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CHAIRMAN: Now that we have a quorum we can start our work this morning. We have the adoption of two reports.The documents are C 77/III/REP/4 and C 77/III/REP/5.I will give the floor to the rapporteur to introduce the first report.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): Since we have very little time I will be brief.I have the honour to present Parts 4 and 5 of the Report of Commission III.

CHAIRMAN: I understand that there are a few minor corrections, not of a substantial nature but just in the translation.

SECRETARY: The correction concerns only the short title of the first item in the Report - International Poplar Convention.On page 2 the short title, which presently reads "International Poplar Commission" should read "International Poplar Convention".In the French, the short title, which presently reads "Commission internationale du peuplier", should read "Convention internationale du peuplier''.

CHAIRMAN: We will take the Report, Part 4, and go through,it paragraph by paragraph. We start with page 2, International Poplar Convention.

Paragraphs 1 and 2, approved
Les paragraphes 1 et 2 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 y 2 son aprobados
Paragraph 3, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 3, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 3, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

L. LAPEBY (Gabon): Je voudrais seulement demander une information.Il me semble qu'un mot a été sauté à l'avant-dernière ligne du paragraphe 5 du texte français, après "1978/79, par la cinquième Commission".Ce "par." est mal introduit.Je ne vois pas très bien ce que cela veut dire.

Paragraph 6
Le paragraphe 6
Párrafo 6

SECRETARY: I believe the delegate of Gabon is quite right.In the French version the word "recommended" which appears in the English version has been omitted, so we could introduce in the French version the equivalent of "recommended", that is,"recommandé par".

Paragraphs 4 to 6, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 4 â 6, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 4 a 6, asi enmendados, son aprobados

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Paragraph 7, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 7, y compris la resolution, est adopte
El párrafo 7, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

G. LIEBER (Germany, Fed. Rep. of) (interpretation from German): As far as the resolution is concerned we also feel that the Organization, in carrying out its programme, should be protected against currency fluctuations during the biennium.Such a protection, according to Resolution 35/75 of the Eighteenth Session of the Conference would have been perfectly sufficient.The budgetary proposals for 1978-79 have been calculated very generously from this point of view. Any further protective measures as proposed in the Draft Resolution before us are not acceptable to my Government for reasons of principle, as I have pointed out before. This refers essentially to the utilization and the proposed automatic transfer of surplus funds into a special reserve account. However, it these considerations are not shared by other delegations - and this seems to be the case - we are ready to withdraw our objection.

As far as the Resolution itself is concerned there are two small amendments I would like to propose. They are essentially drafting points.I would like to suggest that in paragraph 1 of the Resolution, the text which starts "Decides to establish a Special Reserve Account'' in the third line of the English text, we might add something after the words "unbudgeted extra costs'' and say:"as described in paragraph 2", and then we go on with:"that may arise in the 1978-79 biennium'' etc.

The second amendment refers to paragraph 7 where my delegation feels that in the second and third line the words "shall not be used for any purpose other than provided for in this resolution'' should be deleted.

E.M. WEST (Assistant Director-General, Office of Programme and Budget): This resolution has been drafted almost in every comma, in extensive consultations in small groups and then in larger groups, and whilst it has been understood throughout that certain delegations might find this objectionable, in principle or otherwise, there has also been, as it were, an understanding of a consensus on this principle and on this text.If there were grammatical errors or drafting errors then, of course, they would have to be corrected; or if there were faults in substance in reproducing the consensus on this. But I would strongly urge on behalf of the Director-General and also, if I may say, on behalf of those not present who participated in the extensive consultations, that it would be unfortunate to begin amending this draft because this will lead to reopening the whole subject, especially if there is any feeling that these are more than drafting changes.

In the first amendment just proposed it was suggested that paragraph 1 should be amended to refer to paragraph 2. I do not think there is any substantial problem there except that paragraph 2 describes three purposes, and one of them is not an unbudgeted extra cost.So I am afraid the amendment would be defective in any case.

Furthermore I think it is redundant since the definition is quite obvious:" Decides to establish ... an account'' and then it authorizes the Director-General on the purposes for which this account can be used.It follows there are no other purposes for which it can be used. As I say, there are three purposes there and not two, which have been carefully discussed and negotiated.Then the last one would also be legally defective because it would introduce again complications about one of the purposes and it again is redundant, really, to amend this wording since I think the intention of the delegate is fully covered by the last words in any case.But it has been carefully negotiated, including specifically that point.

CHAIRMAN: I hope this satisfies the delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany.

J.S. CAMARA (Guinée): Si le collègue de l'Allemagne fédérale est satisfait de l'explication de M. WEST, je ne prendrai plus la parole.Il me semble qu'il est satisfait?

Paragraph 8 approved
Le paragraphe 8 est approuvé
El párrafo 8 es aprobado

Paragraph 9, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 9, y compris la résolution, est adopté
El párrafo 97 incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Draft Report of Commission III - Part 4, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission III - quatrième partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión III - Parte 4, asi enmendado, es aprobado


Paragraphs 1-4
Les paragraphes 1-4
Los párrafos

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): No esperábamos que esto sucediera, y nos vemos ahora en la necesidad de haçer uso de la palabra.

En más de una oportunidad, esta delegación se manifesto con respecto a los párrafos 9 y 11, y, sin em-bargo, no aparece expresado en el documento que se nos presenta.

Esta posición nuestra con relación a los párrafos 9 y 11 fue apoyada por algunas otras delegaciones.

Expresamos que fueran modificados los párrafos o bien que nuestra posición figurara en un párrafo inde-pendiente.Y esto lo hicimos en más de una oportunidad.

CHAIRMAN: May I call the attention of the delegates to the last sentence in paragraph 2. Probably that will answer the point he has in mind.

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): En la ultima frase del texto expañol se dice:''Algunas delegaciones esti-maron que también debieran examinarse de nuevo otras disposiciones respecto de las cuales no se había propuesto ninguna enmienda''.

Acerca de esto he de decir que no es que ''Algunas delegaciones estimaran'', sino que propusieron en-miendas expresando su posición con respecto a los dos artículos IX y XI.

Concretamente con respecto al artículo IX, dijimos que debía ser tratado diplomáticamente a través de los gobiernos. Y por lo que toca al artículo XI, pusimos de manifiesto que estaba en contra de una de las resoluciones de la ONU.

Este asunto lo planteo muy claramente nuestra delegación, y Argelia apoyo nuestra posición manifestando que tenía sus reservas también sobre estos dos párrafos.

Sostuvimos que, si no se rectificaban dichos párrafos, apareciera nuestra posición con un párrafo inde-pendiente a fin de que quedara clara la actitud de nuestro gobierno.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I think that this would cover the point which is being made by the delegate from Cuba. In case he is not satisfied, perhaps he could present another formulation which would be satisfactory to him and we could consider that.

CHAIRMAN: May I ask the delegate from Cuba whether the mention of the specific provisions, the Articles, will give him satisfaction. He mentioned Article IX and XI, if we add after "provisions", "including Articles IX and XI".

E. DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): Reitero que hicimos la manifestación expresa de que quedara clara la posi-ción de nuestro gobierno.Esta actitud nuestra quedo bien clara.Y que no sería tampoco suficiente hacer referencia a los artículos IX y XI, sino que era necesario expresar el porqué de la posición adoptada con respecto a tales artículos.

Para no alargar más esta pequeña discusión, diré que no tendría dificultad por nuestra parte por cuanto consta en las actas y lo que queremos es que antes de ser sometido al plenario se traiga enmendado el texto y que aparezca nuestra posición tal y como nosotros la expusimos.

CHAIRMAN: May I suggest that the Rapporteur get in touch with the delegation from Cuba to get the text as he stated in his intervention.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I have a suggestion to make which I would like to present to the delegation from Cuba in case it is acceptable to them.The sentence would read "a few delegates felt that other provisions, for which no amendments have been proposed," and here my suggestion would come in, it would read "no amendments had been proposed.In particular Article IX and XI should also be re-examined." Would this be sufficient or would the delegation from Cuba like a further mention of what they are saying.

E, DIAZ BUSTABAD (Cuba): El Relator nos dice que algunas delegaciones manifestaron su desacuerdo en relación con estos dos artículos, pero es que eso no basta, porque lo fundamental es conocer el porqué nuestro gobierno no está de acuerdo con estos dos artículos.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I would suggest in that case we could say "a few delegations felt that other provisions, for which no amendment had been proposed, in particular Articles IX and XI, should also be re-examined" and this would be followed by a sentence that "the Delegation of Cuba stated as follows" and whatever is stated in the Verbatim, we could mention that.If that would be acceptable I could meet with the Delegation and work out a compromise text.

CHAIRMAN: I hope that there will be no objection to that and Cuba also agrees.I take it that subject to the slight modification, Paragraph 2 is adopted.

M.A. BENDJENNA (Algérie): J'appuie pleinement ce que vient de dire l'honorable délégué de Cuba.Ma délégation voudrait être associée à l'intervention de son pays et d'autre part, elle voudrait elle aussi proposer un amendement au paragraphe 4, si vous voulez tout the suite ou quand on y arrivera.

CHAIRMAN: Can I ask the distinguished delegate of Algeria to dictate his amendment so that we can take it?

M.A. BENDJENNA (Algérie): Je voudrais intervenir, au paragraphe 4, à la septième ligne, et ceci pour mieux refléter les débats qui ont eu lieu au sein de notre Commission et en même temps donner le point de vue de certaines délégations et aussi de délégations qui n'ont pu assister à la consultation inter-gouvernementale, l'amendement qui suit: après ''les principales vues'', on insérerait ce qui suit sur la version révisée:''ainsi que sur d'autres dispositions de caractère purement juridique'', et la phrase continuerait ''formulées à cette session...''.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): Thank you sir. I am still having some difficulty in tracing this i.n the English text, so if you will forgive me for a minute, I can then refer back to the subject.

According to my understanding in the English text - in the seventh or eighth line after ''Session'' we would insert ''revised and other provisions of a purely legal nature''. And then read further on ''and invite the governments concerned to send to the Secretariat their comments as reported''.Will the distinguished delegate from Algeria please confirm this?

M.A. BENDJENNA (Algérie): J'ai fait une proposition et je tiens à ce qu'elle soit insérée dans ce paragraphe.Je laisse au Secrétariat le soin de choisir l'endroit le plus approprié.

CHAIRMAN: I hope that this settles this point and everybody is happy.Any objections?

E.D. LETTS (Australia): I feel that some of the words suggested by the distinguished delegate of Algeria limit too much of the matter on which we want comment.I would simply suggest that the words, 'On the revised version'' could be left out since the comments made at this Session have been on the revised and previous and other suggested versions.Therefore those words,'On the revised version'' would limit it too much and I would like to suggest consideration of Algeria's words read something like, this:''highlight the main points made at this Session comma including of a legal nature'' -whatever his words were - ''comma and invite the governments concerned''.Thank you.

M. BENDJENNA (Algérie): Je suis prêt à accepter la proposition du délégué de l'Australie.

A.F. CHOWDHURY (Bangladesh): I have a small suggestion in the wording.I would draw attention to the penultimate line of this paragraph 4, to the specific word ''widespread''.The last but one word in the penultimate sentence, it reads in the clause,''in order to secure its widespread acceptability''. I think the word ''widespread'' does not convey the meaning intended for it because the revised text, as before this Commission, ''secure its widespread acceptability''. But nevertheless it could not secure a consensus, or at least a majority for its adoption.So I would suggest that the word ''widespread'' be substituted by the words ''widest possible" so that it will now read ''in order to secure its widest possible acceptability".Thank you Mr. Chairman.

CHAIRMAN :At first sight it looks as if the Secretariat has no objection to substitute of ''widespread" by ''widest possible".

A.A.W. LANDYMORE (United Kingdom): Mr. Chairman, very briefly in view of the introduction of the amendment by the delegate of Algeria may I suggest that the document will then have to be referred to the CCLM as well as the CCP and COAG.I suggest that be put in the final line.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you.So, distinguished delegates 1 take it that subject to the slight modifications suggested by the distinguished delegates of Australia, the United Kingdom and other delegations, including Bangladesh and Algeria, this paragraph be adopted. So very much. So this concludes the work of Commission III. Distinguished delegates, I have to thank you very much for your cooperation and your understanding. I hope that we have been able to do some good work during the eight or nine sessions that we have met.I also wish to thank the Secretariat, the Legal Counsel and all the staff who have been involved in some manner or other with this Commission.I hope that now that we have concluded our work it will find an easy passage in the report of the Plenary. So the work of Commission III is concluded.Thank you very much.

Paragraphs 1 to 4, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 4, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los pSrrafos 1 a 4, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission III - Part 5, as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission III - cinquième partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El proyecto de informe~e la Comisión III - Parte 5, así enmendado, es aprobado

A. LØCHEN (Norway): Mr. Chairman, I think we cannot conclude this meeting in Commission III before we all thank you for the fine way you have guided us through some very difficult matters.I believe I have all the delegations with me in thanking you and the Secretariat for what you have done and contributed to the success and completion of the work in Commission III, Thank you.


E.D. LETTS (Australia): The acclamation has made my intervention unnecessary. As one who may have caused you most difficulty through the Session, may I, apart from apologizing, thank you, Sir, and congratulate you on your conduct of this Commission and congratulate also the Secretariat, including those who, I think, are not with us today, for the fine work they have done. Thank you Mr, Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much.The Commission has concluded its work and let us hope Plenary will do the rest.


The meeting rose at 10.40 hours
La séance est levee â 10 h 40
Se levanta la sesión "a las 10.40 horas

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