CL 119/16


Hundred and nineteenth Session

Rome, 20 - 25 November 2000



1. The Director-General wishes to inform the Council that he received a formal application for membership of the Organization from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, on 21 November 2000.

2. This application will be considered by the Conference at its Thirty-first Session in November  2001.

3. Pending a decision by the Conference on this application and pursuant to Rule XXV.11 of the General Rules of the Organization and paragraphs B-1, B-2 and B-5 of the "Statement of Principles relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations", the Council is requested to authorize the Director-General to invite the applicant country to participate, in an observer capacity, in appropriate Council meetings as well as regional and technical meetings of the Organization which may be of interest to it.

4. The Council may wish to note that, on 1st November 2000, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted, under Agenda item 19 "Admission of new Members to the United Nations", Resolution 55/12 admitting the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to membership of the United Nations.