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1. Guidelines for the conduct of a training course in farming systems development, 1990 (E F S)

2. Risk analysis in dryland farming systems, 1992 (E)

3. The forest-garden farms of Kandy, Sri Lanka, 1992 (E)

4. Changes and development in Solo Valley farming systems, Indonesia, 1993 (E)

5. Institutionalization of a farming systems approach to development, 1992 (E)

6. Farm management research for small farmer development, 1993 (E F S)

7. Farming systems development and soil conservation, 1994 (E)

8. Farm and community information use for agricultural programmes and policies, 1994 (E)

9. Methods of policy analysis for agricultural programmes and policies - A guideline for policy analysts, 1994 (E)

10. The farming systems approach to development and appropriate technology generation, 1995 (E)

11. L'évolution des systèmes de production agropastorale par rapport au développement rural durable dans les pays d'Afrique soudano-sahélienne, 1996 (F)

12. El desarrollo de los sistemas de agricultura campesina en América Latina - Un análisis de la influencia del contexto socioeconómico, 1996 (S)

13. Farm management for Asia: a systems approach, 1997 (E)

The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAO Sales Agents or directly from Sales and Marketing Group, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

E - English
F - French
S - Spanish

This publication breaks new ground in synthesizing orthodox farm management approaches and more recent systems thinking in the context of analysing and planning the improvement of small family farms. Starting with a new schema for classifying farm types and agricultural systems, it demonstrates the application of a range of quantitative analytical methods for understanding and working within the complex world of traditional small farm systems. These techniques are illustrated with practical examples taken from various parts of Asia, but the approach and the methodology will be of interest to all concerned with small farm development anywhere in the world.

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