CL 117/INF/15


Hundred and Seventeenth Session

Rome, 9-11 November 1999



1. General Assembly resolutions 50/227 and 52/203 (of 24 May 1996 and 18 December 1997, respectively) call upon the governing bodies of the funds and programmes of the United Nations to take decisions on their own funding arrangements and to adopt specific and achievable targets for core resources. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Resolution 1997/59 further calls on the Executive Boards of the United Nations funds and programmes to take decisions on their own funding arrangements in accordance with General Assembly Resolution 50/227. At present, the pledging targets for other United Nations funds and programmes are set, not by the General Assembly, but by the Executive Boards of the funds and programmes concerned, in conformity with the general wishes expressed by the General Assembly and ECOSOC.

2. Paragraph (a) of WFP General Rule XIII.1, foresaw that the WFP pledging target should be set from time to time by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the FAO Conference. In view of the above, the Executive Board of WFP approved, at its Third Regular Session of 1999, the amendment of paragraph (a) of General Rule XIII.1 to reflect the wishes of the General Assembly and the practice with respect to the other funds and programmes.

3. In accordance with the provisions contained in General Rule XV.1, amendments to the General Rules are to be approved by the Board and submitted for information to ECOSOC and the FAO Council. The amendment, therefore, is hereby submitted for the Council's information.

General Rule XIII.1: Contributions
Contributions may be:

(a) pledged at conferences convened jointly by the Secretary-General and the Director-General and shall aim at such target and for such pledging periods as may from time to time be set by the Board;

(b) announced during periodic resource consultations;

(c) committed on an ad hoc basis by donor governments and bilateral institutions;

(d) made in response to appeals;

(e) through other fund-raising activities, including in the private sector; and

(f) made in any other manner as may be determined by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the FAO Conference.