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FAO forest harvesting case studies

These publications are available in English from the FAO Forest Harvesting and Transport Branch, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

1. Intermediate Technology in Forest Harvesting: Agricultural Tractor with Winch. Written by P. Alhojärvi. FOPH Publication 1988.01. 45 p. Produced under FAO/Finland Funds-in-Trust project GCP/INT/427/FIN. Country: Tanzania. Includes a set of color slides.

2. Intermediate Technology in Forest Harvesting: Agricultural Tractor and Forest Trailer with Mechanical Crane. Written by R. Jakobsson. POPH Publication 1988.02. 40 p. Produced under FAO/Sweden Funds-in-Trust project GCP/INT/343/SWE. Country: Ethiopia. Includes a set of color slides.

3. Plastic Log Chute in Steep Terrain Thinning Operations. Written by K. Leppänen. FOPH Publication 1989.05. 30 p. Produced with the cooperation of the Korean Forest Research Institute and the Korea-Germany Forest Management Project. Country: Republic of Korea. Includes a set of color slides.

4. Integrated Small-Scale Forest Harvesting and Wood Processing Operations. Written by 0. Eeronheimo. FOPH Publication 1990.03. 27 p. Produced with the cooperation of the Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe. Country: Zimbabwe. Includes a set of color slides.

5. Forest Harvesting with Small-Scale Mobile Cable System. Written by O. Eeronheimo. FOPH Publication 1991.02. 16 p. Produced with the cooperation of the Korean Forest Research Institute. Country: Republic of Korea.

6. Reduction of Wood Waste by Small Scale Log Production and Conversion in Tropical High Forest. Written by Risto Kilkki. FOPH Publication 1992.05. 33 p. Country: Papua New Guinea.

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