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Tabulations and dissemination of results

Tabulations and dissemination of results

The tabulation of results by sex, whenever useful, should be recommended. For an agricultural census, the FAO Programme for the World Census of Agriculture 2000 recommends the use of a number of tabulation headings, for example:

Special efforts should be made to make existing gender-specific statistics more useful. In some cases, data by gender on important topics are collected but not tabulated and remain unused. The availability of gender-specific data produced through national surveys should be extended to as many users as possible with easier access to existing data from official sources.

The dissemination of survey information through the publication of tables, the facilitation of access to non-confidential data in the official data banks, the release of information in the form of public use samples, summary tapes, computer print-outs, diskettes or tapes should include, whenever useful, gender-disaggregated data. The use of modern methods of data dissemination will imply, in particular, the better dissemination of statistics on women in agriculture.

Publicity campaign

The survey publicity campaign should stress, in particular, that agricultural production requires the labour of both men and women farmers. Thus, both men and women need to be addressed in publicity campaigns.

It is important to emphasize that women can also be holders or respondents and therefore the publicity campaign should reach women engaged in agricultural work and explain to the population the importance of women's activities in agriculture.

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