Contents -

IX. Procedural matters

A. Appointment of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, general committee and credentials committee
B. Agenda of the session
C. Arrangements for the session
D. Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of commissions
E. Verification of credentials
F. Admission of observers

A. Appointment of Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, general committee and credentials committee

1. The Council and the Nominations Committee elected by the Council recommended and the Conference approved the following appointments:

  • Peru
    United Arab Republic
    United Kingdom
    United States of America
  • Chairman of the Conference

  • E. Shiroshi Nasu (Japan)
  • Vice-Chairmen of the Conference

  • Mr. Stephen Tolbert (Liberia)
    Mr. Victor Jimenez Landinez (Venezuela)
    Mr. Lambros Eutaxias (Greece)
  • Members of the General Committee

  • Australia
  • Members of the Credentials Committee

  • Chad
    Costa Rica
  • B. Agenda of the session

    2. The Conference adopted the provisional agenda circulated by the Director-General on 17 July 1963 (c 63/1 - First Draft) subject to the following amendments:

  • (a) the addition of an item entitled " Exclusion from Membership in FAO - Proposal from the Government of Ghana " under item 19 (a), and

    (b) the deletion of item 17 " Reorientation of FAO's activities and co-ordination of programs."

  • The agenda as adopted is set out in Appendix A to this report.

    C. Arrangements for the session

    3. The Conference adopted the Council's proposals in document c 63/4 - Rev. 1, Arrangements for the Twelfth Conference Session. It established:

  • (i) a Commission on Program Trends and Policy Questions in Food and Agriculture (Commission I) to consider and report upon the items contained in Part I of the agenda,

    (ii) a Commission on the Activities and Programs of the Organization (Commission II) to consider and report upon the items in Part II of the agenda, and

    (iii) a Commission on Constitutional and Administrative Matters (Commission III) to take up all the constitutional, legal, financial and administrative matters listed in Part III of the agenda.

  • D. Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of commissions

    4. The Conference considered the nominations put forward by the Council in conformity with Rule VII of the General Rules of the Organization and appointed:

  • Mr. R. Renne (U.S.A.), Chairman of Commission I
    Mr. A. Davatchi (Iran), Chairman of Commission II
    Prof. E. Saari (Finland), Chairman of Commission III
  • The Conference appointed Prof. M. Cépède (France), Rapporteur to Commission II as proposed by the Council.

    5. The Conference further took into consideration the proposals of the General Committee in accordance with Rule XIII of the General Rules of the Organization and appointed:

  • Mr. D.W. Woodward (New Zealand) and Mr. J. Flere (Yugoslavia), Vice-Chairmen of Commission I

    Princess Souvanna Phouma (Laos), H.E. Ibrahim Waziri (Nigeria), and Mrs. E. Beaurain-Pehkala (Finland), Vice-Chairmen of Commission II

    H.E. Orlando Sandoval (Chile) and Mr. S.H. Mut-wakil (Sudan), Vice-Chairmen of Commission III.

  • E. Verification of credentials

    6. The credentials of 107 delegations of Member Nations and Associate Members, including those of newly-admitted Member Nations and Associate Members were found in order.

    7. The credentials of the delegation of the Holy See, Permanent Observer to FAO, were found satisfactory.

    8. The names of the representatives of 58 international organizations, including the United Nations and specialized agencies, were duly deposited as prescribed by Rule III.2 of the General Rules of the Organization.

    F. Admission of observers

    9. The Conference approved the list of inter national organizations to which the Director-General had extended a provisional invitation to send observers to this Session and invited the representatives of such organizations to participate in the activities of the Conference in the capacity of observers.

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