Contents -

III. Introduction

A. Tenth McDougall Memorial Lecture
B. Presentation of the B R. Sen Awards for 1976 and 1977
C. Tribute to Mr. Gonzalo Bula Hoyos as Independent chairman of the council
D. Retirement of Roy I. Jackson
E. In memoriam

A. Tenth McDougall Memorial Lecture

1. The tenth in the series of lectures at regular Conference sessions in memory of Frank Lidgett McDougall, a founding father of the Organization, was delivered by H.E. Andrew Young, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations.

B. Presentation of the B R. Sen Awards for 1976 and 1977

2. The Chairman of the Conference presented the B.R. Sen Award for 1976 to T. Eren (Turkey). Mr. Eren was appointed Project Manager in 1973 of the UNDP/FAO project "Mae SA Integrated Watershed and Forest Land Use" in Thailand. Among his achievements with the team he led, his part in the creation of a new inter-disciplinary watershed management division was outstanding. His project public relations committee aroused widespread interest and, with the help of government agencies, achieved concrete measures to better the conditions and prospects of the poor hill farmers.

3. The B.R. Sen Award for 1977 was presented to Miss Jean A.S. Ritchie (United Kingdom). Miss Ritchie, as FAO Regional Adviser on Programmes for Better Family Living to an FAO/UNFPA project attached to the E.C.A. Africa Training and Research Centre for Women, had major responsibility for the Itinerant Training Programme aiming to upgrade the education and training of African women and to improve living conditions for rural families. Among her other activities, which include the writing of two books on teaching and learning better nutrition, Miss Ritchie played a major role in helping to establish the Africa Training and Research Centre for Women in 1975.

Tribute to G. Bula Hoyos as Independent Chairman of the Council.

4. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 1/77

C. Tribute to Mr. Gonzalo Bula Hoyos as Independent chairman of the council

The Conference,

Considering that the term of office of Mr. Gonzalo Bula Hoyos, Independent Chairman of the Council since November 1973, expires at the close of the Nineteenth Session of the Conference,

Conscious of the fact that the outgoing Independent Chairman has been closely and actively associated with FAO since 1959,

1. Expresses sincere appreciation for the invaluable services given to the Organization and the guidance provided to the Council throughout his terms of office;

2. Conveys to Mr. Gonzalo Bula Hoyos its deep gratification and warmest wishes.

(Adopted 22 November 1977)

Retirement of Roy I. Jackson

5. In tribute to the Deputy Director-General whose retirement would take place at the end of the current year, the Conference adopted the following resolution by acclamation:

Resolution 2/77

D. Retirement of Roy I. Jackson

The Conference,

Noting that Roy I. Jackson will retire from the Organization at the end of December 1977, after six years of service as Deputy Director-General,

Mindful also of his previous appointments, first as Director of the Fisheries Division and subsequently as the first Assistant Director-General of the Fisheries Department,

Recognizing his outstanding service and his unfailing dedication to the aims of the Organization,

Expresses to Roy I. Jackson its deep appreciation of the permanent contribution he has made to the work of FAO, and conveys to him its warm wishes for health and happiness in the future.

(Adopted 29 November 1977)

E. In memoriam

6. The Conference paid tribute to the staff members who had died in the service of the Organization since its Eighteenth Session.

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