D· E· E· P
Development Education Exchange Papers

New mountains to climb
The World Food Summit and its follow-up

This issue of DEEP was edited by

Clive Robinson (Christian Aid, UK/Ireland), former convener of the Food Security Group of the Liaison Committee of Development NGOs to the European Union. He wishes to thank all other contributors, both those mentioned in the text and the many others who have committed ideas and energy to the fight against hunger during and since the World Food Summit.

      Christian Aid, UK/Ireland
      PO Box 100
      London SE1 7RT, UK
      Tel.: (44171) 620 4444
      Fax: (44171) 620 0719
      E-mail:[email protected]

ISSN 1020-0339

December 1997

DEEP is issued periodically in English, French and Spanish by the Unit for Cooperation with the Private Sector and NGOs (TCDN) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The publication reviews projects, programmes and documents of interest both to FAO and NGOs. The intention of DEEP is to promote the exchange of ideas and information between FAO and NGOs interested in working together.

Further information or copies of material reviewed should be requested directly from the addresses given. When ordering any of the publications or corresponding with any of the organizations listed, please mention DEEP to give some idea of the effectiveness of the publication in stimulating the exchange of materials and ideas.

DEEP is provided free of charge to NGOs and to institutions working with NGOs. Since the intention is for DEEP to be an exchange service, we request that your material or a review of your activities be sent in exchange.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The opinions expressed by the editors and contributing authors are not necessarily those of FAO.

Requests for DEEP as well as general inquiries on the issues raised should be addressed to:

Unit for Cooperation with the Private Sector and NGOs (TCDN)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.: (396) 570 55106
Fax: (396) 570 55175
E-mail (Internet):
[email protected]

Editing, design, graphics and desktop publishing:
Publishing Management Group,
FAO Information Division