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16. Code of Conduct on Distribution and Use of Pesticides (continued)
16. Code
de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides (suite)
16. Código de conducta para la distribución y utilización de plaguicidas (continuación)

EL PRESIDENTE: Quiero recordarles una vez más lo que ayer dijo el señor Brader cuando presentó este tema, lo cual es bien conocido por todos nosotros. Se trata de un documento que ha superado un largo proceso, en cuya consideración hemos participado todos nosotros en diversas oportunidades. Se han recibido observaciones y sugestiones que, en la medida de lo posible, se han incorporado a este texto de manera que quisiera que compartan conmigo la sensación que corresponde a la realidad de que éste es un texto que ahora está en condiciones de. ser adoptado, aunque si bien no pueda satisfacernos completamente a todos, pero por lo menos, será el primer instrumento, la base de la cual va a partir ahora este aspecto concreto de las actividades sobre producción y distribución de plaguicidas.

A la luz de esas consideraciones y también del hecho evidente de que tal como lo dice el último de los artículos, el 12.7, este Código no va a ser un documento estático, sino por el contrario dinámico, que va a ser sometido a revisiones periódicas a la luz de las circunstancias.

Les ruego una vez más que sean breves, concretos y específicos porque necesitamos terminar esta mañana este tema. Repito que debemos concluir este tema en la mañana porque para la tarde ya ha sido informado el señor Ingram, Director Ejecutivo del PMA, y estará presente entre nosotros al principio de la sesión de la tarde. Los altos funcionarios del PMA, con ánimo constructivo, nos han comunicado que ellos desearían que se facilite su participación en el debate sobre los objetivos del PMA al ser discutido esta tarde aquí. Si esto fuese así, como lo espero, concluiríamos hoy todos los puntos de fondo del programa de la Comisión II y así se podría atender las solicitudes reiteradas que me han hecho muchos de ustedes, y yo comparto, en el sentido de que sería conveniente que hoy termináramos todos los puntos para que el lunes, día en que comienzan las elecciones para el Consejo, todos podamos estar en el piso tercero, en la sala Plenaria y reencontrarnos luego aquí el martes 26 para iniciar la discusión del resto del proyecto de informe de la Comisión II.

Espero que colaboren conmigo y que entiendan esta situación, que además corresponde a la realidad.

NGWE WIN (Burma): I will strictly follow your instructions as the first speaker. The details of my delegation's observations will be submitted to the Secretariat for inclusion in the records of this Commission. However, my delegation feels that it should offer certain points regarding the Code.

My delegation feels that the primary responsibilities of the distribution of pesticides rests with the user nation and should be according to the national laws of the user country. Nevertheless, producing and trading of dangerous pesticides should be very carefully regulated. In particular, the producers of dangerous pesticides should be held responsible for giving prior information to the user nations. We must not forget that what is dangerous and lethal for producers is equally, if not more, dangerous to the user countries, particularly the end users who are innocent farmers.

Having said that, my delegation fully endorses the draft Code.

EL PRESIDENTE: Muchas gracias al representante de Birmania por su brevedad. El resto de su declaración se insertará en las actas.

También el colega de Mauritania, con el mismo buen espíritu, nos ha enviado un texto que con la venia de la Comisión se incluirá en las actas sobre este tema.

Horacio MALTEZ (Panamá): Deseamos antes que nada agradecer al señor Brader por su clara y elocuente presentación del tema.

El problema de la protección vegetal y animal en los países en desarrollo es cada vez mayor y lo será más aún en la medida que se intensifique la producción agropecuaria en los mismos.

A este propósito y en vista del incremento de la producción de alimentos es un objetivo prioritario en nuestros países en desarrollo la utilización de insumos agrícolas tales como los plaguicidas.

A pesar de los esfuerzos intensivos por introducir sistemas de control biológico tiene a menudo importancia decisiva para el logro de dichos objetivos.

Dentro de este marco de referencias y a la luz de los peligros que para la salud humana y animal así como para el medio ambiente los mismos pueden representar, la delegación de Panamá desea en primer lugar reiterar su apoyo total y firme al Código Internacional de Conducta para la Distribución y Utilización de Plaguicidas, los beneficios que el mismo puede aportar en primer lugar a los países en desarrollo que todavía no cuentan con procedimientos propios para el control y la regulación de dichos plaguicidas. A tal propósito nuestra delegación no estima oportuno repetir en esta ocasión las consideraciones que hiciésemos en su oportunidad para respaldar dicho proyecto de Código pues alargaríamos el debate; deseamos, por el contrario, evidenciar la forma amplia y general con que el Consejo expresó su aceptación del proyecto y su decisión de remitirlo a la Conferencia.

Al respecto deseamos destacar que el contenido de dicho Código ha sido objeto de intensas negociaciones y que el texto que hoy se nos presenta es la décima versión del mismo.

En referencia a lo planteado por el delegado del Ecuador en relación con el principio de consentimiento e información previo, PIC, la delegación de Panamá comprende y comparte su interés en el asunto ya que concedemos una particular importancia a este concepto. Opinamos que la cuestión debe de ser planteada a la Secretaría como él propuso para que sea estudiada y se estime la posibilidad de considerarla posteriormente.

Compartimos la opinión manifestada por la representante de Colombia durante el día de ayer.

A este propósito nuestra delegación estima que aunque este Código representa un compromiso entre muy diversas posiciones de principios y que no satisface por completo todas nuestras preocupaciones, el mismo en general es balanceado, recoge las observaciones no sólo de gran parte de los Estados Miembros, sino de la opinión especializada de organismos internacionales apropiados, así como de la industria de plaguicidas, razón por la cual se puede recabar el máximo consenso.

Para la delegación de mi país se han introducido recientemente en el texto aquellas propuestas constructivas que, respetando el espíritu de lo indicado en el informe del 87° período de sesiones del Consejo en el sentido de que no menoscaba su contenido, contribuyen a favorecer el consenso, por tales motivos no tenemos dificultad en aceptarlas.

Asimismo la delegación de Panamá desea expresar su apoyo al proyecto de resolución que acompaña a dicho Código y fue recomendado por el Consejo.

Estimamos oportuno renovar nuestra invitación a la FAO a que asista a los países miembros en la formulación de la legislación relacionada con el mismo.

DATO'ABU BAKAR MAHMUD (Malaysia): My delegation would like to express its appreciation to

the Secretariat for the way in which the subject is presented to us and particularly to Dr Brader for his excellent and clear introduction of the subject.

Recognizing the wide and extensive consultations that have been held on this matter by all parties concerned and the urgent need to ensure the safety of users of pesticides, farmers in particular and consumers as a whole, as well as the need to safeguard the cleanliness of the environment, my delegation would register its strong support for the adoption of this Code. The draft Code as contained in the document C 85/25-Rev.l is rather an amended draft which has been rather watered down in several substantive parts. My delegation would have preferred

the earlier draft which contained the principle of PIC and which required an exporting country to inform the importing country of the details of the pesticide so as to enable it to consent to its importation. This would be an advantage to those countries in the Third World which do not have well-established regulatory and enforcement procedures. It might be of interest to the Commission to reconsider inserting this clause that subscribes to the principle of prior informed consent.

I would, in this connection, like to lend support also to the suggestions of the delegates of the Philippines and Ecuador on the introduction of prior informed consent in Article 9.6 or related thereto.

Nevertheless, Malaysia has no objection to the new amendements as related in the latest draft Code in the consensus reached in the Eighty-eighth Council recently, and, indeed, I hope that Clause 9.1 in Article 9 is in some way a step in the direction of the prior informed consent principle, but this again depends on the degree of application by the consent parties. The paragraph to my mind would help the importing countries to make appropriate assessments of the level of toxicity, of efficacy for intended safe use by consumers and of residual levels in edible plant products.

Since this Code is voluntary, my delegation feels it should be given the widest possible publicity by all parties concerned, namely national governments, the pesticides industry and the relevant consumer groups.

Related to Article 12, my delegation strongly suggests that importing countries should organize and promote campaigns in the safe use of pesticides.

Malaysia started a nationwide campaign on the safe use of pesticides in 1984 through the collaborative efforts of the Pesticides Board, the pesticides industry, the plantation industry and the relevant government departments and agencies.

In view of the fact that the Code is voluntary, problems relating to its compliance will invariably arise. My delegation, therefore, is in full support of the need for periodic review, as stated in clauses 12.6 and 12.7. This review by both FAO and governments will enable us to continually gauge the effectiveness of the Code and take corrective measures as and where necessary.

MICHEL MOMBOULI (Congo): A l'instar des autres délégations, nous aimerions remercier M. Brader pour sa brillante présentation du sujet soumis à notre examen actuellement.

Le document qui est entre nos mains actuellement est une nouvelle mouture résultant des consultations très intenses que nous avons eues à des niveaux différents. Je pense qu'en tant que membres du Conseil nous avons eu l'occasion d'exprimer nos points de vue et nous pouvons dire que ce texte est le résultat des négociations. C'est pourquoi nous n'allons pas ouvrir à nouveau le débat.

Nous avons eu l'occasion de dire que ce code était bienvenu dans la mesure où il venait combler un vide juridique; nous l'aurions souhaité plus contraignant mais il nous a fallu tenir compte des positions des autres, ce qui fait qu'actuellement nous sommes arrivés à un stade où nous ne pouvons plus recommancer la négociation étant donné le niveau qu'elle a atteint.

Je voudrais surtout vous dire que nous appuyons ce code dans sa nouvelle version mais il y a un point particulier sur lequel nous voudrions revenir, c'est le paragraphe 9.6. Nous voulons revenir sur ce paragraphe en ayant à l'esprit l'horrible catastrophe qui a eu lieu à Bophal en Inde. Nous pensons en effet que les pays en développement doivent apporter beaucoup de garanties pour l'utilisation des pesticides, surtout quand on sait que certains pesticides sont distribués dans les pays en développement de façon spécifique sans que dans les pays d'origine on les utilise. On pourrait citer certains produits dont l'utilisation a été supprimée dans les pays producteurs et qui malheureusement continuent à être exportés. C'est dans cet esprit que nous pensons que, comme l'ont suggéré les délégations de l'Equateur et des Philippines, il faut que nous trouvions par tous les moyens la possibilité de réintégrer un paragraphe relatif à l'acceptation préalable par le pays importateur du produit des informations communiquées par l'exportateur.

Je le répète, nous avons toujours à l'esprit cette catastrophe qui nous a prouvé qu'en définitive nous n'avons pas toujours dans les délais voulus pris les dispositions pour faire en sorte que les pesticides soient utilisés à bon escient.

Une fois de plus, nous renouvelons notre appui à ce texte, mais nous insistons pour notre part qu'une solution soit trouvée afin que la proposition de l'Equateur et des Philippines que nous appuyons puisse trouver sa place également dans ce code.

HARIS ZANNETIS (Cyprus): My delegation supports the adoption of the Code because the use of pesticides is absolutely necessary for an inrease in agricultural production and a reduction in the post-harvest losses and because pesticides, if not properly used, have the potential of causing harm which is very costly, as has been indicated by Mr Brader in his comprehensive introduction, for which we would like to thank him.

We consider the Code to be most useful because it gives guidance to proper practices in the distribution and use of pesticides and because it defines the corresponding responsibilities of government, industry, traders and users in ensuring safe and effective use of such products. The Code gives us the means by which we can develop ways to use pesticides more safely and effectively. This Code, which addresses all these concerns in a comprehensive manner, is justified and is urgently needed, as it provides us with valuable guidance on the matters which we need to take into account when considering the question of whether or not to allow the use of a particular pesticide.

We are saying this in spite of our belief that the present version of the Code may not be perfect in all its aspects and that in fact certain of its provisions should have been stronger and more precise. However, we are convinced that it would be best to adopt the Code as it is now with a possibility of a review and improvement after some experience has been gained from its widescale use, as you, Mr Chairman, have indicated this morning.

We realize that the Code has gone through a long process of consultations over the last three years and ten drafts have been prepared for this purpose. Furthermore, the Code has received strong support by the Committee on Agriculture and by the Council.

In keeping with your wish, Mr Chairman, I will end my intervention here, but I will give the full text for inclusion in the verbatim record. (The following statement has been included on request).

My country has in fact implemented in 1968, legislation covering the importation, registration, labelling and sale of pesticides. We have found that the legislation, as modified from time to time, fully covers the needs of the farmers of Cyprus. Over time, however, modifications may and do become necessary in order to cover new developments, as new pesticides are introduced, and more becomes known about existing pesticides, and as insects develop resistance to some of them.

Our experience indicates however, that for legislation to be effective, it must be strictly enforced and monitored by competent technical and scientific officers. Legislation also implies constant sampling and analysis of all pesticides on sale, which implies the need for a fully-equipped laboratory. This investment is very much worth its value and it is indispensable.

In fact, we are now taking this legislation a step further - we are going to inaugurate a laboratory to deal with pesticide residues on crops in order to protect the consumers. This next step will complete the circle ensuring on one hand that in as much as manufacturers, distributors and farmers have both rights and responsibilities, then consumers also have rights; rights that are reflected in the proper use of pesticides by the farmers and the elimination of dangers that might arise from residues.

We shall be only too happy to share our considerable experience in this field with any other developing country.

EL PRESIDENTE: Gracias por su colaboración, distinguido colega de Chipre.

El resto de su declaración estā incluido en las Actas.

LAZARE GANSORE (Burkina Faso): Je serai très bref. Ma délégation tient tout d'abord à féliciter la FAO pour l'initiative qu'elle a prise d'élaborer un code de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides. Ce document est d'une importance capitale pour nous. En effet, si les pays développés ont mis en place un certain nombre de dispositifs qui préservent l'utilisation sans danger des pesticides, cela n'est pas le cas pour la plupart de nos pays qui manquent des moyens adéquats nécessaires pour garantir une bonne utilisation sans effet nocif sur la santé humaine, animale, et sur 1'environnement.

Nous invitons en particulier la FAO à apporter son appui aux pays en développement pour la mise en oeuvre du code.

Enfin nous partageons les préoccupations exprimées par la délégation de l'Equateur hier soir et appuyées par un certain nombre de délégations.

ANTONIO MAGALHÃES COELHO (Portugal): Nous voudrions féliciter le Secrétariat d'avoir présenté ce document tellement important au niveau mondial. L'utilisation en grande quantité des pesticides que l'on considère aujourd'hui indispensables à la protection de la production agricole crée, comme on le sait, divers problèmes dont certains peuvent avoir de graves répercussions d'ordre toxicologique et pour l'environnement.

D'aute part, il faut empêcher la tendance au profit facile de firmes moins scrupuleuses qui mettent sur le marché des pesticides insuffisammient efficaces avec des résultats désastreux pour la production agricole et des implications économiques graves pour les agriculteurs.

Il faut donc veiller à ce que, mondialement, les pesticides soient appropriés du point de vue aussi bien biologique que toxicologique et de l'environnement en réduisant leurs inconvénients au minimum.

Théoriquement, nous considérons que le "Code International de Conduite" prend en compte tous les aspects importants qui se rapportent aux activités dans les domaines des pesticides et que, s'il était intégralement suivi, il résoudrait une grande partie des problèmes soulevés par l'utilisation de ces produits. Cependant, la mise en place d'un "Code de Conduite" ne doit pas freiner les efforts de la FAO pour aider à établir dans tous les pays, aussi rapidement que possible, des systèmes d'homologation de pesticides, systèmes qui devront forcément être adaptés à leurs structures techniques. Sans la mise en place urgente de systèmes officiels d'homologation et de contrôle appropriés, avec l'aide de la FAO, dans les pays où ils n'existent pas encore, l'adoption de ce code sera impossible.

Permettez-moi de présenter quelques commentaires sur le texte du Code:

"Article 2 - Définitions":

-nous pensons que, à la fin de la définition d'homologation, on doit ajouter la phrase suivante "quand le produit est utilisé conformément aux instructions";

-nous pensons que la deuxième période de définition de résidus doit contenir le texte suivant: "le terme comprend la matière active, tous ses dérivés, comme les produits de conversion, les métabolites, et les produits de réaction ainsi que les impuretés, jugés importants du point de vue toxicologique".

"Article 4.4":

Le Portugal a réalisé quelques actions de ce genre avec les pays de langue portugaise avec lesquels nous avons des accords de coopération technique.

"Article 5.1.1."- Bien que la mise en place de systèmes d'homologation et de contrôle de pesticides doit être considérée comme la priorité de toutes les priorités, quelques pays n'ont pas, au niveau gouvernemental, les structures techniques disponibles à cet effet. La FAO devra essayer de trouver une solution, sinon il ne sera. jamais possible de mettre en place tous les autres alinéas de l'article 5, y compris ceux de la responsabilité de 1!industrie.

"Article"'- Dans le texte en français,la fin de cet article dit: "... spécialement quand il s'agit de produits ménagers particulièrement toxiques". Nous ne sommes pas d'accord que l'on utilise ces produits "particulièrement toxiques" à cette fin.

Article 6 : Pour des raisons déjà citées, la FAO devra jouer un rôle fondamental dans la mise en place de l'article 6.1, dans beaucoup de pays du monde pauvres en structures techniques.

Article 9 : En 20 ans d'homologation de pesticides, seul un pays exportateur nous fait savoir régu­lièrement par son ambassade les décisions d'interdiction ou les restrictions officiellement imposées dans ce pays, et met à notre disposition un dossier complet sur la matière que nous devons étudier en détail. Cet article doit être mis à exécution de manière urgente par les grands pays exportateurs.

JOSTEIN LEIRO (Norway): Norway supported the idea of an International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides. At the last meeting of the Committee on Agriculture in March this year Norway gave its support to the draft Code. The changes later made in the text do not affect the Norwegian position. The Norwegian delegation supports the draft Resolution for an International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

ABDELAZIZ ARIFI (Maroc) : Je voudrais tout d'abord remercier et féliciter le Dr Brader pour son introduction du sujet claire et concise.

C'est avec grand intérêt que la délégation marocaine a étudié le Code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides. Ce projet vient à point nommé, puisque les préoccupations qui y figurent font actuellement l'objet de débats au niveau de plusieurs départements ministériels au Maroc. Le but escompté est la refonte des lois de base, puisque l'ancienne législation est souvent difficile.

Je voudrais rappeler que le premier texte relatif à l'emploi et au contrôle des substances toxiques remonte à 1922. Bien qu'amendé à plusieurs reprises, ce texte se trouve actuellement largement dépassé.

La délégation marocaine considère que le Code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation de pesticides revêt une importance primordiale, puisqu'il met en relief les responsabilités de la profession et des utilisateurs des pesticides, tout en oeuvrant pour un meilleur accès aux pesticides, et une préservation de la santé du consommateur.

'Pour cette raison, nous appuyons ce Code et souhaitons qu'il reçoive de la part de toutes les délé­gations un large appui.

Si vous me le permettez, je voudrais vous faire part de quelques remarques que la lecture du document a suscitées au niveau de la délégation marocaine.

Ces remarques sont de deux ordres: les unes reprennent les arguments déjà mentionnés dans le Code, ce qui signifie que la délégation marocaine les appuie avec force; les autres remarques constituent une contribution visant à approfondir la réflexion sur le dossier des pesticides.

Le problème qui se pose avec une grande acuité aux importateurs de pesticides se situe à plusieurs niveaux. La première étape concerne le système et les procédures d'homologation. Dans le meilleur des cas, les produits à homologuer font l'objet de diverses études. L'étude des aspects toxicologiques quant à elle se fait à partir de documents fournis par les fabricants de pesticides. La faille la plus évidente au niveau de l'homologation est sans conteste le manque de possibilité qu'éprouvent les services de contrôle pour effectuer les essais de conformité des produits ou spécialités soumis à l'homologation.

La délégation marocaine appuie de ce fait avec force les initiatives relatives à l'installation de laboratoires de formulation des pesticides avant et après homologation.

Il y a lieu aussi d'insister sur l'apport que peuvent procurer les organisations internationales, les industriels et les gouvernements des pays importateurs et exportateurs de pesticides dans le domaine de la formation des analystes et de la maintenance des équipements spécifiques aux textes de formulation.

L'autre série de problèmes que rencontrent les pays importateurs se situe au niveau de la distribution et de la vente des pesticides. L'image reflétée par le circuit physique de distribution est de nature à soulever des critiques qui sont le plus souvent fondées. Les critiques les plus reprises par l'opinion publique sont relatives au manque de qualification technique des vendeurs de pesticides. Le conseil fourni aux petits agriculteurs tient souvent compte de considérations commerciales. De ce fait, il n'est pas rare d'entendre les utilisateurs remettre en cause l'efficacité des traitements phytosanitaires.

La délégation marocaine souhaiterait dans ce cadre que la FAO entreprenne une enquête relative aux différents systèmes de distribution de pesticides adoptés par les différents pays existants ainsi que les critères de qualification pour délivrer les autorisations ou agréments de vente de pesticides.

Avant de conclure mon exposé, je voudrais vous faire part d'un certain nombre de réflexions et propositions qui sont de nature à faciliter les rapports entre la profession et les utilisateurs de pesticides.

La première proposition est relative à la mise au point annuelle d'un listing des spécialités dont l'homologation a été refusée dans les pays exportateurs de pesticides, ainsi que les justifications qui ont présidé à cette prise de décision.

La deuxième proposition pourrait concerner la mise en place d'un système qui inciterait les sociétés exportatrices à faire accompagner chaque convoi de pesticides d'un certificat d'analyse de conformité établi par un laboratoire officiel d'analyses chimiques. Le système pourrait s'inspirer de celui prévu dans la Convention internationale de la protection des végétaux et qui est relatif au certificat phytosanitaire dont le modèle, élaboré par la FAO, accompagne tous les végétaux et produits végétaux échangés dans la communauté internationale.

La troisième proposition serait d'inciter les obtenteurs de spécialités non utilisées dans les pays d'origine à ne pas se limiter aux seuls essais d'efficacité sur les parasites à combattre, mais pousser plus loin les investigations avec les services nationaux d'homologation pour mieux appréhender le devenir de ces spécialités, leur éventuelle dégradation, leurs effets sur les insectes utiles, et partant, préserver autant que se peut l'intégrité de l'environnement où ces spécialités seraient utilisées.

Ce sont là les remarques et suggestions que le Code a suscitées parmi notre délégation. Elles focalisent les sentiments et courants d'opinions les plus partagés par les utilisateurs des pesticides au Maroc.

Avant de conclure, je réitère l'appui déjà exprimé au début de mon exposé pour l'adoption de ce Code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides, et vous remercie de votre attention.

M. SIMBWA-BUNNYA (Uganda): In response to your appeal to be brief I will limit myself to a few remarks only. First of all, I wish to thank Dr Brader for his lucid introduction of this item last evening. I would also like to commend the FAO for having filled a gap that has existed for too long in the vital area of pesticide management. My delegation attended most of the discussions leading to this refined compromise draft. We would like, however, to point out that during the refining process of these successive drafts the text has lost much of its intended strength. A case in point is Article 9 where my delegation, like many others who have spoken before me, would have liked an essential principle of prior informed consent to be incorporated. We believe that if a pesticide has been banned or labelled dangerous in its country of manufacture, then it must be more disastrous in importing countries where the infrastructures for screening them are lacking or

inadequate. Nevertheless, the draft as it is, we feel, is a step in the right direction to curb the growing quantities of pesticides being traded and used in developing countries without adequate safety provisions which are internationally accepted.

My delegation endorses the Code and the relevant Resolution for its adoption by the Conference.

OCTAVIO RAINHO da SILVA NEVES (Brazil):I would like to thank Dr Brader for his excellent presentation of the subject. I will try to be as concise as possible and make up for the time lost. The Brazilian Government is deeply concerned about the hazardous effects of improper use of pesticides on humans, animals, and the environment. At present we are reviewing our national legislation in order to render it more effective and to ensure an orderly and safer use and distribution of pesticides in our territory. Very recently we have adopted new rules banning the use in Brazil or organo-chlorate zebro toxical products destined to culture in cattle breeding. Among the banned products, we may just mention Aldrin, BHC, DDT, and so on. This decision was taken after some Brazilian research institutions concluded that those products were no longer effective against most insect plagues and that their use constituted a threat to the environment, and to human and animal health, especially that of fish and birds. As a counter-measure we are promoting in Brazil the use of organic matter to replace chemical pesticides. Much more needs to be done at the national level. Control and surveys by the Government are essential and will be under constant review. These efforts, however, should be backed by appropriate international action for obvious reasons.

Under the circumstances we fully support the Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesti­cides, an extremely important initiative by FAO. Even in its present weakened version, as a compromise draft, after so many revisions, the Code represents a useful first step to be taken with no further delay. But the Code, as has been forcefully argued by the Philippine and the Ecuadorian delegations, still needs an amendment to Article 9.6, with the aim of restoring to its text the essential rule of Prior Information Concept (PIC).

Brazil strongly supports the amendment introduced by the Philippines.

Sra. MAGDALENA BALDUZZI B. (Chile): De acuerdo a su deseo, seré muy breve. La delegación de Chile apoya la adopción del Código de Conducta para la Distribución y Uso de Plaguicidas, habida cuenta de la trayectoria de elaboración del mismo y de la importancia evidente que tiene el dictar normas sobre la materia, especialmente para los países en desarrollo, en resguardo del bienestar de los pueblos.

H. SNAJDROVA (Czechoslovakia): First I should like to congratulate Mr Braden, Director of the Plant Production and Protection Division, for his comprehensive introduction of this item. The International Code of Conduct on Distribution and Use of Pesticides regulates the practical use of pesticides, and upon discussion, it should be endorsed as a general obligatory code. In our country these problems are legally regulated in order to make it possible to influence all operations dealing with pesticides and in order to enforce necessary measures to improve the situation if negative effects are found. We agree with the draft International Code with the following recommendations, which have already been mentioned by us during the sessions of the Council.

In Article 7, medium toxic pesticides, included in class two of Directives, should be released for small growers and hobby gardeners for their own use, provided of course, that they are regularly instructed on the use and action of these substances.

In Article 7,labels on containers should be provided in all cases in the languages of the importing countries, including instructions on composition and ways of handling. The measures for the reduction of the use and controlled application of undesired pesticides meet the requirements for the innocuousness of these materials from the point of view of residues.

The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic will meet all requirements ensuing from the article of the document, and if our comments are included, it may be said that the fullest acceptance of the document is in keeping with the interests of our country. We are ready to support it.

LEOPOLDO ARIZA HIDALGO (Cuba): Queremos saludar al señor Brommer por su amplia y documentada presentación de este tema.

Señor Presidente, no pretendemos ni vamos a hacer la historia, ya larga, del Código de Conducta sobre Plaguicidas que nos ocupa. Solamente queremos hacer algunas breves referencias a cuestiones que no pierden actualidad ni importancia en este marco.

Antes queremos reconocer que el Director General es el pionero de este Código, que lleva dentro la salvaguardia del. entorno debido en que se tienen que mover el hombre y la mujer para plasmar sus aspiraciones en un mundo sano, productivo y feliz. Creo que este es el objetivo. Por eso no creemos que podamos tener ningún tipo de temor a que todo lo que se pueda introducir como salvaguardia sea incluido en el Código.

La distinguida delegación del Ecuador ha planteado, con mucha claridad y certeza técnica, las consecuencias ciertas de una utilización de pesticidas con desconocimiento de lo que están utilizando. Nos referimos a pesticidas declarados prohibidos o severamente limitados. Creemos que es necesario tener en cuenta este planteamiento que ha hecho la distinguida delegación del Ecuador y que ha sido apoyado por Filipinas, Brasil, Congo y otras delegaciones.

Sin embargo, queremos nuevament reiterar nuestra satisfacción por el texto del Código y de la resolución que se nos ha presentado, incluidas las dos últimas ediciones. Considero que se han logrado conciliar las aspiraciones de todos y cada uno de nosotros, aunque no sea totalmente.

Digo así porque, en realidad, hubiéramos deseado que la aplicación del Código no fuese voluntaria. Esto es bastante débil. Hubiéramos deseado que su texto fuese aún más preciso y más sólido. Así lo hemos planteado, pero si hubiéramos pretendido mantener las posiciones, realmente no tendríamos hoy un texto conciliado. Somos conscientes de eso, y en función de eso, aprobamos este Código que tenemos enfrente.

No obstante, nos complace que se considere al Código como un documento dinámico, capaz de adaptarse a los cambios que se produzcan durante su aplicación, tanto económicos y sociales como técnicos. Ello querrá decir que este Código tendrá vida, que no va a ser letra muerta. Si él no se mueve hacia el futuro, será letra muerta, y decir sólo cómo ha de ser, no va a dar mucho.

La necesidad de aplicación de este Código la hemos planteado con bastante anterioridad y ha sido reiterada aquí por muchos colegas. Por ello creemos que no debemos dejar de insistir en que la comprensión de cada gobierno es uno de los principales factores, en un tríptico que yo considero la parte más importante de esta materia. Primero, cada gobierno nacional debe tener necesidad de dictar sus leyes y reglamentos nacionales que regulen la manipulación, que regulen el control en todos los sentidos de los plaguicidas, dada su toxicidad, dado todo lo que sabemos técnicamente sobre los fenómenos que pueden producir su manejo, dado lo que entraña a la salud humana y al ambiente. Todo esto creo que es responsabilidad fundamental de cada gobierno.

El Código en sí nos puede dar una pauta a seguir. Nos va a enseñar peligros y mucho sobre la forma de protegerlos. Por lo tanto, creo que va ser muy útil que lo utilicemos, pero partiendo de nuestras leyes nacionales.

Necesitamos los plaguicidas -es otra conclusión- porque necesitamos tener buenas y sanas cosechas en un mundo en que la competencia a la productividad se hace más rígida, pero no podemos sacrificar al hombre por las cosechas ni el ambiente y el futuro del mundo por las cosechas.

Consideramos también muy importante, y de particular importancia para cada gobierno, la capacita­ción de los hombres que van a manejar estos productos. Aquí hemos hablado de las empresas que importan - del exportador y del importador -; todo eso es muy interesante, pero, con el carácter voluntario, va a ser muy difícil controlarlo. Tenemos que ser sinceros en nuestro criterio.

Sin embargo, creemos que la defensa de nuestros agricultores, de nuestros obreros agrícolas (que son los que van a manejar, en definitiva, el producto, porque ni por la mano del importador ni por la del exportador pasa este producto, los resultados van a ir a la base, van a ir a la familia de campesinos, porque los grandes fenómenos y programas se dan ahí, en las zonas rurales, y este es uno de los problemas que considero de gran importancia) radica, además en las leyes de cada país, en la necesidad de que se resuelva, como se ha hecho, esta parte que en el Código está bastante reforzada. Me refiero a la necesidad de las campañas de propaganda sobre su toxicidad, sobre su manejo, pero que estas campañas lleguen a las zonas rurales, en lo que también tenemos cierta responsabilidad nosotros, para que cuando llegue a las zonas rurales nuestros campesinos sepan leer la etiqueta, sepan entenderla.

En esto también nosotros tenemos una gran responsabilidad, porque los exportadores no nos van a apoyar en algo que es una tarea eminentemente nuestra.

En este sentido queremos reiterar, señor Presidente, que lo que hemos planteado que no es una cues­tión de forma, sino de fondo. En los párrafos 5.2.3 y el 8.1.1, en ambos, se vuelve a utilizar la palabra "inocuamente". Nosotros acabamos de revisar nuestro diccionario de lengua española el significado de la palabra "inocuo" y en el mismo pone: "Dícese de aquello que no hace daño, que es inofensivo". Es lo contrario de lo nocivo.

Vuelvo a repetir que no hay tal inocuidad para los seres humanos en ninguna de las fórmulas químicas que se utilizan como pesticidas. Todas entrañan algún peligro en mayor o menor grado. De ahí su clasificación, y creo que en estos párrafos que proponemos la palabra "inocuidad" no debe utilizarse, sino que puede sustituirse muy bien por "riesgo", porque es un riesgo, ya que la inocuidad no existe en ningún producto de esta naturaleza.

Vamos a reiterar nuestro apoyo al texto presentado; estamos seguros que contará con el apoyo de esta Conferencia y repetimos nuestro apoyo a la proposición en la forma que lo hizo la representación del Ecuador.

Miss H. MARIA BLAIZE (Grenada): My delegation has already had an occasion to highlight the importance of this topic under discussion.

During the general policy debate, the leader of this delegation acknowledged that pesticides were essential to agricultural production under tropical climatic conditions. However, in view of the potential, serious risks to human and animal life, as well as to the environment, Grenada considers the establishment of a special regime governing the distribution and use of pesticides a judicious development.

Thus, Grenada considers adoption of the texts contained in document C 85/25-Rev.l.

The introduction of this Code of Conduct captures the essence of the dilemma of the developing countries when it recognizes that "some countries importing pesticides must heavily rely on the pesticide industry to promote the safe and proper distribution and use of pesticides. In these circumstances foreign manufacturers, exporters and importers, must accept a share of the responsibility for safety in distribution and use".

With regard to the question of prior information in Article 9.6: by way of illustration, this delegation would like to refer to a situation in which a company manufacturing pesticides in Europe addressed a request to the Diplomatic Mission of Grenada. The mission was being asked simply to certify that the pesticide in question could be imported into Grenada. The company provided no information as to the composition and toxic levels of the product which it was attempting to market. In fact, subsequent inquiries in the host State of the Diplomatic Mission revealed that the manufacturer s definition of the substance being marketed was incomplete. Thus, when developing countries lack specialized technical expertise in the matter of testing pesticides and ascertaining their composition - or worse, do not have adequate pesticide legislation - they find themselves at the mercy of manufacturers and exporters. We in Grenada therefore subscribe to the view expressed in Article 1.6, that the Code is designed to be viewed within the context of national law as a basis whereby government authorities and pesticide manufactuers may judge whether their proposed actions and the actions of others constitute acceptable practices.

Notwithstanding the voluntary nature of the Code, it is to be hoped that confronted with the spectre of indiscriminate use of pesticides and with the aim of improving agricultural productivity and production in general, coupled with the risk of toxic levels damaging to human and animal life and ultimately to the ecosystem, all parties concerned would accept that it is imperative to translate into concerted action what is envisaged in Article 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 in the matter of pesticide management, and Articles 5, 6, 9 and 11 in their entirety, as well as Article 12.

Sharing the concern expressed by the delegate of Malaysia as regards this Article 12, which addresses the crucial issue of monitoring the observance of a voluntary Code of Conduct, the Grenadan delegation would like to be apprised of the machinery devised or to be set in train insofar as there is need for coordinating the activities envisaged in Article 12.5, 12.6 and 12.7.

In conclusion I would like to indicate that the Granadan delegation would commend the adoption of the text contained in document C 85/25-Rev.l.

FRANCISCO FERNANDEZ DE ANA MAGAN (España): La delegación española considera a este Código Internacional de Conducta como un paso adelante y positivo en el tratamiento y manejo de un tema muy delicado. Su aprobación representará un esfuerzo de colaboración por todas las partes implicadas y la FAO es la única organización que nosotros consideramos puede dar un apoyo serio a esta tentativa.

Este Código es para nosotros una base mínima sobre la que se pueden apoyar aquellos países que no han desarrollado su normativa en la materia y es el cauce que permitirá un diálogo internacional entre productores y consumidores de estos productos. De esta forma se puede dar lugar a un uso más seguro y eficaz de estas materias imprescindibles, al menos por mucho tiempo, en la agricultura.

España viene colaborando desde hace mucho tiempo en la consecución de este Código Internacional de Conducta, aportando una ya larga experiencia en la materia.

Llegando a este momento de presentarlo a la Conferencia, mi Gobierno tiene serias dudas acerca de la posibilidad de que sea puesto en práctica, fundamentalmente el punto 9, sin la mediación directa de la FAO; duda que también ha sido expresada por otros países en el pasado Consejo.

Quisiéramos reiterar al Director General el deseo de España de mantener su apoyo a la aprobación de este Código y sumarse así a los signatarios del mismo para dar cumplimiento inmediatamente a sus recomendaciones,en tanto que tales recomendaciones estén expresadas en forma que no entrañen dificultades que pudieran impedir su acordado cumplimiento.

Por último, pedimos -que se determine una periodicidad para la revisión del Código, fijando ya el plazo para la primera.

Mrs Z. IERONIMAKI (Greece): My delegation considers that pesticides are closely related to the improvement of agriculture, human health and environment. At the same time, it is an issue of major concern, since there are countries which do not have the established adequate regulatory infrastructure for controlling pesticides and ensuring their safe and effective use.

We share, therefore, the opinion that pesticides should be exported or imported after careful consideration of their toxicological implications and that every effort should be made so that their application should be in full accordance with recognized practices, after examination of the pest problems prevailing in the region where they are to be used.

With the considerations above, we are fully aware that an International Code of Conduct is needed which can define and clarify the responsibilities of the parties involved in the development, distribution and use of pesticides. In this context, my delegation fully supports the statement made by the representative of the European Economic Community.

RAYMOND NGBONGUE (République centrafricaine): La Délégation de la République centrafricaine voudrait tout d'abord féliciter M. Brader pour la présentation claire et concise qu'il nous a faite sur le sujet.

Nous savons que la croissance démographique, qui est de 85 pour cent dans les pays en développement, augmente sans cesse le nombre des sous-alimentés. Pour mettre fin à cette situation malheureuse, nous devons accélérer le développement de la production vivrière, surtout dans les pays en déficit alimentaire. L'intensification de la production vivrière exige l'utilisation des pesticides. Cependant, on assiste souvent à l'approvisionnement en pesticides très toxiques et, parfois, de qualité inférieure, qui ne permettent pas d'atteindre les objectifs fixés et qui provoquent aussi des situations dramatiques.

A l'instar des autres pays en développement, la République centrafricaine ne dispose pas d'une législation appropriée pour les pesticides et de mécanismes adaptés pour faire appliquer la réglementation afin de protéger la santé humaine, les animaux et l'environnement.

C'est pourquoi la délégation de la République centrafricaine insiste plus particulièrement sur la création d'un système de contrôle et l'information des détaillants et des utilisateurs de pesticides pour réduire les risques attachés à leur emploi.

La République centrafricaine, qui fait partie des pays en développement, est confrontée à des ravageurs et des maladies qui sont en grande partie responsables de la baisse de la production agricole. La nécessité d'employer des pesticides pour accroître sa production alimentaire n'est pas à démontrer.

Pour terminer, la délégation de la République centrafricaine appuie le code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides, dans sa forme dynamique.

Mme MARIA de LOURDES DUARTE (Cap-Vert) : Nos félicitations s'adressent à M. Brader pour son exposé d'introduction au document relatif au code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides.

Comme l'a déclaré à la plénière le chef de la délégation de mon pays, le projet de code de conduite pour les pesticides, sous sa forme actuelle, constitue inévitablement un compromis entre des intérêts très légitimes. Il a déjà reçu l'appui de principe du Comité de l'agriculture. Comme chacun sait, les pesticides sont indispensables pour la production agricole, mais leur utilisation correcte et judicieuse s'impose.

Nous espérons donc que le projet de code, tel qu'il nous est présenté maintenant, pourra être adopté car il constitue sans aucun doute un document indispensable dans tout programme visant à l'accroissement de la production agricole.

Néanmoins, et pour terminer, ma délégation appuie l'amendement proposé par l'Equateur et soutenu par d'autres délégations, de même que le projet de résolution qui nous est présenté pour adoption.

SHIGEKI YAMAMOTO (Japan): To begin with, I would like to express my appreciation for the efforts of Dr Bommer and the Secretariat for having presented to this Commission the draft of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, which has long been intensively subject to our discussion.

My Government has consistently supported FAO's endeavours to formulate the Code of Conduct. In this regard my delegation is happy to find that among many of the improvements in the Code of Conduct the voluntary characteristic has become clearer than before. We are convinced that the Code will be of great help for the promotion of the discipline distribution and use of pesticides in the world.

My delegation, recognizing that the Code will provide a practical framework for the control of pesticides, especially in countries which do not have adequate regulatory systems of pesticides, supports the present text of the Code.

Before concluding my comments, I would like to warn the Commission that the new proposal made by some delegates to add or revise sentences in the present text at this moment will only necessitate vigorous discussion again, thereby causing delay in the adoption.

ATIF Y. BUKHARI (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) (original language Arabic): We are very pleased to receive this text which is the outcome of thorough discussions within the framework of the Organization with regard to the distribution and use of pesticides at international and national levels.

The Organization has drafted this text in its final form and it is now submitted to us. We have taken into account the views and needs of all members of the Organization. Thus, we warmly thank the Organization for its considerable efforts made in the service of the international agricultural community.

The delegation of my country has always been among those who have said that there was always a need for such an international code of conduct, given the widespread and intensive use of pesticides in many forms. Since we are fully aware of this double-edged weapon, it is a weapon which can be beneficial as well as harmful, we stress the importance of this Code of Conduct.

FAO is the one Organization which can play a very important role in this area; it is the Organization for that purpose. So we wish to say to you and to the whole international community that the different measures which should be undertaken, mentioned in this Code, should indeed be applied. The firms which produce and sell pesticides must really make tests in their countries in collaboration with the countries which import these pesticides. Scientific tests should be carried out involving the various pesticides used by importing countries. We must be sure about the harmlessness of these pesticides. Furthermore, we must take account of the side-effects that there may be from the use of such products.

Secondly, the countries which import pesticides and which do not have this legislation to control their use should take account of their environment and make sure that the pesticides are used in a proper way. Those countries must give priority to such legislation so as to control the use and distribution of pesticides. These countries should train personnel to implement such regulations, and to ensure the proper use of pesticides. Furthermore, we would wish to refer to the fact that there are requests regarding the registration of pesticides made by importing countries. This is a very fundamental issue.

We shall summarize our position as follows. We know perfectly well that this Code of Conduct is voluntary and it involves no legal constraints. It is just a scientific framework for the control of the use of pesticides. Secondly, the provisions of the Code should be applied to all pesticides in all their forms: pesticides for insect pests, pesticides used in other areas, herbicides also which have become more widespread in recent years.

Thirdly, this Code of Conduct could be considered acceptable to my delegation in its present form, although it could perhaps be improved upon in light of scientific tests and in light of the experience gained in this field.

Fourthly, the FAO should monitor the results in certain countries, following the application of this Code. The various commissions and the Council of the Organization should take account of such results and draw the appropriate lessons, and the Organization should give scientific opinions as appropriate. We are fully aware that the adoption of this Code would signify that international technical cooperation between the different sectors of the international community is a living, real fact.

LI ZHENHUAN (China) (original language Chinese): Our Government and relevant departments value highly and commend FAO for its efforts in drafting the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides. The Chinese delegation stated its views and position on this question during the discussions on the draft Code prior to the Conference. The text Code as submitted to the present session of the Conference for adoption is the outcome of years of hard work done by the FAO Secretariat and member countries. It is also an important international document on pesticides. Hereby we wish to register our support for the document.

Finally, we wish to put on record our support to the Ecuadorian and the Philippine delegates for their proposed amendment to Article 9, i.e. Information Exchange, because we think it is reasonable. We hope that it will be unanimously approved by the Conference.

AXIALE MAHI (Cameroun): C'est un plaisir pour nous de participer à ce niveau au débat. Nous nous réjouissons de la présentation du document C 85/25-Rev.1 faite par un spécialiste de haut niveau. Cette seule présentation a suffi pour la compréhension du texte. Nous remercions également la direction générale de la FAO pour l'initiative prise de présenter à l'approbation de la Conférence le texte élaboré et amendé sur le Code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides.

L'introduction de ce document situe parfaitement bien la place qu'occupent la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides en agriculture. Actuellement, tout le monde sait qu'aucun pays désireux de promouvoir son agriculture ne peut s'en passer. Ceci est bien souligné dans le texte de référence. Mais si dans les pays développés qui fabriquent et exportent souvent ces pesticides tous les dispositifs d'homologation et de contrôle de distribution et d'emploi des pesticides sont mis au point, il n'en est pas de même pour les pays moins avancés qui souvent disposent de règlements phytosanitaires fort souples pour ne pas dire dérisoires.

Dans ces pays, la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides obéissent souvent à des motivations contraires aux simples intérêts des consommateurs qui sont en majorité de petits agriculteurs peu préparés à leur profession.

Beaucoup de ces pays bien conscients de cette lacune n'ont pas encore malheureusement réussi à mettre en oeuvre une législation phytosanitaire digne de ce nom faute de cadres compétents et de structures de contrÔle adéquates. C'est donc pour nous l'occasion de saluer l'avènement de ce Code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides qui pourra inspirer bon nombre de règlements internationaux et nationaux phytosanitaires à élaborer.

Si l'article 1, paragraphe 1.5, énonce les normes de conduite indiscutables, l'article 2 constitue un lexique qui, bien que préparé pour la seule compréhension du Code, devrait être à notre avis plus enrichi en mentionnant aussi des définitions de mots qui accompagnent tout texte général de distribution et d'emploi de pesticides; nous pensons ici essentiellement à des mots tels que "dose léthale" "antidotes" et ainsi de suite ... Ces mots, nous le répétons, ne sont pas dans le code mais il serait peut-être bon qu'ils figurent pour la bonne compréhension surtout des précautions à prendre avant et après utilisation.

Il faudrait peut-être aider les pays qui pourront élaborer leur propre législation à les comprendre mieux. Si nous le disons c'est pour tenir compte du niveau de connaissance de ceux qui manipulent ces pesticides. Evidemment on ne peut tout mettre dans un code de conduite car cela nécessiterait presque un dictionnaire. Mais néanmoins il est bon de rappeler les termes qui reviennent souvent dans le cadre de l'utilisation des pesticides.

Nous entendons l'écho de l'appel lancé à l'article 3, paragraphes 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 et 3.4; nous pensons qu'il eût aussi été intéressant de recommander ou de prévoir l'étude du comportement de l'environnement après usage prolongé de ces pesticides.

Enfin nous recommandons aussi l'approbation de ce code qui devrait être diffusé pour application volontaire bien sûr, à nos divers Etats.

ADEL EL-SARKI (Egypt) (original language Arabic): My delegation is in favour of the efforts made to strengthen the confidence of the international community in rules regarding the use of pesticides which serve man and development. We welcome the efforts of the Director-General in this area.

My country's delegation, after having listened to the various delegations, supports the Colombian proposal regarding "prior informed consent" in developing countries, otherwise there might be new contradictions which might delay the approval of this Code. We should consider adopting the text as it is submitted to us. We should add a paragraph referring to "prior informed consent" on the part of exporting countries and the approval on the part of the exporting countries after the Code has been revised.

RICARDO MARTINEZ-MUÑOZ (Namibia): La Delegación de Namibia considera que el PIC es elemento esencial en el contenido del Código. Apoyamos plenamente a Ecuador, Filipinas y Brasil pero, con ánimo flexible, podríamos transarnos con la propuesta de Colombia a fin de no retrasar la adopción del Código.

SABRI KESKIN (Turkey): I would like to present the views of the Turkish Government regarding the draft International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

The following provisions of the draft International Code are fully implemented in Turkey with the exception of the establishment of national and local information centres. One, the Government is the unique regulatory authority for production, utilization and trade of pesticides in the country. Two, sale permission is given only to those pesticides which are well-packaged and labelled and whose characteristics are clearly-defined. Three, the market is supplied with the least harmful and pre-tested pesticides. Four, a system is in operation for licensing and controlling in order to reduce the harmful effects of pesticides on human health. Five, it is compulsory to submit the originals of the pesticide testing reports to the Government authorities. Six, information is freely available on the testing procedure and standards. It is also obligatory to make the information on pesticide residues available before the chemicals are marketed.

According to the national law which came into force several years ago, licensing control and examination of pesticides are described in detail, thus the recommendation made to this effect in the relevant section of the draft Code of Conduct has already been implemented in Turkey.

As envisaged in the National Labelling Decree of 1983, pesticides are classified in Turkey according to their toxical characteristics and necessary warnings and signs to be put on the labels are duly specified. The present procedure applied in labelling, therefore, responds fully to the provisions recommending restrictive measures for the purchase and use of pesticides. Furthermore, the Turkish Government has the right to completely prohibit the use of highly toxic chemicals. Use of Parathion, for instance, has been totally forbidden in Turkey by the Government.

It is recommended that the tolerance levels of pesticides should be tested before the pesticides are presented to markets. It is also recommended that pesticides that are not included in the FAO and WHO specification lists should not be traded at the international market. My Government appreciates these recommendations and hopes that measures to this effect will be taken by all countries with the utmost seriousness.

With regard to labelling and packing, it is recommended that pesticide packages should be prepared in accordance with the FAO's and WHO's labelling system. It is also recommended that the sales in the form other than the original packing should be prevented. The Labelling Decree I have mentioned above takes full account of the FAO and WHO's system. Effective implementation of this decree is expected to entirely eliminate some undesirable labelling practices. In this respect, the practice followed by some dealers to buy large packages and then present the product to the market in small packages is closely monitored, and dealers who carry out this practice are punished.

The above-mentioned law and decree prohibit diffussion of any misleading information on pesticides.

The Draft text suggests that governments should assume responsibility in the effective implementation of the principles identified therein. I would like to emphasize that the Turkish Government attaches great importance to the implementation of these principles.

In conclusion, my Government is of the opinion that the Code of Conduct contains all the essential measures to regulate the production, utilization and trade of pesticides and we therefore support the text and the resolution as endorsed by the Council at its Eighty-eighth Session.

M.AFZAL QADIR (Pakistan): My intervention has been triggered by an amendment which was tabled by the Philippine delegation yesterday on Article 9.6, but before I come to it I would like to make a few comments of a prepatory nature.

First, I would like to thank Mr Brader for his statement introducing the item. We would also like to congratulate FAO for the role it has played in the formulation of the Code of Pesticides. The Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides is the product of extensive discussion and negotiations and was also subjected to intensive debate during the Eighty-seventh and Eighty- eighth Sessions of the Council.

We naturally welcome the Code in its new and revised form and urge the Commission to adopt it, subject of course to the amendment proposed by the Philippine delegation in Article 9.6 being incorporated.

Mr Chairman, I have deliberately at your request been very brief. As Vice-Chairman of this Commission I thought Î should assist you so that you could wrap up the discussion as quickly as possible.

A.J.M. OOMEN (Netherlands): We thank Dr Brader very much for his lucid clarification and further information on the Code. Quite a number of countries, many distinguished people, most of them experts in the fields of plant protection, environment and consumer protection, together with the pesticides industry and many organizations within the outside the UN System, have collaborated intensively on the Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, of which the tenth version is now finally laid before us for adoption by this Conference.

The Netherlands fully endorses the aims and objectives of the Code and, as we have already stated in the Committee on Agriculture in March this year and at the Eighty-seventh Council session last June, my delegation welcomes the outcome of all this cooperative work which we like to see as a major achievement of our organization. It seems to my delegation that this result reflects the way we are able to cooperate with developed and developing countries, and even though this Code is not supposed to be a binding one it will provide us with a very good starting point for international binding arrangements in the future.

It is our opinion, Mr Chairman, and I want to support the idea that you made yourself in your introduction this morning, that we must do our utmost, and why not celebrate the Fortieth Anniversary of FAO by adopting this Code as it is submitted to us? But though the general spirit which this Code reflects is a very positive step towards a future global agreement on this very important issue, this Code can however be improved.

Referring to our own national legislation, as also said by the delegate of Ecuador, I would like to explain that our country has adopted the principle of not exporting banned or severely restricted pesticides unless there is prior informed consent of the importing country. As a matter of fact, my delegation regrets that it has not been possible to have this principle reflected in this Code in earlier stages. Also on several other points, the Netherlands would prefer more restricted formulation. But we do not think it is of any use to discuss it once again at this moment.

We agree in essence with the proposals of the delegates of, among others, Ecuador and the Philippines, to reinsert 'prior informed consent". Nevertheless I wonder if reconsideration at this time of certain aspects which have already been discussed in depth should come again now. As we stated at earlier stages, this Code should come into practice as quickly as possible in the interests of users and consumers and also of our environment. On the other side, many delegations have stated in previous debates, ours was among them, that a review and updating under the auspices of FAO of this Code should take place in a short time. I would like to propose a period of no longer than two years so that we can discuss a formulation to improve and

to reassess its contents, as well as to especially consider incorporating 'prior infomed consent’ and also other technical improvements which may appear desirable after we have had an opportunity to observe the Code in operation.

If you will allow me, I suggest that our Commission take note of this idea, and my delegation hopes sincerely that we can conclude on this compromise.

Finally, I would like to propose that this Code as it is now will be sent to Plenary for adoption, as indicated in our agenda.

EL PRESIDENTE: Los distinguidos colegas de Benin y Madagascar han tenido la gentileza de enviarnos textos, que se incluirán en las Actas. ¿Podría ser éste, acaso, un buen ejemplo para otros?

S.M. MATIUR RAHMAN (Bangladesh): At the outset my delegation would like to join the preceding speakers in paying its compliments to Dr Brader for his excellent introduction of this item and for giving the background information regarding the Draft International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides now before us for consideration.

We would also like to pay our special tribute to the Director-General and the Secretariat for their sincere and dynamic efforts and painstaking exercise, along with many countries, in bringing the Code to its final stage for adoption by the Conference.

As we are all aware, the main purpose of the Code, which is of a voluntary nature, is to benefit the international community and enhance international confidence in the availability, reliability, safety, regulation, marketing and use of pesticides for improvement of agriculture and food production and public health. The basic thrust of the Code is to serve the interests of pesticides importing and exporting countries and pesticides industry and users by identifying hazards in its distribution and use through the establishment of standards of control and definitions of respon­sibilities for all those engaged in regulation, distribution and use of pesticides.

The adoption of the Code will go a long way in ensuring safe and increased use of this indispensable input to enhance agriculture production and food security, especially in the developing countries on the one hand, and in eliminating human and .environmental hazards that may result on the other hand.

The Draft Code was reviewed and endorsed by the Eighth session of the Committee on Agriculture and the Eighty-seventh session of the Council when Bangladesh supported the Code, Hence the Bangladesh delegation would reiterate its full support of the Code and the resolution for its unanimous adoption by the Conference.

In this connection our delegation would also be very pleased, like many other delegations who have spoken before us, if the principle of 'prior informed consent' is inserted in Article 9.6 so that banned and severely restricted pesticides in the manufacturing country are not exported to the importing country without the prior consent of the importing country. This will make the. implementation of the Code easier and effective, and will thus guarantee the interests of both exporting and importing countries.

Finally, my delegation would also like to urge FAO to assist member countries in drafting laws in their countries on request.

Sadok DJELLOULI (Tunisie): Au nom de la délégation tunisienne, je tiens à remercier le Dr Brader pour sa présentation claire et complète du projet révisé du Code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides.

Comme énoncé dans le document C 85/25-Rev.l qui nous est soumis pour approbation, l'objectif du Code, qui a un caractère volontaire, est d'améliorer la réglementation, la commercialisation et l'utilisation des pesticides dans l'intérêt de la communauté internationale.

Nous connaissons tous le rôle des pesticides pour la protection des végétaux contre les maladies cryptogamatiques, les ravageurs et les mauvaises herbes, ainsi que leur utilisation pour préserver les récoltes des parasites. Dans ce cadre, les pesticides ont un aspect positif et constituent un des facteurs d'amélioration de la production agricole.

Cependant, leur usage inconsidéré et non contrôlé comporte des risques graves pour la santé humaine et le milieu écologique. En effet, il ne faut pas perdre de vue que les pesticides sont des produits toxiques et leur degré de nocivité varie selon la nature de leurs composantes chimiques et de leur richesse en substances actives. C'est ainsi qu'il existe toute une gamme de pesticides allant des produits hautement dangereux aux produits à faible toxicité. Aussi un pesticide doit-il être judicieusement choisi et rationnellement utilisé.

C'est pour préserver l'homme et la nature contre les dangers que présente cet aspect négatif des pesticides qu'un code réglementant leur usage s'avère nécessaire.

Nous tenons à remercier la FAO d'avoir pris cette heureuse initiative et des efforts qu'elle ne cesse de déployer pour la voir se concrétiser.

Ma délégation appuie la résolution du document C 85/25-Rev.l dans la version qui nous est soumise. Nous considérons que c'est un document utile et dynamique qui peut être mis à jour chaque fois que cela est nécessaire. Ce Code constitue en outre un instrument de portée pratique pour servir de référence aux pays, et en attendant, la mise en place de leur réglementation des pesticides.

Cependant, en ce qui concerne le paragraphe 9.6, la proposition faite par le délégué de l'Equateur et reprise par d'autres délégués attire notre attention. En effet, la communication des renseigne­ments sur la composition des pesticides doit être fournie avant, et non pas au moment de leur exportation qui ne pourra être faite qu'après acceptation du pays acquisiteur. En toute logique, l'acquisition de toute chose est subordonnée tout d'abord à la pleine connaissance de sa nature, de ses modalités d'utilisation et après son essai si nécessaire sur un échantillon.

Nous souhaiterions enfin que la FAO puisse nous informer d'une manière régulière sur les pays qui ont adopté ce Code et son application.

Sra. Doña Marina BRICEÑO ZEHL (Venezuela): Los casos de Bopal en la India, de Seveso en Italia, además de los anónimos tres campesinos que se acaban de morir en mi país la semana pasada, son ejemplos de lo que sucede cuando no se tiene suficiente cuidado en el manejo de los plaguicidas. Estos fenómenos han logrado introducirse en nuestras prácticas agrícolas como elementos indispensables para la producción y traicionan tanto al campesino desarrollado como al del Tercer Mundo. Es por ello que todas somos llamados en nuestra causa a participar en la adopción del Código.

Hay dos frases contenidas en el mismo que nos parecen muy significativas. La primera en el punto 3 del artículo 1. Cito: "El Código plantea la necesidad de un esfuerzo de cooperación entre los gobiernos de los países exportadores e importadores para promover prácticas que aseguren el uso eficaz y seguro...". La segunda, en el punto 7 del artículo 12. Cito: "El Código debe considerarse un texto dinámico, que deberá ponerse al día cuando proceda, teniendo en cuenta el progreso técnico, económico y social."

Habiendo dejado clara la interpretación que consideramos se deba dar a este Código, queremos dejar constancia de nuestra insatisfacción respecto del artículo 9.6. Es cierto que queremos que este Código entre en vigor lo antes posible, teniendo en cuenta que tiempo perdido es igual a vidas en peligro en este caso. Sin embargo, quisiéramos también que cuando entre en vigor sea un Código realmente útil. Consideramos que el artículo 9.6 es fundamental para que el Código cumpla con sus propósitos.

Afortunadamente, mi país tiene mecanismos de control bien establecidos sobre la importación de productos químicos, pero debemos pensar en aquellos países, todos del Tercer Mundo, que son sumamente vulnerables por carecer de esos mecanismos. Es por eso que apoyamos plenamente las posiciones expresadas por las delegaciones de Ecuador y Filipinas y consideramos necesario que se incluya en el texto el principio de consentimiento previo.

Sería absurdo, o cuanto menos incongruente, que la FAO, pionera de tantas iniciativas, incluyendo este Código Internacional de Conducta relativo a los plaguicidas, se contente con aceptar menos que los demás, a saber: el programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, Parlamento Europeo, Plan de Salud Integral de Naciones Unidas, Parlamento de los Países Bajos y la misma industria de productos químicos agrícolas de los Estados Unidos.

En cuanto al principio PIC, todos ellos han reconocido la necesidad de salvaguardar a los países importadores de una manera eficaz que respete su soberanía ¿Cómo no vamos a hacerlo nosotros? Esto sería realmente lamentable.

Quisiéramos recordar aquí la intervención hecha por el delegado de Malawi en la discusión de este punto durante el pasado Consejo. Consideramos que hizo una observación que creemos sabia y acertada en relación a una definición contenida en el artículo 2. Nos referimos precisamente a la definición de residuo. Existe preocupación creciente por los problemas ecológicos de nuestro planeta. Este Código debemos interpretarlo como un llamado para la construcción sólida de un buen futuro basado, por fin, en la toma de conciencia colectiva arraigada en que la vida, la dignidad del ser humano, su integración no destructiva en la naturaleza deben ser los fundamentos de nuestra sociedad.

Encontramos extraño que en la definición de residuos no se tome en cuenta el medio ambiente; quisiéramos que el medio ambiente fuera realmente uno de los puntos fundamentales del Código y que se considere en donde sea pertinente.

Si seguimos por los caminos actuales ¿cuáles van a ser las condiciones de vida que ofreceremos a las generaciones futuras? No debemos desconocer el efecto de los plaguicidas en las aguas corrientes, en los ríos, en los riachuelos, en el mar mismo, así como en los suelos. Todos tenemos que asumir nuestras responsabilidades hacia las poblaciones que se han desarrollado menos y confío realmente en que todos los corresponsables actuemos según lo unánimemente justo y según lo que el tiempo demostrará realmente conveniente.

KI-SUNG KIM (Republic of Korea): Having recognized the need to coordinate international cooperation for the prevention of hazardous effects due to the increased use and distribution of pesticides, my delegation endorses', in principle, the proposed Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

We, in particular, attach great value to the voluntary nature of this Code.

According to our experience, all the necessary measures and actions to safeguard the pesticides' use have to be designed, to be effective, in such a way as to best fit the farming pesticides. An excessive uniformity of regulation may deter the effective use of pesticides itself, and also development of the concerned industries.

Secondly, my delegation hopes that this Code will serve as a guideline or benchmark, which could bring about a most confirmative effect among the various regulations of individual countries.

Finally, we feel that the establishment of this Code alone may not fulfill our purpose to protect ourselves from the misuse of pesticides.

It is, therefore, my delegation's view that wider training and emphasis in exportation of pesticides should be provided by FAO in the future.

H. REDL (Austria) (original language German): With regard to this document C 85/25-Rev. I we have already made the position of Austria clear on this. The need to create such a Code seems to be made necessary by the growing use of pesticides.

As is made clear in the document, by the year AD 2000 there will be potential dangers for man, animal and the environment if these pesticides are not used appropriately now.

In the text we have before us, which is the ninth version of the first draft, more than ninety member countries have commented, as well as twenty-five international organizations, and they have all been taken into account. Seldom has such a text been so thoroughly worked through and

seldom have the views of so many people been taken into account. As a result and after a detailed examination of the text and the alteration to Article 9, which concerns information exchange, the Austrian delegation has reached the conclusion that the Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides is in line with its objectives. The success of the Code will be that it is not legally binding and it will therefore depend upon legislation in individual countries before the terms of the Code are embodied in national legislation. The Austrian delegation expresses the hope that there can be a consensus on the acceptance of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

M. SUBRAMANIAN (India): India joins other delegations in complimenting the Secretariat and Dr Brader who have done an excellent job in giving us this final draft of the Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides for unanimous adoption at the Twenty-third FAO Conference. Our delegation is grateful to the Secretariat for their acceptance of a number of suggestions we made at the Eighty-seventh session of the FAO Council in June 1985. We would, however, like to reiterate some of the suggestions made by our delegation at the Eighty-seventh session of the FAO Council, to enable the Secretariat to consider whether these drafting improvements, of a non-controversial nature, can be incorporated in the draft even now.

Firstly we suggest that in Article 9.1 the words "or indirectly" be omitted and substituted by the words "or through the international register of potentially toxic chemicals" as referred to in Article 9.5, because otherwise there will be ambiguity about the methods of indirect notification to be followed.

Secondly, in Article 9.3, the substitution of the words "the responsible authority in the country of export" for the words "the country of export" will ensure that relevant information flows from one designated national authority to another without having to involve the national governments with the resultant possible delays.

As regards the need for 'prior informed consent, our delegation is of the view that enforcement of this requirement can be effective only if the national government of the importing country has the necessary facilities and procedures for evaluating the information received and taking informed decisions relating thereto. India has such facilities relating to research on toxicity and we have a pesticides board headed by the Director-General of Health Services. India also has a registration procedure with the necessary safeguards. The fact that a pesticide is banned or restricted in one country does not necessarily mean that another developing country should do the same. One has to balance problems of initial toxicity with problems of residual effects. We have to evaluate the hazards of pesticides vis-a-vis the hazards of diseases seriously affecting human lives or agricultural production. It is therefore not enough to provide for 'prior informed consent' alone but we have to equip the importing countries with the necessary capabilities to evaluate the information received for them to take proper policy decisions.

India is willing to assist other Nations through the Technical Cooperation Programme in this regard. Keeping the above aspects in view, our delegation proposes that at the end of Article 9.6 the full stop be substituted by a comma and the following words be added: "to enable the importing country to give its consent on the basis of proper evaluation". Our delegation notes that 'prior informed consent' has been accepted as a desirable concept by the UN General Assembly, the European Parliament, the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and the Governments of the Netherlands and Japan. In the United States of America, the requirement of prior notice with a proper acknowledgement from the importing country is being insisted upon. Our delegation therefore urges the Conference to accept the amendment proposed by India in Article 9.6 which aims at making the relevance of 'prior informed consent' clear as a concept without making such consent mandatory at the present time.

With these words I reiterate India's support for the adoption of the Code and its implementation.

EL PRESIDENTE: La Comisión agradece el importante ofrecimiento de cooperación hecho por el distinguido delegado de India.

JOHAN SYAHPERI SALEH (Indonesia): To comply with your request I shall be very brief. While on behalf of the Indonesian delegation I would like to express our support for the permanent adoption of the Code, we would also like to put on record that in the importation of pesticides the interests of the importing countries shall be fully taken into consideration, particularly concerning the bans on severely toxic pesticides. In this connection it is our expectation that the 'Prior Informed Consent ' principles are in one way or another enshrined in the Code of Conduct. Therefore in this respect we associate ourselves with the proposed amendment put forward by the delegations of the Philippines and Ecuador and supported by others.

Avraham SHINAR (Israel): The Israeli delegation supported and welcomed the initiative and resolution before us on a voluntary International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides. The potential hazard of indiscriminate use of highly toxic pesticides is under continuous scrutiny in our country. This means that we not only support the Code, but ask you to accelerate efforts in research and development to reduce chemical application by developing, where possible, biological pest control methods.

We particularly endorse paragraph 3.3.1 calling for an accelerated technical assistance to assess relevant data on pesticides and their application. In fact, our country has for a number of years offered specialized technical assistance to both assess pesticides and devise a more economic way to control pest infestations.

The implementation of this Code obviously will be tempered by necessary legal adjustments that will need to be made by the countries concerned.

We support the suggestion by the Netherlands government to review -the implementation of this Code in a few years time.

ALEX LOUIS TANIS (Haïti): Je vais être bref. Je commencerai par féliciter M. Brader pour la brillante présentation du document qui nous a été soumis.

Ma délégation pense que, tout en présentant certaines faiblesses qui ont été relevées par plusieurs orateurs, le code revit une importance capitale étant donné qu'il traite des différents aspects de l'utilisation des pesticides.

Ma délégation partagé l'opinion exprimée par les délégations de l'Equateur et des Philippines et pense qu'il ne revient pas aux firmes productrices d'informer les utilisateurs du tiers monde et la toxicité des pesticides, vu que ces firmes ont seulement térêt à vendre leurs produits.

Sans parler de la catastrophe de Bhopal évoquée par le délégué du Sénégal et des effets néfastes l'utilisation des pesticides sur l'environnement, ma délégation voudrait rappeler à l'auditoire que, selon les statistiques publiées par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, près de 350 000 personnes meurent annuellement dans le monde du fait de la mauvaise utilisation des pesticides. Mais d'un autre côté, ma délégation pense que le code ne porte pas assez d'emphase sur les conséquences de l'utilisation des pesticides sur la santé animale, en particulier dans le traitement des endoparasites et des ectoparasites, de même que dans la conservation des grains car, d'après les statistiques de la FAO, près de 20 pour cent des récoltes du tiers monde sont perdues annuellement en raison des insectes et des rongeurs — sans parler des mortalités également dues à la consommation de semences ou de graines conservées à l'aide de pesticides hautement toxiques.

Aussi ma délégation pense-t-elle que la FAO et les Etats Membres devraient redoubler d'efforts pour arriver, grâce aux législations nationales appropriées et à la mise en place de laboratoires, à exercer un contrôle efficace sur les pesticides et à évaluer les dangers que leur utilisation pourrait représenter.

Dans cette perspective, ma délégation donne son appui à l'adoption du code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides. ,

VANROB ISARANKURA (Thailand): On behalf of the Thai delegation, I would like to inform that in principle, Thailand is agreeable with the 'adoption of the Code of Conduct on Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

However, in considering the importance of Article 9 of this International Code of Conduct entitled "Information Exchange", in particular regarding Article 9.6, my delegation would like to endorse the proposal made by the distinguished delegate from the Philippines to include PIC "Prior Informed Consent", in this International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

PHILIPPE PIOTET (France): La délégation française se félicite de voir aujourd'hui notre Commission se pencher sur le projet de code des pesticides. Il s'agit là d'un sujet complet mais qui appelle aussi des réponses urgentes. Le problème de la bonne utilisation des pesticides met en effet en présence une multiplicité d'intervenants - les fabricants, les exportateurs, les importateurs, les distributeurs, les utilisateurs - qui, tous, ont une responsabilité particulière.

L'un des principaux mérites du projet de code qui nous est présenté est précisément de fixer clairement les responsabilités de chacun. Le projet de code répond bien, aux yeux de ma délégation, à cette préoccupation.

La France, qui a, dès 1946, mis en place une procédure pour l'homologation des pesticides, est toute disposée à coopérer avec les pays importateurs pour la réalisation de recherches et expérimentations nécessaires afin de leur permettre de définir les caractéristiques optimales des pesticides dont ils ont besoin. La délégation française relève, par ailleurs, avec beaucoup d'intérêt le caractère évolutif du code. Dans un domaine où les progrès techniques doivent permettre de disposer, dans les années à venir, de meilleurs produits, moins nocifs pour l'homme et son environnement mais aussi plus sélectifs, mieux adaptés à chaque problème, il convient que le code de conduite puisse aussi, de façon parallèle, être amélioré. Le projet qui nous est soumis répond,bien à cette préoccupation.

La délégation française participe activement aux travaux engagés, depuis maintenant plusieurs années, au sein des différentes instances de l'OAA au sujet de ce projet de code. Elle considère que le projet actuel constitue un pas décisif et elle appuie le document et la résolution qui lui sont proposés.

MOSES MUKOLWE (Kenya): I would like to raise the question of increased agricultural production. In developing countries we have women and children actually involved in this aspect - they are the people who have to use the chemicals that we are talking about in order to increase food production. This will mean that there will be much loss of life, because we want food production. Health will also be impaired and the environment will in the end be affected.

I would like to add my opinion to that of previous speakers, and particularly to support Article 9.6, .where the delegates of Ecuador and the Philippines have already made amendments, that prior information and consent should be given.

I am aware that there are a number of difficulties faced by developed countries - and others too -who will have to look at their legislation because of their long association with what we are trying to undertake. We are the consumers, and since many more chemicals will be coming to developing countries, so it is only fair that we be given all the help possible. Although some of us already have facilities whereby we can detect or test some of these chemicals, the facilities are not elaborate enough to provide sufficient chemical analysis.

I would like to emphasize in particular the International Register of Potential Toxic Chemicals, which should be operated in association with FAO and information should be sent to various FAO embers, so that we can have a concerted effort in our campaign in the use of chemicals.

J.D. AITKEN (United Kingdom): The Government of the United Kingdom welcomes this voluntary non-binding Code, and we confirm our support for the text currently contained in C 84/25-Rev.l. This

text reflects the results of long and detailed consultation with technical experts and we consider that, since it commands such widespread consensus agreement, it would not be appropriate to attempt to change it at this stage. At the beginning of this meeting you reminded us that the Code itself contains provision for review in Article 12.7. We consider that this provides sufficient opportunity to make any changes to the text should these prove desirable once we have had an opportunity to observe the Code in operation. For example, along with a number of delegations, including the distinguished delegate of Cameroon, we consider that some definitions could be improved and clarified - points also made by Malawi and Venezuela.

Turning to some other points which have arisen in our discussion, the distinguished delegate of Canada sought clarification of the role foreseen for FAO in monitoring the Code. We also would be grateful if the Secretariat would share their thoughts on this with us.

If I recall correctly, the distinguished delegate of Ethiopia suggested some modification to the text of Article 3.3.1 to exclude reference to industry in relation to the provision of technical expertise on the assessment and use of pesticides. For a number of years the Government of the United Kingdom has appreciated the difficulties countries face when assessing pesticides and their use. Under our Aid Programme we fund a scientific unit which has the special task of advising developing countries on all aspects of pesticide management and use. We also provide specialist advisers in training courses, in Britain and overseas, covering the safe storage, handling and use :of pesticides. I stress that these services are available under our bilateral Aid Programme, but the Unit is also prepared to undertake commercial consultantcy work, and we can provide further information about this to any interested delegation.

I mention this because in our experience industry has a role to play in providing training and advice. For example, where appropriate industry participates in our training courses. One United Kingdom company regularly runs a very successful training course which is designed, not just to provide advice, but to give participants teaching skills which will enable them to organize training courses when they return to their own countries.

The distinguished delegate of Cuba has mentioned the problems of labels. In collaboration with the unit I referred to earlier, another United Kingdom company has been delevoping a set of symbols which give basic information about the product and which can be universally understood.

An important feature of this Code is that, as well as addressing governments, it recognizes that industry has a responsibility to maintain high standards of product stewardship. We would not wish to see any changes to the Code which would weaken this principle.

Mme SANGO Ya TAMBWE (Zaïre): Prenant la parole pour la première fois,. je tiens à vous exprimer ma joie de vous voir présider les travaux de cette Commission. Je tiens à féliciter le Secrétariat d'avoir soumis à cette Conférence un code de conduite pour l'utilisation de pesticides.

Comme l'a dit le chef de la délégation zaïroise, le Conseil exécutif appuie ce code et souhaite qu'il soit adopté sans réserve.

Les pesticides étant des produits toxiques, l'application de ce code a dit l'orateur, permettra sûrement de limiter quelques dégâts et d'aider l'agriculteur et le vulgarisateur à se mettre à l'abri du danger.

WAYNE DENNEY (United States of America): The Code before us represents the excellent results of a process of consultation and collaboration that, under the leadership of FAO, has taken place over the last few years. My government is prepared to join the Conference in approving this Code as presented to us in the document. In doing so, my delegation wants to highlight the usefulness of the consultative process that brought the United Nations, FAO, national governments, industries and non-governmental organizations together.

By emphasizing its voluntary, non-binding nature, the Code establishes a locus of responsibility where it belongs the most, on national governments, on industry, on distributors and consumers in both exporting and importing countries.

It is also clear that national legislation takes precedence over the Code guidelines. We all have an obligation to protect our people from harm they do not know about by maximizing the flow of relevant information to them, as well as by increasing their capacity to understand it. As you probably know, U.S. law requires a worldwide notification whenever the U.S. government cancels or suspends a pesticide's notification to the government of an importing country the first time an export of an unregistered pesticide occurs in a given calendar year. We sincerely hope that this Code will assist countries without regulatory infrastructure in developing legislation to ensure safe distribution and use of pesticides.

Finally, we believe that reopening this Code for amendments will work to its detriment. Obviously, adjustments will be required once we see it in operation. Let us, however, approve it as it has been presented so that its sound guidelines can be used as soon as possible. I must emphasize that my delegation is authorized only to accept the Code in the form proposed by the Eighty-eighth Council Sessiōn.

Sra. Doña María Eulalia JIMENEZ (El Salvador): Agradecemos al Sr. Brader por la magnífica presentación que nos ha hecho. La Delegación de El Salvador considera que el Código de Conducta en examen debe ser aprobado durante esta Conferencia. El mismo es el resultado de arduas negociaciones iniciadas hace más de tres años y representa un compromiso mínimo entre las partes. Sin embargo, la Delegación de mi país estima que la preocupación planteada por el Delegado del Ecuador ayer, que por otra parte es también la nuestra, debe ser tomada seriamente en consideración, y nos parece razonable su propuesta de que la inclusión del principio de consentimiento previo en el Código sea estudiada por la Secretaría amparándonos en el Artículo 12.7 del mismo, como lo dijera usted al iniciar nuestros debates esta mañana.

En todo caso, estimamos que sería conveniente hacer constar en nuestro Informe esta delicada cuestión.

Apoyamos la Resolución que contiene el Código Internacional de Conducta para la distribución y utilización de plaguicidas e instamos a la Conferencia para que lo adopte en este período de sesiones.

Abdul Wahab Naji Ismail AL-SAMURRAI (Iraq) (original language Arabic): My delegation gives its support to this document on the International Code. We would like to thank the FAO for having taken the initiative which led to it. We believe that this will be to the service of mankind and it will help the agricultural sector a great deal.

My country cooperates with various companies involved in this, and looking at Article 5.1.5 and Article 9 and Article 10.2, we can affirm that it is vital for us to step up research and the extension of the results of research. This should be done by having training courses and consultations so that man and the environment can be protected.

It is vital that the very parties concerned take account of the information that is provided. This information has to be updated and it has to take into account all new events that occur in this are

T.E.C. PALMER (Sierra Leone): We would like to observe that the text of this Code has come a long way from its conception to this present stage, passing through different sessions of different fora of this Organization. Not surprisingly, we from the recipient countries have observed, in the use of this technology, a reduction of the potency of the Code we originally envisaged. Notwithstanding this watered-down text, my delegation would like to lay stress on the following areas: first, the monitoring of the observance of the Code, particularly Article 12.6. Here we emphasize the important role of the FAO. Secondly, Article 9.3, Article 8.1, Article 6 and then Article 4. With these few comments on the text, my delegation wishes to support the adoption of the resolution.

Finally, with this affirmative contribution to the text, and without prejudice to the initial period of implementation of the Code, my delegation suggests that steps be initiated to make the Code mandatory.

H. AL-AHMAD (Syria) (original language Arabic): We support this Code of Conduct and we believe it is necessary for the various international organizations to cooperate so that they can build laboratories which everyone, both exporting and importing countries, could use.

PETER WIESMANN (Suisse): Le code international pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides a une longue histoire que nous connaissons tous. Le résultat maintenant à notre disposition nous paraît satisfaisant et nous souhaitons l'adoption de ce code par la plénière. Des changements à la dernière minute ne pourraient que retarder la mise en vigueur de ce code qui nous semble prioritaire. D'ailleurs, je me rallie aux opinions exprimées par beaucoup de délégués soulignant l'importance d'une législation nationale et d'une infrastructure adéquate.

Le code est un document dynamique qui peut être révisé selon les besoins.

SELIM SARRA (Liban) (langue originale arabe) : La délégation libanaise remercie l'Organisation pour tous les efforts qu'elle a déployés afin de préparer ce document extrêmement intéressant et dont le contenu revêt une priorité essentielle pour plusieurs régions dans le monde. Ce document reflète un minimum de nos responsabilités dans l'utilisation et la distribution des pesticides.

Après l'accord formulé par le Conseil lors de sa dernière session, la délégation libanaise ne peut que donner son appui à ce document et souhaite que l'on puisse aboutir à un consensus pour son adoption.

Afin d'être brève, la délégation libanaise fait siennes les propos de la Colombie et propose effectivement d'améliorer ce texte.

PEDRO SEBASTIÃO (Angola) : La délégation angolaise considère l'importance du rôle que pourra jouer ce code sur l'utilisation des pesticides et s'associe aux pays qui l'ont précédée pour appuyer l'adoption du Code.

LI HYOK CHOL (Democratic People's Republic of Korea): The necessary justifications for this Code are fully given in its introductory as well as the operative paragraphs with regard to the necessities, objectives and expected benefits of the document. We are fully convinced that the Code of Conduct would serve as a point of reference and would go a long way in defining the responsibilities of the parties involved in the development, distribution and use of pesticides and in ensuring the safe development process of agriculture.

We fully support the adoption of the Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, with the amendment proposed by the Philippines and supported by others in regard to Article 9.6.

P.N. BAIGENT (New Zealand): New Zealand supports the Code because this is a major step forward in our effort to control the ill effects of pesticide use and misuse. We compliment FAO for taking such an important initiative. We support FAO monitoring the observance of the Code, and the periodic review of its relevance as well as its effectiveness. As a number of delegations has stressed further modifications to strengthen it, the Code can, we believe, best be considered at the first review.

EL PRESIDENTE: Las delegaciones de Argentina, Lesotho, Bulgaria y Nigeria y el observador del Grupo Internacional de Asociaciones Nacionales de Fabricantes de Productos Agroquímicos han enviado textos que se insertarán en las Actas.

MATNA SANDA (Niger): Je ne pense pas avoir demandé la parole mais puisque vous me l'avez donnée je vous remercie infiniment.

Je voudrais associer ma voix à celles qui m'ont précédé pour saluer l'heureuse initiative de la FAO qui a élaboré ce Code. Je voudrais aussi remercier la présentation qui nous en a été faite, et comme les autres délégués, je pense que ce Code est un premier pas, que c'est un acte à encourager, qui doit être renforcé car il faudrait que nous évitions de connaître encore un autre printemps silencieux.

EL PRESIDENTE: Nuestras Secretarias tienen simpatía por el delegado de Níger.

HAMID REZA NIKKAR ISFAHANI (Islamic Republic of Iran): First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr Brader for his excellent and comprehensive introduction of the subject and wish to express our appreciation and complete support for all of the steps taken by FAO in preparing the Code of Conduct. With each passing day the use of pesticides creates danger to the environment and the people.

As all of the delegates are aware that the enemies of the human race acquired the chemicals under the excuse of pesticides and developed them into the chemical bombs that kill our innocent people. In order to prevent this great danger from continuing, it would seem a total mobilization is necessary. After extensive study, it has become clear that unfortunately, the use of pesticides is not as effective in the control of pests as they were supposed to be. Not only does the use of pesticides leave effects within the product but they also cause the gradual death of human beings and pollute the environment by removing useful insects and damaging nature's balance. This danger is faced to a greater extent by the developing Nations which are used as a testing ground for new types of pesticide. Countries which have difficulties in solving their own problems then have the additional problem of being dependent upon others for the importation of pesticides.

It is our hope that with the implementation of the Code of Conduct, many dangers will be prevented and that with the cooperation of the FAO projects the dependency of countries on pesticides will diminish. By gradually using integrated pest control, countries .will be able to make use of biological control instead.

Sra. M. RUIZ ZAPATA (México): Agradecemos la presentación hecha por el Señor Brader. La idea de preparar un Código Internacional de Conducta para distribución y utilización de plaguicidas surgió en el seno de la FAO con el objeto de dotar a la Comunidad Internacional de un instrumento que tuviera como fin el cuidado de la salud humana y, al mismo tiempo, la protección del medio ambiente. Es una iniciativa encomiable que la delegación de México suscribe plenamente.

En cuanto al contenido del Código que se nos presenta actualmente, consideramos que es el mínimo aceptable. Es cierto que ha sido el resultado de amplias negociaciones, pero no estaríamos de acuerdo en considerar que ese proceso de negociación se ha cerrado definitivamente. Por tanto, apoyamos la propuesta del Ecuador.

Se ha explicado ya muy bien la importancia del principio de consentimiento informado, conocido como PIC, para evitar que los importadores de plaguicidas se encuentren en el dilema de tener que utilizar productos prohibidos en su lugar de origen. Es lógico que, si se están importando productos de alto riesgo, el gobierno importador debe conocer, en primer lugar, los efectos nocivos del

mismo y, en base a esa información, dar su consentimiento por escrito. Por tanto, incluir este principio en el Código sería procedente, sobre todo, tomando en consideración que ha sido ya reconocido y adoptado en los instrumentos que mencionaron los delegados de Ecuador e India.

En conclusión, la delegación de México apoya la adopción de este Código, pero recomienda que el proyecto presentado sea enmendado tal como ha previsto Ecuador.

En cuanto al procedimiento para hacerlo, tal vez puede usted realizar consultas y ver si es posible adoptar la enmienda inmediatamente o bien, en caso de que no fuera posible, establecer el mecanismo de revisión del Código y la inclusión del principio, lo que, según se ha podido constatar, es el deseo de casi todas las delegaciones aquí presentes.

LYLE EVERETTE WILLIAMS (Trinidad and Tobago):' The delegation of Trinidad and Tobago is in general agreement with the International Code on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides and the resolution relating thereto. We are of the view that the drafting and enactment of national legislation is crucial to the successful implementation of the Code.

Although we have reservations with respect to Articles 9.3, 9.1 and 9.6 and endorse the views expressed by the Indian and Philippine delegations, we note that there are provisions for review and updating of the Code during which these amendments may be considered. We therefore support and recommend endorsement of the Code as it now stands to avoid any further delay.

BASHIR EL-MABROUK SAID (Libya) (original language Arabic): My delegation has already expressed the hope that we should be able to reach a consensus quickly on this International Code, although many members of this Commission would have preferred the Code to be expressed in more precise, tougher terms. My delegation, while wishing to show understanding to the points of view of other delegations, is prepared to accept this Code as it now stands as a compromise and a balance between the points of view of all those concerned. Therefore we would like this Code to be adopted.

More than three years have elapsed since this matter was first examined by the experts in agriculture in my country. For the sake of realism and practicality in terms of what we can actually do in cooperation with all parties involved, we consider that the document submitted to us is a compromise, a balanced reasonable compromise, and my delegation would like this Commission to adopt it unanimously or by consensus in the interests of us all.

U NGWE WIN (Burma): The Draft International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides put forward by the Director-General of FAO to member countries for their comments and assessment of the potential applicability is an excellent document which covers all aspects of pesticide supply and use as well.

The Burmese Government is fully aware of the importance of plant protection to increase crop production and for which the use of pesticides becomes unavoidable, as well as of the consequences it could have upon the environment if the pesticide usage is left unchecked. Realizing the need to constantly monitor the incidences of crop pests and to oversee the proper use of pesticides, the Government in 1980 has set up a plant protection programme with the help of UNDP and FAO.

The plant protection services cover 40 townships, at least one or more in each of the 14 States and Divisions; there is a plan to extend the activities to the levels of extension staff and farmers. The activities of plant protection services include: (1) pest surveillance in different agro-ecological systems, establishment of economic threshold level and provision of advice for farmers on the control techniques including the use of pesticides; (2) application of plant protection research for immediate extension support; (3) training of extension staff and farmers on technologies of pest surveillance, integrated control, safe handling and distribution of pesticides; (4) analysis of pesticides formulation and residues monitoring; (5) establishment of plant quarantine.

After briefly introducing the plant protection activities in Burma I would like to proceed with the present pesticides supply and distribution and management systems practiced in the country.

Supply and distribution system:- Technical grade pesticides are not manufactured in the country. Establishment of the formulation facilities, however, is in progress with the help of UNIDO. There are 4 to 6 distribution points. in each of the 314 townships of the country where farmers obtain agro-pesticides. Pesticides are distributed to States/Divisions, then to townships, then to village tracts and to villages in their original containers.

Nevertheless, the following elements of "Pesticide Management by Government" are in action: (1) pesticide analysis for formulation and residues; (2) training of extension personnel and farmers in safe handling of pesticides; (3) joint approach by various Government agencies to deal with pesticides in limiting, restricting, or phasing out the use of highly toxic pesticide products, such as those classified in WHO Hazard class la and lb.

Although it seems to us that large sections of the Code of Conduct are not, at present, relevant to Burma because (a) the consumption of pesticides is still very small, less than 50 g/ha a.i. compared with 350 g/ha in India, 3 000 g/ha in USA and 11 800 g/ha in Japan; and (b) the Government has complete control over all aspects of pesticide supply and usage, we feel that it should at this stage be regarded as an ideal instrument. Therefore, we fully commend that the Code be adopted as an effective means to safeguard against the hazards of pesticides and to protect the environment from pollution.1/

AHMED SALEM OULD MOLOUD (Mauritanie): Nous remercions la FAO de ce document. C'est avec plaisirque nous accueillons ce code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation despesticides.

Malheureusement dans certains pays on ne dispose pas de moyens de contrôle; la preuve en est que des produits dont la production et l'utilisation sont interdites depuis longtemps dans les pays développés sont envoyés dans les pays en développement.

Déjà l'équilibre fragile est interrompu par l'usage sans contrôle de ces produits dont les résidus sont nocifs pour les animaux et la santé humaine.

Il est vrai que nous oeuvrons pour l'autosuffisance alimentaire, mais pas à n'importe quel prix.

Souvent quelques spéculateurs se précipitent pour installer des industries de produits dans nos pays et qui ne respectent aucun critère de sécurité.

Ce que nous demandons c'est que tout produit destiné à l'exportation soit muni d'un certificat dé livré par les services de santé du pays d'origine.

Nous approuvons ce document avec l'amendement suggéré par l'Equateur et appuyé par les Philippines.2/

MAMOUDOU FASSASSI (Bénin) : La délégation béninoise remercie le Secrétariat pour la présentation claire faite du Code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides.

Avec la pénurie alimentaire qui sévit en Afrique au sud du Sahara depuis plus d'une décennie, nous protégeons de plus en plus le peu de nourriture produite avec des pesticides. Or nul n'ignore qu'il s'agit de produits très dangereux qui sont utilisés par des populations où près de 80 pour cent des utilisateurs sont analphabètes.

1/ Statement inserted in the verbatim records on request.

2/ Texte reçu avec demande d'insertion au procès-verbal.

Par ailleurs, la présentation des pesticides n'est pas bien faite, c'est pourquoi il importe que chaque gouvernement suive très attentivement tout ce qui se passe dans le domaine des pesticides, car autant la faim entame et achève lentement l'homme, autant le mauvais usage des pesticides liqui­de sûrement les populations qui les utilisent.

Mon pays n'a pas encore élaboré un code. C'est pourquoi le document qui a pris en compte ses préoc­cupations constitue un document très utile.

Il recommande son adoption telle qu'amendée. 1/

RAPHAEL RABE (Madagascar): Au même titre que les engrais, les semences, la maîtrise de l'eau, l'utilisation d'outillages agricoles appropriés, les pesticides constituent un élément très important du paquet technologique indispensable à l'obtention de performances intéressantes dans la production agricole. En effet, des pertes importantes pourraient anéantir tous efforts d'augmentation de la production, et le stockage des denrées pourrait se révéler vain si l'on ne prend pas les dispositions pertinentes pour lutter contre les prédateurs des cultures et des récoltes. Des pesticides permettant de mettre fin définitivement aux actions néfastes des ravageurs et autres ennemis des cultures existent bel et bien, mais les différents graves accidents de ces dernières années qui ont occasionné d'importantes pertes de vies humaines ont aussi fait clairement ressortir que l'emploi de pesticides doit être fait avec beaucoup de prudence et de circonspection et nécessite l'observation de mesures rigoureuses dans le domaine de la fabrication, de la commercialisation et de l'utilisation de ces produits.

Nous tenons à féliciter le Directeur général pour son heureuse initiative d'avoir élaboré un projet de Code international de conduite sur les pesticides en collaboration avec les autres Institutions des Nations Unies. Nous rendons hommage à sa persévérance et à sa ténacité dans la consultation de la grande majorité des parties intéressées par la question. En effet, tous les Etats Membres ont été saisis de la question et les 2/3 ont donné leur position. De nombreuses organisations interna- tionales ont été également consultées et il est heureux de constater que 25 de ces organisations ont fait part de leurs avis et recommandations.

L'examen attentif par notre délégation du document soumis à l'approbation de la Conférence nous permet de reconnaître que le Secrétariat a une fois de plus fait montre de sa compétence. Le nouveau projet est effectivement le fruit d'une très longue concertation et les différentes positions manifestées au cours des sessions des organes directeurs de l'Organisation ont été dûment pris en compte.

Pour notre part, nous tenons à manifester notre vive satisfaction à l'endroit des dispositions tendant à protéger tout particulièrement les pays non encore pourvus de réglementation nationale appropriée et surtout à leur doter dans les plus brefs délais de compétence et d'outils permettant à leur Gouvernement de faire face à leurs délégations, celles de promouvoir la production nationale tout en protégeant la population et l'environnement. A ce sujet, tout en appuyant chaleureusement l'ensemble du projet nous relevons l'importance pour notre pays qui ne possède pas encore de réglementation complète des alinéas 1.1, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.3, 6.1 et 7.1.

Nous voudrions aussi assurer de notre appui particulier les mesures qui visent à garantir plus d'efficacité et de sécurité aux principaux utilisateurs qui sont les petits agriculteurs. L'alinéa 8.110 est pour nous vital car pour éviter le reconditionnement des pesticides il est impératif de concevoir des types et une gamme de tailles de reconditionnements répondant aux besoins réels manifestés des petits agriculteurs.

Enfin, nous souhaiterions aussi pouvoir insister sur les dispositions de l'article 9 et notamment celles stipulées dans 1'alinéa 9.6 quant á la communication aux importateurs par les exportateurs des informations afférentes aux produits exportés avant leur exportation effective.

1/ Texte reçu avec demande d'insertion au procès-verbal.

Pour terminer, nous voudrions faire nôtres les dispositions de l'alinéa 12.5 et souhaitons par conséquent que tous les Etats, toutes les Organisations internationales compétentes et bien entendu la FAO donnent leur plein appui, leur appui sans réserve à la mise en oeuvre effective du code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides 1/.

T.E. KITLELI (Lesotho): My delegation wishes to register its name in supporting the Code tabled before us, mainly because the Code paves the way for other major agricultural activities meant to promote agricultural productivity. My delegation is happy to note that FAO has also involved appropriate UN agencies, as stated in document C 85/25-Rev.l.

My delegation welcomes the ideal observation made on page 3 of the document under discussion, which says "It is at the same time important for industrially developed countries to recognize, in their regulātory activities concerning rėsidues, the pest control needs of developing countries, particularly the needs of countries in tropical regions."

My delegation cannot say more than the above-mentioned quotation from the text, except to reiterate once again the importance of safety measures in.using pesticides to avoid any detrimental effects which might occur. Most of the distinguished delegates have indicated this notion and my delegation fully associates itself with this idea. Up-to-date scientific information is frequently required to equip the users of the pesticide; hence we are confident that FAO as it usually does, will be in a position to carry out this job judiciously.

In conclusion, my delegation wishes to request the distinguished delegates to adopt the Code as presented. 2/

Sr. D. MARSICO (Argentina): Argentina, a través de sus organismos especializados, ha analizado la última versión del Código y en líneas generales lo considera aceptable teniendo en cuenta su carác­ter y la necesidad de contar con un instrumento básico para controlar las implicancias del empleo de pesticidas. .Teniendo en cuenta que estos productos son producidos y distribuidos prácticamente por países altamente industrializados, nos parece que son éstos los que tienen la obligación de dar las mayores seguridades para su empleo. No cabe aguardar retrocesos en las acciones para evitar perjuicios a las poblaciones de países en desarrollo que son usuarios muchos de los cuales se encuen­tran desprotegidos para encarar én cada caso con el nível científico y técnico que es hoy necesario, un control preventivo de las importaciones y de su uso. Argentina, que ejerce la presidencia del grupo de trabajo de países en desarrollo del Comité Codex de residuos de plaguicidas, ha formulado una recomendación sobre el tema que ha sido aceptada en la 17a Reunión de dicho Comité elaborada en La Haya en.abril de 1985, y ratificada en el 4o período de sesiones del Comité Coordinador para América Latina y el Caribe que se efectuó en La Habana en abril de este año. Finalmente deseamos insistir que es imprescindible que se tome en consideración la propuesta de Filipinas y Ecuador, por cuanto en las actuales circunstancias muchos, muchos países no están en condiciones de establecer cuáles productos y bajo qué condiciones pueden usarse y ser inocuos y menos a veces disponen prácti­camente el control de su empleo .

La cooperación de los países que elaboran y exportan estos productos es entonces imprescindible. 3/

VLADIMIR STOYANOV (Bulgaria): On behalf of the Bulgarian delegation, allow me to expose in brief our opinion on some aspects of the problems in connection with the discussion and the approval of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

1/ Texte reçu avec demande d'insertion au procès-verbal.

2/ Statement inserted in the verbatim record on request.

3/ Texto incluido en las actas a petición expresa.

First of all, I should like to make a few comments on the document COAG/85/9 which was submitted for our consideration. In our judgement the coordination of the wishes of producers and consumers is a very serious undertaking. There is a need for increasing production of pesticides at a lower price, with higher biological effectiveness, secured harmlessness for men, animals, environment, etc.

We know that there are not good prospects for producing cereals, legumes, roots and others without using the proper pesticides. That is why we consider it imperative that the production of pesticides should be expanded. This will be a decisive step towards the fulfillment of the lofty goals of our Organization - the elimination of hunger and undernourishment all over the world. In this regard we should like to underline the need to regulate the use and distribution of pesticides. In my delegation's opinion the adoption of the proposed Code of Conduct will be the first step in achieving the above-mentioned goal.

I should like to elaborate on some of the components which have to characterize the production, distribution and use of present-day pesticides: (1) the most efficient use of pesticides should be determined in the fight against different groups of weed; (2) safety regulations should be worked out for the people participating in the distribution of pesticides; (3) pesticides should not harm the food and fields; (4) pesticides should have a short-time of breaking up, their by-products should be harmless; (5) their production should be effective. The cost of pesticides should be lower than the cost of agricultural production achieved with the application of these substances.

We consider that the proposed Code of Conduct will serve as a good base for establishing equitable and mutually beneficial relationships between the users and producers of pesticides. 1/

ALHAJI D.D. APANPA (Nigeria): First of all, my delegation would like to congratulate the Director-General and the entire FAO Secretariat for the painstaking efforts in producing the document otherwise known as the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides. Equally important is my delegation's appreciation for the methods adopted by Dr Brader in introducing the subject matter.

Mr Chairman, everybody is quite aware that the world's population is increasing and to match this trend of affairs, a substantial increase in food production must be pursued very vigorously. In fact, the acceleration of food production should now become a matter of must in the Africa Region where a food crisis has not only been identified but it is really biting very hard. It has also been recognized through many studies and most especially by the FAO that there are some inputs in the realization of the objective of food production, and the use of pesticides is one of these inevitable inputs. The unfortunate aspect, Mr Chairman is that the use of pesticides creates more problems for the developing countries, most especially in Africa because harmful side-effects to other sectors of food production and to the general environment result. Human lives are also prone to the deleterious effects.

The distribution and use of pesticides to curb these side-effects is a double-edged sword, or what can easily be described as an ill-wind blowing. This is because .the risks can be felt, not only in the countries to which the pesticides are exported, but also in the countries of origin.

Mr Chairman, the developed countries, as we know, are capable of handling these problems since they have many stiff regulations and the necessary enforcement mechanisms. The developing countries, on the other hand, have no infrastructural facilities to control the import, sale or the use of these pesticides.

The activities of the FAO, relevant UN agencies and other organizations to arrest the situation by developing what is termed as an International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides are extremely commendable. As mentioned earlier, one of the big environmental problems would have been minimized, if not totally eradicated in most of the developing countries, where problems of erosion, drought, and pollution of different types are already existing. In fact, these problems are to a great extent factors affecting the prevailing African food crisis.

1/ Statement inserted in the verbatim record on request.

My delegation is of the opinion that a few developing countries have already initiated some pesti­cide regulatory processes, but in order to complement their efforts we are advocating further assistance from FAO and other international organizations for the development of a national regulatory programme for such developing countries. If the assistance is adequately followed, the need for a Code of conduct, even though voluntary in nature, will become very minimal on a long-term basis.

Lastly, my delegation supports the amendment as proposed by the distinguished delegate of the Philippines for the last sentence starting from line 4 of Article 9.6 on page 14 of the document under discussion. 1/

HANS AEBI (Observer for the International Group of National Associations of Manufacturers of Agrochemical Products): The International Group of National Associations of Manufacturers of Agrochemical Products (GIFAP) would welcome the adoption of the Code.

GIFAP considers the voluntary Code a practical and reasonable basis for cooperation and shared responsibility between governments, international organizations, manufacturers, distributors and users of pesticides. GIFAP believes that it will be effective in meeting the needs of the developing countries in particular, and realistic in its demand on industry. It will help promote the safe and effective use of pesticides and, in turn, help alleviate problems that might result from misuse, especially in countries where there is no or inadequate regulatory infrastructure. GIFAP and its national associations are planning to undertake a programme for the distribution of the Code and to promote its implementation by the respective member companies. GIFAP wishes to recall the great efforts which have already been made by its member companies in order to foster the safe and judicious use of agrochemical products.

The statements made today by some delegations overemphasize the risks of the agrochemical products without considering their. tremendous benefits. One has to take into account what the world food situation would be without the availability of agrochemical products. False information, particularly, such as the statement made by the delegate of Haiti regarding the 350 000 deaths due to pesticides, do not contribute in any manner to improve the food situation in the world. 1/

L. BRADER (Director, Plant Production and Protection Division): I certainly would like, on behalf of the Director-General, to thank very much all the delegates because as far as I have noted, without exception have all given full support to the development of this Code and to its early implementation, although a number of comments were made.

I would like briefly to remark on some specific questions that were raised; in particular the dele­gate of Ethiopia raised a point about the problem of information with respect to the problems of pesticides. That was the main concern. At the end I should like to note that the Articles 3.4. and 3.6 address this matter.

A number of delegates, notably Canada, Grenada and the United Kingdom were referring to the problem about what we should do next, what will be the follow-up actions. I know that there is a dictum "don't sell the skin before the bear is shot", so I think we have been very prudent not to take too many steps in that respect yet but, of course, we have given some thought to it. There is no doubt, as noted under Article 12, that the implementation has to be a joint exercise by all parties concerned, governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and as stressed in that Article, the FAO will service the Secretariat in coordinating these various activities. These activities will include, for example, the preparation of information material, how should the Code be used, and how it has to be applied to various circumstances. It will

1/ Statement inserted in the verbatim records on request.

certainly include the distribution of certain questionnaires on the compliance of the Code in the various countries to then receive feedback on how the Code may be improved for its further implemen­tation. In addition to that, there will certainly be a regular reporting to the governing bodies. In that respect, specific questions were raised on the timetable, and when we are going to get reports back so that amendments can be made. Spain and the Netherlands, for example, mentioned that as it stands now the most logical body to report back to would be the Committee on Agriculture and that would mean the first report on the implementation, were it adopted in this Conference, would be in early 1987, so that is within one-and-a-half year's time from now. Of course, another step to follow-up on the Code, if it is adopted, would be to increase our emphasis on assistance for countries to improve their internal capabilities to handle all these matters, which regard the proper registration and control of pesticides.

One specific question from Canada dealt with the International Programme on Chemical Safety. Indeed so far, we have not really been fully integrated in the International Programme on Chemical Safety. Time will not allow me to go into too much detail on that. We will study the matter now and perhaps in the not too distant future there may be a good chance that we will be part of that system.

Then there were quite a number of delegations making specific proposals for changes in the text still, the most important one being, of course, the recommendation made with respect to Article 9.6. I think in this debate it is not up to me to decide what can be accepted, or not accepted. I am not supposed to take part really in this debate so I think I would leave the answer to the question, particularly with regard to Article 9.6 to you, Mr Chairman, in your summation of the meeting.

I would like to deal with one brief matter. India spoke again about Article 9.1 and stressed that we should make sure that we collaborated with the International Register on Potential Toxic Chemicals. For that specific purpose we had included a reference which is called number 16, a new introduction here referring specifically to that Register. I can assure the Commission that we will fully cooperate with the International Register on Potentially Toxic Chemicals.

A number of specific requests were put forward by the delegate of Morocco. For example, he requested that we carry out a study on pesticide distribution, prepare a listing on restricted chemicals, and try to initiate a study on the quality control of pesticides. I think these are very worthwhile and interesting suggestions, and we have certainly taken good note of them in the Secretariat. As I said, it would probably be too much to go into very much detail on all the suggestions made by delegates here.

I would leave it to you to reply with regard to Article 9.6.

EL PRESIDENTE: Disponemos de tres minutos más. El distinguido colega de Bélgica ha vuelto a la sala mientras tanto.

H. VANDEPUTTE (Belgique): Tout d'abord, nous voudrions nous excuser de notre absence momentanée. Etant pris dans une autre enceinte, il m'était difficile d'être à deux endroits en même temps.

Nous avons demandé la parole une seconde fois en qualité d'Etat Membre de la Communauté européenne et à la présidence à l'occasion de cette Conférence.

Nous souhaiterions que vous accordiez la parole à l'Observateur de la Communauté économique européenne afin de lui permettre de donner un bref complément d'information à l'attention des membres de notre Commission concernant ce point très important de notre ordre du jour.

EL PRESIDENTE: Sr. Desesquelles ¿podría dedicarnos dos minutos en nombre de la Comunidad Económica Europea?.

Gilles DESESQUELLES (Communauté économique européenne): En complément à la déclaration effectuée au début des débats, je voudrais préciser que la Communauté européenne et ses Etats Membres acceptent le Code international de conduite pour la distribution et l'utilisation des pesticides, tel que présenté par le Directeur général à notre Conférence.

Toute modification éventuelle, quelle que soit l'appréciation que l'on puisse porter sur les amendements suggérés remettrait en cause cette approbation. Nous considérons en effet que les délais impartis ne nous permettent pas, à ce stade, d'examiner de nouvelles propositions. De toutes façons, comme vous l'avez suggéré, M. le Président, elles pourraient être étudiées ultérieu­rement dans le cadre de l'application du Code.

Je peux d'ores et déjà vous indiquer que des travaux sont actuellement en cours au sein de la Communauté économique européenne sur la procédure de notification en la matière, et notamment sur la notion d'assentiment préalable ou de toute autre formule équivalente.

EL PRESIDENTE: Señores, yo creo que a través de este debate hemos llegado a la convicción de que el documento que se nos ha presentado es el resultado de un proceso de consultas concluido ahora en un Compromiso y que a la luz de las diversas declaraciones que se hicieron aquí convendría adoptar una solución unánime, sin reservas, que contribuyera a la celebración del 40° aniversario de la fundación de la FAO.

Creo que se reconocieron los esfuerzos de nuestra Organización en la preparación, adaptación y revi­sión de este proyecto de Código y que igualmente se ha pedido a la FAO que siga la evolución de la aplicación de estas directrices que deben estar dirigidas esencialmente al aumento de la producción agrícola en los países en desarrollo mediante un mejor y más racional uso de los plaguicidas, al tiempo que se perseguirá la reducción de los peligros que el uso de esos plaguicidas representa en algunos países hoy.

Se reconoció, igualmente, que será necesario también como parte de la implementación adecuada de estas orientaciones la capacitación de las personas que estén encargadas de aplicar estás direc-trices, y a ese respecto se destacó la importancia de que se divulguen los objetivos contenidos en este Código,y de la misma manera se señaló la importancia de que los gobiernos nacionales trataran de incluir los principios fundamentales en las respectivas legislaciones nacionales.

Se reconoció unánimemente que para el buen éxito de la aplicación del Código debe regir un pleno espíritu de cooperación entre gobiernos, industrias, usuarios y todas aquellas entidades o personas que estén vinculadas a estas actividades.

Creo que todos estamos convencidos de que este es un instrumento benéfico, un primer paso que va a beneficiar a todos, y particularmente a los países en desarrollo.

Tengo la impresión de que buena parte de las delegaciones estuvo en favor de que hubieran preferido un texto más sólido, más consolidado, con algunas aclaraciones y disposiciones más rígidas, y a este respecto, sin duda, se procurará en adelante adoptar algunas definiciones y clarificar aún más ciertos conceptos.

Igualmente creo que otras delegaciones pensaron que no obstante algunas debilidades o deficiencias que encontraban en este Código estaban .dispuestas a adoptarlo con el objeto de no retardar este proceso, pero dentro de esa posición muchas delegaciones respaldaron las propuestas que hicieron los dos primeros oradores que intervinieron en este tema: Ecuador, Filipinas y luego India tam­bién complementó las posibles modificaciones al Artículo 9.6

Como Presidente hoy, más que hacer un resumen, quiero transmitir a ustedes el sentimiento que puedo extraer de este debate, en el cual, como les dije, intervinieron casi todos los miembros de la Comisión.

Creo, y esto naturalmente es apenas una sugestión respetuosa y cordial para el Comité de Redacción, a cuyo Presidente alcanzo a ver en el fondo de la sala, en el sentido de que podríamos lograr un compromiso que consistiría en recomendar la adopción de este Código tal como está a condición de que en el informe sobre este tema se incluyan referencias adecuadas concretas y específicas sobre los aspectos sobresalientes que se plantearon aquí, y particularmente sobre el PIC.

Es un hecho que este Código va a ser revisado en el curso de los próximos dos años y que entonces convendría que nuestro informe recogiese esa opinión que fue ampliamente planteada por muchos miembros de la Comisión, o sea que el PIC es elemento fundamental para el buen éxito de la aplicación del Código.

Sólo me resta agradecer, en primer lugar, al Dr. Bommer, Subdirector general del Departamentode Agricultura, hombre de ciencia extraído de la Universidad, que ha prestado valiosos servicios aesta Organización. A través del Departamento de Agricultura se ha preparado este proyecto de Códigoy estoy seguro de que todos reconocemos las amplias capacidades y la notable competencia del

Dr. Bommer.

.El Dr. Brader, Director de la Dirección de Producción y Protección vegetal, ha sido el receptor atento, eficaz y afortunado que en todo momento ha recibido, ha recogido las observaciones y comentarios de los gobiernos y de todos ustedes y ha tratado de incorporarlos.

Gracias por su cooperación.

The meeting rose at 13.00 hours
La séance est levée à 13 h 00
Se levanta la sesión a las 13.00 horas

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