


Twenty-sixth Session

Rome, 18-21 September 2000

Proposals for Thematic Issues to Be Considered at CFS/27


1. The Committee at its last session considered document CFS: 99/Inf.9 "Procedures for the Identification of Thematic Issues by the Committee on World Food Security" prepared by the Bureau. In line with the Bureau's proposals contained in the document, the Committee agreed that the procedures for the identification of thematic issues should be as follows: (i) the Bureau should meet in the first quarter of the year to identify possible themes, (ii) the possible themes should be circulated to member governments for information and reflection and (iii) the Bureau should then have a special meeting during the meeting of the CFS to review issues raised in the course of the meeting, complete the list of options for a thematic issue and prepare a recommendation to the CFS so that the members can make a decision on the last day of the meeting.

2. In line with procedures set out by the Committee, this document puts forward a list of thematic issues for the Committee's review and decision on the theme the Committee may wish to analyse in depth at its 27th session. The list provided is by no means exhaustive. It has been prepared taking into account the information provided in the reports on the implementation of Commitments One, Two, Five and Seven, received by the FAO secretariat, as well as the views of the regional conferences. On this basis, the themes identified attempt at improving knowledge on certain recommendations of the Plan of Action, on which adequate information could not be found in the reports received, or at examining certain issues that would be help prepare for the 2002 review by CFS of the "development centred" cluster of Commitments (i.e. Commitments Three, Four and Six). Another important consideration made in the identification of the issues is their relevance to almost all countries in addressing problems of food insecurity, low incomes and under-nutrition.

3. The Committee may wish to select one of the following themes for an in-depth analysis at its next session:

4. On the basis of the views of the members of the Committee on the proposed list of Thematic issues, the Bureau will during the session of CFS, hold a special meeting in order to prepare a recommendation to the CFS so that the Committee can make a decision on the last day of its meeting.