Land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas: rainfed and irrigated lands, rangelands and woodlands

Table of contents

Inter-governmental negotiating committee for the preparation of a convention to combat desertification and drought (INCD).
First Substantive Session, Nairobi
24 May - 4 June 1993

Presented by
the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

Text for FAO presentation at INCD,
Nairobi, 24 28 May 1993
Rome, 20 May 1993

Wim Sombroek 1 and El Hadji Sene 2 on behalf of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Desertification, FAO

1 Director, Land and Water Development Division.
2 Chief, Conservation and Wildlands Branch, Forest Resources Division.



1. Definitions

1.1 What are arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas?
1.2 What is land?
1.3 What is land degradation?

2. Components and processes of land degradation and recovery

2.1 Components of degradation
2.2 Hazards and extent of present-day degradation of drylands
2.3 Time scales, cycles and reversibility of land degradation
2.4 Climate change as cause and result of degradation of dryland areas

3. Land degradation by main type of rural land use in dryland areas

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Land degradation and rainfed agriculture
3.3 Land degradation and irrigated agriculture
3.4 Land degradation and rangeland management
3.5 Land degradation and woodland management

4. Integrated responses for land rehabilitation and sustainable development in arid, semi-arid and dry subhumid areas

Annex I - Specific facets of sustainable dryland development

Annex II