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It is a well known fact that China has been very active in developing technologies for the rehabilitation of dry lands and combating land degradation and desertification. FAO has been using the Chinese experience especially since the seventies when many visits of experts from developing countries were organized to learn from the country's experience in forestry. The examples have been particularly useful in disseminating technology and illustrating activities for involving communities in plantation, water control work and various approaches to production activities for enhancing food security at local level.

After conducting the same exercise and gaining experience in European countries in transition, the Sub-group on desertification of the former FAO Interdepartmental Working Group on Environment and Sustainable Development has undertaken a new initiative to document experience in land degradation and desertification control in China. The results of this work which was entrusted to the China National Bureau to Combat Desertification, constitute the substance of the present book. It highlights through 148 entries, the major characteristics of the work that has been done in the country in dry land research and development and in Desertification control. Because it is based on a large and diversified range of technologies, the experience of China is relevant to many countries especially developing countries or countries in transition. It is also relevant to cold as well as warm regions. The range of applicability then warrants the efforts that have been spent to collect and collate the information. The efforts of Professor Ci Longjun, Director General of the China National Bureau to Combat Desertification to coordinate this task and edit the final product are hereby recognized and appreciated.

The Sub-Group on Desertification is indebted to Mr. Jean Paul Lanly who, as chair of that Sub-group, at that moment, did personally put much effort in developing the initiative. It also extends thanks to the China National Secretariat on the Convention to Combat Desertification who helped make the necessary contacts in the development of the document. We thank the authors who have made valuable efforts to identify sources and collect these important and interesting cases. We are sure that this publication will inspire the work of many colleagues and will contribute to the aim of the Sub-group and FAO as a whole, including technology advancement, development and exchange as well as furthering experimentation and practices to combat land degradation and restore food security.

M. Hosny El-Lakany
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department

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