C 118/INF/1


Hundred and Eighteenth Session

Rome, 24 November 1999



CL 118/1 Provisional Agenda
CL 118/2 Provisional Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and other Main Sessions 2000-2001
CL 118/INF/Series
CL 118/INF/1 Provisional List of Documents
CL 118/INF/2 Membership of the WFP Executive Board
CL 118/LIM/ Series
CL 118/LIM/1 Election of Chairperson and Members of the Programme Committee
CL 118/LIM/1
- Corr.1
Corrigendum to CL 118/LIM/1
CL 118/LIM/2 Election of Chairperson and Members of the Finance Committee
CL 118/LIM/2
- Corr.1
Corrigendum to CL 118/LIM/2
CL 118/LIM/3 Election of Members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
CL 118/LIM/4 Election of six Members of the WFP Executive Board