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X. Conclusion

A. Date and place of the sixteenth session of the conference
B. Twenty-fifth anniversary of FAO

A. Date and place of the sixteenth session of the conference

650. The Conference decided that its Sixteenth Session should be held in November 1971, in Rome.

B. Twenty-fifth anniversary of FAO

651. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 24/69

Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The Conference

Mindful of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2499 (XXIV) of 31 October 1969 concerning the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations;

Bearing in mind that, pursuant to that Resolution, the draft of the international development strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade will be examined at the opening of the coming session of the United Nations General Assembly with a view to its adoption in a commemorative meeting;

Considering the essential role of food and agriculture in development strategy;

Noting documents C 69/4 volumes 1 to 3 and C 69/4-Supp. 1 on the Indicative World Plan for Agricultural Development, and C 69/29 and C 69/31 on the FAO Areas of Concentration;

Aware that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations will also celebrate its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary in 1970;

Recognizing the achievements of FAO in the fields of agriculture and international cooperation;

Resolves to give priority strengthening to those activities which can enhance the efficiency of national efforts and international cooperation in the field of food and agriculture;

Requests the Director-General to continue his active cooperation with the committee set up by the United Nations to make preparations for the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations;

Asks the Director-General to cooperate closely with the United Nations Secretariat and the Specialized Agencies in the preparation of the document on international development strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade;

Invites the Director-General to use the commemoration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of FAO to inform public opinion more fully on the work accomplished by the Organization and to cooperate toward this end with national FAO committees and Freedom from Hunger committees by suggesting suitable measures to them;

Decides to convene at FAO Headquarters in Rome for one day a General Commemorative Conference for the purpose of commemorating the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of FAO, and giving appropriate recognition to the Anniversary of the United Nations;

Resolves that the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen elected at the Fifteenth Session of the Conference should, if available, serve in their respective capacities at the General Commemorative Conference;

Requests the Director-General to draw up the agenda and take any other measure required for the preparation of the General Commemorative Conference;

Invites all Member Nations and Associate Members to attend the General Commemorative Conference of FAO.

(Adopted 27.XI.69)

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