Contents -

VIII. Appendices

A. Agenda
B. Liaison status
C. Statement of principles relating to the granting of observer status to nations
D. Principles and procedures which should govern conventions and agreements concluded under articles XIV and XV of the constitution and commissions and committees established under article VI of the constitution
E. Draft agreement between the government of Syria and the food and agriculture organization of the united nations for the establishment of a near east forest research center
F. Draft agreement between the government of Syria and the food and agriculture organization of the united nations for the establishment of a near east forest rangers' school
G. Scale of contributions for 1958 and 1959
H. Delegates and observers attending the ninth session of the conference
I. Amendments to the constitution, rules adopted by the conference and financial regulations
J. List of conference documents

A. Agenda


1. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen (Rules of Procedure, Rule VII-1 and 2)

2. Appointment of General Committee and Credentials Committee (Rules of Procedure, Rule VIII)

3. Adoption of the Agenda

4. Arrangements for the Session and Allocation of Agenda Items

5. Admission of Observers to the Session


6. The World Situation and Outlook in respect of Food and Agriculture

(a) World Food and Agriculture Situation

Report by the Director-General on the State of Food and Agriculture

(b) Commodity Problems (Report by CCP)

(i) Surplus problems

(ii) Food reserves

(iii) Machinery for commodity consultations

(c) National Programs and Policies

(i) The place of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in national development programs

(ii) National programs and policies of agricultural development and their co-ordination

(iii) Agricultural support policies

(iv) Productivity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries

(v) National measures for the improvement of marketing structure and organization for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products

(vi) Nutrition and food policies including education in nutrition and home economies

(d) Plans for 1960 World Census

7. Activities and Programs of the Organization

(a) Activities of the Organization since the Eighth Session of the Conference:

(i) Report by the Director-General on the work done since 1955 in implementing the Regular Program

(ii) Reports of the Regional Conferences held in 1956 and 1957

(b) Expanded Technical Assistance Program

Report by the Director-General and by the Co-ordinating Committee on current programs, plans for 1958, and results obtained and principles applied by the Director-General in developing the Program (Resolution 16/55)

(c) Program and Budget for 1958/59

Policy and budgetary implications of the Program of Work submitted by the Director-General for the next biennium (as set out in the introduction, explanatory notes and supplementary estimates to the Program of Work and Budget for 1958-59 and in the report of the Co-ordinating Committee)

(i) Basic Program (excluding restorations and supplementary expansions of technical divisions)

(ii) Major Expansions:

(a) Strengthening of regional organization and cognate matters

(b) Documentation

(c) Increasing Inter-Agency cooperation

(d) Mediterranean Reforestation Project

(e) Development of Social Welfare Activities

(f) The peaceful use of atomic energy in agriculture and food production

(iii) Other Expansions

(d) Adoption of Program and Budget 1958-59

(e) Longer Range Proposals

(i) Responsibility of Member Governments for informing their peoples of developments and activities of the United Nations Agencies

(ii) Proposal for a campaign on the use of better seeds

(iii) Desert Locust, Senn Pest, and general policy on pest control

(iv) Fifth World Forestry Congress

(v) International Standards for Milk and Milk Products (proposed by the Governments of Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, and Switzerland)

(vi) Any other proposals.

(f) Policy Matters Affecting the Development of FAO's Work

(i) Survey and appraisal of world agricultural, fishery and forest resources in relation to needs

(ii) FAO's contribution to community development

(iii) ECOSOC Resolutions on Coordination and Concentration

(iv) FAO Policy in relation to Regional Research Institutes

(v) Any other proposals

(g) Revision of International Plant Protection Convention (proposed by the Government of the United Kingdom)


8. Constitutional Questions

(a) Structure, Functions and Procedures of the Council and of certain Committees

Report of ad hoc Committee on Organizational Structure of FAO (Resolution No. 39/55 of Eighth Conference Session)

(b) Geographical Distribution of Council Seats (Resolution No. 28/55 of Eighth Conference Session)

(c) Method of Election of Council Members (Resolution No. 52/55 of Eighth Conference Session)

(d) Report of the Council on cooperation with International Organizations

(e) Principles and Procedures which should govern Conventions and Agreements concluded under Article XIV of the Constitution and Commissions and Committees established under Article VI of the Constitution - Proposals submitted by the Council

(f) Granting of Observer Status (Resolution No. 35/55 of Eighth Conference Session)

9. International Conventions and Agreements

Report on the Status of International Conventions and Agreements and Amendments thereto

10. Agreements between FAO and Individual Member Governments

(a) Agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the Organization for the establishment of a Latin American Forest Research Institute (paragraph 371 of Report of Eighth Conference Session)

(b) Agreements between the Government of Syria and the Organization for the Establishment of a Near East Forest Research Center and a Forest Rangers' School

11. Administrative and Financial Questions

(a) Financial Affairs of the Organization Audited Accounts for 1955 and 1956

(b) Report on Budgetary Situation in 1957

(c) Scale of Contribution for 1958-59

(d) Biennial Budgeting

(e) Administrative and Personnel Matters

(i) Salaries and Allowances (Resolution No. 5/56 of the Third Special Session of the Conference)

(ii) Staff Matters (Resolution No. 6/56 of the Third Special Session of the Conference)

12. Appointments and Elections

(a) Application for Membership in the Organization

(b) Election of Council Members

(c) Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council

(d) Appointment of representatives to the FAO Staff Pension Committee

(e) Appointment of External Auditor

13. Other Matters

14. Date and Place of Tenth Session of the Conference

B. Liaison status



3. Organizations eligible for Liaison Status

In order to be eligible for liaison status an international non-governmental organization shall:

(a) be international in its structure anti scope of activity and be sufficiently representative of the field of interest in which it operates;

(b) be concerned with matters covering a portion of FAO's field of activity and be in a position to give practical assistance in that field;

(c) have aims and purposes in conformity with the general principles embodied in the Constitution of FAO:

(d) have a permanent directing body and authorized representatives and systematic procedures and machinery for communicating with its membership in various countries.


3. Liaison Status

(a) The Director-General may grant liaison status to international non-governmental organizations at his discretion in accordance with the provisions of paragraph '3 of Section II. He shall report thereon to the Committee and will consult with the Committee when he considers it necessary;

(b) in granting liaison status to international non-governmental organizations, the Director-General will be guided as appropriate by the principles that apply to the granting of consultative status.


3. Organizations with Liaison Status

The methods and scope of collaboration between an organization that has been granted liaison status and FAO shall be determined and agreed by an exchange of correspondence between such organization and the Director-General.

The Director-General may invite organizations in liaison status to send observers to specialized meetings held under the auspices of FAO when he is satisfied that such participation may make a significant contribution to the meeting concerned. The rights of any such observers shall be determined in the aforementioned exchange of correspondence but in no case shall they exceed those accorded to observers of organizations in specialized consultative status.

Organizations in liaison status may be invited to send observers to Conference and Council sessions if, in the judgement of the Director-General, there are concrete reasons for inviting them that would forward the technical work of the Organization.


(Add the following after paragraph 3 as new paragraph 4 and renumber subsequent paragraphs)

The Director-General may terminate arrangements for liaison status which are no longer considered necessary or appropriate by him in the light of changing program or other circumstances and shall report such action to the Council Committee.

C. Statement of principles relating to the granting of observer status to nations

A. Member Nations and Associate Members

1. Sessions of the Conference, Council, Commissions and Committees

Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization may not attend any session of the Conference in an observer capacity. This principle shall also apply to Members of the Council and of the Commissions and Committees established under Article VI or Article XIV of the Constitution with respect to attendance at the sessions of such bodies.

2. Executive, Private or Closed Meetings of the Council

Rule XXVI-9 of the Rules adopted by the Conference provides that " any Member Nation not represented on the Council and any Associate Member may submit memoranda and participate without vote in any discussion of the Council". In interpreting this Rule it will be understood that, as a general practice, Member Nations of the Organization that are not Members of the Council, or Associate Members, should be adimitted to executive, private or closed meetings, unless the Council decides otherwise in cases of necessity.

3. Regional or Technical Meetings (including those of regional commissions set up under Article VI of the Constitution)

Any Member Nation or Associate Member may, on request, participate in the capacity of observer in any regional or technical meeting of the FAO governing or subsidiary bodies, or any regional or technical meeting of which the Director-General on the authority of the Council assumes the initiative or has the primary organizing responsibility, even though the Member Nation or Associate Member does not geographically belong to the particular region, always provided that the Member Nation or Associate Member has a definite interest in the subject matter to be discussed. Notice of the intention to attend any such meeting should be given to the Director-General at least 15 days before the meeting, it being understood that such notice may be waived by the meeting itself.

4. Committes Consisting of a Limited Number of Member Nations and Associate Members

Committees consisting of a limited number of Member Nations and Associate Members established by the Conference or its commissions or by the Council, under Article VI of the Constitution, or Rules XIV, XV or XXVI-10 of the Rules adopted by the Conference, shall not be open to attendance by observers of Member Nations or Associate Members that are not members of such committees unless otherwise determined by the Conference, the said commissions or the Council.

5. Dependent Territories of and Trust Territories Administered by Member Nations

The Director-General may draw the attention of a metropolitan power or administering authority to the desirability of its participation in a regional or technical meeting of interest to a particular dependent or trust territory.

B. Non-Member Nations

1. Nations which' while not Member Nations or Associate Members of the Organization, are members of the United Nations, may, on request, and subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 of present Section B be invited by the Conference or the Council to be represented by an observer at a session of the Conference or Council.

2. Such non-member nations may, on request and with the approval of the Council, attend regional or technical meetings of the Organization. In cases of urgency, however, where there is insufficient time to consult the Council, the Director-General may on request invite such non-member nations to send an observer to such meetings.

3. Nations which are not members or associate members of the Organization or members of the United Nations shall not be permitted to send observers to any meeting of the Organization.

4. Former Member Nations of the Organization that have withdrawn leaving arrears of contribution shall not be permitted to send an observer to any meeting of the Organization until such time as they have paid Up all such arrears or the Conference has approved an arrangement for the settlement thereof, or unless the Council, in special circumstances, decides otherwise with respect to such attendance.

5. Should an application for membership have been received by the Organization, the requesting authority may, subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph 4, be invited by the Council to participate in an observer capacity in technical meetings in which such authority is regarded as having a technical interest, pending a decision of the Conference on the application.

6. Rules XXV-1 (e) (v) and XXXII-2 of the Rules adopted by the Conference shall be interpreted in the light of the principles laid down in paragraphs 3 and 4 of present section B.

7. The occasion may arise when a nonmember of the Organization which is, however, a member of the United Nations needs to be consulted, because of emergency conditions, on some technical action, in which case the restrictive nature of paragraphs B 4 and B 5 above should not debar the Director-General from inviting an observer from such non-member to attend a technical meeting for the discussion on a particular subject, if he deems such an invitation to be in the best interest of the Organization and its work, on the under-standing that the Director-General shall consult the members of the Council, if necessary by correspondence.

C. Status of Observers

Observers from nations admitted to meetings of the Organization may be permitted:

1. to make only formal statements in Conference and Council plenaries and in Commissions of the Whole, subject to the approval of the General Committee of the Conference, or of the Council;

2. to participate in the discussions of the session commissions and committees of the Conference and Council and in the discussions of technical meetings, subject to the approval of the chairman of the particular meeting and without the right to vote;

3. to receive the documents other than those of a restricted nature for and the report of the particular meeting;

4. to submit written statements on particular items of the agenda;

5. to attend a private, closed or executive meeting of the Council or of a commission or committee established by the Conference or Council, subject to the following rule:

When it is decided that the Council or a commission or committee established by the Conference or Council shall hold a private, closed or executive meeting, the Conference, Council, commission or committee, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure and to the principles laid down in the present resolution shall, at the same time, determine the scope of such a decision with respect to observers of Member Nations and Associate Members that are not members of the commission or committee and to observers of nonmember nations that shave been invited to be represented at the session of the commission or committee.

D. Principles and procedures which should govern conventions and agreements concluded under articles XIV and XV of the constitution and commissions and committees established under article VI of the constitution

I - Principles to Govern Conventions and Agreements


1. Such treaties concluded under Article XIV of the Constitution as are of a worldwide scope, shall in future be designated by the term " convention " whilst the others shall be designated by the term " agreement ".

2. The word "constitution" shall in future be reserved to designate the Constitution of the Organization and the term " statutes " shall be utilized only to designate the collection of constituent rules of bodies established under Article VI of the Constitution, which expression shall include the terms of reference, reporting procedures, rules of procedure, etc.

3. In future, the term " council " shall be used only to designate the Council of the Organization. Bodies established by conventions or agreements under Article XIV of the Constitution shall be called " commissions " or " committees " and their subsidiary bodies, " sub-commissions ", " sub-committees " or " working parties ".

Participation in Conventions and Agreements

4. Method of participation: Both the traditional system, i.e. that of signature, signature subject to ratification, and accession, as well as the more recent and simplified system of acceptance by the deposit of an instrument of acceptance have in the past been applied by the Organization and shall be retained. Under both systems the period during which nations may become parties to the conventions or agreements may be limited by a provision in the basic text if circumstances so warrant.


5. The preamble shall always specify that the convention or agreement is established within the framework of the Organization. It shall in addition clearly state the purposes and objectives of the convention or agreement, which purposes and objectives must be in line with those of the Organization.

6. The preamble should not contain information regarding the drafting parties nor the dates of approval of the instrument by the drafting meeting or by the Council or Conference. The date of approval by the competent authority of the Organization should be given in the body of the instrument or in the testimonium.

Participation of Associate Members

7. Existing bodies established under conventions and agreements shall be invited to amend their basic instrument, if and when necessary, in order to make participation by Associate Members possible.


8. Conventions and agreements shall contain, when appropriate, provisions reflecting the following principles:

(a) Amendments to all conventions and agreements concluded under Article XIV of the Constitution shall require Council approval, unless the Council considers it desirable to refer these amendments to the Conference for approval. In addition, such amendments shall be subject to prior approval by at least a two-thirds majority of all the parties to the convention or agreement. Amendments to conventions and agreements which do not provide for the establishment of a body shall be submitted to an advisory committee prior to consideration by the Council.

(b) Amendments are not to become operative before approval by the Council or the Conference. The actual date on which they come into force shall be specified in the text.

(c) Amendments involving new obligations for the contracting parties shall come into force in respect of each contracting party only on acceptance by it. The instruments of acceptance of amendments involving new obligations shall be deposited with the Director-General of the Organization who shall inform all the contracting parties of the receipt of acceptances and the entry into force of amendments.

(d) Conventions and agreements shall contain a provision regarding the position of contracting parties that do not accept amendments.

Entry into Force of Conventions and Agreements

9. Uniformity regarding the number of participations required in order to bring a convention or agreement into effect is not necessary. All texts shall indicate the method of determining the effective date of participation. Notification of participation shall be dispatched by the Director-General to all signatory, acceding and accepting parties and to all Member Nations of the Organization in accordance with Rule XXI-3 of the Rules adopted by the Conference, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations in conformity with the Regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.


10. In conformity with resolution 598 (VI) of the United Nations General Assembly, a clause on the admissibility of reservations shall be inserted in all conventions and agreements. This clause shall state that a reservation may become operative only upon unanimous acceptance by the parties to the convention or agreement. Failing such acceptance the nation concerned does not become a party to the convention or agreement With respect to reservations made prior to the coming into force of the convention or agreement such reservation must be accepted by all the nations that at the time of the coming into force are parties thereto. For calculating the number or acceptances of the convention or agreement necessary to bring it into force nations having made reservations shall not be included in this number. Reservations made after the coming into force of a convention or agreement must be accepted by all parties to the convention or agreement. The Director-General of the Organization shall notify all signatory, acceding and accepting governments of all reservations. Governments not having replied within three months from the date of notification shall be considered as having accepted tacitly the reservation and the notification referred to above shall draw attention to this rule.

Territorial Application

11. Each convention and agreement shall contain a clause regarding its territorial application in order to avoid any ambiguity in this respect. The contracting parties shall, at the time of signature, ratification, accession or acceptance declare explicitly to what territories the convention or agreement shall extend, especially in those cases where a government is responsible for the international relations of more than one territory. In the absence of such a declaration, the convention or agreement shall be deemed to apply to all the territories for the international relations of which the nation is responsible. Subject to the principles laid down in paragraph 14 and to any relevant provision of the convention or agreement regarding withdrawal, the scope of the territorial application may be modified by a subsequent declaration.

Supplementary Agreements

12. Nations that are not parties to a basic convention or agreement may become parties to a supplementary agreement. However, if participation in the basic convention or agreement is restricted to Member Nations of the Organization, non-member nations who are members of the United Nations may become parties to the supplementary agreement only if the basic instrument provides for such a possibility.

Interpretation and Settlement of Disputes

13. Each convention and agreement shall contain a suitable provision regarding its interpretation and settlement of disputes. Among alter-native procedures for settlement of disputes are conciliation, arbitration, or reference to the International Court of Justice. The nature of the provision for settlement of disputes should be determined in the individual convention or agreement by the character and objective of the particular instrument involved.

Withdrawal and Denunciation

14. A) All conventions and agreements drafted in future shall contain a clause regarding withdrawal or denunciation on the basis of the following principles:

(a) No participating nation may withdraw before having been a party to the convention or agreement for a certain period. Uniformity is not necessary with respect to the duration of this period or the required advance notice.

(b) A nation that is responsible for the international relations of more shall one territory, shall, when giving notice of its withdrawal from a convention or agreement, state to which territory or territories the withdrawal is to apply. In the absence of quell a declaration the withdrawal shall be deemed to apply to all the territories for the international relations of which the nation concerned is responsible, with the exception of Associate Members.

(c) A nation may give notice of withdrawal with respect to one or more of the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible.

B) Some of the existing conventions and agreements provide for participation either of:

(a) Member Nations only or

(b) Member Nations and of nonmember nations, the participation of the latter being subject to approval of the body established under such convention or agreement and of the Conference or Council of the Organization.

Any Member Nation that gives notice of withdrawal from the Organization is deemed to have simultaneously given notice of withdrawal from such conventions or agreements and this withdrawal is deemed to apply to all the territories for the international relations of which the Member Nation is responsible.

A clause dealing with this aspect of the participation shall be incorporated in all conventions and agreements of this nature drafted in future, having regard to the principles contained in paragraph 3 (b) of Article XIV of the Constitution.


15. All conventions and agreements shall contain a termination clause. This clause shall inter alia provide for- automatic termination if and when the number of participants drops below that required to bring it into force, unless the remaining participants unanimously decide otherwise. The system of termination by a qualified majority decision of the participants shall be discontinued. It is understood that after a convention or agreement has been in force for a given number of years, the participants thereto should, upon recommendation of the Conference or Council of the Organization as appropriate consider the desirability either of maintaining the convention or agreement or of terminating it by withdrawal.

Authentic Languages

16. Unless otherwise decided by the Conference or Council, all conventions and agreements shall be drawn up in the three working languages of the Organization, i.e. English, French and Spanish, which languages shall he equally authentic.

Depositary Functions

17. Greater uniformity shall be introduced into the texts regarding the notifications which the Director-General is required to make as the depositary of conventions and agreements. These notifications shall be made to all signatory, acceding or accepting governments. In addition, one certified copy of the text of each convention or agreement shall be transmitted to each Member Nation of the Organization and to such non-member nations as may become parties to the convention or agreement, in accordance with Article XIV.7 of the Constitution, and all Member Nations of the Organization shall be informed of each participation in accordance with Rule XXI.3 of the Rules adopted by the Conference.

II - Principles to Govern the Constituent Rules of Commissions and Committees

Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies

18. Under Rule XXXII.1 of the Rules adopted by the Conference, commissions, committees and working parties set up in pursuance of Article VI of the Constitution may establish sub-commissions, subcommittees and subsidiary working parties.

19. The texts of all conventions or agreements establishing commissions or committees under Article XIV of the Constitution shall specify whether such commissions or committees may establish subsidiary bodies.

20. Both with respect to Article VI and Article XIV bodies, the convention or agreement or statutes as the ease may be, shall make the establishment of subsidiary bodies subject to the availability of necessary funds in the relevant approved budget. When the related expenses are to be borne by the Organization, the determination of such availability shall be made by the Director-General.

Purpose and Functions

21. Article VI.3 of the Constitutions as amended in 1955 states that the Conference or Council when establishing commissions, committees and working parties, must determine their " terms of reference".

22. As regards bodies established prior to 195.;, the Conference noted that the purpose of these bodies and their functions or terns; of reference were in some instances omitted from the relevant resolution or were vague. These resolutions should therefore be reviewed by the Conference or Council.

Eligibility for Membership and Observer Status

23. Membership in the commissions an I committees provided for in Article VI of the Constitution shall not be open to non-member nations of the Organization, except that such non-member nations as are members of the United Nations may be invited to become members of Commodity Study Groups by the FAO body establishing such groups.

24. Membership in a regional commission established under Article VI of the Constitution is open to all Member Nations and Associate Members whose territories are situated wholly or partly in the region. However in order to be considered as a member of the commission the eligible Member Nation or Associate Member shall communicate to the Director-General a formal expression of intentions.

25. As regards Member Nations and Associate Members whose metropolitan territories are not situated in a given region, a broad interpretation shall be given to the provisions of Article VI in that any Member Nation that is responsible for the international relations of any non-self-governing territory in the region considered shall be eligible for membership in the commission of that region and that any Member Nation or Associate Member that has a special interest in the work of a commission for that region may. upon its request, participate in the work of that commission in the capacity of observer

26. The statutes of commissions and committees established under Article VI of the Constitution and the conventions and agreements setting up commissions or committees under Article XIV of the Constitution shall contain provisions regulating the question of observer status for nonmember nations of the Organization in accordance with the statement of principles relating to the granting of observer status to nations (See Appendix C to this Report).

27. Conventions and agreements establishing commissions and committees under Article XIV of the Constitution shall provide that Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization that are not members of such commissions and committees may, upon their request, be represented by an observer at sessions of these commissions and committees.

Relations with International Organization'

28. the relations between commissions or committees established under Article VI and other international organizations shall be governed by Article XIII of the Constitution and Rule XXV.4 (c), of the Rules adopted by the Conference, as well as by the general rules of the Organization on the matter of relationship with international organizations. These provisions shall likewise govern the relations between commissions and committees established by conventions and agreements and other international organizations, and the conventions and agreements shall contain a provision to this effect. All such relations shall be dealt with by the Director-General.

Relations with Governments

29. Commissions and committees established under Article VI and Article XIV of the Constitution should, in principle, not be empowered to enter into arrangements with governments which are not members of the commission or committee. When this, however, is found desirable, a specific provision shall be incorporated in the statutes, convention or agreement, as the case may be, indicating the scope of such authority and specifying that all such arrangements shall he made by the Director-General of the Organization.

Reporting and Recommendations

30. Provision shall be made in the relevant texts to the effect that commissions, committees and other bodies established under Article VI or XIV of the Constitution, as well as their subsidiary bodies, shall transmit their reports and recommendations to the Director-General, those of the subsidiary bodies to be transmitted thorough the parent body.

The Director-General shall:

(a) take these reports into account when preparing the program of work and budget of the Organization;

(b) bring to the attention of the Conference through the Council any recommendation adopted by these bodies which have policy implications or which affect the program or finances of the Organization:

(c) include in his annual statement to the Conference an analysis of the work done by these bodies.

31. It is understood that, pending such formal action, the Director-General will circulate these reports to all members of the bodies concerned and to all Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization for their information. The policy, program and financial implications for the Organization of these reports shall be acted upon by the appropriate governing body of the Organization.

Administrative and Financial Matters

32. The statutes of bodies established under Article VI of the Constitution and the basic texts of bodies established under Article XIV of the Constitution shall specify that:

(i) the financial operations of such bodies shall be governed by the appropriate provisions of the Financial Regulations of the Organization, subject to the terms of paragraph 33 (iii) below;

(ii) the expenses of members of such bodies or of experts attending sessions of these bodies as government representatives ale to be borne by the respective governments and the expenses of experts attending in their individual capacity are to be borne either by the budget, if any, of the hotly concerned, or by the Organization;

(iii) the Secretary of each body shall be appointed by the Director-General and shall be administratively responsible to him.

33. Bodies established under Article XIV of the Constitution fall into one of the three following categories:

(a) bodies entirely financed by the Organization;

(b) bodies that, in addition to being financed by the Organization may undertake cooperatives projects financed by members of the body;

(c) bodies that, in addition to being financed by the Organization, have autonomous budgets.

Bearing in mind the obligations of the Organization, the following principles shall be observed and appropriate provisions shall be inserted in the text of conventions and agreements:

(i) All co-operative projects and autonomous budgets and programs shall be submitted to the Council or the Conference of the Organization prior to implementation.

(ii) Contributions for co-operative projects and autonomous budgets shall be remitted to the Organization. The Organization shall establish in each case a trust or special fund into which these contributions shall be paid and these funds shall be administered by the Organization in accordance with the Financial Regulations and rules of the Organization.

(iii) Any financial regulations adopted by such bodies shall be in conformity with the principles embodied in the financial regulations of the Organization and be approved by the Director-General, subject to confirmation by the Council of the Organization.

(iv) Expenses borne by the Organization shall be determined and paid within the limits of the relevant item of the budget of the Organization as approved by the Conference.

Amendments to Basic Resolutions

34. Bodies established under Article VI may suggest amendments to the basic resolution by which they were set up and which determined their terms of reference. Any proposals for such amendments must be transmitted to the Director-General in time for inclusion in the agenda of the Council or Conference as appropriate.

Rules of Procedure

35. Conventions and agreements establishing commissions and committees under Article XIV of the Constitution shall provide the, the rules of procedure and amendments thereto adopted by such commissions and committees shall be submitted to the Director-General for approval subject to confirmation by the Council. For the adoption of rules of procedure or amendments thereto, the required majority within the commissions and committees shall be uniformly set at two-thirds of the membership of the body.

36. Rules of procedure of sub-commissions, sub-committees or subsidiary working-parties of bodies established under Articles VI and XIV shall be approved by these bodies and shall be in conformity with the rules of procedure of these bodies and the Rules adopted by the Conference.


37. The site and date of all sessions of bodies and their subsidiary bodies established under Articles VI and XIV of the Constitution shall be determined in consultation with the Director-General, and the relevant texts shall contain a provision regarding this requirement.

Quorum, Majority and Voting Arrangements

38. The required quorum and majority for taking decisions shall be provided for in the basic instruments concluded under Article XIV and the statutes of bodies established under Article VI of the Constitution. The quorum, voting arrangements and proceedings at meetings shall be governed by the provisions of Rule XII of the Rules adopted by the Conference.

Executive Committee

39. The establishment of an executive committee, when provided for, shall be stated in the basic instruments or in the statutes of the bodies concerned. As regards the composition of executive committees, the Conference noted that in the case of Article XIV bodies they sometimes comprise as many as three Vice-chairmen and in one instance the outgoing Chairman. In cases where the expenses of such officers, when performing duties related to the work of the body, are to be borne by the Organization, the number of Vice-Chairmen should be limited.


40. The Rules of Procedure of all bodies under Article VI shall specify that the agendas of their meetings shall be drawn up by the Director-General in consultation with the Chairman.

Semi-Indipendent Bodies

41. The Conference, having noted that the statutes of the International Poplar Commission and the International Chestnut Commission were ambiguous regarding their legal status, recommended that the Director-General approach these commissions in order to clarify the situation. The Director-General should report to the Council on the outcome of these consultations and recommend whether they should be classified as bodies established under Articles VI, XIV or XV of the Constitution of the Organization, or considered as entirely indipendent entities in accordance with Resolution 47/57. In the latter case, draft agreements between the Organization and these commissions regarding their relationship with the Organization and their servicing by the Organization should be submitted to the Council on the understanding that such agreements would be in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and Rules of the Organization as interpreted in this document, and should set out clearly the responsibility of the Director-General, in order that the Council, when considering the agreements, may be made fully aware of their implications.

Agreements between the Organization and Member Governments

42. The Conference considered the case of independent entities that have been or are being established by agreements between the Organization and a government such as the Regional Forestry School as well as the Regional Forestry Research Center, both for the Near East, and decided that no subsidiary body of the Organization should participate in the capacity of Board of Directors in the administration of an institution over which the Conference does not have full control.

Under certain circumstances however, it might be desirable for the Director-General to be a member of the board of directors of such an institution.

43. Specific draft agreements for the establishment of independent entities should be referred to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters for consideration prior to submission to the Council and Conference of the Organization.

Contents -