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CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We shall now continue with the Report of the Commission. We have reached REP/5 of the Report, "The Commission of Plant Genetic Resources and International Undertaking Progress Report", item 9.

Jaime GARCIA Y BADIAS (España): Nuestra delegación, señor Presidente, ante el documento en cuestión que usted nos propone, después de haber escuchado a otras delegaciones y conocido por nuestra parte el consenso que se produjo en el Comité de Redacción, desearíamos proponer a la Sala y a nuestros colegas, si habría algún inconveniente en aprobar todo el tema en bloque por consenso por parte de todas las delegaciones.

Creemos que dada la discusión que se produjo en el Comité de Redacción, donde todas las delegaciones coincidieron en su planteamiento, podría ser una buena oportunidad para adelantar nuestros debates y continuar en esta línea de consenso, que se está produciendo en esta Comisión, tan bien dirigida por usted.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): We too are extremely pleased with the document as it now stands, not only the section on plant genetic resources but the section on PIC as well. So we would be willing to accept the entire document.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): My delegation can go along with the suggestion with respect to item 9.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : We have a proposal to adopt the Report, REP/5 en bloc.

Paragraphs 1 to 12 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 12 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 12 son aprobados


Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): We have a slight addition to paragraph 18. The intention is that we must remember that we do not only have the PIC, and that we should not prevent the other Articles of the Code of Conduct dealing with PIC

The amendment which my delegation suggests would come at the end of paragraph 18 and would read as follows: "In the same time, the Conference recalled that continued attention needed to be given to the implementation of the other Articles of the Code which did not deal with PIC".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We have taken note of this proposal. Is there any comment on it? If there is not, we can adopt the Report en bloc with the amendment suggested by Switzerland. The Report is adopted.

Paragraphs 13 to 20. as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 13 à 20. ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 13 a 20. así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I. Part 5. as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I. 5ème partie, ainsi amendé, est
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión I. Parte 5. asi enmendado, es


CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabiec) : We now move on to Part 6 of the Report, Plan of Action on People's Participation.


Srta. Maria S. LANDAVERI (Perú): No quisiera pecar de optimista, pero si esperaría tener igual suerte que la propuesta hecha por nuestro colega, el delegado de España, de que si fuera posible y dado que sabemos que en el Comité de Redacción este tema no tuvo mayores dificultades y que el documento incluye la mayoría de las modificaciones solicitadas, tal vez podríamos pedir la aprobación en bloque de este tema, si no tuviera oposición por alguna delegación o, tener una pequeña explicación del Sr. Dutia si lo considerara necesario.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We have a proposal from the delegate of Peru to adopt Part 6 of the Report en bloc. As I see nobody asking for the floor I take it you approve of that. Therefore, Part 6 of the Report concerning Major Trends and Policies in Food and Agriculture and the Plan of Action on People's Participation is adopted.

Paragraphs 1 to 9 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 9 sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 9 son aprohadns

Draft Report of Commission I. Part 6. was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I. 6ème Partie, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión I. Parte 6. es aprobado

SECRETARY (Commission I): As you know, the Drafting Committee met extraordinarily at 14.00 hours to examine for the last time the Draft Report, Item 7, Women in Development: A Project Report. That draft was fully examined and approved without amendment, but even so it has to be processed. We should have it by 16.30 hours so we will have to wait until it is available to adopt it. That will then complete the Report.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): I thank the Secretary of the Commission. I suggest we adjourn and meet again at 16.45 hours.

The meeting was suspended from 16.15 to 16.55 hours
La séance est suspendue de 16 h 15 à 16 h 55
Se suspende la sesión de las 16.15 a las 16.55 horas


CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We shall now take up Part 7 of the Report which concerns the Plan of Action for the Integration of Women into Agriculture and Rural Development.


CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Paragraph 1. Are there any comments or suggestions on paragraph 1 of Rep/7? I see none. The paragraph is adopted. Paragraph 2? That is approved. Paragraph 3?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): The first sentence in this paragraph underlines our commitment to this Plan of Action, which I think is very positive. Then comes the second sentence which may not be a very fortunate formulation. The way it is formulated, it questions our commitment somewhat, and I think what I see here is that there should be some reflection in the paragraph that there are also other values that should be taken into account when we put the Plan of Action into practice. They are of a cultural nature, cultural in a broad sense. We should have a formulation which indicates clearly that this consideration of the other values does not question our commitment to the Plan of Action.

What I propose would be a shortening of this sentence in the following way: "It stressed the importance of taking into consideration ..." and then delete "socio-cultural and religious differences when implementing the Plan of Action" and then put a full stop and delete the words "in different cultural settings" because that is a repetition. If you wish I will read it out again; "It stressed the importance of taking into consideration cultural differences when implementing the Plan of Action".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): You have just heard a proposal by Switzerland that we replace "socio-cultural and religious differences" with "cultural differences" and delete the last four words of the sentence.

I would like to make a personal comment. I would like to keep the socio-cultural differences and just drop the reference to religious differences. We would therefore stress the importance of taking into consideration socio-cultural differences. We would delete the word "religious" and of course the last four words of the sentence. I will read out the paragraph. The first sentence remains unchanged. Then it says: "It stressed the importance of taking into consideration socio-cultural and religious differences when implementing the Plan of Action".

I see no requests for the floor. Can we therefore adopt paragraph 3, as amended, and as read out by me? Paragraph 3 is adopted. Can we now go to paragraph 4?

Enoch K. Kandie (Kenya): The last sentence reads, "It regretted that women still confronted obstacles...". I think it is more correct to say that they still encountered obstacles" or "they met obstacles".

Imorou SALE (Bénin): J'interviens au niveau de la dernière phrase du quatrième paragraphe dans la version française. Il est dit: "Elle a déploré que la pleine participation des femmes au développement agricole et rural se heurte encore à des obstacles et a demandé que l'on s'intéresse davantage ...". Je crois que l'on pourrait dire: "... a demandé que l'on s'intéresse davantage en accordant un soutien accru aux femmes dans leur rôle.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): We now have two proposals, one from Kenya and one from Benin. I think the latter concerns only the French text. The Secretariat has noted that change to the French version, and also the proposal from Kenya.

Can we now therefore adopt paragraph 4, as amended by Kenya, and also take into account the change to the French version pointed out by Benin? Paragraph 4 is adopted. Paragraph 5 is adopted. Paragraph 6?

Hans-Dietrich VON BOTHMER (Presidente, Comité de Redacción): En cuanto a la versión española hay alguna fricción en el idioma. Por eso quisiera proponer que en la sexta línea, después de las palabras: "de la FAO", introducir las siguientes palabras: teniendo en cuenta las diferencias de sexo. Y tachar "el análisis en función del sexo."

Esto se refiere solamente a la versión española.

Jaime GARCIA Y BADIAS (España): Solamente, señor Presidente, decir que el Presidente del Comité de Redacción se nos ha adelantado y era esa, exactamente, nuestra observación con respecto al castellano.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Can we now adopt paragraph 6, taking account of this change in the Spanish version only which has been submitted to us by the Chairman of the Drafting Committee? That is then decided, and paragraph 6 is adopted. Paragraph 7?

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): Several aspects of women's integration in development are mentioned in paragraph 7, such as health and education opportunities, population and nutrition information, which go beyond the mandate of FAO. For this reason my delegation suggests that there should be, at the end of this paragraph, a reference to coordination with other UN agencies, in the form of the following sentence: "In this regard the Organization is invited to coordinate this and to draw on the experience of other UN and international organizations".

Wilberforce SAKIRA (Uganda): One aspect of this matter which emerged when we were discussing this was accessibility to land - it was noted that women do not have access to land. We wonder whether, in the second sentence where we are enumerating the various problems, this could be included, so that the sentence would read: "This involvement and support was seen to be most important in terms of the elaboration of policies and programmes that increased women's access to income, extension services, training, technology, productive resources ..." - we suggest that the word "land" be included. We would just like to highlight the fact that land is an aspect which has been left out.

Carlos BASCO (Argentina): Una cuestión de traducción solamente. En todo el texto se traduce la palabra "sexo" y en inglés dice "gender" (género). Yo sugiero que podamos poner todo "género", que es lo que se está usando ahora universalmente, en vez de "sexo", eliminando así muchos problemas de redacción. Es decir, que en castellano se ponga "género" donde dice "sexo".

Jaime GARCIA Y BADIAS (España): No quisiera alargar excesivamente el debate, señor Presidente, pero la pureza lingüistica expresada por el ilustre delegado de Argentina me hace intervenir. Comprendo su inquietud cuando expresa su interés por que se indique la palabra "género"; pero, en español, como sabe muy bien el delegado de Argentina, si no se incorpora "masculino" o "femenino", puede ser incluso peyorativo el término "género". Por consiguiente, estoy de acuerdo con lo indicado por el delegado de Argentina, siempre que se le acompañe "femenino" o "masculino".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : Could we leave this to the Secretariat? They can groom the Spanish text, and I am sure they will come up with the most felicitous term in Spanish.

May we now return to the proposals made regarding amendments to this? The first proposal was made by Uganda. Would anyone object to his suggestion? No-one objects. That brings us to the amendment suggested by Switzerland.

There is a proposal which would slightly change the Swiss addendum: "In this regard, the Organization" - that is, FAO - "was invited to pursue this coordination regarding this work, to draw upon the experience of other institutions within the UN system."

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): Perhaps you could read that out again. I have not taken a note of it, and I do not know exactly where it comes in this proposal.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): My proposal is basically a slight amendment to what you yourself suggested. You have suggested: "In this regard, the Organization was invited to coordinate" - but coordination already exists; so, in order to make it a little clearer, I would suggest "invited to pursue" - "continue coordination". That is the only change I suggest - "In this regard, the Organization was invited to continue coordination", together with the necessary grammatical changes. We would then refer to other international organizations - we want coordination to be done between this Organization and other organizations within the United Nations. I think that suffices.

David DRAKE (Canada): I am not entirely certain why we are restricting this to United Nations and international organizations. As several donors indicated, I believe they might have similar experience which they might be able to share as well as others. Perhaps we can expand this a little more to reflect what was said in the debate.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Yes, we could talk about "other organizations". We could say "international and bilateral organizations". I think that would cover those organizations in their entirety. Can we then take it that we adopt paragraph 7?

Ms Maria GALVOLGYI (Hungary) : My delegation is quite satisfied with the amendment proposed by the delegate of Switzerland. In that case, if we are proposing "bilateral organizations and international organizations", I would propose that we put "FAO" at the very beginning of the sentence in order to avoid many repetitions of the word "organizations".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : There is no difficulty in that as far as I can see. We can start the sentence by saying "FAO was invited to pursue coordination", etc. Can we adopt paragraph 7?

Kiala KIA MATEVA (Angola): Si vous le permettez, je voudrais intervenir sur le paragraphe 7. Je crois avoir entendu le délégué de l'Ouganda faire état d'une préoccupation. Il a demandé où l'on pourrait introduire la question concernant les problèmes fonciers.

Il me semble que c'est là l'amendement présenté par le délégué de la Suisse sans pour autant satisfaire la demande du délégué de l'Ouganda. Voilà ce que je voulais dire.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : I said that we have agreed to the proposal of the delegate of Uganda. This was adopted and after "productive resources" was written "including access to land". That was to be inserted after "productive resources". I trust that was clear and therefore the proposal by the delegate of Uganda was actually agreed before we started looking at the Swiss proposal. Are things clear to you, delegate of Angola? Very good. Paragraph 7 adopted. Paragraph 8.

Imorou SALE (Bénin): A la quatrième ligne du paragraphe 8, toujours dans la version française, le mot "confrontations" me semble peu heureux. Je propose qu'on l'élimine et qu'on le remplace par la phrase "l'importance des échanges d'informations et d'expériences entre pays membres" parce que le terme "confrontations" suppose un gagnant ou un perdant.

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic) : This has been noted by the Secretariat and the French text will be changed as you wished. Paragraph 8 is adopted. Paragraph 9? Adopted. Paragraph 10?

Srta. Mery HURTADO SALAMANCA (Colombia): En la segunda oración del párrafo 10 dice: "Pidió a la Organización que no cejara en sus esfuerzos por aumentar el número de mujeres entre el personal profesional". Entendemos que es un error solamente de máquina, no de fondo. Hay que cambiar una letra: "que no cesara", porque se lee "cejara", y eso no tiene ningún sentido. Se debe decir "cesara".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): Any comments? Paragraph 10 is adopted. Paragraph 11 is also adopted.

Paragraphs 1 to 11. as amended, approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 11. ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Los párrafos 1 a 11. asi enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I. Part 7. as amended, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I. Partie 7. ainsi amendé, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la Comisión I. parte 7. asi enmendado, es aprobado

CHAIRMAN (Original language Arabic): This means we have finished the adoption of the last part of the Report of this Commission. At the end of our work I express to all of you my sincere gratitude for the efforts you have made and the honour you have done my country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and me in having entrusted me with the task of chairing this Commission.

Thanks to the way we have worked together we have been able to get through our work before the date written into our timetable, thanks to the fact that you kept your comments short and to the point; thanks to your cooperation and thanks to the good spirit which prevailed in this room. I think we can say today that the Report of the work of this Commission can be adopted without difficulty. I repeat my thanks to you. I also thank the Secretariat of FAO for the great work they have done for this Commission. I thank the Secretary of this Commission and all the other members of the Secretariat staff for all the help they have given us here. We have been happy to benefit from their assistance.

I would also like to thank the interpreters for the work they have put into the meeting and commend by name the Chief Interpreter, Mr Ben Ameur, our hostesses and messengers and all the ancillary staff who have really brought in a breath of fresh air and youth to this room. I wish you all a good end to the Conference and I now adjourn the meeting.

The meeting rose at 17.30 hours.
La séance est levée à 17 h 30.
Se levanta la sesión a las 17.30 horas.

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