Table 3 Possible indicators of successful national implementation for reporting on the

Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries


Code Article


Quantifiable Indicators

General Principles



  • Number of references to the Code in fisheries literature, press, and other media
  • Number of legislative systems modified
  • Number of regional and national meetings held concerning the Code
  • Evaluation of fisheries status (i.e. numbers of fisheries recovering, over-exploited or depleted)
  • Fish availability per caput

Fisheries Management


  • Number of national fisheries in which the Code has been used as a guide in:
    • deciding on fisheries management measures
    • determining fisheries legislation and regulations
    • making policy and institutional adjustments
  • Number of countries in which the Code has been discussed with, and its implications considered by, local government agencies, fishers, and the fishing industry
  • Number of countries in which open access has been curtailed and appropriate rights allocated to identified users
  • Number of countries in which management plans have been implemented for over 50 percent of their fisheries
  • Number of countries in which internationally acceptable methods are applied in more than 50 percent of fisheries for
    • stock assessment
    • economic and social valuations
    • sampling of fisheries catches
    • fishery-independent surveys of resource abundance
  • Number of countries in which potential fishing effort has been adjusted so as not to exceed an effort level consistent with the productivity of the resource
  • Decline in government subsidies to the fishing sector
  • Number of countries which have formal structures for consultation with interest groups
  • Number of countries with effective MCS programmes
  • Number of fisheries where the precautionary approach has been applied and adopted
  • Number of fisheries where negative trends in resource abundance have been stopped or reversed through application of responsible fisheries practices
  • Number of inland fisheries where criteria for sustainable enhanced fisheries have been developed and applied
  • Greater proportion of landings reported to species level in national reporting

Fishing Operations


  • Number of prosecutions for unauthorized fishing activities
  • Number of successful enforcement actions undertaken for unauthorized fishing activities
  • Number of vessels reporting by logbook
  • Number of foreign fishing vessels arrested for unauthorized fishing
  • Number of units and number of people employed in MCS
  • Number of certificates of competency issued to fishers and number of certificates of competency suspended or withdrawn
  • Number of vessels reporting catches on high seas or in other Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)
  • Number and size of vessels issued with safety certificates
  • Number of requests from Flag States for assistance with respect to non-compliance with international standards by fishing vessels
  • Amount of catch of non-target species
  • Number of fisheries with yearly estimates of total discard ratios
  • Number of prosecutions for destructive fishing practices
  • Number of areas closed to fishing to prevent environmental degradation

Aquaculture Development


  • Number of countries establishing appropriate legal and administrative frameworks for the development of responsible aquaculture
  • Number of aquaculture and inland fisheries (commercial and recreational) associations (including producers, traders, input suppliers, academia, etc.) adopting, assimilating, promoting and implementing Code principles
  • Number of national plans developed for ecologically sustainable aquaculture
  • Number of countries in which the Code has been adapted to local conditions
  • Number of measures that have been taken to avoid social conflict between the aquaculture and capture fisheries sectors
  • Number of cases where neighbouring countries have been consulted or regional agreements concluded and implemented when:
    • there was a risk of transmission of introduced species
    • there was a risk of contamination of waters in shared basins
    • there was a need to share information and build common data systems
  • Number of recognized procedures applied to minimize the harmful effects of introductions of non-native species and of pathogenic organisms
  • Number of cases where legislation has been passed that obliges fish farmers to dispose of wastes in an environmentally friendly manner
  • Number of instances where the quality and safety of aquaculture products has been ensured, as indicated by the number of implemented trade agreements
  • Increased proportion of aquaculture production reported by species
  • Extent of decrease in numbers of abandoned aquaculture facilities

Integration of Fisheries into Coastal Area and Basin Management


  • Number of effective policy, legal and institutional frameworks for integrated coastal and basin management in existence
  • Number of integrated consultative decision-making structures in operation in which users of the area are represented
  • Number of cases in which mechanisms exist to resolve intra-fisheries and inter-sectoral conflicts over use of resources
  • Number of bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements on basin and coastal area management (to include systems of notification on transboundary environmental effects among neighbouring countries)
  • Number of cases in which valuations have been made for coastal resources
  • Number of cases in which systems are in place and functioning to monitor physical, chemical, biological, economic and social parameters in basin or coastal areas, to facilitate responsible utilization and management

Post-harvest Practices and Trade

  • Number of effective national safety and quality assurance systems established and operational
  • Number of mutually recognized control and certification agencies
  • Public spending for fish technology research (US$ '000 per period)
  • Estimation of whether or not fish availability has increased due to:
    • reduction of losses through improvements in handling, processing or marketing
    • increased utilization of discards
    • increased use of fish for direct human consumption
  • Quantity or market share of fisheries products of which the origin can be identified easily
  • Frequency of participation in regional and multilateral fora relevant to international trade in fisheries products
  • Number of consultations with industry, environmental and consumer groups related to the development and implementation of laws and regulations relevant to trade in fisheries products
  • Number of provisions (laws, regulations, administrative procedures) relevant to international trade in fisheries products (in terms of total provisions, new provisions and old provisions abolished)
  • Frequency of dissemination and exchange of pertinent statistical information

Fisheries Research

  • Number of Working Parties established by ACFR and the quality of their reports
  • Level of donor support to core funding and programme activities of the Aquatic Resources Research Support Unit
  • Number of regional research networks and programmes established and the quality of the research output in terms of published papers
  • Increase of funding for fisheries research in selected countries with substantial fisheries interests, and increase in number of publications