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Forestry problems, challenges and opportunities are different from one country to another. The only similar thing is that the global forestry objective is to achieve sustainable forestry development. In this sense, one country's experience in achieving this objective, for instance, can have valuable lessons for other countries so that all countries can more rapidly complete the learning process in developing and utilising their forests. The forestry role of one country would hence yield interesting aspects from both economic and environmental points of view. In the face of global economy and free trade issues in the immediate future, the exchange of experience will have special meaning, particularly for countries in the Asia Pacific region.

On the basis of the idea stated above, the regional outlook study provides a useful opportunity for Indonesia to firstly inform others about its present situation and possible important experiences in developing the forestry sector as required by the Asia Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) and, secondly, for learning of other countries experiences in the sector. To Indonesia the opportunity may yield good lessons in further planning its future forest and forestry development path, especially towards the year 2010 and beyond.

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