Contents -

VI. Activities and programmes of the organization

A. Programme of Work and Budget 1986-87 and Medium-term Objectives
B. Review of the Regular Programme 1984-85
C. Review of Field Programmes 1984-85
D. Follow-up of Conference Resolutions 8/83 and 9/83 - Plant Genetic Resources
E. International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
F. United Nations/FAO World Food Programme
G. Relations and Consultations with International Organizations

A. Programme of Work and Budget 1986-87 and Medium-term Objectives

Format and Presentation
Strategies, Priorities and Objectives
Level of the Budget
General Policy and Direction
Major Programme 2.1: Agriculture
Programme 2.1.1: Natural Resources
Programme 2.1.2: Crops
Programme 2.1.3: Livestock
Programme 2.1.4: Research and Technology Development
Programme 2.1.5: Rural Development
Programme 2.1.6: Nutrition
Programme 2.1.7: Food and Agricultural Information and Analysis
Programme 2.1.8: Food and Agricultural Policy
Major programme 2.2: Fisheries
Major programme 2.3: Forestry
Development support programmes
Technical cooperation programme
Support and common services
Budgetary appropriations 1986-87


178. The Conference expressed full appreciation for the realistic assessment of the world situation and the main background considerations to the formulation of proposals for 1986-87, as contained in the Director-General's Introduction to the Programme of Work and Budget. It particularly welcomed the useful reassertion of the four major functions of FAO under the Regular Programme, i.e.: (a) as a collector and purveyor of information; (b) as a centre for policy analysis; (c) as a forum for intergovernmental discussion; and (d) as a provider of technical assistance at the field level and mobilizer of investment and aid.

179. The Conference recognized that the prospects for the world economy continued to be fraught with considerable uncertainties. The solution to major problems such as the volatility of exchange rates, persistent inflation in most countries, the fluctuations of financial and trade flows and the disequilibrium between job creation and unsatisfied demand continued to defy decision-makers at both national and international levels.

180. The Conference also recognized that, although no country was immune from the negative effects of such worldwide problems, the state of economic and social conditions in most developing countries gave cause for particularly grave concern. Their problems were compounded by severe debt servicing obligations, depressed prices for commodities, problems in international trade, scarce domestic resources for development, and to varying degrees, poverty and wretchedness for large segments of rural and urban populations. Difficulties were most acute in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

181. The Conference recognized that, within this economic and social framework, the world food and agricultural situation again reflected mixed performance and largely unresolved issues at both national and international levels. The Conference stressed that the favourable elements represented by a record world cereal production, the replenishment of cereal stocks, though only in some traditional surplus countries, or any temporary respite given to sub-Saharan Africa in its struggle against recurrent food shortages and persistent malnutrition, should not distract the international community and individual Member Nations from the medium- and long-term commitments for action, consistent with international and national development goals.

182. Accordingly, the Conference reiterated its conviction that FAO, within its mandated domain of food and agriculture, should continue to provide policy guidance and leadership in contributing to the solution of international problems, to catalyse international cooperation, and to lend the necessary support at international, regional and country levels, in order to mobilize the external resources for sustained agricultural development and the gradual elimination of rural poverty and malnutrition.

183. The Conference agreed that FAO's Regular and Field programmes played complementary and mutually reinforcing roles in this long-term effort. In view of the limited prospects for significant additional extra-budgetary resources being available to the Organization, an appeal was made to all possible sources of external financing to provide enhanced support to FAO field programmes in future years.

Format and Presentation

184. The Conference agreed that the format and presentation of the Programme of Work and Budget document achieved a satisfactory balance between desirable requirements of economy in size and conciseness on the one hand, and the provision of necessary details in both narrative and tabular forms, on the other.

185. Some members, while largely supporting this favourable assessment, considered that further improvements could be sought toward greater clarity, more precise programme descriptions and increased transparency of the proposals.


186. The Conference recognized that the task confronting the Director-General before each biennial financial exercise was particularly difficult, as it entailed screening among a vast number of policy and programme initiatives to meet felt needs of Member Nations, individually or collectively. Perceptions of relative importance of specific programme areas and activities, which the Organization needed to cover or implement, necessarily varied among member countries, regions and sub-regions and even at the level of the whole FAO membership. The Conference further recognized that this fine programming effort had to be accompanied by a vigorous search for possible economies, while safeguarding the capacity of the Organization to deliver its programme effectively and efficiently.

187. The Conference agreed that the Director-General's proposed Programme of Work and Budget was a reflection of the above policy parameters. It considered that the end objective of presenting a coherent set of activities, within a financial framework which took into account the present economic and financial situation had, by and large, been reached.

188. The Conference, moreover, expressed particular appreciation for the Director-General's sense of realism, deliberate search for consensus, and goodwill, which had led him to reduce the overall level of additional resources from that proposed In the Summary Programme of Work and Budget, which had been submitted to the Eighty-seventh Session of the FAO Council. The resulting identification of further economies was commended.

189. Thus, the Conference welcomed the proposals involving a net programme increase for FAO's technical and economic programmes, which had been achieved by further reductions in administrative and support areas over those effected for the Programme of Work and Budget 1984-85. In this context it was noted that the net programme increase for the technical and economic programmes was US$9.4 million, but the overall net programme increase had been kept to US$5 million, i.e. 1.1 percent over the 1984-85 base.

190. The Conference commended the continued attention to identifying feasible reductions in administrative and support areas, as well as to systematically eliminating lower-priority activities. It noted with appreciation that the proportion of expenditures on established posts to total expenditures had again been reduced, despite the addition of a few additional posts in well-considered cases. A few members, however, considered that such requirements for new posts should have been met through redeployment within existing staffing levels.

191. The Conference stressed that there were limits to reductions of administrative and support services, beyond which it would be difficult for FAO to deliver approved programmes effectively and, more generally, for the Organization to respond in an efficient and timely manner to the ever-increasing demands for its technical support services.

Strategies, Priorities and Objectives

192. The Conference endorsed the six principal aims which the Director General had established in priority selection for 1986-87: promotion of food production, increasing food security, consolidation of information systems, emphasizing training, enhancement of Economic and Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries and ensuring impact at the field level.

193. The Conference agreed that the choice of strategies and priorities and the specification of medium-term objectives under various programme areas were in full accordance with previous guidance of the Conference and Council. More over they took into account the most recent deliberations and recommendations of FAO bodies providing policy and programme advice, such as FAO Regional Conferences, the Committees of the Council, and the full range of FAO advisory Committees and Commissions. They also took account of deliberations in other inter-governmental fora, as well as of the successful outcome of events such as the 1984 FAO-sponsored World Fisheries Conference, the Ninth World Forestry Congress and the FAO-proclaimed International Year of the Forest.

194. In respect of regional focus, the Conference fully agreed with the overall priority given to Africa. The magnitude of requirements for external assistance of sub-Saharan Africa, was borne out by the food and agriculture emergency experienced in the last two years, and exemplified by the manifold structural problems faced by the fragile economies of the region. While this unanimous support was to be interpreted as the expression of solidarity from all regions, the Conference stressed that a judicious balance had to be retained in the allocation of limited resources, so as to accommodate the requirements of other regions. In this connection, the Conference commended the Director-General's expeditious response to the difficult situation in Africa through the Agricultural Rehabilitation Programme for Africa.

195. The Conference expressed particular appreciation for the increasingly social orientation of many programmes, as exemplified by the emphasis placed on the special requirements of small farmers, women as food producers, and other disadvantaged groups in rural areas, which was apparent throughout the proposed programme of work. The Conference stressed that it was indeed essential to lay the basis for locally-based income-generating activities and for truly participatory approaches to development, in order to contribute efficiently to poverty-alleviation in rural areas.

196. The Conference reiterated its support to the decentralization policy which had been actively pursued in the last ten-year period. This enabled greater practical impact in the field, of the technical and economic programmes of the Organization. The Conference considered that the three major instruments of this decentralization policy, the FAO Regional Offices, the FAO Country Representatives and the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP), had to continue to play fully complementary roles in that respect, despite the fact that the former two were being stabilized at their current levels.

197. Some members suggested that the time was ripe for reflection over the longer term on the possible future evolution of FAO's role so as to chart a course until and beyond the end of the century.

Level of the Budget

198. Quite a number of members, while recognizing the fundamental importance of FAO's mandate, and appreciating the relevance of its technical and economic programmes in the food and agriculture sector, stressed that financial austerity should be observed by all organizations of the United Nations (UN) System in view of tight budgetary constraints throughout the world, and that this could be achieved by managing the budget on the basis of a zero real growth concept. They stressed that this could, in particular, lead to Increased streamlining of the Organization toward even more efficiency and effectiveness, and was therefore in no way to be interpreted as a relaxation of their Governments' commitment to multilateral cooperation. Many of these members stated that they were not in a position to support the proposed budget level. Others reserved their position. Still others, while hoping that there could be further improvements, stated that they could support the proposed budget level.

199. The great majority of members considered that the Director-General's proposed net programme increase of 1.1 percent was not commensurate with the magnitude of requirements for FAO policy and programme support at global, regional and national levels. In its view, since FAO was the primary Organization in the UN System dealing with the food and agriculture sector, and of such importance to achieve their development objectives, a higher level of resources was totally justified. This majority, therefore, categorically rejected the application of a concept of zero real growth to international organizations in the UN System and in particular to FAO. The sentiments of realism and search for consensus which had led the Director-General to propose such a modest programme increase were appreciated. Despite the financial difficulties of the countries concerned, this majority endorsed without reservation the Director-General's proposals. It also voiced the hope that these proposals would be approved unanimously by the whole FAO membership.

200. In summary, the great majority expressed their full support for the proposed budget level; some members were unable to support the proposed budget level; and some other members having reserved their positions until a later stage, subsequently declared their positions at the time of voting.

201. In discussion of the individual chapters, the following main points were made on various programme matters.

General Policy and Direction

202. The Conference endorsed the proposals and commended the substantial budgetary reduction proposed in this chapter, without prejudice to the effective implementation of the well-established programmes which comprised the chapter.

Major Programme 2.1: Agriculture

203. The Conference supported the long-term goals and strategies and the medium-term objectives of the Major Programme: Agriculture. It considered that the selection and balance of programme activities proposed under the constituent programmes and sub-programmes represented a coherent response to these objectives.

204. The Conference particularly welcomed the many activities aimed at increased and more secure availability of modern agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, vaccines, pesticides, seeds, irrigation water, etc., especially for the small farm sector, which it considered as a critical factor in the achievement of more rapid production increases in developing regions.

205. The Conference also noted with satisfaction that in-house coordination on important multidisciplinary issues continued to be ensured through the work of various Inter-Departmental Working Groups such as on Environment and Energy, Science and Technology, Rural Development, Land Use Planning, etc.

Programme 2.1.1: Natural Resources

206. The Conference underlined the importance of sound management and conservation of the natural resource base for sustained agricultural production and supported the activities under this programme.

207. The Conference welcomed the particular emphasis on the development of integrated dryland farming systems, and on the support to soil and water conservation programmes, while maintaining an adequate balance between soil conservation and water quality management.

208. The Conference also endorsed the strengthening of other priority areas such as the enhancement of soil productivity through integrated plant nutrition systems, irrigation development and assessment of crop and population potentials of lands.

Programme 2.1.2: Crops

209. The Conference fully endorsed the absolute priority given in the Crops Programme to increasing food crop production in low-income food-deficit areas. It supported the balance of budget allocations to the specific sub-programmes.

210. The Conference stressed that sustained increases in food crop production would require contemporary and timely efforts including the use of high yielding and well adapted varieties, quality seeds, efficient crop protection practices and appropriate mechanization, as well as the introduction of improved cropping systems.

211. The Conference recalled the well-recognized role of FAO as a conduit for international cooperation in plant protection and pest control, particularly at regional and sub-regional levels, and recommended that such catalytic action be continued.

212. The Conference also emphasized that sufficient attention be given to traditional and secondary crops. It welcomed, in this connection, the proposed activities of demonstration and transfer of low-risk production technologies for small farmers, and the increased activities on roots and tubers, as well as on plantain.

213. The Conference considered as particularly timely and relevant the activities in connection with the Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, which would lead to significant improvements toward safer management of these essential agricultural inputs.

214. The Conference recognized the importance of adequate handling and storage practices at farm level to maximize benefits to farmers from crop production increases, and supported the corresponding activities for cost-effective farm structures, as well as the proposed expanded commodity coverage of the Prevention of Food Losses (PFL) programme to include perishable fruit and vegetables.

Programme 2.1.3: Livestock

215. The Conference endorsed the proposed activities of the Livestock Programme which were in full accordance with FAO's recognized essential roles in emergency disease control, international cooperation in animal health matters and the development of more efficient livestock production systems in member countries, particularly through the strong training and TCDC components built in the programme.

216. The Conference singled out the proposed activities on the utilization of feed resources and improved feeding systems in animal husbandry systems, including the use of agricultural by-products, as most timely contributions to accelerated rural development.

217. The Conference recommended continued attention to the eradication of major endemic diseases such as rinderpest, food-and-mouth disease, etc., for which the international community looked upon FAO as a source of technical leadership and effective support.

218. The Conference adopted the following Resolution:

Resolution 7/85



Recalling the deliberations on the PAN-AFRICAN RINDERPEST CAMPAIGN (PARC) at its previous Sessions,

Considering the activities already carried out by FAO together with the OAU (Organization of the African Unities), OIE (International Office of Epizootics) and donor agencies, particularly the EEC and the World Bank, in combatting this scourge,

Taking note of the recommendations made by the 13th FAO Regional Conference for Africa (Harare, 1984) on the Implementation of PARC, especially on the need to launch this crucial Campaign as soon as possible with multi-donor funds in order to control the dangerous spread in Africa of the terrible scourge of Rinderpest,

Concerned greatly that the Campaign has not yet been launched as announced previously by the major donors to PARC, and worried seriously by the continuous threat of the disease through the movement of animals across national borders, intensified all the more by the recent drought in Africa,

Commending the Director-General of FAO for his prompt assistance with various TCP projects to (a) control the accelerating spread of Rinderpest; (b) strengthen national and regional Rinderpest vaccine-producing laboratories; (c) train personnel for PARC; (d) support the OAU in its leading role in PARC; and (e) prepare PARC projects for 28 countries,

1. Requests the Director-General of FAO to continue giving emergency assistance to affected countries in order to limit the dangerous spread of the Rinderpest disease until the coordinated launching of PARC, and to provide technical assistance for PARC, particularly in field personnel training and improvement of Rinderpest vaccine production.

2. Recognizes fully the technical capabilities vested in FAO for PARC and invites all PARC donors and recipients to fully utilize FAO's technical capacities and resources and ensure the success of PARC.

3. Calls upon donor agencies, particularly the EEC and the World Bank, to strengthen their collaboration with OAU and FAO in launching without further delay the Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign, as laid out in the programme for the Campaign.

(Adopted 28 November 1985)

Programme 2.1.4: Research and Technology Development

219. The Conference endorsed the thrust and detailed activities of this programme, which were in line with the vast and urgent requirements in most developing countries to build an endogenous agricultural research base, commensurate with the socio-economic conditions of each country. It agreed in particular with the emphasis placed on strengthening agricultural research systems, applications of radiation techniques and biotechnology, remote sensing technology, environmental conservation strategies and sustained rural energy systems.

220. Within this overall effort, the Conference emphasized the importance of suitable links between research results and extension through FAO-sponsored training activities.

221. The Conference also emphasized the importance of appropriate technologies for the specific use by small farmers in increasing their productivity and incomes.

Programme 2.1.5: Rural Development

222. The Conference endorsed the medium-term objectives and proposed activities under this programme, which contributed to the coordination and integration of rural development concepts into FAO's technical programmes.

223. The Conference stressed that there should be no relaxation of efforts at international and national levels in the implementation of the Programme of Action of WCARRD, particularly since major institutional reforms and reforms of agrarian structures required long gestation periods. It supported the range of proposed activities for WCARRD follow-up.

224. Particularly in connection with this programme, the Conference welcomed the attention to social aspects of development and to the alleviation of rural poverty through specially designed programmes for rural women producers, youth, rural cooperatives and the landless.

225. The Conference more particularly endorsed the activities at the country level related to women's roles as food producers and in food security, which would include training programmes on women in agricultural production and marketing; it considered that activities in this sector should have an even higher priority in the future. This was in line with the recommendations of the UN Conference on Women held in Nairobi in July 1985.

226. The Conference supported the programmes of marketing extension for small farmers, of improvements of operational efficiency of food marketing and input distribution agencies, and the formulation of sound production input marketing policies and programmes. It considered that progress in marketing and agricultural credit structures was similarly an essential aspect of rapid and sustained rural development.

227. The Conference supported the activities in support of agricultural training and extension and rural communications, while recalling that those included under this programme were to be considered as the tip of a large iceberg, since training activities permeated all FAO technical and economic programmes.

Programme 2.1.6: Nutrition

228. The Conference endorsed the medium-term objectives, and the balance of activities within the programme. It stressed that food and nutritional considerations were essential aspects for successful strategies for agricultural and rural development. This had also to be seen in connection with the broader attention to women's roles in development, mentioned under the preceding Programme, in view of the critical contribution of women to the improvement of the nutritional status of all members of the family particularly in rural areas.

229. The Conference supported the priority given to urban food systems, to the promotion of under-exploited food plants for nutritional improvement, and to the elimination of specific nutritional deficiencies such as Vitamin A deficiency.

Programme 2.1.7: Food and Agricultural Information and Analysis

230. The Conference recalled the essential role of FAO as a major source of statistics and specialized information. It therefore agreed with the medium-term objectives, as well as priority selection and programme activities under this programme.

231. The Conference stressed, in this connection, the magnitude of requirements for assistance to developing countries to strengthen national statistical systems, in order for them to participate more meaningfully in the global system of agricultural statistics, and welcomed the inclusion of substantial training activities to that end.

232. The Conference expressed its full support for the high priority accorded to the substantial strengthening of the Global Information and Early Warning System to be undertaken in 1986-87. It endorsed the various specific actions planned for this purpose, including strengthened assistance to developing countries for the establishment of national early warning systems.

Programme 2.1.8: Food and Agricultural Policy

233. The Conference agreed with the medium-term objectives and proposed programme activities. In particular, it welcomed the continued attention to food security systems and infrastructures; fostering Economic Cooperation between Developing Countries; enhancement of national capacities in programme and project formulation and monitoring and to international trade and commodity issues.

234. The Conference recognized FAO's long-standing role as a forum for intergovernmental discussion, in particular through the FAO Inter-governmental Commodity Groups. It recalled the useful contributions already made by the programme inter alia, to the identification of ECDC opportunities, and looked upon further pioneering work in this area.

235. The Conference stressed that the formulation and implementation of sound price policies should receive increased attention over the short and medium term.

Major programme 2.2: Fisheries

236. The Conference endorsed the programme proposals related to fisheries. It supported the special emphasis to be placed on sound policy formulation and planning, conservation, management and rational utilization of fishery resources in marine and inland waters; aquaculture development; improved fish utilization and promotion of the role of fish in nutrition; use of under-exploited species; strengthening of national and regional data services; and technical support to FAO regional fishery commissions.

237. The Conference recognized that the long-term goals and strategies, medium-term objectives and programme activities under the Major Programme, had been largely influenced by the requirements linked to the implementation of the Strategy for Fisheries Management and Development and of the five Programmes of Action approved by the World Fisheries Conference.

238. The Conference agreed in particular with the proposed substantial increase for Programme 2.2.2, Fisheries Exploitation and Utilization, in particular for Sub-programme, Marine Resources and Environment. In this regard, it stressed the importance of conservation, rational management and optimal utilization of fishery resources.

239. The Conference also supported the intensification of work in aquaculture and inland fisheries, particularly since small-scale fisheries development, including related training and investment promotion aspects, was an essential component for rural development in many countries.

Major programme 2.3: Forestry

240. The Conference stressed the critical importance of FAO's Forestry Programmes in assisting member countries to overcome the disastrous effects of environmental degradation through rapid deforestation, especially in tropical areas, and over-exploitation and depletion of forest resources, including fuelwood, and endorsed a greater priority for this programme in the future.

241. The Conference supported the medium-term objectives and balance of pro posed activities of Major Programme 2.3, Forestry. It welcomed the complementary emphases placed on the contribution of forestry to food supplies and food security, and on increasing the participation of rural people in the benefits from forestry activities.

242. The Conference stressed that the conservation and management of forests in the tropics and in arid and semi-arid zones had to form part of integrated strategies for protecting the land and water resource base against erosion and desertification. It also emphasized the multiple roles of forestry which could significantly contribute to income-generating activities in rural areas.

243. The Conference welcomed, in this connection, the increased volume of activities in support of forestry development generated by major events such as the FAO-proclaimed International Year of the Forest, and the Ninth World Forestry Congress in Mexico.

244. The Conference expressed particular support for afforestation and reforestation activities in Programme 2.3.1, Forest Resources and Environment, as well as for activities on watershed management, on seed procurement and conservation of forest gene resources and on wildlife conservation and utilization. It requested that continued attention be placed on broadening the information base on forestry activities.

245. The Conference also expressed appreciation for Programme 2.3.4: Forestry for Rural Development, the main objective of which was to ensure greater participation by rural people in forestry and forest industry activities. It considered timely and of great relevance to actual requirements in developing regions, the emphasis placed on integrated agro-silvo-pastoral systems, capable of meeting at the same time environmental conservation and food production and security objectives.

Development support programmes

246. The Conference endorsed the programme proposals for this chapter, which included substantial net programme reductions, allowing for the transfer of related resources to other chapters.

247. The Conference reiterated the importance it attached to the efficient execution and expansion of FAO field programmes. Therefore, it could not but support the selection of greater impact at field level as one of the main aims of the Director-General for 1986-87. It endorsed the proposals under Major Programme 3.1: Field Programme Planning and Liaison, which included servicing of TCP projects and administrative support to FAO Representatives.

248. In respect of FAO's investment support activities, the Conference regretted that continued difficulties were experienced in the replenishment of resources for multilateral financial institutions, like IFAD and IDA (Inter national Development Association) which provided resources on concessional terms. It made a strong appeal for the early resolution of outstanding problems regarding the second replenishment of IFAD, so that it be given adequate resources to fulfil its mandate. It also expressed satisfaction with the work of FAO's Investment Centre.

249. The Conference stressed that, despite their consolidation at existing levels, it continued to value the essential contribution to FAO developmental action of the Country Representations and the Regional Offices. It noted that the Programme Committee had thoroughly reviewed and endorsed the activities of the latter Offices at its most recent session.

250. The Conference singled out the contribution of Regional Offices to the promotion of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries, particularly through the support provided to regional and sub-regional networks of national institutions, focusing on specific technical or developmental issues.

Technical cooperation programme

251. The Conference expressed its satisfaction with the role, functions and usefulness of the TCP. Its complementary value to other sources of external assistance, its catalytic mode of operation, its multiplier effect and its flexible nature had made the Programme a fundamental and valued component of FAO's action in the field. It was greatly appreciated, particularly by beneficiary countries, in meeting emergency and unforeseen short-term technical assistance requirements.

252. Some members, while acknowledging the beneficial aspects of TCP, expressed reservations regarding the need for an increased budgetary allocation, and the fact that these increases could have undesirable effects on the FAO Regular Programme. They also expressed their belief that the TCP should be limited to activities requiring emergency responses. These countries also reiterated their long-held position that technical assistance should be funded from voluntary sources.

253. The great majority of members gave its full support to the increase in resources proposed for the TCP. It believed that an even larger increase would have been perfectly justified. It regretted the expression of reservation by some members regarding the increased budgetary allocation on the grounds that the main advantages of the TCP lay precisely in its flexibility, freedom of action and the fact that it had at its disposal resources on a stable basis. It reiterated its conviction that TCP, as an integral part of the technical and economic programmes and as a fundamental instrument of the Regular Programme, did not compete in any manner with the other activities of the Regular Programme.

254. In the light of the views expressed in the preceding paragraphs, the Conference considered that the proposed budgetary resources for the TCP made by the Director-General were commensurate with the expressed needs of Member Nations.

255. The Conference noted that an external independent evaluation of the TCP had been commissioned by the Director-General and submitted together with proposals for the implementation of its findings to the Eighty-eighth Session of the Council. Views on these were expressed during the discussion of the Review of the Regular Programme.

Support and common services

256. The Conference appreciated the further substantial economies proposed under these chapters. Some members encouraged further efforts in this regard. It was, however, pointed out that such economies should not jeopardize efficiency.

Budgetary appropriations 1986-87

257. The Conference approved the Programme of Work and Budget and adopted the following Resolution:

Resolution 8/85



Having considered the Director-General's Programme of Work and Budget and the conclusions of its Commissions,

Approves the Programme of Work proposed by the Director-General for 1986-87,

Resolves that for the financial period 1986-87,

1. Appropriations are voted for the following purposes: us $

Chapter I - General Policy and Direction 31 542 000
Chapter II - Technical and Economic Programmes 198 924 000
Chapter III - Development Support Programmes 72 541 000
Chapter IV - Technical Cooperation Programme 61 421 000
Chapter V - Support Services 57 406 000
Chapter VI - Common Services 14 566 000
Chapter VII - Contingencies 600 000
Total effective working budget 437 000 000
Chapter VIII - Transfer to Tax Equalization Fund 62 200 000
Total Appropriations (Gross) 499 200 000

2. The appropriations (gross) voted in paragraph 1, shall be financed by assessments on Member Nations, after deduction of Miscellaneous Income in the amount of US$41000000, thus resulting in assessments against Member Nations of US$458200000;

3. In establishing the actual amounts of contributions to be paid by individual Member Nations, the assessment of each Member Nation shall he reduced by any amount standing to its credit in the Tax Equalization Fund provided that the credit of a Member Nation that levies taxes on the salaries, emoluments and indemnities received from FAO by staff members shall be reduced by the estimated amounts of such taxes to be reimbursed to the staff member by FAO;

4. The contributions due from Member Nations in 1986 and 1987 shall be paid in accordance with the scale adopted by the Conference at its Twenty third Session, which contributions, after the deduction of amounts standing to the credit of Member Nations in the Tax Equalization Fund, result in net amounts payable totalling US$397 150 000 as set out in Appendix E to this Report. (Adopted 20 November 1985)

Contents -