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A great deal has been written on fish culture in West Africa, but very little of it describes any differences that may exist between a man's work and a woman's work. I hope that you will be able to help me find out this information regarding the country where you live and/or work. Please answer with a brief note or by putting one or more crosses in the boxes.

To save time and postage, you may use the enclosed self-addressed envelope to send the questionnaire back to me via FAO Services. Thank you.

Bernadette TROTTIER

1. Have you ever seen or heard of women (even one or two) who own or operate a fish farm?

[ ]


[ ]


2. If your answer to question 1 is "Yes", please provide the following information concerning each situation:

Situation 1:

State and town:
Tribe and/or language:
How many women own or operate a fish farm?
Name and address of someone who could give more information:

Situation 2:

State and town:
Tribe and/or language:
How many women own or operate a fish farm:
Name and address of someone who could give more information:

3. If your answer to question 1 is "No", why do women not own or run fish farms?

[ ]

Women already have too much work to do.

[ ]

Fish farming is a man's job

[ ]

Women do not have the land to build a farm

[ ]

Women do not have the money for building a farm.

[ ]

Other reasons (Please describe):

[ ]

I don't know

4. Have you ever seen or heard of women who work on a fish farm?

[ ]


[ ]


5. If your answer to question 4 is "Yes", please indicate what kinds of work women do and do not do on a fish farm:

Only women do this kind of work

Women help in doing this kind of work

Women do not do this kind of work at all

- Clearing bush

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Digging/excavating

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Carrying dirt, wood

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Building/construction

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Cooking food or brewing beer for the workers

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Cleaning the ponds or pools (pull weeds, scrape off silt or slime)

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Stocking the ponds with small fish or animals

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Feeding the fish (soaking cassava roots in the water throwing peelings)

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Fertilizing (using special fertilizers, dung, manure)

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Raising ducks

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Raising pigs

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Harvesting

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Cleaning/gutting

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Drying/smoking

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Selling the fish

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

- Other jobs (please describe):

6. If your answer to question 4 is "Yes", please provide the following information regarding each situation:

Situation 1:

State and town:
Tribe and/or language:
How many women are involved:

[ ]

Almost all

[ ]

About half

[ ]

Only a few

Name and address of someone who could provide more information:

Situation 2:

State and town:
Tribe and/or language:
How many women are involved:

[ ]

Almost all

[ ]

About half

[ ]

Only a few

Name and address of someone who could provide more information:

7. If your answer to question 4 is "Yes", please indicate who these women are working for:

[ ]

Their village

[ ]

The clan or family

[ ]

Their husband

[ ]

Their father

[ ]

Another relative

[ ]

Their women's society

[ ]

Other: (please describe):

[ ]

A civil servant

[ ]

The government

[ ]

A school

[ 1

A cooperative

[ ]

A businessman

8. Do the women who work on fish farms receive any money or gifts for their work?

[ ]


[ ]


What do they receive?

[ ]

Money as a wage

[ ]

A share of the profits

[ ]

A gift of money but the employer decides how much

[ ]

Fish to eat whenever they want some

[ ]

Fish once in a while

[ ]

A gift (please describe):

9. If a woman wanted to start a fish farm, what kind of problems would she have?

[ ]

Lack of land

[ ]

Lack of money

[ ]

Lack of time

[ ]

Lack of labour

[ ]

People will not take her seriously: fish farming is man's work.

[ ]

She will have less difficulty if she does this as a member of a women's group.

[ ]

She will have other problems (please describe):

10. How can a woman get the land for building a fish farm?

[ ]

Ask the village elders

[ ]

Ask her husband

[ ]

Ask her father

[ ]

Ask someone else (who?):

[ ]

She can rent the land

[ ]

She can buy the land

[ ]

She can inherit land

[ ]

Other ways (please describe):

11. Is it easier for a women's group to obtain land?

[ ]


[ ]


12. How can a woman get the money she needs to build a fish farm?

[ ]

She usually uses her own money.

[ ]

She can get a loan

[ ]

Someone gives her the money (who?):

13. If a woman uses her own money to build a fish farm, how does she earn that money?

By selling:

[ ]


[ ]

crops (cereals, vegetables, ...)

[ ]

animal products (eggs, milk, hens, ...)

[ ]

food (cooked meals, beer, ...)

[ ]

something which she makes (baskets, pottery, ...)

[ ]

something else (describe)

By working for pay:

[ ]

in someone else's field

[ ]

on fish farms

[ ]

other (please describe):

Other ways (please describe):

14. If a woman wants a loan, who does she ask for it?

[ ]

A member of her family

[ ]

Her women's society

[ ]

Her cooperative society

[ ]

A bank or credit union

[ ]

The government or a development project

[ ]

A local businessman

[ ]

A local businesswoman

[ ]

Somebody else (please describe):

15. Do you believe that women would be:

[ ]

good fish farmers.

[ ]

poor fish farmers.


16. If you feel that I have overlooked something important, please write it down below.


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