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The FAO Forest Harvesting Bulletin is produced twice annually for distribution to about 5000 individuals, field projects, institutions, and organizations interested in environmentally sound forest harvesting and transport, especially in developing countries and in countries undergoing the transition to market economies. The Bulletin forms part of the networking and technology transfer activities of the Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing Branch of FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Staff Members
Branch Chief Rudolf Heinrich
Forestry Officer Joachim Lorbach
Forestry Officer François Ndeckere-Ziangba
Consultant Norbert Winkler
Guest Editor Donald Nearhood
Secretary Josiane Hababou-Zamperini

Correspondence and Submissions
Requests to be added to the mailing list for the Bulletin, and letters or short contributions in English, French, or Spanish to be considered for publication should be sent to:

Rudolf Heinrich, Chief
Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing Branch (FOPH)
Forest Products Division FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Email: [email protected]
Internet URL:
Telephone: +39 6 5225-4727
Facsimile: +39 6 5225-5618

Cover photos: FAO and Columbia Helicopters, Inc


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