

Ms M. McCOWAN (United Kingdom): New information - new to me, at least - has been introduced, and I am grateful to Mr Slater for outlining the selection procedures. However, it seems to me that we are making heavy weather of following this initiative through. I am sure FAO is fully aware that many of its members employ extensively locally-recruited staff overseas. I would have thought the Director-General would discharge his responsibility for ultimate selection by endorsing the choice of the country representative, who, of course, would have to go through all the steps to justify his selection. My delegation feels this is something we ought to keep under review.

V.J. SHAH (Deputy Director-General, Office of Programme, Budget and Evaluation): I have taken very careful note of the remarks made by the Distinguished Representative of the United Kingdom. Of course, as she has suggested, the matter will be kept under review, but I would like to offer a thought if I may.

There is a balance to be kept in all personnel decisions between, on the one hand, assignment of responsibility, acceptance of judgement, and economy; and, on the other hand, the maintenance of prudence, checks and balances.

To give you an example: It may, even in the case of Headquarters selection, be much more economical to say to every programme manager, whether it be at the departmental, divisional, or service level, "You are responsible for the selection of your staff - you can make the judgement". And yet, for very good reasons, as you know, we do have a process of review of candidatures of selection, through a Committee which makes recommendations on the final appointment to be made.

So I leave this thought with you: This is a matter which is in the interests of good management, as considered by the Director-General, and that is why the procedure is as described to you.

Ms Lisa Bobbie SCHREIBER HUGHES (United States of America): The United States would like to note that we had favoured decentralization of the Organization in the interests of improving cost-effectiveness. We would note that we support the Distinguished Delegate of the United Kingdom in her proposal, and we note

with concern that the transportation of prospective candidates to Rome may add unnecessarily to the expense of the selection procedure.

EL PRESIDENTE: Quizá, sí vale la acotación de decir que no en todos los casos esa sería la norma; pero, desde luego, su punto ha sido tomado en cuenta por la Secretaría de la FAO, como usted ha escuchado.

Raphael RABE (Madagascar): Je tiens seulement à dire qu'il serait certainement opportun de tenir compte des 34 ans d'expérience de l'UNICEF et des 19 ans du PNUD en cette matière. La FAO a ses particularités mais il me semble que l'expérience des autres compte également.

EL PRESIDENTE: Si no hay ninguna otra delegación que desee hacer uso de la palabra, podríamos decir que el Consejo tomó notas de las varias observaciones relativas al tema 20.5: Enmienda propuesta del artículo 301.136 del Estatuto de Personal (Profesionales de contratación nacional). En particular se manifestó la importancia relativa que debe jugar la sede en Roma en la selección y contratación de personal nacional, frente al objetivo del logro de una mayor descentralización adminsitrativa así como de ahorro y mayor eficiencia en la Organización.

EL PRESIDENTE: Otras opciones fueron formuladas. Sin embargo, en general, el Consejo ratificó el marco normativo para la introducción de la nueva categoría de profesionales de contratación nacional. Asimismo, las disposiciones y condiciones de servicio que se deberán aplicar a esta nueva categoría y, finalmente, la modificación propuesta del artículo 301.136 del Estatuto del Personal, en virtud de la cual se faculta al Director General para establecer esta nueva categoría de profesionales de contratación nacional.

El informe, estoy seguro, recogerá sus diversos puntos de vista. Distinguidos delegados, me temo que no vamos a contar con interpretación para poder tratar el Tema 8.2 de nuestra Agenda, que estaba de todas maneras previsto para esta tarde. Pensaba que si se desarrollaba en la mañana no tendríamos que venir esta tarde, pero debemos suspender nuestra sesión. Les convoco para que estén aquí puntualmente a las 14.45 horas. Vamos a estudiar el Punto 8.2 de nuestra Agenda e incluiremos también el Tema 20.1 relativo a los derechos de voto. Espero que hayan tomado nota de todo. El Punto 20.1 estaba previsto para el día de mañana y lo vamos a tratar hoy por la tarde. Con ello levanto esta novena sesión plenaria del Consejo.

The meeting rose at 12.50 hours.
La session est levée à 12 h 50.
Se levanta la sesión a las 12.50 horas.

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