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FAO forestry division


Choice of Species (Development Paper No. 13)

This section of the World Forest Planting Manual deals with the factors which should guide the choice of tree species for planting on various sites. FAO has consulted the experience of experts in many parts of the world in this outline of the principles governing the successful establishment of forest plantations. A number of examples are included of the results of the introduction of certain species on specific sites.

Tropical Silviculture (in three volumes)

Volume I contains a general study of Tropical Silviculture which was begun following the successful sessions of the Tropical Silviculture Section of the Fourth World Forestry Congress at Dehra Dun in 1954. The extensive research of literature undertaken for this study was based on the papers which were invited for that session, according to outlines prepared by the FAO Forestry Division. The papers themselves are contained in Volumes II and III, and are reproduced in the original languages only.

Yearbook of Forest Products Statistics 1958

Contains statistics from more than 100 countries on production, trade and consumption in roundwood, sawnwood, sleepers, plywood, woodpulp, paper etc., in addition to estimates of world production of forest products commodities by regions. Trilingual (English, French, Spanish) edition in preparation.


World Forest Products Statistics

(A Ten-Year Summary - 1946-55)

Here, in one volume, are forest products statistics for the ten years during which issues of the Yearbook of Forest Products Statistics have appeared. Complete with revised figures never before published, this important commemorative publication contains tables, charts and reviews of production and trade, country notes and a comprehensive discussion of the basic features of statistical analysis. 198 pages. Trilingual (English, French, Spanish) edition.

U.S. $3.00 or 15s.

Fibreboard and Particle Board

Report of the FAO/ECE International Consultation on Insulation Board, Hardboard and Particle Board held at Geneva, January 1957. In English. French and Spanish editions in preparation.

U.S. $2.00 or 10s.

Poplars (Forestry Study No. 12)

The genus Populus today holds a very special place amongst fast-growing species by virtue of its wide distribution, its suitability for cultivation both inside and outside the forest and for the extensive range of products which it yields. This study was prepared at the request of FAO by the standing Executive Committee of the International Poplar Commission.

In English, French and Spanish.

U.S. $3.50 or 17s. 6d.

Commonwealth Forestry Bureau

Oxford, England


This presents the essence of current world literature extracted by an experienced permanent staff from publications in about 30 languages (over 550 periodicals, 700 serials and innumerable miscellaneous papers, books, etc.) and now totalling over 4,500 abstracts each year. Special features include: the abstracting at length of literature published in the more unfamiliar languages (e.g. Slav, Hungarian and Oriental languages); notice of the more important critical reviews; notices of translations into English; notices of new journals and serials, or of changes in their style; and notices of atlases, maps and patents. Each issue normally contains a leading article synthesizing authoritatively the literature on some particular subject and also items of world news. Annual subscription from Volume 18 (1) is £3.10.0 or $9.40 U.S.A. or Canada. Post free.


Containing a directory of publishing sources, analysis of an abstract notice, a key to abbreviations and many other aids, now available in an enlarged 4-language edition (English, French, German, Spanish) for 10s. or $1.40 post free.


A quick-service postal auxiliary to the Abstracts bringing to subscribers four times a month exact copies of the index cards made from the world stream of forestry literature during the Bureau's day-today work, totalling about 6,500 annually. Full particulars and samples from: The Director, Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, Oxford.

Orders should be sent to:

Central Sales Branch, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux,
Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England.

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