PC 84/INF/2

Programme Committee


Rome, 25 - 29 September 2000



Agenda item No. Document No

1. Provisional Agenda
    Provisional Timetable
    List of Documents
PC 84/1
PC 84/INF/1
PC 84/INF/2
2. Medium Term Plan 2002-07* CL 119/17
3. Programme Implementation Report 1998-99 C 2001/8
4. Review of Programmes** C 99/3; C 99/3 Corr.1 and 2;
C 99/4; C 99/8; C 97/9
5. Review of the FAO Associate Professional Officer Programme (1988-1997) PC 84/5
7. UN Joint Inspection Unit Reports
    - Private Sector Involvement with the United Nations system (JIU/REP/99/6) preceded by the Comments of the Director-General and of the ACC

CL 119/INF/13
    - Policies and Practicies in the Use of the Services of private Management Consulting Firms in the Organizations of the United Nations system (JIU/REP/99/7) preceded by the Comments of the Director-General CL 119/INF/14
8. Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations


PC 84/8


1. Provisional Agenda JM 2000/INF/2
3. FAO's Presence at Country Level JM 2000/2
4. FAO's New Financial System and Procedures JM 2000/3
5. Use of Arrears CL 119/19
6. Savings and Efficiencies in Governance:
    - Proposed Reform of the General Debate at Conference

JM 2000/4



* Also Item 2 of Agenda of Joint Meeting with the Finance Committee

** No new documentation has been issued in respect to this Agenda item. The documents listed under this item indicate background information which Members may find useful.