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The Consultation made the following RECOMMENDATIONS.

1. The feed industry and the animal production industries should recognise their important role in the production of safe food and should evaluate the consequences to human health when using new feed ingredients, new suppliers or introducing new processing methods.

2. As quality assurance is applicable at all stages of food production to ensure the safety of the consumer, a code of practice for good animal feeding should be followed.

3. Manufacturers should provide adequate information to enable the quality and safety of feed to be maintained after delivery.

4. Known and potential risks to food safety should be re-evaluated as new information becomes available.

5. A code of good practice for the fertilization of ponds by the addition of animal manure, agricultural by-products and other wastes should be developed by the WHO/FAO/NACA Study Group on Food Safety Issues on Food Safety Issues associated with Products from Aquaculture and conveyed to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for possible inclusion in a Code of Practice for Good Animal Feeding.

6. The Codex Alimentarius Commission should consider for adoption the Draft Code of Practice for Good Animal Feeding in Annex 2.

7. The feed industry should assist developing countries by providing and promoting advice on good animal feeding practices.

8. FAO should support developing countries in the application of good animal feeding practices.

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