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Status of fisherfolks in the region

Status of fisherfolks in the region

Currently, the population of the Philippines stands at 61.5 Million. Nearly 60% of all Filipinos are below 15 years of age and 33% of the population is malnourished. The latest government figures indicate that 52% of the population live below the poverty level. This means that majority of the Filipinos have to feed, clothe, house and educate a family of six with less than US$100 a month.

The Philippines is widely known for its rich aquatic resources and has great potentials for economic recovery and growth through the development of its fishing industry. However, due to neglect and widespread destruction, abuse of these resources, the fishing industry contribute a measly 5-6 % of the Gross National Product (GNP). This accounts for the widespread poverty and poor living standards of about one (1) million fisher folks on the coastal villages and surrounding bodies of water.

It is a matter of great priority that the country should increase its domestic food production. The collaboration of the government and private sectors is an important development of the fishing industry. It is being increasing recognized that increased production of food is necessary in order to keep pace with the ever increasing population growth.

Some observations in identifying the major problems encountered by the fisher folks and their are as follows:

1. Fish marketing problems which resulted to:

2. cannot afford education for the children

3. income is not sufficient

4. food is not sufficient resulted to under nourishment, diseases, sickness

5. worries of insecurities

Considering the great potentials of the fishing industry as major contribution to the GNP and the need to improve the quality of life of small and marginal fishermen, the government through the different agencies can play an important role in national development by undertaking appropriate technology, preservation and fishery cooperatives to the fisher folks in the region and their members. Taking into account that people in the coastal villages lack know-how on the existing fishery laws and proper human values among the people, a technical assistance from fishery specialists-experts is needed to strengthen their livelihood situation and uplift their living conditions.

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