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F. The protein problem in relation to the world food supply

141. The Conference examined The Protein Problem in Relation to the World Food Supply An Analysis of FAO's Activities.

142. The shortage of foods containing protein of good quality in the developing countries, particularly those suitable for the vulnerable groups, especially young children, was well recognized. The Conference also appreciated that socioeconomic factors as well as the overall availability of protein foods played an important part in the causation of protein malnutrition, and that such malnutrition in infancy and early childhood resulted in poor physical and, possibly, mental development in later life. Inequitable distribution of food containing high quality protein such as meat and fish, which were comparatively expensive compared with cereals and starchy roots, was found in all developing countries and also inside families. More knowledge of the exact extent of the "protein gap" and of its nature in terms of food habits, food consumption and household economics still had to be acquired through surveys in order that the most suitable type of project for the prevention of malnutrition in a given ecological area could be implemented. Nevertheless, in many places sufficient knowledge existed to provide a basis for action, and the Conference considered that projects should be developed forthwith.

143. The Conference considered that in the immediate future emphasis should be placed upon the production and utilization of conventional or traditional protein foods. New sources of protein should continue to be developed from their present experimental or pilot stage for use in the longer term. Emphasis should be given both to the development of animal products (milk, meat, fish, poultry and eggs) and to cereals with high protein content of good quality, and grain legumes should also be recognized.

144. The importance of developing livestock (cattle) production for both meat and milk was emphasized, together with the necessary improvement of pasture and range management which this implies. The importance of prevention of animal diseases was recognized, and some delegates suggested that FAO should give assistance in setting up animal disease control centres in developing regions.

145. Some delegates pointed to the importance of fishery development, particularly the exploitation of new fishing potentials, and to the advisability of better handling, processing and marketing to improve utilization of fishery products.

146. The Conference considered that the International Dairy Development Scheme proposed by the Director-General could perform an important role in "filling the protein gap, " particularly in providing milk for prematurely weaned infants and young children. It was noted also that formulated foods for young children were produced in several countries with assistance from FAO, WHO, UNICEF and UNDP or with direct bilateral assistance. Such foods were based on cereals, legumes and a protein concentrate such as dried skimmed milk, soya bean flour or fish protein concentrate.

147. Several delegates considered that trade in livestock production in developing countries, through which meat could be made available to help overcome protein deficiencies, was being restricted by tariff and non-tariff barriers. This question should be taken up by FAO with GATT and UNCTAD and the International Office of Epizootics.

148. The need for training and education in nutrition for those responsible for developing food policies on the one hand and at family level on the other was recognized as an important element in reducing the prevalence of malnutrition. Nutrition education of the family should start in schools and include school gardening and small animal husbandry; mothers and girls should be taught in the home and through the development of home gardens. The applied nutrition programmes being implemented by FAO, WHO and UNICEF were considered valuable in the context of nutrition education and of the improved utilization of locally available protein foods. The feeding programmes conducted by WFP and UNICEF were also a major factor in overcoming protein malnutrition and should provide support for nutrition education.

149. The Conference recognized the leadership of FAO among the United Nations family in the development of all programmes and projects concerned with increasing the production, commercialization and utilization of protein foods, but urged that the closest cooperation and coordination be maintained with WHO, UNICEF, UNIDO, IAEA and other bodies within the United Nations system in order that the best use of all resources available to those agencies could be achieved and the maximum possible impact on malnutrition could be effected in the shortest possible time. The part being played by non-governmental organizations, frequently through FFHC projects, in combating protein malnutrition, was acknowledged, and the Conference urged the Director-General to obtain the cooperation and assistance of those agencies.

150. The Conference noted that a large number of the proposals made by the United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development, which had been endorsed by ECOSOC and by the General Assembly in Resolution 2416 (XIII), had already been implemented or would be implemented in the biennium 1970-71.

151. The important advisory and coordinating role played by the FAD/WHO/UNICEF Protein Advisory Group (PAG) was recognized, and the Conference noted with satisfaction that it was now a body comprising all the different disciplines required to tackle the protein problem, including human nutritionists, agronomists, economists, pediatricians, food technologists, sociologists, marketing and other specialists. The PAG had established four Working Groups to deal with the following subjects (a) Feeding the Pre-School Child, (b) Marketing, (c) Single cell Protein and (d) Amino Acid Fortification of Cereals. The expansion of PAG's activities is reflected in the increase in the budget from $33 000 in 1966 to $120 000 in 1970. It was planned to increase it further in the future.

152. Regarding the resources available to FAO to implement its programmes in protein food production and utilization, the Conference was aware that UNDP funds and WFP protein food supplies were already being applied to projects designed to counteract protein malnutrition, but urged the Director-General and member governments to make more use of these resources and others such as those provided by UNICEF, FFHC and non-governmental organizations.

153. The Conference considered that international aid of the nature described above would have to be continued for a considerable time until the developing countries could from their own resources meet their protein food needs and, further, had instituted satisfactory processing and marketing systems which would allow an equitable distribution of those foods throughout their populations.

154. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 2/69

Increasing the Production and Use of Edible Proteins

The Conference

Having considered the report of the Director-General on increasing the production and use of edible proteins;

Welcoming the intention of the Director-General to consider the filling of the protein gap as one of five major Areas of Concentration of the activities of FAO;

Welcoming the report of the United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development, entitled International Action to Avert the Impending Protein Crisis;

Noting General Assembly Resolution 2416 (XIII) which emphasizes that "further and fresh efforts are necessary for dealing with the protein problems" and "invites the Specialized Agencies concerned to provide developing countries with the appropriate specialized services required for the preparation and implementation of development projects aimed at increasing the production and consumption of protein" and further "invites the interested organizations within the United Nations system to examine the ways and means of increasing the resources for expanding their activities in the protein field";

Noting also FAO Conference Resolution 8/67 which invites the Director-General to seek appropriate means for financing the development of protein food production and utilization;

Bearing in mind the statement of the Administrative Committee on Coordination relating to the protein question;

1. Notes with satisfaction that the FAD/WHO/UNICEF Protein Advisory Group has expanded its scope and functions, and that arrangements have been made for other interested organizations to participate in the work of the Protein Advisory Group;

2. Requests the Director-General, in preparing the programme of action of the Organization, to give special attention to the activities of the Organization relating to the priority concern of the development, commercialization and utilization of all protein resources throughout the world from both traditional sources such as animal products and new sources, so as to fill the protein gap, paying attention to the needs of the vulnerable groups, particularly those of young children;

3. Requests the Director-General to:

(i) ensure the continued full participation of the Organization in and support for the Protein Advisory Group;

(ii) strengthen the Organization's collaboration with WHO, UNICEF, and other members of the United Nations system in the development and better utilization of protein resources;

(iii) ensure proper programme coordination; and

(iv) encourage ways and means of obtaining the cooperation and assistance of non-governmental organizations.

4. Further requests, in order that FAO may play its full role, the Director-General to consult with the United Nations and other organizations concerned on the steps to be taken to comply with General Assembly Resolution 2416 (III), and to report thereon to the Council and to the Conference.

(Adopted 26.XI.69)

G. Multilateral food aid

155. The Conference took note of General Assembly Resolution 2462 (XXIII) on multilateral food aid, adopted after the Assembly's consideration of the Second Report on Multilateral Food Aid, prepared by the Secretary-General of the United Nations with the cooperation of the Director-General. The Conference expressed its general satisfaction with the action being taken by the Intergovernmental Committee (IGC) of the World Food Programme and by the Director-General with respect to the issues referred to them under the resolution.

156. The Conference noted that the reports to be prepared by the IGC and by the Director-General would be considered by the FAO Council and the Economic and Social Council in the course of 1970. Moreover, action had been initiated by FAO in other fields relevant to the purposes of the General Assembly resolution, including the early warning system for food shortages, the medium-term food outlook reviews and the decision to start an information service on food aid transactions. Governments would also be giving detailed consideration in 1970 to the Director-General's proposal for the establishment of an International Dairy Development Scheme In these circumstances, the Conference felt that no further action was called for at the current session.

157. Several delegates, while recognizing the significance of food aid on a bilateral basis, emphasized the importance of multilateral food aid, bearing in mind the growing number of donor and recipient countries, and considered that the World Food Programme was the appropriate international organization on which to base the further adaptation of multilateral food aid operations in cooperation with other interested agencies of the United Nations system. Several others stressed the importance of linking food aid with the development of the recipient countries, which should be the main purpose behind such aid rather than the mere disposal of surpluses. Appreciation was expressed for the establishment by FAO of the early warning system for food shortages due to crop failures, and some delegates pointed to the importance of measures to ensure that supplies would be available to meet emergencies. With regard to the suggestion in the Secretary-General's Report that there might be some earmarking of normal stocks held by developed countries for use in emergencies, it was agreed that it would be useful to have a preliminary discussion of this in the CCP including the question of supervision over any system for mobilizing emergency supplies in response to an appeal. Some delegates felt that reserve stocks might also be built up in vulnerable countries. It was also agreed that the Director-General's suggestion that use be made of an existing intergovernmental forum to assist in the assessment of food aid needs might be usefully referred to the CCP.

158. Some delegates drew the attention of the Conference to some contradictions in the current world production and distribution of agricultural commodities and particularly of foodstuffs, which were at the root of the difficulties now existing in this sector. While developing countries needed to intensify their agricultural production to ensure their development, some developed countries were faced with the need to maintain their agricultural production at a given level for social, political and humanitarian reasons. This resulted in a high degree of self-sufficiency or the creation of surpluses in these countries. Many developing countries, on the other hand, felt that some developed countries should liberalize their markets and reduce their production - which by keeping food production at a static level, would reduce the supplies of food for fighting hunger. These delegates felt that instead of continuing with a sterile confrontation between developing and developed countries, both groups of countries should try to reach a global solution of the problem by ensuring the marketing of their output of food, since developing countries did not aim at limiting the production of foodstuffs in developed countries but at marketing their own output. Consequently, these delegates considered that it was necessary to establish a world-wide coordinating mechanism or a world food bank which would distribute agricultural commodities and especially foodstuffs, both commercially and as food aid. In this way, the efforts which were now being made with the same objectives by means of international commodity agreements, the disposal of surpluses, the donations and the facilities made available or planned by international financial agencies, the Freedom From Hunger Campaign, etc., would be all coordinated. In the view of these delegates the time appeared opportune for the implementation of such an idea, since some important developed countries were considering the re-structuring of their agriculture.

H. World food programme

159. The Conference had before it a proposed resolution submitted by the FAO Council at its Fifty-Second Session concerning the establishment of a target of $300 million for the World Food Programme during the period 1971-72. The Conference was aware that a similar resolution had been submitted to the United Nations General Assembly by the ECOSOC.

160. The Conference heard a statement from the Executive Director setting forth the reasons for establishing a target at that level, pointing out that so far in the pledging period 1969-70 contributions received or pledged to WFP totaled nearly $290 million, almost 50 percent above the 1969-70 target. The Executive Director described the number and range of WFP projects, including emergencies, noting particularly three larger five-year projects recently developed, namely those in India (totaling about $56 million), U. A. R. (totaling about $45 million) and Colombia (totaling about $42 1/2 million). He noted, however, that WFP continued to be interested not only in larger projects but also in projects of all sizes. He pointed out that WFP saw food aid not only as a means of increasing food consumption but as an investment in a better world. In such efforts, especially to increase purchasing power and to develop human resources in developing countries, WFP was integrating its efforts more and more with those of other organizations and countries, and at the same time using very selective criteria.

161. All delegates who intervened in the discussion expressed their satisfaction with the Programme and their wish to see the target of $300 million fulfilled and the work of WFP continue to expand. Many delegates expressed the hope that larger contributions would be given to WFP so that it could assume more responsibilities. Among specific points mentioned there was general approval of the increase in the size of projects, and agreement with the comments of the Executive Director that WFP should continue to deal also with smaller projects. Much importance was placed upon continued and increased coordination with other international agencies and with the strategy for the Second Development Decade. It was also suggested that other United Nations Agencies should invite WFP more often to participate in the execution of their respective projects. It was emphasized that WFP aid was based on development projects directly shared by the recipient countries, and that this gave particular importance to the partnership between the Programme and these countries. WFP was advised to keep the size of its future commitments as far as practicable to the level of available resources. One delegate felt strongly that WFP should purchase some of the commodities required for projects from neighbouring developing countries having surpluses.

162. Several delegates promised that their countries' contributions would continue and in some cases increase in the coming pledging period. Several delegates also said their countries would make further contributions to WFP through the Food Aid Convention.

163. The Executive Director assured the Conference that the comments and suggestions made in the course of the debate would be studied carefully. A number of delegates had raised the question of including non-food items in WFP aid. Some other delegates made reservations in this connexion. The Executive Director indicated that this matter was being dealt with by the IGC of WFP in connexion with the Study on Multilateral Food Aid, as requested by Resolution 2462 (XXIII) of the United Nations General Assembly. On the liberalization of the sales policy pursued by the Programme, it was pointed out that any changes to be introduced would be carefully considered by the IGC which kept this matter under continuous study.

164. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 3/69

Review of the World Food Programme

The Conference

Recalling the provisions of its Resolution 4/65 that the World Food Programme is to be reviewed before each Pledging Conference;

Recalling the provisions of operative paragraph 4 of its Resolution 7/67 that, subject to the review mentioned above, the next Pledging Conference should be convened at the latest early in 1970, at which time governments would be invited to pledge contributions for 1971 and 1972 with a view to reaching such a target as may be recommended by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;

Noting that the review of the Programme was undertaken by the Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Programme at its Fifteenth Session and by the FAO Council at this Fifty-Second Session;

Having considered Resolution 3/52 of the FAO Council as well as the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Committee;

Recognizing the value of multilateral food aid as implemented by the World Food Programme since its conception, and the necessity for continuing its action both as a form of capital investment and for meeting emergency food needs:

1. Establishes for the two years 1971 and 1972 a target for voluntary contributions of $300 million, of which not less than one third should be in cash and services, and expresses the hope that such resources will be augmented by substantial, additional contributions from other sources, in recognition of the prospective volume of sound project requests and the capacity of the Programme to operate at a higher level;

2. Urges Member States of the United Nations and Member Nations and Associate Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to make every effort to ensure the full attainment of the target;

3. Urges governments which have pledged contributions of commodities or services for the period 1969-70 to make every possible effort to carry over and make available for the period 1971-72 any portion of such pledges which may remain unused at the end of 1970, and to indicate their readiness to effect such a carryover when announcing pledges at the Fourth Pledging Conference;

4. Invites the Secretary-General in cooperation with the Director-General of FAO to convene a Pledging Conference at United Nations Headquarters early in 1970;

5. Decides that the next following Pledging Conference, subject to the review provided for in its Resolution 4/65, should be convened at the latest early in 1972 at which time governments should be invited to pledge contributions for 1973 and 1974 with a view to reaching such a target as may be then recommended by the General Assembly and the FAO Conference.

(Adopted 26.XI.69)

I. Freedom from hunger campaign

Progress Report on the Campaign and Future Operation of the Campaign

165. The Conference considered the progress of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign outlined in C 69/26 and C 69/LIM/2, the Future Operations of the Campaign as proposed by the Director-General and, the report of the Resolutions Committee. It also received the recommendations of the Fourth FFHC Conference held at FAO Headquarters from 3 to 7 November 1969 d/; but did not have occasion to examine them fully.

166. The Coordinator of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign presented an introductory statement on behalf of the Director-General. He referred to the report of the Committee-of-the-Whole of the FAO Council which had reviewed and welcomed the Director-General's plans; and which the Fifty-Second Session of the Council had adopted.

167. Two points raised by the Committee-of-the-Whole were mentioned: First, with regard to arrangements for more effective cooperation with the non-governmental organizations, the Director-General had proposed to establish a panel of experts of non-governmental organizations, and, second, with regard to the applicability of FAO regulations to the largely non-governmental aspects of the Campaign, the Finance Committee had felt that the appropriate regulations related to trust funds should be followed.

168. The Director-General stressed five points: Firstly that the essential character of the FFHC was a partnership between the FAO Secretariat, national structures and voluntary bodies. This partnership should be strengthened for the Second Development Decade with the understanding that, the FAO Secretariat should increasingly provide the services needed by the other partners.

169. Secondly, regarding the Second Development Decade public involvement was essential and the creation of a greater will to act was indispensable. The Director-General would cooperate fully with the Secretary-General of the United Nations and use fully Campaign resources, including national committees, to establish a combined programme.

170. The Director-General believed, thirdly, that, three of the five Areas of Concentration offered special possibilities for action for FFHC which had always, within FAO. experimented with and fostered new approaches which then were absorbed in FAO's programme.

171. Fourthly, the FFHC should continue to act as a meeting place for all groups involved in development projects in order to reach greater cooperation.

172. Fifthly, the Director-General emphasized the importance of youth activities. In spite of existing difficulties because of youth's restlessness they were natural allies of international organizations, if ways were devised for meaningful work with them which the Director-General intended to continue to do, as well as devising ways for more efficient cooperation.

173. The Director-General saw the Campaign as fulfilling an important role for FAO in the 1970s where there was an increasing need for public involvement in the strategy for development.

174. The Conference unanimously approved the Director-General's proposal to extend the FFHC through 1980, and endorsed the policy lines outlined in C 69/27. In so doing, many delegates commented on specific aspects of the Campaign and stressed programmes which they felt should receive emphasis in the future. The Conference welcomed the Director-General's proposals to widen the scope of the Campaign to include not only the abolition of hunger but, also in cooperation with other agencies of the United Nations family, the causes of hunger such as poverty and ignorance. Many delegates pointed out the socio-economic issues which were essential to successful projects with true involvement and motivation of the rural populations. It was understood that the development of agriculture and the production of sufficient food as well as improved distribution of this food would continue to be in the centre of Campaign activities. The importance of protein production was also stressed. A great number of delegates stressed that the aim of the Campaign should be the improvement of rural life in all its aspects.

175. The Conference agreed that the FFHC might concentrate on three of the Areas of Concentration proposed by the Director-General: helping to bridge the protein gap, the war on waste and the mobilization of human resources in rural areas. At the same time, it was understood that there should be flexibility in the approach in order to allow for comprehensive programmes including all aspects of the five priorities.

176. The Conference believed that, the most significant achievement of the FFHC had been, and would be, the creation particularly in the developed countries of greater public awareness of development problems leading to action and helping the rural community to learn to enjoy the benefits of modern farming practices. In this respect, it was agreed that regional FFHC conferences could play an important role in adapting the FFHC to the special needs of the region concerned. Several delegates from Latin America mentioned the importance of the forthcoming Latin American regional conference, and stressed the hope that the Campaign would be discussed and properly represented. The Conference also endorsed the emphasis given to education in all its aspects realizing that programmes would be different in different parts of the world. Special emphasis was given to the need for strengthening field programmes of mass communication or the use of audio-visual methods with special stress on helping the farmers and villagers. The need for more FAO action directly with national bodies was underlined and it was noted that this was a general priority in FAO's information in FAO's information programme.

177. The Conference stated that high priority should be given to nutrition education and, in underlining the need for Campaign action to be directed so as to reach all sectors of society, the importance of involving women in the FFHC programmes was repeatedly stressed. In the field of education as well as in all other aspects of the Campaign, efforts should be directed to working on the village level in order to reach the best results. Several delegates welcomed the recent publication of FFHC material in the Arabic language which would help to make the Campaign more successful in the Near East as would the appointment of an FFH officer for that region.

178. The Conference welcomed the Director-General's proposals to make future programmes increasingly action oriented, and expressed the belief that efficient field projects were the most successful material expression of this aim. It should be understood that the FFHC projects, rather than being short-term or relief oriented, should form a part of the long-term solution to development problems. While it was felt that the programme approach and large scale integrated projects would have great impact on the national level, several delegates underlined the importance of the smaller, people-to-people projects which provided greater flexibility and were more in character with the abilities of and attractive to most donors. It was understood that the Campaign should remain flexible, however, in order to suit the programme to the needs of the countries concerned.

179. The Conference expressed the hope that way could be found to shorten the time between submission of a project and the finding of a donor. One way of speeding-up implementation recommended by several speakers, would be the creation of a revolving fund from which projects could be financed as soon as they were approved. Attention was also drawn by several speakers to the problems they faced in meeting project service costs, and they suggested abolishing or reducing them.

180. The Director-General's proposal to initiate a closer cooperation in the field of projects with the World Food Programme was welcomed by the Conference, and stress was laid on mass mobilization schemes which would be of economic importance and help many people make permanent improvements. The importance of the closest cooperation between the FFHC and other divisions within FAO in the field of projects as well as in all other aspects of the programme such as information, was mentioned by several delegates.

181. The Conference welcomed the Director-General's proposals for a greater and more positive involvement of youth in the work of FAO. Opinions were expressed that youth should not be condemned for its restlessness and apparent lack of respect for authority; that it was essential to listen to the voice of youth and to involve it fully in the work of FAO. This was important wherever there was a lack of proper training facilities, lack of job opportunities and other factors tended to breed discontent and restlessness.

182. The FFHC offered locally, nationally and internationally channels for constructive youth participation that had been recognized as unique in the United Nations system. There should be much more action in the future.

183. Several references were made to the recommendation of the Fourth FFHC Conference, and it was understood that many of them were addressed not to FAO as such but to the national FFH committees and non-governmental organizations. Taking into account other statements in this report on selected areas of future FFHC activities, it was felt that the recommendations presented useful guidelines, particularly for national FFH committees and non-governmental organizations.

184. However, two delegations questioned the appropriateness of creating political pressure groups or lobbies in the developed countries. One speaker expressed his delegation's concern that attempts were apparently being made to promote in the name of FAO programmes and objectives which appeared to be clearly beyond the scope and competence of the Organization. He expressed the hope that the Director-General through the special youth programme would not involve FAO in political action programmes. His delegation felt that FAO's development programme offered great opportunities and challenge for constructive youth involvement in attaining the goals of banishing hunger and raising standards of living and rural welfare. Member Governments, he felt, should not be asked to finance, through FAO, political action programmes which would divert funds from the purposes and basic objectives for which FAO was created.

185. The Director-General indicated appreciation for the point of view put forward and assured the delegation that while he felt it necessary for the Director-General to be advised about and aware of political matters since FAO had a political influence on many actions, it, of course, was not the Organization's role to play politics nor to involve itself in the internal political affairs of governments whatever they were. He said the report referred to had been made to advise him and he had not yet decided what parts he would accept nor how he would use it, but would assure the delegations that so far as the report would undermine this principle he would not accept its conclusions. It had been acted upon by the FFHC Conference, but not by the Director-General.

186. Some delegates expressed the wish that the structures of the FFHC should be reviewed to guarantee greater flexibility and more imaginative scope for new initiatives. This would help in the mainly non-governmental character of many aspects of its programme and would ensure that the Campaign did not become rigid or static. The importance of continuing and developing cooperation with non-governmental organizations on the local, national, regional and international levels was stressed, particularly if better programme planning and better use of non-governmental organizations resources was to be ensured.

187. The Conference noted the Director-General's proposals that a new sub-title or slogan should be found for the FFHC in order to describe more clearly its new approaches during the Second Development Decade, and indicated that the Director-General should consult with national FFH Committees, non-governmental organizations and governments in his search.

188. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 4/69

The Freedom from Hunger Campaign

The Conference

Recalling Resolution 6/65 by which it requested the Council to make suitable arrangements to review the plans and recommendations of the Director-General on the future of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign for consideration at its Fifteenth Session;

Appreciative of the arrangements made by the FAO Council and in particular of the report of its Committee-of-the-Whole which was adopted unanimously by the Council at its Fifty-Second Session and which guided the Conference in its consideration of the Director-General's future plans for the FFHC;

Noting that, even with major achievements recently recorded in the production of grains through new germ plasm discoveries, world food and agricultural production is not rising rapidly enough to ensure mankind's freedom from hunger and achievement of conditions of well-being for all people;

Convinced that FAO's strategy for future action requires the fullest involvement of the public and widespread cooperation in many forms between FAO, Member Nations, agencies of the United Nations family, non-governmental and voluntary organizations and the people everywhere;

Recognizing that the Freedom from Hunger Campaign as developed over the last decade has made considerable achievements in alerting public opinion and in mobilizing action directed toward the ultimate solution of the world food problem;

Agreeing that the Campaign, within the policy outlines presented by the Director-General, can continue to play a valuable and needed role in achieving FAO's constitutional objectives and thus increase the contribution of FAO to the United Nations Second Development Decade;

1. Decides to extend the authorization for the Freedom from Hunger Campaign, established under Resolution 13/59 of the Tenth Session of the Conference and subsequently continued for a further period pursuant to Resolution 4/63 of the Twelfth Session of the Conference, through the period of the Second United Nations Development Decade (1971-1980).

2. Decides further that the Freedom from Hunger Campaign shall continue to be under the leadership and general coordination of FAO and with invitations to participate, as appropriate and approved by FAO, to:

(i) Member countries of FAO;

(ii) Member countries of the United Nations and the United Nations Specialized Agencies, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and these agencies themselves;

(iii) International non-governmental organizations that have established consultative relationship with FAO, the United Nations or the other Specialized Agencies;

(iv) Religious groups; and

(v) Individuals and private organizations within the member countries specified in (i) and (ii) above.

3. Authorizes the Director-General to appeal for voluntary contributions, to:

(i) Member countries specified in paragraphs 2(i), (ii) above;

(ii) International non-governmental organizations;

(iii) Religious groups;

(iv) Private foundations or organizations in such member countries;


(i) Authorizes the Director-General, in the case of countries whose governments are not in a position to contribute directly to the trust fund established for the purposes and activities of the Campaign, to discuss with these governments other ways in which they might be able to support the Campaign;

(ii) Invites each member country to set up or utilize appropriate national bodies to promote and coordinate the Campaign in that country;

(iii) Authorizes the Director-General to carry out the Campaign with funds available within the approved Programme of Work and Budget and from voluntary contributions made available to the Campaign, it being understood that the Finance Committee should review the use of such voluntary contributions and report thereon to the Council.

5. Authorizes the Director-General to convene as provided for in the Programme of Work and Budget or using voluntary contributions made available to the Campaign, such meetings of representatives of governments or of bodies established pursuant to paragraph 4(ii) above, as may be necessary or desirable in order to review the progress of the Campaign.

6. Requests the Council to keep the progress of the Campaign under regular review and to arrange for a detailed review of the Campaign in time to allow the Eighteenth Session of the Conference to advise the Director-General on its orientation during the second half of the Second United Nations Development Decade.

7. Invites the Director-General to consult with non-governmental organizations specified in paragraph 2(iii) above and bodies established under paragraph 4(ii) above with a view to:

(i) Keeping under review, and advising the Director-General on the development of the Campaign and assessing its implications from the standpoint of participating non-governmental organizations at the international, regional and national levels;

(ii) Inviting suggestions and discussing points of common interest on the participation of non-governmental organizations in the Campaign.

Considering that it was not possible to give full scope to the consultations referred to above within the framework of the Advisory Committee of Experts on non-governmental organizations on the Freedom from Hunger Campaign, established by the Council at its Forty-Eighth Session under Article VI-2 of the Constitution and;

Considering further that such consultations could best be brought about through the establishment by the Director-General of a Panel of Experts under Article VI-4 of the Constitution;

8. Requests the Director-General to establish a Panel of Experts under Article VI-4 of the Constitution to replace the Advisory Committee of Experts of Non-Governmental Organizations established under Article VI-2 of the Constitution; and

9. Authorizes the Director-General to make such arrangements as envisaged in Rule XXXII-5 of the General Rules of the Organization whereby Panel Members would defray their own expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Panel.

(Adopted 26.XI.69)

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