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"Congratulations to the editors on the online version of Non-wood News! Very well laid out and full of useful information. I look forward to seeing future issues."
(David Taylor, Alexandria, VA, USA)

"Your newsletter Non-wood News has just come to my attention. May I congratulate you on an excellent and most useful publication."
(R. Mendum, New York, USA)

"Our working group on NWFPs at the University of Freiburg, Germany, highly appreciates your efforts in compiling and disseminating information on NWFP-related activities."
(Dietmar Stoian, Freiburg, Germany)

"La información de las publicaciones citadas y muchas otras más que Uds. publican, son de invalorable importancia, ..."
(Mario A. Torres, Quito, Ecuador)

"This is an excellent site! It goes beyond the general information provided by most other UN sites and I am very grateful for that."
(Florian Ritzmann)

"I have read with very great interest Non-Wood News 3 and I offer my congratulations on yet another issue of this most useful publication."
(Dr Gerald E. Wickens, Norfolk, U.K.)

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