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The FAO/UNDP Ad hoc Consultation on Aid for Aquaculture Development held in La Toja (Pontevedra, Spain), 20-23 June 1978.1/ considered inter alia information requirements for rapid development of aquaculture, especially in developing countries. The Consultation concluded that a free exchange of information is of primary importance in the development of aquaculture, particularly since the major increases in production in the near future are expected to be achieved through transfer of technology. A unified comprehensive information gathering, processing and dissemination system would be necessary to meet the needs of aqua-culture development. The existing information systems of some relevance to aquaculture attempt only bibliographic coverage of aquaculture publications. But of greater significance to development would be unconventional types of information and data contained in unpublished documents and restricted reports which are not at present covered to any appreciable extent. It is necessary to organize the collection of such information on a decentralized basis and arrange for the processing of inputs from various sources for feedback of the total processed information to input stations for dissemination in appropriate forms. The meeting was not able to discuss the details of the information to be collected, but suggested that the assistance of a small group may be sought for this purpose.

1/ UNDP/FAO Aid for Aquaculture Development - Report of the FAO/UNDP Ad hoc Consultation on Aid for Aquaculture Development, La Toja (Pontevedra, Spain), 20-23 June 1978. ADCP/REP/78/4:30 p.

This meeting of a Group of aquaculturists and information specialists was convened as a follow-up of the La Toja Consultation, for the purpose of reviewing in detail the existing information systems and the types of conventional and unconventional information required for aquaculture development, with a view to formulating a coordinated programme of collection, processing and dissemination of aquaculture information.

The list of participants and the agenda adopted for the meeting are given in Annexures I and II, respectively. Mr. R.R. Freeman (U.S.A.) acted as the Chairman of the Group and Mr. R.A. Neal (U.S.A.) and Mr. R. Needham (FAO) as its rapporteurs.

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