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Summary of main recommendations

Country Statements and General Debate on the Food and Agriculture Situation in the Region

For the attention of Governments

The Conference stressed:

1. the need for and action being taken to increase agricultural competitiveness in the countries in the Region (para. 12);

2. the importance of economically, ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture (para. 12);

3. the need to give careful attention to the sound management of the Region's forest and fishery resources (para. 12);

4. the importance of balanced nutrition (para. 12);

5. the need to take account of the multi-faceted role of agriculture (para. 12);

For the attention of FAO

The Conference underlined:

6. the importance that countries in transition attach to receiving assistance in agriculture and rural development during their process of transformation, particularly from FAO, and the expectations the CEECs have in respect to appropriate and concrete support by the recently opened Sub-Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest (para. 12).

Report on FAO Activities in the Region, 1994-95

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

7. recommended that future reports provide quantitative data regarding resources allocated to the Region under the Regular Programme and from extra-budgetary sources, as well as a qualitative assessment of resource utilization on which recommendations on future directions could be based (para. 13);

8. recommended that every effort should be made to bring the Sub-Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe in Budapest into full operation as rapidly as possible (para. 13).

World Food Summit

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

9. recognized that certain countries within the Region faced food security problems (para. 18);

10. identified food safety and sound nutrition as priority areas (para. 19);

11. recognized the importance for food security of a well-functioning liberal trade system at local, national, regional and international levels (para. 21);

12. welcomed the outcome of the FAO/Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Consultation which took place immediately prior to the Regional Conference as a viable input to its debate and supported transmission of the Consultation report to the Inter-sessional Working Group of the Committee on World Food Security (para. 25).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

13. drew attention to the need to refer to agreements reached in other international fora (para. 22);

14. recognized that the Inter-sessional Working Group of the Committee on World Food Security had been entrusted with the task of taking forward preparation of the Summit Policy Statement and Plan of Action and directed that its report should be provided to the Inter-sessional Working Group (para. 23);

15. underlined that farther steps should be taken to fully involve other relevant organizations of the United Nations system in Summit preparations (para. 24).

Sustainable Agricultural Development in Europe with Particular Focus on the Mediterranean Area

For the attention of Governments

The Conference stressed:

16. the need for strengthening cooperative research programmes (para. 27);

17. the importance of sustainable water management and control in the Mediterranean area and the need for sound choices in the use of water between and within sectors (para. 27).

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

18. recognized the valuable role that FAO could play in assisting Member Countries to share information, technology and experiences regarding sustainable agricultural development, water, and related questions (para. 27).

Structural Reform Process in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference stressed:

19. the importance to CEEC in their transformation processes of capital inflows (para. 28);

20. the importance of meeting quality and other requirements of export markets (para. 28).

For the attention of FAO

21. the need for FAO to tailor its assistance to the needs of the CEEC (para. 28).

Representation of the Region on the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

For the attention of Governments

The Conference:

22. elected Mr. Jure Pohar (Slovenia) as representative of the Region on the CGIAR for the four-year period 1997-2000 (para. 29);

23. recommended that preference be given to a candidate from the Mediterranean area at the 21st Regional Conference subject to suitably qualified candidatures being nominated (para. 29).

Future Ministerial Meetings in Conjunction with Sessions of COFI and COFO

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

24. advised the Director-General to arrange future ministerial sessions in conjunction with COFI and COFO sessions only if appropriate, and in close consultation with Members (para. 30).

A Proposal for Shortening of the Regional Conference Reports

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

25. adopted the proposal for shortening regional conference reports (para. 31).

Date and Place of the Twenty-First FAO Regional Conference for Europe

For the attention of FAO

The Conference:

26. welcomed the offers to host the next Conference extended by the delegations of Estonia, Slovakia and Slovenia which would be conveyed to the Director-General for decision in consultation with the Members of the Region (para. 33).

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