Bacterial diseases: Citrus canker

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Citrus canker in its Asiatic form (canker A) is a highly infectious disease that affects not only leaves and shoots but also fruit of susceptible citrus hosts, such as small-fruited acid lime and grapefruit. The causal agent is a rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacterium, Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri. Five pathotypes of X. c. pv. citri are known: A, B, C, D and E (Hartung and Civerolo, 1987, 1989). Pathotype A is the most common and is endemic throughout Pakistan, India, the islands of the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, China and Japan. It is most severe on small-fruited acid lime, grapefruit and P. trifoliata. Sour orange, lemon and sweet orange are moderately susceptible, while mandarin is moderately resistant. The pathotype identified in Oman is A (see Chapter 16). The same pathotype is probably also involved in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Pathotype B occurs in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is less severe than pathogen A and does not affect sweet orange or grapefruit. Pathotype C has been reported in Brazil as a very severe type on small-fruited acid lime, which also affects sour orange but no other citrus. Pathotype D is responsible for a leaf disease similar to canker A (see below for symptom description) discovered in Mexico in 1981, on small-fruited acid lime, Tahiti lime and grapefruit growing close to affected acid lime trees. No infection of the fruit has been reported. In 1984 Florida experienced an outbreak of an apparently new form of X. c. pv. citri, restricted almost entirely to nurseries. Isolates of this form have been classed as pathotype E. Strains belonging to group E do not produce raised lesions on diseased plants, in contrast to all strains belonging to groups A to D, but instead produce flat, water-soaked lesions of various sizes.

Diagnosis of citrus canker in the field is based on the presence of typical lesions on fruit, leaves and twigs. These lesions are similar for all strains of pathotypes A to D, although those of pathotype B are smaller than those of A, C or D. A leaf lesion develops first on the lower leaf surface about a week after infection and soon thereafter begins to grow on the corresponding upper surface, so that a lesion affects both the lower and upper surfaces of the leaf. The lesions or pustules become crater-like with raised margins and a sunken centre on both sides of the leaf (Figs 248 to 250). This is in contrast to the pustules of scab, a fungal disease of citrus, where a protuberance develops on the invaded side of the leaf, and a corresponding depression forms on the opposite side. Canker lesions on leaves are characteristically, but not specifically, surrounded by a yellow halo. Also, a water-soaked margin, detected with transmitted light, encircles the necrotic tissue, and is a most favourable tissue for isolation of the bacterium. Lesions or pustules on fruit and twigs are raised and cork-like (Fig. 251). As mentioned above, the lesions due to pathotype E are flat with necrotic centres.

The canker bacterium is spread by wind and rain. It develops more severely on the side of the tree exposed to wind, where wounds on thorn-injured leaves or twigs are more numerous and favour infection by the bacterium.

Control of canker in countries or regions where the disease is not present is by rigid restrictions on the importation of citrus plant material and fruit from areas where the disease is present. The presence of canker in Oman, the United Arab Emirates, northern Yemen and the Jizan area in Saudi Arabia is probably due to unwitting importation of citrus material from countries known to be infected by the canker bacterium.

In countries where canker is present, control requires appropriate cultural practices, such as the use of windbreaks and copper treatments, or even the replacement of very susceptible cultivars (grapefruit and small-fruited acid lime) by more resistant ones (sweet orange or mandarin).


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Chapter 7: Citrus stubborn disease in the Syrian Arab Republic and natural transmission of its causal agent, Spiroplasma citri

Natural spread of S. citri in the Tadla region of Morocco
Stubborn in the Syrian Arab republic
Natural transmission of S. Citri in the Syrian Arab republic

Stubborn disease of citrus was observed in California in the early 1900s and first described in 1944 (Fawcett, Perry and Johnston, 1944). Its causal agent was first seen under the electron microscope in 1970 (Igwegbe and Calavan, 1970; Laflèche and Bové, 1970) and cultured in the same year (Saglio et al., 1971; Fudl-Allah, Calavan and Igwegbe, 1972). In 1972, the organism was fully characterized as being a mollicute (mycoplasma) with helical morphology and motility, and it was given the name Spiroplasma citri (Saglio et al., 1973).

Historically, S. citri was the first mollicute of plant origin that was obtained in culture and for which Koch's postulates could be fulfilled (Markham and Towsend, 1974). The work on S. citri led to the discovery of many more spiroplasmas. Today about 30 spiroplasmas besides S. citri are known, classified in 23 different serogroups (Bové, 1984; Tully, 1989).

The main vector of S. citri in California is the leafhopper Neoaliturus (ex-Circulifer) tenellus. This insect is not usually associated with citrus, which probably explains why it was not identified as a vector until 1976 (Oldfield et al., 1976), when techniques became available that made it possible to screen candidate vectors for the presence of

S. citri. This spiroplasma can be detected in plants as well as in insects by two major techniques - culturing of the spiroplasma and the use of ELISA (Saillard et al., 1980) (Tables 15 and 16). Both techniques have played a major role in the discovery of Neoaliturus haematoceps Mulsant and Rey as a major vector of S. citri in the Mediterranean area and the Near East (Fos et al., 1986). They were also useful in the discovery of a new plant pathogenic spiroplasma, S. phoeniceum (Saillard et al., 1987). Today, DNA-DNA hybridization and DNA amplification are even more promising for the detection of this group of pathogens, since the techniques appear to be at least 100 times more sensitive than previous methods.

Stubborn, like tristeza and greening, is of major concern to citrus growers because the disease is transmitted by insect vectors. Hence, trees propagated from healthy bud-wood will become reinfected when planted in areas where the pathogen and its insect vectors are both present. Obviously, information on natural transmission of stubborn in a given location is of paramount importance. For this reason, such studies were undertaken in Morocco in 1978 and in the Syrian Arab Republic in 1982. The results of these investigations are reported here.

MAP 4 Map of Morocco. Salsola kali,the host plant of Neoaliturus haematoceps and Neoaliturus tenellus, the two leafhopper vectors of the stubborn agent (Spiroplasma citri), was found north of Agadir all the way up to Kenitra. At Agadir only H. tenellus was captured on S. kali; at El Jadida, the two leafhopper species were present, and at Rabat and Kenitra, only M haematoceps was collected

TABLE 15 Detection of Spiroplasma citri in the Syrian Arab Republic: number of samples analysed by ELISA and culture

Nature of sample 1982


1984 Total
July October October December
Citrus 105 118 242 60 36 561
Periwinkle 33 12 38 66   149
Leafhopper 49 104 87 9   249
Others 4 1 2 0   7
Total 966

Even though accurate data are missing, citrus trees with severe stubborn symptoms appear most frequently in countries of the Mediterranean area and the Near East where summer temperatures are high. This is in keeping with the fact that S. citri also multiplies best at 32°C. This is certainly so in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Morocco and Syria, where the diagnosis of this disease has been based not only on symptomatology, but also on the detection of S. citri by culture and ELISA (Bové, 1981; Bové et al., 1984). In California, the use of infected budwood was one of the main reasons for the early widespread distribution of stubborn. However, the subsequent availability of plant material certified free of infectious agents, including S. citri, has not resulted in the disappearance of stubborn from young orchards. This is because three leafhoppers were found to be the insect vectors of S. citri, namely, Neoaliturus tenellus, Scaphytopius nitridus and Scaphytopius acutus delongi (Oldfield and Kaloostian, 1978). In the Mediterranean area, the first evidence for natural spread of S. citri was obtained in Morocco between 1978 and 1981 (Bové, 1981; Nhami et al., 1980). Work in Syria from 1982 to 1986 resulted in the identification of the leafhopper N. haematoceps as a major vector of S. citri, and of Salsola kali as the preferred host plant of the leafhopper. The following account is an updated version of an earlier publication(Bové, 1986).

Natural spread of S. citri in the Tadla region of Morocco

The Tadla region of Morocco (of which the major town is Beni Mellal) is a hot depression at the western foot of the High Atlas mountain range (see Map 4), where citrus, sugar beet and cotton are grown in irrigated zones.

Many trees of Washington navel and Valencia late sweet oranges, although they were believed to be healthy, showed stubborn symptoms and were found to be infected with S. citri.

Observations made on periwinkle plants (Catharanthus roseus) growing as ornamentals in the area showed that many of these plants became diseased and died in the summer and autumn owing to S. citri-induced lethal wilting (Fig. 175). Experiments were then begun using periwinkles as indicator plants for S. citri infection. Plants exposed to natural contamination during the summer near stubborn-infected citrus orchards became infected with 5. citri (Fig. 176).

TABLE 16 Detection of Spiroplasma citri in fruit axes and various types of leaves from stubborn-affected sweet orange trees in the Syrian Arab Republic

Plant material analysed Results of S. citri detection by:
ELISA Culture
Anderson orchard
Washington navel tree R3A1:    
Very young, tender leaves 1-2 cm long - -
Young, tender leaves 3-5 cm long - -
Mature, mottle-affected + +
Terminal, mature cup-shaped + +
Fruit axis + +
Washington navel tree R3A5:    
Young, tender leaves 3-5 cm long - -
Mature, mottle-affected, cup-shaped leaves + +
Fruit axis + +
Sweet orange mother tree plot, El Annadeh nursey
Hamlin tree R8A7:    
Young, tender leaves 3-5 cm long - -
Mature, mottle-affected + +
Fruit axis + +
Washington navel (204) tree R6A13:    
Young, tender leaves 3-5 cm long - -
Mature, mottle-affected + +
Fruit axis ND +
Washington navel (141) tree R4A2    
Young, tender leaves 3-5 cm long - -
Mature, mottle-affected + +

-: assay was negative.
+: assay detected S. citri.
ND: not done.

In one experiment, as many as 16 percent of 165 exposed periwinkles became contaminated. Other periwinkles became infected with MLOs.

Out of many leafhopper species tested as potential vectors, only one yielded a S. citri culture. This insect was identified as N. haematoceps.

This same species was then found to be the dominant insect caught from July to September in two yellow traps placed in an experimental periwinkle bed, and some of these plants were found to be infected with S. citri the next autumn (Bové, 1981) All these observations suggested that N. haematoceps might be a major vector of S. citri.

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