FC 93/5

Finance Committee

Ninety-third Session

Rome, 13 - 17 September 1999

European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease - Budget For 2000-2001

1. The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease held its Thirty-third Session in Rome from 7 to 9 April 1999.

2. The Secretary tabled detailed statements, including expenditure for 1997 and 1998, for the Commission's Trust Fund 904200 MTF/INT/011/MUL; the cash balance of the Trust Fund at 31 December 1998 was US$165,612.

3. Contributions from member countries to Trust Fund MTF/INT/011/MUL for the calendar year 1998 amounted to US$337,940; this included some arrears and advance contributions for the calendar year 1999 from Denmark and Norway. Of the 33 member countries, all but 4 were up-to-date in their payments for 1998.

4. The proposed budgets for 2000-2001 are attached hereto. The 2001 budget is an estimate as it has not been submitted to the Thirty-third Session of the Commission. It will be discussed by the Sixty-third and Sixty-fourth Sessions of the Executive Committee and submitted to the Thirty-fourth General Session in April 2001.

5. The Organization through its Regular Programme (RP) contributes in kind to the activities of the Commission by providing premises for the secretariat, fax and telephone facilities and as and when required the services of responsible officials with regard to financial matters. The estimate for the RP input to the activities of the Commission is US$50,000 for the period under review.

TF 904200 MTF/INT/011/MUL -

European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Pledges 2000-2001

2000 US$325,000
2001 US$325,000
Proposed budget (US$)
Budget components 2000 2001*
1101 Secretary 141,628 145,168
1300 Admin. Asst. 86,328 88,485
Overtime (34th Sess.) - 1,500
Support staff (34th Sess.) - 15,000
Subtotal $227,956 $250,153
2000 duty travel, Sec. & NSTs 30,000 31,200
3000 contracts
Annual contribution to WRL 35,000 35,000
Collab. Lab Study 11,200 8,500
Workshop 15,000


4000 general operating expenses 1,000 147
5000 expendable equipment 3,750


Subtotal 95,950 74,847
Reserve/unallocated funds 1,094 -
Total 325,000 325,000
*includes projected cost increase of 2 �% on salaries and 4% on travel