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1 La cría animal: artículos seleccionados de la Revista mundial de zootecnia, 1977 (C E F I)

2 Erradicación de la peste porcina y la peste porcina africana, 1977 (E F I)

3 Insecticides and application equipment for tsetse control, 1977 (F I)

4 Nuevos recursos forrajeros, 1977 (E/F/I)

5 Bibliografía del ganado vacuno criollo de las Américas, 1977 (E/l)

6 Mediterranean cattle and sheep in crossbreeding, 1977 (F l)

7 The environmental impact of tsetse control operations, 1977 (F I)

7 Rev. 1. The environmental impact of tsetse control operations, 1980 (F I)

8 Declining breeds of Mediterranean sheep, 1978 (F I)

9 Mataderos y degolladeros rurales: su proyecto y construcción, 1978 (E F 1)

10 Métodos de tratamiento de la paja para la alimentación animal, 1978 (C E F I)

11 Packaging, storage and distribution of processed milk, 1978 (I)

12 Nutrición de los rumiantes: artículos seleccionados de la Revista mundial de zootecnia, 1978 (C E F I)

13 Buffalo reproduction and artificial insemination, 1979 (I*)

14 The African trypanosomiases, 1979 (F I)

15 Establishment of dairy training centres, 1979 (I)

16 Estabulación de terneros en régimen libre, 1981 (Ar E F I)

17 Ovinos prolíficos tropicales, 1 980 (E F I)

18 Feed from animal wastes: state of knowledge, 1980 (C I)

19 East Coast fever and related tick-borne diseases, 1980 (I)

20/1 Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa - Vol. 1. General study, 1980 (F I)

20/2 Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa - Vol. 2. Country studies, 1980 (F I)

20/3 Le bétail trypanotolérant en Afrique occidentale et céntrale - Vol. 3. Bilan d'une décennie, 1988 (F)

21 Guideline for dairy accounting, 1980 (I)

22 Recursos genéticos animales en América Latina, 1981 (E)

23 Enfermedades transmitidas por semen y embriones, 1982 (C E F I)

24 Animal genetic resources - conservation and management, 1981 (C I)

25 Capacidad reproductora del ganado bovino, 1984 (C E F I)

26 Camels and camel milk, 1982 (1)

27 Deer farming, 1982 (I)

28 Feed from animal wastes: feeding manual, 1982 (C I)

29 Echinococcosis/hydatidosis surveillance, prevention and control: FAO/UNEP/WHO guidelines, 1982 (I)

30 Sheep and goat breeds of India, 1982 (I)

31 Hormones in animal production, 1982 (I)

32 Crop residues and agro-industrial by-products in animal feeding, 1982 (F/l)

33 Haemorrhagic septicaemia, 1982 (F I)

34 Planes de selección de rumiantes en las regiones tropicales, 1984 (E F I)

35 Los sabores anormales en la leche fresca y reconstituida, 1983 (Ar E F I)

36 Las enfermedades transmitidas por las garrapatas y sus vectores: artículos seleccionados de la Revista mundial de zootecnia, 1983 (E F I)

37 African animal trypanosomiasis: selected articles from the World Animal Review, 1983 (F I)

38 Diagnosis and vaccination for the control of brucellosis in the Near East, 1982 (Ar I)

39 Solar energy in small-scale milk collection and processing, 1983 (F I)

40 Intensive sheep production in the Near East, 1983 (Ar I)

41 Integrating crops and livestock in West Africa, 1983 (F l)

42 Energía animal en la agricultura en Africa y Asia, 1985 (E F/l)

43 Los subproductos del olivar en la alimentación animal en la cuenca del Mediterráneo, 1985 (ArEFI)

44/1 Animal genetic resources conservation by management, data banks and training, 1984 (I)

44/2 Animal genetic resources: cryogenic storage of germplasm and molecular engineering, 1984 (I)

45 Maintenance systems for the dairy plant, 1984 (I)

46 Razas de ganado de China, 1 985 (E F I)

47 Réfrigération du lait á la ferme et organisation des transports, 1985 (F)

48 La fromagerie et les variétés de fromages du bassin méditerranéen, 1985 (F)

49 Manual for the slaughter of small ruminants in developing countries, 1 985 (I)

50 Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding: research guidelines - 1. State of knowledge, 1985 (I)

50/2 Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding: research guidelines - 2. A practical manual for research workers, 1986 (I)

51 Dried salted meats: charque and carne-de-sol, 1985 (I)

52 Small-scale sausage production, 1985(1)

53 Slaughterhouse cleaning and sanitation, 1 985 (I)

54 Small ruminants in the Near East - Vol. I. Selected papers presented at the Expert Consultation on Small Ruminant Research and Development in the Near East (Tunis, 1985), 1987 (I)

55 Small ruminants in the Near East - Vol. II. Selected papers from World Animal Review, 1972-1986, 1986 (Ar I)

56 Sheep and goats in Pakistan, 1985 (I)

57 The Awassi sheep with special reference to the improved dairy type, 1985 (I)

58 Small ruminant production in the developing countries, 1986 (I)

59/1 Animal genetic resources data banks - 1. Computer systems study for regional data banks, 1986 (I)

59/2 Bancos de datos de recursos genéticos animales - 2. Descriptores de bovinos, búfalos, ovinos, caprinos y porcinos, 1987 (E F I)

59/3 Bancos de datos de recursos genéticos animales - 3. Descriptores de especies avícolas, 1987 (E F I)

60 Sheep and goats in Turkey, 1986 (I)

61 The Przewalski horse and restoration to its natural habitat in Mongolia, 1986 (I)

62 Los costos de producción y de transformación de la leche y los productos lácteos, 1988 (E F I)

63 Proceedings of the FAO expert consultation on the substitution of imported concentrate feeds in animal production systems in developing countries, 1987 (C E)

64 Poultry management and diseases in the Near East, 1987 (Ar)

65 Animal genetic resources of the USSR, 1989 (I)

66 Animal genetic resources - strategies for improved use and conservation, 1987 (I)

67/1 Trypanotolerant cattle and livestock development in West and Central Africa - Vol. I, 1987 (I)

67/2 Trypanotolerant cattle and livestock development in West and Central Africa - Vol. II, 1987 (I)

68 Crossbreeding Bos indicus and Bos taurus for milk production in the tropics, 1 987 (I)

69 La elaboración de la leche en las aldeas, 1990 (E F I)

70 Sheep and goal meat production in the humid tropics of West Africa, 1989 (F/l)

71 El desarrollo de la producción ovina en los poblados de Africa occidental, 1988 (Ar E F I) (Publicado como Manual de capacitación para extensionistas, M/S5840S)

72 La caña de azúcar como pienso, 1988 (E/l)

73 Standard design for small-scale modular slaughterhouses, 1988 (I)

74 Small ruminants in the Near East - Vol. III. North Africa, 1989 (I)

75 La erradicación de la garrapata, 1989 (E/l)

76 Ex situ cryoconservation of genomes and genes of endangered cattle breeds by means of modern biotechnological methods, 1989 (I)

77 Training manual for embryo transfer in cattle, 1991 (I)

78 Milking, milk production hygiene and udder health, 1989 (I)

79 Manual of simple methods of meat preservation, 1990 (I)

80 Animal genetic resources - a global programme for sustainable development, 1990 (I)

81 Veterinary diagnostic bacteriology - a manual of laboratory procedures of selected diseases of livestock, 1990 (F I)

82 Reproduction in camels - a review, 1990 (I)

83 Training manual on artificial insemination in sheep and goats, 1991 (I)

84 Training manual for embryo transfer in water buffaloes, 1991 (I)

85 The technology of traditional milk products in developing countries, 1990 (I)

86 Feeding dairy cows in the tropics, 1991 (I)

87 Manual for the production of anthrax and blackleg vaccines, 1991 (F I)

88 Small ruminant production and the small ruminant genetic resource in tropical Africa, 1991 (I)

89 Manual for the production of Marek's disease, Gumboro disease and inactivated Newcastle disease vaccines, 1991 (F I)

90 Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals in developing countries, 1991 (I)

91 Guidelines for slaughtering, meat cutting and further processing, 1991 (F I)

92 Manual para la operación y funcionamiento de almacenes frigoríficos de productos cárnicos, 1991 (E I)

93 Utilization of renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies by small-scale milk plants and collection centres, 1992 (I)

94 Proceedings of the FAO expert consultation on the genetic aspects of trypanotolerance, 1992 (I)

95 Roots, tubers, plantains and bananas in animal feeding, 1992 (I)

96 Distribution and impact of helminth diseases of livestock in developing countries, 1992 (I)

97 Construcción y funcionamiento de mataderos de tamaño mediano para países en desarrollo, 1993 (E I)

98 Small-scale poultry processing, 1992 (I)

99 In situ conservation of livestock and poultry, 1992 (I)

100 Programme for the control of African animal trypanosomiasis and related development, 1992 (I)

101 Genetic improvement of hair sheep in the tropics, 1992(1)

102 Legume trees and other fodder trees as protein sources for livestock, 1992 (I)

103 Improving sheep reproduction in the Near East, 1992 (Ar)

104 The management of global animal genetic resources, 1992 (I)

105 Sustainable livestock production in the mountain agro-ecosystem of Nepal, 1992 (I)

106 Sustainable animal production from small systems in South-East Asia, 1993 (I)

107 Strategies for sustainable animal agriculture in developing countries, 1 993 (I F)

108 Evaluation of breeds and crosses of domestic animals, 1993 (I)

109 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, 1993 (I)

110 L'amélioration génétique des bovins en Afrique de l'Ouest, 1993 (F)

111 La utilización sostenible de hembras F, en la producción del ganado lechero tropical, 1993 (E)

112 Physiologie de la reproduction des bovins trypanotolérants, 1993 (F)

113 La technologie des fromages au lait de dromadaire (Camelus dromedarius), 1993 (F)

114 Food losses due to non-infectious and production diseases in developing countries, 1993 (E)

115 Manual de formación práctica el trasplante de embriones en ovejas y cabras, 1995 (E F I)

116 Quality control of veterinary vaccines in developing countries, 1993 (I)

117 L'hygiène dans l'industrie alimentaire, - Les produits et l'application de l'hygiéne, 1993 (F)

118 Quality control testing of rinderpest cell culture vaccine, 1994 (I)

119 Manual on meat inspection for developing countries, 1994 (I)

120 Manual para la instalación del pequeño matadero modular de la FAO, 1994 (E)

121 A systematic approach to tsetse and trypanosomiasis control, 1994 (F/l)

122 El capibara (hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) - Estado actual de su producción, 1995 (E)

123 Procesamiento de subproductos animales comestibles, 1995 (E)

124 L'approvisionnement des villes africaines en lait et produits laitiers, 1995 (F)

125 Veterinary education, 1995 (I)

126 Tropical animal feeding - A manual for research workers, 1995 (I)

127 World livestock production systems - current status, issues and trends, 1996 (I)

128 Quality control testing of contagious bovine pleuroneumonia live attenuated vaccine - Standard operating procedures, 1996 (I F)

129 The world without rinderpest, 1996 (I)

130 Manual de prácticas de manejo de alpacas y llamas, 1996 (E)

131 Les perspectives de développement de la filière lait de chèvre dans le bassin méditerranéen, 1996 (F)

132 Feeding pigs in the tropics, 1997 (I)

133 Prevention and control of transboundary animal diseases, 1997 (I)

134 Tratamiento y utilización de residuos de origen animal, pesquero y alimenticio en la alimentación animal, 1997 (E)

135 Roughage utilization in warm climates, 1997 (E I)

136 Proceedings of the first Internet Conference on Salvarian Trypanosomes, 1997 (I)

137 Developing national EPRES for transboundary animal diseases, 1997 (I)

138 Producción de cuyes (Cavia porcellus). 1997 (E)

139 Tree foliage in ruminant nutrition, 1997 (I)

140/1 Análisis de sistemas de producción animal - Tomo 1: Las bases conceptuales, 1997 (E)

140/2 Análisis de sistemas de producción animal - Tomo 2: Las herramientas básicas, 1997 (E)

Disponibilidad: Diciembre de 1997


















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Los cuadernos técnicos de la FAO pueden obtenerse en los Puntos de venta autorizados de la FAO, o directamente en el Grupo de Comercialización y Ventas, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italia.

Análisis de sistemas de producción animal comprende tres estudios que tratan respectivamente los siguientes temas: tomo I, Las bases conceptuales; tomo II, Las herramientas básicas; y tomo III, La aplicación del enfoque de sistemas. Aunque estos textos fueron originalmente elaborados como parte de un programa de estudios superiores, se estima que pueden servir de guía para universitarios, profesionales jóvenes, extensionistas, investigadores y productores. La Dirección de Producción y Sanidad Animal de la FAO espera que esta obra constituya una buena base de referencia para las personas interesadas en el desarrollo equilibrado de los recursos agrícolas, y también para quienes desean informarse en mayor detalle sobre los fundamentos conceptuales y las diversas vinculaciones prácticas del enfoque de sistemas aplicado a la producción animal.

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