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Suggestions for Completing Input Data Sheets

At first sight, completion of the Input Data Sheet may appear complicated; in reality it is not. It will soon become evident that this is a straightforward exercise provided the instructions are followed.

The Input Data Sheet is divided into a number of sections (chapters). Within each chapter, there are several data fields dealing with specific items of information (e.g., country name, water source, stocking rate, etc.). Data fields are sometimes divided into subfields where several options might be entered for the same item of information.

The instructions for completion of each chapter of the Input Data Sheet are given on pages 0.1-7.6. These instructions follow a similar pattern for each data field, and include:

- Data field number and heading.

- Type and size of data field: The type of data field is identified, namely "alphanumeric" (letters only, or combination of letters and numbers) and "numeric" (numbers only). For numeric fields, there are instructions on whether to use a whole number (integer), or the maximum number of decimal places allowed if decimal numbers are expected. Finally, the maximum number of spaces (characters/digits) available in the data field will be indicated. The same information is provided when data fields are divided into subfields.

- Instructions for completing the data field: These identify the specific information required to be entered into the data field, and where possible options and examples provided of the type of information needed.

- Examples: Where examples of completed data fields will clarify data entry procedures, these are given.

Some suggestions to assist in completing the Input Data Sheets include:

- Plan ahead before filling out Input Data Sheets. Review the material to be entered, deciding beforehand which information is relevant to the different chapters on the form. If some data appears to be missing or incomplete, check with the information source, author, etc., to determine its availability.

- Try to complete the form at one sitting, rather than working periodically over several days.

- Only record the data presented in source documents. Never give an interpretation of the data or roll-up information.

- In the event that units of measurement need to be changed or standardized, refer to the Table of Conversions and Abbreviations on page xi.

- Print information clearly in capital letters, preferably using a soft pencil.

- If extra copies of certain pages of the Input Data Sheet are required to complete data entry, make a photocopy of the page and staple it to the main form.

- Metric measurement units are preferred.

- Alphanumeric data fields may be filled in with letters, numbers or punctuation marks. English language should be used in all alphanumeric fields.

- Numeric data fields contain only numbers. When a decimal point is used it should occupy one space in the data field, and be inserted as a period ("."), not a comma.

- Round-off numbers when more figures are available than required. For example, if an integer is required, 10.2 becomes 10 and 10.5 becomes 11. Similarly, if a maximum of 2 decimal places are required, 8.457 becomes 8.46.

- The number of characters in a data field must be less than or equal to the maximum specified. Trying to enter more characters than allowed will result in the computer terminal entering excess characters into the next field.

- Enter the information in the data field starting from the left side.

- Convert all Roman and Greek numbers into Arabic, e.g.:










- When writing numbers, cross the number seven with a horizontal bar (7) to distinguish it from the number one. The number "zero" should be crossed with an oblique stroke (f) to distinguish it from the capital letter "0".

- All dates should be entered in the day/month/year format, e.g., February 16, 1983 is entered as 16 02 83.

- Enter the names of persons as follows:

(a) enter the surname first. Compound surnames (e.g., Pagan-Font) should be entered the same way as they appear on the source document, and

(b) enter initials only for first names, separated from the surname by a space.

- Initials are separated by a period, e.g., PRINCE P.S.

- Incomplete information (e.g., partial data relating to a survey, operation or experiment) should not be stored in the computer in anticipation of later updating.

- Use the "Remarks" spaces at the end of sections to provide additional information, clarify entries, etc.

- If keyword lists in Annex B do not contain the entry you are required to make, fill in the Input Data Sheets with the new word and advise the nearest AQUIS system centre by submitting a completed copy of the "Request for a New Keyword Insertion" form (Annex D).

- It is mandatory to fill in the data fields that have been shaded on the Input Data Sheets; all the other data fields need be filled in only if data are available.

- Accuracy is always critical in completing Input Data Sheets, as the computer will only reproduce an error if one is entered.

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