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DRAFT REPORT OF PLENARY - PART 12 (from Commission II)

CHAIRMAN: May I again stress that all the reports have been adopted in the Commissions. Their substance and form have been extensively discussed there and we are not expected to reopen the discussion on them here. Any drafting amendments of a correctional or linguistic nature should be handed direct to the Secretary-General, on the understanding that only amendments of pure form can be retained.

Paragraphs 1 and 2 approved
Les paragraphes 1 et 2 sont approuves
Los parrafos 1 y 2 son~aprobados

Paragraphs 3 to 14 approved
Les paragraphes 3 à 14 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 3 a 14 sont aprobados

Paragraphs 15 and 16 approved
Les paragraphes 15 et 16 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 15 y 16 son aprobados

Ρaragraphs 17 to 19 approved
Les paragraphes 17 à 19 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 17 a 19 son aprobados

Paragraphs 21 to 24 approved
Les paragraphes 21 à 24 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 21 a 24 son a"probados

Paragraph 25, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 25, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 25, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 26 to 67 approved
Bes paragraphes 26 à 67 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 26 a 67 son aprobados

Paragraphs 68 to 82 approved
Les paragraphes 68 a 82 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 68 a 82 son aprobados

Paragraphs 83 to 87 approved
Les paragraphes 83 a 5 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 83 a 87 son aprobados

Paragraph 88, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 88, y compris la résolution, est adopté
II párrafo 88, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

PÁRRAFOS 89 a 95

SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Il s'agit d'une erreur dans le texte français seulement. Au paragraphe 90, la première phrase devrait être: "La Conférence constate cependant un déséquilibre regrettable dans les langues utilisées. " Le reste du paragraphe reste tel quel.

Paragraphs 89 to 95, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 89 a 95, ainsi amendes, sont approuves
Los párrafos 89 a 95, así enmendados, son aprobados

PARAGRAPHS 96 to 100
PÁRRAFOS 96 a 100

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Dans la version française, au paragraphe 98 c), le mot "pour" a été barré et cela devrait se lire: ''par sujet"; ceci seulement dans la version française.

Paragraphs 96 to 100 approved
Les paragraphes 96 à 100 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 96 a 100 son aprobados

Paragraph! 101 approved
Le paragraphe 101 est approuvé
El párrafo 101 es aprobado

Paragraph 102, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 102, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 102, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado


LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: La résolution qui figure au paragraphe 108 sur l'ouverture de crédits pour 1978-79 doit être adoptée à une majorité des deux tiers, donc par appel nominal. Le chiffre, au paragraphe 4, qui est en blanc, doit être le chiffre qui figure à la dernière page du document C 77/REP/12-Sup. 1, à savoir 209 140 000 dollars.


H. BAEYENS (Belgique): J'ai été chargé d'exprimer les vues des pays suivants (je donne la liste par ordre alphabétique): l'Allemagne, l'Australie, la Belgique, le Canada, les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, la France, l'Italie, le Japon, le Luxembourg, la Nouvelle-Zélande, les Pays-Bas, le Royaume-Uni et la Suisse.

Les délégations de ces pays viennent de participer au vote sur la résolution du budget. Certains l'ont approuvée, d'autres se sont abstenues. Quelle que soit la façon dont ces pays ont voté, nous pouvons assurer à la Conférence et au Directeur Général que nos gouvernements continueront d'apporter leur soutien aux efforts de développement des pays du Tiers monde. Nous apportons un soutien actif à l’OAΑ, au Programme alimentaire mondial, au FIDA, et aux nombreuses autres institutions spécialisées des Nations Unies.

C'est pour cette raison que nous devons apporter attention non seulement au niveau des budgets, mais aussi à l'utilisation la plus efficace possible de ressources limitées.

En outre, nos pays sont préoccupés de façon générale par l'accroissement des budgets des institutions spécialisées des Nations Unies, accroissement parfois substantiel en termes réels, alors qu'eux-mêmes connaissent de sérieux problèmes financiers et économiques.

C'est pourquoi ces pays ne seront susceptibles d'approuver des augmentations des budgets des institutions des Nations Unies que dans la mesure où elles seront compatibles avec les sévères restrictions budgétaires qu'ils sont eux-mêmes contraints de s'imposer.

Ils considèrent qu'ils doivent faire savoir qu'à l'avenir ils devront examiner attentivement et avec le plus grand soin les propositions budgétaires des institutions spécialisées, y compris celles de la FAO.

Nous espérons, M. le Président, que le fait d'indiquer que nous serons conduits à nous montrer, à l'avenir, attentifs à l'augmentation du budget, ne donnera lieu à aucun malentendu en ce qui concerne l'attitude de nos pays envers l'OAA. Nous demeurons totalement acquis à ses buts et continuerons à apporter tout notre soutien à la stratégie du Directeur général qui met particulièrement l'accent sur le travail concret sur le terrain.

LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL: Monsieur le Président, c'est avec beaucoup d'attention, mais aussi, je ne vous le cacherai pas, avec une certaine déception, que j'ai écouté la déclaration qui vient d'être faite par le distingué représentant de la Belgique au nom de plusieurs pays, qui jouent un role important dans notre Organisation.

Je pensais, en effet, les avoir convaincus de ce que mes propositions constituaient un minimum, compte tenu des besoins, si cruels et si urgents, des pays en développement, ainsi que des effets inéluctables de l'inflation.

Je pensais aussi qu'ils avaient reconnu que le programme que vous venez d'approuver est le plus efficace et le plus concret qu'il était possible de concevoir dans la modeste limite - et je tiens à insister sur ce mot de ''modeste" - de l'enveloppe budgétaire que je vous ai proposée.

Pour des raisons qu'il ne m'appartient pas de discuter ici, et auxquelles des considérations de politique intérieure ne sont peut-être pas étrangères, quelques pays ont donc tenu à exprimer formellement des réserves sur le niveau du budget, non seulement pour l'exercice 1978/79, mais aussi pour les exercices futurs.

Tout en me félicitant du fait que la très grande majorité de nos pays membres ait approuvé mes propositions, je tiens à dire aux pays qui ont cru devoir exprimer des réserves que je respecte leur position.

Dans l'esprit démocratique qui a toujours présidé à nos assemblées, ils ont, sans nul doute, le droit d'avoir une opinion différente de celle de la majorité et je comprends donc leur désir d'exprimer leur point de vue en toute liberté et de souhaiter qu'il figure aux actes de notre Conférence.

Il va sans dire que je suis également certain que, dans le même esprit démocratique, ces pays sauront accepter de bonne grâce les décisions de la majorité et continueront, comme par le passé, à honorer pleinement leurs obligations constitutionnelles.

Quant aux pays en développement, qui sont les plus susceptibles de pâtir de tout frein imposé à notre action, je voudrais leur dir e. Monsieur le Président, mon admiration pour la pondération et la sagesse dont ils ont fait preuve.

Tout au long de nos débats, ils n'ont jamais cherché à utiliser ce que certains décrivent, de façon bien sommaire, comme une "majorité automatique".

Tout au contraire, et en dépit de l'urgence de leurs besoins, ils n'ont cessé de présenter avec calme des arguments rationnels, dans le cadre d'un dialogue qui est toujours resté moderé et constructif. En reconnaissant ainsi à la majorité comme à la minorité les rôles et les droits qui leur reviennent, notre Conférence a donné, une fois de plus, un exemple à l'ensemble du système des Nations Unies.

Permettez-moi, Monsieur le Président, de vous en remercier très sincèrement.

B. de AZEVEDO BRITO (Chairman, Group of 77): Now that the budget has been approved and we have just heard observations made in the name of some developed countries, let me say that in the view of the Group of 77, not only does the Programme of Work represent an effective use of very limited resources, but the level of the budget constitutes the very basic minimum for the next biennium. This level implies a modest growth rate of less than three and a half percent per year in real terms, not more than that, and even this rate might not perhaps be assured if inflation in the tuture is taken fully into account. I think I do not need to stress that such a rate of growth is only a dim reflection of the priority now accorded by the International Community to agricultural development.

In the light of what has just been said in the name of a few delegations of "developed countries, may I say that we feel that requirements of each UN Agency must be assessed separately and objectively at each point in time. I am quite sure that the case of FAO is absolutely unique as an Agency devoted to the most basic need of mankind, food, food for millions of people. FAO's requirements must therefore be considered on their own specific merits. Once such requirements are identified and approved by the Conference, we are constitutionally - and I stress the word constitutionally - obliged to support them; it is our duty. May I add that the renewed commitment of the North-South Conference to the target of providing 0. 7 percent of the GNP as official development assistance would be incompatible with the idea that the budget of FAO or any other organization of the system be levelled off in the future.

We in the Group of 77 are surely grateful for the efforts made by the Director-General to put forward a meaningful programme, fully attuned with the development priorities and aspirations of our peoples in the developing countries, that in spite of the severe constraints of resources. We are confident that the implementation of this programme during the next biennium will have the full cooperation of all Member Nations, both developed and developing - we do not have any doubt about that - and will thus constitute an important step in the construction of the New International Economic. Order. Now it is time for all of us to work together with renewed dedication to the humanitarian ideals of the Organization.

SRA. G. RIVERA MARIN DE ITURBE (México): Hemos pedido la palabra para hacer una justificación del voto de abstención que México emitió. A lo largo de toda la Conferencia México, la delegación mexicana, apoyó el aumento del nivel del presupuesto y en la misma forma actuamos en las Comisiones para las cuales tuvimos el honor de ser designados y todavía en éste momento, como delegación, estamos convencidos de que este nivel de presupuesto es el requerimiento mínimo que el señor Director General debe de tener en disponibilidad si queremos, como es obvio, que los resultados de los trabajos del próximo bienio conduzcan a nuestra Organización a los fines deseados.

No voy a ahondar más en este tema del cual en repetidas ocasiones he reiterado ya nuestro punto de vista, sin embargo, señor Presidente, hemos recibido instrucciones expresas de nuestro país en el sentido de que nos abstuviéramos de votar el nivel del presupuesto por el procedimiento constitucional que observamos en nuestro país, donde el presupuesto se aprueba en junio, y de esta manera los programas de inversión y gasto deben presentarse a la Cámara de Diputados en el mes de enero para su consideración y aprobación en el mes de diciembre y empezar a hacerse efectivo en enero siguiente. Así tenemos ya presentado en el presupuesto a la Secretaría de Hacienda el nuevo aumento que requiere cubrir las cuotas que ahora van a ser necesarias de acuerdo con el nuevo nivel del presupuesto de nuestra Organización.

Es exclusivamente este procedimiento de tipo constitucional el que nos condujo a abstenernos del voto. El voto personal de la delegación es de total apoyo a la política del señor Director General, el procedimiento constituyente es el que he expresado.

Paragraphe 103 to 107 approved
Les paragraphes 103 à 107 sont approuves
Los párrafos 103 a 107 son aprobados

Paragraph 108, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe. 108, y compris la resolution, est adopté
El párrafo 108, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary - Part 12, as amended was adopted
projet de rapport de la Plénière - Douzième partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Plenaria - Parte 12, así enmendado, es aprobado


Paragraph 1 approved
Le paragraphe 1 est approuvé
El párrafo 1 es aprobado

Paragraph 2 approved
Le paragraphe 2 est approuvé
El párrafo 2 es aprobado

Paragraph 3 approved
Le paragraphe 3 est approuvé
El párrafo 3 es aprobado

Paragraph 4 including Resolution, adopted (29 November 1977)
Le paragraphe 4, y compris la resolution"!" est adopté (29 novembre 1977)
El párrafo 4, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado (29 noviembre 1977)

Paragraph 5, including Resolution, adopted (29 November 1977)
Le paragraphe 5, y compris la résolution, est adopté (29 novembre 1977)
El párrafo 5, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado (29 noviembre 1977)


SECRETARY-GENERAL: The date suggested is 10 - 29 November, which is the date which appears in the Council document carrying the provisional calendar of 1978-79 sessions, CL 73/4, so the date is 10 -29 November 1979.

Paragraph 6 approved
Le paragraphe 6 est approuvé
El párrafo 6 es aprobado

Draft Report of Plenary - Part 13, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de
la plénière, treizième partie, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de laPlenaria - Parte 13, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN: Distinguished delegates, we are now coming to the close of this Nineteenth Session of the FAO Conference. May I call upon our Director-General.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Mr. Chairman, honourable delegates, observers, friends and colleagues.

We have come to the end of another FAO Conference which was attended by what seems to be a record number of Ministers. The number actually present for some or part of the time was 91.

I met most of them privately as well as other leaders of delegations. This was why I was not able to be present as much as I would have wished in Plenary or Commission.

This was my first Conference as Director-General in office, I am happy that it was such a successful Conference.

For, successful it certainly was, - in the work that it did and in the spirit in which this was done.

The work is not measured only by resolutions. In fact, there were significantly fewer than last time.

The spirit is not measured by size of majorities in votes. In fact, apart from obligatory votes in Plenary on such matters as the Budget, there was only one vote in a Commission, on Plant Protection.

I said at the beginning of the Conference that FAO was leaner, stronger, and more able to meet your • needs as you yourselves perceived them.

By your statements, by your debates, by your conclusions, you have endorsed this judgement. It was also endorsed in the discussions with Ministers to which I just referred.

It was evident from these discussions that Member Nations now viewed FAO in a new light, as an organization which has entered a new phase of practical, prompt and direct response to their technical cooperation needs.

You have given us guidance, confidence and encouragement in our work in the great cause for which this Organization exists.

You have shown that it is not only desirable but possible for Member Nations to work together, in this Organization, harmoniously and constructively in the attack on hunger, malnutrition, and rural poverty.

We have not ignored the grim political facts of our time. We have not forgotten those who struggle for freedom and justice. We have not abandoned those who suffer from oppression and deprivation of their human rights and basic"needs.

On the contrary, we have taken practical rather than rhetorical steps towards realizing their humble but imperative aspirations. And we have done so in a spirit of international and multilateral cooperation and harmony. We have done this in our Commissions, our Committees, and particularly in our device of contact groups.

Your report shows the important, practical steps on which you have resolved.

They cover not only questions of means. They also cover major matters of substance, such as the State of Food and Agriculture, Prevention of Food Losses, Nutrition, Seed Industry Development, and Technical Cooperation between Developing Countries.

If, however, there was one dominating theme of this Conference, it was the cause of the hungriest and poorest people of the world.

We must measure up to the challenge of this cause. And it is a great challenge! It is not one that can be met by paternalistic prescriptions. It is not one that will be solved by master plans.

It can only be solved by the political will of governments, massive investment of human as well as financial resources, and a practical attack on problems at the village level.

There has to be a solid foundation upon which realistic, feasible economic and social targets can be constructed and practical operational tasks implemented.

Mr. Chairman, distinguished'delegates, this is the Organization which exists for the purpose of assisting you in these imperatives. This is the Organization which "par excellence" can and will carry out the task.

In my opening statement I spoke of a new march on hunger. The way is hard. It is long. We will meet with disappointments as well as successes. But in the end, succeed we will.

Thank you for all your work here, for your vote of confidence, for your inspiration and guidance for the future.

In this connection, we owe a great deal to the Vice Chairmen of the Conference, Chairmen and Vice-Chainnen of the Commissions who have conducted their proceedings with characteristic ability and calm.

The Resolutions Committee and the various Drafting Committees have, as usual, had to overcome obstacles and snags. They were no less protracted than their counterparts in the past. But they did their work very well and we are all very grateful to their Chairmen and members.

To you, Mr. Chairman, we owe a special debt - for your work here, in the General Committee and generally behind the scenes. You have shown your mastery of all the skills and arts necessary to be Chairman of a Conference of the Member Nations of FAO.

I do not suggest that the representatives from those Member Nations with whom you had to deal were unduly difficult! On the contrary, among the old and new friends of FAO - for that is what they generally are - there has been the usual diligence and seriousness of purpose; but also a greater propensity than; in the past for dialogue and consensus.

To all of you, I express my heartfelt thanks. To those now going home, I wish you a safe and punctual journey.

To the new members of the Council, my congratulations - and my request that we lose no time in getting down to work together.

To the former Chairmen and members of the Programme and Finance Committees, my deep thanks and best wishes. To those about to be elected, I look forward to our meeting next Spring.

To all of you, my colleagues and I wish a happy and successful New Year.

B. de!AZEVEDO BRITO (Chairman, Group of 77): Now that our Conference is approaching its end I would like, as my last intervention as Chairman of the Group of 77, to congratulate you, Mr, Chairman, on the excellent leadership that you have provided to this Conference.

Our congratulations and thanks are extended to His Excellency Minister Juma'a, to His Excellency Minister Ess im engañe of Gabon, to Hie Excellency Ambassador Borin, as well as to the Chairmen of the Commissions of the Conference.

I am quite sure that by any assessment - and I do not think we need at this stage recapitulate our achievements - this Conference must be said to have produced good results, excellent results indeed.

FAO is approaching the next biennium with a revitalised, action-oriented programme, a programme of work where the priorities favour the poor and the hungry wherever they are.

The Director-General referred in his statement some time ago to the climate of cooperation which prevails at all times between all groups of countries. We in the Group of 77 are very proud of that; we did our best to contribute to it. At the same time, Mr. Chairman, I must say that you yourself have inspired this cooperation by your patience, your wisdom, your good will, your smile. You can be assured that the Nineteenth FAO Conference, which is- so closely associated with your name, will go into the history of FAO as a Conference where new paths, new approaches, both of promises and hopes, were forcefully advanced as very concrete decisive steps in bringing into being the new international economic order. Mr Chairman, you can be sure that you can be proud of it.

H. BAEYENS (Belgique): Au nom de la région européenne et avec la permission des pays membres de la region, je tiens à vous féliciter et à vous exprimer, Monsieur le Président, notre sincère gratitude pour avoir bien voulu assumer la charge de la présidence de cette session de la Conférence et pour avoir exercé vos fonctions avec autant de courtoisie que d'efficacité. Grâce entre autres à votre sage direction, cette session s'est déroulée dans l'ensemble dans une atmosphère propice à la coopération entre tous les membres de notre Organisation. Certes, il y a eu quelques échanges de vues plus vifs que d'autres, mais peut-être est-ce là le reflet de la franchise avec laquelle chacun, y compris notre Directeur général, a pu s'exprimer, franchise d'ailleurs de mise entre amis. Monsieur le Président, encore une fois un grand merci et que nos bons voeux vous accompagnent lors de votre voyage de τ·tour dans votre beau pays.

R. S. KAMARA (Sierra Leone): I wish to speak on behalf of the African Group and I do so in the absence of my Minister who, as leader of the delegation, is also the Chairman of the African Group. He is now unavoidably absent and I take the opportunity, therefore, to thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and to say - like others who have spoken before me - how impressed we have been at the way you have handled this Conference, We know that this has been largely due to your maturity, the calm and cool way in which you have handled all the debates throughout this Session, You may rest assured, Mr, Chairman, that we have a profound respect for you and we do wish you good health and prosperity and to be able to carry on the hard tasks that lie ahead of you in your own country.

I should also like to take the opportunity, through you, Mr. Chairman, to thank the Director-General and all the other officials who have to a great extent contributed to the success of this Conference: and also to those who may not be here in the hall now but who have also to a great extent contributed in an indirect way towards the success of this Conference. I would like to wish them good luck and prosperity as they leave here, and a safe journey back home.

G. de BARKER (Netherlands): Mr. Chairman, I should very much like to join in the kind words addressed to you in the first place as Chairman of this Plenary Session of our Conference. We feel pleased and honoured that you who come from Indonesia, an important country in that beautiful area of Asia which, being Dutch, we know so well from the past - I dare to say that even here! - that you have been chairing this session. You have done this with great skill and much wisdom so that our delegation has always felt at ease with you and so have many other delegations, I am sure.

I also thank all the other Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Plenary. The Netherlands has spoken about it already: I should like to stress one more point which has been mentioned also by the Director-General and by some other speakers. I had the privilege and, I must say, the honour - I feel it that way - to be part of the Contact Group that was mentioned on several occasions. That contact group sat behind the scenes in the room of the Director-General and has worked very hard and, I must say, with considerable success; perhaps not a hundred percent but at least 95 or 98 percent we were successful in coming to an agreement on those most difficult and important points that threatened to divide our Conference. That Contact Group as well as the members representing the Group of 77, and I believe I can say also those who represented the donor countries, as well as the Director-General who guided us sometimes to a compromise, has been meeting there in a very good spirit.

Since I am going to stay here in the next period - at least I hope so - as Permanent Representative of my country, I should like to express the wish that this good spirit of discretion, of seeing each other's points of view, seeking to achieve compromises, will go on and that we shall have occasions not only to meet seperately as 77 on one hand and donor country groups on the other, but also combined, in the same kind of spirit, so that we can overcome problems before the Conference starts; I would rather do that before than during the Conference, and I extend my hand to all the other delegates who are willing to do so.

At any rate I can tell you - and I am sure I am speaking on behalf of a number of other donor countries - that we would very much like to continue that group dialogue that we had during this Conference.

CHAIRMAN: I thank the delegate of the Netherlands for recalling the long-time ties between the Netherlands and Indonesia which are being continued even up to now, even though in different circumstances,

M. VARGAS JORDAN (Bolivia): Gracias, señor Presidente. Hablo en nombre del Grupo Latinoamericano a quien tengo el honor de representar.

Debo manifestar, en primer término, que la medida de la magnitud, capacidad y eficiencia de este 19° período de sesiones de la Conferencia de FAO, se ha dadb en la permanente permanencia de todas las representaciones, en la concurrencia que podríamos llamar casi masiva de-todos los ministros que, representan a sus países congregados en esta Conferencia; ^ es que no podía ser de otra manera, porque la FAO, sin duda alguna, gracias a las políticas de ¡orientación que ha adoptado, viene llamandoja la expectativa a todas las representaciones que nos encontramos congregadas en este organismo.

Debo manifestar, tal como decía el señor Director, que la respuesta rápida, práctica y directa en la cooperación técnica a los países desarrollados, que somos los que necesitamos de esta cooperación, no ha dejado de esperarse cuando los planteamientos han venido en su oportunidad.

Debo manifestar también que otro de los propósitos señalados dentro de este organismo y que ha de ser cumplido con la mayor eficiencia, el nuevo rumbo y el cauce que abre el nuevo orden económico internacional llama a la expectativa a todos los países del Tercer Mundo. La eficiencia en los propósitos que han sido practicados en las discusiones para provecho de los países del Tercer Mundo y los temas que se han puesto en discusión han sido con felicidad resueltos; consideramos que este evento ha de marcar nuevos rumbos en el camino de la FAO. Sea, pues, ésta una oportunidad para testimoniar nuevamente, en nombre de la region latinoamericana, nuestro permanente apoyo y consideración a los planes de trabajo esbozados por el señor Director General. Creemos que con esta política impresa en el organismo que se renueva día a día podremos nosotros buscar la felicidad de los pueblos hambrientos; no otra cosa es el resultado de esta Conferencia que luego tendrá que practicar sus resoluciones.

Aprovecho también esta oportunidad para testimoniar de manera muy efusiva y cariñosa nuestra felicitación a la sabia orientación, dirección y capacidad del Presidente de esta Conferencia que en todo momento ha sabido sortear las situaciones difíciles que han podido presentarse para satisfacción y felicidad de todas y cada una de las representaciones aquí presentes, y augurar que las prácticas reconocidas en esta 19 Conferencia de la FAO sean para aliviar el hambre del mundo. Muchas gracias.

P. SAI'I (Papua New Guinea): Mr. Chairman, honourable delegates, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the countries of the South Pacific regions I wish to express our appreciation and gratitude to you for your superb leadership in stimulating and guiding this Nineteenth Conference of FAO to its end. I should also like to convey, through you, Mr. Chairman, my Region's hearty appreciation to all Member Nations, in particular the host country, Italy, for their mutual understanding and cooperation in arriving at compromises in times of deadlock debates.

Mr. Chairman, in taking this opportunity I wish to assure the Independent Chairman of the Council of my Region's utmost support and cooperation during the proceedings leading to the Twentieth Session of this Organization.

Last but not least, we in the South Pacific region express our heartfelt appreciation to the Director-General and his staff for their sincere dedication in providing to this international assembly all the support work required to successfully bring to the end another biennium; for without them we would not have progressed to this day.

H. M. CARADANG (Philippines): On behalf of the Asia group of which the Philippines is now the Chairman, we would like to say a few words at the end of this Conference. We believe that FAO has again shown its vitality, its dynamism and its responsiveness to the needs of the times. The will of all the countries here gathered, although it has not always been unanimously and unequivocally expressed, has been manifested in the Programme of Work. We believe that this Programme is realistic enough to meet the challenge of the times. It is directed - as has already been said - to solving the problems of the small farmers, the majority of whom is located in that part of the world which is Asia. More than one half of the population of the world is located in Asia and about 80 percent of these consist of small farmers who form the backbone of the agriculture of Asia.

We believe that the Programme of FAO as it has been approved is geared to raise the standard of living and nutrition of the small farmers who are located in our part of the world.

I would like to manifest our appreciation to the Director-General who by his firmness in what he knows to be right has guided the deliberations of this Conference and has achieved the results we have seen. We also wish to manifest our appreciation and thanks to the Chairman who has guided the deliberations of this Conference with great wisdom and patience. The Philippines is doubly linked and bound to the Chairman since he belongs to the country which is not only a member of Asia but also of ASEAN with which the Philippines have very strong ties. We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to the Chairmen of the various Commissions, to the staff, to the interpreters, to the messengers and to all those who have cooperated to make this FAO Conference a success.

We also wish to express our thanks to our friends from the developed countries who, in spite of their difficulties, have approved the budget and last but not least - we should like-to thank our brothers from the developing countries who have also manifested their will in the Programme of Work and Budget in the way they believe it is right to solve the problems.

J. A. BAKER (United States of America): I would like on behalf of the Member States for the North-American Region, the United States and Canada, to express our great gratitude to you for the efficient work of this Conference. You should be congratulated, Sir, for your management of the Plenary discussions and for your overall coordination of the work of this body.

Presiding over this Session at which almost 100 countries are represented at the ministerial level is not an easy task, but we knew from the words you addressed to us at the outset of this Conference that you would bring to this task a sense of proportion and purpose capable of guiding our work. You have not disappointed us and we thank you.

Clearly, as the FAO Conference becomes a meeting place for Ministers of Agriculture and other members of governments the burdens of planning which fall on the Secretariat grow. The Secretary-General and staff of this Conference have shown themselves equal to the task, although we have at times, I know, tried their patience and extended their working hours. Nevertheless, the quality of their response has not failed, and we would wish to recognize their competent dedication to our common objectives and the good leadership which the Secretary-General of this Conference has provided.

In particular, I would like to single out the high-quality performance of the interpreters and translators who perhaps have been more heavily burdened than any of us.

I cannot fail, also, to pay tribute to the excellent Vice Chairmen and Chairmen of Commissions which this Conference had the benefit of having present to guide their work. They have led us in an excellent manner through the work of this Conference.

My remarks could not be complete without reference to what is perhaps the most important of all in \ this Conference, the manner in which the key issues have been handled. We came into the Conference with some differences among us on issues of fundamental importance to the future of this Organization. They were not so much issues involving the future objectives of the FAO, although we have been exchanging views about this in the general debate and in the debate on medium-term objectives. They were rather issues on the method and approach to funding and budgeting of the work of the Organization.

The Director-General, through his capable and successful development of the Contact Group, has led us, through his excellent leadership, to the reconciliation of our differences - to a very large degree thanks also to the constructive spirit of work of delegations to this Conference from all regions represented.

Such differences as remain are not, in our view, issues which would threaten the work of the Organization. They are differences we have chosen to emphasize in order to encourage the Director-General in his commendable emphasis on more action in the field and greater economy in the Organization.

As we work together in these directions, this Organization will have our support.

I cannot conclude without a word about the past and future leadership of the Council, particularly as we will be beginning a meeting of the Council today. As I stated at the time of his election, we find the approach of our new Independent Chairman, Dr. Bukar Shaib, a highly appropriate one. He has also given us things we can usefully think about with respect to future conferences. We look forward to his leadership in the Council.

His distinguished predecessor as Independent Chairman, Mr. Bula Hoyos, has our gratitude for helping to establish the basis on which this Conference has been a success.

J. ROSA (Tchécoslovaquie): Au nom de ma délégation, ainsi qu'au nom de plusieurs pays socialistes · européens, je voudrais vous remercier de votre travail en tant que Président d'une des plus importantes conférences de notre Organisation.

C'est avec un sincère intérêt que nous avons écouté votre brillant exposa introductif. Je pense que le Directeur général, dans ses paroles résumant nos débats, a souligné l'esprit coopératif de cette Conférence ainsi que son optimisme pour la réalisation de nos grandes tâches dans le développement internationational que nous venons d'inscrire dans nos programmes. Ainsi, je pense que la Conférence a répondu à vos souhaits. Nous partageons ce sentiment et nous aussi espérons pouvoir continuer l'excellent dialogue que nous avons entamé au cours de cette Conférence.

A. L. TANIS (Haïti): C'est certainement une très heureuse fortune pour moi que celle de prendre la parole au nom des pays les plus défavorisés du globe et aussi de mon Gouvernement. La satisfaction que j'en éprouve n'a d'égal que le souci avec lequel je m'efforcerai d'exprimer ces quelques idées.

M. le Président, M. le Secrétaire general, en cet univers troublé, dominé par la faim, il est vraiment réconfortant de se retrouver ici où tant de conceptions nouvelles, tant d'idées diverses ont été soulevées et agitées.

La FAO, principal organisme chargé de promouvoir l'agriculture dans le monde, a tenu cette fois-ci à que cette Conférence ne représente pas simplement un formalisme où viennent se réunir certains 'délégués, mais le Secrétariat a tenu à nous proposer des documents valables et satisfaisants, sur lesquels nous avons travaillé et de bons résultats ont été obtenus.

Je prends un plaisir tout particulier à remercier le Président de cette Conférence pour la sagesse et la sérénité dont il fait preuve pendant tout le cours des travaux, ce qui lui a valu de les diriger avec une compétence et une rare maîtrise.

Les remerciements de la Republique d'Haïti s'adressent également à tous les délégués qui ont pris une part active et efficace à ces travaux, et qui ont fait de cette dix-neuvième session l'une des plus remarquables - je dirai même des plus transcendantes - de la FAO.

Quant aux pays frères qui ont été nouvellemnt admis à l'Organisation, je prends plaisir à leur souhaiter la bienvenuetet j'espère qu'ils seront à nos cotés pour continuer la lutte que nous avons entreprise contre la faim et la pauvreté.

Nos remerciements s'adressent également à l'Italie, pays note, pour l'hospitalité dont elle a fait preuve envers les délégués.

Pour finir, je ne peux qu'approuver le programme de travail qui nous a été présenté par le Directeur général, parce que, contrairement aux autres années, une orientation nouvelle s'est profilée, qui tient compte des besoins et des aspirations des peuples, et qui a porté sur les points essentiels qui ont été débattus ici, c'est-à-dire la formation, la préparation des différents programmes. Mais, pour que les exposés qui ont été faits ici ne restent pas lettre morte, je tiens à formuler quand même deux déclarations.

D'abord, nous devons savoir que quelle que soit l'assistance multilatérale et bilatérale que nous pouvons recevoir de la coopération internationale, le principal de l'effort et de l'initiative devra venir de nous-mêmes, peuples sous-développés; et quant aux peuples nantis, nous leur faisons confiance et nous espérons qu'ils ne resteront pas sourds aux appels de milliers d'hommes qui luttent contre la faim et contre la pauvreté.

Je ne peux, en terminant, que formuler des voeux pour le bonheur personnel du Directeur général et le prestige croissantlde l'Organisation qu'il dirige avec tant de maîtrise et de compétence.

K. ITANO (Japan): On behalf of the Japanese delegation, first of all I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the excellent chairmanship of the distinguished Delegate from Indonesia in this, our primary meeting. As the delegate of a country in the same region as his country. I am very proud of his chairmanship which has led the whole meeting to great success. I also appreciate the cooperation given by the many delegates to his chairmanship-.

As a country in Asia, where small farmers are in the majority and where a stabilized supply of agricultural products is of vital importance, Japan has had a keen interest and cooperated in the activities of this Organization, and will do so in the future.

From this standpoint, on behalf of my Goverment I fully appreciate the great efforts and leadership given by the Director-General, Dr. Saouma, in the preparations and proceedings of this Conference, with the devoted support of the fctaff of the Secretariat. We hope that the Director-General will take the initiative in the coming two years for the further development of this Organization.

Finally, I would like to express my warm-hearted thanks to our agricultural colleagues in this room and farmers and fishermen everywhere. Consumers are of the same nature, so in that sense I feel this Organization is unique and humanistic, thanks to the spirit of cooperation shown by our colleagues here today as the representatives of farmers, fishermen and consumers.

We are now at the successful end of the Nineteenth Session of the Conference, I hope that this spirit will lead to a constructive development of FAO activities in the future. Thank you again and goodbye.

S. H. AL-SHAKIR (Iraq) (interpretation from Arabic): On behalf of my delegation, on behalf of the Arab Countries, the Near Eastern Countries, I would like to congratulate you warmly on the excellent way in which you have guided the debates of this 19th Session of the FAO Conference which has led to extremely imposing results. We would also like to congratulate your colleagues and the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of all the Commissions.

This Conference has been of the greatest importance for all the countries of the world and in particular for the developing countries. This is quite obvious, but what is even more obvious is that some people have worked hard in the background in order to make a success of this -Conference. Others also have participated in this joint effort and I think that we must express our gratitude to the Directors-General for the efforts he has made ever since he was elected and also stress the importance of the resolutions and the way in which the results of the 18th Session of the Conference have been carried out by him.

Today we place a very heavy burden on him, but it is a burden which represents the wishes and aspirations of the developing countries. The next biennium is going to be the occasion in which it will be possible to carry out all the resolutions we have adopted. We are sure that the Director-General will do this in a masterly way and that on the basis of the mandate we have given him.

In conclusion I would like to thank all delegates for the spirit of cooperation and fraternity which they have given proof of in the course of this Session of the Conference and which has made it possible for us to achieve the results.

CHAIRMAN: As the 19th Session of the FAO biennial Conference now draws to a close, it remains for me, as your Chairman, to say a few words of appreciation of the work that has been- accomplished and thank all who have contributed to its success.

When I addressed you at the opening of the debates I pledged my services to help ensure that our deliberations were conducted with what we, in Indonesia, call "MUSYAWARAH'' - consultation based on respect and mutual understanding. Looking back on the events of the past few weeks it is gratifying to note that, whatever our differences, our discussions have indeed been inspired by a deep sense of understanding and a true spirit of cooperation. For this, I wish to thank you, each and every one of you, distinguished delegates, and for the unsparing efforts you have made throughout the debates to give substance and quality to your deliberations. You can all go back to your countries with the feeling of a great job well done.

The world today faces a great challenge - how to bring the problem of world hunger under a reasonable measure of control within this generation. The Conference deliberations never lost sight of this. The emphasis on greater investment in agriculture, nationally and internationally, the need to concentrate attention on primary agricultural producers and in particular the small farmers in developing countries, so as to involve them in a meaningful way in the development process, the urgency of coordinated action for prevention of food losses - all this formed the highlights of the deliberations. I feel sure that the resolutions and recommendations of the Conference on these and other relevant issues will bring us a significant step forward in our war against hunger and poverty and thereby in the attainment of the ultimate objective for which this great Organization was created, namely to ensure humanity's freedom from hunger.

This Conference has been unique in many respects. We have witnessed a deep sense of understanding, a marked desire to avoid confrontation and find ways for compromises and consensus. Many difficult questions have been smoothly solved and in this connection we must acknowledge the patient and concilliatory role of our very distinguished and able Director-General in helping the informal "contact groups" to solve contentious questions. This proved to be of immense help in attaining consensus, without procrastinating debates. However, opportunities were always given to those who still like to express their specific views on the matter afterwards. We very much hope that this innovation will become a permanent feature in our future deliberations.

We have also had the opportunity of welcoming no less than eight new members to the FAO family, thereby bringing our membership up to 144 countries. The new members can be assured of the fullest cooperation from all sides.

Delegates, I cannot close this debate without expressing my deep sense of appreciation to all those who have helped make this Session a successful and fruitful gathering: the Vice-Chairmen of the Conference, the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the three Commissions and the Committees, the Rapporteur and all the other officers elected to serve the Session.

I must also convey my warm thanks and sincere appreciation to the Director-General and his colleagues for their invaluable help and support at all times and for the way the work of this Session has been arranged. In particular, I wish to pay tribute to the Director-General for his outstanding leadership and his unfailing defence of the interests of our Organization.

Last but not least, may I extend on my own behalf and, I believe, on behalf of all delegates, our very warm thanks to the interpreters and all members of the Secretariat without whose expertise, unflagging devotion and continuous efforts it would not have been possible to bring this Session to a successful conclusion.

I should like to say thank you for the statements made by the Director-General and the twelve countries, the Chairman of the Group of 77, the delegate of Brazil, the delegates of Belgium, Sierra Leone, Netherlands, Bolivia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, United States of America, Czechoslovakia, Haiti, Japan and Iraq.

Dear friends, as you now all leave the eternal city for your respective destinations I wish you "buon viaggio'' and extend you all my very best wishes for the years to come.


I now declare this 19th Session of the FAO Conference concluded.

The meeting rose at 11. 45 hours
La seance est levee à 11 h 4?
Se levanta la sesión a las 11. 45 horas

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