Contents -

C. List of documents


C 63/1


C 63/1-Add.1

Addendum to provisional agenda. Text of Proposal from the Government of Ghana

C 63/2

The work of FAO, 1962-63

C 63/2-Sup.1

Progress report on the work of FAO, 1962-1963. Program activities and future trends

C 63/3

Program of Work and Budget for 1964-65

C 63/3-Corr.I

Program of Work and Budget 1964-65. Corrigendum to Annex XIV

C 63/3-Corr.II

Program of Work and Budget 1964-65. Revision in budgetary estimates. Increase in EPTA lumpsum allocation

C 63/3-Annex X-Rev.1

Annex X. United Nations Special Fund

C 63/3-Sup. 1

Summary of all funds administered by FAO,

C 63/3-Sup. 2

Summary list of activities proposed for 1964-65

C 63/3-Sup. 3

Publications program 1964-65

C 63/3-Sup. 4

List of meetings with costs

C 63/3-Sup. 5

Changes in personal services by posts and expenditures

C 63/3-Sup. 6

Ninth Session of Finance Committee

C 63/3-Sup. 7

Annex XI. Trust Funds

C 63/3-Sup.7-Rev.1

Annex XI. Trust Funds (Revision)

C 63/3-Sup.8

Annex XII. Trust Funds under the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 63/3-Sup.9

Reserve to cover possible future mandatory increases

C 63/4-Rev.1

Arrangements for the Twelfth Conference Session

C 63/5

Financial reports and statements and Reports of External Auditor

C 63/6

Admission of observers

C 6316-Sup.1

Admission of observers to the Session

C 63/7

The state of food and agriculture 1963

C 63/7-Sup.1

Supplement to The state of food and agriculture 1963 and the FAO, commodity review 1963

C 63/8

Not issued

C 63/9

Not issued

C 63/10

Regional economic integration

C 63/11

Agriculture in economic development

C 63/12

World Food Program

C 63/13

Report of World Food Congress

C 63/14

Progress of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 63/14-Sup.1

Progress of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 63/15

Proceedings of the Fortieth Session of the Council

C 63/16

Agricultural Information Service

C 63/17

Proposed International Rice Year

C 63/18-C 63/23

Not issued

C 63/24

Presentation of Program of Work and Budget. Experimental detailed analysis of one Division

C 63/25

Not issued

C 63/26

Appointment of Independent Chairman of Council

C 63/27

Not issued

C 63/28

Appointment of Director-General

C 63/29

Implementation of African Survey

C 63/30

Special Program of Education and Training in Africa

C 63/31

Mediterranean Development Project

C 63/32

Technical Assistance in the Regular Program

C 63/33

Survey and appraisal of world agriculture

C 63/34

Not issued

C 63/35

Measures of FAO to develop rural youth activities in the world especially with a view to improving agricultural production and social conditions in developing countries

C 63/36

Method of financing the Joint FAO/WHO Program on Food Standards (Codex Alimentarius)

C 63/37

Co-ordination of global locust research and control

C 63/38

Emergency Fund for the Control of Livestock Disease

C 63/39

FAO/UNICEF relations

C 63/40

Technical Co-operation Programs

C 63/41

Not issued

C 63/42

Impact of field programs on the Regular Program

C 63/43

Proposed program of work on long-term guidelines for agricultural development

C 63/44

Relations with international organizations (excluding United Nations and specialized agencies) and granting of consultative status

C 63/44-Corr.1


C 63/45

Appointment of Representatives to Staff Pension Committee

C 63/46

Statutory report on the status of conventions and agreements and on amendments thereto

C 63/47

Statutes and Rules of Procedure of Article VI bodies

C 63/47-Sup.1

Statutes and Rules of Procedure of Article VI bodies

C 63/48

Establishment of joint commissions with other international organizations. Proposed amendment to Article VI of the FAO Constitution

C 63/49

Establishment of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa within the frame work of FAO

C 63/50

Draft Convention for an Eastern Regional Commission for the Control of the Desert Locust

C 63/51

Audited accounts for European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, 1962

C 63/52

Audited accounts for Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, 1962

C 63/53

Not issued

C 63/54

Audited accounts for World Food Program, 1962

C 63/55

Scale of Contributions

C 63/55-Rev.2

Scale of Contributions

C 63/55-Rev.3

Scale of Contributions

C 63/56

Not issued

C 63/57

Applications for Membership and Associate Membership in the Organization

C 63/57-Sup.1

Applications for Membership and Associate Membership in the Organization

C 63/58

Distribution of FAO, publications to governments

C 63/59

Headquarters Accommodation

C 63/60

Not issued

C 63/61

Election of Council Members

C 63/62

Matters arising out of ACC and ECOSOC discussions

C 63/63

Audited accounts for United Nations Special Fund

CL 40/3

Report of the Thirty-Sixth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems

CCP 63/6

FAO, commodity review


C 63/INF/1

Excerpts from regulations governing voting and elections by the Conference

C 63/INF/2

Nomination form for Council elections

C 63/INF/3

List of delegates and observers attending the Twelfth Conference Session

C 63/INF/4-3

Final list of Conference documents

C 63/INF/5

List of audited accounts

C 63/INF/6

Admission of new Members and Associate Members

C 63/INF/7

Economic and Social Council

C 63/INF/8

Scale of Contributions


C 63/LIM/1

Financing agricultural development through cooperatives and other institutions

C 63/LIM/2

FAO's Co-operatives Branch is grossly under-staffed

C 63/LIM/3

Provisional report of the Council

C 63/LIM/4

Not issued

C 63/LIM/5

1963 McDougall Memorial Lecture

C 63/LIM/6

Opening statement by the Director-General

C 63/LIM/7

First report of the General Committee

C 63/LIM/8

Application for membership and associate membership. Second report of General Committee

C 63/LIM/9

Director-General's introductory statement on the Program of Work and Budget 1964-65

C 63/LIM/10

Report to Commission II

C 63/LIM/11

Exclusion from membership in the Organization

C 63/LIM/12

Sub-amendment to the amendment of Ghana

C 63/LIM/13

Statement by Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on item 19 (a) (i) of the agenda

C 63/LIM/14

Summary of United States proposals relating to agenda item No. 18, Program of Work and Budget 1964-65

C 63/LIM/15

Draft resolution submitted by the U.K.

C 63/LIM/16

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Venezuela

C 63/LIM/17

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Venezuela

C 63/LIM/18

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Venezuela

C 63/LIM/19

Draft resolution presented by the delegation of Venezuela on national production boards as instruments of joint planning by the public and private sectors

C 63/LIM/20

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Venezuela

C 63/LIM/21

Third report of the General Committee

C 63/LIM/22

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Colombia

C 63/LIM/23

Draft resolution submitted by Finland. Measures to develop rural youth activities

C 63/LIM/24

Draft resolution proposed by Norway and seconded by Philippines, U.K. and United States

C 63/LIM/25

Near East Plant Protection Commission. Draft resolution

C 63/LIM/26

Draft resolution for horticulture production in the Near East and North Africa

C 63/LIM/26-Rev.1

Draft resolution for the establishment of a Committee on Horticultural Production in the Near East, North African and Mediterranean area

C 63/LIM/27

Draft resolution for the creation of a Regional Control Unit for Crop-Eating Birds in Africa

C 63/LIM/28

Draft resolution for the creation of a Water-Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Regional Control Unit in Africa

C 63/LIM/29

Draft resolution on plant prospection, collection and introduction

C 63/LIM/30

Draft resolution of co-operation of global locust research and control

C 63/LIM/31

Report of meeting of representatives of international nongovernmental organizations admitted as observers to Twelfth Session of the Conference

C 63/LIM/32

Emergency Fund for the Control of Livestock Disease. Draft resolution

C 63/LIM/33

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Chad on rinderpest and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia control

C 63/LIM/34

Draft resolution on the co-operation between FAO, and other specialized agencies submitted by the delegations of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

C 63/LIM/35

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Italy

C 63/LIM/36

Nongovernmental organizations in consultative status

C 63/LIM/37

Draft resolution submitted by Pakistan on strengthening and coordinating food and agricultural educational and training activities

C 63/LIM/38

Commodity policy background paper relating to agenda

C 63/LIM/39

The establishment of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa within the frame work of FAO

C 63/LIM/40

Draft convention for an Eastern Regional Commission for the Control of the Desert Locust

C 63/LIM/41

Draft convention for an Eastern Regional Commission for the Control of the Desert Locust

C 63/LIM/42

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Chad on the participation of FAO, in the campaign to control rinderpest and contagious bovine pleuropneumonia

C 63/LIM/43

Draft resolution submitted by Pakistan. Oceanographic survey and exploration of the marine resources

C 63/LIM/44

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Venezuela

C 63/LIM/45

Subamendment moved by the Argentine Republic

C 63/LIM/46

Exclusion from membership in the Organization

C 63/LIM/47

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Brazil

C 63/LIM/47-Rev.1-Corr.1

Draft resolution submitted by the delegations of Austria, Brazil Colombia, France, India, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Nigeria, U.A.R. Yugoslavia

C 63/LIM/48

Draft resolution submitted by the delegations of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

C 63/LIM/49

Draft resolution on the budgetary relation between the FAO, Regular Program of Work and field programs

C 63/LIM/50

Draft resolution submitted by Sudan. Industrialization

C 63/LIM/51

Draft resolution submitted by the Philippines

C 63/LIM/51-Rev.1

Draft resolution submitted by the Philippines

C 63/LIM/52

Not issued

C 63/LIM/53

Draft resolution. Organizational and institutional barriers to agricultural development

C 63/LIM/54

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Venezuela on integrated land reform

C 63/LIM/55

Draft resolution on the establishment of a Permanent Regional Training Centre in Horticultural Techniques in Turkey

C 63/LIM/56

Draft resolution. Asia and Far East Regional Committee on Agricultural Statistics

C 63/LIM/57

Draft resolution submitted by Pakistan. Oceanographic survey and exploration of the marine resources

C 63/LIM/58

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Venezuela. Latin American Agrarian Reform Research and Training Institute

C 63/LIM/59

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of the Latin-American Group of Countries on the creation of two new posts (regional) for Latin America for economic integration programs

C 63/LIM/60

Draft resolution submitted by Sierra Leone. Pre-investment surveys

C 63/LIM/61

Fourth report of the General Committee. Election of Members of the Council

C 63/LIM/62

International Olive Oil Council

C 63/LIM/63

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of the U.A.R. Strengthening the activities in the interest of indigenous populations with respect to land tenure arrangements and new settlement areas

C 63/LIM/64

Draft resolution submitted by the U.S. Application of science and technology in food and agriculture

C 63/LIM/65

Draft resolution submitted by the Turkish delegation. Mediterranean Development Project

C 63/LIM/66

Draft resolution submitted by Trinidad and Tobago

C 63/LIM/67

Fifth report of the General Committee. Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council and of the Director-General of the Organization

C 63/LIM/68

Report of the Credentials Committee

C 63/LIM/68-Sup.1

Report of the Credentials Committee

C 63/LIM/69

Program of Work and Budget for 1964-65

C 63/LIM/70

Draft resolution submitted by the delegations of Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Poland, Sudan

C 63/LIM/71

Draft resolution submitted by the delegations of the Sudan and Nigeria

C 63/LIM/72

Additions to the Director-General's proposed Program of Work for 1964-65

C 63/LIM/72-Add.1

Additions to the Director-General's proposed Program of Work for 1964-65

C 63/LIM/73

Draft resolution. Advisory Committee on Forestry Education

C 63/LIM/74

Draft resolution submitted by the delegations of Australia, Canada Denmark, Ghana, India, Philippines, U.A.R.

C 63/LIM/75

Increase of number of Council seats and application of the principle of rotation to Council seats

C 63/LIM/76

Draft resolution on the draft Program of Work and Budget for 1964-65

C 63/LIM/77

The establishment of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa within the frame work of FAO

C 63/LIM/78

Draft resolution submitted by the delegations of the Federal Republic of Germany and of France

C 63/LIM/80

Statement by the Executive Director of the World Food Program to the Twelfth Session of the FAO, Conference

C 63/LIM/81

Draft resolution prepared by Special Drafting Group on Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 63/LIM/81-Rev.1

Draft resolution prepared by Special Drafting Group on Freedom from Hunger Campaign

C 63/LIM/82

Sixth report of the General Committee


C 63/REP/1

Draft report of Commission II. Part 1

C 63/REP/2

Draft report of Commission III. Part 1

C 63/REP/2-Rev.1

Draft report of Commission III. Part 1

C 63/REP/3

Draft report of Commission II. Part 2

C 63/REP/4

Report of Commission III. Exclusion from membership in the Organization

C 63/REP/5

Draft report of Commission III. Part 3

C 63/REP/6

Report of Commission III. Part 1 to Plenary

C 63/REP/7

Draft report of Commission III. Part 4

C 63/REP/8

Report of Commission III. Part 2

C 63/REP/9

Draft report of Commission II. Part 3

Appendixes to

Appendixes to draft report of Commission II. Draft resolution

C 63/REP/1


C 63/REP/3


C 63/REP/9


C 63/REP/10

Report of Commission III. Part 3 to Plenary

C 63/REP/11

Draft report of Commission III. Part 5

C 63/REP/12

Draft report, Commission II. Part 4

C 63/REP/13

Draft Plenary report

C 63/REP/14 and Corr. 1, Corr. 2

Draft report of Commission I. Part I

C 63/REP/15

Report of Commission III to Plenary. Part 4

C 63/REP/16

Draft report of Commission I. Part 2

C 63/REP/17

Report of Commission II to Plenary. Part 1

C 63/REP/18

Report of Commission II. Part 2

C 63/REP/18-Add.1

Report of Commission II. Part 2

C 63/REP/19

Draft report of Commission I. Part 3

C 63/REP/20

Draft report of Commission I. Part 4

C 63/REP/21

Draft report of Commission I. Part 5

C 63/REP/22

Draft report of Conference. Part 1

C 63/REP/23

Draft report of Conference. Part 2

C 63/REP/24

Draft report of Conference. Part 3

C 63/REP/25

Report of Commission II. Part 3

C 63/REP/26

Report of Commission I. Part 1

C 63/REP/27

Report of Commission I. Part 2

C 63/REP/28

Report of Commission I. Part 3

C 63/REP/29

Report of Commission I. Part 4

C 63/REP/30

Report of Commission I. Part 5

C 63/REP/30-Amend.1

Report of Commission I. Part 5

C 63/REP/30-Amend.2

Report of Commission I. Part 5

C 63/REP/30-Corr.1

Corrigendum (English only)


C 63/PV-1 to C 63/PV-22

Plenary meetings

C 63/PV-I/1 to C 63/PV-I/11

Commission I

C 63/PV-II/1 to C 63/PV-II/21

Commission II

C 63/PV-III/1 to C 63/PV-III/16

Commission III


C 63/AG/1

Provisional agenda

C 63/AG/2

Statement by the Director of the Land and Water Development Division

C 63/AG/3

Atomic energy

C 63/AG/4

Statement by the Director of the Animal Production and Health Division

C 63/AG/5

Plant Production and Protection Division. Introductory statement

C 63/AG/6(a)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Agriculture. Animal production and health

C 63/AG/6(b)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Agriculture. Land and water development

C 63/AG/6(c)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Agriculture. Plant production and protection

C 63/AG/6(d)

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Agriculture. Atomic energy

C 63/AG/6(e)

Draft report of Technical Committee on Agriculture. Advisory groups and panels of experts

C 63/AG/6(f)

Draft Report of Technical Committee on Agriculture. Coordination of global locust research and control

C 63/AG/7

Emergency funds for control of livestock disease

C 63/AG/8

Presentation of Program of Work and Budget

C 63/AG/9

Emergency Fund Control of Live stock Disease

C 63/AG/10

Report of Technical Committee on Agriculture

C 63/AG/11

Coordination of global locust research and control


C 63/EC/1-Rev. 1


C 63/EC/2

Report of the First Session of the Statistics Advisory Committee

C 63/EC/3

Introductory statement by Director, Rural Institutions and Services Division

C 63/EC/4

Introductory statement by Acting Director, Commodities Division

C 63/EC/5

Statement by Director, Statistics Division

C 63/EC/6

Economic Analysis Division program of work and budget 1964-65

C 63/EC/7

Progress report on the Special Program of Agricultural Education and Training in Africa as of 1 Nov. 1963

C 63/EC/8

Director for Special Studies

C 63/EC/9

List of activities of 1962-63 of the Director for Special Studies

C 63/EC/10

Introductory statement by the Director for Special Studies

C 63/EC/11

Statement by Mr. M. Abbas, ADG, Economic and Social Affairs

C 63/EC/12

The Special Program of Agricultural Education and Training in Africa

C 63/EC/13

Measures to develop rural youth activities in the world especially with a view to improving agricultural production and social conditions in developing countries

C 63/EC/14

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Economics. Rural institutions and services

C 63/EC/15

Technical Commission on Economics. Draft resolution proposed by the delegation of Colombia

C 63/EC/16

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Economics. Commodities

C 63/EC/17

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Economics. Economic analysis

C 63/EC/18

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Economics. Statistics

C 63/EC/19

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Economics. Departmental activities

C 63/EC/20

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Economics. Director for Special Studies

C 63/EC/21

Report of the Technical Committee on Economics

C 63/EC/22

Special Program of Agricultural Education and Training in Africa

C 63/EC/23

Measures to develop rural youth activities in the world especially with a view to improving agricultural production and social conditions in developing countries


C 63/FI/1

Provisional agenda

C 63/FI/2

Report of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council to the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

C 63/FI/3

Report of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean to the Twelfth Session of the Conference for the period 1 May 1961 to 1 July 1963

C 63/FI/4

Statement by Director

C 63/FI/5

Draft resolution

C 63/FI/6

Draft report, Technical Committee on Fisheries

C 63/FI/7

Report of the Technical Committee on Fisheries


C 63/FO/1

Adoption of the agenda

C 63/FO/2

Provisional agenda

C 63/FO/3

Statement by the Director, Forestry and Forest Products Division

C 63/FO/4

Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products

C 63/FO/5

Draft report of Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products

C 63/FO/5-Sup. 1

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products. Addenda

C 63/FO/6

Report of the Technical Committee on Forestry and Forest Products


C 63/IN/1

Provisional agenda

C 63/IN/2

Progress report of the FAO, David Lubin Memorial Library

C 63/IN/3

Time-table and annotated agenda

C 63/IN/4

Report of the Public Information Service

C 63/IN/5-Part I

Technical Committee on Information and Publications. Draft report

C 63/IN/5-Part II

Draft report of the Technical Committee on Information and Publications

C 63/IN/6

Agricultural information services

C 63/IN/7

Information Committee Resolution No. 63

C 63/IN/8

Technical Committee on Information. Draft resolution No..../63

C 63/IN/9

Agricultural information services

C 63/IN/10

Report of the Technical Committee on Information and Publications


C 63/NU/1

Provisional agenda

C 63/NU/2

Director's statement to Technical Committee on Nutrition

C 63/NU/3

Timetable for Technical Committee on Nutrition

C 63/NU/4

Draft report of Technical Committee on Nutrition

C 63/NU/5

Report of the Technical Committee on Nutrition


Contents -