PC 84/8



Rome, 25 - 29 September 2000

Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations


1. As is now standing practice, this Progress Report is submitted in tabular format. The table provides a status report on Programme Committee items for which specific follow-up action was requested by the Committee, or jointly with the Finance Committee.

2. The Committee is invited to note this Progress Report.



Schedule of the Programme Committee and Joint Meeting Recommendations and Status
of Follow-up Action




CL 119/8
para. 19
Medium Term Plan 2002-2007

The Committees felt it would be useful to have briefings of Permanent Representatives, preferably before the September 2000 Programme and Finance Committee sessions, on the preparation of the document.

The briefing was held in the week-commencing 11 September, 2000.
CL 117/3
para. 62
The Thematic Evaluation of the APO Scheme

The Committee requested this report be submitted as information at its Eighty-third Session.

This paper (PC 84/ 5) will be presented to the Eighty-fourth Session of the Programme Committee.
CL 119/10
para. 34
Programme Evaluation of Food and Agricultural Policy

The Committee recommended that this programme evaluation together with the Committee’s comments be proposed to the Bureaux of the CCP and CFS for inclusion on the agenda of their next sessions.

Information papers have been included in the List of Documents for the forthcoming CFS and CCP sessions.
CL 119/10
para. 37
Synthesis of Recent Field Project Evaluations

The Committee requested that progress made in updating guidelines regarding project formulation and design, further training of FAO staff and the strengthening of existing project proposal review mechanisms, be reported to the Committee at its May 2001 session.

A progress report on follow-up actions taken will be submitted to the May 2001 session.
CL 119/10
para. 22
Review of Programmes

In connection with its review of Major Programme 3.3, Field Operations, the Committee suggested that multi-donor meetings and briefings be organized in order to increase the synergies among both traditional and new donors, and enhance their interest in supporting FAO’s agricultural development projects.

Multi-donor meetings are currently being organised for emergency operations. However, at these meetings attention is being drawn to the recovery, rehabilitation and longer term development needs in order to garner support. As of 2001 regular multi-donor briefings are foreseen specifically for long-term development activities.
CL 119/8
para. 19
Medium Term Plan 2002-2007

The Committees felt it would be useful to have briefings of Permanent Representatives, preferably before the September 2000 Programme and Finance Committee sessions, on the preparation of the document.

The briefing was held in the week-commencing 11 September, 2000.
CL 117/3
para. 62
The Thematic Evaluation of the APO Scheme

The Committee requested this report be submitted as information at its Eighty-third Session.

This paper (PC 84/ 5) will be presented to the Eighty-fourth Session of the Programme Committee.
CL 119/10
para. 34
Programme Evaluation of Food and Agricultural Policy

The Committee recommended that this programme evaluation together with the Committee’s comments be proposed to the Bureaux of the CCP and CFS for inclusion on the agenda of their next sessions.

Information papers have been included in the List of Documents for the forthcoming CFS and CCP sessions.
CL 119/10
para. 37
Synthesis of Recent Field Project Evaluations

The Committee requested that progress made in updating guidelines regarding project formulation and design, further training of FAO staff and the strengthening of existing project proposal review mechanisms, be reported to the Committee at its May 2001 session.

A progress report on follow-up actions taken will be submitted to the May 2001 session.
CL 119/10
para. 22
Review of Programmes

In connection with its review of Major Programme 3.3, Field Operations, the Committee suggested that multi-donor meetings and briefings be organized in order to increase the synergies among both traditional and new donors, and enhance their interest in supporting FAO’s agricultural development projects.

Multi-donor meetings are currently being organised for emergency operations. However, at these meetings attention is being drawn to the recovery, rehabilitation and longer term development needs in order to garner support. As of 2001 regular multi-donor briefings are foreseen specifically for long-term development activities.
CL 116/4
para. 30,

CL 117/2 para. 33 and

CL 119/8
para. 15

Savings and Efficiencies in Governance

The Committees requested the Secretariat to prepare for presentation to the November 2000 Council Session a document explaining the implications of setting aside half a day as early as possible in the Conference for Ministers to discuss a subject of common interest, in place of the General Debate in Plenary on that day only. It was suggested that the experience of the Regional Conferences be taken into account.

A paper (JM 2000/4) will be presented to the Joint Meeting of the Eighty-fourth Session of the Programme Committee and the Ninety-fifth Session of the Finance Committee.
CL 119/8
para. 24
FAO’s New Financial Systems and Procedures

Following on from the Working Paper presented to the May session of the Joint Meeting, the Committees requested that the Secretariat:

  • prepare a submission for the September 2000 Session providing further information on the nature and extent of work to be done, as well as cost, timescale and possible sources of funding to resolve outstanding problems of the project; and
  • appeal for voluntary contributions before September 2000.
A paper (JM 2000/3) will be presented to the Joint Meeting of the Eighty-fourth Session of the Programme Committee and the Ninety-fifth Session of the Finance Committee.

Letters from the Director-General appealing for voluntary contributions have been despatched.