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3. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption de l’ordre du jour
3. Aprobación del programa

4. Arrangements for the Session and Allocation of Agenda Items
4. Organisation de la session et répartition des questions inscrites à l'ordre du jour
4. Organización del periodo de sesiones y asignación de los temas del programa

5. Admission of Observers (C 89/13; C 89/13-Sup.l)
5. Admission d'observateurs (C 89/13; C 89/13-Sup.l)
5. Admisión de observadores (C 89/13; C 89/13-Sup.l)

CHAIRMAN: In accordance with the tentative timetable for the Conference as found in Appendix A to document C 89/12, the items before us this afternoon are numbers 3, 4 and 5, which are as follows: Adoption of Agenda, Arrangements for the Session and Allocation of Agenda Items, and Admission of Observers. As instructed by the Conference this morning, the General Committee has prepared its first report containing proposals on these items as well as on other necessary arrangements. I now propose that this first report of the General Committee be read out section by section for the Conference's consideration. The report will be available to all by Monday morning as document C 89/LIM/6.

May I ask the Secretary-General to read out the first section of the report?

First Report of the General Committee
Premier Rapport du Bureau
Primer Informe del Comité General

SECRETARY-GENERAL: The first section of the report deals with the agenda for the Session.

"The General Committee examined the Provisional Conference Agenda set forth in Document C 89/1.

"The Committee was also informed of the proposal that a new sub-item 19.3 'Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency: Accession by FAO' be added to the Provisional Agenda.

"The Committee recommends that the Conference adopt the Provisional Agenda, with the addition of this new sub-item."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If there are none, I declare the section, which has just been read, adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: The second section is the establishment of the Commissions and tentative timetable of the Session.

"As its Ninety-fifth Session, the Council formulated proposals concerning the organization and timetable for the Twenty-fifth Session of the Conference - proposals which were communicated to all Member Nations in document C 89/12. The Committee recommends that the Conference establish three Commissions to consider and report on Parts I, II and III of the Agenda."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If there are none I declare the section which has just been read adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: "The attention of the Conference is called to the fact that, in order to accommodate requests for speaking time by Ministers who will be in Rome only during the first days of the Conference, it may be necessary to prolong the General Discussion during those days to 13.00 hours in the morning and 18.30 hours in the afternoon. However, the morning and the afternoon meetings must start on time to obtain any benefit from prolonging the meetings. It is hoped that in this way all the speakers wishing to speak on Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 November will be able to do so. Should this prove impossible, an additional meeting could be planned for one evening. The duration of each intervention should not exceed 15 minutes.

"The Committee recommends that the Conference approve the Tentative Timetable proposed by the Council with the following changes:

(a) The B.R. Sen and A.H. Boerma Awards for 1988 and 1989 will take place on Saturday 11 November in the afternoon after the adoption of the General Committee Report.

(b) Item 24 "Applications for Membership in the Organization" will not be taken on Saturday 11 November in the afternoon, as no applications have been received.

(c) The morning meeting of Monday 13 November will begin at 10.00 hours and consist of the following:

- Adoption of Credentials Committee Report;

- Sixteenth McDougall Memorial Lecture;

- Director-General's Statement to the Conference;

- Independent Chairman of Council's Statement to the Conference.

(d) The afternoon meeting of Monday 13 November will begin at 15.00 hours with the Address by the Director-General of IAEA to be followed by the General Discussion

(e) Commission I will examine Item 8 "Progress Report on the GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations (Uruguay Round) and Implications for FAO" on Tuesday 14 November in the afternoon.

(f) The new sub-item 19.3, indicated in para. 2 above, will be examined in Commission III immediately after sub- item 19.2.

"It is also understood that this Timetable may be subject to modifications in the light of progress made in the Plenary and in the Commissions."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If there are none, I declare the section, which has just been read, adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: "The Committee also recommends that the informal meeting of observers of Non-Governmental Organizations be held on the morning and afternoon of Tuesday 14 November."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If not, it is adopted,


SECRETARY-GENERAL: The next section deals with the appointment of the Chairmen of the three Commissions. "In accordance with Rules VII-1 and XXIV-5(b) of the General Rules of the Organization and as indicated in Document C 89/LIM/1, the Council at its Ninety-sixth Session proposed the following candidates for chairmanship of the Commissions: Commission I - J.A. de Medicis (Brazil); Commission II - J. Tchicaya (Congo); Commission III - R. de Pourtalès (Switzerland). The Committee proposes to make recommendations regarding the Vice-Chairmanship of the Commissions (Rule X-2(c) (GRO)) in a subsequent report."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If not, it is adopted,


SECRETARY-GENERAL: The next section is Resolutions Committee. "The Council at its Ninety-fifth Session recommended the establishment of a Resolutions Committee of the Conference consisting of seven members, one from each FAO region. Its terms of reference are described in Document C 89/12, Appendix D, as are the criteria which should govern the formulation of resolutions.

"The Committee recommends that the Conference adopt the Council's proposal, and that the following Member Nations, identified by the region to which they belong, sit on the Resolutions Committee:

- Africa
- Asia
- Europe


- Latin America and the Caribbean

- Near East
- North Americ

-Southwest Pacific


"Delegations of the Countries concerned are requested to communicate to the Chairman of the Conference, as early as possible, the name of their representative on the Resolutions Committee.

"The Committee also recommends that the Resolutions Committee be chaired by the Representative of the Asia Region, Mr. V.K. Sibal (India)."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If not, it is adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: The next section deals with the Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council.

"By the date determined by the Council, i.e. 1 September 1989, two nominations had been received for the office of Independent Chairman of the Council, those of Mr Antoine Saintraint (Belgium) and Mr Daniel Amstutz (United States of America). Nominations were notified to all Member Nations by circular letter G/CF-4/3 of 8 September 1989.

Under the terms of Rule XXIII-l(b) GRO, the General Committee determines and announces the date of the election. The Committee recommends that a secret ballot for this appointment take place on the morning of Tuesday 28 November 1989."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If there are none, I declare the section which has just been read, adopted.




SECRETARY-GENERAL: Election of Members of the Council:

"Rule XXII-l0(a) GRO provides that the Conference, on the recommendation of the General Committee, shall, not later than the end of the third day of the Conference Session, decide the date of election of members of the Council and the date by which nominations must be submitted.

The Committee accordingly recommends :

(a) that the election begins on the morning of Monday 27 November; and

(b) that nominations for the Council seats to be filled at the present session be communicated to the Secretary General of the Conference (B-202) by 12.00 hours on Monday 20 November at the latest, to permit the General Committee to communicate to the Conference the valid nominations received at least three working days before the date selected for the election in accordance with Rule XXII-l0(d) GRO.

In this connection, the Conference will note in particular the following provisions of paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 7 of Rule XXÏI of the General Rules of the Organization:

"In selecting Members of the Council, the Conference shall give due consideration to the desirability of:

(a) including in its membership a balanced geographical representation of nations interested in the production, distribution and consumption of food and agricultural products;

(b) ensuring the participation in the work of the Council of such Member Nations as contribute in a large measure toward the success of the Organization;

(c) giving to a greatest possible number of Member Nations an opportunity by rotation of membership, to serve on the Council.

4 Member Nations shall be eligible for re-election

5 No Member Nation shall be eligible for election to the Council if it is in arrears in payment of its financial contributions to the Organization in an amount equal to or exceeding the contributions due from it for the two preceding calendar years.

7. A Member of the Council shall be considered to have resigned if it is in arrears in payment of its financial contributions to the Organization in an amount equal to or exceeding the contributions due from it for the two preceding calendar years, or if it has not been represented at two consecutive sessions of the Council.

All relevant information concerning the seats for which nominations must be submitted, and forms for submitting nominations, will be found in Document C 89/LIM/22."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If there are none, I declare the section which has just been read adopted.



"The General Committee proposes to discuss the question of voting rights at a subsequent meeting."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? We will adopt that course.



At its eleven previous sessions, the Conference had decided that, if a delegate wished to reply to criticisms of his Government's policy, he should preferably do so on the afternoon of the day on which such criticisms had been voiced after all those wishing to participate in the discussion had had an opportunity to speak.

The Committee recommends that these same arrangements be followed at the present session."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? If there are not, then it is adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: Verbatim Records:

"Rule XVIII-1 GRO lays down that verbatim records shall be kept for all Conference plenary and commission meetings. The right of delegates to check the accuracy of the record of their interventions is expressly recognized in Rule XVII1-2 GRO.

The accuracy of the records may be maintained by either correcting typing and other errors, or by amending a word or phrase actually used. In practice such corrections or amendments to statements are accepted only from the delegation which made the statement, and should be submitted within 48 hours of circulation of the draft verbatim record concerned.

In 1961 a procedure was formally adopted by the Conference whereby speakers who so desire may have their statements inserted in the record without delivering them in Plenary. This procedure is still followed and is recommended in the interests of saving time.

While the Committee sees no objection in principle to the insertion of statements in the records when time does not permit them to be delivered, it recognizes the difficulties which might arise if no occasion is given to delegates to exercise the "right of reply" to any criticism of their Government's policy made in the inserted statement.

Second, "the text handed over to the Chairman for insertion is in English, French or Spanish, the languages used in the verbatim record."

Third, "the provisional verbatim record containing the additional statement is circulated at least three days before the close of the Session."

Fourth, "delegations attending the Session are able to avail themselves of the right of reply by having an opportunity to make, prior to the close of the Session, a statement relating to the additional statement."

The Committee, therefore, recommends that the Conference continue to permit the insertion of such statements on condition that: First, "The Plenary of the Commission concerned is informed by its Chairman that a statement not actually delivered, is being inserted in the record."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this Section? If there are none, I declare the section which has just been read, adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: Next section, "Statements by Heads of Delegations (General Discussion). The Committee recommends that the list of speakers be published daily in the Journal of the Conference, in the order in which they will be called upon by the Chairman, and further recommends that statements be limited to a maximum of 15 minutes."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? As there are none, it is adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: The next section is Admission of Observer from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

"The Director-General received from the Observer of the USSR to FAO a letter expressing the USSR Government's interest in attending the Twenty-fifth Session of the FAO Conference. An invitation to attend the Conference as an Observer was sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, pointing out, however, that it would have to be confirmed by the Conference in accordance with the Principles Relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations (Basic Texts, Section L, para B-l) which specifies that Non-Member States of FAO may on request be invited 'by the Conference... to be represented by an observer at a session of the Conference'. The Committee recommends that the Conference confirm the invitation."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this Section?

Gonzalo BULA HOYOS (Colombia): Los representantes de Colombia proponemos que, como ya lo hizo el Consejo en nuestro informe, la Conferencia exprese su satisfacción por la presencia, como observador, de la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas. Proponemos, además, que la Conferencia reconozca que éste podría ser un nuevo paso en la buena dirección a fin de que la URSS haga uso de su condición de miembro original de la FAO, para convertirse en miembro efectivo, y que a tal respecto la Conferencia apoya los contactos adelantados por el Director General y le pide a éste que continúe e intensifique esas gestiones.

Los representantes de Colombia hacemos esta propuesta, que corresponde a la voluntad ya expresada por el Consejo, porque pensamos que será muy interesante y conveniente que un gran país, como la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas, de tanta importancia en el campo de la agricultura, entre a formar parte de la FAO para contribuir a conformar el carácter de universalidad de esta Organización, con la esperanza de que ese día, que ojalá no esté muy lejano, muchas cosas podrán cambiar en la vida de esta Organización.

CHAIRMAN: I thank the delegate for his comments. Are there any other comments on this section? If not, it is adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: "Admission of Observers from Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations. The list of Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations which have been invited by the Director-General to be represented in an observer capacity at this session of the Conference is given in document C 89/13 and C 89/13-Sup.l, The invitations sent to Intergovernmental Organizations with which FAO does not have a formal agreement and to International Non-Governmental Organizations which do not have consultative status with FAO are extended on a provisional basis and are subject to approval by the Conference. After having reviewed this list, the Committee recommends that the Conference confirm the said provisional invitations."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? As there are none, it is adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: "Informal Meeting of Observers from Non-Governmental Organizations. The Council recommended that as at previous sessions of the Conference observers from Non-Governmental Organizations be invited to attend an informal meeting, so that their advice and suggestions on the Organization's activities and programmes may be communicated to the Conference. It is suggested that this meeting take place on the morning and afternoon of Tuesday 14 November. The Committee recommends that the Conference accept this proposal."

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? As there are none, it is adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: Next section, Attendance by Liberation Movements. In conformity with the suggestion made by the Council at its Ninety-fifth Session, Observers, from the Palestine Liberation Organization and the African liberation movements recognized by OAU, that is the African National Congress of South Africa, the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania, have been invited to attend the Conference. The Committee recommends that the Conference confirm these invitations.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on this section? As there are none, it is adopted.


SECRETARY-GENERAL: The final section: "The Committee recommends that the Conference confirm all the detailed arrangements for the Session and that, except for the period mentioned above in paragraphs 5 and 6, the normal working hours for the meetings of both Plenary and Commissions be from 09.30 to 12.30 hours, and from 14.30 to 17.30 hours. Night meetings may also be convened from 19.30 to 22.30 hours, if required. The Committee also invites all delegations to observe the working hours with the maximum punctuality."

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr Secretary. Are there any comments on the last section just read? As there are not, I will declare it adopted.


Applications for Membership in the Organization
Demandes d'admission à la qualité de membre de l'Organisation
Solicitudes de ingreso en la Organización

CHAIRMAN: Delegates, this concludes the Adoption of the first report of the General Committee. As I have stated, the text will be distributed on Monday morning as document C 89/LIM/6. The original timetable had foreseen Item 24 Applications for Membership in the Organization, at this stage, but as you were informed when adopting the General Committee report, there are no applications for membership in FA0, so this item will not be taken up.

It is now time to present the B.R. Sen' awards for 1988 and 1989. This award was established by the Conference in honour of Mr B.R, Sen, who was Director-General of FAO from 1956 to 1967. Annually the award is made to a field officer who has made a special contribution to the country or countries to which he or she was assigned. The prize consists of a medal, a scroll, a cash prize of US$ 5 000, and a roundtrip to Rome for the winner and spouse to the Conference Session when the awards are distributed.

I will now ask the Director-General to introduce the winners and present the B.R. Sen awards. Mr Director-General.

ET 1989 ,

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Thank you, Mr Chairman. As the Chairman has just said, these awards are presented in honour of Mr B.R. Sen, Director-General of FAO from 1956 to 1967. Each year the award is bestowed on the field officer who has made the most outstanding contribution to the sector of the long-term plan of the country of which he or she has been assigned. On this occasion we shall be presenting the awards for 1988 and 1989.

The recipient of the 1988 award is Mr Henry R. Stennett, a citizen of Jamaica, and is given in recognition of his assistance in the preparation of watershed development plans in Nepal at both the national and district levels.

The successful outcome of the three projects in watershed management and conservation education, and fuelwood plantation, is an achievement due in no small measure to his qualities of hard work and devotion to duty.

His Majesty's Government of Nepal, in endorsing the choice of Mr Stennett for a Sen Award, has also given recognition to his professional competence and dedication.

The award for 1989 is conferred on Mr Everest Santiago Funes, of Argentina, for his contribution to Mexico's Integrated Rural Development Programme for the Tropical Wetlands.

Responsible for an FAO project with financing from the World Bank, Mr Funes has provided technical assistance to that Programme through the inclusion of a rural communications system.

Applying a multi-media approach, he has produced hundreds of audio-visual programmes for training at the grass-roots level and for reporting and establishing links between rural communities and national institutions.

Rarely has communication been so well integrated into a development programme.

In endorsing the selection of Mr Funes for a Sen Award, the Government of Mexico has given recognition to FAO's successful contribution to a national programme which aims to improve agricultural production.


CHAIRMAN: I now invite Mr Stennett to take the floor.

Henry R. STENNETT: (FAO Staff) Mr Chairman, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, your Excellencies, distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, my colleagues of the Organization; it is with profound emotion, deep humility and gratitude that I today receive the prestigious B.R. Sen Award for 1988 consisting of the scroll, the medal and the cheque.

I desire here to specifically express to Dr Edouard Saouma, our esteemed Director-General, my sincere gratitude and thanks for the confidence he has placed in me by approving my candidature for this most important award.

I deemed it a great honour and I will continue to endeavour to do everything to uphold the aims and objectives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the united Nations and the traditions and principles of my predecessors. I will at all times continue to strive for excellence.

I am particularly grateful also to my Division Director for submitting and supporting my candidature for this B.R. Sen Award, for the excellent operational and technical backstopping which he and his staff provided for me at all times, and last but by no means least for his unwavering confidence. I desire also to sincerely thank the two FAO Representatives in Nepal with whom I served for their individual help, wise counsel and encouragement.

Only a few weeks ago the member countries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations observed the 9th World Food Day

The theme for World Food Day 1989 was "Food Production and the Environment". It is particularly fitting and appropriate that the work which was envisaged in Nepal, namely integrated watershed management, as well as the present programme of activities in which I am now engaged in the Republic of Ghana, are both intimately bound with this theme and are designed to support the crucial role of producing food and other basic necessities of the rural population while protecting the environment at the same time.

It is indeed a touching moment for my wife and myself, as well as for our children - who are unable to be with us at this time. In graciously accepting this award, I do so firstly on behalf and in honour of my country, Jamaica, and secondly on behalf of all the many persons in Nepal, who assisted me in every possible way during the course of my assignment there; and even when things did not go as smoothly as planned; those who gave of their time, wise counsels, suggestions and encouragement.

In particular, I would like to express my deep appreciation to His Majesty's Government of Nepal for unreservedly endorsing my nomination and to assure them that I also felt and still feel I was serving my own people back in Jamaica. It is largely due to the cooperation which I received at all levels that has made this award to me possible.

Finally, Excellencies, distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen and colleagues, I would like to reassure you and to rededicate myself to maintain the implicit confidence which both the Director-General and the Organization have placed in me, to serve to the best of my ability, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labour and not to ask for any reward save the joy of knowing that my efforts in some way contribute to the improvement of the quality of life for mankind.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr Stennett. I now call on Mr Everest Santiago Funes to come forward and take the floor.

Everest Santiago FUNES (del Personal de la FAO): Señor Presidente, señor Director General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación, Excelentísimos señores, distinguidas señoras y señores, estimados colegas de la Organización:

Es un orgullo ser hoy aquí latinoamericano; serlo en esta Conferencia, y serlo en este desafiante mundo de nuestros días.

Con el Programa de Desarrollo Rural Integrado del Trópico Húmedo (PRODERITH), el Gobierno de México inició un esfuerzo sostenido de desarrollo social y productivo en las vastas planicies tropicales del país.

El Gobierno optó por una estrategia de participación amplia de los campesinos. Enfrentó el desafío de preparar a los técnicos de campo y otro personal estimulando su capacidad y decisión de servicio. Buscó y alcanzó la necesaria coordinación entre las instituciones especializadas. Aceptó que buena parte de los conocimientos necesarios para superar los frenos físicos, técnicos, sociales y económicos característicos del trópico residían en la experiencia y la tradición de los grupos campesinos. Puso el acento en un proceso de cambios al que esos campesinos podían incorporarse sin perder su identidad.

Alcanzado un éxito inicial, que probó la potencialidad de hombres y recursos naturales y el valor de la estrategia empleada, el Gobierno de México decidió ampliar el esfuerzo a un escenario actual de más de un millón de hectáreas, donde viven cien mil familias campesinas.

En las dos etapas de ese esfuerzo, el Gobierno de México solicitó la contribución de la FAO, con la cooperación financiera del Banco Mundial, para establecer un componente de comunicación para el desarrollo. Se entiende que lo hizo porque la FAO ha sido pionera y es líder en la materia. Esa contribución pudo ser eficaz porque encontró un ambiente de inteligente y perseverante capacidad nacional de realización.

La comunicación rural ha sido y es, en el caso de PRODERITH, un conjunto articulado de acciones mediante las cuales la política de desarrollo se crea y recrea en la práctica de los grupos campesinos. Incrementa el flujo y la disponibilidad de información. Favorece la multiplicación de ejercicios de análisis de situación entre los campesinos y sus familias en el ámbito de planes locales de desarrollo. Hace más amplia, eficiente y útil la interacción entre técnicos y campesinos para la transformación tecnológica, la valorización de las inversiones, la modificación adecuada del medio físico, el cuidado de la infraestructura disponible, la conservación de los recursos naturales y el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida y de trabajo de las familias campesinas.

La FAO distingue hoy los resultados prácticos de esa acción de comunicación para el desarrollo. Esa distinción debe concebirse, como lo hacen los técnicos mexicanos de manera cotidiana, como una invitación a superar nuevas y más exigentes dificultades. En adelante, se trata de lograr la transferencia de los recursos y capacidad de gestión del componente de comunicación rural hacia las organizaciones superiores de los campesinos.

Quizá nunca como ahora, cuando expreso ante la Conferencia de la FAO mi aceptación personal al premio B.R. Sen, he tenido tan nítida la convicción de que el trabajo de comunicación para el desarrollo es un trabajo de muchos, tal vez de miles de personas, en torno a un proceso de desarrollo rural.

Evoco ahora los rostros, los nombres y las expresiones de seres humanos a quienes debo lo aprendido y sin los cuales nada de lo que hoy la FAO distingue hubiera sucedido. Y evoco también un concepto de comunicación para el desarrollo que al mismo tiempo permite y obliga a oir en la necesidad y demanda campesinas, la singular modernidad de una fuerza capaz de producir, una y otra vez, las condiciones de una existencia humana a la medida del hombre.

Desmond LEAKEY (Jamaica): Director-General, distinguished Delegates, FAO staff and colleagues.

I wish, on behalf of my country Jamaica and, indeed, of the entire CARICOM region, to express our gratitude for the great honour bestowed today on Henry Stennett. This award is a source of much satisfaction and pride for me and my fellow Jamaicans.

I have known Henry Stennett for over 20 years both in my capacity as Minister and as a farmer in my own right. Indeed, my own rural community has benefited greatly from his expertise and dedication. In Jamaica, he gave over twenty-five years of professional service and was regarded both as a pioneer and innovator in the field of soil conservation. So outstanding was his work, that he was persuaded by FAO to accept a most challenging assignment in Nepal in 1981. It therefore comes as no surprise to those of us who know him for his modesty and the excellence of his work, that the Government and people of Nepal as well as FAO were soon to recognize the outstanding contribution he made in the severely eroded Himalayan watersheds.

Having completed three consecutive projects in Nepal, he has now moved on to Ghana where we wish him every success in his continuing efforts to ensure sustainable practices which enhance productivity while protecting the environment. I am sure that - coming as he does from a small rural village in the foothills of Jamaica - the Ghanaian farmers, like those in Nepal and his own country, will be quick to see in him a true son of the soil.


Sra. Mónica DEREGIBUS (Argentina): Señor Presidente: mi pais se siente muy honrado de contar hoy con un ciudadano argentino que ha sido merecedor del importante premio que se le ha otorgado en el dia de hoy. También nos sentimos honrados de sentir que el trabajo del Sr. Funes es una demostración de la capacidad de la FAO para promover la cooperación entre los pasíes en desarrollo. Y también nos sentimos honrados y especialmente orgullosos de saber que ello es, en este caso, en la tierra de un hermano pais de Latinoamérica.

Quisiéramos solamente hacer presente a los asistentes, que la Argentina está dispuesta a continuar participando de la cooperación y de la armonia internacional para que, con la ayuda de todos, podamos lograr la eliminación del hambre y la malnutrición de la faz de la tierra.


Miguel Angel CACERES CALVILLO (México): Mi delegación se quiere unir a las felicitaciones que se han dado al Sr. Santiago Funes. Entendemos esto como un reconocimiento a su dedicación y esfuerzos personales demostrado a lo largo de toda una carrera como funcionario internacional y, en particular, por los excelentes resultados que ha logrado en la instrumentación del proyecto de comunicación y capacitación del Programa de Desarrollo Rural Integrado del Trópico Húmedo (PRODERITH), proyecto que se ha calificado como de modelo para otros países en desarrollo. Queremos, repito, extender nuestra felicitación al señor Funes.



CHAIRMAN: We now move on to the A.H. Boerma Award. This is a biennial award given to a writer or journalist whose writing or production on radio or television is likely to have increased international awareness of the world food problem and of measures leading to its solution. It consists of a scroll and a cash prize of US$ 10 000. I shall invite the Director-General to introduce the winner and present the A.H. Boerma Award.

LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL: Voici maintenant quatorze ans que la Conférence, à sa dix-huitième session, instituait le prix A.H. Boerma. Elle voulait par là, en exprimant sa reconnaissance au Dr. Addeke Boerma, perpétuer le souvenir des services qu'il avait rendus en tant que Directeur général de l'Organisation.

Ce prix est décerné tous les deux ans à un ou plusieurs journalistes de la presse écrite, radiophonique ou télévisée, dont les écrits ou les émissions ont contribué de manière exceptionnelle à sensibiliser l'opinion publique aux questions de développement - notamment au problème alimentaire mondial -et à mobiliser son soutien actif aux mesures visant à résoudre ce problème.

Pour cette sixième édition du prix Boerma, nous avons le plaisir de couronner un journaliste de notre pays hôte Monsieur Federico Fazzuoli, producteur du programme télévisé de la RAI, "Linea Verde". Il s'agit d'un programme aux sujets très variés liés à l'agriculture, à l'alimentation et à l'environnement, dans une optique tant nationale qu'internationale.

"Linea Verde" a puissamment contribué, non seulement à faire connaître ces problèmes au public dans toute leur gravité, mais encore à susciter un très fort courant d'opinion à l'appui des efforts entrepris en Italie et dans le monde pour les résoudre. De plus, "Linea Verde" couvre, depuis des années, des événements d'une importance particulière pour la FAO, notamment la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation.

C'est pourquoi, Monsieur le Président, je suis sûr que vous-même et tous les délégués ici présents tiendrez à vous joindre à moi pour exprimer notre gratitude et nos félicitations à Monsieur Fazzuoli, qui a mis son talent et son coeur au service de la lutte contre la faim, la malnutrition et la pauvreté.


CHAIRMAN: I will now ask Mr Fazzuoli to come forward please.

Federico FAZZUOLI (langue originale Italien): Monsieur le Directeur général, Monsieur le Président de la Conférence, Messieurs les délégués, Mesdames et Messieurs, je voudrais tout d'abord remercier le Directeur Général lui-même et, par son entremise, tous les membres de la Conférence de la FAO d'avoir voulu m'honorer en me décernant ce prix extrêmement important.

Permettez-moi de vous dire qu'outre la satisfaction que j'éprouve de voir apprécier mon travail, celui de mes collaborateurs de la rédaction, les structures de la RAI et son Directeur Carlo Fuscagni ici présent je ressens également une grande préoccupation. Cette préoccupation trouve son origine dans notre sentiment d'être incapables de garantir - et en particulier nous, responsables des moyens de communication - une information sûre et scientifique relative aux thèmes de l'agriculture, de l'environnement et de l'alimentation à ceux qui suivent avec tant de confiance toutes nos émissions. Certes, la recherche et la science sont toujours en mutation et nous n'avons donc pas toujours des réponses toutes faites qui nous donnent des certitudes; mais dans ce secteur, l'incertitude de la science n'est pas seule, elle s'accompagne parfois de sa propre instrumentalisation.

Trop souvent, les données scientifiques sont liées à des exigences partisanes et sont utilisées aux fins de profits économiques. Dans le domaine de l'agriculture et dans ses rapports avec l'environnement, dans le domaine du rapport entre l'alimentation et la santé, nous nous trouvons face à des affirmations faites par d'éminents hommes de science et contredites par d'autres éminents hommes de science; et derrière les uns et les autres, nous entrevoyons très souvent des intrigues d'intérêts nationaux ou de grandes structures économiques. De telles affirmations sont difficilement vérifiables pour ceux qui ne possèdent pas des structures techniques et scientifiques importantes et de toute première qualité. L'information devient alors confuse. En tant que journaliste ayant eu l'occasion, de par mon travail, de m'entretenir avec de nombreuses personnes dans différentes parties du monde, je ressens une préoccupation généralisée pour notre avenir. Cette préoccupation aiguë frise parfois la peur car ces problèmes sont ressentis dans un climat d'incertitude. Et nous, qui avons comme devoir de fournir l'information, à l'incertitude, nous devons ajouter le doute.

Permettez-moi donc, tout en vous remerciant de l'honneur que vous me faites, de vous lancer un appel. Je crois que, seules, des organisations internationales ou mondiales comme la FAO sont en mesure de fournir des indications et des informations scientifiquement fondées. Nous vous demandons de renforcer vos efforts et de fournir aux experts de l'information des éléments d'information scientifiques qui soient impartiaux. Nous en avons besoin aujourd'hui, nous en aurons encore plus besoin demain.

Je voudrais vous dire comment seront distribués les 10 000 dollars du prix. 5 000 dollars seront consacrés à la création d'une Banque de la mémoire historique pour les Indiens de l'Amazonie par l'entremise du Père Paolo Panza, qui y travaille depuis de nombreuses années.

Les 5 000 dollars restants seront consacrés à deux institutions italiennes? l'Accademia della Crusca, institution ancienne fondée en 1500, pour qu'elle ne doive pas fermer ses portes et qu'elle puisse conserver son patrimoine important de livres sur la langue italienne; et la fondation du journal

italien, nouvelle initiative surgie dans un petit village des Apennins toscans, Pieve Santo Stefano, pour qu'elle puisse continuer à recueillir les journaux des personnes communes et leurs souvenirs, afin qu'elle conserve ainsi la mémoire de l'homme. Car je suis convaincu que l'homme survit à lui-même grâce à la mémoire.


Gian Luigi VALENZA (Italie): A l'instar de mes collègues de la Jamaïque, du Mexique et de l'Argentine, je ne voulais manquer de prendre brièvement la parole à cette occasion.

Le Gouvernement italien est très honoré et très fier du choix qui a été fait par la FAO pour le sixième prix Boerma, pour les années 1988-89. Le journaliste Federico Fazzuoli et son programme télévisé, "Linea Verde", sont très connus en Italie et à l'étranger. J'ai personnellement eu le plaisir de voir travailler le lauréat de cet important prix pendant ces deux dernières années, et je pense que le choix fait aujourd'hui par la FAO est tout à fait louable et judicieux.

Avec Federico Fazzuoli, c'est aussi la télévision italienne qui reçoit un hommage indirect. Il faut dire qu'elle dédie plus de temps et d'efforts que d'autres télévisions nationales aux problèmes importants de l'agriculture et à leur divulgation dans le monde.

Je voudrais donc remercier encore une fois l'Organisation de la FAO et son Directeur général pour ce prix décerné à M. Federico Fazzuoli aujourd'hui.


CHAIRMAN: I, too, would like to thank Mr Fazzuoli for his words and for his generosity with the prize. I must tell you we forgot to tell him there is also a roundtrip to Rome involved in the prize.

Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, we have no other business this afternoon, but before adjourning the meeting I would like to remind delegates and observers of the arrangements we have just agreed upon for Monday, 13 November. The next meeting of the Plenary of the Conference will open at 10.00 hours on Monday morning in this room, so please make every effort to be in your seats by 10 o'clock so that we can get through the business and the Statements.

As we have already agreed, the first item on Monday will be the adoption of the First Report of the Credentials Committee. This will be followed by the Sixteenth McDougall Memorial Lecture to be delivered by Mr Ruffolo, the Italian Minister of the Environment. After that, the Director-General will deliver his opening statement to the Conference, and then the Independent Chairman of the Council will address the Conference.

Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes our work today. We will resume on Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The meeting now stands adjourned and I thank you.

The meeting rose at 16.15 hours
La séance est levée à 16 h 15
Se levanta la sesión a las 16.15 horas

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