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9 Comprehensive Progtamme for the Development and Management of Fisheries in Exclusive Economic Zones (continued;
9 Programme d'ensemble visant au. développement et à la gestion des pêcheries dans les zones économiques exclusives (suite)
9 Programa global para el desarrollo y la ordenación de la explotación pesquera en las zonas econonómicas exclusivas(continuación)

- Draft Resolution on Programme of Assistance in the Development and Management of Fisheries in Exclusive Economic Zones
- Projet de résolution sur un programme d'assistance au développement et a la gestion des pêcheries dans les zones économiques exclusives
- Proyecto de resolución sobre el programa de asistencia para el desarrollo y la ordenación de la explotación pesquera en las zonas económicas exclusivas

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): Now that v/e have finished with three Draft Resolutions we now have the last Resolution before, us, the one referring to assistance in the development of Management of Fisheries in Exclusive Economic Zones. This is the Draft Resolution in C 79/LIM/45. The Draft Resolution, as with the case for the others, has been studied. There has been lengthy consultation on the draft and great efforts have been made to reach an agreement. We, therefore, hope that we will be able to adopt it in a very quick and easy manner so that we can finish our work this evening.

Before discussing the Draft Resolution I would like to give the floor to Mr. Lucas so that he can point out any typing errors in the English text.

K. C. LUCAS (Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department): Thank you, Mr. Chairman. In the process of making a few changes-that were discussed as a result of ?our charge to me on Friday, a few gremlins have got into the typewriters over the weekend on the English copy only. There is a word left out of the operative paragraph 1. The French and Spanish are all right. At the end of the second line you see the word "overall" which is continued into the third line. "Social" was left out. So that should read" . . . . way which meet overall social and economic objectives ·. . . ". Insert the word "social" there in the English copy.

In operative paragraph 2 the French is all right, in the English and Spanish there is an extra word left in. In the English text delete just before the word "requests" in the fifth line the word "and" and insert a comma after Programme. So that it should now read, "notes that the steps already taken by the Director-General will help to ensure the effective implementation of the Programme, requests that these activities be continued and intensified".

In the third operative paragraph the French and Spanish are both all right, but the English one has an extra comma and a word in the second line. After "income" strike off the comma and the word "nutrition". So that it reads ". . . . the development of small-scale fisheries as a means of achieving a more equitable distribution of income and other benefits, including nutrition. . ".

Finally, operative paragraph 6. Someone could not read my handwriting so all the editions have some missing words, English French and Spanish. If I could quote what the additions are, I will read over the whole thing "Recognizes that this decentralized approach will expedite delivery of the Programme in the most effective manner and foster increased technical and economic cooperation among developing"

-insert the word "countries". So if we back up a tiny bit, "and foster increased technical and economic cooperation among developing countries as well as industrialized countries. . . " that was the way it was supposed to come out.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabie): Delegates have heard the corrections to the English text. I think there are no problems with the Spanish text. The discussion is now open on the draft resolution.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Je signale au passage qu'il faut lire le projet de résolution compte tenu du renvoi situé en bas de page, comme l'a suggéré le Comité des résolutions, afin qu'après le, "Nouvel ordre économise international" on ajoute, suivant la formule habituelle "tel qu'adopté dans les résolutions 3201 et 3202". Il faut voir ce paragraphe avec l'ensemble du texte. A part cela je n'ai pas d'observation.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabie): The comments of the delegate of France will be taken into consideration the proposal made by the Resolutions Committee which appears in the footnote at the bottom of page 1·

We all seem to be agreed on this draft resolution and I think we can consider that the Commission has adopted it.

There is one point to which I will draw attention. I shall ask Mr. Lucas to read the list of delegations which have supported the draft resolution.

K. C. LUCAS (Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department): The names of the co-sponsors, in alphebetical Order, are as follows: Angola, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Guinea, Mauritania, Morocoo, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Sierre Leone, Sri Lanka and the United States of America. That makes nineteen in all.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): If that is now the complete list, we have completed consideration of the draft resolution, and we can consider it approved.

On behalf of the Commission, I than): Mr. Lucas and his staff. We congratulate them on the draft resolu-tion and for the work ahead of them for its implementation we certainly wish them success.



CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): We shall now begin the rjdoption of the Commission's report starting with Part 1. We shall deal with the report paragraph by paragraph. I hope delegates will understand that we are not going to begin a new discussion on this report, or go into detail. Minor changes relating to typing errors or anything of that kind can be corrected later by the Secretariat. Vie shall take the first part of the report: State of Food and Agriculture including Commodity and Trade Problems.

P. ELMANÖWSKY (France): Au paragraphe 2, et mon observation est valable pour tous les paragraphes, il faut mettre le texte français en stricte conformité avec le texte anglais. En effect, il m'est apparu, après une longue discussion au Comité de rédaction, que l'avant-dernière phrase, à savoir: "L'aide alimentaire et l'assistance extérieure au secteur agricole sont très inférieures aux besoins estimés et il n'y a pas encore de système efficace de sécurité alimentaire mondiale" ne correspond pas du tout en sa dernière partie au texte anglais qui se lit ainsi: "Un système pleinement efficace de sécurité alimentaire mondiale reste encore à établir. " Il y a une différence à corriger.

Dans le même paragraphe, à le deuxième phrase, je crois me souvenir qu'au Comité de rédaction, à la cinquième ligne du texte anglais: "mais deneure très en- dessous de l'objectif de 4 pour cent" nous avions convenu de supprimer le mot "well". En tout cas, dans le texte français du Comité de rédaction où il était marqué "sont restées très inférieures", le mot "très" a été supprimé. L'on avait dit que la progression restait bien sur en-dessous des 4 pour cent, mais faut-il dire qu'elle restait très en-dessous? Je crois me souvenir que l'on avait décidé de dire simplement "restait en-dessous".

F. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): I remember that this point was discussed. The first proposal, that the agricultural production of developing countries had increased during the decade by an average of 3 percent a year was introduced by the delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany, and it was accepted; but I think that the rest of the portion was allowed to stand as it was initially expressed:". . . but the increase remained well below the target of 4 percent. . . ". However, if this poses serious problems to the French delegation we could have a look at the word "well". Honestly speaking, it really is just a way of expressing a thought and I think it should be allowed to stand,

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic):It seems that the representative of France agrees, so we can

consider paragraph 2 approved.

Λ. Β. CAWTHORN (United Kingdom):I would like to refer to paragraph 9, lines 7 and 9, the phrase beginning and that contributions by existing and potential donors to the International Emergency Food Reserve should immediately be raised to meet the target level, " This phrase is slightly misleading in that it relates to contributions to the International Emergency Food Reserve only, whereas it should also refer to the World Food Conference's minimum target of 10 million tons, I suggest that to overcome this misleading statement, after the words "potential donors" in line 8, the words be inserted "to it as well as", and that line 9 be amended to read "to meet these target levels, " The whole phrase would then read "and that contributions by existing and potential donors to it as well as to the International Emergency Food Reserve should immediately be raised to meet these target levels, "

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee):I accept that suggestion, because I think it puts the whole matter in a better perspecive. I personally see no difficulty at all, but it is up to the members of the Commission.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): Are there any objections to this proposal-no. This amendment is approved and paragraph 9 is amended accordingly,

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America): If I may, I would like to comment on paragraph 11. According to my notes, it was one member who suggested that an international scheme should be established to provide appropriate tools to small farmers. The paragraph as it stands now reads and implies that the Conference suggested that, in the last sentence of paragraph 11. I am proposing that in line with the actual discussion, it should be "one member".

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): The Delegate of the United States is right, we should say in the last sentence of paragraph 11, "some members suggested that an international scheme should be established to provide appropriate tools to small farmers.

CHAIRMAN: If there are no objections, we will take paragraph 11 as amended. That is approved. Paragraph 13.

A. I. MENENDEZ (México):Es una cuestión para la Secretaría. En el párrafo que pedimos su inclusión, el último en la version en español, se mencionan solamente las siglas de la Conferencia Mundial de Reforma Agraria y Desarrollo Rural; no sé en otros idiomas como figurará. Nos gustaría que se escribiera el nombre completo, no solo las iniciales.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic):I think this can be taken into consideration, of course. It is in the English text and the Secretariat will take note of this. So we have finished with this corrigendum to paragraph 13.

M. THINSY (Belgique): Une remarque sur ce point : Dans la résolution, dans l'avant-dernier considérant, dans le texte français, on indique : "Rappelant les résolutions 3101 et 3202 adoptées . . . " et on devait inclure "telles qu'adoptées par l'Assemblée générale . . . " Je pense que c'est en conformité avec les autres modifications qui ont été faites;donc, dans l'avant-dernier con-sidérant on devrait mettre "telles qu'adoptées" puisqu'il est question du nouvel ordre économique international et de la Déclaration de principes et du Programme d'action de la Conférence sur la Réforme agraire.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabie): You have not been very clear, Sir, because in the English text it says "as adopted by the United Nations. " It only applies to the French text and we will amend the French text only.

M. THINSY (Belgique): Il semble donc que ce soit uniquement dans le texte français qu'il faudra mettre "telles qu'adoptées, " la modification sera uniquement pour le texte français.

J. C. SAINSBURY (Australia): Just a point of clarification:in adopting the resolution which was in document C/79/LIM/37 we also took into account some suggestions made by the Resolutions Committee, which I think were all agreed to, and it appears that one of them has not been transposed into corrigendum 1 of Report I. I refer to operative paragraph 2 which "Recommends that the activities centred on World Food Day should be held at national, regional and international levels, " whereas the Resolutions Committee suggested the words:"Recommends that the activities centred on World Food Day should be held at local, provincial and national levels. " The words "local" and "provincial" have been missed out.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): Yes, I think you have a point there and it will be taken into account by the Secretariat.

A. FERNANDEZ GONZALEZ (España): No, Sr. Presidente, era por referirme a la enmienda que se había propuesto antes, cuando se decía solamente en el texto francés también en el texto español debe introducirse la misma corrección, porque me ha parecido entender que se refería exclusivamente al texto francés. Quiero dejar claro que en español debe corregirse y decir: "Recordando las resoluciones 3101 y 3202 tal como fueron adoptadas "por la Asamblea" y no como "de la Asamblea" . . . ", tal y como figuraba en el proyecto.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): I will ask the Secretariat to take this into account also, and align the French and Spanish texts with the English text, as just pointed out by the representatives of Belgium and Spain.

Paragraphs 1 to 13 including draft resolution, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 13, y compris le projet de resolution ainsi amendés, sont approuvés Los párrafos 1 a 13, incluido el proyecto de resolución, así enmendados, son aprobados


CHAIRMAN: Paragraphs 14 to 19. I assume that you all agree with the Draft Resolution contained in paragraph 19.

Paragraphs 14 to 19, including draft resolution, approved
Les paragraphes 14 a 19, y compris'le projet de résolution, sont approuves
Los párrafos 14 a 19, incluido el proyecto de resolución, son aprobados

PÁRRAFOS 20 a 28

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): We will start by adopting the part that comes after the Resolution and that starts with paragraph 20 at the top of page 5 in C 79/1/REP/1-Sup. 1.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Une fois de plus, je demanderai que le texte français corresponde exactement au texte anglais. Il s'agit de la dernière phrase du par. 20. En anglais, dans l'avant-dernière ligne, on parle de "declarations interprétatives"; dans le texte français, on a mis "de ces interpretations". Dans le texte français, il faut dire: "de ces déclarations interprétatives".

Je crois qu'il serait nécessaire, pour le paragraphe 21, de dire la même chose. Cela viserait d'ailleurs le texte anglais et le texte français.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabie): Thank you. So we have taken due note of the statement by the delegate of France. I assume that we will have to renew the English and French texts, particularly in this part of the document. If there are no further comments on paragraph 20.

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): May I ask the Chairmen of the Drafting Committee of the exact meaning - I am referring to both substance and form-of the last sentence ". . . should be taken into account".

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): This portion of the report contains the views of those countries who had certain interpretative statements to make. I would here draw the attention of the delegate of Yugoslavia to the fact that it also states, "and of India on behalf of the Group of 77". What it is saying is that these countries who were making interpretative statements said that while considering the Resolution-which has already been adopted-should take the interpretative statements into consideration also. I had repeatedly made this point as the delegate of Pakistan that this might pose a problem at a later stage. Then since it was agreed that both sides would have interpretative statements' the final decision was that some wording which would be acceptable to all concerned should be adopted. This is the outcome of somewhat extensive negotiations and I personally have no explanation to offer except to say that ". . . should be taken into account" means to take into consideration.

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): It is very difficult for my delegation to agree what your Chairman of the Drafting Committee said on behalf of his delegation. It would be very difficult to accept that kind of qualification of this interpretative statement. I am wondering whether we needed it at all. It simply summarizes the interpretative statements. May I suggest that we delete the last sentence, otherwise we are going into a matter which is very difficult to accept and it means applying a qualification which we are not able to understand fully.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Je m'étonne un peu qu'à cette heure tardive le délégua de la Yougoslavie veuille remettre en question ce sur quoi nous avons eu tellement de mal â nous mettre d'accord les uns et les autres. Si l'on revient sur ce point, je crains que nous ne soyons entraînas à discuter

encore pendant de longues heures et probablement pour un résultat complètement négatif. Je demande que nous en restions au texte que nous avons examiné, que nous avons vu au Comité de rédaction, qui a fait l'objet de longues discussions, mais surtout qu'on ne recommence pas à ouvrir le débat.

S. M. CHOUDHURY (Bangladesh): My delegation wants to associate itself with the opinion expressed by the delegate of Yugoslavia. We have already stated that interpretative statements are recorded in the verbatim record of the Conference and summarized below, and I do not see any justification for qualifying that with this statement, which in my opinion is superfluous. I once again propose that we delete the last sentence of paragraph 20.

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): I a very sorry. I am fully aware that this sentence must have been the subject of very long negotiations but still I would certainly wish that my delegation be recognized as one which has the full right at any time to raise any issue, and personally I am not afraid of difficulties that might come out of all this. I ask you, Mr. Chairman, or perhaps the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, to explain what this kind of qualification means. I would certainly have accepted it, for example, if these were reservations-"reservations should be taken into account"-but since we are dealing here only with interpretative statements, it should be, to my mind, only "summarized", without any further qualifications. Please would you again consider my point.

A. NIKKOLA (Finland): My delegation fully supports the views first expressed by the delegate of France. In our view, this paragraph should be retained and also the last sentence should stand as it is.

A. I. MENENDEZ (México): Parece que la capacidad de reabrir debates va siendo monopolio de alguna delegación. Nosotros podríamos asociarnos a la demanda del delegado de Yugoslavia de eliminar esta ultima frase, que no altera sustancialmente lo que se intente comunicar.

D. RICHTER (Germany, Fed. Rep. of) (interpretation from German): I fully support the statement and the arguments presented by the delegate of France. I urge that we should abide by this text, which is the outcome of so much hard work.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): Before we get into even hotter water, may I point out something? The words "interpretative statements" mean something which interprets a statement, and once you have said "interpretative statements" it means that it is explaining what you have said earlier. In that sense I would feel that this sentence, "These members stated that in considering the above resolution, these interpretative statements should be taken into account", does not add anything to the text. If you left it with "made interpretative statements which are recorded in full in the verbatim records of the Conference and are summarized below", you would have the same content, because the objective of paragraph 20 is to draw attention to the interpretative statements, but also to add the last sentence would mean that there might be further delay in reaching a solution. I am sure we can always reach a solution, but since we are running out of time I would have thought that the last sentence could conveniently be delegated without losing the essence of the meaning of paragraph 20. It does not really add anything to the substance of the paragraph.

I would request our colleagues from the EEC not to make this an issue, since, as was stated in the Drafting Group, this is not of much substance.

A. B. CAWTHORN (United Kingdom): My delegation wants to support what the delegates of France and Germany have already said. If this sentence adds nothing to the resolution, it can also be said that it detracts nothing from the resolution. I fail to see what objection the delegate of Yugoslavia can have.

P. GRIFFIN (Ireland): The delegate of the United Kingdom has said what I had proposed to say. It either does affect the meaning of the sentence before that or it does not. If it does not, there can be no objection to it. If it does, it has not been pointed out that there can be any difficulty about it.

I have just two things to say. As you know, Mr. Chairman, the European Economic Community had very strong views on interpretative statements, because these statements meant quite a lot;they were important to the Community. As you know, we maintained our position about having the interpretative statement fully included, on Friday, but in the desire to fulfil an obligation which we feel is on all delegates and all countries to do the utmost possible to reach satisfactory arrangements, we abandoned the position which we had steadfastly been holding, on the understanding that by conforming with your own suggestion, Mr. Chairman, it would be accepted by other delegations. So we would urge that these words be left in.

The other thing I want to say is simply-and here I am expressing a personal view-that I do not understand the logic of saying there is only relevance in taking into account reservations. If interpretative statements are made, they are of interest in considering the interpretation placed by certain countries on the resolution. So we would like this sentence to be left in.

CHAIRMAN: Honestly, this was not part of my suggestion. Maybe it was of the proposal. We did not touch on this particular point, but through negotiation this sentence crept in in this sense.

Yugoslavia was asking, if I understood his question correctly, that the way the sentence be put here was, "these members stated that in considering the above Resolution these interpretative statements should be taken into account", and he could not understand these countries stating that everybody should take these interpretative statements into account in considering the Resolution. This is where he said he felt that there was some sort of qualification of the whole Resolution. But if what is meant by this is that these members stated that when considering the above Resolution, these interpretative state-ments would be taken into account by them, by those countries which made the statements. So I do not know where we go from here. This Resolution has been a difficult task throughout; we got through the informal Contact Group, and we thought we were there; we came here and discussed it at length and thought we were there; but it is still with us even in these last moments.

P. GRIFFIN (Ireland): We are now dealing with the Report, which deals with what actually occurred. It is open to members to indicate their views, and these were always recorded in the report. I would be prepared on behalf of the Community to accept a change from the word "stated" to the word "considered":"these members considered"-this is the view of the members, including India, that these interpretative statements should be taken into account. We are expressing the views of the people who expressed certain opinions, and I think that this is a normal function of the report.

CHAIRMAN :With that change to the word "considered", the following wording is not perhaps very satisfactory, because there is "considered that" "in considering". So why don't we take out the words "in considering that the above Resolution" and insert "considered that these interpretative statements should be taken into account" and not mention the Resolution here.

M. TRKULJA (Yugoslavia): You may remember that in my first intervention I asked a very simple question. The meaning of the last sentence was not, and still is not clear to us. We are trying to escape a time squeeze, but whether it does, as my Irish friend said, or does not, I do not know. I am concerned about the suspicion of potential qualification here, but I am quite willing, especially in view of the time, to consider something like:"these members stated"-or otherwise-"that in considering the "above Resolution these interpretative statements should be noted", not "taken into account. " "Should be noted"-we want everyone to know; we are all, or most of us, in, so we are addressing ourselves-or the Conference, it doesn't matter anyway.

CHAIRMAN: (English): You said that certain aspects of this are still not clear. I hope that after a night's rest things will become clearer tomorrow. I shall now adjourn discussion on this part of the report until tomorrow afternoon.

Paragraphs 20 to 28 not concluded
Les paragraphes 20 à 28 sont en suspens
Los párrafos 20 a 28 quedan pendientes



CHAIRMAN: We now move on to the second part of the Report: 6. 2, Fertilizers-Action Arising out of the Fifth Session of the Commission on Fertilizers.

M. KRISSBSRG (United States of America) sI would like to suggest that paragraph 5, whioh commenoes 'Host members have noted with regret. . . . " would be better phrased if the 2nd sentence began "They-urge donors to further support the IPS, and reoommended that the Director-General. . . "

P. MASUD (Chairmanι Drafting Committee): This will change the whole concept whioh the paragraph seeks to convey. The Conference is urging donors to further support the IPS-it is not "most members" who are doing that. I feel strongly about retaining the existing wording. Of course. if the 2nd sentence could be plaoed after the 3rd sentemos I would have no objection; it would then read "Kost members noted with regret the decline in IPS resources and the limited prospects at present for its replenishment. The Confsrsnoe further reoommended that the Director-General again appeal for the replenishment of IPS resources, sad for channelling a portion of bilateral fertiliser aid through the IPS, and urged donors to further support the IPS. "If we were to accept the suggestion just made, it would mean that the Conference is not supporting the IPS-whioh it is.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic) tI see that the Delegate of the United States appears to agree to that, so we can approve paragraph 5·

RAMASHAR (India):In the laet line of paragraph 8 there is a reference to "the first part of 1980". I would prefer this to read "in the early part of 1980"·

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): "In the early part of 1980" obviously means the first half-but I could go along with the suggestion, if it meets with the approval of the Commission.

CHAIRMAN: (interpretation from Arabic): There are no onjeotions on the amendment submitted by India and we can therefore assume that it stands adopted.

Paragraphs 1 to 8. as amended approved
Les paragraphes 11 8. ainsi amendas. sont approuves
Los párrafos 1. 8. asi enmendados, , on aprobados

Paragraphs 9 to 15 approved
Les paragraphes 9 a 15 sont approuvés
Log párrafos 9 a 15 . on aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I-Part 2. as amended, was adopted
Le Projet de rapport de la Commission I, deuxième partie, ainsi amendé. , est adopté.
EI proyecto de informe de la Comisión I-Parte 2, así enmendado, es aprobado


PÁRRAFOS 1 to 13

CHAIRMAN: (interpretation from Arabic): In the seventh line of paragraph 7 "Switzerland" should be added to the list of countries. Vie start with the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland. Any objections?

R. CARLIER (Belgium): I think my delegation has also announced a contribution to FSAS and I would ask that my country be inserted in the list.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): If there are no objections, we will also include Belgium in this list.

I. TAKI (Japan):At the last meeting of this Commission I read an interpretative statement and at that time I decided to follow your suggestion, Mr. Chairman. You suggested that my statement would be reflected in the report without referring to the words "interpretative statement"· My delegation is always cooperative and so I would like to insert a sentenoe between the last sentence and the second from last of paragraph 10. This is just a citation from the record of the World Food Counoil on the work of its Fifth Session whioh reads:

"they also stated that the achievement of the 10 million ton target should be a joint responsibility of the international community as a whole and not of traditional donors alone. "

P. MASUD (Chairman of Drafting Committee): The position mentioned by the delegate of Japan was explained more than onoe during the proceedings of the Commission. I was under the impression in this morning's debate that if this were to be put in, Japan would not insist on an interpretative

statement later οn. I would be very grateful if this could be olarified. If what has been suggested just now is put in would Japan still insist on an interpretative statement later on, or would they be happy with what is stated in paragraph 10?

I. TAKI (Japan): My delegation does not insist an the words "interpretative statement". We will be satisfied with the insertion of this sentence.

CHAIRMAN: The question was, when we were discussing this matterconcerning your interpretative statement, I was trying to convinoe you not to insist on an interpretative statement and I said that the subject of your interpretative statement would be reflected in the report, so that was instead of saying that you have an interpretative statement. So if this is olear then we will have no mention of Japan as having an interpretative statement on this subject. Is that olear?

I. TAKI (Japan): Yes, Sir.

P. ELMANOWSKY (Franoe): Toujours au sujet du paragraphe 10, à bavant-dernière phrase qui coramenoe par "Qielques membres. . . ", j'ai l'impression qu'au Comité. de rédaction on avait lié l'avis qui est exprimé dans oette phrase, "ont été d'avis que dans ce cas, il faudrait maintenir une oertaine liaison entre la nouvelle Convention relative à l'aide alimentaire et la Convention pour le commerce du blé", j'ai l'impression mais ne peut l'affirmer que c'était en fait l'ensemble de la Conférenoe qui avait noté. ou exprimé. que "de ce fait" et non pas "dans ce cas", que de oe fait il y aurait lieu de maintenir uncertain lien entre la nouvelle Convention sur l'aide alimentaire et la Convention sur le commeroè du blé. , mais l'ancienne Convention, celle de 1971·

Alors je demanderai au Secrétariat ou au président du Comité de rédaction de revoir le texte, je orois que le texte anglais et français ne correspondent pas à oe qu'on avait dit.

P. MASUD (Chairman of Drafting Committee): In the ftiglieh text it does say "Some members expressed the view that, in this case, a oertain linkage should be maintained between the New Food Aid Convention and the Wheat Trade Convention. "I would like to ask the delegate of Prance whether or not this appears in the French text.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Oui la redaction française est correcte, mais ce que je dit, c'est que j'ai l'impression que dans le texte anglais comme dans le texte français cela ne reflète pas exactement ce que nous avions dit au Comité de rédaction.

J'avais l'impression que puisque la phrase commençait par "la Conférence. . . " on mettait une virgule après "leur position" et la phrase se terminait ainsi: "et de ce fait, on a estimé qu'il faudrait maintenir une certaine liaison entre la nouvelle Convention relative à l'aide alimentaire et la Con-vention sur le Commerce en ble de 1971 prorogée". Il me semble bien qu'une phrase de ce genre avait été notée. M. Leeks sans doute s'en souvient.

CHAIRMAN, (interpretation from Arabie): Mr. Leeks, do you remember this?

A. G. LEEKS (Director, Commodities and Trade Division): No Mr. Chairman, I am afraid I do not remember this. My records show that the Drafting Committee agreed to the text that is actually in the draft before the Commission today.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): So the representative of France has no further objections. So we assume that paragraph 10 stands approved with the additions suggested by the representative of Japan.

With regard to paragraph 13, there is going to be an additional text here which will contain the draft Resolution together with objections or reservations or exploratory statements or interpretative statements.

Paragraphs 1 to 12, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 a 12, ainsi amendes, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 12, asi enmendados, son aprobados

Paragraph 13, including draft resolution, not concluded
Le paragraphe 13, y compris le projet de résolution, en suspens
El párrafo 13, incluido el proyecto de resolución, queda pendiente



J. C. SAINSBURY (Australia): With regard to paragraph 3, it was my understanding in the Drafting Committee that there was to be an insertion in the third sentence beginning "The increase in food production in the developing countries" of the word "average" so it would have been "The average increase in food production in the developing countries" I think that was agreed at the Drafting Committee.

P. MASUD (Chairman Drafting Committee): It was "The average increase" and it should be inserted.

S. HANPONGPANDH (Thailand): With regard to the second sentence of paragraph 5 which reads "but no agreement had so far proved possible on the establishment of an internationally coordinated system of national food stocks. ", I feel this is not quite true because the ASEAN countries have reported to the floor about the agreement in a national coordinated rice stock so there must be some amendments on this I think.

P. MASUD (Chairman Drafting Committee): In the first place what the distinguished delegate from Thailand has said is in the sense that there is a regional agreement amongst the ASEAN countries, but still there is no internationally coordinated system on national food stocks and the stress in this case is in the word "international". And further, this has relevance to the grain agreement that has been coordinated under the auspices of UNCTAD so in that sense I do not think it would be possible to accommodate the point of view expressed by Thailand at this stage. I feel the sentence should be allowed to stand as it is and the concept of the ASEAN resources stock, which I think has been reflected somewhere in the report, will come up, so the point of view suggested just now will be fully noted.

S. HANPONGPANDH (Thailand): Does that mean that what the ASEAN is now doing is not going to be called in the coordinated system of the national food stock?

CHAIRMAN: In my understanding it is going to be called "regional" rather than "international".

S. HANPONPANDH (Thailand): In that case I am satisfied.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Après "le Nouvel ordre économique international", il faudrait utiliser la formulle habituelle, à savoir: "tel qu'adopté".

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): There is a clear understanding that if we say "The New International Economic Order" a footnote should be affixed explaining exactly to what we are referring. Over here we simply say "a New International Economic Order" and in this case there is no need to refer to a footnote. I hope the distinguished delegate of France is satisfied.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): France, does this satisfy you?

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Si dans le texte français il n'y avait pas un N majuscule à Nouvel, je serais d'accord.

P. MASUD (Chairman Drafting Committee): This is a further refinement of a subject which has been discussed at length. We always said "the NIEO" which is the New International Economic Order and we have, I am afraid, put the New starting with a capital N. But always if we see the New International Economic Order then we affix a footnote. But in this case you will find numerous references to the New International Economic Order in this way in many UN documents so I hope the distinguished Delegate from France will not insist on this.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): France is that all right? That means paragraph 12 is carried.

A. I. MENENDEZ (Mexico): Yo siento volver al párrafo 12, en la versión en español, en el sexto renglón "Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional^ debe ir con capitales. Es un problema en español.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): The Secretariat will patch this one up or at least in as far as the Spanish and French texts are concerned.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Mon intervention ne concerne pas le paragraphe 12, mais le titre du sous-chapitre que nous examinons, à savoir "Evaluation des progrès accomplis en ce qui concerne le Nouvel ordre économique international. . . " C'est là qu'il faut mettre "tel qu'adopté".

CHAIRMAN: I think you have a valid point.

P. MASUD (Chairman Drafting Committee): France has a valid point. It will be done.

Paragraphs 1 to 13, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 13, ainsi amendes, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 13, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I-Part 4, as amended, was adopted
Le Projet de rapport de la Commission 4, Partie 4, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión I-Parte 4, así enmendado, es aprobado



L. COMANESCU (Romania): In connection with paragraph 10 after the sentence, "It was thought by some delegates that the overall economic growth consumption used for the normative scenario at 7. 3 percent for the 1980s and 8 percent for the 1990s were overly optimistic and this lessened the credibility of the results. " at the new sentence beginning with "It was suggested" I would suggest after "suggested" to introduce "by those delegates that a new scenario. . . ". Because if left like that it is assumed that the Conference was of the opinion that we should find some modest assumption. So that after the word "suggested" we put in "by those delegates".

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): Thank you, I think that is a good suggestion, it does help give a better understanding of what is being said.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): Therefore paragraph 10 as amended stands adopted.

A. I. MENENDEZ (Mexico): Nuevamente la redacción en la version en español, párrafo 12 "Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional" debe ir en letras capitales.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): The Secretary will take due note of this.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Je reviens sur le paragraphe 11 dont la première phrase est ainsi libellée: "L'exclusion de certains pays en développement, et en particulier de la Chine, crée une lacune qu'il faudrait combler au plus tot". A mon avis, il faudrait trouver un autre mot qu'exclusion qui risque d'avoir un sens que l'on ne veut pas lui donner. En réalité, on a voulu dire que le fait que ces pays, et la Chine en particulier, n'aient pas été pris en considération pour l'étude, est gênant. Mais le terme exclusion a un sens absolu qui ne se justifie pas ici.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabie): Thank you, I believe this is quite pertinent. I now give the floor to the Chairman of the Drafting-Committee.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): Thank you, Sir, I think what France has pointed out is correct. If we could look for some other word to substitute "exclusion". Perhaps we could say the "non-inclusion of some developing countries". Perhaps we could have some suggestions from those who speak English.

A. B, CAWTHORN (United Kingdom): The United Kingdom delegate certainly does speak English and suggests the use of "omission" instead of "exclusion".

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America): Mr. Chairman, the two United kinds of countries at this end came to the same conclusion independently as to the possible use of the word "omission".

P. MASUD (Chairman Drafting Committee): May I say that I do not think that is the exact problem. It has not been entirely excluded, it's somewhat of a partial exclusion. And to say that "omission" means something has been omitted either advertently or inadvertently. That is not the case. The exact point that is sought to be conveyed is that there were some gaps in the information about China and those have to be filled in. I would be grateful if those who speak English could give it another try.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): Ce ne sera pas un anglophone qui essaiera de trouver la solution mais peut-être la France. Je vous proposerai, compte tenu de ce que vient de dire le Président du Comité de rédaction: l'absence d'information précises sur certains pays en développement, et en particulier sur la Chine, a créé une lacune qu'il faudrait combler au plus tot. "C'est ainsi grosso modo que je verrais le texte.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabie): Thank you, it appears there was a difference between the French text and the English text because in English we have the words "if possible", whereas the representative of France said "as soon as possible".

P. MASUD (Chairman Drafting Committee): I am trying to put together all that has been said. Could we say, "the partial coverage in the analysis in the study of some developing countries, particularly China, was a gap which should be filled if possible" full stop.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): Do you accept the proposal of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee concerning paragraph 11? If there is no objection it stands adopted as amended.

R. IBARGUREN (Argentina): Esto no quedaría exacto porque si bien puede ser verdadero para algunos países en desarrollo no hay información sobre China. Entonces no diríamos la verdad; yo creo que quedaría mejor, en este caso ayudaría en español "la no inclusion de información sobre algunos países en desarrollo, en particular de China", constituiría etc.

P. MASUD (Chairman Drafting Committee): It would be incorrect that we have no information on China, we do have information on China. This could be confirmed by Dr. Islam.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): Thank you, it appears there is no difficulty in accepting the first proposal of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

E. IBARGUREN (Argentina): Perfecto; pero creo que no han entendido lo que yo dije, porque yo dije exactamente "la no inclusion de información sobre", quiere decir que sí la puede tener FAO y no la incluyo. De todos modos si ustedes creen que está suficientemente claro retiro la enmienda.

M. KRIESBERG (United States of America):On the second line of paragraph 14 I think there is a typographical error, a misunderstanding in the language introduced during the Drafting Committee, ". . . in the use of non-renewable resources" there is a plural-"were becoming very scarce".

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): I believe that is quite right. It appears that the Chairman of the Drafting Committee agrees. If there are no objections, I shall take it that paragrph 4 has been approved as amended.

P. ELMANOWSKY (France): J'en suis encore au paragraphe 14. J'ai l'impression que le texte français et le texte anglais ne correspondent pas, mais alors pas du toutLa première phrase du paragraphe 14 se trouve résumée en deux lignes en anglais. Je sais que l'anglais est une langue condensée, mais de là à avoir quatre lignes pour le texte français, c'est une différence qui me paraît grande, d'autant que je trouve dans le texte français des mots que je ne vois pas du tout dans le texte anglais. Je crois qu'il faut que le secrétariat revoie la phrase en entier, parce que, vraiment, il n'y a prati-quement aucun rapport. Je ne sais pas si l'on dit en anglais-je ne l'ai pas vu-"énergie non renouvelable qui se raréfie terriblement".

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabie): If the Commission agrees, we will leave the whole paragraph to the Secretariat for review, to bring it into line with the English text.

M. A. AL SANEH (Kuwait) (interpretation from Arabic): In connexion with the third sub-paragraph of paragraph 20, "Analysis of the implications on agricultura growth in regard to energy, particularly the possible bearing of higher energy costs. . ", I remember that in the Drafting Committee we introduced the following amendment to the beginning of the sentence: "Analysis of the implications of the rise in world prices on agricultural growth . . . ", and so on.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): There appears to be some slight misunderstanding. The point raised by the delegate of Kuwait was discussed at great length in the Drafting Group but ultimately, at least I was under the impression, we accommodated his point by saying: " . . . reflecting greater scarcity. . . ", and the earlier point about rising world prices he did not insist upon.

I wonder if I am correct? It was a very lengthy debate-we were at it for over 45 minutes-and at the end, to the best of my recollection and from the notes that I have, that was the outcome.

Now the delegate of Kuwait is suggesting that we say: "Analaysis of the implications on agricultural growth of the rise in world prices I would request him to recall that we went over that previously and be was kind enough to agree to this formulation. If he could have another look at it-perhaps he could look at the English text also; that is what I would suggest-and compare it with the Arabic text, perhaps his difficulty could be solved.

M. A. AL SANEH (Kuwait) (interpretation from Arabic): I agree with the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

Paragraphs 1 to 22, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 22, ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 22, así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I-Part 5, as amended, was adopted
Le Projet de rapport de la Commission I, cinquième partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión I-Parte 5, asi enmendado, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): We have completed approval of Part 5 of the Draft Report.



CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabie): We shall proceed to Part 6 of the Report, which relates to item 9, "Comprehensive Programme for the Development and Management of Fisheries in Exclusive Economic Zones".

K. C. LUCAS (Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department): In paragraph 4 there is a word which is incorrect in the English and French texts, and I should mention it to make sure there is no misunderstanding.

Near the end of the first sentence there are the words "and the preservation of this environment". The word should be "their" and not "this" in the English and French. It should read: ". . . conservation of living marine resources and the preservation of their environment". The Spanish text is all right.

In the last line there is an error. It says: ". . . within the framework of national fisheries management programmes". It should read, ". . . within the framework of rational fisheries management programmes".

A. I. MENENDEZ (Mexico): Yo veo que voy mucho más lento que usted, señor Presidente.

Hay un error importante en la version en español en el párrafo cinco. Nosotros mencionamos "de las empresas multinacionales entre países en desarrollo", no de las empresas transnacionales; hay una diferencia sustancial en esto. Debe decir "de las empresas multinacionales entre países en desarrollo".

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): The Spanish text will be brought into line with the English text.

I thank the delegate of Mexico for reminding me that I am going too quickly. I forgot that this part of the report only reached delegates a few minutes ago. We shall therefore make haste slowly as we adopt this report.

K. C. LUCAS (Assistant Director-General, Fisheries Department): There is a very important ommission in the French and Spanish texts of paragraph 10 near the bottom of that paragraph: the phrase "inter-country allocations", in the 3rd last sentence. It is there in English; in the French it is 4 lines from the bottom of page 3 and in the Spanish 3 lines from the bottom of the paragraph. The passage reads in English " . . . . shared the hope expressed by the Committee on Fisheries that the UNDP Governing Council would recognize the importance and urgency for continued support to the Programme when they consider their third Programme Cycle inter-country allocations for 1982-86. " Perhaps the translators could help on this. The phrase inter-country allocations is missing in the French and Spanish, and perhaps in the Arabic. -

M. LEROTHOLI (Lesotho): I remember that Dr. Lucas made a special point on the remark which we made on paragraph 1. We have been trying to set our minds at ease on this paragraph, and I would like to simply say that we were the sole dissenting voice on the timeliness of these initiatives. We expressed the view that, much appreciated as they were, it was untimely; and we thought there should be a mention in this paragraph of the fact that we felt that we were jumping the gun.

CHAIRMAN (interpretation from Arabic): I shall call on the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

P. MASUD (Chairman, Drafting Committee): This draft is rather carefully worded. The first section, which speaks of the "timely initiative" states "the Conference endorsed the unanimous support expressed by the last Sessions of the Committee on Fisheries". To the best of my knowledge, the Committee on Fisheries did this. It continues, "and of the Council"-and I am quite aware of the fact that the Council also did this-"for the leadership and timely initiative . . . . " This is what the Council and the Committee did. Then we come to the last operative portion, "Most members expressed their appreciation"-it does not say "all members", but "most members"-simply that there were some who had reservations. Since this has overwhelming support, we think it would be best to not pinpoint any one country which may not have the same viewpoint because of differing individual problems. This was the main concern which we felt while drafting this, and I hope that the Delegate of Lesotho will appreciate that it does say "Most members expressed their appreciation . . . . "-it does not say "everybody".

CHAIRMAN: (interpretation from Arabic): Would the delegate of Lesotho care to comment on those remarks from the Chairman of the Drafting Committee?

M. LEROTHOLI (Lesotho):I am grateful for the explanations made by the Chairman of the Drafting Committee. I had taken note of that last paragraph: I felt that our point of view was a substantive procedural query in respect of the United Nations as a whole, and we thought it merited recording.

CHAIRMAN:(interpretation from Arabic): This point of course has been duly registered in the record of the Committee.

Paragraphs 1 to 12, as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 12, ainsi amendes, sont approuves
Los párrafos 1 a 12, asl enmendados, son aprobados

CHAIRMAN: Of course, in paragraph 13 we shall include the text of the Draft Resolution which you considered and approved, which appears in document C 79/LIM/45.

Paragraph 13, including draft resolution, approved
Le paragraphe 13, y compris le projet de resolution, est approuve
El párrafo 13, incluido el proyecto de resolución, es aprobado

Paragraphs 14 to 21 approved
Les paragraphes 14 à 21 sont approuves
Los párrafos 14 a 21 son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I-Part 6, as amended, was adopted
Le Projet de rapport de la Commission I, sixième partie, ainsi amendé, est adop
El proyecto de informe de la Comisiön I-Parte 6, asíenmendado, es aprobado

The meeting rose at 20. 50 hours
La séance est levée à 20 h 50
Se levanta la sesión a las 20. 50 horas

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