FC 95/17

Finance Committee

Ninety-fifth Session

Rome, 25 - 29 September 2000

Changes in Staff Regulations - Reformatting for Intranet


1. In line with the goals of streamlining and simplifying administrative issuances of the Organization and making best use of modern technology, Personnel Division intends to make the FAO Administrative Manual available on the Intranet. In order to facilitate this process, a word-processing template has been created in order to standardize paragraph numbering and formatting.

2. In the first instance Manual Section 301, Staff Regulations, which will be posted on the Intranet. Although the actual text will not be affected by the use of this template, the paragraph numbering will no longer reflect the current version of the Staff Regulations. Although minor, the changes require approval by the FAO Council.

3. Cross-references to the Staff Regulations elsewhere in the FAO Manual will be updated by "ink amendment" until such time as those sections are also placed on the Intranet. This will permit users to overcome any difficulties during the transition period. The Committee is invited to review the proposal, under the terms of Rule XXVII.7(a) of the General Rules of the Organization, and submit it to the Council for approval.


SECTION: 301  -  STAFF REGULATIONS Date: 1 March 2000



XI - APPEALS 301.11


301.0 Scope and purpose

The Staff Regulations embody the fundamental conditions of service and the basic rights, duties and obligations of the staff members of the Food and Agriculture Organization. They represent the broad principles and personnel policy for the staffing and administration of the Organization. The Director-General, as the Chief Administrative Officer, shall provide and enforce such Staff Rules consistent with these principles as he considers necessary.


301.1 Duties, obligations and privileges

301.1.1 The staff members of the Organization are international civil servants. Their responsibilities are not national but exclusively international. By accepting appointment, they pledge themselves to discharge their functions and to regulate their conduct with the interests of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations only in view.
301.1.2 Staff members are subject to the authority of the Director-General, who may assign them to any of the activities or offices of the Organization, and to whom they are responsible in the exercise of their functions.
.1.21 The whole time of staff members shall be at the disposal of the Director-General.
.1.22 The Director-General shall establish a normal working week.
301.1.3 In the performance of their duties staff members shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any government or from any other authority external to the Organization.
301.1.4 Staff members shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their status as international civil servants. They shall not engage in any activity that is incompatible with the proper discharge of their duties with the Organization. They shall avoid any action and, in particular, any kind of public pronouncement which may adversely reflect on their status. While they are not expected to give up their national sentiments or their political and religious convictions, they shall at all times bear in mind the reserve and tact incumbent upon them by reason of their international status.
301.1.5 Staff members shall exercise the utmost discretion in all matters of official business. They shall not communicate to any person any information known to them by reason of their official position which has not been made public, except in the course of their duties or by authorization of the Director-General. Nor shall they at any time use such information to private advantage. These obligations do not cease upon separation from the Organization.
301.1.6 No staff member shall accept any honour, decoration, favour, gift, or remuneration from any government excepting for war service; nor shall a staff member accept any honour, decoration, favour, gift, or remuneration from any source external to the Organization, without first obtaining the approval of the Director-General. Approval shall be granted only in exceptional cases and where such acceptance is not incompatible with the terms of Staff Regulations 301.1.2 and 301.1.21 and with the individual's status as an international civil servant.
301.1.7 Any staff member who becomes a candidate for a public office of a political character shall resign from the Organization.
301.1.8 Staff members are granted the privileges and immunities referred to in Article VIII of the Constitution and in the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, insofar as this convention has been ratified by the governments concerned. These privileges and immunities are conferred in the interests of the Organization. They furnish no excuse to the staff members who enjoy them for non-performance of their private obligations or failure to observe laws and police regulations. In any case where these privileges and immunities arise, the staff member shall immediately report to the Director-General, with whom alone it rests to decide whether they shall be waived.
301.1.9 Staff members shall subscribe to the following oath or declaration:

     "I solemnly swear (undertake, promise) to exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me as an international civil servant of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; to discharge these functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the Organization only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my duties from any government or other authority external to the Organization."

.1.91 The oath or declaration shall be made orally by the Director-General at a public meeting of the Conference, by the Deputy Director-General at a public meeting of the Council, and by all other staff members of the Organization before the Director-General or his authorized representative.


301.2   Classification of posts and staff

301.2.1 In conformity with the principles laid down by the Conference and the Council, the Director-General shall make appropriate provisions for the classification of posts and staff according to the nature of the duties and responsibilities required.


301.3 Salaries and related allowances

301.3.1 Salaries of staff members shall be fixed by the Director-General in accordance with the provisions of Annex I to these Regulations.
.3.11  The net salary of staff members in the Professional and higher categories with dependants shall be differentiated from that of those without dependants by means of different rates of staff assessment, as set out in the FAO Manual.
301.3.2 The Director-General shall establish a scheme for the payment of dependency allowances to full-time staff members who hold an appointment for one year or more.
.3.21  For the Professional and higher categories dependency allowances shall be as follows:
  1. or each dependent child, other than a disabled child, US$ 1,730 per annum except as under (iii) below;

  2. for a dependent child declared to be physically or mentally disabled, either permanently or for a period expected to be of a long duration, an allowance of US$ 3,460 shall be paid except as under (iii) below;

  3. where there is no dependent spouse, no allowance shall be paid for the first dependent child in respect of whom the dependency rate of staff assessment is applicable, except if the first dependent child is disabled, in which case an allowance of US$ 1,730 per annum shall be paid;

  4. where there is no dependent spouse, a single allowance for one of the following secondary dependents: father, mother, brother or sister, of US$ 619 per annum.
The amount of these allowances, if paid in the currency of the country of the duty station, shall be as set out in the FAO Manual.
.3.22  If both husband and wife are staff members, only one may claim for dependent children, the first staff member, for the first child, under Staff Regulation 301.3.11, and other children under Staff Regulation 301.3.21(i); in which case the other staff member may claim only under Staff Regulation 301.3.21(iv) for secondary dependants, if so entitled.
.3.23  Staff members in the General Service category shall be entitled to receive dependency allowances at rates and under conditions established by the Director-General, due regard being given to the circumstances in the locality in which the office is located.
.3.24  With a view to avoiding duplication of benefits and in order to achieve equity between staff members who receive dependency benefits from any source external to the Organization and those who do not receive such dependency benefits, the Director-General shall prescribe conditions under which the dependency allowance for a child shall be payable only to the extent that the dependency benefits enjoyed by the staff member or the staff member's spouse amount to less than such a dependency allowance.
301.3.3 Education grant.
.3.31  Subject to a maximum amount established by the Council, the Director-General shall also establish terms and conditions under which an education grant shall be available to:
  1. staff members serving outside their recognized home country, whose dependent children are in full-time attendance at a school, university or similar institution;

  2. staff members reassigned to their recognized home country for a further period of service following an assignment of one year or more of expatriate service, whose dependent children are in full-time attendance at school, university or similar institution;

  3. any staff member, whether expatriate or not, whose dependent children are unable by reason of physical or mental disability to attend a normal educational institution and therefore require special teaching or training to prepare them for full integration into society or, while attending a normal educational institution, require special teaching or training to assist them in overcoming the disability.
In applying the scale of reimbursement approved for the education grant, if expenses incurred by a staff member are in a currency other than the US dollar, the rate of exchange used, or amount paid, shall be as set out in the FAO Manual.
.3.32  Eligibility for the grant under Staff Regulation 301.3.31(a) and 301.3.31(b) shall begin with the child's fifth birthday and shall continue until the end of the fourth year of post-secondary studies or the award of the first recognized degree, whichever is the earlier.
.3.33  Eligibility for the grant under Staff Regulation 301.3.31(b) shall continue for the balance of the scholastic year in course, not exceeding one full scholastic year, after return from expatriate service.
.3.34  Eligibility for the grant under Staff Regulation 301.3.31(c) shall begin from the date on which the special teaching or training is required up to the end of the year in which the child reaches the age of 25 years. In exceptional cases the Director-General may extend the age limit to 28.
.3.35  Education travel.
  1. In accordance with the conditions prescribed by the Director-General, travel costs of the child may also be paid for an outward and return journey once in each scholastic year by a route approved by the Director-General between the educational institution and the staff member's duty station or, where this is justified by exceptional circumstances, another point approved by the Director-General provided that the amount paid by the Organization does not exceed the cost of an outward and return journey between the staff member's home country and the duty station.

  2. However, in the case of staff members serving at designated duty stations as set forth in the FAO Manual, such travel cost may be paid twice in the year in which the staff member is not entitled to home leave.

  3. Travel expenses under (i) above for a child for whom an education grant under Staff Regulation 301.3.31(c) is payable and who has to be placed in an educational institution away from the duty station may be reimbursed up to the cost of two trips per annum between the educational institution and the staff member's duty station. Within the limit of the said cost, the Director-General, may authorize reimbursement of trips between the educational institution and another point. In very exceptional circumstances, the Director-General may also authorize the reimbursement of travel expenses for a person accompanying a disabled child.
301.3.4 The Director-General may decide in each case whether the dependency allowance or the education grant shall extend to adopted children or step-children.


301.4  Appointment and promotion

301.4.1 As stated in Article VIII of the Constitution and in Rule XXXIX(1) of the General Rules of the Organization, the power of appointment of staff members rests with the Director-General. Upon appointment, each staff member shall receive a letter of appointment in accordance with the provisions of Annex II to these Regulations and signed by the Director-General or by an official in the name of the Director-General.
301.4.2 The paramount consideration in the appointment, transfer, or promotion of the staff shall be the necessity for securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity. Due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.
301.4.3 Selection and compensation of staff members shall be made without distinction as to race, sex or religion. So far as practicable, selection shall be made on a competitive basis.
301.4.4 Subject to the provisions of Rule XXXIX(2) of the General Rules of the Organization, and without prejudice to the recruitment of fresh talent at all levels, the fullest regard shall be had, in filling vacancies, to the requisite qualifications and experience of persons already in the service of the Organization. This consideration shall also apply on a reciprocal basis to the United Nations and to the specialized agencies brought into relationship with the Organization.
301.4.5 Subject to this Staff Regulation, staff members shall be granted continuing or fixed-term appointments, under such terms and conditions consistent with these Regulations as the Director-General may prescribe. All appointments may include a probationary period which shall not exceed 18 months. Staff members of the World Food Programme may also be granted indefinite appointments.
301.4.6 Assistant Directors-General shall receive fixed-term appointments for periods not to exceed five years, subject to prolongation or renewal. If a staff member holding another type of appointment, or a fixed-term appointment with an unexpired term of more than five years, accepts a post with the rank of Assistant Director-General, the appointment status or fixed-term appointment shall be modified, as a condition of acceptance in order to be consistent with this provision.
301.4.7 The Director-General shall establish appropriate medical standards which staff members shall be required to meet before appointment.


301.5  Annual and special leave

301.5.1 Staff members shall be allowed appropriate annual leave.
301.5.2 Special leave may be authorized by the Director-General in exceptional cases.
301.5.3 Eligible staff members shall be granted home leave once in every two years. Staff members whose home country is the country of their duty station or who continue to reside in the home country while performing their official duties shall not be eligible for home leave.


301.6 Social security

301.6.1 Provision shall be made for the participation of staff members in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund in accordance with the Regulations of that Fund.
301.6.2 The Director-General shall establish a scheme of social security for the staff, including provisions for health protection, sick leave, and maternity leave, and reasonable compensation in the event of illness, accident or death attributable to the performance of official duties on behalf of the Organization.


301.7  Travel and removal expenses

301.7.1 Subject to the conditions and definitions prescribed by the Director-General, the Organization shall, in appropriate cases, pay the travel expenses of staff members, their spouses and dependent children.
301.7.2 Subject to conditions and definitions prescribed by the Director-General, the Organization shall pay removal costs for staff members.
301.7.3 The Director-General may withhold, in full or in part, any payment of travel or related expenses for a staff member's immediate family provided for under the provisions of the FAO Manual, if a payment for the same purpose is received for the family from a source external to the Organization.


301.8  Staff relations

301.8.1 In accordance with the principle that the staff has the right to organize for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting its interests, one or more representative staff bodies recognized by the Director-General shall maintain continuous contact and negotiate with the Director-General with respect to the terms and conditions of employment of the staff and general staff welfare.
.8.11  Negotiations between recognized staff representative bodies and the Director-General shall be subject to the understanding that the Director-General will retain, under the provisions governing his constitutional responsibility, the right of final determination in matters within his authority.
.8.12  In negotiations with such staff bodies, the Director-General shall not be committed to any final decision whenever such decision rests with the governing bodies of the Organization or would deviate from the common system of the United Nations; in such cases, the Director-General shall strive for agreed positions to be forwarded to the competent organs of the Organization or of the common system.
.8.13  Recognized staff representative bodies shall not have the right to engage in "negotiations" with any of the governing bodies but the Council may, in exceptional circumstances, grant them access to the Council meetings to present their views, provided their application for such access is endorsed by the Director-General.
301.8.2 The Director-General, in deciding whether to recognize any group as a representative staff body, will take into account whether:
  1. such body represents a sufficiently large number of staff members or a sufficiently distinct group of staff; and

  2. the statutes and declared aims of such body are consistent with the constitutional objectives of the Organization.
301.8.3 The Director-General may, in agreement with recognized staff bodies, establish joint administrative machinery with staff participation to advise him regarding personnel policies and general questions of staff welfare and to make to him such proposals as it may desire for amendment of the Staff Regulations and Rules.


301.9  Separation from service

301.9.1 The Director-General may terminate the appointment of a staff member who holds a continuing appointment (i) if the necessities of the service require abolition of the post or reduction of staff, or (ii) whose services prove unsatisfactory, or (iii) who is, for reasons of health, incapacitated for further service.
.9.11  The Director-General may also, in exceptional circumstances, terminate the appointment of a staff member who holds a continuing or a fixed-term appointment if such action would be in the interest of the good administration of the Organization and in accordance with the standards of the FAO Constitution, provided that the action is not contested by the staff member concerned.
.9.12  The Director-General may terminate the appointment of a staff member with a fixed-term appointment prior to the expiration date for any of the reasons specified in Staff Regulation 301.9.1, or for such other reasons as may be specified in the letter of appointment.
.9.13  In the case of staff members serving a probationary period or holding any other type of appointment not referred to in Staff Regulations 301.9.1 and 301.9.12, the Director-General may at any time terminate the appointment on finding that such action would be in the interests of the Organization.
.9.14  The Director-General may, on the advice of the Organization's Medical Officer, terminate the appointment of a staff member who holds a continuing, fixed-term or, in the case of the World Food Programme, indefinite appointment, on finding that the staff member is unable to perform assigned duties because of physical or mental limitations, and that although the staff member would be qualified and suitable for another post in the Organization, no such post is vacant.
301.9.2 Staff members may resign from the Organization upon giving the Director-General the notice required under the terms of their appointment.
301.9.3 If the Director-General terminates an appointment the staff member shall be given such notice as may be applicable under the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules. Payment of termination indemnity shall be made by the Director-General in accordance with the rates specified in Annex III to these Regulations.
301.9.4 The Director-General shall establish a scheme for the payment of repatriation grants within the maximum rates and under conditions specified in Annex IV to these Regulations.
301.9. Staff members may not be retained in active service beyond the age of 62 years, unless the Director-General, in the interests of the Organization, extends this age limit in exceptional cases. Normally, such extension will be one year at a time. Staff members, except those whose participation in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund commences or recommences on or after 1 January 1990, may, however, elect to retire at the age of 60 years.


301.10   Disciplinary measures

301.10.1 The Director-General may establish an administrative machinery with staff participation which will be available to advise him in disciplinary cases.
301.10.2 The Director-General may impose disciplinary measures on staff members whose conduct is unsatisfactory, and may summarily dismiss a member of the staff for serious misconduct.
301.10.3 Staff members whose appointments are terminated by the Organization, or who are demoted or suspended, shall be entitled to a written statement of cause at the time notice is given, and an opportunity to reply in writing.


301.11  Appeals

301.11.1 The Director-General shall establish a Committee within the Organization to advise him in cases of appeal by individual staff members regarding a grievance arising out of disciplinary action or arising out of an administrative decision which staff members allege to be in conflict, either in substance or in form, with the terms of their appointment or with any pertinent Staff Regulation, Staff Rule or administrative directive. At the request of the staff member, the Director-General may render a final decision without recourse being made to the said Committee. The Committee shall consist of two members and five alternate members nominated by the Director-General, two members and five alternate members elected by the staff as a whole, and an independent Chairman appointed by the Council. The Council shall appoint two alternate Chairmen to serve when the Chairman is unavailable; if the Chairman and alternate Chairmen are unavailable, the remainder of the Committee may select an ad hoc Chairman, who shall not be a staff member.
301.11.2 The International Labour Organisation Administrative Tribunal shall, under conditions prescribed in its Statute (except for cases dealt with by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal under Staff Regulation 301.11.3), hear and pass judgement upon applications from staff members alleging non-observance of their terms and conditions of appointment, including all pertinent Regulations and Rules.
301.11.3 The United Nations Administrative Tribunal shall, under conditions prescribed in its Statute, hear and pass judgement upon applications from staff members of the Organization alleging non-observance of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, in which staff members of the Organization participate in accordance with Staff Regulation 301.6.1.


301.12  General provisions

301.12.1 These Regulations, which first became effective 1 July 1952, shall be applicable to all staff members. They may be supplemented or amended by the Conference or Council, without prejudice to the acquired rights of staff members. Such modifications, as well as any Rules issued by the Director-General within the framework of the foregoing Regulations, shall apply to all staff members.
301.12.2 The application of, and all amendments to, these Staff Regulations and any Rules issued thereunder, shall be in conformity with the relevant decisions of the International Civil Service Commission. As provided in Rule XXXIX(3) of the General Rules of the Organization, the Director-General shall have authority to amend the Staff Regulations as may be required to give effect to such decisions. The Director-General may also amend the Staff Regulations to give effect to recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission which have been approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations and relate to the salaries and allowances of the staff in the professional and higher categories.



301.13  Salary scales and related provisions

301.13.1 Professional and higher categories. Except as provided in Staff Regulation 301.13.6 the salary scales for staff members in the Professional and higher categories shall be as published in this Annex (subject to post adjustments wherever applied):

S A L A R Y S C H E D U L E (in US dollars)
(Effective 1 March 2000 - annual amounts in US dollars)

Grade Gross

Net D & S 2/

S T E P S 1/

P-1 Gross 38988 40363 41735 43108 44479 45851 47226 48599 49969 51343  
Net D 31071 32061 33049 34038 35025 36013 37003 37991 38978 39967  
Net S 29310 30221 31131 32043 32953 33863 34775 35674 36568 37465  
P-2 Gross 50349 51779 53206 54635 56063 57490 58919 60377 61938 63495 65052 66612  
Net D 39251 40281 41308 42337 43365 44393 45422 46449 47479 48507 49534 50564  
Net S 36815 37749 38680 39612 40543 41477 42424 43368 44317 45263 46208 47155   
P-3 Gross 61730 63473 65217 66956 68700 70441 72182 73926 75668 77411 79153 80894 82636 84377 86121
Net D 47342 48492 49643 50791 51942 53091 54240 55391 56541 57691 58841 59990 61140 62289 63440
Net S 44191 45248 46307 47364 48422 49479 50536 51594 52650 53708 54762 55816 56870 57923 58977
P-4 Gross 75424 77282 79135 80986 82844 84697 86552 88406 90279 92252 94224 96202 98174 100148 102124
Net D 56380 57606 58829 60051 61277 62500 63724 64948 66173 67396 68619 69845 71068 72292 73517
Net S 52503 53629 54751 55872 56996 58116 59238 60360 61481 62603 63701 64778 65852 66926 68002
P-5 Gross 91215 93239 95265 97289 99313 101335 103361 105385 107408 109434 111458 113481 115505  
Net D 66753 68008 69264 70519 71774 73028 74284 75539 76793 78049 79304 80558 81813  
Net S 62014 63164 64267 65370 66471 67572 68674 69776 70878 71980 73082 74183 75262  
D-1 Gross 103763 106000 108239 110471 112710 114947 117185 119423 121658  
Net D 74533 75920 77308 78692 80080 81467 82855 84242 85628  
Net S 68893 70112 71329 72545 73763 74972 76135 77297 78459  
D-2 Gross 117550






Net D 83081 84702 86322 87941 89561 91181  
Net S 76325 77683 79041 80398 81756 83113  
ADG Gross 143674  
Net D 99278  
Net S 89899   

1/ Incremental steps within each grade are granted on an annual basis. Step XII of P-2, steps XIV - XV of P-3, steps XIII - XV of P-4, steps XI - XIII of P-5, steps V - IX of D-1 and steps II - VI of D-2 are preceded by two years at the previous step before an increment is granted.

2/ Gross = "gross" rates, which are subject to assessment under the Staff Assessment Plan. Net = "net" rates, which are payable after assessment under the Staff Assessment Plan. D = Staff member with a dependent spouse or child. S = Staff member with no dependent spouse or child.


301.13.2 Increments. Salary increments within the levels set forth in Staff Regulation 301.13.1 shall be awarded on the basis of satisfactory service.
301.13.3 Post adjustments. In order to preserve equivalent standards of living at different duty stations, the Director-General shall adjust the basic salary rates provided in Staff Regulation 301.13.1 by the application of non-pensionable post adjustments, the amount of which shall be determined by the International Civil Service Commission on the basis of relative costs of living, standards of living, and related factors at the duty station concerned.
301.13.4 General Service category. The Director-General shall fix the salary scales for staff members in the General Service category, normally on the basis of the best prevailing conditions of employment in the locality of the FAO office concerned, provided that the Director-General may, where he deems it appropriate, establish rules and salary limits for payment of a non-resident's allowance to General Service staff members recruited from outside the local area.
301.13.5 Language allowance. The Director-General shall establish rules under which a language allowance may be paid to General Service staff members who pass an appropriate test and demonstrate continued proficiency in the use of two or more approved languages.
301.13.6 Other personnel. The Director-General shall determine the salary rates and the terms and conditions of employment applicable to personnel specially engaged for conference and other short-term service or for service with a mission, to associate professional officers, to part-time personnel, to consultants, to field project personnel, to national professional officers and to personnel locally recruited for service in established offices away from Headquarters.




301.14   Letters of appointment

301.14.1 The letter of appointment shall state:
.14.11  that the appointment is subject to the provisions of the Staff Regulations and of the Staff Rules applicable to the category of appointment in question, and to changes which may be duly made in such Regulations and Rules from time to time;
.14.12  the nature of the appointment;
.14.13  the date at which the staff member is required to report for duty;
.14.14  the period of appointment, the notice required to terminate it and the period of probation, if any;
.14.15  the category, grade, commencing rate of salary and, if increments are allowable, the scale of increments and the maximum attainable;
.14.16  any special conditions which may be applicable.
301.14.2 A copy of the Staff Regulations and of the Staff Rules shall be transmitted to the staff member with the letter of appointment. In accepting appointment the staff member shall acknowledge having been made acquainted with, and confirm acceptance of, the conditions laid down in the Staff Regulations.




301.15  Termination indemnity

  Staff members whose appointments are terminated shall be paid an indemnity in accordance with the following provisions:
  301.15.1 Except as provided in Staff Regulations 301.15.6 and 301.15.7, the published schedule in this Annex shall apply to staff members whose appointments are terminated upon abolition of post, reduction of staff, or in the interest of the good administration of the Organization:


Completed years of service with the Organization Months of pay as defined in Staff Regulation 301.15.5
Continuing Appointments

Indefinite Appointments (WFP only)

Fixed-term Appointments
Less than 1
15 or more

) one week for each month of
) uncompleted service, subject
) to a minimum of six weeks
) and a maximum of three
) months pay


301.15.2 Payment of a termination indemnity to a staff member terminated under Staff Regulation 301.9.11 of an amount not more than 50 per cent higher than that which would otherwise be payable under the existing Staff Regulations may be authorized where the circumstances warrant and the Director-General considers it justified.
301.15.3 A staff member whose appointment is terminated for reasons of health shall receive the termination indemnity set out in Staff Regulation 301.15.1 reduced by the amount of any disability benefit the staff member receives under the regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund for the months to which the indemnity corresponds.
301.15.4 If a staff member's appointment is terminated for unsatisfactory service or misconduct, other than by summary dismissal, payment of a termination indemnity to the staff member not exceeding one half of the amount set out in Staff Regulation 301.15.1 may be authorized at the Director-General's discretion.
301.15.5 The indemnity provided for in Staff Regulation 301.15.1 shall be calculated on the basis of net base salary.
301.15.6 Personnel specifically engaged for conference and other short-term service or for service with a mission, consultants, field project personnel, and personnel locally recruited for service in established offices away from Headquarters may be paid a termination indemnity if and as provided in their letters of appointment.
301.15.7 No termination indemnity shall be paid to:
.15.71  a staff member who resigns, except where termination notice has been given and the termination date agreed upon;
.15.72  a staff member whose fixed-term appointment is completed on the expiration date or terminated during the probationary period specified in the letter of appointment;
.15.73  a staff member who is summarily dismissed;
.15.74  a staff member who abandons his or her post;
.15.75  a staff member who retires under the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund Regulations.




301.16   Repatriation grant

301.16.1 In principle, the repatriation grant shall be payable to staff members whom the Organization is obligated to repatriate, and who take up residence in a country other than that of the last duty station. The repatriation grant shall not, however, be paid to a staff member who is summarily dismissed. Detailed conditions and definitions relating to eligibility shall be determined by the Director-General.
301.16.2 The amount of the grant shall be proportionate to the length of service with the Organization as laid down in the schedule below and shall be calculated on the basis of net base salary.


Completed years of service away from home country

Weeks of pay as defined in Staff Regulation 301.16.2

Staff member with neither a spouse nor dependent child at time of separation Staff member with a spouse or dependent child at time of separation
and higher categories
General Service
Professional and higher categories General Service category

12 or more