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Key documents on HIV/AIDS and rural development

Key documents on HIV/AIDS and rural development

Ainsworth, M. 1993. The impact of HIV/AIDS on African development. AFTHR. Washington, DC, USA, World Bank.

Barnett, T. & Blaikie, P.M. 1992. AIDS in Africa: its present and future impact. London, UK, Belhaven Press.

Barnett, T. & Haslwimmer, M. 1995. The effects of HIV/AIDS on farming systems in eastern Africa. Rome, FAO.

Cohen, D. 1992. The economic impact of the HIV epidemic. New York, NY, USA, UNDP.

League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. 1990. Action for youth. AIDS training manual. Geneva, IFRC.

Norse, D. 1991. "Socio-economic Impact of AIDS on Food Production in East Africa." Paper prepared for the VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, 16-21 June 1991.

Over, M. 1992. The macroeconomic impact of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Technical Working Paper No.3. World Bank Population Health and Nutrition Division. Washington, DC, USA, World Bank.

Panos Institute. The hidden cost of AIDS: the challenge of HIV to development. London, UK, Panos Institute.

Roseberry,W. 1995. AIDS prevention and mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa: an updated World Bank strategy. AFTHR. Washington, DC, USA, World Bank.

Topouzis, D. 1994. The socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on rural families with an emphasis on youth. Rome, FAO.

United Nations Population Fund. 1995. AIDS update 1994: a report on UNFPA support in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention. New York, NY, USA, UNFPA.

World Bank. 1992. Tanzania AIDS assessment and planning study. Washington, DC, USA, World Bank.

World Bank. 1994. HIV/AIDS activities. Population, Health and Nutrition Division. Washington, DC, USA, World Bank.

World Bank. 1995. Regional AIDS strategy for the Sahel. West Africa Division, Population and Human Resources Division. Washington, DC, USA, World Bank.

World Health Organization. 1995. Community HIV prevention handbook. Geneva, WHO.

World Health Organization. 1995. Youth, HIV infection and development in Africa. Tunis, WHO.

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