Second Session

Rome, Italy, 13-16 June 2000




1. The Information Systems for Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SIPAM) network is now fully operational and is working through a central hub (represented by the Regional Centre located in Tunis) and National Centres in the 14 participant countries. Its activities and the work programme are discussed and determined on a yearly basis at the meeting of National Coordinators and at the Steering Committee. The latter met three times in the intersessional period: in Bari, Italy (8 March 1997); in Faro, Portugal (20 September 1998); and in Tunis, Tunisia (28 to 29 February 2000).

2. The meetings of National Coordinators took place in Bari, Italy (8 March 1997); in Salerno, Italy (30 October to 2 November 1997); in Olhao, Portugal (16 to 20 September 1998); and in Malta (20 to 27 November 1999).

3. During these meetings the main network activities were discussed. They included the:

� organization and operation of the Regional Centre;

� evaluation of the software package;

� situation of the data and databases;

� access of new countries;

� assistance and training; and

� the network activity programmes were discussed, finalized and proposed to the Steering Committee for consideration and approval.


4. The member countries have benefited by the training provided at their request to install and operate the SIPAM software in its various releases. This was done mainly through travel of the Regional Centre Team to Morocco in December 1996, Egypt in September 1997, France in June 1997, Tunisia on various occasions, and Portugal in September 1998. The National Team from Cyprus provided training to the Maltese team.

5. The Moroccan National Coordinator benefited from extra training in Tunis, 21-22 September 1998. Algeria also benefited from such training at the Regional Centre in Tunis, 21-22 November 1999. For Libya and Romania (two new member countries), it is foreseen to ensure the same on-the-job training by experts of the Regional Centre during the year 2000. All the member countries have equally benefited from a course on the advanced version of the SIPAM software, SIPAM for Windows version 2.1. This course was organized in January 1999 with the support of FAO and ICRAM, and in collaboration with the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) at their Agronomic Mediterranean Institute in Zaragoza, Spain.

Evolution of the SIPAM software package

6. As a consequence of the numerous improvements introduced at the request of the National Coordinators, the SIPAM Windows version that followed the initial version (in DOS) is nowadays an advanced program. Three versions have been prepared and distributed. In the last version (Release 2.2), several interesting utilities have been introduced to allow a good flow of information, in particular, from and to users in member countries. In each participating country, it is now possible to install another nine secondary centres linked to the National Centre. These secondary centres could be chosen between specialized centres according to the nature of the information to be downloaded or distributed.

7. The version that is at present being used by all countries (SIPAM for Windows 2.2) was distributed in the 1999 course and became operational in January 2000.

Specialized Databases

8. Two specialized databases should have been added to the 13 that constitute the core of SIPAM. The first one concerns pathology of farmed aquatic organisms, and the second refers to marketing of aquaculture products. For their design, SIPAM worked in close collaboration with FAO, the European Federation of Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) and CIHEAM (which is responsible for the Socio-Economic and Legal Aspects of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SELAM) network), for what concerns the database on marketing of aquaculture products and the two databases on Imports and Exports of SIPAM. It collaborated with FAO to improve the existing database on Pathology. Meetings have been organized for this purpose in Rome, in February 1998, for the database on marketing of aquaculture products and also in Rome from 14 to 15 December 1998 for the pathology of farmed aquatic organisms database.

9. This effort will continue in 2000 in collaboration with CIHEAM and FEAP in order to reach an acceptable solution for the marketing of aquaculture products database (a technical meeting is planned towards the end of the year 2000), and with FAO to reach a decision concerning the pathology of farmed aquatic organisms database. This would imply the adaptation to the Mediterranean context of the program AAPQUIS prepared by FAO for the Asian region, or as an alternative, the improvement of the present database in order to make it more suitable to the requirements of the GFCM countries.

10. In addition, SIPAM reached an agreement with ASFA at the end of 1999. The Regional Centre will receive the ASFA data at no cost, which will be used by the member countries, and in return will work as input centre for bibliographic data on aquaculture in the Mediterranean for ASFA.

Visits to Member Countries

11. Some visits have been made to the following countries: Morocco (December 1996), France (June 1997), Egypt (September 1997), Turkey (December 1997), Portugal (September 1998). The purpose was to improve the knowledge about the network and to promote a better collection or diffusion of information. All the countries will be visited as required in 2000 and in the following years.

Organization of National Networks

12. In order to improve national capabilities for collection and diffusion of information, it was decided to develop national networks in the member countries with secondary centres (up to nine) linked to the National Centre. This work, which started at the end of 1999, will be intensified during the present and following years. Three countries have already started in this activity: Tunisia, which has installed three secondary centres, plus Morocco and Turkey with two secondary centres each. All countries have been regularly invited to proceed with the organization of the internal network, which will contribute to the improvement of the regional network. This work is most urgent and should interest, in particular, countries with large aquaculture sectors. The Regional Centre will contribute to this work through visits to the countries and by following the evolution of the situation.

The Regional Centre in Tunis

13. Tunisia fulfilled its commitments towards the network, through the establishment and operation of the Regional Centre in accordance with the agreement signed in January 1996 between FAO and Tunisia. The centre is now fully staffed and the only point pending is the confirmation of the full time recruitment of the documentalist, who is at present under temporary contract. All the required facilities, offices, equipment and operating costs have been provided. Since 1997 Tunisia pays an annual contribution of 20 000 Tunisian dinars.

Participation to the Consultation on the Application of Article 9 of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Mediterranean Region

14. The Regional Coordinator represented SIPAM at the Consultation organized in July 1999 on the Application of Article 9 of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Mediterranean Region. At this meeting he highlighted the need for information systems to assist in the application of the Code. The participants made recommendations in this direction and it is expected that SIPAM will fully participate in the follow-up of the recommendations of the Consultation.

SIPAM Internet Version and SIPAM Brochure

15. A web page has been prepared and placed as a demo version on Internet on the FAO site ( Improvements on the demo have been prepared, in particular for the introduction of the full database, analysis, newsletters and other information.

16. A brochure has also been prepared in 5 000 copies in four languages (English, French, Portuguese and Spanish) and has been widely distributed. It is envisaged to continue this work by preparing the same brochure in all other Mediterranean national languages, depending on the availability of funds.


17. For this period, ten international courses, seminars or workshops have been organized and three technical surveys have also been implemented. As a result, five proceedings publications have been issued and four more are under preparation and will be published soon in the CIHEAM's journal Options M�diterrann�es.

18. Regarding training, the networks have offered, and will continue to offer, activities to professionals from the Mediterranean region, where (especially in many southern and eastern Mediterranean countries) there is a lack of training opportunities and expertise in aquaculture. The soundness of this approach is confirmed by the higher percentage of participants from southern Mediterranean countries attending courses rather than workshops or seminars, in comparison with those from northern countries. These training courses, apart from their scientific content, have provided a positive interaction between participants and guest lecturers leading to expectations for future collaboration.

19. The technical surveys are a useful tool for compiling information on important aspects, which could be otherwise difficult to obtain and evaluate; e.g., the Survey on Mediterranean Marine Aquaculture Finfish Species Diversification conducted by the Technology and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (TECAM) network. Efforts on this side are expected to continue. Through the implementation of the surveys the TECAM and the Socio-Economic and Legal Aspects of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SELAM) networks are starting a cooperation line with SIPAM.

20. It is still necessary to address some issues for the first time (e.g., legal aspects of aquaculture in the Mediterranean, mollusc production). It is evident that future activities are also expected to contribute to the implementation of concepts for the promotion of responsible aquaculture in the Mediterranean.

21. The networks are encouraging and supporting interested partners in the organization of activities in a more autonomous way, as well as in the establishment of collaborative research groups. An example is the EU concerted action MASMANAP project, that has been set up by participants in SELAM activities. SELAM's present support to this EU project consists in financing participation of experts from non-EU countries and in organizing the final seminar of the project.

22. As regards participation, since 1995, the networks activities have counted more than 700 participants. Most of them were from Mediterranean countries, but experts from countries such as Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Jordan, Norway, UK and USA also participated. Regarding the participant's profile, the activities have always aimed to attract aquaculture experts belonging to private companies, research institutions, universities, and administration, in order to favour the exchange of experiences and points of view. The voluntary participation of all experts in the networks activities, their collaboration and assistance in the design and implementation of the different activities was acknowledged. The collaboration of national institutions in the organization of activities was likewise appreciated.

23. For the future, a greater collaboration and financial participation of national organizations and institutions within the GFCM working in aquaculture is expected. This will enhance the capabilities of the networks, and make it possible to hold more activities closer to Mediterranean national institutions. The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (CIHEAM-IAMZ) and the FAO Fisheries Department, due to their limited resources, cannot undertake the organization of all the issues/activities that are proposed by the experts participating in the TECAM and SELAM networks. It is also hoped that substantial financial support from the GFCM autonomous budget will enhance the output of the networks.


SELAM Advanced Course on Establishment and Management of Aquaculture Enterprises (Zaragoza, Spain, 11 to 15 November 1996)

24. The aim of the course, held at CIHEAM-IAMZ, was to provide participants with the key aspects for planning and management of aquaculture enterprises. A total of 23 participants from 8 Mediterranean countries attended this course.

TECAM Short Practical Course on Fish Health Management (Udine, Italy, 27 January to 7 February 1997)

25. The course was jointly organized by CIHEAM-IAMZ, the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSV), and the FAO Fisheries Department. It counted on 19 participants from 11 Mediterranean countries, some from the private sector. The course, which had a strong practical component, aimed to develop further the regional capability in prevention, diagnosis and control of fish diseases.

TECAM Advanced Course on Mediterranean Off-Shore Mariculture (Zaragoza, Spain, 20 to 24 October 1997)

26. Was organized by CIHEAM and was attended by 39 experts, both lecturers and participants, from Algeria, CIHEAM, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. It concerned the most recent developments on offshore mariculture with special emphasis on the Mediterranean. Given the success of the course and taking into account the growing interest on these technologies, it was agreed to publish the information distributed during the course.

TECAM Advanced Course on Mediterranean Aquaculture: New Techniques for Marine Hatcheries (Mazarron, Spain, 23 February to 6 March 1998)

27. Was jointly organized by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (CIHEAM-IAMZ), and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) with the collaboration of the FAO Fisheries Department. The 27 experts belonging to private hatcheries, research institutions, universities, and administration that participated came from 12 Mediterranean countries. The course was designed for aquaculture professionals and the following topics were covered: reproduction, breeding and genetics, larval rearing, disease prevention and control, hatchery design and engineering, and quality control. The formal lectures were complemented by round-table discussions, practical demonstrations, a technical visit, and a seminar. Guest lecturers came from Belgium, France, Italy, Israel, Spain and UK.

International Master on Aquaculture (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain October 1997 - March 1999)

28. The Master was jointly organized by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas and CIHEAM. The programme was divided in two cycles; a six-month postgraduate course and a ten-month research Master Thesis. The first course, was attended by 19 students from nine countries: Albania, Algeria, Chile, Egypt, Mexico, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. The second, from January 2000 to June 2001, has 17 participants from eight countries: Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Germany, Mexico and Morocco.

Seminars and Workshops

SELAM Workshop on Aquaculture Planning in Mediterranean Countries (Tangiers, Morocco, 12 to 14 March 1998)

29. The Workshop was jointly organized by CIHEAM-IAMZ, the FAO Fisheries Department, and the Institut National de la Recherche Halieutique (INRH). The workshop counted on the participation of 16 experts from nine Mediterranean countries (Cyprus, France, Israel, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey) and representatives from CIHEAM and FAO.

30. The Workshop was aimed at the analysis of the evolution of aquaculture planning and development in the Mediterranean. It also intended to identify the most pressing needs in strategic planning with a view to ensuring a sustainable and responsible development of the sector. Finally, it discussed the role of regional cooperation in the planning process of aquaculture development. As a result of this Workshop, a proceedings publication was published.

TECAM Workshop on Aquaculture Feed Manufacturing Practice within the Mediterranean Region (Reus, Spain, 25-27 March 1998)

31. The workshop, which took place in the framework of the II Conference-Fair of Mixed-Feed Manufacturers of the Mediterranean, was jointly organized by CIHEAM-IAMZ, and the FAO Fisheries Department, in collaboration with the organizers of the Conference. Seventeen participants from ten countries attended the workshop, including participants from Egypt, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, UK and USA.

32. Through different contributions and discussions, the following main two topics were covered: trends and outlooks in commercial aquafeed manufacture/production/use within the Mediterranean; and guidelines for aquafeed manufacture. The Workshop contributions, conclusions and recommendations were published in conjunction with the proceedings of the Conference.

TECAM Seminar on Mediterranean Marine Aquaculture Finfish Species Diversification (Zaragoza, Spain, 24 to 27 May 1999)

33. This Seminar was organized by CIHEAM-IAMZ and the FAO Fisheries Department. A total of 83 experts from 17 countries attended.

34. An initial workshop of this group had taken place in Nicosia, Cyprus (14 to 17 June 1995). The main objective of the Seminar was to update the situation of research programmes being carried out by Mediterranean countries on domestication of new finfish species. In addition, the Seminar also tried to revise the different methodological aspects that should be taken into consideration in the process of domestication and in the design of plans/strategies for farming of new finfish. A publication with the proceedings was under preparation and would be issued soon.

TECAM/SELAM Workshop on Global Quality Assessment in Mediterranean Aquaculture (Barcelona, Spain, 29 November to 1 December 1999)

35. This Workshop was jointly organized by CIHEAM-IAMZ, the FAO Fisheries Department, and the Direcci� General de Pesca i Afers Maritims (DGPAM) of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain. It was attended by 70 professionals from 18 countries.

36. The objective of this Workshop was to review the latest developments of technologies for the improvement of quality throughout the production cycle. In addition, it discussed quality concepts, product quality standards and norms (trade, sanitary, environmental, etc.) affecting this industry, with the scope of promoting a sustainable and responsible development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean. The Workshop had 18 presentations divided into five different sessions, namely: (i) introduction to quality; (ii) quality in the production process; (iii) marketing and promotion of quality, and (iv) implementation of quality in aquaculture. A publication of the proceedings was under preparation and would be published soon.

TECAM Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment of Mediterranean Aquaculture Farms (Zaragoza, Spain, 17-21 January 2000)

37. The Seminar was organized by the CIHEAM-IAMZ and the FAO Fisheries Department. It was attended by 51 experts from 14 countries.

38. This TECAM seminar, was the first activity organized by CIHEAM-IAMZ in the field of Aquaculture and the Environment. It was organized with the aim of reviewing the key methodologies for assessing and modelling the environmental impact of Mediterranean marine aquaculture, and to address new approaches in techniques and monitoring strategies affecting both large-scale (sustainable production capacity in a given coastal area) and small-scale management (sustainability of specific projects). The seminar counted on reviews and technical papers, case studies and open discussion that were divided into six sessions, namely: (i) introduction; (ii) environmental framework related to fish farming; (iii) farming issues related to the environment; (iv) survey and monitoring; (v) practical experiences, and (vi) new developments. A proceedings publication was under preparation.

Technical surveys

TECAM Survey on Mediterranean Marine Aquaculture Finfish Species Diversification

39. This survey was the result of an initiative proposed in the TECAM Workshop on Diversification held in Cyprus in June 1995. It intended to promote better cooperation and communication between researchers working in this field. The results of this survey were published during 1999 in the CIHEAM journal, Options M�diterran�ennes. The publication started with an introductory paper on the problems involved in species diversification. It then explained the survey and its results, provided a summary of the biological characteristics and culture information for each new species, and concluded with a directory of Mediterranean Institutions and companies working in this field, including experts and research and development topics.

TECAM Survey on Mediterranean Marine Hatcheries Management and Capabilities and Needs on Genetics and Breeding Programmes

40. This survey was the result of an initiative proposed during the TECAM Seminar on Genetics and Breeding in Mediterranean Aquaculture Species (Zaragoza, Spain, April 1997). The survey aimed to identify the main and most common technical constraints that may influence the establishment of genetic improvement programmes. A questionnaire prepared with the collaboration of an ad hoc group was distributed to more than 80 marine hatcheries from different Mediterranean countries. A report had been drafted presenting the analysis of the 26 replies to the questionnaire that were received. This study opened the door to defining alternatives for a better management and for the establishment of breeding programmes of aquaculture production units in the Mediterranean. The technical constraints and elements identified in the survey would be taken into consideration for the organization of a TECAM Workshop on Breeding Techniques for Mediterranean Hatcheries in the future.

TECAM Survey on Mediterranean Aquaculture Groups Working on Aquaculture Nutrition and Feeding

41. The purpose of this survey was to gather information about experts and groups and their respective research and development projects on aquaculture nutrition and feeding in the Mediterranean. The survey formed part of a shared objective between the TECAM and SIPAM networks, for specialized experts and subject matter databases. Thus, the information which had been obtained in this survey, and that was now being included in an Access database would be distributed soon not only to all persons participating in the different surveys but also to SIPAM for its incorporation in their databases.

SELAM survey on aquaculture marketing

42. A questionnaire was prepared and collaboration in this respect with the "EU-Concerted Action on Methodology for seafood market studies with the aim of introducing new aquaculture products" was being discussed.

TECAM survey on Mediterranean aquaculture diagnostic laboratories

43. Contacts with the European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP) have been established in order to obtain their assistance for this study. A questionnaire was also under preparation.

44. The last two surveys mentioned above are thus proposed for the next work period of the TECAM & SELAM Networks.

Publications (1996-2000) of the TECAM and SELAM Networks

Marketing of aquaculture products (1996). Proceedings of the Seminar of the SELAM Network of the CIHEAM held in Thessaloniki (Greece), from 11 to 13 October 1995. Options M�diterran�ennes, S�rie Cahiers, Vol. 17. Zaragoza: CIHEAM/IMBC, 245 p.

Feeding tomorrow's fish (1997). Proceedings of the Workshop of the TECAM Network of the CIHEAM held in Mazarr�n (Spain), from 24 to 26 June 1996. Options M�diterran�ennes, S�rie Cahiers. Vol 22. Zaragoza: CIHEAM / FAO / IEO, 307 p.

Genetics and breeding of Mediterranean aquaculture species (1998). Proceedings of the Seminar of the TECAM Network of the CIHEAM held in Zaragoza (Spain), on 28 and 29 April 1997. Options M�diterran�ennes, S�rie Cahiers. Vol 34. Zaragoza: CIHEAM / FAO, 296 p.

Marine finfish species diversification: Current situation and prospects in Mediterranean aquaculture (1999). Results of the Survey of Finfish Diversification in the Meditteranean carried out within the framework of the CIHEAM Network on Technology of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (TECAM). Options M�diterran�ennes, S�rie B. Vol 24. Zaragoza: CIHEAM / FAO, 139 p.

Feed manufacturing in the Mediterranean region (1999). Proceedings of the II Conference of Feed Manufacturers of the Mediterranean, organized by ASFAC, with the collaboration of IRTA, CESFAC, CIHEAM, Patronat Catal� Pro Europa, Veterindustria and Fira de Reus, and sponsored by Port de Tarragona. Including the Proceedings of the Workshop of the CIHEAM Network of Technology of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (TECAM) on Aquaculture Feed Manufacturing Practice within the Mediterranean Region, jointly organized with FAO. Options M�diterran�ennes, S�rie Cahiers. Vol 37. Zaragoza: CIHEAM/ASFAC, 411 p.

Aquaculture planning in Mediterranean countries (1999). Proceedings of the Workshop of the SELAM Network of the CIHEAM held in Tangier (Morocco), on 12 to 14 March 1998. Options M�diterran�ennes, S�rie Cahiers. Vol 43. CIHEAM/ FAO/INRH, 188 p.

Mediterranean offshore mariculture. Based on the contents of the advanced course of the CIHEAM Network TECAM, Zaragoza, Spain, 20-24 October 1997. Eds Muir, J. and Basurco, B. Options M�diterran�ennes, Series A. In preparation.

Recent advances in Mediterranean aquaculture finfish species diversification. Proceedings of the seminar of the CIHEAM Network TECAM, Zaragoza, Spain, 24-28 May 1999. Options M�diterran�ennes, Series Cahiers. Zaragoza: CIHEAM/FAO. In preparation.

Global quality assesment in Mediterranean aquaculture. Proceedings of the Workshop of the TECAM and SELAM Networks of the CIHEAM held in Barcelona (Spain), from 29 November to 1 December May 1999. Options M�diterran�ennes, S�rie Cahiers, Zaragoza: CIHEAM/FAO/Generalitat de Catalunya. In preparation.

Environmental impact assessment in Mediterranean aquaculture farms. Proceedings of the Seminar of the TECAM Network of the CIHEAM held in Zaragoza (Spain), from 17 to 21 January 2000. Options M�diterran�ennes, S�rie Cahiers, Zaragoza: CIHEAM/FAO. In preparation.


45. The Committee is requested to discuss the programme of work carried out in the intersessional period 1996-2000 by the Networks linked to the GFCM Committee on Aquaculture.